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tv   The Willis Report  FOX Business  July 16, 2013 6:00pm-7:01pm EDT

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>> take a gander. >> you heard it here first. the one that is all the money we have for you. we will see you back here tomorrow. gerri: im gerri willis. tonight on "the willis report", gas prices are spiking. in our series of special reports, a users guide to health care. melissa:
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gerri: first our top story. failure to launch. the pilot program created for obamacare to reduce costs by moving away from the traditional fee-for-service model. one of the major goals of the entire program is lower costs. with me now is a senior fellow from the manhattan institute. would he make of this? >> it is a mixed result. there is some kind of hospital that saves money and some that cost more money. at the end of the day i think that the long-term result is higher cost. gerri: accountable care organizations. >> yes. gerri: i'm not sure if this is a win-win for the obama administration.
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the goal was to save some $940 million and here's what we found. they lost three tenths of a percent and the price is actually went up. they rose overawe the institutions in this you would think, treating people early for conditions that could spiral into expensive conditions later would be a good thing. >> more market power. that is what many are talking about. they have jacked up prices at massachusetts general hospital, now they can save 0.5% relative to what they want to do. and they have raised prices over and over. so it is sort of the fox guarding the henhouse.
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it's like, well, everything's is great, they haven't released the full data. gerri: you were telling me that these press releases i look at this data and i think, what does this mean for obamacare? once every bit of it is in place. we have already seen premiums rise and out-of-pocket costs increase. what we looking at? >> is holding the we are talking about today, that has been trumpeted by a lot of the pro-obamacare people. this is cost control, the thing that's going to bring costs down. 0.8% versus 0.3% growth. insurance premiums are doubling for people in many cases if they are shopping for insurance. on the one hand increases are 100%, savings or 0.5% in other cases. gerri: there's another reporter
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wanted to comment on. they debate the debate over obamacare and the money they give people who are very little to get health care. it will cause people to drop out of the job market. some 900,000 people will leave the workforce or reduce their hours. it is a threat? >> at the problem always when you do more to subsidize low-income people. but some people are going to say, if my hours are going to get cut or my wages are going to get cut, i can get health insurance benefits and not is a better deal for me. we have seen a singer of all the time. the thing we have to remember is that we already waste a lot of money subsidizing health care for the wealthy. so should we try to do more? probably. but we do too much already. >> there are many that do that. thank you for coming on, it's always great to have you. >> you're welcome. gerri: coming up in 25 minutes, we continue to bring our users guide to health care.
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find out when you should change doctors and how do you go about that. also another big story today, this one caught my eye. inflation, despite what the fed wants you to think, inflation is on the rise and it's hitting your bottom line hard. consumer prices posting a sharp increase in five months. in june not is up to have% beating expectations. joining me now is an economics professor at the university of maryland. peter, it's always good to have you. so you don't think that this report is that big of a deal? >> well, core inflation remains rather docile. if they don't worry about oil prices. it doesn't do any good to worry about it. there's not much we can do about it. gerri: that is the dirty little game that the government planes. meanwhile if you put in the cossack everyday, you have to pay it every day, gas, food, those prices are on fire. let's put some numbers in front of you. because i know that it's just
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common on wall street that prices don't matter, the prices that we are seeing rise, new vehicles are a pretense of a percent, closer of nine tenths of a percent, medical care is up four tenths of a percent, gas up 6.3%, even food is going higher. electricity, across the board, a lot of pressure on prices. you say don't worry i? >> there are things that we can worry about. things like clothing prices and medical prices and we should be doing something about it. the ethanol program, raising food prices they can't do much about oil markets international, they can't do much about
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mr. obama's energy policy domestically. they can't do much about the ethanol program. so if you look at what monetary policy can do, it has to accept a lower price increases. gerri: yet i have to live with them. so unless we talk about what the fed makes of it, i am more worried about how my paycheck goes. okay, lumbers up 30%, and drywall up 18%, tiled roofing of 9%, concrete, these are the kinds of things that matter to people who are building houses out there. that is the engine of economic growth. what exactly do you mean to our economy? >> one of the things we are seeing is that consumer spending is only increasing to the extent that it has to in order to accommodate higher prices. people have to get to work so they buy gasoline. they have to replace their older cars. the prices are up a lot.
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so what do they do? expanding content unless money on other stuff. the economy we are seeing, slowing to about 1%. half of what it was. people simply don't have any money to spend on other stuff. gerri: that is just so disappointing. because that is not a real recovery. i have seen far better recovery than not. i remain concerned about inflation. i know what you need your bottom line. what are the indicators? were the things that you would be watching to say, oh, to round around the corner, you need to be prepared. >> i think of the fed doesn't faze down quantitative easing, i think we are in some content for some very heavy inflation. most of it has been in housing that has gone up much more than
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incomes can support, largely on the backs of very low interest rates. if the federal reserve keeps pumping money out, and it might do that because if the economy is slowing to 1%, it has to flop over into the goods and services. we won't see this .2%, we will see it at much higher. at that point we are starting to get into the world that we fear the most, high unemployment because of slow growth rates, it's going to have to rise and high inflation. this economy is not being handled very well so i'm quite concerned that napster could be a battier in the ways that you fear. gerri: is handling even the word for it. so i want to get your comments from the kansas city fed. esther george says that she favors tiberi and quantitative easing. she said that john fox business. starting in september she wants it done by the first half of 2014. what you say that? >> well, that is a big issue, but not a big deal in my mind.
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but if we face down quantitative easing, we are risking another sectton. to some extent the economy has become addicted to easy money policies. but we do need to get out of this. gerri: peter, thank you for coming on the show. we appreciate it. >> take your. re's your question tonight.what inflation a reality in your life? blog on and vote on the right-hand side of the screen i will share the results at the end of the show. we have more this hour, including tips on keeping your pet from being stolen. and fitness wristbands seem to be the rage. but when you put all of your medical data in your device, where does it go? we will tell you coming up next
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gerri: a warning tonight for those of you that use medical applications and gadgets. you are signing away the rights to your private information. in just a moment, founder and chairman of this program jointly. but i want to show you why i have one of these exercise bands that actually tracked how you exercise. so this is my band on my hand right here. this is the information i get from it every single day. it tracks and monitors my every step. yesterday on july 15, i walked over 12,000 steps were 6.2 miles. it is over 100% of what my goal was in all of this information track things everyday. you can actually tracked what time you get all this exercise as well. i think it's a great thing. but as a warning, tell us what is the problem with this
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information? why do we lose control over? >> well, when we sign up for that gadget or nike fuel bands or any of these fitness devices, there is the fine print that tells you that these vendors have complete control over your data. they can sell the data or use the data any which way that they please. gerri: so my my data can be sold with my name on a? >> they may not have your name on it. but the data can be sold to a marketer and advertiser. ttere are plenty of employers and insurance companies today that are paying for their employees to have these devices. you can bet on the fact that they know exactly do you have walked 6.2 miles or that you had a pizza and a coca-cola yesterday, but they have all of
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this data and a lot of consumers are not reading the fine print. gerri: sorry to interrupt you, but yahoo! just said that presumably if they want to track their every move, if they want to promote and move along, they could easily do that. here's what the company says. we may share your information with third parties. >> on and on, it sounds to me what you have lost total control of all this data. >> nike and others want to be data companies. so the devices, this is the
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emphasis with explosive market around digital devices, that they want to get access to consumer data. here's the catch, you and i talk about this and i know that you are very amazing. suppose next month either side, you know what? i am tired of this and i'm going to try to nike fuel bands. well, you are going to start with a clean slate all over again. now you are going to get something else and it is going to have all of that data and it's impossible. i know from a technology standpoint it is not like open access here. >> we just ran a graphic beside
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you while you were talking. showing what actually gets sold. actually you lose control of it and it is shocking. my name, age, my serial number, obviously. this is a long list. tell me what the company is that you are involved with. >> in order to solve this problem, i work for ge. they give me insurance through united. so i use a band to track my fitness and i shop at walgreens or whole foods. this could be anyone of us. but the things that we track on a daily basis, it is so complex that it is impossible to bring that together. what we have done is to bring together a platform that integrates all of these devices and applications. all of these vendors so that you are not throwing the baby out with the bathwater in order to really help consumers get
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engaged. because the market is not helping consumers get engaged. gerri: wait, who is going to buy that information? >> well, we are not selling that information. the consumer has complete control over that information. if they don't want anything to be done with that information, it is up to the consumer because the consumer owns that information on i love that. that is the right answer. thank you for coming on tonight. and thank you for helping us learn. i had no idea. thank you. >> thank you. gerri: later in the show, our guide to health care continues with important information on how patients should change doctors. and then we answer the question, how do you do that. tips to keeping your pet safe. we have a very special guests coming up next
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gerri: criminals are coming after a new target. your pet. how to keep the furry member of your family out of harms way.
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gerri: how to prevent your furry friend from becoming a criminal's best friend on the road. how'd he do that? joining me now charlotte reed is
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a pet cow knowledges. thank you for coming on. we apologize for the confusion. hannah is unset, she is my favorite dog in the world. tell me about this. >> what we are seeing is where people will acquire a dog by misrepresentation or stealing and they will try to breed or sell the dog, resell the dog for profit. a lot of times people will leave their dog in the backyard and then these will come into the backyard or the front yard and then take the dog and drive away and put an advertisement on craigslist and try to resell it. and if the dog is not spayed or neutered, it is a windfall because then they will want to read the dog. gerri: you said that they would make some dog's vice. >> in the past, a lot of people
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would pull up on the sidewalk, a woman would be walking her dog and they would jump out and steal the dog, a smaller dog because they would use those dogs as bait. you're not seeing that so much anymore because people contract license plates and they have cell phones and now you see people kind of stalking. they might check out the neighborhood to see what kind of dogs are in the neighborhood and then they will go after your dog's. gerri: the reality is can you have your eye on your pet single moments. >> you cannot, but there a lot of things you can do, you definitely want to do id tags and micro-chipping. because even if the police are involved and there is a dispute, the microchip will reveal that it's your dog. also, this is important if you are doing facebook applications and when dogs get lost or stolen, people in the community on facebook will help you pass those posters along.
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they are dog owners and they don't want it to happen to them. also micro-chipping is very important like i said and you want to be vigilant. what do you have a dog that's really expensive and you can't take care of it, but you don't want to sell the dog that you but you wanted to go to a good home the best thing to do is to talk to your veterinarian or talk to a shelter because they are going to screen the dog and find the best family for her. but doing it on craigslist is someone that could be a pet slipper is starting to be a commonplace problem. it started in the midwest, kansas, st. louis, now it is coming here and everywhere. it really is everywhere now. gerri: the last thing we would want is a pet like hannah being stolen. your pet is so fantastic.
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all right, thank you so much. coming up, going to the hospital. why you might want to reschedule the appoinnment and we continue to bring you our users guide to health care and find out when you should change doctors and how do you go about doing that. stay with us. every parent wants the safest and healthiest products
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gerri: welcome back. we are continuing our weeklong users guide to your health care. tonight as you change an agent and health insurance agents consolidate, you will have to change your doctor and the likelihood of it is growing. my next guest says have a little due diligence picking out your doctor. who explain is the ceo of the
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american institute for preventive medicine and the author of help here at home, your guide to health care. glad to have you here. tell us why do people pay so little attention to the doctors that they choose? >> well, i think as you say, as consumers we tend to spend more on consumable items. an hour and half on shopping for shoes and only 45 minutes on average when it comes to selecting a provider and unfortunately, that is not enough time particularly when we are talking about someone that determines your health and well-being and how long you may live. gerri: what are the critical things we can do to pick a doctor to do a great job? >> well, you want to make sure that the doctor accepts your insurance and is part of your insurance not work because i can be very expensive if they are not. you want to find out about their office hours and the convenience in terms of their location and
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who will be able to see you on the doctor is not there. have there been many lawsuits that have been brought against the provider and if so, how many, what will be the outcome of those and that is a matter of public record for many people to access. and how train ride a commodity board-certified or simply board eligible. board-certified means they have passed the exam after the residency. even deciding whether you want an m.d. or the dl. gerri: what is a dl? >> doctor abbas hoppe ought to be. gerri: of never heard of that the doctor has to be a network. otherwise you can see doctors
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that will charge as much a 6219 coming up at? >> yes, there's a lot of variation based upon what physicians charge and we recommend that consumers before they select a doctor find out what the various these are for various types of procedures. that gives you more ammunition to negotiate with your doctor regarding the fees. we teach patients to become wiser consumers so that they don't simply accept everything whether it's that these are what the doctor tells them to do and research shows that an empowered conssmer ends up getting better care and is more satisfied with their care and has better outcomes. so by being forewarned and forearmed as a consumer, we can go a long way in terms of improving mass. gerri: i feel that the industry does not make it easy to find out about doctors. there's no annual grade of
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doctors, you really have to do your homework if you want to find something other than just the basics. where did they go to school and stuff like that. you can read the wall in the office. otherwise finding some of this data is not easy. >> i would like to know what sort of grades my doctor got a medical school. i would want them to have high honors when they took their surgery classes as opposed to merely pass to get. so yes, there are websites that you can go to but they are biased in nature. one is that they may not have a lot of reviews about that doctor so it's a very small sampling and the doctor may have family or friends writing the reviews themselves so they are biased in nature and then you also have patients that may be completed and then complain about a doctor not because of the competency but they didn't like the bill that they received or they didn't like waiting in the office printer those are criteria that they want to
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consider. gerri: it matters how long you have to wait. you know, i think that friends and family are a good place to go for suggestions and certainly not the only place. one of the questions that people ask me if i could pick a very young doctor and have access to the very latest medical training or i could pick an older doctor and have access to years and years of experience. which is the better? >> well, it depends upon the individual and i actually switched from an established doctor who had a poor bedside manner to a younger doctor. although i did query that talked a lot about his experience, particularly if i might have to have surgery, how often he had done the surgery but his outcomes have been related to the surgery. he spent time selecting a doctor that may not only be working on mine about what the criteria is
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where the experience or credentials, but also meeting with the doctor and interviewing the doctor the same way you might have to agree contactors come out to your house before doong in addition, you want to go down and visit several doctors and feel how it is with them, are you comfortable, do you feel like you could discuss anything with the doctor, even sexual concerns and do they listen to you. the average patient has four questions and only get one and a half of them answered during their visit. ninety seconds after the patient starts talking, that is not the kind of doctor that you want. you want somebody who is not going to tell you what to do, but rather takes your opinion into account. they are not afraid for you to question them as to if they recommend a medication or a procedural recommend the service. what are the alternatives to that. >> see on the pardon me, but i try to come i'm going to want
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them to talk on the telephone and i'm going to want them to respond to e-mails. how likely is it that i can find somebody who'll be able to communicate at that level? >> more likely they will call you back maybe 24 hours later, only about 17% of doctors are now communicating with their patients through e-mail. that will certainly change as more doctors move towards electronic health records. but still the doctors tend to be somewhat traditional in nature as to how they communicate with patients. gerri: all that will change in the weeks and years ahead. great information, we appreciate your time. >> thank you. gerri: if you need some help picking out a doctor, we will look at what consumers are looking for to make sure the
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bills are right and correct and what to define an error. we will till you about that. still to come, a do not track registry, will it work better than the do not call list. and a new report warns that the influx of interns and hospitals can have an impact on what we do. we will have that next. weekdays are for rising to the challenge.
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(announcer) at scottrade, our clto make their money do (ann) to help me plan my next move, i take scottrade's free, in-branch semirs... plus, their live webinars. i use daily market commentary to improve my strategy. and my local scottrade office guides my learning every step of the way. because they know i don't trade like everybody. i trade like me. i'm with scottrade. (announcer) scottrade... ranked "highest in customer loyalty for brokerage and investment companies." gerri: here again is gerri willis. gerri: should you steer clear of the hospital in july? that is when newly graduated medical students begin their internships and that causes people to think twice about going in for treatment. here is the vice chair of medicine at northwestern university. she knows a thing or two because
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she runs the program. should patients be concerned? >> thank you for having me here. i don't think that patients should be concerned about teaching hospitals in july. they provide outstanding care to the patients. usually with the most complex conditions. >> i think a lot of people believe that for sure but there is evidence from a study at the university of california at saw a spike, a fatal medication error. summertime, they rise unexpectedly. well cause i? >> i think that it is somewhat controversial in the literature about whether we all agree that there is a phenomenon called the july effect. at northwestern, where i work, we have developed a very rigorous training program to try
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to combat the possibility. what you talk about is that in july, new graduates of medical schools come from all over the country start their training. medication prescribing may be different in one place versus another. the one big difference in prescribing routine wouldn't cause fatal errors, what a? >> if you're not sure how to order the medications or if you're not familiar with wavy order them on how to get the patients their prescriptions at home or if you are using medications you're not familiar with. gerri: what do you guys do to reduce the number of errors? >> we have taken a proactive approach at northwestern. we are not really convinced that we have these issues in july.
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but we have a two-pronged approach. first is enhanced supervision because we are aware that they have new interns coming from medical schools. we don't allow them to do much by themselves. we have a lot of senior physicians supervising them. the second is that we have in innovative training program that we call buchanan. so we bring these graduates in early before they officially start and we take them through a lot of different training protocols regarding procedures and communications and skills and how to hand off their patients at the end of the day. to make sure that we don't have these types of issues. gerri: one more quick question. it is interesting that we find a
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lot of these interns fineness with interns. is that a new trend in health care? how do you explain that? >> up an interesting question. i think it's a combination of factors. the first is the prevalence of electronic medical records and the need for physicians in the hospital to update it regularly because that is how information is transmitted between care providers the second is a confession of the work hours of doctors in training so that while they are in the hospital these patient care tasks must get done. i think what we see is that there is less time for actual bedside time. which i feel is unfortunate. the one i agree with you there
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that is unfortunate. thank you for being with us today in helping us understand this issue. we appreciate your time. >> thank you. gerri: when we come back, regulators have been trying for years to create a do not track registry for the web. are they getting any closer to making it a reality? we will have that coming up.
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gerri: coming up, do not track. the details of putting a stop on advertising following your movement.
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gerri: a growing push stopping online advertisers. let's face it, willie do not track with do better. chairman of the traction protection working group. breaking heavy here, peter. how close is the same? >> well, i think we are moving forward. just last night the working groups issued an opinion about a fork in the road that passed and now we decided what we are going to use in going forward. we will try to go from here. gerri: what can derail this or put it off or stop in its tracks? >> there is the idea that is a consensus that can be hard in life. but i think the main thing is we are moving forward and we are having issues that we will try to address. we will try to know the sender to get built-in globally as to how the websites are when you go on the web. gerri: a recent survey found that some 18% of users turn on
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the do not track setting because more people would do this if they know what's available? you think they would even pay attention to it to begin with? >> this is getting built into the browsers, all the major browsers have put this in the last couple of years. the websites are responding in a consistent way. that is what they have tried to do. gerri: i feel like i have no idea what will happen. i feel that it is worrisome not knowing what's going to happen. would you say to people like me who might be worried and i do not believe that the do not call list doesn't work. we get calls all the time. >> the commercial calls to stop, that is what they went through. so where you have the rules, there has been a lot of
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compliance. we are trying to build consistency on the web where you have something that works and you have control over where necessary things keep happening as well. >> a lot of people find loopholes, trying to sell us stuff. >> we are trying to build something that we have a sense of control over. we are trying to bring that together and the challenge. >> have a great day. >> thank you so much. gerri: we will be right back with my "two cents more" an answer answer to question of the day. if inflation a reality in your life?
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spiriva helps me breathe better. doesreathing with copd wgh you down?
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>> the trial of goldman sachs trader begin today the 34 year-old frenchman who calls himself fabulous is
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accused of manipulating investors over mortgage investments that are now with java costing billion dollars. liz macdonald is outside the federal court with a report. >> the sec says this is a case about greed and deception former goldman sacks vice president is on trial right behind me at the of federal courthouse in goldman sachs or repaid the $550 million fine which was a record at that time. his lawyer is telling the jury of 958th women and four men and episcopalian priest and a special ed teacher he says he is innocent and will testify later and that he is a
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scapegoat of wind was only 28 years old at the time. we're also hearing from hedge fund executives john paulson a billionaire hedge fund executive and will testify in the trial. the executives are saying they sold the idea to goldman sachs to build a derivatives deal builds on some private mortgages from places like arizona and california and nevada. 99% of the assets after it was sold were downgraded. that happened within one year's time. at the time goldman sachs started to reverse the position and mortgage-backed securities but they started to short the deal and then with cherry pick the assets that would shorted so that information was not given to
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investors. but he faces a lifetime day and as well as sec finds the judges already saying he said chile to keep it tight and short the sec will also introduce a lot of e-mail's and gogol's. one of the e-mail's the century says if he is joking he does not feel guilty about said deal the lucky to capitalize it also choking -- and joking selling it to widows but there is one with no sitting on the jury. >> just put the $550 million fine into perspective they paid to go to the case go away that is less than one month's profit. both the medical industry doesn't make it easy for you to get a new doctor know jama in annual card for your primary care physician.
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they don't get as a user's manual. sure family and friends can help with the doctors that they like that can get you in and out under five hours did have a friendly staff and the ones that will get on line or on the phone with you if you have questions. but they cannot tell you if the doctor is credentialed or has kept up with post graduation training requirements. you need to check out a handful of websites on linebacking give you street talk. just like visa gives education and professional background of doctors across the country. and also page to reduce. face it if you are smart he will take the time to get the best medical device that you can. the tools are out there. check them out. that is my $0.2. thank you for joining us.
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have a great night. we will be back tomorrow night. lou: good evening. attorney-general eric holder has had a 24 hour changing public focus that led to the acquittal of george zimmerman that has led the attorney general away from the original accusation of racism aimed at the jury in the entire year judicial system and the nation's top law-enforcement official this afternoon decided instead to target the stand your ground laws and those exercise their rights under the law. here is the attorney general moments ago


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