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tv   Cavuto  FOX Business  July 20, 2013 6:00am-7:01am EDT

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that is it for tonight. we will see you next week. charles: and the unions get big payloads and residents get handouts you have a city like detroit down for the counter. i am charles payne in for neil cuto. $18 billion budget hole forced to declare bankruptc trying to get creditors take a fraction to walk away al helpyou deal with the pension problems but it is trying to get every penny it can in refusing to back down in t big reason meniscus says it is in this position
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inhe first place but we could forecast this a couple years ago. >> andinteresting development we're not sure what is going on with the bankruptcy. it looks like being mean violate to michigan state law which it is a sad day when oneof thee greatest cities once called paris of the dwest forced into bankruptcy but also gave help maybe it could get on financial footing but it is all up in the air and once again because of a lawsuit charles: like greece greece, portugal, spain that does not necessarily make the problem go away. >> it is like a new pn and rebuilding is spend $100 million more than it
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check-in. what did they think it would have been? the population decline dramatically since 2000, 40,000 buildings standing empty. half of the traffic lights in the city don't work. this ia crisis staying out of bankruptcy will not solve the. they need a plan to deal with the overspending to give the life back to the city. charles: we see some businesses one of the pizza chain's other bringing people has a technology center but those who get the tax breaks but for those residents tuesday they will not get anywhere? >> it is a massive
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population lost, the correction, and sustainable promises for the union but it is also the crime. one of the most violent cities in america for the last half century, it is almost one hour if you call the cops it is so bad they are stealing copper wire from the of light post 40% are out. i know now what row have been to the businesses they will have to do something. charles: i think thecan keep the new businesses and sheltered but to talk about the economics highs spoke to a profesr 47% ofhe adult population is illiterate but the mindset no matter how much money you give pele
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they are not prepared to be more accountable toigure this out, then we're right backwhere we started. >> we need to see rivers, rivers, 36 percent f the city living belo the poverty line. but it echoes back to spending money on the wrong things. bloated pensions and health care for the retirees and i understand there were omised the money but at some point of e promise is alive you cannot pay it. instead they should be spending on the city's future. maybe tax incentives perhaps educational progra but it is a way to find a way for word as opposed to paying union emoyees. charles: it feels like it will be a free-for-all. 150,000 homeowners did not pay property taxes in 2011.
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residents will say what about me? >> exactly. now even talk of love belau. where will that money come from? if there is a bailout? but just to pay liabilities even wit the national level charles: a lot of people feel we're headed that way. have a great weekend. we are already hearing for a bailout now saying the city could use that federal hp it is now saying it is'' highly unlikely and now how detroit could dig a anethole. >> it is unlikely and melissa said that there is
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the opportunity for that to have been for the city to put together a plan to stop this craziness to let everybody focus. >> is like monopoly. creditors will have to te a massive hit with these lavish promises called paris of the midwest. not any more but if the key promises they cannot keep? >> may help in the future that they can't if they can stabilize but they cannot go forward. charles: they have to make hard decisions they cannot say if they are better in 10 years we will revisit the right now how will th play t? this could be long and drawn-out.
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>> it will for sure this city will have to negotiate and me restructured, they will looko traise revenue. charles: this is the problem that i have. i read the 40 percent of the peace- people in greece have never been on the internet but when you have these problems you can throw all the many in the world but how can they take the baton to roll with it? >> the reason it is different but at the end of the day there is a structural problem the hope to keep the people it begins
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to come back charles: how important is the political salesmanship? everyone has to sell the city on the idea it is the ultimate shared sacrifice. >> it is based on confidence especially in the city the idea to adjust the data t make it so hopefully the city manager's can do that. charles: at the end of the dayt goes through the bankruptcy judge and they will he all the power. >> gasoline to oversee and did the minister. charles: we could see something done withespect @% t bonds or the pension obligations this could have a new legal parameters. >> but that will be initiated by the city of like a corporate bankruptcy
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but to the process to have a restructured. >> that will have to be draconian. charles: one year from now reducing this will be good or the beginning of the end? >> isgiving the city manager's in the interested partie it will probably take more than a year. charles: they should have done this sooner? you were fantastic. christine o'donnell says she was a target as the tea party and she has approved. the "rolling stone" cover controversyut of control controversyut of control an
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at a dry cleaner, controversyut of control an we repced people with a machine. what? customers didn't like it. so why do banks do it? hello? hello?! if your bank doesn't let you talk to a real person 24/7, you need an ally. llo? ally bank. your money needs an ally.
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[growl] we used to live with a bear. we'd always have to go everywhere with it. get in the front. we drive. it was so embarrasing that we just wanted to say, well, goway. shoo bear. but we can't really tell bears what to do. moooooommmmmm!!! then one day, it was just gone. mom! [announcer] you are how you sleep. tempur-pedic. charles: now more people are saying they're targeted by e irs.
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christine o'donnell says heard tax rords were breached. welcome to the show. explain what happened. >> they keep dragging me. to have the criminal investigator is that on the very same day at i announced my u.s. senate campaign and a u.s. dollar state official hhs an appropriately and illegally access my a private personal tax records. from what the investigator told me they had been compromised and ms. used. but on this very same day th i announced a campaign and that tax records wrote a illegally access the irs placed the erroneous tax lien on the home that i no nger alone they and that followed me through the campaign even though te irs
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admitted it was a mistake and they said it was a computer error. i think it is very important to note that criminal investigators brought this to my attention. charles: during theampaign sieve -- and did you talk about that? i don't remember this coming up the you were being targeted. >> no. it came up a lot. lot of misinformation was used as a political weapon. the pot here is that if e inspector general's office has evidee to suggest that my records where -- were inappropriate the access and they need to investigate and i am thankful sator grassley is office is investigating and we're hoping to the
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department of justice will take the right course of action and mine is only one of many cases where political candidates the word donors have their record access to. charles: i you actually hearing from additional people now? >> about their records? absolutely. in the washington times accommodate it did at least two stories on this with all the facts right. one of those is on our web site if they want more details. there are at least eight othepeople who have had their tax records and is used and illegally access by the irs. if somebody is in a position to have accs to confidential records and are abusing that position, that
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is a grievous offense in the department of justice could get involved and i am dumbfounded eric holder will not pursue this. charles: are you really dumbfounded or just frustrated? >>. [laughter] this is about restoring faness to the pcess you can disagr 100 percent of what i stand for but you should agree that the government shod not abuse its power or use the irs as a political weapon in. there is glaring evidence that has happened in my case or at least eight other cases. if eric holder will act in a neutral position as opposed to a partisan operative. charles: he is attorney general for all of america. but with your political action committee we never heard anything from you.
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are you considering running again? >> the seat that iran for 2014 is upn 2014 but i can honestly say that i don't know what i will do. part of that is because of less bareness is brought back to the process, it inhibits every day americans from getting involved in that is why i am grateful juciary committee and senator grasey are not giving upper -- up. charles: a lot of people still want you to run. >> a director say i am ver grateful for the outpouring of support and even since the story broke. thank you. charles: tired of paying that phone bill every month? there is help on the way. there is help on the way. meet this if you've got it, you know how hard it can be to breathe
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charles: one new company works if you are looking at advertising you can be rewarded with more mobile data. we have the ceo and this is a novel idea where everybody gets away from that you say if you listen you can be rewarded. >> we have been interting idea we are trying to grow the whole mobile ecosystem. with the mobile internet usage it has grown 147% per
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year since the middle of the 2000's. so we think the explosive owth of the mobile internet is great for a lot of consumers and bsses but at the same ti operators have no choice to go to the limited data plan from the of limited brand. so what this is to wean is driving certain behavior where they start to curb their consumption so instead of doing the right to when they want to now they wait until they're on wife i. i don't know if you have ever experienced this but have you ever looked at content in thought instead of now i will wait to until i get home. this is happening to millions of americans and over the cour of one year we found6 percent of
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mobile users in the u.s. are curbing content consumption over mobile so that means they're waiting. this is a missed opportunity for mobile marketers and advertisers who are trying to consume or engage consumers on their mobile device. charles: bayou set yourself up as the middleman between the networks and the coumer. are you worried the bigger names that can offer the limited data plans will get the bulk of the consumers out there? >> about 7585% and stay on the limited data plans becauseypically the better and networks so the majority
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are on limited data and the number of users is increasing in the u.s. just because of the shared family plans in the rest of the world they are unlimed. charles: so you have the potential audience for to have established that but are people saying i will watch the advtisement and be the guinea pig? are people really lining up for that? >> i think it is more than an extra goodies but see if you engage to watch a video or even make a purchase you may ceive of data reward maybe 200 mb or in some
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cases you could earn one gigabyte. we believe that is meaningful amounts in those cabe applied to your data play and -- your data plan and instead of paying for the overage you could supplement so that is a benefit. it is not aew cents' worth of value but there really is overage which could be $10 or more depending on your carrier. charles: that does add up and listening to this story carefully, it soundsike you have something disruptive which means a lot of money. congratulations. we will have you back to talk about your sucss but we are out of time. thank you. remembered this meeting last month?
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it is about to get worse obama is putting on his poker face to talk tough. poker face to talk tough. next every day w're working to be an even better company - and to keep our commitments. and we've made a big commitment to america. bp supports nearly 250,000 jobs here. rough all of our energy operations, we invest more in the u.s. than any her place in the world. in fact, we've invested over $55 billion here in t last five years - makingp america's largest energy invesr. our commitment has never been stronger.
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>> adden insult to injury or a political ploy in the president's going to russi later this summer, but the white house is signaling he'll skip out on a meeting with the russian president putin. this is just thelatest move sirring up tensions between the
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two countries to the former ambassador bolten on what he makes of this. i white house says if snowden is there and you have not done anything, the preside, he's not coming to talk to ptin? >> it's silly. and the impression it gives to putin is that we're not serious about snowden, that the most acute pain that obama ca make putin feel is to deny him his august presence. i mean, if that's the best that we can do, pew tp's just going to say i'll resolve this in my own good time. what we should be doing is imposing realcosts on russia for not deliving snowen back tous. >> what kind of costs could we -- what would we do? levy tariffs? how can we financially put pressure on russia? >> i think the costs could be political as well. >> okay. >> and economic. >> this guy put the top appoint in the joint for the five years. he's the roughest guy.
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>> exkgb agent, knows how to play rough. that's right. what i do is things like pulling our ambassador back from moscow, put l of day-to-da diplomacy on ice, and look for something to cause him pain plaill in the case of china, i would release taiwan executive officials to travel anywhere they want in the united states. that would cause him to go wild and beijing. you want something comparable for that for russia. >> over the last couple weeks, it felt like times tiew pin was blinking. he talked about nowden to leave, not to release documents, america a great partner. it felt like either he was being extraordinary cynical or extending some form of an olive branch. >> would can slice it either way. i'm on the ynical side, but you n see it the other way. i think he recognizes that snowden, for him, has risks as well as rewards, and that is
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havin this guy in russia is not exactly what he would want over the long term. i think what putin wantsfrom snowden is the information on his laptop, the documents h has, and what's in his head, and if he's got that, then i think he wants to get him out of the cotry before he causes trouble. >> doesn't need him anymore. that photograph, the last time that president putin and obama got togther, i had not seen -- it was like a divorced couple who, you know, the wife took the husband back for more alimony. that was the ost -- two guys seem like they had destain for each other. >> it was not professional conduct on either part, and i think it underlines the idea that you can press a reset button in relations with russia as the president wanted to at the begnning of the term or with any other country is just a mistake. op going bilater relations are a long hard slog, and the russians are very good at taing concessions we make, putting them in the pocket, and say, what do you have for me today? >> it's a matter of give and
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take, but we give an give and give. >> and they expect more. >> wow. feed the bees, and that's what happens. >> exactly. >> have a great weekend. >> you too, appreciate it. >> bluffing on the snubbing putin thing? professional poker player is here to explain how we can tell. tiffany, what's the "tell" here from the president, and do you think putin's picked it up? >> well, that's a good question. you know, you have obama and you have putin sitting downgoing head-to-head, high stakes poker at its best, diplomacy and brinksmanship, and obama sitting down daring putin to make the first move, all in or fold. when you have history with someone, there's deviations and patterns to see if they are bluffing, physical, verbal cues, and there's a lot on the line here. you've seen the photograph of them sitting there, and ambassador's point, they looked unimpressive like they were not word leerdz, but slouches, legs
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open, cllars open. what are you sensing from them? >> it's an uncomfortable situation. you know, the perfect time to bluff someone is when their decision is not going to be easy. never give your oppnent an easy decision, and in obama's case, it's a difficult decision for putin with asylum, the russian public would like to see the u.s. shamed. at the same time, putin has to think about u.s. relations which have been decreasing, and his international overall approval so hhas a tough decision here, and in thisase, the only way you know if the president's bluffing or not is by folding or calling. >> we know there's round two of this whole thing, and you talked about having the history. they met a coule of times, and it felt like they got icier, but there was a hint there was a better relationship in the second administration or second tm, what would the president
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do differently? when you play poker, you have a hat and sunglasses on. wear a hat and sunglasses next time in >> oh, i'm not sure if he should wear a hat and sunglasses, but it's a little bit tricky. obama's going up against a very, very trong leaders. i don't know tht putin is pushed around. he has a lot t consider in the situatn, a lot at stake, but at the same time, he could go ne way other the other. i don't know that obama has leverage. they have a tense relationship. they could say, well, who cares about the retionshipipith the u.s., i'm giving asylum to snowden, so i don't know f there's enough on the line to really push him around in the situation. >> before i let you go. how are you? winning big pots lately? what's beginning on with you? >> i'e been doing really well, i don't have any tough decisions as to whether or not to give potentially one of the biggest whistle blowers in history asylum or not in my country, so as long as i don't have difficult decisions like that and just decide whether to go
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all in or not, then my life's good. >> all right, tiffany. by the way, next time they are together, study the tape because we'll go over it one more time. all right. see you soon. hey, guys, this speech in europe, how the heat wave could put the entire economy on ice. and then the outrage over the outrage. wait until you hear who is defending this rolling stones cover. ♪ evy parent wants the safest and healthiest products for their family. that's why i created the honest company. i was just a concerned mom, with a crazy dream. a wish that there was a company that i could rely on,
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>> well, if the weather's hot, wait until you see how energy wallet. let's talk with keith fitzgerald. in the heat wave, people wave good-bye to the money because power outages sweep the country, rising bills cost hundreds bucks more each much.
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gary, you say this is green energy's time to shine. >> exact. i mean, you look at your bill, and you would think an entrepreneur says, hey, this is the time for the home windmills or solar panels to work, and this gets to my point why i think the green energy thng is smoke and mirrorsecause now is the time to take advantage of the high pri electricity and come in with less expensive green energy, and, yet, i don't see the entrepreneurs knocking at the door >> what do you think it is, keith, the technology's not there or not eough government subsidies? >> oh, an interesting question because, you kno, the idea that the government can spend money better than a private entrepreneur is preposterous as the concept of central intelligence or the nsa latel this costs america $30 billion a year, districted generaon, solar power, lternative fuels, we have a network built and designed in 1890 that's used in 2013. the problem is it is all
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reaction, ot proactive distribution. >> all right, guys, i got to tell you the sar stocks doing well this year for other asons. talking about the heat. the heat's not hurting everyone. whirlpool selling air conditioner and everything else. its profits jumped 75% last quarter. this summer looks like americans are buying a gold-old fashioned home goods, but not the technogy cool stuff anymore. >> well, that an interesting point, and yt whirlpool's strategy is paying off, going up market, sells high premium items. i worry about how much isfunded bydebt, the consumer, and implicitly buyer or the governmenwith trickle-down economics. if that crater, they are at risk. >> right now, street loved the earnings, and, by the y, i think it's als reflection of the world, gary, wanting our stuff. people in latin america love whirlpool, asia loves
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whirlpool's stuff. in way, it's kemp prelim ri as well. >> right. it is, charles, but, you kw, the bulk of the activity is still in north america, and it gets to my premisethat i'v had for years now that as the population ages, people like yu and i, and you are younger than me, granted, you want to stay home more. i think people are tired of going to restaurants and raveling on fancy vacations and buying fancy cars so this whole idea of cacooning, in vogue twenty years is coming to fruition. translation? people want to upgrade their homes with better appliances, better, you know, air-conditioning systems. that feeds into whirlpool's potion andkind of as opposed to what keith's saying, whirlpool is in a sweet spot and will be regardless of what happens to the economy and the dollar andall thatstuff for the next few years. >> it is interesting. people who are edestrian watchers of the stock market,
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they graff state to the cool hip stuff. what's apple doing? what's google doing? today, microsoft and googe got waxed, and it's the old-sool businesses around for p200 years doing bell -- well. >> it's real as we age so the con cement of this purchasing is a solid -- >> i'm not that old. >> go ahead. [laughter] >> there's a lot to like thee, and i fear the debt phenomena that we have not finished, and i worry aut the fact that earnings jumped 75% because it's unusual. i take it, don't get me wrong, but it's unusual that it causes me to think twice. >> i hear ya. you know, talking about thinking twice, china, they are not great, but neither are we. china facing a big slow down,
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and now a lot of american companies say that they are hurt because of that, gary, are we relying on american companies, maybe the amerin government too much on china? >> well, you know, we might be, charles, but go back about 20-30 # years, take out china, substitute japan, and remmb we had at home, my gosh, japan is taking over, so much smarter and growing so much faster. japan's growth in the 60s was 10%, dropped to 7.5%, 4.5%, and you don't hear much aboutjapan being this feared rival of the u.s.. i think that's th way china's going to go. in fact, they might accelerate because they are not nearly as democratic as japan has been and is now. >> everyone talking about the demise of china,and in some ways, they are acting more responsible than we have, and they sloid down the economy,
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made bank lender tougher, and it seems like we'repushing the gas pedal, they push back, it could be more responsible. >> here's the thing, charles, they bet on china's failure, but bet on thir success. the reason is china imports 96 cents on every dollar they export. they shift to method consumptions. american companies link to commodities, b rojects that fail or see diminished revenue. they are linked to brands like whirlpool likely to grow because that's what is growi china, the internal domestic consumppion is real, and slow or not, 7.5% versus a percent here, really? the economic center of gravity is there, not here, and it will be for decades. >> i'm -- no offense to the crowd, but i'm leaning towards keith on this one. hey, guys, you are absolutely fan tas pick. have a great weekend, and we'll
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see you again. >> thanks, charles. >> see ya. companies around the world boycotting the "rolling stone" issue, but one company came out in its defense, and i bet you can't guess which one. governor huckabee on the "new york times" bacing rolling ♪ [ villain ] well mr. baldwin. it appears our journey has come to a delightful end. then i better use the capital one purchase eraser to redeem my venture miles for this trip. purchase eraser? it's the easy way to erase any recent travel expense. i just pick a ge, like my flight wi a few taps, it's taken care of. impressive baldwin. does it work for hotels? absolutely thank goodness. mrs. villain and i are planning our.. you scare me. and i like it. let's go what's in your walle
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>> the "new york times" sinks to a new low publishing an article defending roling stone's cover calling the hysteria about the accused boston bomber heat wave indeuced saying the mayor hype ventilated about the whole thing, and mike huckabee is outraged. governor, i just -- i guess, you know, like minds think a like, but it's hard o believe no one, everyone is offended by the
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cover. >> what's offensive is of all the picture they chose, they chose a self-styled pprtrait that the guy made where he loks sort of ike a young jim morrisson or think of him in a mug shot or the red dot on the head is more appropriate. their just dpi cati says, well, it's a monster, and a picture is worth a thousand a words. >> a picture is worth a thousand words, but companies, drugstores, right-aid, cvs k-mart, all the companies said they were not going to push it, display this magazine or sell this particular issue. should there be more of anout cry, it's just thumbing its nose at thanks americans sand for and, of course, the victims. >> i usually don't get excited
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when they pull it, but are you sure this is who you want on the cover? the better course is not to boy the issue. unfortunately, i'm afraid a lot of people go by it because of the publicity it's had. that's the most unfortunate outcome of all. >> "new york times" coming to sort of say to anyone that thinks this is in poor taste, anyone offended by this, maybe it was the heat, maybe you are hype ventilating. how upset does that make you? >> given the source that it's the "new york times" -- >> it is, but even feels like they have gone to a new low on this one. >> i don't think they are winning any friends, not that they had a lot other than on the far le, but this is not the way you enear yourself, certainly not to the people of boston. people around the country who saw what happened in boton realized that it was an outrageous agent of terrorism, and there's nothing glamour rows about the hideous people who di this. maybe instead of his picture,
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they should have puthe picture of some the victims and say a monster did this to some totally innocent bystanders watching one of the greatest events in american sports. >> maybe then i would have gone to buy it. also, what about the idea the celebrity treatment might encourage others? there's got to be disturbed kids in the country, people who, listen, he came to the country, the family came to the country, america treated them well, giving them welfare, a great education, friends here, and america rolled out the red carpet o treatment to the guy, and, still, he was a home grown terrorist. at least that's the accsation >> does this push him over? >> absolutely, especially sick people who are nobodies. they want to be somebodies. when the shooting happened, arefused on television and the radio show to ever mention the name of the shooters, neverr mention them. i called them the shoorment i
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don't think you want to publicize and give the peoplea ptform. that's what they loofor to see the name, their face, somehow in the big lights, and i think that's a terrible thing to do couraging other losers to think, maybe for a moment, everybody will know who i am. >> what do you think this goes from here? maybe the best case scenaris that we report on it more, and that we not only not mention the bomber's name or the magazine's name anymore. >> the ultimate punishment for rolling stone is people stop buying it. >> i think that's probably big problem for them anyway. the magazine itelf has been in decline for a long time. a lot of people say it began in 1980, ronald reagan, missed he mtv generation, missed rap, down ill had, and, and it's a heck f a hail mmry, they threw a bomb either to blow up in their faces or i don't know why theyhought
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this would be the thing that would help. >> it was a foolish decision, and unfortunately, it's very offensive, not just to the people in boston, the victims, but to every decent-minded american, and i'm proud of the cop. i know what he did broke the rules, and he's in trouble for it and probably loses his job, but i like it when the irish temper, shawn murphy, got to love him, that irish temper says to heck wit this and publishes the photos of the creep, and that's more appropriate. god bless him. >> god pleaseshim. say his name a million times. >> shaun mrphy, you're a hero. there you go. >> you are too. >> thanks, charles. >> the government is listening to your calls, reading your e-mails, and tracking what you eat. get ready to lose your apetite. get ready to lose your apetite. at a dry cleaner, get ready to lose your apetite. we replaced people with a machine.
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what? customers didn't like it. so why do banks do it? hello? hello?! if your bank doesn't let you talk to a real person 24/7, you need an ally. hello? ally bank. your money needs an ally.
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>> the food police tracki what
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you eat. the government's shelling outs nearly $150,000 on a study aimed at forcing people to eat healthy. now, it's providing gps devices that keep tabs on people's day-to-day shopping habits. thisis a waste of time and money, and ron and adam here with us as well. monica, it's almost per postrows, but all the stuff in the news these days, it's not hard to believe. >> i'm not against collecting information if it helps the government agencies be more efficient, carry out their missions, and spend less money in the process, but i don't understand what we're going to glean from this study in re giving gps devices to people who elect to be part of the study to see where they eat and, you know, n geeral, this is targeting ffst food establishment, and i think the conclusions should be fairly straightforward using common sense. people eat where it's convenient. why do we need a study for this? >> well, ron, why do you think we need a study for this?
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something nefarious going on here? >> it's not nefarious, but i think it's enough is enough. the government's trying to regulate what we eat, what size toilets to have, the type of lights we have, reading our e-mails, seizing our phone records, and at some point, it breaks down the ethos of american freedom, and people, especially young people are saying enough is enough, we had it the the government has to stay within the proper roles, and frankly, where's the study on government obesity? gao, the government's auditor, found $300 billion, with "b" in waste last year alone, and where's the study on that on how to cut that? >> adam, a funny feeling, they'll say,you know people go to restaurants, supermarkets, and sometimes they eat a hot dog at the hot dog stand. worth the time, effort, and money? >> well, i'm glad that monica sort of explained what this is, a small academic study aimed at gathering information, not this police state thing that you and
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ron want to make it out to be. there's nothing wrong with academic studying thesethings because, charles, i understand and don't disagree with your point,people want to eat where it's convenient. we also know that people don't always eat as wel as they could be, and fast food, if you ate there too frequently can, can -- i don't ant to get his tearkl here, but can be bad for your health. >> adam, here's the thing, i know what's going to happen. i know they are going to get the results of the study, and they are going to use it as the war against the use of fast food restaurants, against the notion of fods, and push an agenda that is against personal frdoms, and that's why i'm worried about it, and we need to be hysterical. >> that's uncharitable to the academics and infringes on their academic freedoms by suggesting that you -- >> if you donate your own money, fine, but don't say the
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taxpayers should doit. if you believe in the study, donate your own $150 million. don't take mine. >> the fda should be the agency that's responsible for looking into the chemicals that weput into food and the fact we use corn to be a major sweetener in our foods, and that's compounding this obesity program. why not focus on that? >> they are. why do you think these studies exist? mean, really, what's thereal obviousive here? >> well, i'm not going to fall into this baited question. >> i just want your opinion. >> i will. >> well, i think to a certain extt, studies can add value to these agencies. i just don't see the sense in this one, nd i think we have a history of throwing money behind fairly aimless -- >> like shrimp on a treadmill. adam, why are we doing this? >> well, i think we are having, this is a good conversation. i think ron would say we shouldn't be doing this study or any other study, and so we wouldn't have come up with, you know, cures for cacer, the
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internet, things thatthe government has contributed to. if you want to go - >>i'm not done -- >> i should pay for them rather than the united states government, fine, i thi the united states government's funding certainly academic studies is a great idea and has been true historically for a very long time. >> not every study adds value. that's the other side of the coin. >> of course not. >> the internet did not come from academia. hate to break it to you. >> it came from government funding for -- >> we're not -- >> let's talk about that, people. let's not talk about the internet. >> stop trying to disstraight us. the fac of the matter is this program is designed how government can regulate it. >> highly involved in the project. >> go ahead, ron. >> listen -- >> let's -- ron, back to the premise here, though. the government is cllectin data on every aspect of our lives. i' not sure that -- >> not i this study, they're not. >> all different studies, all
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combined, all the spies, snooping, collecting a bunch of data on us, and it doesn't feel li it'all for good resons. >> no, it doesn't. that's what i'm sayi. i think that the american people are tired of having thecivil liberties trample odd. could be small, but it's frustrating that instead of our government focusing on how to fix a great use of opprsion going op now or fixing what's happening in the student loan, with the student loan bubble, they focus on this. there's huge problems facing the country that we should be studying and figure out how to fix, but we blow money on stuff like this. it's upsetting. >> we're the ones -- >> obesity is the problem. >> focusing on a hundred thousand doar program. this is not a giant effort by the united states. >> 150 million. >> monica? >> no, no, thousands, thousds. >> one second, go ahead. >> i'm for spending money wisely. if i have one mo, it's that,, bt obesity is the problem. i want to see the governmt be more targeted in the way they spend money, focus on the low
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nging fruit, and this does not qualify. >> we have to be careful of the bait and swit. we worr about obesity nd everything else. y, by the way, great panel, great au ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> ladies and gentlemen and "imus in the morning". >> imus: well, we have a man worn out here. were we're talking about th morning, what is he now, dagen. >> dagen: he would be chief creative officer at men's warehouse. men's warehouse has been bought but the man himself


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