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tv   Cavuto  FOX Business  July 17, 2013 11:00pm-12:01am EDT

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>> thought this bad crash was bad. it. neil: what happened today? we were down for a while, at thousand points, a big concern that maybe we were finally having correction, i.e. meltdown correction. they used a cra stuff like that because hackers are targeting stock exchanges and things could get worse. welcome, everyone. re than half of the world's exchges say the there were victims of tac attacks last year. trying to crash markets and steal millions. the majority come from china. today we learned china has more than hal a billion internet users which means half a billion
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potential backers. this growi threat. >>ou know, this issue really rais a lot of important parameters about where we are in cyber security when the u.s. government thinks about cyber security in the first thing it thinks about is the critical infrastructure. we think of two this, the financial markets and the electric power. those of the two starting places. we heard before about electric power grids and hackers could get into the power grid. the apartment of homeland security had done its own testing getting into an electric power generators the rst time we get report that shows have the world exchanges have already suffere from what they call cyber attks, meaning he's aren't just people trying to come and get money. they actually can try to come in and bring down the markets. charles: you actually say that
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this is the newest thriller warfe we're facing. >> its. tactical guerrilla warfare, but it is not new to a nyse-listed read we have beenttacked by hackers for years. what we know his as people that want to do damage, go back. it was very clear that they attempted toripple the financial couple of the world. we understood that going in and have guys, the forr had a secret service in nework running a world security. my concern, the new york stock exchange would be a little farther down a list of my concer of exchanges as far as the tax. we have weathered them. it is out in the press a we are talking about today. we have known about it for a while and no one has really penetrated us. charles: here is the thing, they only have to be right once. they all have to get lucky once. when you have a whole army of hackers at your disposal, that can happen. >> you're exactly right, this report identified two issues,
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the security administrators recognize they cannot get this secure 100 percent of the time. just as he said, the bad guys only have to get it right ones. there is another factor, and this gives back to the last point. you could have a secure system, but these systems between the exchanges are often interoperable because thetouch each other worldwide, they have to share their permission. this could be one of those weakest link problemwere someongets into one of the other exchanges that exchange has a relationship with another. before you know what they're all infected because bad guys can move laterally bween systems. charles: you agree. >> that did not want to give the blueprint, but if i know about it i'm sure the guys are trying to come after us. that is effectively -- capitol came into the new york stock be since the day thathey had the meltdown. they came through their pipes into the exchange. so that theoretically was a
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cyber aacks in a sense because it was software program that was left like loaded gun that had no intention. that is have they gained access to the marketplace, not necessarily the infrastructure of the new york stock exchange, but that is the destruction that came intohe market through other pipes that we had to have open by law, by federal government, we have to allow access to other exchanges. that is actually a mandate of the sec. charles: what about particularly in the new york stock exchange everyone says it's good that we still have some. some actual human beings and not just the machines running amok. if there were an attack and they found the weakest link in that and, with that structuree able to mitigate the damage? >> if we mitigate -- we would mitigated far better if you were a lot to do it entirely. we could have stopped the problem within minutesf it. we knew what happened. the problem was there was no one of the other side of the computer to answer the phone.
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it literally pulled the computer of a long list of thfrom functioning. that is a real issue. the humans were there. we a the ones this that you have a problem. that's why i have a lot more faith in the new york stock exchange system and had given some of the other places that call themselves exchanges and are a buh o laptops, -- tie together. charles: i want to get that sense, are we taking this seriously enough? a couple of years ago there was a piece in china that all this cyber war life-and-death. are americans taking a serious enough? >> you're right. the newspaper in china talks about the cyber security issue being responsible for the life-and-death ofations. think we are taking it seriously, but one of the things of this report found was that the exchanges have discovered that deterrence is now working, that regardless of howaw enforcement is trying to go against this problem, it is not binding in stopping the bad guys. if you can stop the bad guys from acting and you can't prevent them from being
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successful all the time, you have a big problem. reports like this are particularly important because we're also seeing that terrorists are aware of this. there is ag hollister crewing video that specifically says go after the electric power grid, the fincial markets. you have iran being accused publicly. they are aware of these issues. as we said before, we have china as seems to be able to get into any computer well. it is an iortant issue. charles: you're absolutely right. deterrence is like 99 percent of it. they are determined. we better never blank. you guys are fantastic hecared me a little bit, but i feel the more comfortable also. thank you. the health care law is taking in. so are new privacy concerns. the government is setting up a gigantic data base to collect for son permission from millions of peoe. one of the most complicated computer projects and a history of wasngton. what could possiy go wrong?
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read the magazine. a lot, including your privacy, which is obviously at risk. help us out. tell us the degree of the riskier and while we all might lose. >> so we're seeing right now is the mass computerization of medical records. this is something that performer so talked about for deces without really understanding the implications are whether it is all that effective. by definition this is going to mean there will be aot of electronic sharing of all of our formation. as you can see with rect news, huge bids going up, contracts right now. this mirrors what is happening all over governments and society. it is not just obamacare. it is the conmer protection bureau collecting tons of data on consumers' the name of protecting them. e-verify. in five years the immigration bill passes and you will be able to get a job, you will be will to quit foxing the tamis in d.c.
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without going thrgh aata base. they wilcheck your resonate through an e-rarefy database. they find your social security number is in there, you're out of luck. this is hapning all across our society. this is the air americans awaiting a been realizing we have reallyyhave those fourth amendment rights. governnt is looking at and asserting the right. charles: we've been to a hospital and looked over. they have the most antiquated computer system imaginable, and we all sort of want them to update this. is it possible to have a more modernized medical system even with the new laws coming and without the government having to kno every single aspect o it? >> i don't know. let's hope so. we are putting our hope and faith in medicare and the government as it begins to set
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of these changes and begins to sort of those aren't this mass off their own private insurance and going on to more government provided insance. i don't havehat faith, frankly. i don't think that a government-run databases a place that is designed to protect our privacy. look at what happens. the u.s. ps cells of your affirmation which is why you get those catalogs. we have seen it with local law enforcement, traffic light cameras. my wife as a private investigator e-mail me a bunch of pictures of my own car, going through intersections. this is where these government agencies are doing, selling your permission of the place. so i don't have that faith. it is not paranoia.
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charles: governments can do nefarious things with it beyond selling into a third party. that is where a lot of people are concerned en more than internal. i have to let you go. as usual, great stuff. you guys are the best. coming up, the magazine issue that has cbs boytting, but it could be too late because rolling stones' already profiting big time. firs harry potter waving his want with the academy was is over at the treasy. the u.s. debt clock is magically stopped. presto, we will call up the administration on their accounting tricks next. ♪ any last requests mr. baldwin? do you mind grabbing my phone and opening the capital one purchase eraser? i need to redeem some venture miles before my demise.
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okay. it's easy to erase any recent travel expense i want. just pick that flight right there. mmm mm. give it a few taps,'s taken care of. this is pretty easy, and i see it works on hotels too. you bet. now if you like that, press the red button on top. ♪ how did he not see that coming? what's in your wallet?
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where do you think you're going? is your dy holding you back? i nt to go running. not with thaknee, you're not. i'm fine. fight for your mobility. visit a message from the american academy of orthopaedic surgeons. charles: the u.s. debt clock. fourteen figured, $16 trillion behemoths adding $44,000 per second drivenigher b our nation's bad ideas and spending addiction. what if i told you 58 days ago, too much has been stuck. $25 million below the legal limit. if independent women's forum, washington is cheating. conservative columnist joins us.
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i have to start with you. how did they pull this off? , is a debt clock that runs unstoppable for years all a sudden the stock right below the legal limit? >> there is actually a standard set of procedures that the u.s. department of treasury can use to make thin look as if our national dt is at a standstill uni both know that this is not a permanent solution, not something that can last. out levered it we should hear another conversation about the national debt is rising because we kanaka spending and control. charles: what do you make oft? why do we pull off these forces? it has to be something wrong. i don't know what we are making a public thing, but there has to be something dangerous. >> i agree. i think it is a bit fishy that magicalland stopped. i think the sequestration and the de limit was shenanigans and arbitrary and the president,
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perhaps, should not have gone down that path. now the problem is jobs and the jobs, jobs, and how we solve that. so think though deal can begin with not just what is going on the you're pointing out, but generally the whole deal. charles: pretty soon we will have a big debate. i mean, this is to throw a couple of years ago this will wreck the stock market. evyone lost confidence to our credit rating. this was a big deal. >> and the bigger question is why hasn't the president got through these motions in order to reduce spending posbly or gone through ticket hours to reduce spending. and help the debt clock to reduce spending. the answer to that is that tre is nothing of the president can agree to cut. democrats and republicans are not going to agree tout the military-industrial complex. they're not going to agree to cut medicare, medicaid, social security. charles: what about the notion thenf shared sacrifice? both sides will have to give up something. >> you have to have a situation where they all jump off the
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cliff together. the chances of that right now happening and the same as bill and hillary being affectionate. it's not looking likely. charles: i don't know much about bill and hillary, at least not lately. what do you make of this? we have not heard a lot about the death clock. i guess it helps if you can put it on pause, but that is a big deal. casts a huge, dark cloud of the country the last time. >> well, i can give you a glimmer of good news in that i have to gi you some really bad news. in 2013 for the fiscal year the cbo is actually protecting now we will have a smaller deficit than last year, $642 billion in deficits ts year. it seems low compared to 1 trillion plus that we have been running. the really bad news is that by the end of this decade we are going to be spending $800 billion per year just to service the debt, and our debt payments will become a huge part of national spending. people need to wake up to the
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fact that this is not something that we can put off forever. charles: you quibbled with the president a moment ago. did you not want him to do this sequestration? was cited you want to make you think the governmenthould be spending money to spur the economy? should they go t other way? >> they should be spending money in strategic ways to create jobs. charles: that is ironic. >> it is not. long term. if we carry out this problem long term ingwing a tax base and creating jobse will spend the money now and it will come back later. we're suffering from two mths sht term. we relent. cut this, but in the long term he should stand his ground. charles: i have heard the speech a million and one times. 17 trillion is not short-term thinking. no one knows when we had the
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proverbial brick wall, but we know we are headg toward it. so at some point we do have to -- it is not about spending or investing. you can run for congress until you learn is not spending, it is investing. and the last 30 seconds on this topic. help us out. >> knows interplanting, no heavy on a central planning. we don't know if most people are from one sector or the economy shoulde growing. out of the goverent should be spending the night tbegin with in order to invest. charles: was a bit there. republican simmering the head of the irs pretty good. the irs pretty good. the guy whoeally i want to make things more secure. [ whirng ] [ dog barks ] i want to treat mo dogs. ♪ our business needs more cases. [ male aouncer ] whe do you want to take your business? i need help selling art. [ male announcer ] from broadband to web hosting to mobile apps, small business solutions from at& have the securityou need to get you there. call us. we can show you how at&t solutions
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♪ charles: a republicans grilling irs commissioner today on
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capitol hill searching for aners on the targeting scandal missouri republican congressman was leading the questioning. you came at him pretty hard, representative. were you happy with any of the answers? did we learn anything? >> you'll then see what happens. there is reason to believe there are a lot of problems here. obviously a lot of things that have come together to lead us to believe that. it wl wait and see if how he answers the question. we will see how quickly he is of the answers. charles: you guys obviously start off at an odd standoff. the republicans would like to take away $3 billion ourself from funding from the irs. i think he's saying that he needs an extra billion, not a good way start this off. >> no, is not. you know, the irs obviously has some serious problems when it comes to the scandal, but this
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is not a good way to get out when you're asking for more money to do the very thing they know is treating the problem. charles: allow the people were not happwith this itial report from the irs on the scandal. you know, did not go farnough? will were the problems? have been not a knowledge in this problem? >> they seem to be i acknowledging a from the standpoint that they are instituting a new review process. they have a lot of problems that i o think that they are not necessarily addressing. and there are reasons why we have this hearing. a lot of things are building up. if you remember back in 2011 the administration issued an executive order to require all small businesses to disclose to they contributed to if there were going to contribute to read and that to the complaints and couple it with the scandal. there are a lot of issues in the ira's are now that we need to
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get to the bottom of. charles: would we like to figure out eventually the highest-ranking person involved in this the sort of gave the direct order? it is hard for me to imagine just a couple of the year workers at the bottom of the food chain decided to do this on their own. >> and that is the question that was asked. we also asked the question, why hasn't anyone been fired yet. why hasn't anyone been held accountable. we really don't know who made those decisions and now what level. it seems to be being pushed down i don't believe that is the case. and i believe, as you said, that somedy at the bottom decided to do this on their own. charles: i also want to point out that you stood up today for the small business owner. we appreciate it and appreciate your time and obviously want to have you back because this cannot go away. reaper she added. another irs news, the agency announcing it is cancelling one of its furlough days coming on
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the same day that the faa announced its air-traffic safety updates will be delayed bause of the sequestered so we have less safety in the sks t more hourfor the ira skies. this is completely backwards. help us o. >> well, this comes down aer 90,000 employees of the ira's were told there would have to ta five days a furlough resulting in the $600 million cuts that were supposedly because of what we're really kind of knowing as this bogus thing, the setbacks. that being said, now we have one day being canceled. there will be paid well our military, issued 11 days are still being forced to stay on their own pace furlough from 11 days. charles: 11 days for the military, but the ira sum was it's a free pass. you think that this is not a coincidence but in some way they have been rewarded for bad behavior?
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>> completely. we can now say between the address targeting, the tea party conservative groups, and now we are looking at a $70 million with the bonuses. scandal after scandal after scandal. nike is these people are basically different asman for the obama administratio. maybe i refer them to go on and take an entire year. charles: we will see. really when we think about this, the pecking order has certainly been established. and it is -- i think it is despicable to be quite honest with you that the irs would come before the military, come before safety and chastise. this goes beyond targeting tea party groups like the when you're invved in. this is a pecking order that rewards bad behavior but hertz our troops. >> and our leaders, the lders of the address say his time is
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busy every day of the year, not just april 15th. sitting there and make our guest take five days a furlough hurts how efficient weend the year around. last a magic the irs is not the most efficient business we are running. especially if you have to have a union to protect you from the federal government perry to sit there and continue. what jacqueline needs to do is go in and clear house. to you really think he will considering the majority of the people working for the irs including a 16,000 new employees put in to handle obamacare? this is just payback for a j well done getting a obama reelected in 2012. charles: i'm glad you're on top of it. this is nuts. we heard sequesttion plan from a lot of things. mike yes, said, deplorable, despicable. you're fantastic. thanks a lot. charles: all right. it is a fight over immigration.
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♪ >> if t senate's plan becomes law our economy will be 5 percent larger in two decades. >> these 11 million people play a crucial role in our economy. >> $1 trillion added to our economy is by fixing our immigration system. >> reduce the debt.
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>> this bill certainly is good for the economy. charles: the president and senator larry reid tel at the senate immigration bill is the key to fixing our economy. the bill will still make it difficult for the most talented immigrants that enter into our country. as always been talented immigrants to take us to the next level. you heard the interjection, some lofty numbers being thrown about. the 1 trillion really caughmy attention. any merit to that? >> i do think immigration is really critical to our economic future and sometimes my conservative friends don't understand that. we have very much benefiting especially as he said by the engineers and scientists and mathematicians and the entrepreneurs to come to ts country and create hundreds of thousands of jobs for the rest of us. one of the problems i have with this bill is, i don'think this increases the quota enough for the people at the very top, the people with the skillshat
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entrepreneurs are going to com over here and make a business is more efficient a create businesses as well. find that to be problematic. charles: back to your point, the senate plan 40 percent of the people that come and will come in because they already have family here. 30 percent will come in for employment reasons. maybe low wages. 10 percent of what they call made, which is i guess the area the yore talking about. how would you reconstruct this? if you had an opportunity and the house is trying to a take a crack at this as well, how should look? >> the amazing thing about how dysfunctional current immigration is. those numbers you just read about probably better not, those are an improvement over the current law because the current law is almost entirely based on family connections. very few people actually come in because tir attributes. so that is the kind of system that we want. we want an immediate family member to appeal to come into the and the states but not
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cous and brothers and sisters of adults and so on. so what i would like to see, the age one "cavuto" for companies like apple and companies like google that need engineers and so on. what like to see that expanded dramatically. then you have a program, the stone program, those are graduates of universities in the united states who have degrees in science, technology, engineering, math, those are the kinds of people we definitely need a study for century economy why not just that anyone in graduates with one of those degrees, we paid to educate them back to the country they came from. i don't get it. the graduation cap and gown is done in the air and then they get on the plane. they take all the information with them. it's not so. charles: and never understood the logic. these are people who really can -- and the jobs
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if we have a strategic immigration system, i think it will help. no i'm not sing we should not take people who want to come here and work as a teeseven hospital for a fast-food restaurant. i think thospeople contribute, but we really need the people with the skills. charles: i agree the numbers i have read are two to 3 million jobs going begging at the very moment there be some people will let that numr, but i have read it too many places for their not to be a kernel of truth to it. it is nice becauue it is not like the past. the other countries think they they can be america but if we don't want to be the smartest country in the world's they would love to step in to replace the spur cahow whole wheat will see you soon. first crash, now a lawsuit.
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charles: smart phones fail to deliver. airline passengers deliver a lawsuit they give the punch to bowling then there is of blistering attack over the "rolling stone" cover. we are here to deliver the blitz. fallg short of revenue until said the full-year forecast ibm could boosted but what do make of this? >> it is following a pattern of all year they continue to cut cost so the bottom-line numbers look good.
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but topline growth is almost nonexistent. charles: red flag? >> the economy is slow motion though wor economy europe and south america are borderline recession. so companies can keep profits growing but not the case the taxageddon says will bring down the. charles: we had in l down or waffling but the i am of been there is a distinctn between the two. >>. remember, the intel is not inside the new devices th use like the ipad or a the google's device they u smaller chips so bei hardware specific is falling short but i am is investing in new business is changing in doing everything they can to keep themselves pertinent. i am gave strong guidance going forward giving $20 a
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share. but intel does not look pretty they are not making the move to keep profitable. charles: never to a report showing the number of americans upgrading smart phones is beginning to dwindle because we have a lot of them. period we don't want the latest and greatest of. ar you upgrade your city time sn? >> every time a phone comes out i want to try it. i don't have the desire any more. they all look the same i had the black period the samsung in the iphonend they all have different features but they're the same thing. but now what determines the functionality of the phone is the of the ted unless
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they are making coffee no reason to pony up $300 so apple specifically should have a rough time. but it that another mpany innovatethat is where you want to look at. %-look.oogle is we want to charles: but the operative word is aacation. i was the same way i always used to have the call list phone butmy last phone the smithsonian bought it a. >> guy and of penny pinching a big scratch. >> now craft class is very hip. >> remove this i have to give up my data plan i have of limited dat as long as i have the garbage don't have a limited data then of with a new phone i am tapped out as long as this worksite keep
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it. charles: but if they can make coffee will switch. a group of passengers from the flight that crashed is suing e airline also the manufacturer. the word is that now there is another brodie after the engine started to leak oil is a really too early to cast blame to asiana? >> no doubt it is too early. the ntsb has not assigned blame in they will not for a while. i called a friend of me -- a friend of mine about the auto throttle. he came in at 102 knot 20 knots less than what they should have been. either with the auto throttle to fail of ree did not look down tuesday were too low you should know how to operate the played.
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i don't think boeing is to blame. after that plane headed the tarm i would now buy boeing even more. charles: only because they have won the local computer will gashouse competitor but it does seem to be a pilot error state will soon ery betty -- everybody but with this seatbelts could you get on a plate daley? it is the same seat belts since the 1850's one. [laughr] it will all come out in the laundry and s everybody especially with ep pockets they don't ca it will all come out in the laundry. it will all work out.
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is pretty disgusting. charles: issue number four rolling stone cover featuring the suspected boston marathon bomber creating a firestorm of crits are blasting the photo area of the story. does he deserve the rock star treatmt or is it marketing? >> it is disgusting. to have ended illegit convsation of homegrown terrorism about thing we need to address tt is a great article. we would be interested to read the article and the fee the contents is worthwhile but to have his face on the cover ii an insult to every american every bostonian injured it is disgusting. i am sorry. >> he is an animal. the bottom line is any way
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you look at it he will garnishes and the fee from this. i look back at all the past headlines and youever have reason to stick a terrorist front pa. i think it is despicable. that is not the way the young people need to see it. charles: talk about the minds of young people if therare other bombers getting the of rock star treatment that would embolden them to try this. >> i agree with hi to%. it is like a dog. you get them there reward in day act again. put that he rose on the cover to give them credit that the pain in the injured feel. not on this kit.
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charles: obviously you "rolng stone" is defending this better the people say it is just a marketg gimmick aside a desperation on their part but it has seriouconsequences. >> one stage or the other of where they want to stay and look at the real issues the muslims and other ethnic groups they have real issues they should have otr conversations about that. charles: this is about a kid who came to this country and this is how he repays us? >> some kids somewhere says i could be the next cover. that is terrible. charles:ou are fantastic. first the storm but now the first the storm but now the acre hacienda victims
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there is a pursuit we all share. a better life for your family, a better opportunityfor y, a better legacy to leave the world. we have always believed in this pursuit, striving to bring insight to every investment, and integrity to every plan. we are morgan stanley. and we're ready to work for you.
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charle after eight months after superstorm sandy the money has not been distributed now spread across is accused of changing eligibility rules a and we told you we would stick with this and we are having to back. >> it's true. you get a commercial any night tha says donat to the red cross or text for the $10 donation. where is the many? there are plenty o people. charles: have you seen 1 penny? >> absolutely not. zero.
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charles: you sat with the president and he made a promise to you in front of the world if you have not gotten 1 penny >> no. we got our insurance monday finally but the house had to be 85 percent done and for us to qualify we have to go for special agreements or to get money from other organizations. water they telling you? what is the charities telling you? and i thought thathe checks were cut. >> debt is a joke. first of all, they ask you how much to do you make? we are victims. should a maker -- matter if i make 200-2000, we are a victim. you are urged supposed to help equally. we built the country with equal rights it is not fair treatment to the working person because they say if
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you make over 50,000 or 60,000 you don qualify but there was still whole entire income froyour house s my income that i make 90,000 my wife makes 75,000 my daughter makes 50 thousands of allied make too much money? so the less you make the mortgagee that you get but it has nothing to do with the damages? >> that is irrelevant. >> they change the rules. charles: if you are a so called rich person and then you do not deserve the money. >> correct. we lost everything we had we have zero continents. zero. we have home owners insurance and we have only seen 85,000. that does it count my contents. me, my wife a and my
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neighbors started an organization we go around and be here the sam thing over and over we need help. we're not getting the funding they are not giving us the agreements. there is aways a loophole h.j. something else adds that buthe red cross tells us to donate many. >> beacon of hope? >> beacon of hope new york eight we have been fit with the city and even certain politicians are hearing the same story. everything is about the income of the person. that is not fair treatment. the bin hood foundation
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you have the red cross that keeps telling us to donate money. >> then there is a bighing for the shamed a few politicians in the republican party to say here is the cash and the money has not gone out and it is mind-boggling ironclad the u.k. back. >> it is sad is not fair treatment we built the country to be equal. charles: and you were being penalized to be successful. >> to send a message to to your kids not to work you are better off. charles: we have got your backnd i fee your paid and we will keep trying to help as much possible. gure. health care cost soars so many companies are not hiring but now mcdonald's ♪ [ villn ] well mr. baldwin... it appears our journey has come to a delightful end.
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then i better use the capital one purchase eraser to redeem my venture miles for this trip. purchase eraser? it's the easy way to erase any recent travel expee. i just pick a charge, like my flight with a few taps, it's taken care of. impressive baldwin. does it work for hotels? absolutely thank goodness. mrs. villain and i are planning our... you scare me. and i like it. let's go what's in ur wallet? [ whirring ] [ dog barks ] i want to treat mo dogs. ♪ our business needs more ses. [ male announcer ] where do you want to take your business? i need help sellingrt. [ ale announcer ] from broadband web hosting to mobile apps, small business solutions from at&t have the security you need to get you there. call us. we can show you how at&t solutions can help you do what you do... even better. ♪
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charles: mcdonald's is havi fancial advice to its menu offering the workers making less attractive by thousand dollars they're getting a hours cut they say it is just another unwelcome surprise fro the new health care law. helpless to understand what is going on. >> it is a sad story but businesses of all sizes are preparing for the changes of the health reform that was close to come into effect next year but now that is not clearecause obama wants to delaythe employer mandate but even small businesses realize it is a huge burden they have said they have frozen hiring and 19 percent said they'd made layoffs because of health reform. charles: mcdonalmcdonal d's came under he but that it was good i think a lot of employees don't know how to budget but the point is
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crital a lot of people will find themselves in this position. >> this is what happens as corporatism we specificly have given corporaons and benefitsover free trade agreement but at the exact time we left the workers behind of constant regulations as by canada to produce a ship in the white the food safety security act hurt startup corporation since this is the product of corporatismin our culture in washington d.c. and who was in bet when. charles: how do you feel about this? there is no doubt we have seen evidence that businesses are cutting back. do normal work week will be 30 hours or less. >> and undstand why anybody has it year's subsidy for a mcdonald's. >> what about the employees?
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>> 130% profit rise a and the employees are making minimum-wage $7 a and a quarter you figure you bust your hall the full time you come home with $1,100 after taxes. and they give a vice with food stamps what will they do with financial and vice? charle it is the budget i know when i got my first check i sprinted on whatever was not rock -- wise -atteries saying who dictates how much mini mcdonald's pays? ovation overpaid them and forget about the shareholders itself? >> data understate and why you believe the health law for this sid mcdonald's is doing just will by themselves charles: but i will offer a fact that because of the new
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rules of the health care law the full-time employee is $30 a week instead of 40. if you cutut those other hours you don't have to pay the health insurance that is a logical business decisions. >> but it is n young people better working it is women over 32 the president's health care lot as far as that i concerned we had the election and of there romney tried to make a referendum and that is done so mcdonald's has to comply. charles: we are conflictg things i thought this segment was about sympathy for people who are barely making it now anloja of apartheid and a few months to. >> i think the election 2012 was farrom a referendu of obamacare the it romney is not a free marketeer and of course, obamacare -- a
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homicide office is unintended consequences not that anybody designs that lot to make a harder but with the cost of employment we're punishing workers got the equatn for mcdonald's they will find another way to reduce hours are jobs but will definitely hurt the workers. >> it just isn't mcdonnell's we had restaurants even the best friend of lobov said we ve to put everybody on part-time. >> they are responsible for corporatism in to make the global corporation it and both are respoible for losing touch with the working voter. >> so we just have to grit and bear it? the voters have given this the of the of approval?
12:00 am
>> it is up to the doubleday and the employers to comply but as profitable as it has been melissa: i am was a francis and here's what is "money" tonight. hypocrisy in the nation's capital? say it ain't so. forcing walmart into paying a living wage but the city isn't even doing the same for its own employees. the chairman of the city council joins us to respond. plus, twitter users there a mentor dropped the all-star game and he goethrough with it. stay tuned for the details. and who made money today? investors probably ready to give her the title of queenidas. keep watching. even as it is not, it is always about money.


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