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tv   Cavuto  FOX Business  June 30, 2013 6:00pm-7:01pm EDT

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neil: well, who says the white house doesn't talk about stuff that's illegal. that's not so. the president's been talking 5 lot about illegal immigrants and finally making them legal an russia holdingdward snowden stl ying, well, that's illegal, but when it cooes to a certain irs scadal o justice department scandal or a patern of health care department relad scandals, not only does the word "llegal" come up, not a one scandal comes up, not ever. be careful about a president who picks and chooses hat he finds illegal. history suggests the real events ultimately determines what is. welcome, everybody. i'm ne cavuto, and as we end this week this just seems weak, a pivot at, well, makes me
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vomit. a president deciding when a legal issue is so big he'll talk about it, yes, if it's the supreme court ruling gay marriage, yes, if it's the same ruling on voting rghts, and, yes, ifit's voting on illegal immigration bill. all illegalities have to be addressed in society, but not the others bubbling in his own administration. now, good lawyers now how to deflect, nd this president is a good lawyer, but that doesn't mean he doesn't have a god many scandals. now, some that look awfully illegal to me, but then again, i'm no lawyer, slicing words, i'm just a oter wanting answers. to larry on whether his pivot is indeed a pivot, and if we should be worried bout it, or just an example of yt another president choosing to talk about the legal issues that matter to him and not the legal issues that coull be clearly damaging him. larry, what do you mae of all
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this? >> neil, you hit on it when yo said you were a voter beuse ultimately it's a political dgment by the voters, but the next election's a year and a half away. esidents don't talk about things -- unhappy things unless they are forced to, and he can only be forced in two ways, a full-blown press conference the rarely has, and even in those cases, call on friendly reportrs who don't ask e questions or ask them in a nice way, and an election. the elecon is november 2014 for the senate and houue. neil: just running out the clock to see if it loses steam? >> of course presidents alwayrun out the clock on bad news. that'sart of the trick of the job. neil: you told me as a great historian you ae, you rub it in my face when i get you ice cream when i'm wrong, that history rewards those presidents who get in front of something, even if they are not responsible for it. john kennedy come to mind after
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the bay of pigs disaster, he was willing to take th blame, hi poll numbers shot up. history rewards presidents who try to get ahead of something, doesn't it? >> yeah, assuming you have the answers, neil. look, te voters, people generally love nothing better than a president or a politician who'willing toadmit they were wrong or to take responsibility for something whether they personally did it or not. you know the people, nemo. they are pretty big egoed and they don't do that often. neil: i have it with the big egoea, and that's what ilove about myself, but, anyway, do you feel this is going to come backo bite him, though? by singling out, playing tongue-in-cheek to say, all right, these illties the supreme court's addressing, the senate's addressing, they matter to me.
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the other clear illegalities do not. -eople at home just don't say, wait a minute, you're picking and choosing here. >> well, if they pay attention, they might do that, neil, but, look, you're talking about hypocrisy, and we've had the conversation before. hypocrisy is the life blood of litics. neil: tuche my friend. good to see you. >> thank you, neil, take care of yourself. neil: you too. ignore the man behind the curtain. the great oz. was an old ude lling a crank. remember that? whether the president is doing the same thing and it's getting old, and melissa francis on investors who say we got it wrong. he's not the real crank and he's nots the real oz, and someone else is, and if he screws up, we go down. mary katherine, the pivot, way you think of it in >> i agree with larrythat this is self-preservation of politicians, and the president's
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particular good at running out the clock, ithink. that's why you didn't get the obamacarare regulations until three years after e bill was passed because he knew if hey did that, people react before the election. he's good at this thing. he also has a wa of lecturing e rest of us how we should not jump to cop collusions unless he wants to jum to conclusions, and if it's trayvon martin, what have you, he's happy to act poetic about whatever it is and jump to plenty of conclusions, but we are not allowed to if there's a bunch of political term for conservatives to target people from the irs. neil: looking at the markets generally, melissa, they are not interestedn what he's doing, but what the real as is oing. >> that's federal reserve chairman, bebernanke, focused on everything he does and says, d we saw as he hinted that maybe, maybe the punch bowl ght be going away at the enof the ar if thin continue to be okay, whichthey are not,by the way, if you look to gdp, it's smaller, and the economy
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grows soer than we thought. that's bad news for regular people. neil: what do the markets think then, to that oint, if it turns out whatever selective memory the president ha about illegal acts, hey really fester and they really come bacc to bite him, and that it gts to e a real worry, then what? do they start paying attention? melissa: maybe they pay attention, but it could be a good thing. one thing that happend is it distracted the president more or less from doing more dmage to business. he came out making the speech about the environment, nd that destroyed coal stocks for that day, but as long as h's distractedn oing something else, i mean, i had a banker say recently every time they stick their head up, they are pistol whipped by washingt. they try to do as little as possible. that's not good for the economy, not good nor growth, business, or regular peoplewho need jobs. neil: mary katherine, what do you think of the argument, though, there's a ort of strategy to it, that might not
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be too stupid, and that is deect, wait it ot, defle, wait it out, and before you know it, we're through the summer, through the worst of it, and we still got year to go to the midterms >> yeah, i mean,t works well for him sometimes, and i think sometimes, unfortunatelily, because the media is happy to let him pl out the clock here. you know, think - neil: explain that. i didn't want jump on you, mary, i apologize. >> no, go ahead. ne: you metioned a profound point. the media droped this irs thing very quickly when they got word or appearedto get word, and melissa's point of fact it was not what it appears to be, liberal groups were included in the witch hunt, and that gave them a cover to drop it. what do you think of that? >> yeah, i think it did. the irs comes out again saying, well, okay, there's six -- the actual data shows six liberal groups in hundreds an hundreds of conservative groups. it doesn't fly. they are happy to let him swim
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along and avoid things. on benghazi, for instance, would we have gotten questions answwred unless republicans and a few rporters hd kept asking question, and they were, of course, trashed by other people in the media. i think asking these questions is key, and part of th key is fixing these problems so that people have some trust, mabe occasionally, in the federal government making all systems work better. at this point, a lot -- neil: no, no, that's interesting because to your point, melissa, that what scares me the most is how mch the media ires of these various scandals, and doesn't really want to dig that much in it becaus it's just -- i almost see them dragging them, oh, i got to uncover this, and when you got word of the liberal things, oh, good, w can drop it. without doing what you did to find -- >> no, look to the bottom. was a small number, and their names were just put on the lookout list. it was not --
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their application for the tax exempt status was not held up. thhy didn't actually receive the same abu -- neil: the media takes that and says, h. >> they are tired of the tory because it's not playing the way they want to. they feel tre's balance in there. both sides get it, which was not theecase, and it's okay to drop it and move on to someing else. neil: mary katherine, final word. >> yeah, thank they don't ant a story that makes the administration loo like they fulfilled the worst nightmares of the tea partiment they nt to act as if it's pair know ya, but it's not what they get you, and that's what the story shows, and in order to fix it, you have to fgure out that that's the problem, and you have to shine a otlight it. whhn hs able t run out the clock, we don't get solutions to the problem. it can happen in the future. neil: ladies, thank yo both. it knows who you call and e-mailing, and when you thought the nsa ooping scandal couldn't g worse, ha, it gets ♪
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because planes e ss fuel, spend less time on the ground and more time in their. suddenly, faraway places don't seem so...far away. ♪ (announcer) scottrade knows our and invest their own way. with scottrade's smart text, i can quickly understand my chts, and spend more time trading. their quick trade bar lets my account foll me online so i can react in real-time. plus, my local scottrade office is there to help. because they know i don't trade like everybody. i tradlike me. i'm with scottrade. (announcer) scottrade. voted "best investment services mpany." neil: you know, i really think the nsa is turning into me. the hoe guest who will not leave. i'm that guest. i am the nsa.
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what they are doing is worse than what i did at your house being couch potato, listening in on your alls, nd even learn, well, what your e-mails are about, read every single one of them. that's what the irs is charged with doing antensa more to the point mining millions of them to see who nt what and when. snoong that's getting exhausting. liz? >> here's the problem. i mean, americans really want to catch terrorists. they support the government, saying, yeah, catch terrorists, it's grat, let's do t, but when you do it without really indicating to congress what you're doing, and then going after the fat togt congressional review o wat you're doing and when it's e-mails, e-mails bother me because they show your location, also, what about what you write in the subject line of your e-mail because the nsa says we didn't view the content of the e-mail. they use subject lines all the time, and what bothers me about the story too is senator wyden asked the director o
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intelllligence, james clapper, e you collecting data on millions of americans, and he flatly said no, and now we have an e-mail controversy popping up. neil: they say there's no news here. >> no. neil: what dyou thk, james? >> i'm flattered they are reading my e-mails. you know, most of the time, i send them, nobody responds back. when i make a list of, like, the top 50 things that are, like, on my mind today, my problems, nemo, you know, i mean, you know, problems with a specific customer today, i have a big softball game sunday, orries -- playing on the softball team, and whatever the gvernment is reading in my e-mail, believe me, rea whatever they want. if it's helping them protect us and provide that security, it's just not on my list of the 50 things i'm worrying about, and it has not bee. neil: okay. adam, is it on our list of worries? >> well, no -- well, yes and no. first of all, it's a joke to ay it's fine if they read my
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e-mails. we should be clear if what we know so far they are not reading our e-mails or listening to our phone ca, but looking at the data and trying to mine something with it using algorithms to try -- neil: you' right, you're very right. you know once you have all that stuff, the next step would be eavesdropping, the next step is reading all of the above, and by the way, just collecting e e-mails leads me to believe they are not just sort of sitting on a desk or on a computer. >> well, nemo, the next step you raise is the least troublesome of all because the next step would be, you know, d-fashioned going to the judge and asking for -- neil: i don't think it does. the history of the government, i don't think they bother with the judge, and liz's point, it's after the fact for thi stuff, it concern me. that's the concern. >> that's where i said i'm concerned, neil. i completely support that we, you know,we investigate this, write abouit, make sure that they've got permission.
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>> the thing, too, is who has curity clearance to do this? the thing is, they can say they are making -- that they are not reading e males, but -- -- neil: i don'tbelieve a word i'm hearing. >> it violates the fourth amendment. neil: exaclimit it's only a few conservative groups turned to be hundreds. we never went after individuals, but it was several big donors. everything you've told me, government, irs, is a lie. when we first up covered the ap reporter targeted, that was it, only a few, but it extended to a fox news reporter and executives. i don't believe anything you say. i'm never confident that anything you say ended. that's the point. >> i underand that, neil, but when you -- neil: you're too busy playing softball, and you're willing to let the government continue to play hardball. >> i've not been hitting well recently, and it's on my mind. neil: keep playing, running around the bases, and they are running and destroyi the country.
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>> when i think about security, the government have the resources to read my and liz's -- >> sure they do. neil: yes, they do! >> you're a nice person. >> you're a nice person. >> don't take it the wrong way. they don't care what's in our e-mail. neil: oh, really? how did james rosen get cght up? >> it depends on who the person is, and, look, there's 3 # 30 million -- >> she's one of the most lebrated reporters in america. no, serious. i'm just sing, ad adam, this woies me. when so much -- neil, com dawn, don't be worried, mentioned on the show, the twilight zone episode where all the guys from planet earth run into an alien spaceship, and it's a cook book and they get the ingredientsin someone's salad. your answer. >> well, what i'm saying is, neil, don't calm down, go ahead, be worred, but that we ant to work with the government do this well. >> sems worse after the fact.
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neil: very understanding. >>'m understanding, but i'm trying to -- >> understanding to a degree.i e after the fact. the news comes out, and it's worse. neil: next's week's team is blaming the irs also. >> no fly balls, hit it on the ground. neil: in the meantime, gobble up, pay up. how washington wants a bite from your wallet for every bi you myother made the best toffee in the world. it's delicious.
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so now we've turned her toffee into a business. my goal was to take an idea and make it happen. i'm janet long ani formed my toffee company through legalzoom. never really thought i would make money doing what i love. robert ] we created legalzoom to help people start their business and unch their dreams. go to today and make your business dream a reality. at weut the law on your side.
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and make your business dream a reality. neil: that's going to cost him because in washington, taxes on
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home or loan pay down the entire national bt. a new governmensponsored sdy showing a caloe tax helps cure the obesity crisis to resolve our financial crisis. now, an agriculture department official is agreeing. they are calling this a fat tax the attorney as fat chance. ashely, wht do you think? if you tax food based on its calories or by some extnt how bad it is for you, you make a killing, andou can stop bad behavior, make the government some money, just like cigarettes, what do you thi? >> right. well, the la thnge need is more taxes so this is just a bad idea all around. you can't tax someone to force em into good behavior. it didn't work with cigarettes or alcohol. neil: th argue with cigarettes it did. i agree with you, but they argue that, u know, smoking is way down, and we've madd it so
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prohibitive for smoker that look at how life has changed. >> you know, though, i don't agree with that because if you look at the socioeconomic classes of smokers, it's not the rich people necessarily the majority of smokers, and o i disagree that the tax h anything to do with that. i think education had something to do with that educating the people how horririble cigarettes were for us, an we sort of had public osarrizig of smokers not allowed to smok in airports or eating establishments with food served, things like that. kneel noel i didn't think of that. good point. be careful what you start with here because what goes with forbidding smoking or making it more costly leads to prohilting in establishments. i cou actuallybe arrested for eating a twikie atthe corner of 48th and 6th, which i've done many times, by the w way. that's an interesting extension of that. >> right. it's free choice. i think it's free choice what
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you decide to put into your body is your free choice in the neil: the smoking thin is different in this ase, that that could, secondhand smoke is dangerous, all that, and i'm not hurting anyone outside of my myself eating all of thisbad stuff. they might be offended by how i eat. i te to be a oppy eater, but that's not compromisinair health. what do you think of that? >> right, definitely. there's a lip side. if we tax calories, we hurt people who are doi the right things, some athletes, run someistance races in the past, and i had to consme more calori. why should the people doing a healthy activity be punished with the calorie tax? neil: the problem as well is what you start taxing, you don't stop taxing, and cigrette smokers found out when fewerf them appeared, the tax all the more on those still smoking so
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it's, you kow, it has an unending nature to it. where's all this going? >> i think itstarts at home. what we should do is there should be more education and parents should teach children how toeat healthy because the study was based on childhood obesity, a horrible epidemic, but the more education we have, then t better off we're going to be and able to make better food choi, and maybe we ought to help thefarmers so tat fresh fruits and vegtablee are easily availle, readily available, andless expensive than taxing other types of food that we don't want people eat. encucialg goo eating, but discourage bad eating, butnot with taxes. neil: very good. thank you very much. >> thank you. neilshort, sweet, and ends silent. silent for now, why lois lerner may break her silence soon because of this. ♪ >> i have not
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♪ ne: lo iring's s, please see us. still not talking, but house republiians want to be surehe does dragging her back to capitol hill again to get her to talk a little longer, again. the house oversight committee voting today to do just that. congresswoman, many of your colleagues argue, some of your democratic ones as well, that she did leave herself open to this because with thaat introduction statement of he, she took all that pleading the
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5th nonsense away. is that your take as well? >> that is my tae. she said she broke no laws, didn't do anything wrong, that she didn't violate irs rules and regulations, and that she id not provide false testimony to congress, and then she invoked her 5th aendmentright. we have believe she waived her fifth amendment right agains self-incrimination when she made those assertions. it's to the extempt of what the did say. we have the right to cross-examine her. neil: have you heard back from her? >> we haveot, butwe did pas a resoluti today saying that we believe that she waivd her rights, and now -- neil: what if she says no? >> if she says no and, again, comes in and inokesher right against self-incriminaon, then we'll haveo make a decision about wheeher to hold her in contempt or not. neil: what if she says she's not coming at all to invokethe right, been there, done that,
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not doing it again. well, then i believe we have the option to explore whether or not to hold her in con temperature. if held in contempt by the comttee, it goes the vote in the house of representatives, then a u.s. atorney who then takes matters to a grandjury. plenty of legal rights stilto come. neil: n you update me on tthe lab rail groups targetedas well? hearing there's not that many group, and they might not have been targeted to the degree certainly conservative one wrs. what do you know about it? how big was it? >> we don't know the extent of hog it was yet, and that's why we want to talk to moe people from the irs who were involved in makingthe decisions about these be on the lookout memos that were sent around within the agency saying, hey, be on the lookout for people who have tea party or patriot -- neil: way about the liberal ones
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withhe words "occupy" or "keystone" in the name? were they -- >> occupy? neil: was that any of m or justa use, wht? >> we don't know yet, but there's targeting of conservative group, and whether or not there was targeting of liberal groups we have to know because asou know, neil, the page is turned on this. you can have a conservative administration go after a liberal group or vice versa if we allow the irs to run amuk. neil: that's the bbigger point, isn't ? whether this turns out to be true or not, that liberals were targeted even to the degree, it's nothat the irs should be doing. >> targeting i targeting. liberals, conservatives or some other way out group. that's not the point. the point is do they deserve tax exempt stus and when do they deserve it in a timely manner, at least a
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decision when they deserve it should be made in the timely manner so they can appeal that decision. neil: congresswoman, tha you. >> you're welcome. neil: skinny jeans, fat controversy, the war over sli jeans that could change my weekend wear foreer. [ me announcer ] if you suffer from a dry mouth then you'll know how uncomfortable it can be. [ crickets chirping ] but did you know that the lack of saliva can also lead to tooth decay and bad breath? [ exhales deeply ] [ male announcer ] well there is biotene. specially formulated with moisturizers and lubricants, biotene can provide soothing relief and it hps keep your mouth healthy, too. [ applause ] biotene -- for people who suffer from dry mouth.
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summer event is here. now get the unmistakable thrill and the incredibleush of the mercedes-benz you've always wanted. ♪
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[ tires screech ] but you better get here fast. [ girl ] hey, daddy's here. here you go, honey. thank you. [ male announcer ] because a good thing like this won't last forever. mmm. [ male announcer ] see your authorized dealefor an incredible offeon the exhilarating c250 sport sedan. but rry. offers eoon. neil: the drama over denen anyo. the european union dramatically increasing a tariff on american skinny jeans. i'm not talking big bag mom jeans up to your chin, my weekend wear, by the way,but jeans tapered s tigt they ook lick denim stockings. the california manufacturers hind them are scrambling to deal with that figuring the european forms are perfect for their stuff, other than the french. to the business blitzer o
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europe piling on on the blist against america. what do you think? >> it's great as long as u have less competitive industries abroad, but what they are signaling is we want to protect our own industries. skinny jeans, if they are catch shes there, they pay whatever it takes to look good neil: al, i didn't know about skinny jeans, i wonder why, but i -- i wonder as well what he ropeans have agains them, assuming they make plenty of the same. >> well, this is a retaliatory strike. we raised tariffs, they are raising them back. the whole world is engineered by banks from dropping money frm helicopters. the strong dollar makes it harder raising tariffs,his is what happens. it's one ing leads to another. frankly, i'm surprised they fit in them after eating our mcdonald's hamburgers. neil: whats outrageous is the
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video bringing me up to date on thisissue. i think we have to keep rolling this, guus, extremely slowly, frame by frame to get to the bott of it, but you say, ith, we're not going to make progress? it goes on and on and on and awayor the europeans to ensuthe? >> we've seen this time and time again from the 1920s, 30s, and 40s. itdoesn't matter, agriculture or jeans, doesn't matter. there's high unemplment in europe, costs out of control, and we know from history that protectionism hurts the consumers they try to protect. e arguuent is a very scialist one is who you are informing. are we protecting the manufacturers or the consumrs? i don't know the answer to hat, but it will continue. ne: i don't know who put this together either, but i'll find them. in the meantime, nike just doing it in the u.s., but just ith u.s.. anywhere else, not somuch. the sneaker make r out with good numbers here, andit's not exact hi sppeading out there.
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al, is the rest of the world nike's achilles heel? what's going on? >> it' hard for american companies to grow if europe is slowing. well, we got used to that story, but china is slowing. where are theygoing to sell? well, the answer is in the us., there's a boom going on here, and hopefully that lasts. i don't know how long the american economy can continue to, you know, turn out healthy consumers when, you know the company's can't grow, so ion't know. i hink nike had a pretty good report, but, you know, i think thstock is reacting to the fact that there's a lot of uncertainty. neil: always the same ol thing with the companies. they got cautionary warnings; right? nike's to be taken seriously withreat reserve, what? >> you know, i think nike gets a big fattimeout here. you know, the fact of the matter is tt they'vebeen there, they've ne that, not just doing it anymore nd the competition in china, i think, is the real issue, it's not that
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sales are slowing, but chinese brands make serious impacts into otherwise fickle consumer base, and i think it's only natural, unfortunately, they are caht in the middle of this. neil: hated theadvertising campaign, "just do it," i will, i will, when i feel like it. as we get to our third issue here, no need to walk to the bank when the bank is in your pocket. go bank is th first one signed to used on mobile devices. here's the twist, only mobile devices, no such phsical structure to go to. it's a bank game changer, is it? >> i hate the word "game changer" bause then yyu wonder what the game is. neil: so do i. >> me too. neil: do you think it's a game changer? >> i remember the first internet bank. i don't know what it was, but -- neil: ing; right? >> it was a game changer. if they succeed, everybody knocks theoff, and it's not a game changer, but a new game. i like the company.
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i get press releases from thm and there's research and surveys, and they are a clever bank. the idea people pay what they want, 0-9, see lounge that lasts, you kn. they say, yeah, we work for tips. i don't know what banker works for tips. [laughte neil: keith, to the point that you can offer peope maybe even s you can order online, but that you can really drastically redu your costs if you don't have much of a physical structure that costs >> right? >> well, you know, th's a great idea -- sorry, al. there's a great idea in here making people pay what they want to pay, but this remind me an awful lot of what happened in napster when it was legit. it's a consumer base, fre banking clnts are not the multimillion dollar clents banks want. it's easy to move from one free fering to the next.
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i wonder if t' eer profitable. neil: the mobile device btching a blackberry com back. shar falling as much as 26% today after the copany's first quarter earnings really missed the mark. al, what do you thk of this? >> a big disappointment. you know, i have a column back in february about how they are coming out with new phones, a cool phone, but it was way late to the markets, and the, you know, afr they announced it, and, you know, sent it off, they were not sending it off here, you know, basically, they are tting clocked. they were clocked by apple, now apple clocked by samsung, and improvements seen in the technology are so incremental, nobody has to run out, wait in line, you know, for a new phone so this doesn't surprise me at all. i think blackberry's -- they are going to be in trouble. neil: what i do notice in the ses, keith, s how quickly the leads changes like the american league east in baseball, boston, baltimore, the yankees, but it's
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that tight. don't assume it' your birthrht to stay on top. blackberry used to own it. apple came in, and now, you know, samsung with the array f phone poducts is a threat. my point is that, you know, ink, like the weather, this too shall change. >> well, this is like eastern airlines, palm computing. remember those? the first end the market doesn't necessarily survive. it's easier to become number one than to stay number one. blackberry's extension, and they are the only ones who don't know it. neil: really? you think this is it? >> i do. 's a company in the death throes controlling lesess than % of the market, droid took over the market. if you don't see guys controlling te toys and stereos with anything else with a blackberry, but apple and samsungs. that's the center of the universe nd existence for 20-30 years, andblackberry's not there. neil: guys, thank you both very much. >> thank you, neil. neil: from the nba to jay-z,
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it appears it's an agent of good. ♪ [ agegent smith ] ge software connects patients to nurses to the right machines while dramatically reducing waiting time. [ telephone ringing ] now a waitg room is jt a room. [ static warbles ]
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neil: could i see that graphic again, guys? ♪ neil: says it all. the g.p. pressing the nba and l to think twice on promoting the health care law. so bad no we have special graphics assigned to it that are
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expanding. the digital healt records, huge and expensive part of the law, found to beriddled with erors, ann in the rush to conform to thlaw, the errors have absolutely resulted now in the death of some patients. that is the reason among many for everyone to run away from this, including those famous athletes. doctor, it's ridiculous, absolutely ridiculous. >> run and run faster. i can't belive, neil, they are trying to recruit he nba and the nfl to put their names against somethingthat's completely hollow. what do they want th to sell? there's no insurance exchanges up nd peop have no clue in terms of what they are going to sign up for, and i find it hard to believe they are trying to recruit such famous people or today's students or ibrarians. it's a ridiculous effort to --
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neil: i see the methodn the madness. you nt to seek out young people, and young people watch footballyoung people watch basketbbll, ect., so you're see if by seing wonderfulnce and things about the health care law, they sign up. we nd young people to sign up, you know, to pay or the older americans who are leaving the work foce and really responsible for much of the costof health care. >> well, if any of the basketball players lke cob kobe bryant understands the health insurance law to sell it to somebody, iant them to sign up too. neil: i think he's not awre of it, but he'll say, for all i know, there's a health care law insignia they might ave patched on to the sures, whatever, and that's it. kobe likes it, i should like it, i should sign up for it. >> that's the target audience they got too go after. you' right. they have to focus on the younger audience betting on the
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fact the younger folks wll sign up for the insurance, and they probably don't need, probably can't afford, to make up for the losses that are going to be ncurredded because the insurance companies need to cover everybody else. neil: all right,if they can't that, they have -- the simple math works against them in the hope they had by now to cover eryone with preexisting conditions and cover all americans, period,you need young people signing up to suppt this. >> yeah. neil: and they are not. furthermore studies show they are not eager to, and add to that the fact that a lot of poor americans don't thinkthey can and won't d the or ensuredded completely don't think this is worth eir while. what the hell did we have the health care system to do this? >> with the pe we get to a single payer system because this fails, i think. kneel they'll there was a goal to do just that?
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we might get that? >> we might by defalt, and we have talkeabout this. remember even sitting on, you know, throoftop of e museum as the law was being passed. neil: i remember. >> and,yeah, that may ultimately be where it's going, but you mentioned, you know, the whole failure with the electronic medical reords, and look at the hundre ofmillions oo dollars that have been pent. hhs just released a report to congress this month about the adoption. the adoption rates look promising in terms o the number of dtors and hospitals that are complying, but hen you look at the nubers you just talked about on the flip side of the disasters that are happening, either because the ystems are clunking, because people don't derstand the technogy and they are makin istakes, and within the reort, and i've got props here,he bigger problem is that right now, the obama administration is implemented a
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stem tha sort of looks like this. it's a mismh of systems that came together that don't connect. neil: what is that? >> it's legos that stack pon each other that don't connect. the i want system we goat to is this. remember the tinker toys? they don't make them anymore i don't think, but we create a connected system where information flows and information's accessible, but guess what? the epics of the world have made a killingn terms of elling their systems, but the problem is nobody's willing to give up the data. every -- we built these thiefdoms where they don't communicate. neil: i don't know what coerns me more, the health care law or the toysyou brought with you. good seeing you, vey well explained. >> thank you very much, neil, good to see you. neil: from acking back to lawyering up, still laughing, china? i don't think so.
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ne: i just sh the graphic we're not forgetting health care because we move on to another segment. show that oe more time to show you -- ♪ the end of the health care crisis, and if it gets more than that and a life and death thing, it moves o. just so you know. anyway, ts is what i call fighting fire with fire, bringing out the lawyers and filing suit after suit, and it is true, and china's going to find out fast and the hard way. you ke hacking, we keep suing. i ind all this tift for taft refreshing because a week after we vowd to hack back, we are lawyering up. what do you think? >> how erican can you get? if we don't get our way, we sue the pants off them. neil: what are they going to do? >> my opinion is you got as much
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chance collecting as many chinese compani as youdo from tony soprano. you can sue and sue and sue, good luck with t money. neil: especially now. liz? >> igree. the thing is, we can't sue tm. the government -- nobody in congress has the herewithall or gumption to do it because they are sitting on forign reserve equato the size of germany. we are panicked about the fact they own so much of our ebt and angering them over hagging. yeah, that's a problem. you know, the hacking issue is a problem. 250 billion loss in intellectuat stolen b china because china has no soft economic power, no name brands they are interested in. that's why they are stealing ur stuff. neil: adam, the only alternative is if the was time with the lawyers, just continue to hack, hack back, in other words, do what you d, ut in space, what do you think? >> it's rare, but i disaree with rare, but i completely disagree with what she said. we should sue, hack back, we
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should pursue deploam sigh, we should per sue military, you know, mac hacking options, everything. we have to defen ourself. i'm nothe least be concerned or feel th we shou be concerned about going after the chinese. i mean, we've got their moey, not the otherway around. you know, if -- are we concerned they will reatriot every investment in our money? i don't think so neil: they can do what they've been doing, stop dditional buying, and e seem to survive that well. you might have a point. >> well, an on the ontrary, someone did a story this we about how the chinese are buying trophy properties in the united states the same way the japanese did in the 1980s. this is just the beginning. they want to invest in the united states, and w're going to tell them, essentially, if you invest in the united staes we have the legal system here, and if you brea our laws, we sue you. >> i hea that. i hear your points. listen, i'm not saying no to
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suits, but what i said was i don't ink anybody in congress would do it. by the way, a lot of forign inveors are running away from the 30-year bond, and so that you see that yields gyrating. china is saying, wait a second, we may not by anymore .s. debt. neil: if they are stupid to buy $95 milli pent house in central park, have at it. >> do you think th chinese stop hacking because of the lawuits against them? neil: in all cases, the point is, have to get tugher. what we have to realize, and i know it's like donald trump here without being so blunt. they need us as much if not more than we need them. how you get the point across whever they do, continuing to do this is not this their interest? >> you haveto figt, instigate lawsuits, sow distracted employee my, and talk tough.
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do you think the chinese stop hacking? no, they are not. the big -- neil: we just hack i space. >> biggest defense -- >> i disagree. >> protect yowrg and then, you know -- neil: why do you disgree, adam? >> because there's two aspects to this,commercial and military. neil: they hack both. they are hacking both. >> right. that's why you have to -- you use a crude metaphor. you have to get in thr face at every opportunity. neil: wait, white, wait, wait, wait, woah, if issadam saying, "in your face," and this is what a gentleman you are, adam. >> i try neil, you kno i try. neil: at's me in the morning, and i elevate fromthere. >> we tried to get in their face in two decades. they don't respect us. treat it like, you know, get out ofere. it's le the same issue with us saying, hey, opec is a cartel,
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and we have not done anything about opec being a cartel and fixing pices in the oil market. i don't think a lawsuit has impact whatsoever. they are just going to break it off. >> they are not breaking laws in the united states. we have a good marketplace here and the chinese clearly want to be a part of it. neil: i don't know. they are go nowhere. here's what i worry bout beause i wantou to be awarewhat a crisis this is ogoing, switching gears back to this. ♪ you know, the guys here slip in special graphics, and i don't appreciate the hard work they do to get that out there, but we can see that again, time nd energy wept into this. ♪ at is the gooyist gaphic i' ever se mocking the crisis that's out of control, but it ma be pieces of the said crisis. what do you think of how this i gettinout of control? you're hintg at not the graphic, but there's reports of
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more abues, reports hitting up the nba, the nfl, right after, weeks after hitting up companies, private coanies to pay for promong it. it's out of control. out of control. worse than our graphic. what say you? >> no further comment on that. neil: are you a lawyer? >> not i the least. neil: good thi. adam, what do you think? >> if i don't have to -- this is the effort to give 20-30 million more americans access to health insurance, is that what you refer to, neil? neil: many who don't even want it which is odd that we up ended everything for them, and they don't want it. isn't that weird? by the wa, that necessitates the dramatic graphic development. take a look [laughter] ♪ neil: run a rawl there, people who got it, don't want it. >> health care, the reform, yeah, we wanted help insure what adam is saying, but it'sabout
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toexplode on the launch pad. maybthe graphicsabout to exode too. neil: ke a launch pad mobile devices tiff. >> the graphic designers do a fine job. they work hard, it's an excellent graphic. neil: this one, guy, weigh this, look at thegpic again. i'm not a fan. ♪ i don't tink it says batle to me. i don't think it says this crisis and on th brink fear that ifr enough. ♪ >> it's just a red asterisk. neil: you'll get kicked in the asterisk, good point. time thoughts? >> on thacking the chine, try to get insurance rather than givg up. neil: getting in everybody's face, getting crude. >> trying. neil: i'm told that all graphics are being removed from the neil cavuto show as is any mention of neil cavuto period.
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that'll do it. remember if it's a crisis -- now that's a threat. that one's a thre. see that! the flag, end of the world. have a great weekend. . >> tom: it was a busy week is for the supreme court. first, an issue that will impact your pockeook. obamacare. only repubcan presidential candidate said she knew how to dismantle will it. now she is leaving ongress. we're going to be talking to michele bachmann right here. >> tom: thanks for joining us. here at the top of the stack, all th republican presidential hopefuls promised to get rid of obamacare but on one said she


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