tv Cashin In FOX Business September 22, 2013 2:30am-3:01am EDT
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>> david: emac? >> price for lifestyles of the rich and famous right now. 33 types earnings. buy itn the down swing. >> david: that's it for "forbes on fox. have a great weekend. eric bolling and "cashin' in" starting now. ♪ ♪ >> eric: you better not be packing heat if you want that mocchachino. >> customers should not bring them inside the starbucks store. >> eric: the ceo asking customers to lve their guns at home and now a lot of americans, pro-gun americans are mad as hell. is he right or stepping on your rights? plus -- >> obviously, there were a lot of red flags. >> officials admitting there were warning signing about the navy yard shooter before he went on his ram pain. we heard this before about mass killers. so is the government missing all the red flags because it's too busy snooping on innocent americans? and then, call them the lost generation, young people who helped get president obama
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elected twice. now suffering the most. ironically, is obamanomics to blame? "cashin' in" giving you can answers starts right now. >> hi, everybody i'm eric bolling. the crew, wayne rogers, ebony k. williams, and welcome everybody. after the navy yard shooting tragedy, a big business taking a big stand on the gun debate in >> eric: don't bring your glock. the ceo of starbucks brewing upontroversy this week asking customers to stop bringing guns in tois stores. some say it's a smart move in wake of the d.c. navy yard shooting. others say stand down. in most states, it's all right. who is right, who is wrong. warning the content of this debate is extremely hot. who do you think they are right? to their clarify, schultz, the ceo said no, we're not banning
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guns from the stores, we're recoending and asking you not to bring your gun to our store. what do you think of that? >> well, i thinkhe ceo's politics is as bad as the overpriced coffee he serves. americans have every right to be upset. why is the coffee shop involved in politics? this is simply p.r. this is t as if there was a big event that happened at starbuckrelated to a gun. this is the ceo taking advantage of the d.c. navy yard shooting. inserting himself in the conversation to generate conversation about gun control. p.r. and politics. >> eric: what about the activist ceos who get involved in the social issues and no regard, not much to do with their business? your thoughts? >> well, i think they have every right to say what they say. if i owned a store, and i, you know, i would be the same way as howard schultz. just say, guys if we don't want people to come in here with guns. i don't want them to come in with flame throwers or sticks
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of dynamite. i mean, all of th upset ises my customers. i have the right to say that. why shouldn't i say that? why he is doing it, i don't know. i think you're right to think that is a political thing. >> eric: that is the debate, wayne. not a debate whether he has the right. first amendment right, say whatever you please. ist good for business to really kind of maybe alienate a big percentage of the american population? people who believe in the second amendment? >> he's crazy to insert himself in to it and nuts to open his mouth. it doesn't matter whether they come in there with a gun or not. why should he -- willie sutton said unless th come many there to rob him, i don't know anybody that robs a coffee shop. that is dumber than dirt. i don't know why he said it. >> eric: hold on, john. ebony, realquickly. is schultz trying to become a lobbyist, antigun lobbyist? >> i don't think he is doing that. there is pcedent for this type of ceo political statement.
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we saw this with chick-fil-a last year. coming without the rely hard bright line stance against marriage equality. is it bad for business? i don't think necessarily. chick-fil-a didn't see a downfall of their business. they had 2.2% sales increase after that political statement. starbucks, itself, too, gone down this road again taking a bright line stance in favor of marriage equality. three weeks after that stance, the stock percentages went up 15%. i don't think it's bad for business. >> eric: john, you have been waiting patiently. >> no one on this panel should lecture howard schul on how to run a business. he is doing pretty well without our help. this is a property rights issue, eric, not a second amendment issue. i say that as a card carrying member of the national rifle association. starbucks is a business. it's private property. they are going to make the decision best for their brand and best for their bottom line. to schultz's credit he is asking customers not to bring guns in the store. second amendment advocates should respect his rights,
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should respect his property wishes and not make his stores the battleground for some kind of a political movement. >> eric: i'm not sure. i agree wh you on so many things but i'm not sure this is a good business decision. les go back to michelle. michelle, he is really -- he is making a stand on your right to carry a gun. don't do it in my store. but why should he say anything at all? next time, if you are a carry license, you have agun, there is starbucks, there is a dunkin' donuts, you know what? i'll go to the dunkin' donuts. i can bring my gun to either one but i may go to dunkin' donuts next time. >> i think it's also part of the brand. starbucks you don't think of conservative. you think of the young yuppies gointhere, liberal peoplement he thinks this is good for his brand. he came in out favor of gay marriage. that was, that did well for his company. so i don't think he sees this as a bad business move. he this it's smart. unfair to a lot of the customers he's alienating.
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>> wayne? >> you feel the same way about buildings? there are amber of buildings in chago that say this is a gun-free zone. do you feel same with the building mark their private property as being gun-free? >> eric: i don't like those either. you know why? >> respect the right not to want gun on the building. >> eric: those are the most dangerous buildings to be in, cause the bad guys know they are gun-free zone. that's whe they go. >> so don't go in them. >> eric: fair enough. wayne, go ahead. >> i think eric, you are right. you to ask a question wh does he do this? it doesn't make an sense. i mean, it's not an issue. he is ming it an issue. if i have a store and i make it an issue about guns, or anything else, if i have a sign in the window says please do not eer here if you are wearing flame thrower. it's nuts. you don't need to do that. you know? now yes, he can express himself or any way he wants to. he can say i'm going to deny service to people who come in here with flame throwers and dynamitelso but it doesn't
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make sense. you are right. >> eric: go ahead, eboni. what if he said i'm pro-choice? and anyone who doesn't like the fact i'm pro-choice, don't drink my coffee? >> i think, i think again, that is exactly why hes doing it, eric. he is tir of both pro-gun right advocates and also antigun right groups. both using the starbucks. that is what is interesting about starbucks. they are uniquely positioned in that way, their brand is being courted by both of the lobbying sides. this is schultz opportunity here to come out and say you know what? this is where i stand and my personal political belief and let the 70 million customers decide as they will. >> eric: very good. jonathan, finish it up. >> second amendment vocates do a disservice to their cause by making profit property like starbucks ground zero for the politil fight. these are battles that should be waged in the legislature in the political realm, not a private for-profit rel bron the entrepreneurs and business
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people like schultz have every right dictate terms of trade on their property. >> eric: good. leave it there. good discussion, good debate. onlying up, red flags flying about aaron alexis before he went on his deadly d.c. rampage. and all of if government snoopings didn't catch it is. it time to stop orvi...amelia...ur... neil and buzz: for teaching us that you can't create the future... by clinging to the past. and with that: you're history. instead of looking behind...
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be answered. >> eric: that is america's top military official admit willing were a lot of warning signs before aaron alexi s did the unthinkable. sadly, we have heard it all before fromhe boston bombing to the movie theater and fort hood shooting. jonathan, instead of the government snooping on the innocent americans time to target people raising red flags. >> yeah, i mean, eric, our defense policies are dominated by egalitarianism, the notion that everyone is the sam no one is more or less of a risk than anyone else. treat everyone equally. baloney. we should be profiling those who we know present a bigger risk than others. instead of patting down granny at the tsa, pat down those associated with the islamist group instead of restricting everyone fun rights restrict gun right of people who demonstrated mental illness or instead of soping on everyone, we should maybe address jihadism and the enemies to this councilmember. instead we treat everyone the same.
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that's why we miss so many of the clore and present dangerous threats. >> eric: why do we miss so many of these clear and present dangers? >> is government is too big. we know that. 8 ziian agencies falling a over themselves to do a job they cannot do. they are ill-equipped to do. they sno on eac other. we know that. the i.r.s. snooping on us, innocent citizens. the people running the i.r.s. don't know any better. look at the amount of fraud in the disability payments. over $1.4 billion. these are peopleho inept, dumb, stupid. wee got them in the government. they should clear them out and start ov. >> hang in there. relax. ebonni, the fourth amendment is very important, is it not? >> right. it is very important, eric. we talk about anytime you encroach on the citizens' privacy righteous to be car
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careful. i am really big to protecting those rights. here we go. back to jonatn's point. this is unreasonable search and seizure. if you have people with documented criminal arrest records that unreasonable goes out the window. you are talk about a reasonable risk of harm that these people are posing. that has to trump privacy right of individuals. >> eric: i remember when the nsa thing was breaking. we were doing this every week. we did it amazingly. we areack on it, because the nsa seems to think and the obama administration seems to think that to find the edle they need the haystack. not only were they taking the haystack they ok the farm and they couldn't fi the pick ax. are they failing? is it time to slow down the fundining of the nsa? >> they are spying on innocent americans and the colleague, the guy next to them in the cubicle are implicated for mass shootings and espionage and implicated for releasing
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national secrets. this is what is going on in the government. we have aovernment that is too thin. there are $5 million people with top secret security clearance. that is too many people. there is no way to vet all the people. people fall through the cracks. >> eric: you make a very, very valid point. we found throughout week that the sameroup that vetted the d.c. navy yard shooter is the same group that vetted ed snowden. some of us say thankoodness for ed snowden and others say is this stuff falling through the cracks? what say you, wayne? >> well, we have people in the government spying on ch other. i mean, this is insanly. they don't know what they are doing. one arm of the government has no idea what another arm is doing. they areiving away taxpayer money. it's beyond control. they can't poibly know what everybody else is doing. >> eric: one at a time,
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please. chelle and then john. >> they don't know how to spy properly. thatry spying on all these people. look what is happening. they dn't know anything about the boston bombing. nothing at all. they are incompetent. >> eric: john, go ahead. >> the net result is this totally immoral preventive law. show mental illnessand a threat they restrict everyone's rights instead of focusing on the known threat we know pose a danger. >> we do nsa fourth amendment stuff better than anyone on television. coming up, buyer's remorse, young people who voted for president obama getting left
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>> eric: they help vote the president in and now they are feelinleft out amerans 25 and under are called the lost generation because theyuffer unemploymentevels like no onelse. those who have a job are seeing their paychecks squeezed. michelle, you say obamanomics may be one of the blames. >> it also has to do with a lot of the young people voted for him because they thought he would come in and fix the student loan crisis. but he hasn't done anything about that. all he did was freeze the interest rates. and interest rates aren't the problem. the rising cost of tuition. if obama wants to fix, that rethink the government subsidiaries. the government subsidies are the ones that are driving up the cost of tuition. this is creating artificial demand for college. not onlyo kids is not a job
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they have a ton of student loan debt. they don't know what to do. there is nothing to do. >> eric: this is not just student loans. we talk about everything. eboni, president obama has overseen the largest transfer wealth from the have to the have-notes in you history. unemployment is elevated. poverty levels are at 50-year highs in the african-american community. people under 25 approaching 40% unemployed. >> yeah. that is inexcusable, eric. i won't make excuses for the president. but i will give him credit for doing more than michelle did. i believe that, you know, we talk about student loan forgiveness legislation. we talk about the obama care provion that allows the young people under the age of 2 to stay on their parent's policies. those things do give some fiscal breathing room. i know for one i wish they had that provision when i came out of law school because i was struggling. however, the big thing weiss from the generation and where we get it wrong, michel is right. we go to school, we don't know what to do when we get out, because we're not learning the
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skill sets that transfer to dollars and cents. that is one reason we're lagging behind. >> there are no jobs. there are no jobs. >> eric: in fairness you blame the schools now. our young peopleren't learning the skill set. i am going to say -- let me bring jonathan in here, we spend a heck of a lot of money trying to fix the economy yet johns aren't showing up. why is that? >> the job aren't up. the people it is hurting is the young ople specifically. eboni you mention you would have been helped by president studt loan forgiveness project. i don't think you would. it's like indentured servitude. inherentn it is a promise to work for government or non-profit for the next ten years. not to mention the regulation, eric, that put the jobless rate for people under 25 either under employed or unemployed above 50%. this is the net result of obama's egalitarianm, his collectivism, call for self-sacrifice has hurt the youth more than anyone else. >> eric: let me get wayne in
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here. there are young people with buyer's remorse now. are you surprised? >> i don't think it's just the young people. i don't think they are discriminated against. you talk about the fact they have a student loan and allow the student loans to -- they don't have to pay them back. all kind of thing. erybody is being discriminated against. 47% of the people of the united states don't pay tax whatsoever. it's a keynesian economic theory. they are sacrificing ideology or using ideology to undermine everything. after 4-1/2 years this man has been in office and you still have unemployment in excess of 7%. people like paul krugman who writes in the "nework times" about oh,je to have keynesian economics. this is what works. he is a moron, it doesn't work. we have 4-1/2 yars prove that. >> let me get michelle in here. president obama is the first president engthy sentenced with a major push with social media. a lot of young people are involved in that. now think look at 15% unemployment. >> yeah, you know what?
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back to what wayne is saying. wane s says young people aren't discriminated against. look at obamacare. for obamacare to work, not only do young people need to sign up for obamacare, we need to be overcharged for it because we are the ones who will pay more to subsidize t older, unhealthy sick people. to say we're not unfairly targeted, we are. >> eric: we will leave it there. michelle field, thank you, eboni k. williams thank you as well. thank you for joining thus week. coming up, why when it comes to the fight over obamacare, senator ted cruz and mike lee may have what the doctor ordered. >> this is a moment for republicans to unite, for every senate republican to and shoulder to shoulder with the gentlemen here and republins in the hou thank you orville and wilbur... .amelia... neil and buzz:
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for teaching us that you can't create the future... by clinging to the past. and with that: you're history. instead of looking behind... delta is looking beyond. 80 thousand of us investing billions... in everything from the best experiences below... to the finest comforts above. we're not simply saluting history... we're making it.
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♪ ♪ >> eric: all right. time for what do i need to know for next week? wayne, you're up first. >> you know, eric, the dynamics of gaming are going to change a little bit in japan, banded for a number of years will open up gaming in japan. i think the recipient that was wi be pele like wynn and las vegas sands. wynn particularly. >>ric: jonathan, your thoughts? >> one of the hardest things about investing is sticking with the winning trades. i'm trying to stick with navios maritime. bernanke said there is no inflation. look at shipping res, new 52-week high. through the roof in lost couple of months. we're seeing inflation start to show up. the stocks in the shipping sector are poised to benit. >> eric: did you read the
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lower third? power play% since you picked it last month and you are staying with it. >> it had a good run but more to come. >> eric: leave it there. thank you, guys. great week. before we go, there is a tis tushing trend with republicans. on the right, defund obamacare even if it means shutting down the government, people and the squishy moderate republicans, rhinos who say we can't win so don't fight. i stand with the conservatives like senator ted cruz and mike lee fighting like hell to defund obamacare. the very last words my mother whispered in my ear we "eric, if you believe in it. never quit." somebody else who never quits is neil in d.c. wednesday night the middle of the hot debate with the players helping decide our future. don't miss it first on fox news at 4:00. then fbn at 8:00 p.m. eastern. i seal you on "t five." have a great weekend, everybody. ♪ ♪
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chro the week started with a terrible shooting at the washington navy yard. but one of the differences about this one is the gunman passed multiple background checks, so did the ones at the airport, we're talking about if this is real or just theater. right here, right now. >> from the fox business headquarters, this is "the tom sullivan show". >> the tsa has issued so many security badges that there are over 16,000 people with them just inashington dulles airport. around 4 million people have top secretlearances in
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