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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  July 26, 2013 10:00pm-11:01pm EDT

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go to that is it for tonight on "the willis report." thank you so much for joining us. it has been a pleasure. she will return on monday. have a great night in the fantastic weekd.♪ lou:ood evening, everybody. thank you for being with us. america creating new enemies in the middle east. key congressional committees have green light of the obama administration's efforts to arm syrian rebels fighting the regime. the obama administration has been widely criticized for its lead from behind policies in libya, egypt, afghanistan. now providing small arms and ammunition to some of the 1200 different rebel groups that have been identified in syria. we don't know which groups the united states will arm, but we do know -- excuse me, we do know
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groups and elements ofhe opposition who don't receive our military aid was likely be our allies. but does t white house mean it when they say that syrian presidents days are numbered? have been saying that for two years now. here is white house press secretary trying to of lure -- lower expectations. >> i mean, you will never control assyria again, will never rules syria again. it is our firm position that the syrian people will not allow when we will not abide the leer of syria into the future. if you are asking me, do we believe that he will prevail, the answer is enough -- is no, he will not. not because we say soecause the syrian people will not stand r it. >> if you think that is wavering , it is now what might be called fool's errand.
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president obama has said use of chemiial weapons is a red line. the united states government has said that they have used chemical weapons. the president has not acted, but he has also warned that it is very easy to slow slidento deeper involvement. the nation's highest-ranking neral, the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, geral martinempsey also explaining in a letter to congress by intervening in syria would be a terrible idea. he rode, should their regime's institutions collapse and the absence of of viable opposition, we could inadvertently empower extremists or unleash the very coupleeapons we seek to control. joining me now to talk about what we can expect fromhe president of syrian policy, fox news national security analyst. she will also be giving us her view on the story that the administration would probably like us to ignore. a group in iraq is now planning
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responsibility for freeing some 500 suspected terrorists from of the grape. and an unknown number of other prisoners from another prison near baghdad. and also tonight, the latest on the internal revenue service scandal. tonight we talk with the man he says he and h personally targeted by the irs after they started this southwestincinnati to party. we begin tonight in syria. presidency from -- the member of congress to play any role in syria, likely influenced by polls that show upwards of 60 percent of all americans from both parties want little or nothing to do with the 2-year-old civil war. fox news chief washington correspondent james rose and has the report. >> amateur video purported to show serious troles enjoying
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their first taste of victory in weeks as they seized villages in the strategic northern pvince. afte the freeze syrian army was able to enter the town some groups worto insure that a large number of soldiers in the russian army would affect. the obama administration remains vague in its bushes to ramp up direct military aid to the rebels who in rect weeks have been badly have done by the dictatorial regime and is chief suppliers of foreign fighters. >> part o that is expanding scope and scale of eight on the ground, and i promise you, i wish that could speak more to at, but thattjust cannot detail let. we are a slice of the pie, the entire pie. we are focused on stability, but we are worng with our regional counterparts to continue to coordinate and increase aid. >> us intelligence committee chairman mike rogers, the michigan republican saidhe panel harbor's very strong concerns about the strength of the administration's plans.
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the committee has reservations. other lawkers drafted amendments to a pding defense authorization bill aimed at forcing the administration to set here to the war powers act and not deploy u.s. troops absent congressional authorization. minority whip of maryland told fox news that that would not cause gat problems for the white house, but other democrats demanded more and put. >> give us a vote. that estimate. let as meet our responsibility. there will be men and women tt will go into harm's way, stumble ahead because we did not stand up and take responsibility. >> the house top republican offered only terse support for the administration's anti program. >> i think their effort to help the right set of rebels is in our natios best interest. >> beyond fears of the u.s. waiting into another mideast war lawmakers expressed concern that
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weapons could fall into the hand of syrian rebels. still others on the right voiced fears that the administration is doing too little too late to make a difference. lou: also on capitol hill lawmakers ramping up pressure on house leaders to allow a vote on legislation that would create a special committee to investigate last year's terrorist attack in benghazi. republicanongressman steve stockman is circulating a discharge petition that would force a vote of 218 members of the house sign-on. to promote that effort he held an even where he rolled o a 60-foot long scroll signed by 1,000 special operations veteransns who support the establishment of that select committee. joining us now to assess the impact on harming the syrian rebels among other national security issues facing the nation, a former pentagon official, fox news nationaa
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security analy. good to see you. firs this green lighting and an administration proposal to provide at least initially small arms to rebel groups that are as of now unidentified. >> a senior military officer in the united states has just come before congress and said it is a mistake. this is not going to go well. i do not foresee any circumstances word is robbia success. he looked at five options and various levels of military involvement, and in each one of them he has major caution on what should happen. if that is not a red flag, and now what is. lou: what is the interest of the repuican party, particularly in specifically senator john mccain in driving this agenda to intervene in syria, talking about no-fly zones, intervening as if he is the wld's leading authority on u.s. interest in the middle east. >> i have a lot of respect for senator mccain, but in this is
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absolutely wrong. the military said this is not going to work out well. you have seen the example in libywhere we did our rebels or we get into a war for the rebels. the same time you saw what happened. they turned around. they're is a cardinal rule in washington. number one, if you have two enemies fighting each other, do not step in the mdle of china stoppage. you have the syrian government which is murrous and chemical weapons using and the rebels. now, the predominance strongest group of rebels, they be headed up priest. there are other groups that are well meaning and secular and a good dice. but they are going to win, and that is, in fact, the ultimate problem. we may like all rebels, but they won't be predominant. lou: one thing to have failed and wailing effts at foreign-policy. it is qte another to accumulate theumber of
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outright reversals and failures that this administration has now managed to put forward. why is there any view that this is administration that would be rice -- wise and effective in syria? particularly after two years of your bombasts about removing. >> maybe it was an auction two years ago of bombing the good rebe. that option is long since gone. if you look at the various issues that this administration estimate would be in more. a year ago we were told. it's on the west. it is now in syria. lou: andave just spine -- s
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wrong from present an estimated 500 terrorists. in another prison that we don't know the number of terrorists. this is becoming a very -- i cannot even tell you to think that we are so stupid as to permit this to happen. and this administration is not being held accountable. in fact, john mccain steps up. its a clean slate for him. and the republican party is acting as if john mccain is a rational actor in this plight. >> readjust been ten yea, over arillion dollars. we have lost countle american lives and countless americans will carry their war was for the rest of their days. we have not had a success in afghanistan. we have not had a success in iraq. and why anybody thinks they're going to go into theiddle of the syrian war which even the
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chairman of the joint chiefs of aff says well not be a success. i would think of doing that i don't understand. lou: in fairness to what happened in 2003 and the united states carrying out a successful invasion and did so with fewer troops than anyone ever imagined, i think we say secrety rumsfeld had that one right. obviously for years, the first -- the invasio. >> that number, it was phenomenal. but then what comes back. that is again what he warned. if you have a collapse of the syrian government you don't know whatomes next. lou: weo know this administration as a lousy tck record in effecting policy in the middle east. thank you very much. appreciated. america's crude oil production at record levels.
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why a gasoline prices surging? american petroleum instituteo of joinss me with the answers the boys used double miles from their capital one venture card to fly home for the big family reunion. you must be garth's father? hello. mother. mother! traveling is easy with the venture card because you cafly any airline anytime. two words. double miles! this guy can act. wanna play dodge rock? oh, you guys! and with double miles you can actuay use, you nver miss the fun. beard growing contestnd go! ♪ win! what's in your wallet?
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one. ♪ lou: we are going to talk about that. it continues to grow the wtern states, a dramatic increase in production. since 2010 oil production has increased 64 percent in colorado. 51 percent in the oklahoma. 46 percent ii new mexico, 45 percent in utah, 23 percent in wyoming. combined to wire we talking about the states? those states and their production rival that of the balkan field in north dakota. despite the increase in the production of gas prices, ring
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you probably already know that. the national average is now $3.67, up $0.20 higher than one year ago. joining me now, president and ceo of the american petroleum institute. great to have you with us. >> is good to be on again. lou: let's start with an incredible oil production. we are -- it is pretty clear based upon what is happening with all the new discoveries, oil, gas, cheryl, this is a true renaissance in energy for the united states. >> it really is. it is actually quite remarkable. five or six years ago no one would hav really predicted this. now day because of our modern techniques, the vast resources that we found here in the united states, we are now the world's number one natural gas producer. the internationalnergy agency predicted a few months ago that if we keep this up, if we keep their growth abreaction up we can become the world's number e oil producer in seven short
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years. so if it ia renaissance, it is a big deal. we're putting people to work. we are generating revenue, state, federal governmt. perhaps equally important, we are becoming more energy secure as a nation. we rely today on only 40% of import whereas just two years ago that was about 60%. so we're going in the right direction. we just have to keep going and makeure the policies are right to last -- allow us to produce our own energy. lou: i'm like everyone watching and ltening, cheering you want produce, produce, produce. but i am also saying why and the world and my pain these research into gasoline prices? iean, we are doing all this and what is the deal? i want to break >> we could not agree more. let me tell you a couple of reasons. the cost of gasoline is determined primarily by two key
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facts. the first is the cost of crude oil. as you just mentioned earlier, the prices been going up. it is trading on a global market , and t unrest, particularly in the middle east, you get 4 million barrels per day coming through the suez canal. so people are concerned and getting hesitant about what happens if that gets cut off. the other piece that we should look at our gas taxes. a lot of people don't realize in some states in the u.s. to date gallon. tax is over $0.60 per there has been a number of states that have increased the gas tax very recently. lou: fair enough. and we are using a lot of time year, but why in the world if we are increasing production an that oil going to our refiners, coming out of, as you just pointed out, 20 percent more coming from domeic production than certainly had two years ago we are looking at prices,
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they're going to have to give us a break here. i don't want to get charged for brant when i'm using west texas. >> i understand. again, we needo go back to that global factor where the ice is determined to. lou: you're talking sense. you' talking thanks. nine and a consume i want to break, particularly when it is our oil being pulled out and produced and refined into gasoline. i want to ask you quickly. we are in trouble on time. just change the subject. you testified at the house energy and commerce subcommittee . on their -- on their renewal fuel standards, why is congress trying to drive this fall right now? >> well, this is another factor that some believe has contributed to the increase in gas prices. what has happened, in 2007 congress said wead to blend ethanol and all of the gasoline
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we produced. well, now the volumes to require this year will exceed 10%. our cars and pickup trucks are only qualified and aowed to use up to 10%. so auto producers have said that they will n warranty their cars if we use over 10 percent. yet the congress is going to make as planned more than that. some believe that is what is pushing up the price or helping bolster the price. lou: surely the republican party will not go along with that kind of ignorance. -p>> wel we certaly hope so. today i was surprised because even some of the repubcans are saying, well, we just have to find a middle ground. we need to keep pushg this corn based ethanol. on the manufacturers say, we will warray those cars. we are in a position to have to decide if we're going to produce fuel are not, particularly fuel that will not be used in autos
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because it will void the warranty is. we are in our real quandary. lou: always good to talk with you. >> good to visit with you. thank you. lou: up net, a glaring lack of leaders leading detroit into the biggest municipal defaults as the depression. in the "chalk talk" we show you who might be next. ♪ in today's markets, a lot can happen in a second. with fidelity's guaranteed one-second trade execution, we route your order to up to 75 market centers look for the best possible price -- maybe even better than you expected. it's all part of our goal to execute your trad i'm derrick chan of fidelity investments. our one-second trade execution is one more innovative reason serious investors are choosing fidelity. now get 200 free trades when you open an account.
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♪ lou: the federal judge overseeing detroit's bankruptcy will hold the first hearing on the case this when stake. by then they will have been almost a week long carrousel of blame and excuses about why one of this country's great cities went bust. some detroit politicians and one judge in particular are now looking to predent obama to save them. last friday michigan county circuit judge rose marie greuel of the bankruptcy filing had to be withdrawn because she claimed it violated the state constitution. failed to honor president obama who bailed out detroit's rmakers to the tune of $80 billion. you heard me right. a couy judge blame the
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deral bankruptcy violated michigan the state's constitution. talk about upside-down the judge apparently subscribes to a cult of personality is also apparently unaware that she is there to honor the law, not the state constitution over the federal government, nor president oma. by the way, we scoured michigan's constitution and could not find -- the judge may be surprised to learn, a single reference to president obama anywhere in there. it is pretty clear tha the leadersf the chart are other jokes and travesties serving the interest of unions and other special-interest. it is no surprise that this is where detroit now stands. let's take a quick lk at this. this is mind boggling. detroit unemployment is 16, more than doubled the amount double the national average. detroit's population has fallen from the peak 19 fifties to
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around 700,000, an estimate. the church is a ghost town, and you can almost populate the city of dallas with those 1 million people who left detroit. detroit has a very strict gun control law, but its citizens need guns desperately because the average wait time for our response to a police call in the city of detroit is now almostn hour. fifty-eight minutes compared to the national average of 11 minutes, and as you would suspect, given those response times violent crime and the tour is out of control. more than five times the national avera. the murder rate is1 tes higher than new york city. imagine that. financially a little problem. about 10,000 active workers for the city of detroit. about 10,000.
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that is just abo half of the 18,000 workers are now retired after receiving a pension which brings us to the heart of detroit's problem. unfunded pension liabilities in detroit are estimated to be three and a half billion dollars. don't just hold your nose over detroit's mess. according to up new research study released earlier this year , public pension plans across the country are underfunded by zero whopping one a half trillion dollars. and why is detroit not likely to be bailed out? because once that is starting there will be an almost unending line of mares with their hands out looking for a federal bailout. chicago saw its credit rating downgraded because it has at least $19 billion in unfunded pension liabilities of its own. they are in desperate trouble. los angeles faces more than $30 billion in liability.
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california is a big stage, and some of its municipalities have already gone bankrupt. and so itoes. all around the country liabilities, deficits, debt, rising taxes, falling population , and an immense disaster born of a politicians who just wanted to get reelected , and they agreed to union terms and just about everything f that support. but that deal is so over. detroit goes belly up. motown's shrinking population and awful leaving retirees and creditors nervous. former congressman dennis kucinich faces similar challenges when he was mayor of cleveland. he is our guest next on how detroit can fight its way out. ♪ the pursuit of a better life for our children is something we all share.
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lou: for more on the legal fight concerning the largest municipal bankruptcy in this country, we turn now to former congressman dennis kucinich, democrat, fox is contributor, he has a unique respective, theayor of cleveland in 197 when cleveland defaulted on other short-term set of loans from local banks. became the first city says the great depression to default on financial obligations. first of all, great to see you. your reaction to what i think nearly eveonexpected, that is bankruptcy for a city that has be so horribly mismanaged in the face of horrific economic forces. >> well, first of all, you have to remember that the cleveland the fall was political. the bank tried to force. they put the citynto default. in the case of detroit you have a number of national economic trends. our trade policies have devastated detroit.
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we should be canceling nafta and set of talking about extending our imports. the sub prime downtown, it had to try harder than any other area and people were exploited. the fact of the matter is denim plummer it that they have really speaks to the fact that we have x -- excepted a permanent level of unemployment at will do and 10 million americans unemplment and another 10 million to working part-time. we have is a country with no problem gting a hundred billion to afghanistan, no problem spending trillions some wars, bailing out wall street and banks to the tune of trillions of dollars, creating money and of nothing, but urban america, you're running around. i know by it and i object to what is happening. lou: less ta about that. first, the federal reserve right now is stimulating an economy that would be more than otherwise.
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detroit, theroader economy, when we talk about high unemployment, it is this president who has refusedo lead on the issue. this is a president who has cepted 23 million people unemployed as the new normal. you say we, i don't think that includes you, me, or i would hazard to say most of the folks in this country. >> well, you know, i take issue th you, but the fed party must a exists to help the banks and based on existing up anybody but the banks. we need a full employment economy. we would not have places like detroit. we need a new national infrastructure reblding program which means we need a new role.
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darnell around the world looking for dragons to slay. lou: another stir well. your former colleagues on capitol hill are so interested in port. they're special interests and all of the deal logical nonsense , attends the drafting of anything on infrastructure that you cannot create an on spill. most americans want to invest in this country's futur this is a president is now ke it clear what his vision is of this country's future. it has been one of dependency, one of stimulus packages, it has not been one of vision. it has been one that has created even gater dependency. detroit is a perfect example. deite and $80 billion car company. >> you kw what, the car company has the money. lou: you know better tha that. they still own 55 percent of chsler. i mean, who got the money?
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my goodness, the unions. it. lou: we ought to have -- we ought have a nional manufacturing policy which says it's vital. u: i wrote a book called to does america talking about what corporate america is doing wit outsourcing of jobs. where was president obama and the democratic party? i mean, look, the democratic -- of our democratic, you have been right. was the one he said we should cancel nafta and get out of the wto uld go back to focusing on making things here in america and in cement. 50 percent of all the cars and light trucks it will b made are going to be sold in america. we are not focusing on our country. that is my point. we need a new national economic program.
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lou: it might be persuasive, here's the reality. a greater expanding dependency, a government that is expanding without investing. a president to for all the world is making absolutely no sense on economic policy, either international or domestic. we have to change first that misapprehension on the part of the president. this is a free enterprise campus economy. we have got a private stor. nobody has said we're going to foot this thing and make it a central command economy or state . >> as you describe it, a certain amount of unemployment is necessary for the proper function of the economy. at least 10 million out of work in another 10 million -- lou: excuse me.
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how did the -- >> te private sector is subsidized. the private sector, you take the fed subsidizing banks. listen. lou: hit into the federal reserve, just me. i am not pleased with what passes for a sufficient monetary policy. ungraceful. let's not for everybody to death. come back soon. remain even take up fed policy. the obama white hse, the whi attorney general fanning the flames of division. te noted psychotherapist answering the question why is thehe administration playing the raced card next. my mother made the best toffee in the world.
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♪ lou: the george zimmerman trialg raising questions about whetherr there is such a thing as opposed raal america.erica it's certainly did not beginid with the election of this president, did it? our nextuest says absolutelyo su there is no such thing. here to analyze racism, what does a ministration is doing. i guess - my guess is one of the leading psychotherapists and the country. i am so frustrated watching the semesters to be eighth horribly. they are -- as if they want to insight the black community in this country in particular. and in doing so befe the naacp lou: i have to say, i waseallydt impressed with the parents of trade on martin who went on television and said they did not
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want to incite anything otherine than peace. and there would like to use a situation that happened to their son to raise awareness. and i think that would be tt correct approach. is there racism? absolutely.ut t what does have a queion to me. you know,acism exists. est whit racism, black racism, as back racism. r get over it.r it. we areatching is seems to me and administration tried toin insight racism rather than try o to lead in tech guide and, you know, is president talked truck teachable moments. tch he says if he has learned i nothing. >> you know, i guess part of him feels like he needs to align himself with the black community in some ways oklahoma, a very wide world. rhaps every now and again he feels really people who know him feel bad to.
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lou: buthat drives a man whooe is president of the united states, he is not the man who lacks in intelligence in any way i understand the traditions of n the country, the responsibilities of the office. he is behaving like a communityg organizer who just got out of of a class. >> i am never one for inciting and richard. f they're is a place f ae they're is alace for protesting. but what you really want to do is start a conversation. really, for example, should we enjoy some of these issues thatt have,? there is racial profiling.e is there is stereotyping that goes on. o i'm not saying that the results of the trial were incorrect.. lou: the what you are talking about his racial profiling.t h in point of fact, the only people guiltof raciallty profiling was in d.c. when theyd added that tape and tried tod tt
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project george zimmermano as a racist, defining his re with d the dispatcher when in fact ithe turns out in d.c. is the o whoo edited that. t it is -- this is what thes much country is much bigger, much better as human beings than this administration is acting. >> there is a pcholy. lou: worthy of us. he should be leading s. >> when you have to be able to lead. and so the people chose obama. he is leading the way he leads. now, uni -- lou: we have to accept that at h withut comment? lou: that i'm going to comment.e it think everybody watching psie should say dear mr. president, you are behaving badly. you have a higher responsibility. the people who think it's greatg let them send in flowers. i don't >> the way i would like to see it handled, let's acknowledge at there is a psychology tohey'
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stereotyping in a way that canyg really help us handle these issues in a much more pragmatic, realistic way. and i'm not even just addressing the george zimmerman trial. in general. lou: what i think is interestins despite everything, that jerry,x six people, it should have been 12.e the second part of it is, they should not have been conveneden because authorities have made decision. th're scared to death of political -- the political repercussions if they do their jobs honestly and fthrightly.. racism one year.. the mob one year. lou: the president of the unitec states may quite a differencelkn
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talking about a trial that is this emotionally, incendiaryer potentially, weather is going to breakfast. what in the world to hisis civilizes have to do with this? is a menace to start. >> in the natural instinct is to say let's let it ctrol. i that was tte natural instinct.d after the fact, hey, listen, the ouping where you're going to haveeople not ling it. that is when he stepped in and and a different conversation.hoi
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lou: tse are set dots. it's really are. thank you very much. >> thank you. lou: you will have you >> next time i will make everybody happy. lou: the obama way. thank you. up next, new york city mayoral candidate caught with his hands on his twitter county again. that "a-team" reacts to the latest sting scandal and, yes, the latest n the boys used double miles from their capital one venture card to fly home for the big family reunion. you must be garth's father? hello. other. mother! traveling is easy with the venture card because yu can fly any rline anytime. two words. double miles! this guy can act. wanna play dodge rock? oh, you guys! and with double miles you can actuay use, you never miss the fun. bea growing contest and go! ♪ win!
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what's in your wallet?
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lou: joining us tonight, the "aeam."
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thank you for being here. let me start with, if i may, that anthony wiener press conference today. if not everybody in the world is falling it. it is truly a strange moment where he could be mayor of new york after residing in disgrace a short while ago, it tracks what the train wreck. he was so upset when he first got caught up in it a cple of years ago. he left in disgrace. i will do best and to make amends of my wife and my family. it will never happen again, but here we go. it happened again. by the way, it happened after he made those promises to his wife and the public to read n, of course, we have this other lady he says, by the way, he said these pictures. lou: is this simpl becoming the
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rigor in american politics, agonizing, just horrible embarrassment on the part of the electorate that was some of our elected officials do? they are shipped out of office a number of back to more rehabilitated. isn't this aafarce? >> if this is becoming director of american politics on one out. i don't want to even have to cover this stuff anymore. it was nauseating to watch anthony wiener for the reasons suggested. remember, this is someone who lo his job in congress as a result of what he did, almost lost his marriage as a result of what he did, caused untold public humiliation to himself, to his wife, certainly to his young child at some point you will read about these things and then did not stop and kept doing it. i find that absolutely extraordinary. the case sd that would make, new yorkers to mayor may not have any problem with this in
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terms of morality, i certainly do, butthers might not. certainly they have to be asking questions aut his judgment. what kind of a person does this after having been through what he was going through? >> and how trustworthy is he? that will be a big issue for a lot of voters. this is a tough town to manage, and here is someone that lacks judgment and on top of that ount trustworthy is seeking backing makes promises and breaks them. lou: talking about wanting out. this is becoming terrier in american politics. it certainly is a new york city. if you want a sample of the atmosphere because you have eliot spitzer running for comptroller, speaking of trust. i am not sure it is becoming a factorn polling new york which has as 7-1 advantage for demoatic candidates to my either -- well, sully our not.
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>> he will be overs, the financial well-being. that is something that voters should think about. someone that did what he did. now he is going to be managg the finances. something to be considered. lou: let's turn to, if we may, what is going o with senator john mccain. it looks to me like he is trying to lead the republican party into the abyss. pushing for just immigration reform on any terms when they have achieved it, the seizure of the mantle of on immigration reform with their incremental approach. he should be complemented and followed by the senate. instead senator mccain is pushing the gang of aid approach which is, as the republicans of the house to make clear, not happening. condly, he was to intervene i
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syria. what is going on in the republican party? >> it is interesting. i don't think senator mccain is likely to be much of an inuence,t least in a positive way that he might imagine. house republicans ifnything will be more skeptical of the senate, the gang of eight immigration reform if senator mccain continues to push and push for the house to do something. i think the prospects of that happening are very slim. the house is aeady deced that it will be taking an cremental approach, and i think that there is very little likelihood that we are going to see the kind of comprehensive immigration reform that washgton has spent so many months talking about. i now think we will see it in the next couple of years. lou: i hope you are wrong. we have about 25 seconds. rescuing aamily.
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he sees this as the happening. obviously there were the ones. parents and two children. we used to live with a bear. [growl] we'd always have to go erywhere with it. get in the front. we drive. it was so embarrasing that we just wanted to say, well, go away. shoo bear. but we can't really tell bears what to do.
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moooooommmmmm!!! then mom! [announcer] you are how you sleep. tempur-pedic.
10:59 pm
woman: what do you mean, hoowners insurance doesn't cover floods? [ heart rate increases ] man: a few inches of water caused all this? [ heart rate increases ] woman #2: but i don't even live near the water. what you don't know about flood insurance mashock u -- including the fact that a preferred risk policy starts as loas $129 a year. for an agent, call the number that appears on your screen.
11:00 pm
♪ >> less about an economic reboot and more about putting the boots to republicans. >> sincerely they have a fundamentally different vision fo america, one that says inequality is both inevitable and just, one that says an unfetter free market without any restraints inevitably produces the best outcome regardless of the pain and uncertainty it holds on ordinary families. i say to these members of congress, i am layg them ids, but now it is time for you to layutour ideas. >> can't just be against somethin we have to be for something.


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