tv Cavuto FOX Business August 27, 2013 8:00pm-9:01pm EDT
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neil: maybe they were just marketing it wrong, obamacare did not seem to real the masses so maybe boehner care will. i am neil cavuto, helling ahatho fury like tea partiers out for blood. a house speaker who keeps it on life and you are o support he sd cut it and kill it, tea party activists rallying outside of john boehner's ohio office, with this morning either defund it or slapping yore name on it. the boehner care name will be
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attached to it and to boehner. keeping a law they mate, alive and well -- they hate alive and well. and john boehner is going down if he keeps it up. very much war. and led by a tea party charmed charged for battle. to alan west. former republican congressman with me now on how it might go. >> a pleasure to be with you, most important thing you see happening is conflict between politics and policy, when you understand when a continuing resolution is. which is what we'll have to do, it is because we had a failure in appropriation process, we've not been able to budget for the government. continuing resolution could be 6 months, 8 months to a year.
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you look at fact that president unconstitutionally has gone in and delayed certain parts of the affordable care act. the out of pocket caps or also being it the. er mandate, we should do is say we'll take the president's lead, we're going to delay the. menimplementation of obamacare. neil: if the speaker is not willing to do that. should he go? >> that puts the speaker in a precarious situation, the american people are looking for folks who will stand up and have a trin principle fight on good policy. neil: it seems you are disappointed in him because he is not doing that. >> i am. it is not just that but also people have been coming on a select committee benghazi, with 163 signatures to frank wolf's
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house resolution calling for that committee, it has not been brought to the floor, those things that american people constitutional conservatives, if you want to call the tea party that, are up is it about, they want to see someone stand up and fight, you have jimmy hoffa jr. righte writing a letter to nancy pelosi and harry reid, cas castigating this affordable care act. saying they don't' to have a part of that but this law mandates 16,000 new irs agents as enforcers we have a problem. think about the waivers and the fact that congress on the hill has an exemption, and we're spending millions of tax pair dollars to advertise -- taxpayer dollars to advertise something that is law.
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neil: i want to be clear on some technologies. that is one thing to delay it or another to defund it out right. are new that camp? do you think that it is important enough and principled enough cause, to go ahead and risk a shut down? >> i'm not talking about a shut down, the shut down will come on the heel -- in the lap of president obama. because he is the one that said, and also signed several pieces of legislation that has repealed or replaced . >> i know what you are saying, i guess what i'm getting at, you are right there is another way that it is president bringing on shut down, but speaker and other main treatment republicans, if you will, said it will be on republicans could and look like last government shut down, they will get the blame. >> you see, that is the politics
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of it i will be honest and clear. that is such a phase willure of leadership -- that is such a failure of leadership. like what i just did, you know, i was born and raised in georgia went to university of tennessee i am not some harvard educated gent els -- gentlemen, but if ie explain it, why can't house leader explain it just as well, let's get away from the i'm going to get blamed, stop reading new york times and wash post and worry about the politics. i disagree with people who say you should let it go through, and let the american people suffer then allow them to come screaming, i say, a leader would never allow the american people to suffer under something they know is not good for the american people, look at watched with ups, and with delta, and
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you will see me as a leader you will stan by and allow the american people to suffer just because you want to score political points, that puts you in the camp with president obama, i think our republican leadership can do wetter. better. neil: alan west thank you very much. >> thank you. neil: by argue defunding hole care then what? health care, this could be a fight that could be very nasty for the markets to see acted out, tie young is joining us, steve, the fallout will be quicken to the markets. >> it could be, not just a question of whether obamacare gets funded. neil: it is more uncertainty. >> like so much. there was an expression we heard
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something is critical but not serious, that meant that there is a lot of horrible things that could happen. but we can take care of it we're not in that situation any more, it is critical, it is critical. not just going on with the president and congress but in syria, what is going on in egypt, which affects oil prices, and it is what is going on in the markets today, gold is up, oil is up, stocks are down. what more evidence do you need than something is wrong? it is also who'll be running the federal reserve, when was last time in this country, where we had a lame duck chairman of the federal reserve. neil: you have a lot of uucertainty, but i want to go back to health care thing, at very least it could point to a bumpy fall in terms was not getting a budget, a potential shut down, a debt limit quack meyer, how much -- quagmire how much of a concern is that for
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you? >> it is a big concern, reason it is, is to steven's point we have middle east, we have an upcoming battle over debt sealing and budget, it could be negative. short-term is outweighed by short, medium and long-term negatives of obamacare that is a business killer. getting this defunded up front is important thing to do. neil: i don't know if that is going to happen. looking at the numbers and how realistic it is to expects the president to sign on something like that, that hints of at least a bit of a budget crisis. is wall street used to these shenanigans, soar could be different? >> it could be develop this time, this is -- it could be different there time, that is the most fractured that i have
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seen this government, i have never seen a government so polarized as this government, the president wants this, republicans want that, there is very little room for compromise you. what you get some craze cock mamey thing called obamacare, it is no good for anybody, the young are going end to up paying more, there is nothing you can say that is positive about this, other an obama got his name on it, there is just nothing good about this, it is going to cost money, raisin flag -- raise inflation. neil: saying you know, republicans should be careful about this infighting because if they go after the speaker and
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the established leadership they are shooting themselves and guaranteeing they will not only lose any chance of taking senate, but they could call in to question their control will the house. what do you make of that, whether that is much ado about nothing or what? >> to congressman west's point from a few moments ago, politicallic pe expediency and s are secondary to leadership. they should fund the government with the exception of obamacare, send to to senate, let harry reid say dead on arrival. in 90s we shut down the government, republicans got the blame, and market did not really get hurt, at that time he thought that government would follow the law, we had a blitzer more confidence in -- we had a
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little bit more confidence in them. >> you are right, market held up fine. thank you both very much. >> forget about whether washington's antics offend you, did this year's racey music awards offend you, the guys on capitol hill never rate, i tell you miley cyrus and crew, did they rate, forget about the billboard charts, i'm telling you off the charts.
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nascar is about excitement. but tracking all thection and hearing everything from our marketing partners, the media and millions of fans on social media can be a challenge. that's why we partnered with hp to build the new nascar fan and media engagement center. hp's technology helps us turn millions of tweets, posts and stories into real-time business insights that help nascar win with our fans. like carpools... polly wants to know if we can pick her up. yeah, we can make room. yeah. [ male announcer ] space. yes, we're loving this communal seating. it's great. [ male announcer ] the best thing to share? a data plan. at&t mobile share for business. one bucket of data for everyone on the plan,
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unlimited talk and text on smart phones. now, everyone's in the spirit of sharing. hey, can i borrow your boat this weekend? no. [ male announcer ] share more. save more. at&t mobile share for business. ♪ neil: beware immigration bills we have to past -- pass fast, we have a bill clocked at more than 1200 pages, a lot of stuff sneaks into the pages including 1 1/2 billion bucks for a youth jobs program. you know tens of millions of dollars more for various immigrant serving organizations, ryan said, you come to discover this immigration measure does not measure up. he is top g.o.p. strategist. so now the devil becomes how do
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you remove those provisions, get a law that makes sense or do you risk junking the whole thing, and we're told getting latinos upset at you? >> junk the whole thing, no matter, you will have go to conference, and have worse bill brought forward. you will have democrat in house, a handful of republicans pass it. and sign by barack obama. neil: you don't buy the argument this just kills party with the -- for whatever valid reason, it looks like you are you know, against minority. >> bob dole got less of the hispanic vote than mitt romney or joh mccain did. we have to make immigration less about hispanics, it was wave of yesterday. the wave of today is asian immigrants, and tomorrow will be
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muslim and sub-saharan. >> you are not giving up? >> no, this should not be a anti-hispanic thing, this is be where the immigrantses are coming from. they have 18,000 visas for people working at summer camps. neil: really. >> yes. they have a huge 92 better be a nice summer camp. >> a huge thing for people for fisheries in alaska, this is pork on pork on pork, they -- the law that you mentioned 1.5 billion for summer programs for young people that was the bernie sanders vote, the socialist from vermont they bought almost every vote they could. neil: ryan, you articulate this better than all of the republicans i have had on here with the problem of the measure but it comes back to republican's inability to
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articulate why this does not make sense, why do you think that is? they look like they are out of sync. sync. >> there is a reason we're called stupid party, to a sudden we deserve it they can't measure it up, they are afraid of being called racist or afraid of obstructtionist. neil: where do you stand on the shut down? >> i think that there is going to be future chances to rein in obamacare. i don't know how. neil: i wouldn't shoot the battle here? >> i would not. neil: what do you think of tea parties saying this is their last stance deal. >> we're not losing house until 2022, the seat are cut,
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republicans would have to really screw up to lose the house majority until 2022, almost impossible. neil: well, it is happened before. >> don't underestimate republican clans to fail. neil: both parties. many people did not think that democrats would lose control. >> almost 198 seats that -- >> you are not worried about the house? >> no. neil: worried aboued about 2016. >> once you have republicans in senate, they overturned obamacare, what? 40 times, it never got brought to the senate. once we have a very republican senate majority, and voted on in senate. i want them to vote, make you know, make the senators from louisiana, from arkansas, and north carolina and alaska have to vote to reinstate obamacare as they lose their jobs, and their insurance, as new jobs are not -- let senators vote, over and over, and let them own it all the way until over in 14,
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you will have a republican senate by them. neil: you articulate that position well. >> thank you. make them -- this immigration bill, and i can't stress this, this worse than obamacare. neil: really? now you are getting cookie? >> no, you will bring in 30 million new immigrants in text 10 years that will give democrats their demographic majority for the foreseeable future this is the fight to fight on,. neil: okay, ryan thank you. in the meantime, attention class, time to grade your teacher, because pay for performance is on. and in christie country, it is chalking up one headline hell of a union fight.
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neil: so. are any of you fortunate enough to think your kids teacher is great? how about paying them for standing out. it is happening in newark, new jersey, those teachers who make the grade stand to make the wash up $12,500 more. teachers unions are decrying this, saying it is arbitrary, and measures used to judge do not take into, account where the classroom is, in newark, can any instruct oainstructor look good.
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a class in the class. >> i used to be a teacher. neil: i believe that. >> true, i have a pointer that i use, and an eracer. neil: i can see you writing on pay paper. >> allred pen. i was subject to the incremental pay raises, whether i was doing a good job or a bad job, i was getting paid as same person across the hall who was doing busy work like, movies all day. but i think you have to -- merit pay is important, but i think that teacher evaluations are more complicated. you have to get into the classroom, and understand the learning disadvantages of kids have. the parental situation, i don't
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think that the standardize test is the way to judge a good teacher from a bad teacher, you have to get in the classroom. neil: that is what unions are complaining about there is no easy metric, that is why christie and new jersey, and other states that use the test scores, use recontinuetion leve -- retention level, and factor in crime and poverty rate in the area, they have come up with this prom la. >> obama pioneered this one, chris christie is working -- >> the metrics are unique to new jersey. >> yes, and newark -- >> cut christie some slack, not just obama, obama. >> do you see me have a problem cprobwith christie. neil: you have a problem with
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overweight white men. >> absolutely not. have you seen him lately. because of the fact most of them are coming from below poverty line. neil: unions are whining about that. >> i can't cure with everything that jedediah said, that is -- unions. neil: he said what unions are kind of saying. >> there is a jedediah just pointed out, you have to get into the classroom. neil: did you hear something differently. >> you have to get into the classroom. >> you have to get into the classroom. you can observe ha is happening as opposed to -- it is easy to look at test scores say this percentage of kids are not passing this teacher is doing a bad job, it is harder to get in and observe. >> you come from a house when one or both parents is engaged in your education, you will do better than a lot of kids that not have, that in places like
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newark, parents working 2 or 3 jobs to support themselves, they may not have time to do that. neil: all right, switching gears. maybe 50 bucks an hour is not ideal but will you settle for 10, california senator barbara boxer said that is a pretty good minimum wage to start with for now, julie agrees, and jedediah said sure, if you want to kill jobs. neil: you say now is not the time to talk minimum wage. >> right. what is going to happen when companies decide we'll shift tte full time workers to part time, because now we can't pay for healthcare benefits for people. so, you can look at old clips of milton mea friedman, analyzing t saying this increases poverty.
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neil: do you look at it, every time, businesses whine. life goes on business continues, really the end of the world? >> the price can get passed on to the consumer as well, do people want to go to managed. mcdonald's. >> there is always the argument. >> have you record profit of businesses, they're sitting on piles of cash, let's not pretend it will be passed on to consumers. neil: they are making profit cutting cost. if you have people waking above minimum wage today they will hopefully be out of the cycle of poverty. >> you will recognize that jedediah, that if you hike minimum by any payment is has to go into other areas. >> i heard that time and time again. neil: well you know some things
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go up. >> adjusted for inflation, ppople make minimum wage today making less than about 3-dollar less. neil: what do you -- >> people are better off. >> they were. >> i don't know about, that. >> it is a fact. >> i don't know that is realistic to say. neil: two teachers here. >> they talk about $15 then what $20 -- what going to happens. neil: she is talking 10. >> a lot of workers at mcdonald's and other areas talking 15 they will be protesting. >> julie does not care she does not go to mcdonald's. >> i dry not to eat big macs every day. >> i don't either. >> it is like crack. you think that students are going to be hired in that environment, people they feel how do we pay $10 to a student when this is supposed to be an entry level job, companies
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factor that in. >> most people making minimum wage are over $20, a third are married and have kids, the problem and you are passing on the cycle on -- you try being a family. neil: it is up to them. >> it is good for them. because the more disposable income you have. neil: ladies, wish we had more time, i'm tired of the fat jokes who knew that jack kennedy got it long before ronald reagan did, the words coming back to haunt a lot of liberals, they think that i doctored to make jfk saying and he did not then to sell tax cuts, bowl s would o that? p. purchase eraser? it's the easy way to erase any recent travel expense. i just pick a charge, like my flight
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>> i'm in favor of a tax cut i'm concerned if we don't get the tax cut we'll have an increase of unemployment and move into a period of economic downturn. neil: liberals who hate tax cuts better rethink that one, when it comes to basic economics they don't know, jack literally, i show john kennedy in his own words, some not only refuse to believe it, they thought that i edited the tape, carroll in new york city, whites you doctored that kennedy click, if he was for tax cuts then i am michelle
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obama. katie, said there is no way that he would -- unless we was expecting opposition from his own party. katie, he spent a lot of time wasting his time on that good fake bite then, pounds need for a tax cut figure as for almost . before he got his wish, sadly though after he was dead. lisa, amen, thank you neil for this reminder. >> and den cat 66. reduce financial spending, tax apparatus, opposite of barack obama. pauline in connecticut, thank you for your jfk segment and posting links on your site, i posted them to all my friends, phil in california, i feel for for the people claiming to be democrats that revered jfk .
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this is why we have the administration we have. and neil, please, mark cuban is a republican hater in the worse way, he only wants a third party he is afraid his precious democratic party is going police. he actually hates both parties. james, also disagreed with every political point that cuban made. but that the markets are rigged against the little guy. i do agree. one day stocks are up, next day they are down, i almost sound like jackie mason, up they are down. >> i'lll leave you guessing on
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that one. >> i am amazed at number of billionaires who open up to you, you lure them in. get them to say the out landish stuff, like penance for their souls, you ared good father dispensing salvation, you even look like a priest but with fake hair. was that necessary? i cannot stress enough, my hair is not fake, it looks like a lego hair do but it is my laying lego.
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neil: so much for rising interest rates torpedoing the housing recovery. the housing boom looks real. 20 cities where each metropolitan area saw gains, includes 24.9% surge in las vegas, and 24.5% advance in san francisco, charles, on whether housing passed its pain. what do you think of this? >> it is interesting. we had a nice housing bounce. but i am worried about a few things, there are glaring yellow flags, main street has not been seduced back into the housing market. first time buyers, is dismal,
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existing homes 28% down from 34 34% a year ago, that number has to get to 40%. people -- it could be actually a compliment to the american public they were scarred so badly they are not in a rush for that commitment. neil: who is buying the new modern day mc mansions? that is percolating again. >> no doubt. you have a segment in the population that has been in the market. a lot is investors, the good news the cash portion is beginning to come down. neil: we don't see reflect in existing sales. >> right, new homes are a smaller fragment. we're at a moment of truth. where, somehow the public has got to take the bit.
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one thing is ben bernanke, we're buying cars like crazy, but average car is 13 years old, mine stopped on me. mechanic tried to rip me off. neil: so, let me get a sense, people, their wealth and feeling tied up in their homes. those lucky enough to own stocks and market as well, for most americans, that is why they equate their financial well being, you seem to say they are not feeling that great. >> well, the american dream always the white pikit fence, and home that helped get through retirement put your kids through college, this was your piggy bank, it was the american safety net, i think people were surginged after they sort of
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lived through, it is fresh in the forefront of a lot of minds, i think it will change, because, it served that purpose year after year, century after century. neil: you are not buying it yet. we have more years to work this out or what? >> i think we have time to work out the mental part. if low interest rates, you know how low they have been, if that has not done the trick, you say, and press prices, then what will. neil: they are beginning to inch up in price run, and interest rate front there is a separate argument that people get off the fence. >> right, that is a good thing that triggers -- a recent survey showed people who were underwater, now they are not 55% said they are looking for another house now. neil: interesting. >> 22% are renting, others are not sure. that pendulum swings, the house
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we could have bought at $175 grand looks real good to someone at 325 grand. neil: well put, each night 6:00 p.m. where charles just yells as people, very good stuff, he is understanding the market, and making it understandable to you. >> meanwhile, vm, you do say, do you think that award show got too aroundy? what do you do? next. ace of mind is important wn you' running a successful business. so we provide it services you can rely on. with centurylink as your trusted it partner, you'll experience reliable uptime for the network and services you depend on. multi-layered security solutions keep your information safe, and secure. and responsive dedicated support meets your needs, and eases your mind.
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centurylink. your link to what's next. nascar is about excitement. but tracking all the action and hearing everything from our marketing parers, the media and millions of fans on social media can be a challenge. that's why we partnered with hp to build the new nascar fan and mediengagement center. hp's technology helps us turn millions of tweets, posts and stories into real-time business insights that help nascar win with our fans.
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than 10 million viewers watched that and more, and tweeted their wonder and outrage during it all, that is 4 million viewers more than last year, which makes you wonder who performers will do to grab your attention and not just their apendages next year. what the heck was going on here? >> well, you know, i think that was miley's way of saying i'm not "hannah montana," i am a grown up, dare i say woman, hear me roar. this is more moment, saying i can push the envelope, and by the way, my new album drops october 8, preorders happened 24 hours before, you might' to reorder my album is worked. neil: i am wondering, how do that i want to it next year?
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what made that happen? >> i think that show lineup overall was stronger than has been. you know last year it is not as much buzz about it going into it but when this particular performance -- >> lady gaga in the show last year? >> i'm not sure. neil: lady -- >> she has been out of the spotlight for so long, back and soaped show, justin timberlake, and n'sync union, but then this performance that is when you know twitter within wild, highest number of tweets per minute we've seen 306,000 tweets per minute. beating beyonce's super bowl performance. neil: people are tweeting during the show. >> yes. neil: you have to watch this, quickly click it on. neil: everyone wants their opinion out there. >> yes, did you see miley, everyone likes funny saying.
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neil: do you say, any publicity is good? whether you are allen thicke, they say your name they show your video, and you. all good? >> i think unfortunately we learned over years just watching celebrity machine it is true. there is no such thing as bad publicity, look at chris brown, who had worst you could imagine with rihanna incident, but he is still going strong making tons of records. neil: what keeping -- they are looking at ratings now, next we're we got to do some outrageous stuff, when you point out, it does not have to be outrageous. just good groups and good music some highest rated moments in practice of the on these award shows, have been the crease ones crazy ones there must be a connection. >> they love giving audiences shocking moment, in 2000 brittney spears with with her
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strip tease, and 2003, madonna, and christina aguillera and brittney, exchanged a kiss onstage. so, they have to keep pushing the boundaries. neil: i wonder what is next? blatant nudity? >> right. neil: just watch the country music awards i don't know. >> either way. neil: amazing, katrina thank you very much. >> it was amazing i kip watching it -- kept watching saying what the heck? anyway. mile imiley you got time positi, may i interest you in mcdonald's chicken wings before you get back for next year's show. they are rocking too. our very sexy biz blitz. e days,s can save by sharing.
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like carpools... polly wants to know if we can pick her up. yeah, we can make room. yeah. [ male announcer ] space. yes, we're loving this communal seating. it's great. [ male announcer ] the best thing to share? a data plan. at&t mobile share for business. one bucket of data for everyone on the plan, unlimited talk and text on smart phones. now, everyone's in the spirit of sharing. hey, can i borrow your boat this weekend? no. [ male announcer ] share more. save more. at&t mobile share for business. ♪ yeah. i heard abt progressive's "name your price" tool? i guess you can tell them how much you want to pay and it gives you a range of options choose from. huh? i'm looking at it right now. oh, yeah? yeah. what's the... guest room situation? the "name your price" tool, making the world a little more progressive.
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neil: i'm wondering what is going to happen to chicken mcnuggets, mcds will have chicken wings, served with a variety of sauces. which will likely be more drama at the drive through this fall? you buying? forget the wings, your interest in mcdonald's? >> well think about this mcdonald's has a hungry base of customers, they have shown they will drink the new coffee and increased burgers this is a grade opportunity for mcdonald's to take advantage of wings, and products that come with it, i think that
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mcdonald's may be to something, a trend they are likely to use well, if they can produce, promote and price it well. neil: would it cannibalize something else? >> they have a certain amount of customers coming in the door, if i'm walking in. i look at chicken wings, i need to know what they have on tap first, because the beer is what makes the wings, and the game, if they are not giving me the environment i'm not going for the wings. neil: we know that prior, limited product, it amo will be around for a few months like mcribs, i now the it had bones -- i thought it had bones in it until i had it, and i say no bones. >> they will get people in the store, they will try it, at end of the day, they will make sales. neil: do you buy the stock?
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>> no. not on this one. neil: what happens when cops step in on a mickey d's to try the wings out, they will be able to show us, eating the wings, many will be outfitted with mini cameras, that attach to them made by the very folks who made their taser guns, that is good for taser stock. is this going to add to that? >> here is an issue that is forefront,y think about trayvon martin, brought to life, use of force byvillsympathyians and -- civilians and police officers, police officers according to foundation are less likely to be involved in use of force. this is likely to catch fire, that will be a very good news for the company going forward. neil: what do you think? >> only 50% likely to useless
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force, 90% less complaints by civilians. if i am the mayor of a city, i am insisting they get used, this is a huge way to cut down on complains and liability. neil: for everyone to see. >> absolutely. >> look at what it did with automobiles, wonderful idea, cost saving civilian savings. neil: that would make you look more inclined to look at a company >> not a bad plan 92 who said all billioners brilliant. they can be bone heads, at least, legendary aikman admits it. he is looking at j.c. penney saying it is not worth the time or money? >> keep in mind what j.c.
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penneys has done is like mcdonald's saying we are changing our cheeseburger taste, you have to like it. pennies said -- j.c. penneys saying what you have known of us, we're putting it on the side, the customers have not standed. this is cutting at the edge of loyalty for the customers, it may take a while for loyal j.c. penney customers to proof in the brand against -- to belief in the brand again. neil: i am rather proud he says, enough is enough, i'm cutting my losses, that is a big mistake that small investors do, this he is saying, it is not working i'm going. neil: does he lead to the tajes of the stock? -- tanking of the stock, people lose confidence in the stock he is losing? >> some might but we've seen other large investors come in say, you know what maybe it
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turns out to be a best buy look at gap, two years ago horrible they revamped store, and their product line they turned it. it is gap and best buy or gimbels from 80s, we don't know yet. neil: i don't know, there have been a lot of attempts you bringing that back to life, i don't know. know. >> a lot have not worked? >> do you feel that way too. you can only walk by the graveyard so many times before you are a customer. >> they look at the value, the momentum has stopped they need resurgence. if they do believe in the brand again we may see sales tax off again. neil: next case a good example. two big numbers 100 billion, 20 million, and number one. days boofacebook market value, d
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20 million zuckerberg's value. as facebook climbs back, time to take issue with the stock? say, hey, maybe it has further. >> you have to be impressed with the turn around, not just a price stock they did it by really increasing mobile sales, ad revenue from mobile and tablets. >> proving what the internet model on paper it works. >> the biggest draw back when stock came public, where is this revenue coming from? he has done an amazing job, but we're looking at 180 times forward earnings, so they really have a lot of expectations already built-in to the stock, if those expectations are not met revenues are does not come in or like my own children
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instagram, if things change, we'll see. neil: so, we get too far lady up on side -- far ahead upside as we were down side? >> facebook, is like food, people can't go but a few hours before they consume more, that is an advertiser's dream. think about facebook and wings what a great come flag -- combination. people are addicted to facebook. if they can keep listening to consumers and users facebook may be a stock to keep in mind for years to come. neil: all right, we will keep an eye on that, and technology on volatile markets, thank you. we'll be keeping an eye on syria, as war drum beating bet
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louder, and what president has at stake with his handling of that and ongoing fiscal crisis, we're on that tomorrow. ♪ charles: hello, everyone. i'm charles payne. thank you for being with us on this very important hour. tonight on our fox business special, "makingour market." we live in a world of instability and uncertainty. liquor was going on right now. the obama administration takes the line against this carnage and syria. >> tomorrow obscenity. charles: oil prices are spiking higher. the classic conundrum, i'm going to show you how. also a lot we can learn from the world's greatest investors, the investment gurus like warren buffett and peter lynch
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