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tv   Cashin In  FOX Business  August 11, 2013 9:30am-10:01am EDT

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>> software. do you like it? >> no. of too stodgy. i wouldn't buy it. >> david: we don't like stodgy here. that's it for "forbes on fox." thank you for watching. have a wonderful weekend. ericbollerric bolling continues with "cashin' in." >> do you remember who got on sarah palin for talking about death panels? now look who says she could be right after all. howard dean and growing list of democrats? sarah palin is here with her reaction. and a lawmaker under fire for saying government doesn't have enough of your money. >> we're not broke. there is plenty of money. this is just the government doesn't have it. >> now he is pushing the robin hood tax to get more of your money. we're all over it. forget the government using phone records and e-mails to snoop. now they may be able to use your tv to watch your every move. "cashin' in," watching out for
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you right now. ♪ ♪ >> hi, i'mer reck bolling. the cashing in crew wayne rogers, jonathan hoenig, mielle field and emily tisch. welcome, everybody. you heard him say he wants a robin hood tax on investment transactions. jonathan, there is no spending problem, it's all about taxing. >> yeah. we need to -- this is like willie sutton theory of government. go where the money is. money is in trade. trade is wealth creation. i helps civil people interact through trade, not through force, which is what the representative ellison is advocating for. all trade is productive. high frequency trader or ma and pa ket with the etrade account. he is calling for a tax on trade,hich is a tax on production. it widens spreads and it makes
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it expensive to buy and sell stocks tborrow money and start a business. soy, one-tenth of 1% is a big amount of money especially with the fed manipulating interest rate to 0%. >> michelle, why is it alys let's raise your taxes and take more money from you? >> it's crazy. the wealth of the nation does not belong to government. we're $16 trillion in debt. the sending is out of control. the idea that we're not broke, that we need to confiscate more of americans' money is crazy. if we did implement the transaction, the robin hood tax, the money is not going to go to bringing down the national debt. it's going to go to propping up more of the social programs, which got us in the mess in the first place. >> wayne, help us out here. this robin hood tax, tax, they want more money, they go after the wallet. how about spending cuts? >> you are absolutely right, eric. evidence conversation th the guys have starts with the word "need." we need this, we need this to do that. we need this.
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they have no idea. the fact that guy stands up and says the government doesn't have any money, he is pitting the people against the government. well, the govement is the people. this is a country that is built on the fact that we, the people, are part of the government. this guy is thinking that we are somehow opposed to each other. he can dip in the citizens' money. this isutrageous concept. he never read the constitution or the federalist papers. he is moron who doesn't understand that the background of the constitution of the ited states is to protect the people from their own government >> i'm glad you brought that up, wayne. emily, a little later in the sound bite he says the government has the right. the right. he goes on to explain what the government has t right. he includes things like welfare and housing. i don't readad tat anywhere in pocket constitution. >> you know, i think what he is getting at is the largeer question of, you know, there has -- we are in a sluggish economic recovery. we are seeing wall street
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going back to some of the predip kind of circumstances. but we're not seeing thaton main street. this is primarily been a jobless economic recovery. so you know, whether it's the transactn or whether some part of a largeer packal. i know you discussed raising minimum wage on your show or a largeer packal like that, i do believe he has the right intent there. that we shouldn't be balancing, we shouldn't be bringing the government back to programs we do need and lost because of the sequester. >> let me bring jonathan in. >> emily, i thk you're a little disingenuous to argue for more taxes and wealth producers when you work for a non--for-profit entity that doesn't pay taxes. people are trying to encourage growth and great wealth. i got to tell you. i don't know if representative ellison read the constitution. he is a practicing muslim. in the shariah law there is a provision of trading against
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derivative of spelation of any type. so in my opinion you cou make an argument this is shariah creep with cracking down on trade and cracking down on derivatives traded and wealth production. >> but let's stay on this, on the robin hood aspect of this. he calls this a robin hood tax. trying to make an example of taking from the rich to give to the poor. however, everyone that is being taxed on this isn't rich. there are people who will put money in a 401(k). they will end paying the price. >> well, you are absolutely right. again, eric, it doesn't mean that in a tax like this, he is a catch-all tax. he is going to try to get little people, big people, anybody, because they need, they start with the word "need." we need to do this. if i hear that word again i'm going to throw up. every politician starts "well, we got to do this, we need to do that." well, think about it and go get a job instead of leeching off of the public for god's sake. that is all politicians do. that's all the guys do. it may be a wonderful idea in his brain, but as you properly
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said, he never read the constitution. nowhere does it say in the constitution i can go out and tax you for this, that, or the other. >> the right. he mentions the right. michelle, a lot of people are out of work. things are tough. president obama keeps talking about all the jobs he created. get something much better. it doesn't seem like it's getting better. >> it's not getting better at all. it has to do with the fact that our government has this idea that everyone is entitled to a home, everyone is entitled to healthcare. we have don't have the money to pay for that. you are not entitled to a cheap home and healthcare and have this life of julia, where the government takes care of you from cradle to grave. that is what got us in the mess. that kind of nanny state mentality. >> emily, michelle points something out importantly. at the end of the sound bite he says government has the right, the people has the right to housing. is housing the a right? >> these are thing we should aspire to. going back to the same policy that got us in the economic --
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>> emily, emily, emily, emily, emily. aspiring to is onething. do people have a right to housing? is it our job to provide a home for every person in america? >> these are aspirational things that t government should be working to do to help the private sector help all people get in homes. we should be working together, a these are aspiratnm and things we should be doing. but the fact is going back to the same economic policies that got us in this mess in the first place isn't going to do it. >> that's what got us in the housing bubble. >> the same government policy is government intervention. we're going to more intervention. there are two ways to deal with people through trade, which is what the investors are doing and what representative ellson wants to tax and through force, which is what taxes are. >> we'll leave it there. >> good discussion. wayne, last thought. >> yeah, 1831, believe it or not, alexis de tocqueville
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said when the congress understands that they can bribe the people with their own money, it will mean the end of the republic. >> there you go. way to end the segment. good job, wayne. coming up, democrats, once slamming sarah palin for accusing obamacare of creating death panels. now guess who may be jumping on the death panel bandwagon? >> ahggg! copd makes it hard to breathe... but with advair, i'm breathing better. so now i can help make this a great block party.
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♪ >> eric: sarah palin called
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them obamacare death panels and she was vilified for it. now four years later, are a growing number of democrats proving her right? like this one? democratic national committee chairman howard dean is worried about the panel set up to decide how much healthcare you and i are entitled to. so is this list of congressional democrats. they want the panel repealed. sarah palin joins us now. in the hot seat with her first reaction. governor, thank you so much. were you surprised when you see the likes of howard deep and other democrats jumping on board saying hey, the governor was right? >> it was a pleasant surprise. i don't think we should condone them for finally trying to jump off the obama train wreck that is coming down the pike here. i appreciate that they acknowledge it. of course there are death panels in there. the important thing to remember is that is just one aspect of this atrocious, unaffordable, cumbersome, burdensome, eel policy of obama's. and that is obamacare. >> eric: what do you think the motive is for coming on to
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the -- to your side saying maybe we should slow down with this law? >> well, it's in black and white in the law. that there will be rationing of halthcare. they couldn't go forever and not acknowledge that or they would look like complete buffoons. they would be deemed incompetent having not read the law to understand that death panels are a part of this atrocity. it was just a matter o time. the 22 democrats who now acknowledged part of the problem of obamacare. again, as i say, they should be thanked and not condemned. and i think that as more and more of our congressmen and women read the law and more of us bring to light more things in the 20,000 pages of rules and regulations accompanying obamacare, more of them will try to jump off the ain wreck coming. >> change speeds a little bit here. the white house now in the third week calling scandals fake and phony. governor, anything phony about
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four dead americans in benghazi or i.r.s targeting conservative groups? frankly, in the nsa snooping. >> yeah. i'm so disgusted with the mainstream media to have an opportunity to do followup questions and really pinning down the president and asking him, because as you point out, this is the third week running where he still pooh-poohs the benghazi scanl and the government snooping on us scandals. and nobo is asking him what scandals are you characterizing as being phony? i wish the press would do a better job to pin him down and making him answer to the people whom he is serving. what does he mean when he says that the things that we are so concerned about, he poopoohs them and act like it's no big darn deal. >> eric: another topic yesterday. president obama had his first solo press conference in many, many months. take a listen to what he said about transparency. listen. >> we have to strike the right balance between protecting our secuty and presevening our
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freedoms. >> eric: so, more than one founding father said those willing to give up a little bit of security, a little bit of freedom for security deserve neher. your thoughts? >> there is no balance at all in this struggle for security and liberty when we have an illustration going on today with our government having lied about it. our government actually spying on innocent americans. and gathering data on us. based on our communications which really is a violation of our fourth amendment. there is no balance there at all. that is, that is stomping, trampling, boot on the neck of our liberty. that's not balance. >> eric: i hold this in my pocket all the time, my pocket constitution. the fourth amendment specifically says you have to have probable cause. section 215 of the patriot act says you can't surveil u.s. citizens unless they're contacting someone overseas and you have probable cause
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that they are after, they are involved in some sort of terrorist tivity. i think they are blowinghis thing out of water. they're shredding this thing again. >> not am that, but the messenger then, he who told us what was going on in that department, is resulting in our finally awareness of government spying on us. that is edward snowden. he is the bad guy in all of this. they want to shoot the messenger, instead of dealing with the problem. the problem is the stampalling on our liberty and trampling on our fourth amendment right. >> eric: at one point, he was asked is, is he going to be a whistle blower now? you called him a traitor in the past and i thought it was an interesting exchange going back and forth. bere we run out of time, there has been a riff going back and forth wean senator rand paul and new jersey governor chris christie. where are you that? rand paul is the true libertarian there. chris christie says maybe he is too libertarian for our good. where do you fall on this?
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>> where am i? i am on team rand. rand paul understands, he gets a whole notion of don't tread on me, government. whereas chris christie is for big government, you know, and trying to go along and get along in so many respects. some people look at him as oh, man, he is a governor that goes rogue. no, he has a shtick going there, where he has a youtube viddograph to be seen as avant guard and going rogue on things, but no. christie is for more government and his record proves that. rand paul with the healthy libertarian streak we need more of in the politicians, team rand paul. >> eric: amen to that, governor. governor palin, thank you for joining us this morning. >> thank you. it's a pleasure. >> eric: coming up, first, was phone records, then e-mails. now watching you from your own tv? why smart tvs mightht not be
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>> eric: could the government be watching you while you're watching "cashin' in"? you better tune in to this one. hackers reportedly found a way to access built-in cameras in the new smart tvs. of and with the government already snooping through phone records and e-mails, michelle, could your tv be next? >> yeah. if you get one of these tvs, eric, you are getting a new roommate, the name is the nsa and you can kiss the fourth amendment goodbye. we know that companies like microsoft are willing to cooperate with nsa. a new report from reuters came out that said the local law enforcement agencies are taking information surveillance from the nsa and arrests americans because of
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that surveillance. what you're doing is inviting the government in to your home. that to me is dangerous. >> eric: be care waff you are wearing when you watch tv because they could -- be careful what you are wearing when you watch tv because they could be watching you back. >> this is a terrible thing to have the government watching you for anything. i want to get the federal government out of all of our lives. however,o one is forng you to buy that particular television with that camera in it. it's like buying a gun. you know a gun can kill somebody and it might kill you if you own the gun. so you have to be careful. if you buy the television with the camera in it, you are taking that risk. you don't to take that risk. nobody is forcing you. >> nobody is forcing you, but yoyou buy the tv with the expectation that government isn't going to be surveying you, eating chees watching fox news channel. it's scary. why should we trust the government -- >> you do everything with the government and not expecting them to look at you, but they are. >> of course. that is the point. we can't trust them and they lie to congress,ie to the
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american people. eric, continue to fight what i believe is a realunreal war on islam. they are surveying americans and completing blind eye to growing thet overseas. >> eric: emily, on friday, "wall street journal," a week ago, the "wall street journal" ran an article how the f.b.i. can turn on your microphone on your cell phone. they can literally use a hacker technique, they call at it hacker technique and flip the switch and hear what you are saying. who is to say the f.b.i. doesn't want to do the same thing in your home? >> absolutely. right now we live in a world anytime there is technology that is incoming, it can be outgoing. they can turn on video to watch you at home or your phone. hackers have been doing this. ey were accessing the bank accounts. we look at the private industry and how much information they have on you. google has much more information and can use it much more effectively than anything the government can do. we should be looking holistically at this. president obama did meet last
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week with tech executives to start talking holistically about largeer conversation of data. >> the government is forcing them to give e information up. they have the information but it's the government is asking for it. >> eric: i don't have a problem with the government asking but i have a problem violating the fourth amendment and take it without the probable cause. fourth amendment says probable cause. this is funny one. right now, it's hackers that figured out a way in this thing. my point was well, if the i.r.s.ed mittedly targeted consertives and we know they're corrupt and they work with the f.b.i., who says they don't all have access to all this stuff? john? >> eric, when there is hackers in systems, companies have a vested interest in cracking down on the hackers. building the most secure, safe area access system and computer system, and the communication system possible. when government comes they don't hack. they demand and deal by force. internet records or phphone records.
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it cou be you being on the couch next. >> eric: we have to go. we do nsa snoopi stuff better than any show on television. thank you to michelle and emily for joining us this week. >> thank you. >> eric: coming up, while everyone is running from t chaos in europe, one of our my mother made the best toffee in the world. it's delicious. so now we've turned her toffee into a business. my goal was to take an idea and make it happen. i'm janet long and i formed my toffee company through legalzoom. never really thought i would make money doing what i love. [ robert ] we created legalzoom to help people start their business and launch their dreams. go to today and make your business dream a reality. at we put the law on your side.
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to fly home for the big family reunion. you must be garth's father? hello. mother. mother! traveling is easy with the venture card because you can fly any airline anytime. two words. double miles! this guy can act. wanna play dodge rock? oh, you guys! and with double miles you can actuay use, you never miss the fun. beard growing contest and go! ♪ win! what's in your wallet?
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>> eric: time for what do i need to know for next week? wayne, you are first. >> etf called ewy at sells st of the cell phones to china. it's a korean fund, though.
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take a look. >> eric: we'll look at that. john, go ahead. >> well, youth unemployment rate in greece is 62%. that's how much the greek stock market is up in the last year. maritime mm, i own capital >> eric: gutsy call. but you have been hot. you're both awesome. great to join us again this week. that's it for the cost of freedom block. before we go, riding aboard the luxurious air force one, $1860,000 per hour. secret service, tens of thousands of tax dollars per day, spending millions of dollars on eight-day martha vineyard extravaganza while millions can't find a job and record number of americans need food stamps to survive. priceless. leadership, priorities, commitment to the country, all things america expects from the commander-in-chief. think about that for a second. 2 have a great weekend, everyone. if you're on martha another vineyard and bump in president
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obama, tell him we said hello. see you on "the five." ♪ ♪ >> announcer: the following program is brought to you by nopale-- the anti-inflammatory wellness drink from trivita. stay tuned for an exciting offer for nopalea. a few years ago, trivita founder michael ellison introduced the world to nopalea. his goal was to bring wellness and a better quality of life to as many people suffering from inflammation as possible. now here's what many are saying. >> people are telling me i look 10 years younger because the pain is gone from my life. >> i've been pain-free f seven months. you do not understand what it's like to get up every day and not have pain -- go through and golf, long car rides, do what you want and not have pain. >> it's made me feel younger. i'm sleeping like a baby, and my grandkids can't ke


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