tv Markets Now FOX Business September 10, 2013 11:00am-1:01pm EDT
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you never know. and to talk about grunting, again, thanks so much. no hand wringing on wall street despite the mess in washington. will we see a vote on syria? what about the other agenda items in d.c. that matter to your money? apple said to reveal the new iphone that unlocks with your fingerprint. is that enough to matter? calorie crushed, mcdonald's being tested in kansas city, a family size serving but what about with obesity, the serving for one? out, can't wait all it wants now, the dow gives a long standing component the boot for nike, who is in and who is out and why you care. those stories and more on this hour of markets now. ♪
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connell: emphasize the now in markets now but we are doing pretty good. dagen: keeping track. connell: what a day the last 24 hours. stuart varney said the markets are up and seem to like the latest which we will talk about and the big changes to the dow. nicole petallides starts us off at the stock exchange. nicole: good morning, the big news is we will have some changes on the dow jones industrials as of next week friday, september 20th at the close of trading names on the move, the dow jones industrials up 112 -- 112 points, the u.s. dollar looking good and commodities pulling back. and seasoned changes. bank of america, alcoa and hewlett-packard coming out of the doubt. goldman sachs, nike and visa larger stock price, the more it has waited within the index. this is the biggest shakeup we have seen in a decade.
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the three names coming out of theedow, bank of america, alcoa and gillick packard have been underperformers so interesting to see these changes, this will occur friday after the closing bell. remembers another changes were united healthcare came in and craft was out and citigroup was replaced by travelers. gm was supplanted by the network company cisco systems so there have been changes but this one three at a time is a big deal. dagen: $1 share stock price, negligible impact on the dow 30. it won't make a difference. syria's foreign minister says his country will accept a russian proposal to turn over its chemical weapons stockpile international authorities, last night fox news's chris wallace asked president obama if that would be enough to delay a congressional vote for military action against syria. >> we should explore and exhaust all avenues of diplomatic
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resolution of this but it is important to keep the pressure on end to, quote, or paraphrased a former u.s. president ronald reagan, it is not enough just to trust. we have to verify. connell: the american people don't have much trust for the president and his handling of the situation in syria. latest fox news poll shows 29% of voters approve of the way he has havilah, 60% disapproved, fox news contributor joins us now. syrian crisis, if you had to bet what the market was doing it will let it. what do you make of the last 24 hours? >> i will address the policy as it exists right now. after lunch we may have a different policy. shifting changes all the time. i think i can remember recently any major policy unchanged so much virtually hour to hour. 24 hours ago we were preparing for a vote on the war and john kerry made some comment about
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allowing chemical weapons, international inspections and vladimir putin writes the rescue and we hear that maybe we will have diplomatic settlement but president obama will come on tonight with an act of congress -- military strikes. it may not happen. dagen: the administration is trying now to act as if this dual strategy of diplomacy but moving ahead on potential military action was part of a wholeeplan all along. >> they can say that but it seems very improvised. even last week when we had john kerry come out and say bombing begins in five minute was the essence of a speech on august 30th and on august 31st the message from president obama was debating begins in five minute so let's put it to a vote that he could have done something very serious which was to pick up the phone in the oval office, call members of congress and say support my policy betty and joe biden took off to play golf, the 1 for the first round of golf in his presidency. that did not send a message of
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steely resolve or grim determination. connell: what will he say tonight? is the market right that the military conflict at least in the near term will not happen in syria and for whatever reason whether they back into it as john kerry by accident or whenever will avoid it with this deal between the russians and syrians? >> we will see what happens this afternoon. what he might say is it is important to have this diplomatic opportunity but if things don't go well we need to have the beta of the military strike so let's let congress approve that. is a mixed message. dagen: we are flashing an ap report citing a source that president obama has agreed to u.n. discussion on russia's proposal for syria's chemical weapons. >> it could go on for months. does not mean will be settled by this time tomorrow. discussion could go on and on actions do. >> and what was going to happen. >> play cat and mouse with the
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inspectors keeping moving around with weapons and there's a civil war going on so even if he wants to hand over the weapons we can't get to them because they're behind rebel lines and who knows what that means? connell: i wonder what the russians and syrians are to. >> it could be. i don't think this time the people think of vladimir putin as a great olive branch in his mouth yet he emerged as such just yesterday. dagen: protecting the nation's credibility is something the president has cited and could cite again tonight as one reason to basically go into syria or launch a strike but what about the damage to our credibi already? the damage is done. >> the damage is tremendous and reversals and vacillations we have seen already have been damaging. there is an unsettling sense of seriousness on foreign policy. and up from reggie love, one of his confidential assistants during the usama bin laden radius of the situation room and went to play cards with his
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advisers and your ago during the un general assembly he met with zero heads of state. and a peer with will be goldberg on the view, and the less we give them to do the better. connell: thanks a lot, appreciate it. dagen: lots of money on the sidelines, and investors at least today are ready to act. the chief market strategist at l p l financial, what do you think happens, the markets were not shaken up for the potential of a strike on syria. and investors were right all along in anticipating what we were seeing today. >> the market's love kicking the can. whether it is kicking the can on fiscal policy decisions or
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monetary policy decisions or foreign policy decisions now it looks like we're setting up for a kick the can month of september on syria, increasingly later on the continuing resolution on the government, kicked that can down a road another few months and buy some time, and maybe the tabor next week, maybe a smaller tabrets and what might have been expected a few months ago, all these things being pushed off to the future, the market's liking that so i think it is one of the reasons we are up and as an aside we look in the past, markets react and ahead of military strikes in a positive way particularly over the last 20 years, we have seen markets move up, weaker still ahead of the actual strike anticipating that strike, that was true in the gulf war and libya a couple years ago, true in the serbia bombings in 1999 and we see a bunch of this so the markets primed to go up either way but don't expect this to be an easy ride. that september has a reputation
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for volatility. dagen: why is that? why do you see these run ups ahead of action? >> the market at least if you look much further always tends to bounce after the action took place, not once the conflict was resolved, in world war ii only a few months in do little's raid took place and that turned the tide of sentiment. there's an emotional response that says we're going to win this thing, there will be an outcome of this that is positive in the direction of u.s. interests, and they get a few head of that intense bidding the response. they make and is submitting a good outcome. dimension the federal reserve, syria has taken that as front and center issue away from investors. why do you think this might be us smaller pull back for the central bank in terms of bond buying because the jobs report wasn't great but certainly not awful. >> it was not a terrible report
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at all but it wasn't a strong one. what we have seen is the vision within the fed and data has been a little mixed. third quarter gdp shaping up to be less than 2%, not a very robust number and below the number the fed predicted would be gives us cover to do a smaller tapir, to protest or light if you will. we think they will take the opportunity to do that, see how that is received in the marketplace before going towards bigger numbers next year in terms of advancing that caper. dagen: another issue markets have to deal with, who takes ben bernanke's job. the president kicks that can down the road. great to see you as always. connell: more on the markets in syria. go big or go home, mcdonald's
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passes a family serving. and a trading deal for smart phones. this will have an impact on sales you're getting from the likes of verizon and at&t. connell: intel headquarters this year, live report is straight ahead. put it here on markets now, stocks are, how about oil down 106, that is a 2% decline. with the spark miles card from capital one, bjorn earns unlimited rewas for his small business take theseags to room 12 please. [ garth ] bjors small busiss earns double miles on every purchase every day. produce delivery.
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[ bjorn ] just put it on my spark card. [ garth why settle for less? ahh, oh! [ garth ] great businesses deserve limited reward here's your wake up call. [ male announcer ] get the spark business card from capital one and earn unlimited rewards. choose double miles or 2% cash back on every purchase every day. what's in your wallet? [ crows ] now where's the snooze button?
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connell: latest developments on the shake-up in the dow jones industrial average. long time blue chips alcoa, gillick packet and bank of america and all of the doubt, visa, goldman sachs and nike replacing them. the biggest shakeup we have seen in the dow jones industrial average ended decade. david. third joins us, managing director of the index committee edison the dow jones industries with us now, good to have you on. we have been talking back and forth about what this means and trying to read between the lines
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but it means the biggest shakeup in a decade. every now and then you get a company in, company out but what about three for three, what prompted that? >> if you look back at the history even though it is ten years since there were three and three added it is not that dramatic, there have been a lot of 2-2s in the last two years. as we look at the index over the last several months we know this because it is price weighted and three stocks out at the bottom which had little impact on the index all three of the ones to gather him out all three only 3% of the index and they didn't make that much difference, some of the larger high-priced stocks have hardly more impact than they should have had but taking these out adding stocks that have prices at higher levels gives better balance in the index overall and that was the key item. it changes the diversification across different segments of the
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market and within a couple key segments. connell: the price weeded part of it and everybody follows the dow, that is important is you did a good job explaining since the march stock price, larger impact as opposed to other indexes which are weighted it differently, but the companies going inverses the companies going out, somebody using it, the analogy with the explanation on twitter or somewhere earlier that was kind of makers out commentators in, talking about goldman sachs i would think and alcohol on coming out. anything to that and where the economy is changing or reaching? >> we didn't put it up in twitter. we can stand one by one in that sense. jpmorgan chase, bank of america in the dow right now, similar companies, lines of business
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this issue, by taking back america out and putting goldman in, financials have a broader balance because it is much more focused on investment, little deposittaking, traditional commercial lending, wider diver suffocation worth what is going on in the financial sector by doing that. major footwear apparel company, an area that was not really represented by the dow should be a big area, global company, something like half the sales are outside the united states, very well known, it is big, 59th in the s&p 500 by size so we felt it belonged in there. this is an interesting case, most think the credit card, money and finance, and the largest international payment network many organizations in
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the world, that really picks up an area of technology that had not been as well represented as it should be, where the technology equipment which is one of h p's traditional areas is important in the technology world more than it was ten years ago. and we have a broader better picture what goes on in the whole economy. connell: thanks a lot. the second shell is looking to the future, liz claman picks of three days in the valley from intel hq. connell: the big announcement today, apple expected to come out with finger-pointing for the newest iphone. we have that and first look at some more markets on markets now, the currency at 132 and change for the url and we will be right back in just a moment. it's the little things in life that make me smile.
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stuart: we know engineers are valuable in the tech world but what use would there be for an anthropologist in silicon valley? we knew you wanted to know the answer to this question, rare species spotted at the intel developers' conference in san francisco. dagen: that is where liz claman is joining us for day one of fox business act's sixth annual three days in the valley coverage. liz: i have to tell you we have spotted this rare creature here at the intel developers forum, we are live in san francisco, northern california today is a hotbed of tech news, robert gray waiting for the apple announcement. we are at the intel developers forum. nothing to say intel inside, now it says intel look inside. they make the brains for semiconductor chips that go in everything from your laptop to your pc to your tablets you're smart phone but we spotted this rare creature, futures and anthropologist dr. genevieve bell, great to have you.
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here we are, thousand developers going through here but you are the one who really looks at human behavior and how we buy and use tax. why does intel have a cultural anthropologist on staff? >> we have more than one. really our job is to get a sense of what makes people tick, what they care about, what they're passionate about and how we use that to shape the next generation of technology, and -- liz: how do you figure out people in california or new york are going to start using for example wearable technology? >> we visit people. my team and i effectively hang out in people's homes, spent time in places they make meaning of their lives and make meaning of what they do with technology and everything. liz: one example your most recent effort, where did you go and what did you look for? >> in homes all over the world. looking at how do people think
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about laptops, what are they doing? looking at how people imagine putting technology on their bodies, with peer they are acceptable or not and running the gamut from looking at what people are doing now or what they might do in the future. liz: samsung out with the galaxy here, google glass, apple rumored to do and i watch. i currently am wearing this thing we are going to talk about called the move back which makes the standout straight because it vibrates and work through your smart phone but what we going to be using next? what technology is sort of in the future? >> we need to remember mobile technology, where rebel technology is hardly new. we have to extend our reach for thousands of years and put technology on our bodies and it actually is fast. the difference is those have the potential to be connected to the internet and join data and help you along the way.
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liz: a pc would be hard to strapped to ourselves. is that going away? >> no, we are in a world of multiple pieces of technology so rather than that one object i think most people would like to have lots of things because they do something is better than others. you don't want a laptop to be awake. you -- you can't be with anything else. liz: genevieve bell is a cultural anthropologist and features to intel and one cool kick from australia, great to have you. moss is an anthropologist belligerents in the family hanging out on kangaroo island watching behavior. in the next hour day one of three days in the valley. apple is rumored to be about to announce this afternoon brand new funds. what do you do with your old one? before you rush into apple for gift card, delighted is the company that is superhoss, we have the c e o on a fox business exclusive, put your phone up
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there, they are rumored to be the website paying for most of your old technology so get ready, if you need extra money for the brand new latest technology, glide's ceo coming up and 3:00 eastern fox business exclusive with the new ceo of intel, he is the first big tv interview, he tells fox business this is the place to be for technology. cheryl: can't wait for it, all day long and three days, thanks so much, liz claman in san francisco. connell: back to syria, breaking at this hour that president obama says he will participate in the u.n. discussion on russia's proposal for syrian chemical weapons. dagen: the apple announcement opening your iphone at the touch of a finger. you pick which finger. here are today's winners on the s&p.
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chief executive, turnaround experts. this is according to several sources familiar with the matter. you can see the stock is at 32 today. connell: nicole, thank you. the big story today is syria. we just learned, for example, that president obama and other u.s. allies have agreed. we bring a former cia officer in. the president, tonight, knowing what we now know and all this information that is out there, what do you say? >> the president has a problem. the other problem is the united
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nations could not have organized a game of dodgeball in damascus, syria. assad is a dictator who is committed to continuing his murderous role. he will continue to say what ever he needs to say. he is pursuing policies that will never actually be realized. he is a sophisticated operator that speaks three different languages. connell: is it just what it appears to be or is there
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something else there? >> what are the goals of the syrians? it is to ensure the survival of the assad regime. the president, of course, is looking for any opportunity to pull back and away from this. he is giving the country with flash. connell: assad is essentially buying himself time. now, back to president obama for a moment. the redline comments essentially boxed himself in. now what? now what do you do?
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we will be talking about this a year from now. >> we did this with saddam for years. assad is a whole lot smarter than what he was. we will be frustrated over this. the president will be ultimately humiliated over this process. the failure was he should have convinced the american public that he was going on his own or that he had the congresses approval to act before he entertained any type of discussion with the russians. they will slowly rolled the president in the united states. assad will be in power for years. connell: you said the president would be humiliated on this
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eventually. how do you see that playing out? >> assad will be empowered to years from now and he will have a massive quantity of chemical weapons. if he is in danger, he will use them again. connell: thank you very much. >> you are very welcome. dagen: about one hour and 24 minutes away from apples much anticipated event. connell: mcdonald's, the latest calorie buster. it is not just for one person. wait until you hear about it. dagen: walmarts new trade in deal for smart phones. is it good news for the likes of verizon and at&t? take a look at the ten year. it is at 3%.
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and this park is the inside of your body. see, the special psyllium fir in metamucil actually gels to trap some carbs to help maintain healthy blood sugar levels. metamucil. 3 amazing benefits in 1 super fiber. ♪ >> i am lori rothman with your fox business brief. small business optimism is out. and all this reading of 94. that is down from july's
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reading. both called was launched three years ago. this is twitter's largest acquisition year to date. proceeds will go towards verizon's $130 billion purchase of the remaining stake in verizon wireless. that is the latest from the fox business network. giving you the power to prosper. ♪ um... where's mrs. davis?
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she took an early spring break thanks to her double miles from the capital one venture card now what was mrs. davis teaching? spelling. that's not a subject, right? i mean, spell check. that's a program. algebra. okay. persons a and b are flying to the bahamas. how fast will they get there? don't you need distance, rate and... no, all it takes is double miles. [ all ] whoa. yeah. [ male announcer ] get away fast with unlimited double miles from the capital one venture card. you're the world's best teacher. this is so unexpected. what's in your wallet? connell: we love these. apple days. cheryl: lead to. connell: the countdown is on.
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dagen: robert gray is live for us with more. >> good morning. they will come out with a new iphone5. this will be the new 5s. an updated phone. a new look translucent to the keyboard. battery enhancing, if you will. we are also expecting more phone callers. we are also expecting a lower cost. the price on that right now is anyone's guess. if they are worried about margins, they may charge a
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little bit more for the last expensive version. this should brighten everyone's day. expecting bright colors, rainbow colors for those less expensive phones. there is talk about a gold or champagne one out there. the fingerprint sensor, they are expecting that on the home button. we will not know for sure until a little bit longer now. it will be coming up in the next hour. as far as the iphone 5s, you are looking at an enhanced also awaiting, tomorrow etc.
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beijing time, the announcement that they will finally hook up with china telecom. connell: bright colors and all. robert gray, thank you. dagen: let's bring in founder and ceo of apple. what do you think about this phone? >> if the fingerprint scanning technology and a few of the other things they are rumored to be incorporating into it, they could pack a punch. connell: when i think of this fingerprint scanning, what about your world?
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>> the integration of this hardware and software component on the iphone actually plays a lot into apple's strengths. banking, mobile payments, a lot of terms in the mobile finance world. this would be a very prominent first step into that. dagen: could you develop apps for all of the different smart phone platforms and operating systems? what is driving customer choice of one phone over another phone right now? is it the number of apps? >> at a certain level, it is how diverse is your app ecosystem.
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it has been a big barrier to entry. dagen: are they equal, google and apple? >> they have a level of parity. they are continuously going back and forth against one another. a cheaper phone, the addition of this new fingerprint technology could definitely be a strong advantage over android. they have a separate software maker than their hardware manufacturer. connell: staying with that theme, is there anything else that they need to do? day, being apple. >> i think you have seen google's strategy where it is
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very open. that has been a big advantage for google and the android operating system. a lot of different pieces of hardware starting to get connected. apple is more closed. connell: it is finally catching up to them. interesting. a high-tech hillbilly, dagen met dowell. be well. dagen: walmart is stepping up its game when it comes to smart phones. starting september 21, walmart will be offering consumers 50-
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$300 credits when they trade in their working, undamaged smart phones. these kinds of deals could shrink the market share for companies like verizon and at&t and sprint. at the end of the day, it maybe amazon that turns the table on everyone. rob thinks it is something that the industry is anxiously watching. here is a look at those five stocks that we mentioned just now. connell: and then you have mcdonald's. they are testing out these bullets boxes. the box sells for $14.99. it contained two quarter pounders with cheese, to medium fries, 20 piece chicken mcnuggets and finally you need
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your sauces. all of that comes, well, the good news is it is below 3000 calories. 2940 calories. that does not include a drink. apparently, it is not just for one person. dagen: at that is lunch for a linebacker. connell: here are your mcdonald's shares. dagen: alcoa getting booted. connell: a big story today. we talked about it earlier. let's bring elizabeth macdonald and. this is, well, people followed this. we have not seen this big of a change in quite some time.
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>> the dow would be of nearly 560 points if those three stocks have been added on january 1. here is what we heard from the index managers. they are saying that changes are prompted by low prices. they wanted to make these changes to diversify the dow. the changes will not affect the level of the dow index which is up 50%. they made some real eyebrow raising statements on the conference call this morning. they did consider putting google and. they thought that would completely distort the index. i asked them why nike. they said they wanted to diversify the consumer index. the fact that they are talking about knocking out the three lowest price stock, ge is still
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the longest running stock in the dow. big changes coming to the dow jones industrials today. connell: thank you very much. more from liz throughout the day. dagen: the motion picture and sound recording industry lost 22,000 jobs in just the last month. jeff flock will tell you why. connell: first, some of the winners on the nasdaq. ♪ [ woman ] if you have the audacity to believe your financial advisor should focus on your long-term goals, not their short-term agenda. [ male announcer ] join the nearly 7 million investors who think like you do. face time and think time make a difference. at edward jones, it's how we make sense of investing.
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dagen: investing in the media world. trying to land a job in the industry is something altogether different. connell: jeff flock is in elin knowing with more. jeff: it is a company based outside of chicago. they do summer concerts. they are not only employees, they are consumers. take a look at all the media companies making money right now.
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>> we took the time during the recession to invest in technology. jeff: we are taking a look at some of your employees out there. radio and tv are pretty much flat. >> live sound, broadcast production and it is all compensating. jeff: you are still going strong. >> absolutely. jeff: a lot more dough than us. guys like springsteen, bon jovi, who else, i cannot even tell you. [laughter] connell: leave it to jeff.
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thank you, sir. dagen: i have no words. connell: our big story today is serious. president obama, the latest on russia's proposal to place the weapons under international control. dagen: at the u.s. court of appeal seems to side with verizon. should the sec stop idling in the internet? cheryl and dennis are next. ♪ you know throughout history,
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you are gonna need a wingman. and with my cash back, you are money. forget him. my airline miles will take your game worldwide. what i'm really looking for is -- i got two words for you -- re-wards. ♪ there's got to be better cards than this. [ male announcer ] there's a better way with compare hundreds of cards from all the major banks to find the one that's right for you. it's simple. search, compare, and apply at first round's on me. dennis: i am dennis kneale. cheryl: i i am cheryl casone. what is the president asking
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for? what should you be doing to prepare your portfolio? dennis: what is bugging me? the sec interfering with the internet. the phone giant takes on the agent. my take ahead. cheryl: we will be live in california. we are an hour away from apple unveiling what we expect to be two new iphones. top of the hour. stocks every 15 minutes.
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nicole: we have a lot of big news. the dow jones industrials up 88 points right now. obviously, we had a nice run today. the dollar is stronger. commodities are pulling back. it shows you for the most part we have a lot of buyers. three new names going into the dow. goldman sachs, nike, visa. one, their actual price of their stock, they have been underperformers for the last several years. this is a big deal. cheryl: thank you.
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dennis: late word that the u.s. is open to a un discussion. president obama heads to the hill this hour. peter barnes has the latest from the white house. peter: the president has agreed to discussions with the un security council to seriously explore the viability of a proposal to russia. that could lead to a security council revolution to put those weapons under international control. the aide says that the president spoke separately this morning. he will work with china and russia to try to get this done.
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>> this cannot be a process of delay. this cannot be a process of avoidance. it has to be real, tangible. it is exceedingly difficult to fulfill those conditions. we are waiting for that proposal. we are not waiting for long. peter: this decision today buys the president time to try to convince senators from both parties to join him in his strategy. he will be meeting with senate democrats and republicans. the top senate republican announced this morning that he
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could not support the current version of such a resolution. >> all interventions are not created equal. this proposal just does not stand up. i will be voting against this revolution. there are just too many unanswered questions about our long-term strategy in syria. peter: of course, the president will address the nation at 9:00 p.m. tonight on the syria situation. what should the u.s. do in syria? 68% say the united states should stay out of it. 23% say that the u.s. should intervene because it is a humanitarian crisis.
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back to you guys. dennis: that has to be a little hurtful. thank you very much, peter barnes. cheryl: we are looking at a report from reuters. the president really has no choice here but to pursue some type of military action. have you changed your opinion? >> when i wrote it, i was essentially agreeing with the administration.
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what kind of response is open to discussion and i am not adverse to the idea of seeing all of syria as chemicals eliminated. the main goal was not, of course, to overthrow us that or take sides in a major way. the purpose was to restore deterrence in regards to chemical weapons so assad would not do it again. cheryl: maybe this was two weeks ago, but i thought you made great points about the fact of not just speaking and addressing syria. we are also addressing iran. that tells iran our threats are
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hollow. is that still a fair assessment? >> it is still a fair worry. you know if iran, let's make the analogy that you just mentioned, i appreciate you invoking that, if iran was willing to open up and say, on in and take away all of our enriched uranium, that would be fine with us, too. if syria gives up all of its chemical stocks, that is a pretty good outcome. it still does not address the bigger issue of serious civil war. if it can work, yes, i support it. cheryl: what do you make of the french? we are hearing that it will have
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some very strong language and it again. everyone agreeing that the international community monitors how convince our youth that this plan is going to be enough? >> i would be strongly in favor of it. i think it is brilliant. the problem is the actual implementation. assad may read the united states that we have lost our focus on this issue and he can now get away with slowing down his disclosure of where they are and his willingness to cooperate in the illuminations. another danger is that, you know, the stocks will be much more numerous than we ever
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realized. the syrians will keep some of them. cheryl: michael, i really hope you are wrong on that. >> i was not predicting it. i was just telling you the ways that this could go south. i hope i am wrong, too. cheryl: looking forward to another piece from you very soon. thank you very much. fox business 8:00 p.m. eastern time, our very own neill cavuto will be covering the latest after president obama's address to the nation. dennis: the dow is up 100 points now. green arrows offer more proof that the market is stronger than people think. seth masters joins us now. is it is time for the bears to go into hibernation?
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>> the prayers are always apt to be in hibernation from time to time. that is good for markets. ultimately, you want to have tension with people on both sides of the trade. valuations are reasonable and fundamentals are strong. dennis: you are predicting that the dow would hit 20,000 by year 2020. now you have bumped it up to a 5050. >> when we first made that forecast, a lot of people that it was a bold forecast because sentiment was quite a bit worse than what it is now. clearly, the economy is stronger and companies are delivering
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good earnings. we have seen the situation in the capital market is normalizing. dennis: let's talk about these rising rates. you say, stocks climbed as rates start to rise. how do we serve that and what level do we realize the rates have raised too much? >> it helps to understand why that is. dennis: don't we think bond rates are off as a fear that the fed will bounce back?
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>> what we can really say is rates are still really low in absolute terms. less than 3% on the ten year treasury. it was even lower than that a year ago. dennis: we have to wrap now, seth. thank you for bringing the polish perspective to us here today. we appreciate it. cheryl: alcoa out of the dow 30. we will show you what is replacing it. dennis: what is bugging me? the sec. should they stop meddling in the internet business? i want to hear from you.
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seen this type of a shakeup in the dow, or any type of shake up in the dow. take a look at hewlett-packard. hewlett-packard is one of the names that is pushing the dow. take a look at alcoa. this is the other name. those are the three names that will be taken off of the dow. we will see goldman sachs, visa and nike moving in. all of this is taking place after the close on september 20. nicole: i do not like to miss any of the action. you are absolutely right. right now, i am taking a look at urban outfitters. they were talking about it,
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single digits in the third quarter. that includes online sales as well. they cut their price target from $52 down to $46. they talk about the fact that the outlook is favorable and whether or not you should buy. three people people may know. cheryl: thank you, nicole. ♪ dennis: what is bugging me? the ftc overreaching and drunk with power. arguments between verizon and the federal communications commission. new rules passed in 2011 dictating that verizon and other carriers have to charge the same rate for caring data traffic to other customers. no discrimination allowed.
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it is a government intrusion into the internet and privately owned networks. the judges yesterday pretty much agreed with me. the rules were pushed by netflix and google. they take up one half of all internet bandwidth over the private network built by verizon, at&t, comcast and the rest. why can't they charge higher rates? it is fair right. the fec has no dog in this fight. it has no authority to interfere. should they stop meddling in the internet business? cheryl: it will be interesting to see what happens with netflix prices. dennis: these are not government sanctioned monopolies. they ought to get out of the
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way. cheryl: tweet at dennis kneale. also, there is this. does this look good to you? dennis: yes. cheryl: mcdonald's is testing it out. dennis: we are live in california. does apple have a surprise in store? we hope so. ♪ [ male announcer] surprise -- you're having triplets. [ babies crying ] surprise -- your house was built on an ancient burial ground. [ ghosts moaning ] surprise -- your car needs a new transmission. [ coyote howls ] how about no more surprises? now you can get all the online trading tools you need without any surprise fees.
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♪ >> 23 minutes past the hour. i have your fox news minute. a wildfire in california has grown to 11 square miles and has damaged 30 structures, many of them holds. george zimmerman's estranged wife is not going to press charges after a domestic dispute. shelley zimmerman said george was threatening her and her father with a gun. she later changed her story. police never found a gun. mcdonald's is offering his family meal during football season. take a look at those calories.
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by the way, mcdonald's is also adding a new pic juicy steak for breakfast. that along with eggs and biscuits. those are your news headlines right here on the fox business network. why are you laughing? cheryl: i am sorry. 3000 calories. who would eat that? >> i am down with mcdonald's fries any day. cheryl: apple enthusiasts and investors alike. the tech giant is expected to unveil two new versioos of its iphone.
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are we excited about this today? >> times have changed. back in the old days, apple was able to hide almost everything it was doing. people were not able to pry open the box. now, apple is this huge company doing business with everybody. by the time they come out with something, people pretty much know what it is. we could be wrong, but mostly it has been laid out at numerous media outlets. cheryl: a faster processor, which would be good. let me ask you this.
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we are expecting to get the new 5s. the five c. some are saying they are diluting the brand. they are making a mistake by making this lower model. do you subscribe to that criticism? >> well, yes and no. those people do not have to run apple. essentially, to me, it is very important that apple open up that market more than it has. they have done all right in china, but they could do a lot better. question of brand allusion, companies have handled it well and others have handled it badly. intel has had its core processors as their main
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processors for quite a while. they had these other ones that are sort of out of the money. those were sort of prize fighters. they were supposed to keep out the competition. it was a lower and line well done. there are some other examples where they are not quite as good. i think apple needs something to get into that market. that is where the next big revenue punch will come from. cheryl: well, we will see. >> thank you. goodbye for now. dennis: president obama just arriving moments ago on capitol hill to talk about senators about that situation in syria. he will be meeting with both parties separately.
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cheryl: i think we need to talk about what is bugging you again. dennis: you ought to tweet us your thoughts. should the agency stop meddling on the internet? obviously, i think so. tell us what you think. cheryl: those answers coming up. we have marriott international ceo here to talk about the brand. dennis: first, take a look at some of today's winners over on the s&p. netflix of over $300. the first time we have seen that in over three years. they are back. time to sell. [laughter] ♪ with my friends, we'll do almost anything.
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out for drinks, eats. i have very well fitting dentures. i like to eat a lot of fruits. love them all. the seal i get with the super poligrip free keeps the seeds from gting up underneath. even well-fitting dentures let in food particles. super poligrip is zinc free. with just a few dabs, it's clinically proven to seal out more food particles so you're more comfortable and confident while you eat. a lot of things going on in my life and the last thing i want to be thinking about is my dentures. [ charlie ] try zinc free super poligrip.
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how old is the oldest person you've known? we gave people a sticker and had them show us. we learned a lot of us have known someone who's lived well into their 90s. and that's a great thing. but even though we're living longer, one thing that hasn't changed much is the official retirement age. ♪ the question is how do you make sure you have the money you need to enjoy all of these years. ♪
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looking at live pictures, president obama just arriving a few moments ago, to talk with senators about the situation in see, meeting with both parties separately before tonight's big scheduled address with the russian foreign ministry saying moscow will propose a declaration supporting the initiative to put syrian chemical weapons under international control in. there is the motorcade. and many politicians on the movie including president obama. marriott opening its newest hotel this friday in london and with two of is being built in my at -- miami beach, it is close.
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dennis: wall street journal says the buyers have a surprise, the of lou dobbs reinvestment fund. joining us to discuss -- joining us to discuss it is c e o, if i say it that way, ian schrager, such a figure, that it -- that edition rand, let's start with business instead of fun? , new york, london, miami beach. and before you open them and buyers, to pay the hotel. in selling these things to abu dhabi u.s. selling to a country that may not be a fan of israel, and big fans of israel, and
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capitalism can can overcome boundaries, tell us about that angle. >> tell me about the additional. these hotels are $800 million investment, really unusual for marriott to step in with a balance sheet to build hotels on the balance sheet. we did because of our partnership and this was the speech we felt we had to be in and we had to the inn with a dominant entry. the great thing about these cities is they are global cities, great demand whether business traveler leisure travel everybody wants to go to the city's, expensive in the cities and it was a big bet for a. dennis: seldom at a profit. >> we run 3800 hotels today. leon 5 to 10. none of our callers know whether we own the hotels are not. cheryl: you are selling the properties and the management company and that is where a lot
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of competitors are got it going. in the end welcome back to both of you, we heard two years ago talking about additions and here we are with the first opening but at the same time one of your biggest competitors is all about the middle east, this is where the money is. you are focusing in, the attention on london, is there a strategy difference between you? >> i don't think fundamentally there is. we opened the market -- the marquee which will be 1600 room hotel, the world's tallest hotel opened the first month it with a descent occupied. dennis: avoided my first question. i want to hear you say yes, the abu dhabi sovereign investment fund, give me something like that. >> i will be here all day. we have signed a letter of
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intent with the buyer, institutional buyer. the identity makes no difference to our customers. cheryl: i want to say one thing you are doing, this is big in miami. this is the first big want you had as a boutique. the creepier -- the creator of the boutique working here with varney in launching this. >> seven years and it has been great, very expansive unique experience, working with the best and brightest in the business and an opportunity to do something on a large scale. and put it together and do something nobody else has done. dennis: you did all these places, the furniture was tinier so you didn't return a realize how small the expensive room was, brilliant model. did you ever think you and your
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partner would never look down on the marriott brand is too mainstream and not hit and cool enough to do a venture with? >> we never look down on it. a different business model, but then when i grow up i realized if i could have been what they do, they take advantage of what i do agree we can break new ground. cheryl: let us know the potential buyer is but you seem more partnerships, the company's money, with these properties which normally in the industry you don't do that. if you take a risk if it will pay off it sounds like it is going to you will do this again? >> we invest our money usually get new growt which is what is happening here so the addition brand we need to launch, we need to step in and say to the world potential real-estate partners, we believe in this to the point of eight hundred million dollars and we
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were here last time a couple years ago after we got a clock tower built which will be the new york edition, spectacular bid edition and a great hotel, we had partners in india, bangkok, of the dobby, china. dennis: where all the money is. >> based projects for additional projects. cheryl: thanks, it was great for you to come back end be full circle and we look forward to the news. dennis: as walmart gets to the smart phone buying came liz claman is next with three days in the valley and a company that may give you a better deal when your old phone devices. cheryl: it may cost less to the set up, we will be live at the cme talking about gas prices. we will be right back. weekdays are for rising to the challenge.
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they're the days to take care of business. when possibilities become reality. with centurylink as your trusted partner, our visionary cloud infrastructure and global broadband network free you to focus on what matters. with custom communications solutions and responsive, dedicated support, we constantly evolve to meet your needs. every day of the week. centurylink® your link to what's next.
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disclosed with travel and leisure and food and wine magazine, reaching thirty-six million customers. and keep your household with $50,120,000 according to a dallas fed study that found the financial crisis impact americans with a combination like the lost value of a house, and possibly future waging cuts. that is the latest from the fox business network giving you the power to prosper.
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chip the adam cit. what is it going to do? intel throwing down the gauntlet saying we are going to the huge in wearable computing technology, where rebels and something they are announcing, in adjustables. what are they? everything from skin patches to tiny chips you cannot swallow that will gather medical data. breaking news from intel, their brand new quark chip will go into where rebels they want to establish the v-chip right away so they don't get caught coming in from behind and some analysts feel they did with mobile technology. at 3:00 eastern fox business exclusive the first television interview of intel's new ceo. in the meantime we are minutes away from apple in california, just south of here about to announce what people expect to be brand new iphones. what do people want? the latest and greatest. what do you do with the one you bought a year-and-a-half ago? that is where my next guest
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comes in. c e o of the wide, web site that helps you, basically the ebay of the electronics book with a twist. cheryl: how does glide work? if i have an iphone and i saw the iphone 5 revealed on fox business, with robert gray, what do i do to get rid of this? >> we are simple site to use. identify it, do it right now, go to the site -- cheryl: i will click on that. >> put in iphone, attacked the first couple letters. what do you have? you know which then you have, iphone iv, the network, at&t, 16 gig, if you have any questions where to find information it is on your phone, we gave you that information. what condition is it in? cheryl: how can you tell if there is water damage or
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anything like that? >> we will ask a couple quick questions. water damaged phone is worth a lot of money even -- cheryl: how many of us put in the bowl of rice? that doesn't work. >> even a phone that cannot four years ago is worth $50. be blessed in the hundreds of dollars in their pockets and apple iphone iv which came out in 2010 is worth $150. cheryl: as of yesterday, put them up, i was looking at a 3d s, you get 57, 4 could be $169, 4 s 260 or so, these numbers change every day. >> we are a market place. you are actually shipping at the seller to the buyer, so the buyer is getting a good deal but you get the most value because you send it to someone who can use it, there's no middle man. cheryl: walmart announced today it would give you up to $300 but it is a credit you spend at a wal-mart.
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you guys give? >> we get cash and we are going to get 10% to 20% of not. cheryl: obliged said it will beat trading sites including apple. >> apple will be closer but we will offer more. it is a like a car dealer, taking your car back to the dealer. it is that the best place to sell your car? probably not. we make it incredibly easy to sell on your own, we take all the challenge out, we send the box to you. cheryl: they send you the box, put the phone in. >> we have the label of the buyer on it, that was your label, put your label on, the buyer, already paid postage, you never need to leave your home, give it to the postman. cheryl: dino iphones are the most popular on your side but you do h pcs and samsung galaxy.
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>> we introduce the mack books too. in terms of phones it is interesting. we are seeing android products selling more these days becoming popular. cheryl: you take my 9-year-old behemoths of the dell laptop that is sitting in the corner? >> we may not take that. we will work on that one. cheryl: not quite yet. >> bill is a great computer. cheryl: they offer more and you get the cash. you spend on a new iphone, and you saw the swede they sent out, spend it at a wal-mart, fascinating sight, classic silicon valley startup, we will be watching closely. coming up in the next hour, if you just heard breaking news about intel's brand new tiny chip, the court to going into where rebels, and it is call flowback, leave it to silicon valley not only to invent smart phone that were hunched over but to invent a solution that will improve your posture. wait until you see this, the ceo
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coming up in the next hour. dennis: good work out there. cheryl: looking at a couple things, oil and gold prices flipping today on hope a strike in syria can be averted. let's head to the trading pits of the cme and phil flynn. don't know if this is hoping or just basically trading on the news you have got right now. jeff: i think it is. it is almost like the miraculous turnaround. look at what the market has done. when the market was convinced a week ago that we were going to have a war with syria the price of oil was flying, price of gasoline is up. look how much we saw, the price of brent crude since the john kerry speech has fallen almost $7 a barrel. take a look at the price of our gasoline futures, they have fallen almost $0.23 a gallon. that is a pretty incredible drop in a short period of time because of these expectations. look at the gold market down 22.10, under a lot of pressure
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with the rallying dollar but we're taking a lot of that risk premium out and the markets are reacting. cheryl: phil flynn, thanks. dennis: a sex change operation for a cable channel. nbc universal will read brand the style channel aimed at women as the esquire network aimed at men. steve birth, the comcast guy who runs comcast for nbc universal backed off plans to read brand the gee 4 channel and the chief of the universal studios to appoint the comcast guy, jeff shell, the new chairman of universal film entertainment. and tv love twitter and a new wrinkle overseas, in romania this ad for coca-cola runs on romanian tv and viewers can feed in live tweets during the commercial. the web site matchable said it increased the clear polymers by 15% and tweets often were invitations to specific people to get together for a meal and a
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coke of course. follow-up on miley cyrus, a new study says news sources delivered 2.4 times as many articles on the syria crisis as they did on miley cyrus but as for american viewers and readers they read 12 times as much on miley cyrus as they did on syria. that is why we did that. cheryl: big real-estate investors are cashing out of las vegas. find out why they're leaving since city. dennis: your last chance to give me your $0.02 on what is bugging me. to the fcc stop metaling? cheryl: someone is mailing my computer right now. it died. it is jetblue
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cheryl: real estate investors ready to leave las vegas. will be investors have cut back on buying and slipping homes in vegas. wall street firms snapping up foreclosures at bargain prices also looking beyond sin city to other parts of the country to the housing deal. turboprop planes replacing boeing 737 jets, the 76 seats, operated by a subsidiary horizon air and should help the carrier save money on fuel costs. let's look at shares of alaska right now. stock is trading nicely to the upside up 230. and moving to seattle, ultimately stopped by the nba. chris hanson who wanted to relocate the kings to seattle has been revealed as a donor that at the time was trying to block the king's new arena, the
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sacramento bee is agreeing it is a $50,000 fine for is unethical behavior. that is your west coast minute. dennis: what is bugging you? should the fcc stop meddling in the internet business? here are some smart responses because they agree with me. michael kelly says the fcc should back off and let free market forces of the problem. price controls almost never a good idea. dean says yes, like everything else the government doesn't need to be in everything. it is a worldwide thing. anybody disagree? we are still taking tweets. cheryl: here's a question. is apple going to deliver? we are minutes from learning the next big thing for the iphonemaker. dennis: will it be enough to boost apple's stock prices? we will be live from headquarters with a blow by blow? ashley webster and lori rothman back here in new york next on markets now. [ tires screech ]
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ashley: ion ashley webster. lori: i am lori rothman. at 2 apple's biggest event in minutes, the iphonemaker unveiling two new fund, high end fun and more hands that for china. did have something else up its sleeve? speculation continues and will end when we learn what the announcement, the new technology will be. looking live at shares of apple, how it is conforming in today's trade ahead of these announcements 5:02 even butler by $4 a share down 0.8%. ashley: the other big story the day major shakeup in the dow jones industrial average, stocks, two new stocks and put the benchmark index, the investor out of all this straight ahead. lori: making the case for action in syria, the president on capitol hill seeking approval from congress for a strike even
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if syria says it accepts russia's proposal to turn over its chemical weapons. ashley: many prices selling off on that news as traders try to hedge what will happen next ahead of the president's address to the nation tonight. in the meantime it is time for stocks every 15 minutes, the dow up triple digits, let's head to the new york stock exchange, nicole petallides. what about the dow shake up? nicole: this is a big deal because we haven't seen this kind of shake up on the dow jones industrials in over a decade. we are talking about three dow components that are on the move. here are the names that are moving off of the dow jones industrial average at the close of trading next friday september 20th including aluminummaker alcazar, a hewlett-packard and banc of america. those three are out. what is going in? goldman sachs, nike and visa. the that the name is joining the dow jones industrials. this is a big deal, haven't seen this in over a decade but also the fact the o
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