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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  July 19, 2013 10:00pm-11:01pm EDT

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that is it for tonight. we will see you next week. lou: the good evening. aation of the george zimmerman murder trial has been blatant from the ginning but now the rhetoric from the oba administration is incendiary. aimed to undercut publ confidence in the judicial system, a trial by jurynd does a man not guilty verdict. many of the corrosive comments have originated with the leading law enforcement officer. attorney general eric holder first obama release is a statement yesterday calling for restraint but not missing an opportunity to
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push the gun control agenda despite zimmerman was carrying a legal and licensed handgun. i now ask every american to respect the called reflection from to parents who lost the young son. we should ask ourselves if wee doing all we can't use them a gun olence that claims to the lives across the country. the press secretaryefused be anered questions today what having mucho say while indicating a federal civil rights investigation while ongoing. wealth of thjim crow era from the federal law enforcement of 2013. eric holder made the statement accusing the jury of racism for feinstein george zimmerman not guilty. >> of unimaginable progress
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we have travelled a long way to quality in opportuty. as we have seen our work is far from over. lou: network involved with the department of justice active involvement to promoting anti-zimmerman protest last year after is of hman's arrest. a division of the department of justi called the community relations service actually spend thousands of taxpayer dollars torganize to train protesters with civil-rights activist. with the 100 city tour to raise tensions in
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nationwide. we have asked the justice department but we're still waitinfor their a answer. you would not know but mh of america respects the jury decision that there was reasonable doubt to convicted of murder or manslaughter. hundreds not thousands of demonstrators took tohe streets in saamento and oakland and in new york city was ha to tell the difference between the demonstrators in the tourist in times square with the traffic was not interrupted. the idiocy out of hollywood is that astonishing levels of ignorance. to. >> i give zimmerman one week senior tony baxter and said i'm embarrassed to be an american. on less from the toxic
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joining us now former u.s. department of justice attorney under presidents bushand obama. exposing the racialgenda of the obama and justice department. with the principal deputy chief investigative counsel for the judiciary committee also who has seen killed hundreds of cases serving in the sid diego -- sid diego with the appellate units we wanted thank you for being here. we heard the attorney general said there was something terribly wrong in alexian for florida that is not the ongoing investigation started one year ago your reaction?
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>> first of all, wouldsk him what about this jury decision and does he not trust? is said they are tootupid stupid, to female or two ite to get right? i am going to trust that they spent twoee in this courtroom between 18 hours to deliberate to come to a decision that george zimmerman was not guilty. ll address that because that is at the country was built on. why at&t? >> basedn the law. talkbout these hollywood types idon't think they were there ithe courtroom i don't think theyere watching the trial from the beginning like we have. we have analyzed evidence from the very benning just like the women have. it is mind-ggling to me that the attorney general of
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our country would raise t timend many in resources and all national attention that we will convene a grand jury. do knowhat? they should have but they did not want to they did not likeo see the light of day now i am telling you off they will not indict. lou: then we turn to christian adams if i may and the race of the justice department seems to be diffult. after all but he is the man that seems to have the most difficul with the issue of race or even the word race. >> of all but called it -- commen today these are the most couraous because the index itself raally into a case that involves american liberty his liberty were a
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jury has found him not guilty of e charges he has thrown the race back into this. but to put this in the timeline it was what he has come to expct but he carries around in his wallet a race rd a quotation from 1971 from a creature that says race is the single issue that defines a person and when he was asked about eric holder said i as common cause wit a blaccriminals he has been carrying this around for decades. he is not fit to be the attorney general. lou: he also said this is typical of their culture in this administration to act in an entirely different manner. is this another example of
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the modus operandi? >> what he is doing today and will keep doing is sending signals to career attorneys under federal law you haveo prove racial intent he is sending signals he has done th before another occasions and it is totally inappropriate inhe game's the system but they are about power or representing interest groups lou: so within the department of justice do you concur? >> i think anybody who is outraged by the outcome did not pay attention t the trial if you were watching it like were if you saw the evidence as it unfolded you would actually agree that thi was a just verdict but to go out and calling the killing of trayvon martin unfortunate whichs
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what it was, but calling it unnecessary? and the laws so much higher f the standard of civil rights violation you have to show he purposely went out because of race solely not because of self defense or anything. these women did not find that they could not even nth find malice to find hate in his heart. lou: the number of pple demonstrated of those people in oakland, oakland,00, sacramento, oakland, 100, saamento, 40 , miami, 200, atlant 75 in chicago 200 that is a questionable estimates because in times square research told in the jury
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found with both of these charges. second-degree murder. that is the conclusion of the jury. and at best at is the judgment of the chief law-enfoement officer a he presumes to attack the integrity of the judicial system. >> the fates immigration reform rest with theouse of representatives. we're joined the next theoys used double miles from tir capital one venture card
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to fly home for the big family reunion. you must be garth's father? hello. mother. mother! traveling is easy with the venture card because you can fly any airle anytime. t words. double miles! this guy can act. wanna play dodge rock? oh, you guys! and with doub miles you can actuay use, you never miss the fun. beard growing c contest and g! ♪ win! what's in your wallet?
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lou: house speaker john reform is children brought illegally a measure on the issue is a hammer out by eric cantor and judiciary committee chairman. >> this is about basic fairness. these children were brought here was no record of their own and frankly they are in a very difficult position. i think ma members believe the decision needs to be addressed. lou: his comments come as a bipartisan house group is wrangling with the question when it will release the immigration proposal. joining us is a member of the so-called gang of seven also the approprtions committee. great to have you with us.
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your reaction to the speaker's remas of the children brought to the united states by the illegal immiants? >> one of the thigs that defines the united stes of america is we are the a meritocracy. a drug dealer or a murderer we don't hold that against the children we judge people for what they do for their merits. we have a number of people here that the parents made that decision and they have done everything right and we should hold them accountable for their actions and that is what the speaker is talking about. we are the meritocracy. lou: you have the house of rules and good order. are you going to proceed as chairman good lot has persisted and i think intelligently so with the regular rules of order and hearings and the open and transparent process?
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>> we have seen what happens when we try to ram something down the throats of the american ople. obamacare sound familiar? clearly, it's what we want to do the house is wheel understand we have the imgration system that is broken but we have to get a right we are not an a huy to rush legislation we want to make sure what fixes the oken immigration system system, protects the rule of law and helps to flourish our economy, a fix is what oken, and since we ha a president to be kind, follows the laws that he wants to follow a and only those anyone's to be in force to make sure we have legislation that fixes the problem but it does it right if we have to take more time, so be it.
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lou: i say the american people are ready to fix the broken immigrati system. but they have been gained by politicians in washington d.c. of both parties. what they ask is demonstrable linkages and action, securehe border border, and sure we will not go through this nonsense again and make certain w have a humane resolution in to secure the border a and airports and borders first. not with triggers or abstract, opaque guarantees. do you think the house and the republican party and ultimately the senate in the democratic party are ready to go? >> we have to be. this cannot be the only
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country on the planet that cannot determine who leaves every other country makes those decisions. we have to secure the borders. in order to secure the borders understandinwe have a president who's selectively in forces of law as even those that he does like liggett obamare. knowing that and that we have to passegislation in order to secure the border that is white house to be methodically. those that help the economy that is a crucial part of it that six is the immigration system that right now frankly the legal system is that stops that is in essence jbs, as we have a verification system.
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can we do those things in a responsible fashion to securehe border but i will also tell you we have to stop ignoring the fact whether we li it or not. there e millions of peop that are not documented. lou: the american people are ready to do exactly that. but not frankly to be gained by this president of either polical party. >> border serity was promised in '86 and not delivered. if we cannot show that we can pass the enforceable border security, common-sense and enforceable security, and to have the added challenge of a president who does not like to enforce a lo of laws if we cannot attempted then obviously it will not pass the house. lou: te key for being with us. up next from hollywood to
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the world of sports the reaction to the zimmerman verdic has been, let us be kind, and educated and downright immoral in some cases. cases. the "chalk talk" next. the pursuit of a better tomorrow is something we all share. but who can help you find your own path? who can build you a plan, not just a pie chart? who can help keep your investments on course, whatev lies ahead? that someone is a morgan stanley financial advisor. and we're ready toork for you.
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lou: 48 hours since of florida jury exonerated zimmerman of all charges but some celebrities and sports figures are making that case going as far too site to racial violence. take a look at the worst offeer of the parade of fools. plano falcons wide receiver said all those churches is go home tonight to kill themselves for letting go of me and get away with killing a kid. >> thoroughly confused zimmerman does not last one year before the good catches up with him and actress kirstie alley treated white people used to make black
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people drink from different fountains now we just shoot their children. if you think those athletes are stupid when into you hear what the nation's top law-enforcement officer had to say. >> i believe this tragedy provides another opportunity for them to speak honestly and emotionally charged issues that this has raised we must not as we have too often in the past with this opportuny pass we are resolved for to be directed at young people to prevent future tragedies to deal with the underlying attitudes the mistaken beliefs, and stereotypess3 that serve as a basis. lou: there you heard the attorney general speak in
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vague terms out a very real issue which is violence in our society and murder but there should be outraged in the african-american community as well it is much more prevalent and the the ignored crisis ofblack on black crime especially the president's hometown of chicago which he has been silent in the attorney general has been silent. there were nearly 2500 black on black murders nationwide compared to the 0 african-americans by whites. but here there are more than 430 murders in this city of chicago and blacks were 70% -- 76 -- 76 percent of the victims for or deny you're
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the attorney general talk about chicago or hear the president of the united states say those jon mandel were killed in chicago could have been his son. this year's murder rate is improving somewhat. not much to hundred four so far year-to-date were murdered. where is the average with the justice department over those murders? we will talk about that with the co-host juan williams anif the has been a conspicuous absence of his nistration in the city of chicago was one ofthe most important issues. next >> present obama was quick to insert himself into the murder trial but now the attorney general seems to be attacking the integrity of the judicial system.
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we take up the issue next. we used to live with a bear. [growl] we'd aays have to go everywhere with it. get in the front. we drive. it was so embarrasing that we just wanted to say, well, go away. shoo bear. but we can't really tell bears what to do. moooooommmmmm!!! then one day, it was just gone. mom! [announcer] you are how you sleep. tempur-pedic.
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lou: returning to the us zimmerman verdict erase politics in races play with its aftermathormer adviser to hillary clinton commitee 30 and columnist and fox news political analyst want williams one negative juan williams. turning first to the idea that this verdict with the judgment of the obama administration is suspect what evidence is there of that? >> i think what we have seen with the attorney genal comment is separe from the evidence presented in the case where many african-americans in those in general say it had not
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started we would not be here to begin with but i think your comments earlier in the show are so critical right now. we have had many tweets to say it is open season on young black males but they're failing to mention to is this hunting season way before george zimmerman ever fired a shot on trayvvn martin? if there is any way then we have to take a close look at blk on black violence in my lifetime 262,621 black people have been murdered by other blacks. this is something we have to address and progressives have to understand there is a decline of the black family at it is not just the only solution and what comes out of this case than that is a good way to honor
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trayvon martin staff -- death. u: you say they are on the racial animosity to boost ratings. so in what proportion in deducing that is true? ninety%? >> look at the facts i will gi you the percentage but this occurred and as regrettable as though whole circumstance may be with al sharpton and a black radio talk-show host who literally took the streets not only with the failure to be the rest but al made into a civil rightsssue sayinit was along the lines of hiorical crimes against the black boy and we heard
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over the weekend we heard what they thought was high by studied civil rights history and this is not that t the second was from coervative media that i think too often jump in to say this is the gun rights issue and some people freezing many i thin this is a tragedy so to enforce the narrative something that happened grayback in civil rights history but his tennis -- as many people and asian people could not have racist bone in their bodies of the media has a large responsibility but to talk about thelack kids killing black kids every weekend in this city in the country.
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lou: is the national dia so immersed with their ideological bias that they cannot deal with the honest evaluation of black on black violence? discussion? the attorney-general said the aryan nation of cowards with this administration has been a coward with black, black violence. i will have that conversation in any day with the attorney general in your his office. they're running from the issue of race one incding activist with the reverend sharpton they want to make a livi on race and you know, it. >> i think reverend sharpton and other leaders within the black communit have given his administration a pass on
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talkg about the critical issues facing urban communities. if howard is the word to be used a and i agree with you that we have not see the leadership on this until recently espially with gun violence. but we have been conditionally to get up in arms with a black person is killed by somebody from another race or ethnic group and that is unacceptable. >> you have data another ethnic gro because with the narrative he is hispanic and it saddens me there is not the understanding among black leaders and i include reverend sharpton, reverend jackson, who can let's be honest, if we can deal th these issues honestly and pragmatically to see the
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world to the same eyes of what we have to do of what is happening we can move beyond race with nearly every instance. as long as we have a special and vested interest for political purposes, a financial purposes, i think were consigned to repeat the cycle that i would like to think otherwise. >> just to deal with the facts it is an outrage. black on black crime i wrote a piece of the children's defense fund is no conservative organization said there is more ack, black murders van lynchings in american history. >> 3500 in 100 year period. 3500 in my life over 260,000 now we do have the opportunity with this case
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to turn that around and address the fact we all have unconscioubias with race relations let's use the case to actually tackle race relations to not continue to have racial tension. >> that is the concern for me because the media gives more attention. lou: it is a difficult time with the chief law-enforcement officer attacking the integrity of the judicial system and it's predicted. we know as we talk about black on black violence, i cringe a little to be honest because therar those that would use that as an excuse to rationalize the brodeur violence or whenever the race or ethnicity but we all have to swear with an intellectual division we
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will be working in that direction. thank you very much. a frightening new pentagon reporthows a man is on track to develop the missile capable of reaching america in the n too distant futu. we have the thre analysis next. my mother made the best toffee in the world. it's delicious. so now we've turned her toffee into a business. my goal was to take an idea and make it happen. i'm janet long and i formed my toffee company through legalzoom. never really thought iould make money doing what i love. [ robert ] we created legalzoom to help people start their business and launch their dreams. go to today and ke your business dream a reality. at we put the law on your side.
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that st mean they have a long wayn a quick quarter and second glad it could reach -- reach the unitedsm states? >> i am not familiar with the detailsit is son classified but the iranians have one of the mostthe aggressive missile technology programs in the world.e right now short, medium, long-range ballistic missiles the reach the gulf states, israel and southern europe in theirth possessionei. p the next up is that you aret discussing that is logical theonti intercontinental missilete system capable of reachingheir the number one strategic enemy in the world declaredfrom in 1980 the country to keepus them from dominating the muslim countries of theed world that is united states of america. the fact they are in pursuit has to be real and take the
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threat seriously. lou: but the change of the national dialogue and the administration of which had been leading up to the summit in the california with the president of china with the chinese then along comes edward snowden wth the leaks, of the zero summit is literal blown off the front pages of the world and suddenly about u.s. surveillance. here we are at this point, in the middle of july ian still there is little public focus on the cyberattac of china that contue unabated and the focus remains on u.s. surveillance. when will we see a shift?
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to have the capacity to restore the dialogue that we embarked upon one nth ago? >> with a defensive mode rehab left up to keith alexander the director of the ntional security agencyion to be the spokesperson for the administration has ae policy issue and they shed be discussing why it is necessary in the people'seopl interest to remind them in that dialogue of the threat we have hadea from china thatfrm is prolific andry extraordinary in terms of their reach inside this country. we do not collect on china's technology but intelligence that is of a value to us.og the steel technology and inllectual property but the play deals are made andrs what acquisitions or merge
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so it is the advantage to them obviously. lou: one of the questionss of the american people why is there so little attentionle to what general alexander himself has referred to with those cyberattacks againstot the united states, hegove phrased it as one of the greatest wealth transfers in history and he continues. we do not hear from thero chamber of commerce or the national association of manufacturers, we do notasso hear from the think tank.ce th is a peculiar silence t considering we aresi confronting the of massive transfer of power wealth to the chinese of wch they are ealing. >> it is tragic the critical infrastructures military networks theovernment itselfet utily infrastructure and thesp transportation system other than theor military network
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everything else is vulnerable to atack. number chair of thh chinese got there stealing from us is absolutely extraordinary with the military technology and huge intelligence to benefit the nation theyave a commercial industry there developing that will look remarkably american and as it comes out. it is unprecedented what they're stealing fm us and senator lieberman who led the effort to get some legislation, voluntarygisl legislationo have better protection has failed. i think we're on a course to have some kind of the evento that is somewhat catastrophic with cyberattacks that will leadl le us to the legislation weav have to impose on ourselves
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for the protection of what we truly need. lou: general, thank you for being here. congressooks to make the moon landing site a national park. i will talk with the last man to walk on the moon. man to walk on the moon. next.depends on me.
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and my team? is 50,000 strong. ♪ey! hawkins: this is what it feels like to be part of a team. a winning team. the action team. are you in? get in on the action at are you in?
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lou: a close call 220 miles above earth an italian astronaut had to abort the space walk to rush back into the international space station yesterday after a water leak occurred in his helmet. 1.he cou n even talk or
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here because of the old war filling his hlmet and nasa saihe could have choked or drowned in there is no word on what caused the leak the key is not jured and treated thanks for all of the positive thoughtsnd prayers. to members of congress want to make the six main landing sites on the new ntional parks in order to protect the historical landmark from private enterprise. we felt we would ta to someone o knows whahe is talking about the last man to have walked on e moon, it is great to have you with us, a captain. >> always goodto be with you. lou: let me get your reaction you have spent a lot of time almost one full month in space with your spaceflights. for that astronauts to be sitting there with water filling his helmet, whais your reaction?
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>> been there done that. i was the second american ever to walk in space and it was an ambitious plan at that point. we frankly found out we did we're doing. you have a lot of help but you are really out there alone and there is some concn at 1.whether the dyewood become human satellite. that was not my intent but i can relate to the problems. and with zero gravity you have low water coed suit. it is a closed loop that just circulates cooling water. i know what hpened ther could have been a whole and it comes with the bubble to getting your eyes and your nose and your mouth and you don't have the abilityo get your he hands inside your helmet. lou: he had a problem and
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you had a few problems of course, everybody knows you to think of you as the last man to walk on the moon but you had some close calls as well. share with the audience b of what was your most harrowing moment. >> you learn not only from other people's mistakes but from your own. tom d i tried to recreate recreate, we did everything but la at 47,000 feet staged the vehicles then use the ck of guidance system to separate the vehicles justice if we had actually landed in that was a plea and and it worked out well.
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we have practiced in this million times but we had to guidance systems and i was programming one system and we had to switch in the middle i switched to the abort he knew it had touse which he switched torimary and it didn't haveny idea where we were so we not only learned from other people's mistakes but in at particular case we learn fr our own. lou: you have 15 seconds? >> i saw the lunar horizon about eight times in 15 seconds and someone told us another few seconds we would have taken enough energy out of your bet. but when i became commander of apollo 79 told my partner
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, this is your part and this is my part. if y rch over i will break your arm. [laughter] lou: always great to talk with you. about one minute left wednesday think of a national pk? >> you may think it is far fetched but face it, apollo levin landing site is the international treasure of our nation and country. there is merit with the ada to keep a pristine to keep the same way nature has done enough for us but to keep the same way it was when neal made the last of the first steps on the surface of the moon. the rest, we need to bring
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artefact backs but they should belong to the nation who took them there to be displayed for all of humanity. the nort pole, theouth pole, columbus discovered america, we just left this plan half a centurygo and the spot we landed, that we call the moon truly is a histic monument to civilization. lou: wells said. said i could not agree more. i have to say that after all these years as he prepared to leave the moon you knew it would be aong time before we got back and it has been far too long. thank you for all you have done.
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>> i know how passionate you are about the program. unfortunately we have vocated by with love to come back to talk about it. lo the boys used double miles from their capital one venture card to fly home forhe big famy reunion. you must be garth fher? hello. mother. mother! traveling is easy with the veure card because you can fly any airline anytime. two words. double miles! this guy can act. wanna play dodge rock? oh, you guys! and with double miles you can actuay use, you nver miss the fun. beard gwing contest and go! ♪ win! what's in your wallet?
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charles: and the unions get big payloads and residents get handouts you have a city like detroit down for the counter. i am charles payne in for neil cavuto. $18 billion budget hole forced to deare bankruptcy trying to get creditors to take a fraion to walk away also hes you deal with the nsion problems but it is trying to get every penny it can in refusing to back down the big reason meniscus sa


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