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tv   The Willis Report  FOX Business  August 26, 2013 6:00pm-7:01pm EDT

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we go back here tomorrow. >> i am charles payne. thank you for being with us. this is all about you. tonight making your market to live-in retire that dream is slipping away we know the numbers nearly one-third have no confidence we have enough money to retire including the value of our homes we have less than $25,000 but yet if you reach 55 you have a great chance of living another 20 years and you cannot live off of social security alone but many of us think it is the wrong place to achieve success.
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i am telling you don't be afraid. make your market. i agree wall street shenanigans and insider trading and all of those horrible actions should not stop you from in reaching your own life so you must watching this special you are one of the millions of americans to think it is too dangerous to invest in stocks you must watch this special. if you are one of the millions of americans ready to take control of your financial future, you must watch this special. it is time to climatic your bunker, stop making excuses excuses, in time to power -- empower yourself. and time to "make it your market". >> great being with you tonight thank you for joining us with this special show because we talk about tonight the most important thing this is you and your family with freedom and
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security with the economy and the stock market chugs along but then you look up in the blue-chip stocks at the all-time high this should be celebrated instead you hear markets are manipulated or corporate greed. i don't know about you but i spent a lot of money on back-to-school shopping in those profits are real and i want a piece of it and i want you to grab a piece of it also. there will be some uncertainty reflected time to time but also the greatness of america. know the rest of the world has a desire for that same prosperity. i want to humanize the market through the maze of ideas to why good old-fashioned common sense works. now it is time to make it your market. you know, those in the ivory towers cast shadows but we will a moth that
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knowledge to give you the power to process and make money. will also follow up with their first-time investors the we introduced a couple weeks ago to manage and michael. they were never in the market we will check-in and if there are any changes they need to make in their portfolio i'm excited to see them. but let's get started. let's get started with jonathan hoenig and martin and portfolio mallet -- manager. we need to shorten your title. [laughter] people at home come to me we see you on tv but i am not in the market. are you kidding me? he has under armor shirt, nike, you are in the market and you are feeling it but then you buy a paris
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sneakers at $200 that will be obsolete and don't thank you should be the owner of the company? you are the spokesperson and the consumer. i was thrust into the market because of financial situations. i was the oldest kid that needed to make money so i got into the stock market to make many so what happened initially? >> i needed a job. [laughter] 1979. just getting out of college and a whole generation of investors were wiped out by the bear market. charles: you were too broke to be afraid? >> i figured cycles come and go and the bear market started in 1965 did not end until 1982 so i got in at a good time. the guys in my office in washington d.c. were some of
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the few people that survived the bear markets of the '70s i could learn from them how they could survive by putting things into common sense. so consider yourself the owner. that was first and foremost,. charles: was there more or less in anchorage man or discouragement? for becoming the only person he thought it was worthwhile was my mother. everyone else said forget about it. >> my dad thought i should get a real job white becoming an engineer. [laughter] >> in 1982 my father was working for at&t and he was given all this stuff but had no idea how to follow what he was investing in. we learned a together looking at the stock tables lie started to realize the serious, counting crows, equity ownership and
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i was fixated. at that early age started to learn and by then being self-taught ended up doing these crazy jobs that merrill lynch over the summer in high-school. >> and young people are interested in money and a trading and looking to the future but unfortunately our public schools don't teach these lessons what the panel is talking about learning about money and compound interest. and to invest in the starbucks stock making more many of the stock and i knew it was something i was into a and build from there but it starts young with the education and no wonder that people spin out of the opportunity. >> and if you start thinking about kids today they don't feel that mystique of
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working in finance or on wall street because of the crisis in 2008 still leading today there is finger-pointing. charles: some thhnk about working in general. in to bring out a fantastic point is even like balancing a checkbook. it starts with young kids but the people i have conversations with they want to retire or mountain climbing although they made enough throughout their lifetime if they invested it they would have but a lot of things conspire to assess. >> people overspend which is the reason they reach financial independence. charles: what do people say when you tell them where you do for living?
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and then they say they are afraid what are some of the reasons they are intimidated ? >> lack of knowledge. utah cow everything conspires against them and people lose sight the what they do owns a piece of business. ultimately if it does well long term you will profit. but six months or three or four years is not enough time to have a great business in this show intrinsic the area. charles: we will get to doughnuts and with the conspiracy theory. [laughter] >> we do have that generation to learn about investing in the power behind it just go to google's with 25 through 35 investing if you invest over 10 years it is $30,000 and
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8% interest. if you take that same person who did not start until 35 that is 90,000. but the other guy would have 300,000 more dollars. >> but they don't think how much they will make despite a history but of the big crash and how much they will lose. that is what dominates their mind or the game is rigged in no sense in trying. >> they are thinking with their heart instead of their head and that is what investment is all about with critical thinking about your rennie and looking long term i was joking investing should be called watching because most of the time it is not spent buying and selling securities but watching the market, watching the economy with the pitcher of the long-term trend it is not
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buying it during fox and friends and then at cavuto. [laughter] it is for the long-term trend of gold and commodities. charles: but you would mitt when people see the crash or a the hiccup those things do seem to weigh on their mind? >> they do but unfortunately they way on those letter to over the exposed jpmorgan had the plane dove down at that point then if you have a heck if you are concerned but if you have a reasonable allocation if your risk tolerance you can re -- ride those out that lois cohn. charles: you were fantastic. i learned about you. don't go too far. in 35 minutes we will give the audience their marching
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orders. we're just getting started with "making your market." i will give you a checklist what is important it is easy to understand and straight forward and the best way to make money as an investor. up next to regular folks one month ago came on the set to say they are not investing but then they realized they looked at the market and we will see if we could convince them to become an owner.
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charles: every day americans are too scared coming to confuse to invest in stocks. that is whether this special i tried to convince to a successful young people to get off the sidelines. where are they now? let's welcome them back to win is the current mr. york
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and ms usa and also an actor that was recently signed by a modeling agency. >> don't make me blush. [laughter] charles: michael since we last had the special did you think about the stock market? >> not yet but i have been thinking about it following nike fell last time i had on nike sneakers, i guess, express, everything i war last time. express and nike is up but i am keeping tabs. charles: i will give you their track record. what about you? to make it definitely made me look at my finances i talked to my friends and i missed the memo because they all started investing their money in the retirement plan like the roth i.r.a..
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that is what sparked interest to think about the next up in my financial future. charles: last time i deliberately said follow the stock of the clothes that you were so your the unpaid spokesperson but yell you still don't think you deserve to doughnuts. i was in the nike store this weekend and there were a pair of sneakers one costing 380 and another $320. this is tennis shoes. are you kidding me? so imagine somebody willing to buy those knowing eventually they will be worth less but they are afraid to buy the stock? i don't know? it is now worthless but that is the mindset. now how we get to understand you are young value of life but as some point you will
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say i should have done more for myself. >> it is a little scary i just did a film and i made good money off of that. i put it away but do i take that? it is nerve wracking. charles: so funny that you say that because the term for investing is putting on a risk i think that is so dumb. i think if you don't buy or invest the risk you're taking is the many will not keep up with inflation. a dollar saved is not a dollar in 20 years. loaf of bread today just put that under the couch it will not be anything. >> it seems like a big commitment and that is my biggest fear purchasing a pair of shoes of i don't like them i can get another or where another outfit a and make it work but i have less control. so the commitment aspect.
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charles: ironclad you brought that up because today i will teach people how to get back control because there are ways to monitor every three months quarterly earnings, like a report card so there is a way to get control to know what is going on. it does take all little time maybe one night every three months cutout what nights at the club. [laughter] but it is important it is something to consider. you are living life and you are beautiful but at some point you do look around when you start to have kids now have responsibility for other human beings to put through college or maybe i want to retire. it will get tougher so you are not alone. maybe 70 million people are in the same bucket. but it is unfortunate.
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some of the people you look up to that financed the film , don't you think they invested? obviously they owned the movie they believe in the ownership society. do you get what i am saying? >> i definitely do. as i start to right i am finding out speaking to different investors i am learning that side of the film. it is funny you say that as far as ownership. charles: let's talk about your stocks. you included nike and express and gas your portfolio is down 8%. >> you are helping with the nurse. [laughter] charles: on the other hand, hand,, it joann ralph lauren and estee lauder is up 5% this is just one month we will put on the screen with they have done over the last five years because people need to understand it is not about investing or trading day to day but it is about
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having a long-term plan if we were structuring the peripheral that we would not have three retail stocks may be just one. >> diversified. charles: yes. diversification. remember, you have promising careers in front of you it will be crazy if you cannot keep up with inflation owning stocks, in real estate is the best way. your both looking great. coming up tomorrow we will introduce you to another novice investor when he was finishing college and once to start investing in real show her the best place to start. you may think the 401k is set up by smart people soil must be diversified. we will tie you the truth. we know this is a scary proposition so before you hit the by button i will
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give you my checklist for investing. next. ♪ weekdays are for rising to the challenge. theye the days to take care of business. when possibilities become reality. with centurylink as your trusted partner, our visionary cloud infrastructure and global broadband network free you to focus on what matters.
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with custom communications solutions and responsive, dedicated support, we constantly evolve to meet your needs. every day of the wk. ceurylink® your link to what's next. yeah. i heard about progressive's "name your price" tool? i guess you can tell them how much you want to pay and it gives you a range of options to choose from. huh? i'm looking at it right now. oh, yeah?
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yeah. what's the... guest room situation? the "name your price" tool, making the world a little more progressive. are you new to the
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charles: i don't want to focus on what you hear of the p/e ratio and things like that and you should not focus on that either because i have a better way to figure out the company's worth. it takes a little more time they're looking at a chart or a few valuations but this is your hard-earned money so
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you should use this rationale. i want to look at companies better doing very well in a few areas and one is domestically. this is an economy almost $17 trillion per year even though retailers reported bad numbers they also reported good numbers urban outfitters, at abercrombie and fitch tyrolese winners and losers. there are companies doing very well in the domestic economy. then there are the global economy. the international markets is no longer just european japan people love our motorcycles in washington -- washing machines just ask harley-davidson it is all over the world and there is more prosperity on this planet than ever before it is just spread out and american companies can take a -- take a vintage.
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looking at technologies new methods of doing business but not just high-tech look get the shakes jack they have done something different waiting in line $1 for a burger. it is called innovation. also execution. you did have the greatest team in the world but updated on how to play together or a manager to make them play together, they will not win. management can navigate all kinds of economies in the ability to take market share , the ability to do great things. those are things that you want. takes more time to find this but when new do, you sleep better. forget about the p-e ratio. we do want to have fun because he learned the importance of the global economy and why it is important. here is a quiz. do you know, what city this is? i also posted a picture
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earlier of my twitter feed. tweet me if you think you know, the answer and i will give you a few clues. 4 million people, a big luxury hotel destination area, four seasons just open and the main engine of growth is not wheel that i will reveal the winner in to you by this picture is worth 1,000 words of investing advice. stick around we have more to come. >> if you think your properly invested in stocks because you have the 401k it is time to take a hard look at that strategy. said it and forget it is great for sesame chicken but not their recipe for your retirement. it is time to bust the myth. i will give you my top ideas still to come on this
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special our "making your market"
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charles: said it and forget it that make work well for ribs but the hands-off approach for the 401k could leave you high and dry. here to bust the myth we have the president of diversified financial consultants. dominick, people say i have a 401k but they say it with such indifference like they have been let down do you think the industry has lived up to its billing the you put money in and it will grow like a chia pet if you water it? >> the industry really has tried to educate participants but they do have to be involved in the process and do their
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homework and get online and dial the 100 number. you are trying to make a living be a husband, wife, father, a vacation then looked at the allocation that the bank? it is difficult to do and participants have not done a good job. charles: i talked to people they are eager but feel they don't have a lot of options. if you get two or three portfolio families that when they dig deeper it is the same stock they are not diversified. >> it is a broader world today anywhere from one dozen or surgery choices we have seen when clients come in the door but it does involve making decisions. some will look at the performance report to say these three funds a letter doing great nab large cap
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growth sorbonne's then they said it and forget and market conditions and changes in case it with that portfolio over 30 years of out a single change. charles: what about like tesla today was caught when 70 her share, a 3d printing i talk about that all the time it was up $53 per share , all these names have been extraordinarily hot people don't have options to buy those often so until they become stodgy companies how can i add some pizazz? >> most do not allow individual securities trading to buy 100 shares of exxon. untypically mutual fund or etf c will get a broad exposure to create an allocation to be aggressive typically will not take that
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same individual stocks and it is better that way. charles: using somebody buys the two sent stock? >> did we have a lot of history we already forgot about enron and world, but general motors, aig, lehman brothers concentrate your portfolio with weinstock is arrested -- with one stock is a risk. charles: there is a big difference playing to win or not to lose. they throw the ball going to the fourth quarter what do they do? they run. no big deal. but the next thing you know they are losing or the score is tied they started to play
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not to lose so i feel for people out there the only option is not to lose that does not give the bigger upside potential. >> of game is a limited period of time but with retirement they could work 20 or 30 years. with '01 or 2 percent difference could have a huge effect on your retirement. don't lose 40 percent of your retirement. charles: so don't lose first then make money? >> with long-term returns. >> that is why we brought you. when we come back we will give you marching orders before the markets open tomorrow. still feeling the pain of the great recession? why that is a huge mistake. next.
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charles: welcome back to "making your market" one of the reasons for doing this program is because many of you have stopped investing in the stock market so we took our cameras to the streets what is keeping them away? >> par un the stock market? >> yes. >> why? >> where else will you before investing? if you what your money to grow where else do you go? >> i am not. i am not interested. i would rather keep the my money in the bank. too many things going on in the stock market. >> you are an investor of any kind you are in the stock market if you know it or not.
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>> no. i don't believe in the stock market but in steady growth. >> to put money into things that are safe. have not done it for about one dozen years. >> not as much as i used to because you cannot trust it it is a platform for hackers and digitally driven it is not about buying and selling individual leave maybe put your money into the index but it is hard to trust. charles: you know when even billionaire mark cuban says no to the market. markey been. he will be on tonight at 8:00 p.m. eastern with neil cavuto right here on fox business but the the thing he became a billionaire because of the stock market. that is the crazy thing he is a billionaire because he took a company public and it was bought out previously he will probably do would
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again. what will it take to shake people up off the sidelines? joining me now is veronica from "the wall street journal", i have to tell you you talk to people about this all the time what is the main thing holding them back? garett they have been burned and like the flash crash the nasdaq shutting down and they have seen fellow employyes and neighbors and friends be out of work having to ditch the 401k and they get skeptical. then they see the government purchasing so much money they worry how ends up. charles: i can understand the anxiety but ultimately if we don't get a handle it does not matter we will go backwards permanently but high interest and the anxiety of the president's
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policies but i tell people looked at greece. we talk as a cautionary tale it took them 30 years to crack we will not craft overnight. bowling will still supplied $5 trillion worth of planes over 20 years but that does not resonate as much. >> but it is human nature to think on the negative especially if you were caught up in one of the downturns so the mentality to focus on that the focus on the long term what did have been if you stay invested. charles: in the exact opposite of the barbra streisand song the you only remember their crashes people are live right now remember dow 100 and now is 16,000.
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i want to have an honest conversation but 40 percent of the people and the market only own one stock then if that turns into a casino they blame the broker or financial adviser but greed is what got the best of them. if you go to atlantic city to the bus station at 1.everybody getting on that bus they were up at 1.for producing people could be honest about investing in to make that commitment or is it just a waste of time? >> you have to know what you are owning and buying and be confident to your own research and looked into that. also know when to sell the winners. it is so hard. charles: back to greece. thank you very much for on the cup. i love that dress.
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comeback soon. my personal advice for how you can make money today. also what you need to keep an eye on. we are "making your market" after the break. friday night, buddy.
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you are gonna need a wingman. and my cash back keeps the party going. but my airline miles take it worldwide. [ male announcer ] it shouldn't be th hard. with, it's easy to search hundreds of cards and apply online. charles: i have your marching orders to get ready for the trading day we are back next.
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charles: today's trading range is time to prepare for tomorrow and all week long we give you marching orders that is the blueprint that will shape tomorrow's action
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in to help way in we have jonathan hoenig and also martin very well go with your title with the advisers berkeley have the case-schiller and confidence numbers in peak earnings reports and the rest of you you, nobody that i love a and a cuban immigrant started the company and tiffany. >> those wonderful american companies many are doing quite well and succeeding that should cast a wider net looking worldwide most have forgotten about particularly those in greece hopefully we are not on our way to become priests but in my opinion it is coming back so i am looking like the ticker symbol nm you would not
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think it is doing well but it is so that is rise specialized. charles: that is a tribal shipper? >> indeed. we talked about that before a lot of what we call investing is just observation so it is surprising to see the shipping stocks do well in the indices that track them like the baltic dry index at the 52 week high. people do not hear a lot about but it is doing well. charles: the audience should know the rates are going up and up and i like that space as well. >> the valuations are very elevated so one of the blue chips that we still pie is i am. charles: a lot of people have given up on big blue's. >> the s&p called it the no growth story but it has really repositioned their business with a deep margin
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of safety because it is the incumbent competitive advantage and the stock has all kinds of bad news priest into it and it is one of the strongest companies in the world so who better than the era of big data? so we have the history of improving shareholder value and the stock is that the 52 week low. charles: i love the pedigree of the company that can do that they come all smelling like a rose but before i switch over with the economic data what might have the greatest influence? in it be the case schiller we're in the dog days i think after a the german elections next month with the fed meeting next whatever then the fight. charles: but into lumber
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call is on the way why is that important? >> they delay a lot of issues. everything has been tabled the last couple of months so greece welcome back it is an issue. >> date -- the germans alike agrees to give the money on the beach. [laughter] >> it is the case schiller index people of their real-estate wanting to know of the household balance sheets is improving tomorrow we expect a 12% year over year growth rate that is great for appreciation but if you pick an investment concentrate on the dow jones real estate index it has been clobbered in the month of august it has been hammered nonstop with the last couple of trading-- it is creeping up so there is more optimism.
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charles: last week we have housing numbers with existing home sales it was a red flag with first-time home buyers also that those housing prices have gone up but then of course, we have a new home sales the think higher interest rates will detracted? >> here is the key metric when you see the rent to go higher and higher of one of the viewers are waiting to buy but when it is more expensive to rent that is when people will jump on it. charles: it has been that way long time. they don't take the bait. charles: there has been a lot of ideas presented it is more how you invest more than by a sell or hold but how much of a position to do you take or if you add to
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the opposition it is those nuts and bolts. >> you just have to start this is a blue-chip company planned in the attic and look headed 15 years. charles: how do determined to exit the stock? >> if we feel we've made a mistake. charles: to let the fundamentals tell you? >> at the end of the day by the operating company we recently took profits from johnson and johnson we have known those owners for a long time but they made some phone headed acquisitions. charles: but what is not is starting of the first show with you. great job. we will be right back with my making many idea of the evening and the answer to the quiz do you know where
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this is? you still have time only one person has a.
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♪ charles: all right. making money with charles for the night, a company that you all know. taser, the guys to make the stun guns. the stock has been absolutely phenomenal. take a look at it. you can see, the stock has recently broken out, but it also traded huge amounts of volume. the checklist earlier today. let's see how it compares. domestically, a lot of opportunities for the company domestically, particularly after the ruling on stop and frisk in new york. but before that the company has
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a lot of products of their selling to the police department which is working a great. in america one out of two police departments use the products. in the world it's only one at a 50. a lot of upside potential. innovation, the cameras. a police officer puts on his uniform. earlier in the show, this picture of the city. i asked if you knew where it was. a lot of you thought it was singapore and buy. one even as seattle. it's out of the list and no country. it is the northern border of iran. well done. so what did that take this city? it's one of the fastest-growing cities on the planet. that was one of the keys we learned earlier. the importance of growth. places around the world of groan like crazy. folks in these countries love american products. what did they buy?
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mcdonald's, ford, hilton, hertz, coca-cola, colgate, whirlpool, harley-davidson. you name it, they love it. all these great american companies are selling the products. take a look at this. this amazing building is not going up in america or europe or even china. the full moon hotel. one of many amazing projects. this company -- country has come a long way from the soviet-era past. when you want to invest you think local and global. literally a world of opportunity out there. i hope tonight we were able to make you -- help you understand the market a little bit better, not to be afraid but embraced the market, to make your market. coming up tomorrow, our week-long series continues. we will be joined by long-term trader teddy weisberg. we will discuss lessons that you can learn. i will challenge you also. that's it for tonight.
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listen, we learned a lot. i appreciate it. feedback is welcome. you can e-mail us. thanks a lot and have a great night. see you tomorrow. ♪ lou: good evening, everybody. thank you for joining us. i'm lou dobbs. you are looking into some of the estimated 1300 victims of websterian rebels claim or chemical weapon attacks by president a sauce forces. the united nations has taken up the issue with no word on any response as yet. the u.s. state department contradicted themselves on whether syria has chemical weapons. here to assess the situation. the department of justice going after the state of texas again. attorney general eric holder determined to allow voting nationwide


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