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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  July 23, 2013 9:20am-11:01am EDT

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♪ ♪ imus in the morning >> there is more trouble for the president. it's spelled i-r-s. good morning, everyone, the targeting scandal is no longer on the white house doorsteps, it's gone inside. more on that. what is the president doing? well, another pivot away from the scandal. he's launched a campaign style full court press to spend more money. enough with the scandal.
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it's back to the recovering economy. and a sports scandal that ranks with lance armstrong. a new look at the royal baby. and happy birthday monica lewinsky who turns 40. "varney & company" is about to begin. we've completely integrd every step of the process, making it easier to try filters and strategies... to get a list of equity options... evaluate them with our p&l callator... and execute faster with our more intuitive trade ticket. i'm eg stevens, and i helped create fidelity's options platform. it's one more innovative reason serious investors are choosing fidelity. now get 200 free trades when you open an account.
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>> good morning, everyone, here is a headline to get us started. the pope is a capitalist. the holy father, saying, i'm quoting now, we risk having a generation that hasn't held a job, personal dignity comes from working, from earning your bread. young people are in crisis. sounds a lot like ronald reagan, doesn't he. and former reagan advisor weighs in. there's an exploding story in sports. a whole lot more, too, ryan
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braun suspended for the rest of the season for violating the steroids policy and lying about his involvement for a long time. it will cost him more than 3 million in salary. more to the point, a fortune in endorsements, now and in the future. he'll return next season and make 15 million. full details coming up and analysis from brian kill immediate next hour. it's another black eye for baseball. netflix, basically the stock of the day at least in the early going, down big at the start, not as many subscribers as wall street hopes, and even though there's as many as h.b.o. right now, netflix is set to open way, way down. and royal baby watch. now we're about to see the child who will be king and what about the name? we have the odds coming up. you can make money that way of course, or you can make money this way. big names that you know, their stocks are in the news and they are moving.
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netflix and ups more. the dow is going down a little bit, and closed at record high yesterday. see it happen in a moment.
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♪ say my name, say my name ♪
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>> not for sure i like that movie. i'd rather heard the bells peeling in london. we haven't heard the name of the new prince. smart money is george, it's a favorite in poddy power in london. and you'll see him during the show if he appears. a minute from the opening bell, here he is in chicago, larry levin. a record close. it looks like we'll be higher opening today. what is this a series of records? >> it is a series of records, almost like a broken record i guess you'd have to say. 1700 is in play in the s&p and and it will be interesting to see if people sell at 1700 and my guess most will ride the trend and buy at 1700 and we'll see that price today. i know you're a hot shot trader there in chicago, bring it down
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a notch or two. i don't think they're taking advantage of this, am i wrong? >> if they've got a 401(k), then it's come back a little bit since 2008. no, if they made a ton of money, most are probably looking for jobs and not worried about the stock portfolio as much and that's a big part why people aren't involved right now. >> you're right, it's an issue. thank you very much indeed. the bell has rung, the trading has begun. slightly to the upside. now we're up 24 points looking for a gain of 40 or 50 when we finally get completely going here. 15572 as of now. netflix, its disappointed its investors and i think the stock has opened sharply lower, tell me, nicole. >> it's to the down side. and you've got to take this in perspective. okay? they've got some growth. at midpoint of the range and s,
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they've disappointed some analys analysts. and all are raising targets because their profit is on the rise and they continue to add subscribers, they're not losing is your describers. stuart: yeah, 600,000 people paying $8 a month as far as the high can see, that's a revenue scream. if i'm not mistaken. and thank you. two more big names reporting profits this morning, better than expected profits at dupont. shares are up this year and look at that, that is a huge stock that's up 5% and that's a big gain. ups reported lower profits. especially on international routes and that stock is up 19% this year and it's virtually flat this morning an at 87.88. nicole, travelers is moving, which way? >> it's down 1.3%.
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it had been up earlier. and the numbers and the profit estimates will beat. they beat the estimates for profit so that was good news for them and they had price increases, lower catastrophe costs to deal with and a resolution of tax and legal issues and made it through that. so, it was looking higher, but it's pulling back, down 1.3% for this dow component. >> let's look at the big board for a second and we crossed 15,600, 55 points higher. 15,601 this tuesday morning. and president obama making a campaign style push to focus on the economy, starts tomorrow. he's going to call for more spending. let's bring in a former reagan economics advisor, art laffer. let's suppose he gets his way, on education, pre-school, manufacturing, will it work? >> of course it won't. a poor person can't spend
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himself into wealth or prosperity and the government doesn't create sources it redistributes them. every dollar done, caused damage to the economy. and the reason we had the great recession is because of the stimulus spending and fra ink -- frankly, the faster and further down it goes the better off the u.s. economy it will be. i heard the reports we grew 1 in in1 .8%. >> he's raised taxes in the last year or two on productive factors, you can't tax an economy into prosperity and you've got all of this going on in the poorly constructed renovation. we have the single worst recovery you know, stuart, in the history of the united states and as far below the next worse as the next worse is
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below the best. it's a terrible economy and also in gdp as you mentioned, it's not better and continually trying the same old mistaken policies. >> i want your thoughts on what pope francis had to say about young people and work. >> he said that personal dignity comes from working, made a big point of saying that on the trip to brazil. i said earlier, that reminds me of ronald reagan? >> no one is proud of living on handouts. you know, to get self-esteem and bride. you need a high paying job. and john f. kennedy said the best form of welfare is a high paying job. t and he's completely correct and i wish he'd come to the u.s. and tell obama that as well. stuart: there's a moral component to work, isn't there? >> a huge moral component.
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you feel great when you've done a good job. whether it's mowing the lawn or writing a paper. very gratifying and fulfilling and you make some money and that's not bad either, but when they take away the monetary incentive from the process, you don't have the jobs for young people and you have a catastrophic situation in the u.s. which will last. the damage done will last for generations literally. these young people who have not had jobs for three or four years become unemployable. after being unemployable for three or four years, they become hostile and then you have to spend a fortune trying to protect yourself from them and that's not the way to run a country. it's just plain not. we need enterprise zones and a low rate flat tax and get the heck out of the way and let the economy cure itself. i'm tempted to give you the show, but-- >> thanks very much. stuart: hook eke eke eke ehoo kr
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here is a story, there's a some are saying that they're shipping the metal and driving up prices and accused of skimming off the top for the worldwide aluminum market. rich edson joins us. >> i'm a simple guy, help me understand how goldman sachs allegedly is skimming money out of the aluminum market. go. >> here is the deal. bloomer millercoors says firms like goldman sachs, and j.p. morgan and others are holding up, driving the 3 million premium and the subsidiaries own warehouses and buyers are
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saying that they're creating a bottle neck to create a needless shortage and drives up the price and others argue that they're storing the metal until the investigators who own it decide to sell it to companies who use it. congress an examining it this morning and looking into whether banks should be able to control warehouses and officials are reviewing the 2003 ruling allowing banks to engage in certain commodity activities. >> rich, is this possibly one of the unintended consequences of financial reform, otherwise known as dodd frank? because i think the big banks and investment companies are not allowed to trade commodities or control them so they go round about, is that it? >> there's a certain provision in a law from the 1950's that allows them to engage. this is limited a few years later not in the latest round of dodd frank, but through
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other congressional actions that have taken place. it rests with federal reserve and the decision in 2003 to limit and allow some of the activity and they're revisiting it now. stuart: i'm sure some in congress are dying to have a go at goldman sachs. let's go back to the big board now, we're 8 minutes intoes trading session, 45 points, just vie of 15,6. and check this out. it's a nasa rocket engine parts built with a 3-d printer. according to nasa, an entire spaceship may come in the distant future. we're going to bring you the space agency's chief engineer on 3-d kind of gee-whiz stuff. you know where i stand on the future king filled with pride.
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bjorn earns unlimited rewas for his small business take theseag to room 12 please. [ garth ] bjors small buss earns double miles on every purchase every day. produce delivery. [ bjorn ] just put i on my spark card. [ garth why settle for less? ahh, oh! [ garth ] great businesses desee limited reward here's yourake up call. [ male announcer ] get the spark business card from capital one and earn uimited rewards. choose double miles or 2% cash back on every purchase every day. what's in your wallet? [ crows ] on every purchase every day. now where's the snooze button? >> we're 13 minutes in. the dow is 15,590. gold, well above 1300. down 6 bucks as of right now. two stocks you've really got to watch today. really moving. dupont sharee up big. new high there, topping wall
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street's profit expectations, nonetheless the stock is up nearly 4%. got to talk about netflix, it was down, way down earlier, now it's coming back. remember, please, it signed on 600,000 new subscribers for the streaming service, that's 8 bucks a month all the way out there. got almost as many subscribers as h.b.o., that's a takeover. now it's down 1%, 2.58 on netflix, watch that today. the royal baby coverage has no doubt about all over your tv screen. what about your social media, specifically twitter? twilect, special name, developer has been on the program, creating an algorithm monitors twitter activity on a sentiment basis. i've got to get this right. tell me the sentiment indicator, how the americans feel about the birth. >> americans love the baby.
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and if america is right, the baby's name is james. and they've been tweeting in a positive bracket about the baby. >> you're not just counting mentions of the baby, it's the sentiment. >> positive or negative and degrees thereof. americans are in the most positive bracket. you almost never see. >> you rank positivity and negativity. >> uh-huh. >> you do? >> how many rankings, five? >> it's all percentages so i like to break it into five different ones. >> are you the only guy with that algorithm doing this? you're going to be worth a fortune. tell me about the sentiment indicator on, for example, the snowdon spying incident. >> edward snowdon has almost a cult following. that's not stopping. they love him or hate him. % the majority don't see him as a
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village. after he was charged with the espionage act, support. how do they see president obama, china won't give him back, russia won't give him back. >> the president was trounced for the entire ordeal. and he's not recovered, 50% recovered from where he was in early june. stuart: you say that's a direct result of the snowed-- snowden? >> the president hasn't really talked about it and they, the people who are supporting snowdon are against the president. and almost really, really correlated to opinions surrounding the president in a little less degree. the president is catching the brunt of the frustration e dow
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access to all twitter feed? >> anything that's public. stuart: what percentage is that. >> a huge majority. stuart: are you part of an opinion pole? >> most people don't have land lines anymore and twitter, people are voicing their opinions dozens of times a day and they don't know it. stuart: it's going to be skewed. >> the demographics are evening out. what i do wouldn't have been able to do years ago, there was a liberal younger graphic. but the fastest growing is 40 to 50. stuart: really. >> yeah. stuart: that's the fastest growing of twitter users? and what's their political position? they track? >> i haven't found it to be particularly left or right leaning. and it was 3/4 of 1% off the popular vote so it's a pretty
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good indicator. how old are you? >> 18. stuart: where are you going to college. >> university of california los angeles e when. >> september. stuart: will you appear for us from the los angeles bureau. >> you're on. stuart: and what's the company? >> sybil vision, s-y-b-i-l. stuart: sybil vision. ryan braun, the lance armstrong of major league baseball and how much he stands to lose and the moral component after this. ♪ what does goes up must come down♪ weekys are for rising to the challenge.
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>> several big movers for you now on the market. dow component cisco is going to buy sourcefire and paying more than $2 billion. no surprise they're up 28%. the coal miner, peabody, profit down, lower prices and that's the reason. but they were expected to do worse. and the stock is up 7%. and the irs scandal reaches inside the white house. a political appointee meets with president obama two days before getting instructions how
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to target conservatives. new at 10, a democrat responds to what i'm calling this bombshell. plus the top technology guy at nasa is printing rocket parts for the 3-d printer, what? and he wants to print a whole rocket? he's here. and if you listen to our own charles payne on this program yesterday you would have made a lot of money. he takes a victory lap and more stock picks for us as well. ryan braun, baseball player, milwaukee brewers, used dope, lied about it, now admits it, disgraced, done for the season. here is my take. ryan braun is the lance arm strong of baseball. he reached the pinnacle of success while juiced up. remember the brewers playoff series with the diamondbacks, he batted .500. he was king of the hill. he got off a doping charge on a
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technicality. and when you think about it, modern athletes are faced with a choice, honesty versus winning. honest, level playing field competition versus guys with an edge who win big money. in a variety of sports, athletes are choosing a dishonest edge. my point is the fall is worse than the win. braun has been branded a liar, lost a fortune in future endorsements, reviled by his teammates, his baseball record ruined. he has $150 million contract at least for now. really, is it worth it? there are some who say that all that money is worth anything. do what it takes to win and go for the money, i am not in that champ. at the end of the day you have to look at yourself and more importantly, look at your family and answer to this em the rest of your life. coming back from that will surely be a greater test of character and the challenge
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will go on, it will never end, in the modern era, it's huge and the doping enablers will always be present. up and comers will always face the question, should i be honest or go for the dishonest edge? here is my answer, the rewards of honesty will always be better than the quake return on cheating. what do you think, give us your responses on twitter and we'll read your responses an hour from now. ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] if y can't stand the heat, get off the test tra. get the merces-benz you've been burning for at the summer event, going on now at your authorized mercedes-benz dealer. but hurry, offers end july 31st.
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will hear about this. the irs kendall inside the white house targeting on the west wing, linked. lance armstrong its baseball. and a moral component. double dipping in new jersey. your state too. ww may get a first glimpse of the future king. you are glued to this. ♪ stuart: you should be glued to this because the market keeps on going. we are for beef -- up 49 points shy of 15,600. a shout out acted charles with his money pick from yesterday.
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fixed car parts, pistons, spark blood and champion. and charles was not surprised. charles: it is up even more today. number 4 presented gainer in the entire market. charles: another 4%. four% day. stuart: straight up and you recommended, you like to that yesterday. charles: my subscribers were already in it. i have been talking about this, not sexy at all, car parts, think of a lot parts around the world. that was gigantic. stuart: i got news for you. 30% is 60. don't care of it is spark plugs or not. all right, it could happen this hour. we could get our first glimpse
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of boat will baby, the prince who will someday be king. some of the are excited, george and james are among the favorites for the names, the shortest for those two names. let's get out of this and go to nicole petallides, texas instruments, another high. nicole: a new high looking good for texas instruments, they came out with their numbers, stock is up 5%, giving projections for revenue and profit exceeding analysts' estimates. second quarter profit rose and also getting the better vision of what people are ordering and what they want. that is good news and if they say they are getting out of the wireless chip business is that sexy or not? stuart: the wireless chip business? nicole: hancock park be sexy? stuart: 5% is sexy. charles: i love this earnings report. to her point at the beginning of the legacy they are nnt making
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money in it. that is one of the big spaces they're making money. i tell people there are down 19%. don't like to see that. stuart: spending on a car. charles: everything else was an amazing quarter and this is a company that reinvented itself more than once. used to be calculators. stuart: did you ever recommend this one? charles: i have not but this is one of a look at the earnings and started reading stories, looking in treating. one red flag bothered me. stuart: it was texas instruments with a calculator. the l e d things like 1970 or something. charles: the ability to reinvent yourself is so amazing and critical and this company is doing. stuart: texas instruments early calculate is where 150. now they give them away. charles: you can buy one at cbs for $1 or $2. they got ones for analysts and it cost a lot of money but are so complicated. you got to have a ph.d. in using
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calculators. stuart: that stops people from getting a smart phone. we are digressing. seriously we have new developments in the irs scandal. irs chief counsel, a political appointee, william wilkins met with president obama at the white house two days before he gave the order to target conservative groups according to the daily caller. this brings the scandal from the president's doorstep to inside whitehouse. a democrat joins us for more. welcome to the program. >> thanks for having me. stuart: i am calling this the bombshell because this is straight up the food chain, jumps out of the irs and links directly to the white house. this is what a lot of people have been checking for. sure you regard this as a very serious development. >> yes and no. number one, because i am a democrat i am not a pro obama fan. it definitely makes his statement that he didn't know
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anything a little suspect, but that being said we don't know what necessarily was discussed at the meeting. he was the top irs person. that does not mean a directly targeted or discussed targeting the irs or the tea party in that meeting. although where there's smoke there's fire. stuart: understood. the man is a lawyer and therefore i presume there is some degree of legal privilege. you don't know what he said to the president or the president said to him. that is a privileged conversation. that is the out here but it sure looks bad because there is the suspicion that the machinery of government, the most powerful institution in the land was used to assignments and shut up the president's principal opponents in the middle of a presidential election. it does look bad, doesn't it? >> well, yes. and also particular need because this is a president who was so proud to say he was going to
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have the most transparent administration ever and we haven't seen that. scandal laughter scandal, you don't want to call it a scandal we can call it questionable behavior after questionable behavior and here is another thing where we are concerned and there is evidence of possible discussions or knowledge. i am not saying the president has done anything wrong. it is suspect like you said and the american people have a right to know. stuart: you are a democrat. you favor -- i don't want to put labels on you but you favor the left and you argue from the left can you look at issues from the left. i am picking up that you are disenchanted with what is going on with this irs issue. is it enough to make you turn away from the administration and start questioning the administration? what really are they up to? is it enough to make you turn away and back of your support? >> i am also a democrat who did
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not vote for president obama the second time around. that is partly because of his lack of transparency or mostly because of it. the drone program, the nsa scandal, whatever you want to call it. the tea party thing. these are issues that may be under a different administration we wouldn't be so questionable but this is a president who attacked george bush's failure to be transparent and so why would you make that campaign issue when you are not going to live up to it. it is very disappointing. stuart: thus buying, the intimidation, the targeting of conservatives. did you think that was enough to make young people start to question? those are issues of great importance to young people especially the spying, enough to make young people think twice about their adherence to the left?
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>> no. what it makes young people do is question the government in its entirety. there are hearings we should be paying attention to, we should be reading transcripts. the private court, all of these are things, public officials know about or should know about and so we are paying government officials to do a job i don't think they are doing. they are busy fighting over the issues. john boehner is equally guilty, darrell issa is equally guilty of not really understanding or talking to people about other issues. stuart: camera holder joining us from chicago, thank you for being with us. got to get to nicole petallides to do punt. the big mover of the day. >> dow component of free%, hitting a new high, strategic
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options for one of the chemicals on the performing chemicals and the stock is higher. stuart: camera is still with us. i have another issue went to go over. she is in chicago. let me see her. she is still there. thank you for saying. i got to ask you. the president is trying to prevent away from these ira scandals, ed snowden, spying, he is looking for support from celebrities. a lot of celebrities, they are on the screen right now, half a dozen of them right there. support from celebrities going to leak away a little do you think? >> we had matt damon who was initially a supporter of president obama and he spoke out against him a couple years ago and said how disappointed he was. i feel like it is unfortunate that celebrities inject
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themselves into issues when it is the best time for them and they are not necessarily out there every single day. i am not saying celebrities can't be involved in politics or can't support a celebrity, that be consistent. you can talk of a sudden inject yourself when it is the right time to sell people magazine or whatever. stuart: the support from celebrities has been a key part of the president's appeal, it worked. i am wondering if it is going to continue to work in a way that it has and your answer is maybe not. have i got that right? >> maybe not because he is not going to run again for election. he is so lame duck. here is the thing. you have people like the old man who supported mitt romney. what was his name? he is beyond my time.
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obama, who has j z and beyonce. celebrities provide appeal to the young bass and that is whaa future presidents and politicians need to understand and expect but when you are all lame duck the support goes away. stuart: we hear you. one more time, thank you for joining us from chicago, much appreciated. >> sorry for getting. charles: you will hear from him later, don't worry about it. stuart: you will be talking to an empty chair. mcdonald's stock down again today. the obvious question, down big e yesterday, down again today, this is stock we are talking about. are people making healthier choices? is that hurting the bottom line at mcdonald's? very good question because mcdonald's is a big-name stock and we are on it after this.
10:11 am
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you u are gonna need a wingma and my cash back keeps the party going. but my airline miles take it worldwide. [ male announcer ] it shouldn't be this hard. with, it's easy to search hundreds of cards and apply online. stuart: two big winners on the dow. united technologies, both of them up big. when you start quoting percentages you know that somebody is making money. you said that there is economic
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news that stall the stock market. charles: number is down 11, and capacity utilization all down, performance is flat, slower than the june pace that six months out. that little bit of the blue market. stuart: that goes with the view that in the second quarter april through june, the economy grew less than 2%. charles: six months of bothers me, everyone was enthusiastic about everything. jobless recovery, oxymoron like. stuart: stuart: we have been here before. going to be just fine in fall and winter, every year disappointment. charles: ceos tell us the 7 have is better than a first. stuart: the market chief rallying because ben will keep
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printing. charles: dupont, latin american sales of 8% x currency, that was driving these. stuart: latin america is not that big a market. this is for you. got to listen to this. how is this for a question? what the fines being rich? according to swiss bank there is now an answer. investors survey by ups saying you are not wealthy unless you have $5 million in the bank. you are not really rich unless you have no financial constraints on what you can do. i think that is up pretty good definition of being rich. any bill that comes across the transom, no worries, you can pay. charles: when your basics are covered you feel rich. my husband -- mike cousin tells me he is rich because he has no worries. i got to tell you i'd pick up those yacht magazines, architectural digest, $5 million
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is okay but i want more. charles: you used to be worth a lot. charles: i will start crying on the set. stuart: mcdonald's down again today. this is what charles thought about it. rolled that tape. charles: it seems pretty clear americans are moving toward casual wear you can sit down even last week kentucky fried chicken said they would attempt to do that but this fast food thing, very serious push back against that. stuart: is that really a push back against traditional fast food in favor of healthier options. let's bring in a market research firm, harry, set us straight. mcdonald's is suffering because we consumers are becoming more health oriented. is that the reason mcdonald's is in trouble? >> partially. one reason is americans are using restaurants more. that is the bigger issue. for ten years americans have not
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been going out to restaurants. you are talking about the economy. one of the things i watch is i -pyou just going out to restaurants more or less? stuart: put a number on that. tell me. >> the average american buys 193 meals in the course of the year. that is mom, dad, kids, average american. in 2000 we bought 215 meals. that was a peak year for rest on usage. last week in years this is about market share battle. part of the issue is not using restaurants more. stuart: i see of it slightly higher and i will call the food chain move up the fast food lateral little bit beyond mcdonald's and get the chipotle, an arab bread, they are doing very, very well despite charging you more money. explained that one. >> fascinating. first they are new and we love new. give me a new product and i will try it, give me a new restaurant
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and i will be there. six months later we find out if it succeeds but hold casual segment is developing very nicely. everybody in the restaurant industry high and low is looking at that. the beauty is their focus is on the food, tasty food, fresh food prepared the way i like it, high-quality food. attributes similar to the casual dining segment yet half the price of casual dining. i would say are fast casual is benefiting from the casual powered more than from the fast part. stuart: defined things. fast casual, that is to pull the, power and arab bread, average check size is $8 or something like that. casual -- you are sitting down with a tablecloth and paying $15, $20 ahead. >> exactly. the average dinner check for a person at a fast casualness of dollars and $0.50 a you're getting what you want, healthy food, tasty food prepared the way i like and casual dining restaurant which you also get
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the food you like you are paying twice that. stuart: your point is we are collectively using restaurants wes than less than we used to t ago. it is the market share battle. who is winning today? stuart: if the economy ever comes back, 6% growth, you will see an explosion i presume in all categories of eating out. you say that? >> i would agree. this country does not want to quote. the reason you use a restaurant is i don't want to cook. doesn't change what is good times or bad times you don't want to quote more of the. we are waiting for the restaurant meal to pick up, restaurant meal costs 3 times the cost of making it inside the house. we are looking for can i feel wealthier to go out? stuart: disposable income,
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prosperity returns and does the restaurant business. you make a lot of sense. that was good stuff. we will see you again. let me take you to london. i have a shot of camilla, the wife of prince charles. she may be arriving outside the hospital, yes it is, outside the hospital. that i believe, rolls-royce, that will be her machine. i am trying to guide you through what is going on in london, this is the scene outside st. mary's hospital. that is gone. what we are waiting for is the first view of the young prince. prince cambridge the brits are calling and currently. when he appears you will see him, believe me. now this.
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18 new jersey lawmakers double dipping getting paid to legislate while collecting pensions from the state and there isn't much you can do about it. after the break the reporter who exposed and hopes to change it will be back. withhe spa cash card from capital one... bos earns unlimited rewards for his small business. can i get the smith contract, ease? thank you. that's three new paper shredders. [ boris ] put 'em on my spspark card. [ garth ] boris' small business earns 2% cash back on every pchase every day. great businesses deserve unlimited rewards. read back the chicken's testimony, please. "buk, buk, bukka!" [ male announcer get the spark business card from capital one and earn unlimited rewards. choose 2% cash back or double miles
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stuart: we are up 39 or 40 points on the dow jones industrial average. about an hour into the trading session. charles is that while he is still here and will make us more money. he is revisiting molly core. charles: the pressure is gone. when you have these giant one day winners people expect. stuart: federal mobile. recommended yesterday. it went up 30% yesterday up another 4% today. don't think he can repeat that but he is trying. charles: that chart on the cusp of a major breakout. we see a giant short squeeze in the stock to go north of $10 a share. two insider buys, about
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$5 million worth of stock. i love inside is putting money where the mouth is. stuart: on the cusp of a major break out. ii will go straight up. stuart: all the sellers that always materialize around $7.50 seem to have been exhausted so now all any sort of buying could lift more than normally would. stuart: a short squeeze. people bet that it would go down and cover their rear ends and buy it because it looks like it is going up. so says charles payne and the stock -- stuart: at least ten. stuart: what is the date today? charles: one of the best investigative reporters in the world is taking notes too. stuart: he is sitting right here. hold on, check out this number, big number. the total is $782,000. that is how much 18 new jersey lawmakers get every year in retirement checks and that is in
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addition to their salaries as lawmakers. one of the biggest double dippers on the legislature at best is state senator frederick madden jr.. mark is with the new jersey watch dog. why did we single out that one particular legislator. >> he is getting a quarter million dollars a year essentially. we are looking at somebody who gets $85,000 a year as a retired state police employee, also gets $49,000 a year from state legislature and works as the dean of law and justice that a public college at gloucester county college and $111 from that. he is hardly retired. stuart: if you work for the government of new jersey, state government you can retire at what, 50, 55? >> if you are in police you can retire as early as age 45. stuart: and then stand for election of some sort and get
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your pension at 45, 50, 55, stand for election and if you win you ggt that salary as well, double dipping in your terms. >> that is double dipping in our terms. the closed loop hole a little bit so people can't do it in the future, there are 18 lawmakers doing it now. the problem is when you go to reform the system, the 3 for double dipping, get to change the system, that is $47 billion in debt how are you going to pass a law when there are 18 legislators there to block it? stuart: what is $47 billion in debt? >> that is the degree to which the new jersey pension fund is underfunded, the degree -pactuaries say they cannot mee their obligations in the future. stuart: you can't change it with 18 lawmakers. >> it is very committed. stuart: how many? give me a number. how many roughly state workers, retired state workers in new jersey? i live in new jersey, charles
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lives in new jersey. how many make more than one hundred thousand dollars a year in retirement? >> in terms of state retirees and the amount of pension they got, the quantity, $100,000 club and there are more than a couple of thousand retired employers with more than $100,000 a year. stuart: i am not saying this is wrong but that is the amount of money we are talking about. a couple thousand people use to work for the government of new jersey and now they are making more than the one hundred thousand dollars a year in retirement and nothing to stop any of them doing another job on the side or full time. >> many of them go back to work for the state of new jersey after they retire. we looked very quickly at 80 retired state police. we do this story in april. out of 80 state police retirees one third went back to work for the state police so getting state police pension and a
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paycheck. but the good news is we did find something that was bipartisan. both parties seem to be enjoying this one. greed knows no political party. stuart: i am glad you uncovered this and tell us more about retirement checks--elsewhere. thank you very much. wait for this. the 3d printed rocket engine, now a reality and it may be just the beginning. entire 3d printed rocket ship could be in the way distant future. we will deal with that after this. >> look what i smuggled aboard. >> no! >> don't claude the instruments. >> careful. >> i will take care of it.
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at a dry cleaner, we replaced pele with a machine. what? customers didn't like it. so why do banks do i hello? hello?! if your bank doesn't let you talk to a real person 24/7, you need an ally. hello? ally bank. your money needs an ally.
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♪ stuart: pope francis, the capitalist, sure sounds like it. we risk having a generation that has not held a job. that was a quote. young people are in a crisis.
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that sounds like ronald reagan speaking their. charles: this pope has been leaning towards an anti-capitalist platform. this was a counter message that i think is extraordinarily important. we have a crisis. japan has a major crisis. western europe. one fifth of people have not ever had a job. it is a major problem with western countries.
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stuart: we want to show you a couple of big names. cisco is going to buy source fire. unlikely that you will all source fire. we do have though coal miner, peabody. wall street was saying you will do much worse than you did. charles: i think cole has made the turn. stuart: the president tries to kill though coal industry. charles: they do a lot of business with china. i saw this coming. it was a little early.
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stuart: everybody has heard of 3d printers. they have been on this program. a 3d printed rocket injector. the industry is booming. michael is the head of space technology at nassau. he joins us now. when i think of a printer, frankly, i think of an old-fashioned xerox. these 3d printers are almost like having a factory assembly unit in your backyard. >> it is great to be here.
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having this tool, this device, you can make all kinds of products and things that you need. they have very complex parts. they are made of very difficult materials to work with. you can make such a part by basically building it in layers. you can melt whatever material you need to make.
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stuart: you said at the beginning that there is a possibility way down the road that you could print an entire rocket. is that a remote possibility? >> it is more than a remote possibility. we are looking at using 3d printing in space to make tools. you may remember apollo 13. what if they had a 3d printer in space? we go further and we look at being able to print particular spacecraft. stuart: is this american technology?
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>> absolutely. we look at manufacturing for space. we are also looking at manufacturing and space. that has been true since the 50s. we are looking at american industry and leveraging what is happening in american industry. stuart: we promised our viewers a geewhiz segment. i think that you delivered. thank you for joining us. mr. braun suspended. we have that next. ♪ [ indistinct shouting ] [ male announcer ] time and sales data. split-second stats.
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[ indistinct shouting ] ♪ it's so close to the options floor... [ indistinct shouting, bell dinging ]'ll bust your brain box. ♪ all onhinkorswim from td ameritrade. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] if you can't stand the heat, get f the test track. get the merces-bz you've been burning for at the summ event, going on now at your authorized mercedes-benz dealer. but hurry, offe end july 31st.
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♪ stuart: taco bell is discontinuing, dropping kids meals and toys in their u.s. store. it made little impact on sales. al qaeda is claiming responsibility for to iraqi prisons. the nfl and its players association have agreed on a study about hgh testing.
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every nfl player will have blood drawn to help. once an agreement is reached, it will be the most scientifically valid test. ♪
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stuart: come on in, nicole. i want to know about netflix.
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nicole: it is at 253. they did not need the analyst expectations. they added 630,000 streaming subscribers. you see the stock reacting negatively. however, there are a lot of folks on wall street who think that this is still a real winner. stuart: i agree with that. i am surprised that it is down at all. now we get to ryan braun. former mvp now suspended for the rest of the season for using steroids. first and foremost, this is a financial story. it costs this guy did.
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>> it did. it will not cost him that did. next year, after he serves his suspension, he will get 10 million. the year after, 12 million. they do not have to pay him 3.2, but the brewers will make sure that they are not looking to get out of this contract. connell: look at the situation that he is now in. he lied about using dope and was now found out. he will pay a character price for that. >> absolutely. he comes out and says i am not
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perfect, i made a mistake. there is no sacrifice there. what you have to look at, go back to 2011. he said that the guy who took his urine sample did not turn it in right away to the lab. he left it in his refrigerator. he then mailed it out. therefore, it was tainted. what about this guy that has been doing this job for years? he always backed by an apology. the lawyers that defended him, an apology.
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stuart: real tight on time. charles: he had this dark cloud over his head. they renewed his contract for years early. management does not care if these guys are on lloyd's or not. >> you know, stuart, i do not like charles. [ laughter ] >> you are 100% right, charles. they could have come down behind the scenes. now the next step is a rod. i am wondering if the yankees will combine with major league baseball and try to get him out?
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stuart: that is a big story. the dow is up just 11 points. we really are going nowhere this morning. you know my line, do not take away my favorite incandescent light bulb. after this, someone who thinks he can sell me one. ♪
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>> the investigation of the internal revenue service targeting scandal continues. one cincinnati tea party group still has not been told why they were targeted, nor even interviewed by the fed. we will get their reaction tonight at 7:00 p.m. eastern. join us. ♪ stuart: everyone, please, take a look at this. their auto stock hitting 52 week highs. charles picked federal mogul.
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not bad, charles. charles: thank you. [ laughter ] stuart: i am still a fan of the old-fashioned lightbulbs. can someone from general electric convince me to switch? joining the company now is john from ge lighting. you are going to attempt to convert me. >> what we have is an energy efficient soft light. it is 28% more efficient than the lightbulb you love so much. stuart: i thought they were banned. gone.
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as far as the eye can see, i can still bite incandescent holds so long as they beat government imposed energy standards. >> that is correct. stuart: you will try to sell me the newbold at $14.98 per bulb appeared can you light one up for me which one is which? it has a dull look to the top of it. >> it will save you six dollars a year in energy costs per bulb. it will last 14 plus years.
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guaranteed. it will not fail over that period of time. it is great for places that are hard to get at. stuart: can i do it? does it have mercury in it? how do i dispose of it? this is the new fangled. >> this is where the industry is going. charles: i have trouble reading at night. it still feels like there is a difference. maybe it is not in the lab, but in real life. >> you know, charles, what you are looking for is a brighter light bulb. you are probably used to though 100-watt or the 75-watt light bulb.
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stuart: you kind of soul be. how about you, charles? charles: a little bit. the product is getting better. stuart: not bad. we appreciate you being here. are you going to give me that one now? >> absolutely. stuart: case closed. you heard my take on ryan braun. what you are saying about it next. ♪ ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take viagra if you take nitrates for chestai it my cae an unsafe op in blood pressure. side effects include headache, flushing, ups stomach, and abnormal vision. to avoid long-term injury, seek immediate medical hel for an erection lasting more than ur hours. stop taking viagra and call your doctor right away, if you experience a sudd decrease or loss in vision or hearing. this is the age of taking acon. viagra. talk to yo doctor.
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stuart: baseball player brian broad use dope and lied about it. here is your take. there is no such thing as winning if you cheat. ryan braun never admitted to doping. he said he made mistakes. he is very young. i am still willing to give him the benefit of the dow.
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there you have it. two sides. dagen: thank you, stuart. everyone should be selling long-term bonds right now. look up. people in their 20s are getting them. it is because they have their heads buried in their handhelds. storing aluminum. it is costing beer makers and car companies that times. why it is good for the business of the game. all of that and so much more on this power of markets now. ♪ connell: ryan braun. dagen: is a good business for the game? connell: some people think


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