tv Cavuto FOX Business August 1, 2013 11:00pm-12:01am EDT
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when it happs. the 2013 c-class sports sedan. power, performance, and style in total alignment. neil: and here you were worried about them collecting your phone records. tens of the nsa has been collecting more than that. forget about every color we make. try every e-mail we right, every chat room in whi we have a chance. what wtype, where we browsed, how ng we have been browsing, everhing we point and click catalog to by an agency his abuses are pathetic and sick. here is what is en more alarming. they're still doing it. they are doing more of it. slocum, everybody. i'm neil cavuto, and it is enough to make even james bond blush.
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keys core expertise court. you get my point. the nsa a knowled in the extence of this once supersecret program. existing today that is actually limited and mentally focused on foreign intelligence targets. but they say otherwise, that this program is actually far bigger than that and far more despread. ii cers pretty much everything a typical user does and the internet, and wt is more allows analysts stuff assess tivity in real time which means as you'reoing it. as you are browsing, as your e-mailing, as you're chatting. yo get my drift. even though the nsa insists that this is far from arbitrary. quoting, activities are focused specifically deployed against and only against legitimate foreign intelligence targets the respond to requirementthat leaders need for information necessary to protect our nation and its interest. exactly whose interest? and whose disetio?
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because it is arbitra and very scary. i don't know what troubles me more, the fact the nsa does not deny the existence of a program orhe obvious potential abuses. what is most troubng is the nsa has actually been doing more of the stuff since the campaign came to light just a couple of months ago. even through the controversy and the hearing, more of ts crap and government sponsored hacking on us and all und the guise of protecting us. enough. now you're scariness. center mco rubioo but he makes of this controversial program and the fact that it is widening. he says it is a tough balance, that's for sure. >> osama bin lawn was calling someone in the united states, you wouldant to kno tt beuse i promise you waa not his stockbrroker on the other hand peoplneed to know and be comfortable that the government is not going to gather all thisnformation on them in one day in the future use against them.
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this is a legitimate issue. we should not trivialize that. balancing those two things is not an easy thing to do. i think what we are struggling with is a country is how would protect americans and also otect the individual lerty and privacy expectations. neil: by the way, th is the just of the fight. saying you know, we wan to protect ourselves and make sure that anothereptember 11th does not happen. invading our privacy goes too far. they're having a big food fight about it. where does this go? if your that we have n hear ba half of what the government is doing supposedly to protect us. with me now, kiddo privacy expert. how bads this getting? i am almost afraid to read the latest developments because the just get more and more and more. >> it seems lik they have done their best to compartmealize what they're doing so that they can admit gradually, well, yes, this program does exist, but we
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don't do these other things under that program. you see this response to questions from legislators above location tracking. oh, t all records program, we aren't dng any location tracking under that program. as we have seen again and again, they split these things up so they can deny wanting that they are i fact doing under the shell over here. neil: and never thought of that. they were in parts legal terms that make u think -- it depends on the wording of the word is his. and i do distinctive remember when the phonehing first came to light that they were saying this is part of an apartment that did not preach or go beyond. but there were talking specifically about beyond taking those phone records and wiretapping folks. in other words, lving open to the possibility because you journalists did not ask us that, that this is teeseven extended to e-mails and ct rooms what should wee asking these
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guys? what kind of clarification to allow them not to illegally wriggle out of this? >> you know, some of them are questions that legislators a been asking. new fbi, refused to answer. questions like, for example specifically with regard to location tracking bendhis particular, the data program of there. other programs that you might be using. tracking where everyones 24 hours a day. under this program currently we are not but don't know. terms of the internet programs, and an admitted data is incredibly potentially sensitive. and the impression that you get from the report the grdian is that we should no be too reassured. it looks like a l of what this program involv is not really targeted an individual sense.
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it's about using with the costs of selectors. you don't have an e-mail address from a phone number. you're looking for suspicious. kind of trolling the internet for suspious bavior. someone using encryption software. >> more than that. i think they are not up to get us. neil: but i will say to my think ther could be a few wackos there who will say, you know, what is the mellon just for neil cavu? apparently said that sometimes arm of little more than someone's e-mail address, that's all they needed to go onn elaborate and detailed witchhunt that could go. and monitored live with little more than the credentials he had to go into a room and get that info within nanoseconds. >> but we know already that shortly after some program like
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this, because it is so powerful accidently resulted in a masve over collection, totally domestic, including bill that was by accident. imagine was someone who had a twisted idea of national serity involve you might decide that people who ar opposed -- neil: i would have stuck around to read bill clinton's mind. all right. it's tough as always. thank you. >> thank you. neil: but to his point, there is much more because these governments twits are big-time into tweets. twitter reporting in its latest ansparency report that the government made 1,157 information requests in the first six months of thi year up fm a thousand in the secd half of 22. 849 requests inhe first half of 2012. that is -- supplies to 75 when
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it comes to requests fro the government, much more. no more. we just mentioned twitter. it is pretty much the sam ory. more requests, exponentially going out every month, every half year, year over year, what the vermont the matter which way you look at it. why? >> let's call this what it is. this is an infringement on our constitutional right and can trickle-down to all of our constitutional rights, not just the first in the fourth amendment that most of us are concerned with. and i like you don't think everyone is out to get this, but there are practical implications take for example the case of -- i think his last name was malcolm. malcolm harris was his name. occupy wall street g who the government had some questions about. and rather than go rant and get a warrant which is, by the way,
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the legal procedure to investigate this kind of thing, the go ahead and get a subpoena against hird party, twitter, and they get access not justo his twitter account but to his hashed tags and all of those w had stag the things that he has tanked and is handled by the way. for example, if they decided to do a story on occupy wall street and yo have stacked occupy wall street, your stuff cld have been collected that day by the nsa >> you're right. there are so many ways you can get caught up. might not even be delered it. once it is done it is done and once it is collected is collected. normally when they dismissed initially the phone records, well, the next as you and i discussed at that point was once you have the records you have the means by wch to takthe next logical leap intoiretap. and that -- we are setting up an enormous by mechanism b which we now have the foundation where
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we can take the next leap, we can start collecting and individual americans, we might or might not like all my arm a i suspect are part of something nefarious. and his supporters are drawn into that. >> notnly that, but the counts accuse -- the prosecution and legal system is set up to protect us from goverent because it is the natural progssion of government. if wgo ahead and denied these, no matter what our excuses, no matter how bright it seems right now there will, day because this is how government works and this is why our constitution is set up the way it is. there will come aay when ther will use that data against us, whether it is to collect our guns or whether it is to threaten us personally if we don't act in accordance or if it is to keep us outf certain groups. t's not forget that some of these feign groups that have had the same problems have had the problems because they said we don't want certain groups to be able to participate in sociaa
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media. neil: there are no constitutional guarantees that we love your when you travel abroad or year in the middle east. they sot you over there. t i wt to see how youeel about this test upon this very issue. i think it cuts to gasol of the republic party. chris christie onhe one side post september 11th, we need to watch this sort of stuff. >> on one of those that teeters on the issues. i am not a conitutional attorney or an international attorneyut i can say that we have to stand simply on the rule of law in this country. we cannot be making loss based upon our feelings and emotions and wednesday because that's what this comes down to. the american government h proven itself untrustworthy with
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the infringements and the legitimate scandals that it has engaged in. it is not to be trusted. our rights are our rights and we have to stand up for them. no matter the anecdotal exceptions. neil: out of control because every day is like a gift. you would be surprised. good to see you again. thank you. here is the good news on health care law. two months to go beforehe wonderful exchange kicks in and everything is good. now the bad news, it will be good. the rate health insurance premiu are rising, chances are we will be dd. ♪ [ male announcer ] these days, a small business can save by sharing. like carpools... polly wants to know if we can pick her up. yeah, we can make room. yeah.
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[ male announcer ] space. yes, we're loving this communal seating. it's great. unlimited talk and text on smart phones. [ male announcer ] the best thing to share? a data pla now, everyone's inhe spirit of sharing. hey, can i borrow your boat this weekend? no. [ male announcer ] share more. save more. at&t mobile share for business. ♪
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♪ neil: that traffic has been coming in hdy because i think and know why they call it a health care exchange. you exchange a policy from much more expensive one that the government says you should have. already discovering that the ha way in maine. residents to buy a plan under the new federal it churns exchange couould end up paying a thousand dollars mor in premiums than residents in urban areas likeeportland. apparently it costs more to provide insurance for folks who live in rural areas. but mr. president, do tel what else are you pnning on surprisi as with in the weeks
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and months ahead. i'm almost afraid to ask. >> well, i think that we can go back to obamacare. the technic term for obamacare , the affordable care act. we have gone way beyond that title for this bill being completely dishonest and not panning out. second of all, we are seeing different rates for different areas of the country because we have this one-size-fits-all policy in these exchanges that are requiring peopleo buy things they don't need and therefore people's insurance rates are going out campaign now $100 more but thousand dollars more per year. is something we'll warned about. we talked about this. democrats a been warning. they're winding out rape shops and the proem is once these go into affect eople will start to five young people in partilar are going to start paying the fines for not having insurance rather than getting into these exchanges neil: my next guest wil be all
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over that. i want said expre one other issue. brought up on fox news. they're looking at one or 200 percent increase. contrary to this idea was the age changes take old and young people coming in, preservers and go down, mathematically is simply cannot work that way. what goes up stays up. rarely ever the premiums go down. in other words, when we attain a highevel is stays there. >> this is what we see hapning when the government, especially the federal government gets involved. we have seen this with tuition rates in the education system and now we see it with health insurance. what goes up is not alys come down when it comes to health insurance rates. d the problem is once again despite the obama administration's effortso advertise to young people of concerts', on the beach, the coffee cup, they are just not signing up because they can't afford it. by increasing the premiumn everyone, in particular young
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people, they still cannot afford it and they're paying a fine which means that don't have money to save to eventually get to health care. neil bottom line, they're not interested one way or the other. thank you. on that point there is this phenomenon at of these exchanges companies bidding full-time workers and do. making more than part times of the un have to pay through the nose. particularly pronounced in that fast food and restaurant industrynd restaurants. he is very busy on providing health care for workers including part-time workers. as you havwritten briiantly, you talk to a lot of the what it would not take you up on that. it really isn't worth the fuss. >> the problem with the law and what my employees realize, and i have a dinner last night was in my district managers and said, how many of you have insurance? a buh of them raised hands.
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why did you buy it? the kind of look to each other and finally one guy says, i thought i might get sick. what if i told you that you don't have to sign after the insurance or apply until after your sake. well, i would never signed up. this is what obamacare did when it took up the pre-existing condition. tell people that we are healthy and not inclined to sign up for insurance anyway, look, you really don't have to sign up. if young, healthy people don't signp and only sick people do, the cos of insurance skyrockets neil: he think they should have made the penalty steeper? there was a stiffer enforcement provisin. oh, my gosh, i really better sign up because jus this notion at paid the penalty because i'm better off, would not have that option. >> if the penalty were higher than the cost of insurance that people buy insurance, but the penalty, the first year it is ridiculous, $95 or 1 percent of
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your income. if you make 50,0 a maximum penalty is 5,000. your insurance will be to the 3,000. neil: look at it as -- i think you wrote this. i can go to the emergcy room and get coverage if i have to. >> i talked to a lot. we offer a plan to our crew level employees. on about 6% up with surprise me. i said what you signp? is said, we can get it for free at the emergency room. so there is the knowledge that they can do tt. obamacare did not eliminate that. you can get it for free. and if you get sick you don't have to sn up. so it's a very, very irrational all the way that they drafted it neil: but you also brought up that i never thought of. all l of these young people recovered either on spouses or
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parents plans. yet theyre considered in the ranks of the uninsured when there are veryuch in short, very much covered. i'm wondering if we just up the numbers way off anyway and appended an entire health care system which really was the envy of the world for muchewer people who wee thought were uninsured who were not all we thought would jump to insurance coverage or not. >> well, you are absolutely right. this has created so much uncertnty. as w discussed before, certainty is a killer. this was not ready for prime time. the big government parson solutton is something mission nevada market-driven bipartisan solution. now we're hearing this mess is not ready for prime time. they need to make changes, but they can't. i don't know how you change it in this environme. neil: unless you killt, and you can't do tha it's like a force of nature. it's like a freddy krueger deal.
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>> the democrats are afraid to prope amendments because they think republicans will want to change the law. we are kind of that a stalemate with the law that is not going to work. i'm not attacking the motives, but it's just as work. neil: on going to run to a restaurant in the trunk. always good seeing you thank you. >> good to see you. neil: meanwhile, the former big league pitcher who says this will steer right thing might not be a bad thing. don't ban them. brace it. peormance enhancing dru may be more enhancing drugs. any last requests mr. baldwin?
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this is pretty easy, and i see it works on hotels too. you bet. now if you like that, ess the red button on top. ♪ how did he not see that coming? what's in your wallet? how did he not see that coming? a quarter million tweeters musicare tweeting.eamed. and 900 million dollars are changing hands online. that's why the internet needs a new kind of server. one that's 80% smaller. uses 89% less energy. and costs 77% less. it's called hp moonshot. and it's giving the internet the room it needs to grow. this going to be big. it's time to build aetter enterprise. together.
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booknd a player, not letting him ever play again. major league baseball commissioner bud selig has his way, alex rodriguez is going to find out on our way. a lifetime ban. better than one year suspension over alleged use of performance enhancing drugs. never mind that rodriguez has not admitted to the use in this case in a recent years sort of thing. former atlanta braves picture says when more guys were on steroids, it was certainly more entertaining. former general manager says it may ruin the integrity of the game. it's good to have both of you. you made a very good point. going to games when he was hitting themf the park. the home-run derby. little did i know that there were jews to the max, but it was entertaining. your point is that we are chasing the wrong double or after recognize that baseball is like --
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>> what you said earlier, absolutely do not ignore eroids in baseball. the ethical aspt -- a massive black eye on baseball specifically. steroids must be eradicated from baseba for all time. the simple standpoint was taking in an interew three or four weeks ago, i was a fan just like those of the 49,000 individuals sitting in the stands right along with me. only difference, i had a unifo and they didn' i was a fan just like they were. i was greatly entertained in '97, '98, 99, 2000. beckham remember being in st. louis and leaving for the ballpark in our early every day
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i is a fan was entertained just as much as the fans were. neil: but are you saying that now there is less interest because these guys aree't doing that anymore? >> in my opinion the entertaient value of baseball has been diminished. the integrity value has increased. it is kind of a atch-22. i feel the integrity value is more important. the entertainment value may be@ more important when they go and spend the hundred dolla to buy a ticket into the family of our to a baseball game to let their sonatch something amazing. the hom run, the fourth row, upper deck. that may be more important. neil: thank you for clarifying. i apologize for the ms. characterization. what do you make? leading -- leaving the personal views, there was a time that we
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had these home run seasons and we had the innredible feat, obvisly manufactured by chemicals, but there were merae. baseball has a hard time getting back to that. >> i think there is true that fans le home runs. we saw a number spike because of the home run. but fans love people breaking records. they wanted them to break the records. the tampa bayaise put together teams that would hit home runs. they came out and watch them because there were n winning baseball games. fans will come out and watch a team win and play good baseball. were there was some sense of being spoiled, i think there's a way to reach rain fans to get them to understand the beauty of the game of basebl. absolutely completely think that they have to eradicate steroids from baseball and make it a level playing field for every player. is not fair for players to feel
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li to have to cheat in order to compete. ou don't want again thatoes that. neil: i am no medical expert, but i know that some o the unknown compounds that they look for inour your and our blood to see if you're taking anything bad, there are thoands more. and i guess i always begin to think baseball players even today, the ones not getting the attentionthey're using me creative ways of deceiving folks . >> the possibility from the knowledge that i gained many years ago. payola of attention. from my playing days kamal the knowdge i had back then, 50,000 various combinations of an ebola steroids. something like that, molecule can be added, still a base wind
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strata anabolic steroids, but it will be pretty much any test out there. back in that time from the most advanced sophisticated was your olympic testing to test for 500 of those molecular compounds. neil: your other -- you are saying that many are missed. was the argument of lance armstrong. the basic tests that we went through to not applyo him because he found ways to get under the radar. i guess what i'm asking, and to you, how do we know this isn't going on more cleverly? >> i think it is clear that chemists are end of the testing labs. there is more money in that. finding new ways to get around test results. keep the labs going and get as many players as they can. i think the best way to this is to take blood work and be able to storehat so that later when the labs, the testing labs catch up to the chemists working go
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back and test those samples from 20133 years now and deal to fd out who was cheating. it does not mean players will ge the benefits of the contracts. at leaste can expose them cheating. there is some part of the public aspect of this,ublic humiliation that some point by start to diminish and be some sort of a deterrent for players ofget caught in the future. storing samples and testing later is a big step forward. neil: you tustin the beginning. let me go back to appoint the chief kidded about, but i thought about it. what is so wrong? if they know they're choosin are doing a variety of things, they're only harming themselves. baseball has become a spectacle. i don't take anything away fm its americana passion reference, but what would be wrong with that? legalizing pot. the same debate.
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they did not play. there performance was enhanced because they didn't play get some of the best. those are classified as drugs of abuse. players took decades and decades. 162, won her to choose a lot to play, but they took into enemies because there were performance enhancing drugs. many guys took those. they distinguish between their performance and has been tried so i think that alternately almost all players inhe hall of fame for some reason or another have performance enhancements. >> every generion has some new aspect. neil: all i can say, the it's sugar doughnuts. as my particular high. that's why and the envy of yours worldwe. thank you both.
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aid. a real estate expert. the very first one. save the laughs for leno because the housing rebound is no joke. he is in town promoting small buness. >> it depends on where you are. seeing their real-estate up in los angeles, up 30%. pockets were is decimated. neil: now were passed the stage for we have to worry about ooding inventory. that was the idea of reworking mortgages because it ll get
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pushed out of houses. all the depressed properties in the market. >> people want to live there is a shortage. seven years ago everyone stops. there was no buiing..3 now people getting back in the game. we are seeing price atn all-time high. many of these top cities around the country. there is still room to grow. id development in chicago. you know, especially in the rental market we are seeing vacancies an all-time low. rents are at an all-time high. neil: that is the underlying real estate market is song. >> people is needed and not able to get it whicis part of the problem. housing is becoming a privilege rather than a right. neil: which is what it should have been. when you were the first -- going back a decade come up before the housing downtown and part of the idea was that housing was always
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a reliable source of wealth. it would grow some years more than others. it's a different world now. people who never looked at realistic the samite >> people havehort-term memory loss. now that things are good there pumping money into it. i'm cautious. we have seen this for four. this is in the first time. here in new york back in the early 90's there was real trouble. neil: the the -- essentially no money down. >> i hope so. that was what got us into this problem in he first place. neil: do you blame the lenders?
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the fact that people were stupid? >> shared responsibility. a little bit above. people should have known better. he really liked you. il: and it clicked withim. and i can almost tell -- i was not a regular viewer. i can almost tell when he hit somebody. a dismissive way that he gets, but it was almost like he took you wonder is wing. al i the relationship now? >> i have to say, he held up his end the bargain. heook me under is wing as an entrepreneur. the best experience of my life. neil: he doesn't really mean it. help your entire you. >> to this day. my wife works with them. she hosts the ms. universe. for me it was the opportunity of a lifetime. it's one of the reaso i'm here in n york. giving someone else that opportunity.
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helping small business owners and actually going to be running this campaign. we will be giving one small-business owner of fully paid, fully produced commercial. neil: o $4 million -- >> probably and then some. >> happy for your success. good seeing you again. it should not be like a birthright. someone apparentas a beef with thhs bull market. manley the price o beef. forget stocks, it thinks we're all getting a bum ser a bigger share market. ♪ before copd... i took my son fishing every year.
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we had a great spot, not easy to find, but worth it. but with copd making it hard to breathe, i thought those days might be over. so my doctor prescribed symbicort. it helps significantly improve my lung function starting within five mines. symbicort doesn't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms. with symbicort, today i'm breathing betr. and that on! symbicort is for copd including chronic bronchiti and emphysema. it should not be taken more than twice a day. symbicort may increase your risk of lung infections, osteoporosis, and some eye problems. tell your doctor if you have heart condition or high blood pressure before taking i with copd, i thought i'd miss our family tradition. now symbicort significantly improves my lung nction, starting within 5 minut. and that makes a difference in my breathing. today, we're ready for whaver swims our way. ask your doctor aut symbicort. i got my rst prescription free. call cck to learn more. [ male announcer ] if you n't afrd your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help.
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one may measure it by the thickness of i glass. the integrity of its high-strength frame. the amount of stitching in its interior. the power of its torque. othe sheer number of its safety systems... including collision prevention asst, standard. but the true measure is how it protects those inside of it. ♪ the 2013 m-class. from mcedes-benz. ♪ neil: like this ral, you better chew on this because you might have to use some of that cash. it seems tha meat prices are
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soaring thanks to rising cattle feed prices, declining herds. time to get blitzing. you first. the sizzling markets, sizzling steak prices. >> mcdonald's or the high end state places, it will cost y re money for the beef of your choice. it wl be the avege consumer who is watching the pnies of their budget. likely to change see eating habits? probably not. things were back to school. someone will pay therice for this. the average consumer will get pinched the most, and they are the ones out of luck. neil: when you looat all of these high end steakhouses, the tables are full. >> indeed, they are. it seems as if beef is a luxury that many americans, even those who are still struggling feel that they can afford. the slow but sure increase across the world has pushed up
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demand for beef. what is interesting is that these prices are soaring as most commodities are doing pretty poorly. if invtors want participate , there is an industry of note. cal goes up along wh beef prices if you are worried there is a way to participate. neil: listen. anyway, apparently americans are ordering more than good sff. that is helping sales of bout out. a host of other brands. premium prices up 9%. and it is not slowing down. something is going on. >> this is an affordae luxury. people are feeling more flash. so they are stepping up with a slightly higher purchase price. on a perfect example. i'm stepping it up to black.
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a new all-time high. feeling more flesh, but it is much like the 1990's when people started buying gourmet cofe we're seeing the same thing with hooch. neil: there might be something to it. >> when people feel flush they tend to spend more money. the market crashed. people began to drink less coffee. now they are feellng flush. a sign that they're getting more comfortabl. they're going to spend more money which is good for t economy. one barometer is success. neill so stuff we by. watch out amazon and take no the bay. ready to join the fight by launching a big site. so all on-line, on-line. should we be worried? is this a sign of the continuing high tech times? >> ieed. there is not an option,
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especially with france which are trying to appeal to consumers. is is a really whereeeuropean success story. following in the footsteps. ofring what a lot of consumers want right now, the appearance of high fashion but also of value as wl. capitalizing on that trend on line and will be rewarded for it neil: a crowded field >> think oft as the ikea. a company with great quality, low prices. a retailer's dream. the problem is they cannot g the same success is in the u.s. that could be a problem and slow them down. what consumers want is a great online eerience. by the product you want and when it arrives they're likely to repeat that. the brand loyal is the key to online success. ne: thank you both very much.
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>> the mayor challenge me take it him one example of how his behavior toward me was impror. i pointed out that he had asked me to work without my underwear on. he had no comeback. neil: you know, this guy is getting creepy year. now the san diego mayor has just pulled the excuse, not quite the devil made me do it. more like the city council mad me do it. there was no sexual-harassment
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training. no one could have possibly know that it is a key to put my tongue dn my co-workers road where demand another to remove her undergarments. a key androng. the mayors of, no. let me be brief. i am no lawyer. this is nuts. it is the mayor's fault. the city is responsible. >> it's mandated by law. bu the need training to say i'm not trying to stick my time and your trd? >> that is the unfortunate part. they can stand around and say this guy is a total freak.
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totally rogue. no way that we could have known ththat he is doing it. even though he is the mayor the city may be responsible for. the push that on lopez said he is freak. neil: we have these kinds of things. apparent i can't go around pinching makeup people or gas. this kind of obvious. is it an adequate defense? >> you know, it is not an adequate defense for his own behavior. acting his attorney did a smart move by bnging the city and. th fact that the women have come forward and say he has arrest them. neil: but he never had training. it sounds stud. is it actually iegal like to fall back on? >> sure. it is illeg defense because they have a handbook and the requirement. neil:nd thee book says -- >> noaking out no request.
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there is a dress cod you can't get naked. [inaudible conversations] neil: hey. >> i'm getting hot and bothered. it was a little more mira. >> let's be serious. in t jury is going to say this mayor is crazy. i have the addict a defense. there is no defense. do have eight women. >> a council that might have known about this and did nothing about it. >> that is what he wi say. the city did not know. no one reported it. no o stopped him. his defense is sing, no one told me this was wrong is ridiculous because he is a grown man, but he is a 70, older. probably back in a time when it was generally acceptable.
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relatively -- neil: thank you. i have to get out of this. you'd think there on the verge of giving the address more power? in a bit explains why the administration is so over saying administration is so over saying anything quarter million tweetersf musicare tweeting.eamed. and 900 million dollars are changing hands online. that'shy the internet needs a new kind of server. one that's 80% smaller. uses 89% less energy. and costs 77% less. it's called hp moonshot. d it's giving the internet the room it needs to grow. this going to be big. it's time to build a better enterprise. together. do youind grabbing my phone and opening the capital one purchase eraser? i need to redeem some venture miles before my demise. okay. it's easy to erase any recent travel expense i want.
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>>. >> they said it would be by on dash bipartisan it was ticketed -- targeted but then i have a lotof groups that came forward from the tea party noby on the left. i waited. >> that's righ i have yet to see a single progressive groups say the were targeted. we have seen consistently is the ira's those targeted conservative one dash conservative groups through the application process then audited others to. >> the bottom line is they feel they have gone beyond this but they want to keep the i in the position of health care if you don't ca them scandal as a phony you cannot do that. >> i think jay carney has
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merely replaced his dictionary with the thesaurus everything is the antonym if you talk affordable utah expensive if it is cody it turns out to be the truth. that is the whole point distract from one scandal and colony and then move onto the next. >> but with the health care law itin their interest to say the scandal is phony because it is not yet dealt with that group in charge. >> i thinkhe ship has sailed in republicans t to we focusinonther things. >> islooking pretty bad? >> i think what they offer people 50% but i don't think it is obamacare especially with the irs really went
12:00 am
really had agents that should be investigated right now. >>hat is all the time that we have. >> if theharks don'tget you the bees will. in global warming will create bigger stores. >> paiots more whether. >> what are the risks? what is the truth? "summer myths" is our show tonight. john: it is hurricane se
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