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tv   MONEY With Melissa Francis  FOX Business  September 11, 2013 12:00am-1:01am EDT

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did not move the needle. either in support for a war that very few people support, and an act that few people see an ingame. he will be to the point*. tomorrow. thank you for watching. >> first job cut lawns. >> newspaper grow. >> babysitting. >> what was your first job? >> garbage man. clean up the dairy queen. >> i needed to make my own money. >> what is hard work? >> i am told there is no jobs. >> there are.
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we are hiring. >> i am 16 getting paid more than my friends. >> do they exploit workers? >> mark cuban says it is ridiculous. >> the minimum-wage killed the first job. that is our show. tonight. [applause] john: this studio audience is filled with young people. in terms. they have become increasingly common about half of college stdents do some type of internship to build a resume for about
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also four companies to try the workers out. for cheap. how many are paid real wages? how many is paid? nobody? [laughter] aren't you exploited? nobody? [laughter] the obama labor department says they are. it issued a sheet said free in turn sips -- internships has no immediate advantage. what? then why would they 11? ssa it is better for the business the business could
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be impeded. ru kidding me? i had the the in turn like that. we parted company. [laughter] i have used them all of my career. someday research. summer journalist. but they say the labor department should punish those companies. our next guest author of the big squeeze, and also steve didn't comment most cse problems? >> experts say many internships cause problems the labor department has ruled. john: they have never been enforced.
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>> and neither is the obama administration. >> nobody raised their hand. that it has to be to the sole benefit of the intern not the immediate benefit of the employer. aside from dell law what is wrong? it is a win-win. >> in many ways. but some say it is great instead of taking on the young people. john: it would day replace the paid work? >> a few weeks ago i interviewed workplace correspondence from eight
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coulda college in w york and got a job at the most famous fashion house. nine a.m. through 9:00 p.m. not paid at all. weekends, smetimes she got their lunch. john: she can quit. >> that is true. that we believe companies should follow the rules. >> then they should lobby the labor department to change the rule. john: you help students find internships? >> absolutely. we put them in organizations and i cannot say enough the advantage is paid or unpaid
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day have incredible opportunities what they want to do with their life. networking. a young professional. john: he says it hurts the paid workers. >> how is that possible? maybe it is not hat the full time employees would do. >> i recently interviewed a billionaire. mark cuban says he cannot believe he cannot give unpaid work to college students. >> i get about 20 e-mails per day it is my dream job
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to intern with the dallas mavericks'. i will pay you. i went to human-resources. i have projects. he said you cannot do a. it is ridiculous. john: they may have invented something. >> if he had a few extra of money to pay them they cummins still be a creative. john: that kids want to wor for the experience. >> but unturned -- unpaid favor those with connections. >> this audience looks prosperous. [laughter] >> if your family makes 500,000 per year maybe day
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work unpaid internships and pay their rent. >> there are students whose parents are willing to support them with the unpaid internship. but people like me put themselves through college and put money away. and put the savings into the opportunity to do the unpaid internship. to say those students have support now we don't allow the opportunity at all? that robs young people of the opportunity to follow their dreams. john: my intern's said i look -- learn more from you and college. how many of you learned more internships than college? [laughter] that does not say much for
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college said it is a great deal. >> i am not steven greenhouse they could be educational. we are a law-abiding society. in the official labor department rules, if in turns are engaged with productive work, filing work, filing, clerical work work, assisting customers customers, they may be receiving benefits does not exclude them from being paid john: i don't know about that law. i right of contract? the "new york times" loves more freedom. >> freedom of speech.
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big believers in. john: not freedom of contract in the workplace? >> the supreme court and the united states set forth the rules. until they are changed, that is what we are supposed to follow. john: we are all lawbreakers. think hugh hannah jackman and steven greenhouse. kids in high school have high-paying first jobs? here is bill o'reilly. >> my first job working at the car felt ice cream stand. it taught me to show up on time. time.
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this man is about to be the millionth customer. time. would you mind if i go ahead of you? instead we had someone go ahead of him and win fiy thousand dollars. congratulations you are our one millionth customer. nobody likes to miss out. that's why ally treats all their customers the same. whether you're the first or the millionth. if your bank doesn't think you're special anymore, you need an ally. ally bank. your money needs an ally.
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john: [applause] today there are no jobs. i hear that. one website found almost 5 million. in june rose another 200,000. what is going on? america has high unemployment that to her company's struggling? sandra smith looked into that. >> we went to allentown pennsylvania to a
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company called air products. they have over 600 job openings. it is not unreasonable to say jobs are out there and felt. many you don't have to have a college education. most of them as you do not. most just had a high-school degree. >> we hear there is no jobs in america. in that building high-paying jobs sit and they can't up to one year. >> we are actively recruiting every day. starting at $20 per hour. john: most graduates to not have the skills. >> officials love to push
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higher education. >> but there is another path. >> vocational schools. they get jobs. >> i am paid more than my friends. >> i just bought a car with the money i made. john: they learned technical skills in high school. >> you add many job offers? you did not go to college? >> my brother got out with a master's and is having trouble in his field. john: he cannot find a job. >> it brings us mild two may face. they are proud. -- a smile to my face. john: but this is not to
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cool? it is not glamorous. obama once money for liberal colleges even he wants to cut support seven enticing it this coup lourdes to have a job. i wholeheartedly agree there is a major push from washington to go to college. take outtudent loans. the ceo of the company of air products he came out of vocational school and has risen to the top and he did attend college later. he makes over $10 million per year. john: and the department of
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labor critics job openings 14 percent job growth. electricians 23%. plumbers and pipefitters. heating and air-conditioning. 34%. >> they are unfilled and many positions open over one year. >> most americans think it is said good idea to raise minimum wage. i say it kills jobs. credit and susteren talks about her jobs. >> my first job was thought to a delicatessen. >> kids have a lemonade stand.
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i would buy stuff and sell it for more. >> my first one is as a janitor with an engineering firm.
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john: incongruous raise minimum waggs $70 $0.25 per hour per pronouns they want to raise its 0 per hour. it is logical to think that gives every worker more to spend. that is good for the
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economy. no surprise 2/3 support the $10 minimum wage. one sponsor is from minnesota, representative ellison. >> the employer will pay the least they can because they can get away with it. >> they are paid $0.3. >> only the zero law prevents those greedy employers how come most are paid more? asked merv crist who owns a restaurant called the prime cut. you pay most workers above minimum wage? >> half of them. john: you don't have to.
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>> they have skills if i don't, they will be paid more. john: you have to because of competition and? >> absolutely. john: the free market? a lot of employees start at minimum wage and work up? >> absolutely. those that don't have the knowledge need it. the information's is the wealth. john: you create jobs. 28 employees. top earn $18 per hour. the average hourly peat wage is $16.57. the market ss it.
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what is wrong with the law for a bottom? >> it takes people who don't have experience and cuts them out. you do not want to the employee who does not want anything. a lot of kids work and a delicatessen. i have to teach them how to clean a toilet. john: californ is at $8 per hour. >> the inexperienced worker does not get hired. john: you don't hire them? >> no way look for somebody who has experience. >> i work harder. [laughter] but they say you have to pay them this much?
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>> it is pandering. it takes away my ability to run the business. if you have a bad business model to pay $1 more. i have grown from three employees up at 28. john: they're used to be the asher. no more. nobody washes the windshield because of minimum-wage. >> absolutely. when i was a kid aman would take you to your chair. he was retired and loved movies. john: it is against the law. >> i worked food-serce for my first job.
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$2.25 per hour. better than no job. my mother and father say you were. you say how far. john: also construction sites? >> that is gone. >> proposition 13 they do not know how to weld. john: it is illegal for the kid to come on if he is good? >> three? [laughter] yes. john: the public support this minimum-wage. 2/3 specializes with economics say that it does kill jobs. >> more of the public should be the employer to
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understand providing jobs. $8 per hour after taxes you have to pay $14. you push inflation. john: and yourself negative. [laughter] you should share. >> i keep my business running and make sure i can pay people. show up on time. ifour shoes are not tied. i do not want to talk to you john: other stories coming up next about first jobs. [applause] >> short order cook. >> i became an aerobics instructor. >>
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[applause] what was your first job? i was struck how many delivered newspapers. >> delivery boys.
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>> newspapers. >> delivering papers. john: allot of people said restaurant. >> clean up the parking lot. >> washing dishes. >> working in the bakery scraping the floors. child labor. i did not get paid with my dad. >> working at my family's restaurant starting eight years old that promoted to hostess, waitress, i would work shift after shift and i would get to so angry. john: some say how hard they had to persist. >> they would pay me to sweep the sidewalk. john: some persisted even
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without good money. >> moet once $1.15 per hour. >> my first job back room of a dairy and wisconsin i had to get the clients into the paper rolls from the cash register. eight hours per day stuffing coins for the bank. >> working school nights until 2:00 a.m.. my mom would pick me up. she was raising five kids. the third night she said you need to find another job. >> i had to go to every pane of glass that had paint left on it. >> it was tough.
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the registered also security guard. that was tough. john: today sometimes they laugh. >> garbage man. if you'd jump off, they had the metal cans. john: it taught bayou will lessen. >> most certainly changed my life. i decided i nver wanted to be a professional% to do that. i always wanted to be a lawyer. i would be in trouble so i became a lawyer. john: only colleagues barely found experience what they wanted to me. >> i won a contest.
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what sums with you play on the radio? i cannot believe they gave me a key and let me go on the air. disk jockey, sports, it was terrific. john: only one other person like their job. >> i was 16 working summers as assailing instructor at a day camp. there are people when you do the job for nothing, when they pay you, don't object. >> no dishwashing machine. pots, pans, scrubbing. >> my worst job wasing dishes in the industrial
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kitchen and the hospital. dishwasher was sold bay you would walk into it. i was never so what and hot in my life. >> if you work hard you could accumulate things it teaches value and dignity of work. >> you have to keep showing up. >> be punctual. >> i could do better than minimum-wage. >> i bought my own lawn more and i charged $8 in one hour and had a more lucrative business working for myself. >> i needed to make money. a lesson i learned early i
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was not entitled to anything. the beginning of my life as a capitalist. >> i learned making money. john: his first job was a double decker bus. >> how to deal with drunks. the general public. i got a lot of tha. punctuality. you may not be the eighth. one of the toughest jobs. i'm glad i have it. >> i worked as a page in the library. i was supposed to put the books away. i would restocked them in 20 minutes. at the municipal library
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said you are done? this is great. they said you were supposed to take two hours. go away. i learned i do not want to work in the public sector. >> even the work ethic teaches hard work. i had restaurant business experience, and then construction company then radio and tv. i have been very blessed. >> 13 years old you're not supposed to drive at 13. at the time they gave me my start.
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[applause] we are back with your questions 49 who says interns are abused. hannah jackman and merv crist. first, facebook. >> and the legal job is a contract as long as they're not forced and the contract is not a breach what right goods government have? and she makes sense also minimum-wage. >> is said some experts break the law by not paying
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one do countries enact minimum wage laws? john: politicians are down. >> maybe they are smart. >> the a government goes back many years decided we have to set a floor because when unemployment is high. you may debate the floor. john: why not $100? and. >> all governments enact minimum-wage that some are forced to say i will work $2 per hour.
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it is the imlance. people will rely on themselves not taxpayers so people can live a decent life. >> is a learning lovell wage, an entry-level. kids are going to high-school. livingat home. no living wage. show up on time. john: now it is illegal. >> you seeing academic credit is a fair substitute? john: there is bureaucratic demand to get credit? >> absolutely. if you say and exchange you offer academic critic that
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is fine. in exchange i will not be paid over a small amount that is fine. john: no money or no credit? >> it is fair. once you make a demand for credit they may say i don't want the hassle. john: abc always were in june with democratic thinking. they decided we will pay erybody $10 per hour. that is great for those who got the job. but they cut them in have. >> exactly. i would rather see the
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opera -- opportunities negative not at all. that is the unintended consequence. >> steven greenhouse, you mentioned wealthier students can take advantage of unpaid internships. what about those students whose still save money to take a vantage? >> is great if they can. who pays their rent in manhattan? >> i worked for several summers. >> that is great. >> earlier talking about they don't realize vocational school opportunity. you would think with the deterioration of the economy
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people will go there more or continue to go to college to pay off student loans? amex some who would go for a bachelor's degree maybe instead of philosophy it will be in nursing. said of biology and maybe an engineer. those with a college to agree earned 300,000 more over their lifetime. is a good idea to get to a college degree. unemployment will drop eventually and the payoff will be bigger.
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john: my first job on the assembly line. sticking plastic and pieces of metal together. for mayor 10 photocopy. i was not smiling. i hated the job. hot and boring but i got good grades for other traces. four years later a researcher at the tv station. i had to cover a fire. that became a career.
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i never planned to be a tv reporter or took a journalism course. the intern's do the right thing. figure out what you are good at. keep showing up and apply. apply again. job seeker resume companies are organized. people dropoff resume is and wait. that is no how it works. they don't want to spend any money and all right now. it is tedious to go on file. they remember that interns or the kid who shows up repeated the.
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the persistence gets hired. >> i went and once a week and a bug to them every time for after-school help. >> they finally hired her. >> is no fun. it is work. i was told recently there are no jobs outside the welfare office. >> no jobs. john: really? within a few blocks they found a lot of businesses that want to hie. >> we need to three people. >> of the 79 businesses we found 40 said they are
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hiring and the owner of this restaurant said he'd needs 12 or 14 people. it is hard to get good help. i a toll job-skers one waited until monday. and dropped off the resume. but he has notbeen offered a job. the next one showed uon saturday morning and it he is here. >> i showed up. john: and he hired you in the kitchen. minimum-wage. then you made more? >> i became a waiter some make $150 pe night? >> that is correct.
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john: you one to graduate school but what are you learning? >> great experience. i meet successful peop every day that give free advice. i love go weighing every day. it is a stepping stone. >> just from showing up at asking. you do not know what you like. show up. try. try other stuff. become an intern. how many of you think your internship will lead to a career? the same field? it is a wonderful experience. your government wants to
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make them illegal. they are great. vocational skill at -- vocational schools. low-wage jobs are great. government needs to get at of our way. to allow those things to happen. [applause] a new show next week. thank you for watching.
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>> warning, the following jokes are raunchy, risque, and for adults only. >> suzanne, you look great. i think ll have your room sent up to mine. >> no one threw a better party, a better black tie, a-list, racy, raucous, hilarious party than the king of cool... >> dean martin. >> dean martin. >> deano. >> dean, you're a phenomenon. you look like cary grant and you smell like ed mcmahon. >> starvista entertainment and time life present the dean martin celebrity roasts. >> dean and i have been on more floors than johnson's wax.


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