tv Markets Now FOX Business September 26, 2013 11:00am-1:01pm EDT
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standing to sue elected officials administrative and legislative malpractice. my time is up. is yours. connell: we have big money stories coming of this hour including the post office which has big-time money problems. the news that they are raising the price of a stamp by $0.03 is big enough to turn things around. we will talk about the post office coming up and record monday in college sports, one of the biggest boosters for texas a&m among others things, we will see if it is time to pay johnny mandel for his duties. and it is the season for shops that angle. dagen mcdowell knows it well. too big hit. that was dagen mcdowell making weird noises in the background. cheese coming up. keep it here on markets now.
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i want to make sure everybody knew it was you in case there was confusion. who else could it have been? some different species. dagen: close. top of the hour, nicole petallides at stock exchange. what are you watching? nicole: going to a camera man slipping. looking at the market's first thing we should know is we have an up arrow off of our earlier highs of the day but this could be the first losing week in four because we have five straight days of selling so even if we were to cbs and p 500 and the dow we are still clocking in a losing week. a lot of this is the pending government shutdown keeping a close eye on washington and a lot of jitters we got in our jobless claims and other economic data. three pieces of data were good enough to keep markets afloat and nike, american express,
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microsoft and verizon leading the dow jones industrials. connell: we talked of of the top about the postal service calling for a $0.03 hike in first-class stamps which will add up but will be enough? postmaster general goes before congress looking for help solving the big financial problems. dagen: they have to get this approved because of bigger increase in the inflation rate. peter barnes knows about it, he is live in washington. peter: the postmaster general is testifying right now, patrick donahue is pushing hard for reform of his agency facing its seventh year in a row of losses because of deteriorating finances, the postal service yesterday proposed another increase in the price of first-class stamp to $0.49 after it increased the cost by a penny to $0.46 just this past january, the new increase will take effect this coming january and will raise another $2 billion a
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year in new revenue. the postal service has lost $3.9 billion, lost $15.9 billion in 2012. the big problem is hefty payments to its health-care plan for its retirees but donahue told the senate committee a few minutes ago that the postal service will again miss an annual payment for retiree health plan, $5.6 billion due on monday. donoghue says congress must pass needed reforms. >> if given flexibility and authority to adapt it can make all these goals without becoming a burden to the american taxpayer. creek flexibility and authority now or massive taxpayer exposure and service degradation later. >>.edu proposed mealing saturday delivery and closing many rural post offices to help save money under pressure from congress and customer's feedback down from
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those proposals. committees in the senate and house are considering new legislation that will limit saturday mail delivery as well as reform the way the postal service funds its retiree benefits. connell: boosters don't have problems paying higher postage when sending checks to texas a&m. that college brought in a record $740 million in donations between september 1st of last year and august 31st of this year. big money. ed davis joins us, president of texas a&m foundation which the large sum of donations and to give some perspective on how big the numbers, $740 million, it was $300 million more than a year before. congratulations would be in order when you raise that money for your program. this is johnny mandel money. >> we think our quarterback had a little bit of a media magnate, had some effect.
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i would not sell the money is due to johnny but we will give credit where it is due. connell: didn't hurt being in the news and winning the heisman and everything else but i am sure you will back out the change in conferences joining the fcc, big money, big-name conference, a lot of tv exposure and everything else, that also helps. just to focus on the athletes themselves for a moment and in particular mandel because this comes up time and time again. if a guy like this, and other athletes like him, being raised so much money for the university, how do you explain the fact that they themselves don't get paid a salary? that debate is back in the news. >> that is an issue that is not in my domain. is an issue that is a high-profile in higher education and in the overall community these days. no question the definition of an amateur sport has changed a great deal.
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but i think we have to be realistic about it and the institutions have to decide among themselves how best to respond to this issue. in johnny's case, he is a young man that necessarily doesn't need a lot of additional funds. he may deserve the credit for a lot of this, he in his own right, and his family, have capacity to support him. he is a very complex issue that will have to be dealt with over the next few years. connell: in the fund-raising business it may be outside your area of expertise that you cited the fact he may not needed, the family has done pretty well but he also may -- we don't know that -- he is so valuable financially and on the field and everything else in the university maybe more so than in the nfl a lot of people say, no guarantee johnny mandel will be a huge star in the nfl but acute
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star. and his jersey, and what you think of an idea like that? >> the best thing i can do for fund-raising is that johnnie sign a lot of stuff, we would increase our returns in the future a great deal more, your point is valid. he has been sort of underappreciated because of his size and coming from a reasonably small school for a long time but no question about it, he is a fantastic athlete, a magnet for fans and people who are interested in college football. he is a tremendous addition to anybody and it will be in the nfl as well. dennis: be careful suggesting how much money he would make from signing things. just kidding around with you. thank you very much for coming on. we will talk a lot more about this, a big money subject and will do so in the future. thank you very much.
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>> pleasure to be with you. dagen: alumni might love their alma maters the current students aren't exactly fan these days. wall street journal is reporting student attendance at football games has been declining over the past few years most notably at the university of georgia. despite higher ranking students left 40% of their designated section empty over the last four seasons. power house alabama has seen problems as well even with the crimson tide winning three national championships, students lacked 32% of the seats on used between 2009, and 2012. because you get drunk and pass out in the stands and never even make it and better off sitting in the fraternity, getting tanked and watching on tv. dennis: and the discussion about health care coming up with less than a week ago. the make young people and older people. connell: weeks to go until the
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enrollment begins for these health insurance exchanges would have been in the news lot but haven't had a chance to delve into as much as we should. our next guest is confident the health-care plan should be popular with the american people. the former director of the office of health insurance exchanges at the department of health and human services, working for health industry now. good to see you. we finally got the pricing on insurance plans, it will be all over the map depending which state you live in. broadly speaking it is not going to be a great train, younger people would likely pay more than they already pay for health insurance and basically paying for lower-cost for the ill and older people. >> i have to sneak in a quick effect, keep your eye on the ducks in eugene, ore.. i will get to your point.
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a lot of the expectations, two inconvenient facts for the opponents, is a nonstop obamacare is driving prices through the roof. health-care inflation is now at a 50 year low meaning overall prices together, 50 year low and look at the exchanges, prices are covering 16%, 20% below expectations too. are there going to be issues with young people? yes. dagen: winners and losers is my point. you could say prices will do x but there are people, high know them because the mandates and requirements within the health-care law, certain things in your coverage. some people don't pay for those things the depending on the state you live in your health insurance could be higher. >> absolutely correct so the issues take millions of people better off under this law and the few people who are worse off and balance out and this is like a trade agreement. can't make everybody better off when you do something this brought.
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there will always be people who are not as well-off in any major reform like this. the issue is what about those millions who do benefit and how do you balance the two and will be a popular law because at the end of the day more people gain, two people lose. connell: how does it balance in to the popularity? the debate we had leading up to the passage of the law that the president talked about, once we know more about it will become more popular. so far doesn't seem like polling has shown that. is there a reason in your view why people are not anticipating this? let's get going here, still not as popular as people would like it to be. >> opponents of this law have been operating in a factory environment saying all kinds of things about what will happen that simply aren't true. >> why hasn't the other side of the argument cut through? >> i wish there had been more defensive lines which is why i am happy to be here today but proponents of this law sat actions speak louder than words. go to the web site now and see
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what your rates are and for most people they will be good grades. >> the president is the biggest proponent and has the biggest bully pulpit and also as seems weird is going to become popular that it hasn't come. >> he has chosen actions speak louder than words and says go to the web site and that is what i encourage your listeners to do, go to the web site and see for themselves whether they are better or worse off. dagen: i want you to come back. i have a lot of things to ask you about this because 1, you are basically saying people are perpetrating lives and not telling the truth about this but we have seen companies come out and say, home depot one example, most recently, part-time workers, we are not going to ensure you anymore, you have to go to the health exchanges. if i wanted to stay out my health-insurance i can't do that anymore so people's situations are changing and you are also asking younger people who have bareboned insurance you have to
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pay more and you are healthy and young but you have to foot the bill for people who are not healthy older and if people have an issue with that there is nothing incorrect or wrong about that. >> we could debate all day. there will be people who gain and people who lose. the cure of young prison today, 85% of people are already covered in employer coverage, medicare and medicaid and all those situations, young subsidize the old. and how these subsidize people like me in the work place? they don't understand it. they met a young person now seeing it because their health insurer is telling them. >> that is called a health care marketplace works. people who are less healthy, subsidized by people who are more healthy because at the end of the day we will all be unhealthy at the end about alive so that is how important -- the data 50 year low, the concern
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people have voice that it is not going to remain low when you are insuring millions more people, either your costs go up for you have to limit the doctors you go to. >> if those people get insurance and go to the dr. lee costs go down because they don't show up in the emergency room where it is more expensive to get coverage. dagen: in california to keep costs down you have to limit the number of doctors person what they would have gotten. >> one last point. there will always be many war stories about people who suffered from something. there will also be millions more to gain. the real issue is balance the up and if you think mathematically, health-care inflation and a 50 year low, everybody wears off, people are better off because the mathematics works out that way. dagen: i take issue u.s. suggesting everybody is telling -- the people who talked negatively about the art telling
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lies. >> not everybody but there have been some very -- the and basing their negative feelings on lies that have been told by the media. >> and -- dagen: basically saying people are lying and people don't like it. have any issue with that. it is -- i haven't told lies. i really want to come back. >> happy to come back anytime. dagen: pros and cons and you are welcome. connell: thank you. dagen: is terrible for most americans are worried about what the standoff on capitol hill will do to their own personal finances. connell: would think everybody would be online and internet apparently they are not. numbers that have just come out which are surprising about how some people are not adapting to a web world. we will tell you why. dagen: the best state in this fine nation when it comes to
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doing business. whoo-hoo, baby, try to guess which states it is. [ woman ] if you have the audacity to believe your financial advisor should focus on your long-term goals, not their short-term agenda. [ male announcer ] join the nearly 7 million investors who think like you do. face time and think time make a difference. at edward jones, it's how we make sense of investing.
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the mac os than a week, ought to keep the federal government some shutting down, and how that will impact the overall market's the overall and worry about the debt ceiling increases next month. the new poll shows 74%, and joining us from charlotte, n.c. mark victor of wells fargo,. and a bunch of drunks? >> it has to do with non conference signal like north texas state and it was a pretty good game. it was raining and don't have what is in the journal. a lot of it is a lot of big
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universities bring in these opponents which are lopsided gains. georgia plays a role as you. dagen: not following georgia, but most college students are gone. let's talk about the budget battle and the debt ceiling battle. it has less of an impact and create less volatility simply because we have seen this movie before. we have been here not that long ago. >> it shouldn't be a replay of what we saw in 2011 it has the potential to get bad. if congress has to get over the continuing resolution to because we don't have a budget and can never seem to get a budget and last time we had a budget george bush was president and there is no way they will get that done by the end of the week but we should get a continuing resolution to fund the budget and fund the government and on october 17th jack lew says we
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will run out of money and the government will run out of money, catch, run out of borrowing authority and raise the debt limit oral start shutting down the government. it has gotten to be old news in some ways because it will come down to the wire and go into overtime like the fiscal cliff and some resolution. the request and for the economy and consumers at large is if we go past the threshold, over time period everyone is expecting. dagen: we talked too long about football. it was fun. >> go dogs. dagen: lsu and george and market nehr, wells fargo, thank you. connell: would think everyone in this country uses the internet but you are wrong according to new numbers that are out. we will tell you about those. dagen: he was a super bowl quarterback and is on the board
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delta is looking beyond. 80 thousand of us investing billions... in everything from the best experiences below... to the finest comforts above. we're not simply saluting history... we're making it. folks have suffered from frequent heartburn. butetting heartburn and then treating day after day is a thing of the past. block the acid with prilosec otc, and don't get heartburn in the first place. [ male announcer ] one pill each morning 24 hours. zero heartburn.
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the national foundation for infectious disease says it is time to start cutting vaccinated for the upcoming. season. that organization unveiling an ongoing mapping tool that could track the flu. it is recommended everyone above the age of 6 months be vaccinated. new pictures of the mall in kenya that was attacked last weekend, and floors and blown out, some of that by the authorities when they setup explosives on their way and. the death toll stands it 67 and is expected to go higher. it is day 2 of the travel nightmare for thousands of rail commuters in new york and connecticut area. a high-voltage peer cable fell yesterday on the metro-north railroad leaving thousands looking for alternative ways to get to work and home. the problem may not be solved for weeks. those are your news headlines. i am jamie colby sending it back to dagen mcdowell. dagen: i heard predators warbled trying to get into the city.
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thanks is them. dagen: thank you so much. the old dominion wins again. after topping the list in 2009 virginia is number one on forbes best states for business. va is touted for its business friendly government policies, strong incentive offerings and right to work state and for unionization, virginia has it ranked in the talk two for eight years forbes conducted the study. other states near the top of the pack are colorado, north carolina, utah and north dakota. a lot of business. connell: going on the internet. not everybody does it that you would think they would. 15% of americans don't use the internet at all.
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a high number. dagen: and haven't thought of that. connell: they disproportionately contributed to this. 34% say they're not interested, they don't care, others don't have a computer. this is socioeconomic issues, and not being important, 34% of people, and 2% in 18 to 29. dagen: my mom was on facebook. dagen: all your friends finding out he died over the weekend and that is about it. they make business is taking notice employees prep for the food season. connell: what would be wrong with this picture. going out with new technology that could be a game change for the military. ♪
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[ male announcer ] now, taking care of things at home is just a tap away. ♪ introducing at&t digital life... ♪ ...personalized home security and automation... [ lock clicks ] ...that lets you be cloto home. that's so cool. [ male announcer ] get $100 in instant savings when you order digital life smart security. limited availability in select markets. ♪
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connell: nice shot of dagen mcdowell coming back and looking at me. the mac a bloody nose. connell: jamie dimon visiting the justice department. that is one of the big stories with jamie dimon at the justice department talking about what we got into, possible $11 billion settlement, mortgage-backed securities case. let's go to nicole petallides at stock exchange. nicole: watching jpmorgan closely. jamie dimon heads to washington on the heels of the department of justice tuesday threatening a lawsuit against jpmorgan. there have been a lot of issues they have been facing including the london whale but this is mortgage-backed securities, which generally trying to find a settlement of $3 billion and
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that did not meet the standard of what the justice department was thinking said jamie dimon met with u.s. attorney general eric holder and $11 billion is the number that was thrown around in order to settle old thing, but one sticking point is also about criminal investigations. back to you. dennis: breaking news, eric holder just started to talk about this very topic. here is the attorney general. >> people who would manipulate companies, manipulate our financial markets for their own customers's benefit or the benefit of the company. we have i think brought a substantial number of those kinds of cases over the past few years, we have matters that are under investigation, i expect we make further announcements in the coming weeks and months, but i wouldn't go any further than what i said about our interaction with jpmorgan. >> you weren't in the room when
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i was talking to them so i won't comment on the nature of the conversation but before we get to other questions that are off topic of there are any more questions that have to do with this. >> you said it is ongoing. the jamie dimon meeting at the justice department trying to come up with a number. he wouldn't answer a specific question about jpmorgan but attorney general eric holder. moving on 2 different topics that doesn't have it to every person in this country, the flu season. and population hit each year, it comes as no surprise the centers for disease control and prevention recommends everyone over six months of age get a flu shot. dr. n. chicken is acting director of the center for global. great to see you. why don't more people get flu shots? about half of people every year who should get them do or don't?
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>> we are seeing better and better uptick in the influence of vaccines so we are reporting more than 50% of children got the flu vaccine last year, 57% of children got the flu vaccine, 5 percentage point increase from the year before and 13 percentage point increase from two years ago so kids are getting the message and doctors are getting the message. we're not doing as well, 42% of adults that the flu vaccine last year, influence vaccine the best we to protect yourself and your family against influenza we recommend everybody get flu vaccine tree year. they and do we know what kind of flu season will be? when will we know how severe it will be? is the one of the problems? that people eat ants think when they start hearing reports that flu activity is abnormally high then they go out and it might be too late to get one? >> predicting the flu season is risky business. the more you know about
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influenza the less you want to predict. last year the disease came early and hard and we saw increased demand. more people were looking for flu vaccine and we ran out in a number of parts of the country. best thing people can do is get vaccinated now. perez vaccine in the communities, seventy-three million doses have been distributed already and we expect a lot more over the weeks ahead so this is the time to get immunized before you get the flu. the company still a good job trying to get their employees vaccinated. be well, thank you for being here and come back as the flu season kicks in with good news. connell: now we get the answer to the earlier question of what is wrong with this picture. take a closer look. what is wrong with it essentially is keynesian the air, there's nobody fly again, no pilot in the plush. bling continues modifying retired air force f-16 to fly as
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a drone. and a big gain changer, and first successful test flight on some timid, altitude of 40,000 feet, 17 barrel rolls worked in, boeing releasing this footage yesterday, it will be used as a supersonic target practice for the air force fighter pilots that moved to new mexico for wildfire testing once test flights are complete but it is odd to look at when you see one of these. dagen: when i went up with the thunderbird i went up with the 16. i threw up. connell: quite an experience. dagen: 14 hours in the air on the tarmac in the flight office back of a hotel. connell: la birdy before you got in a plane. know when i vomited for that long i would do would again. connell: thank you. wishing it had no pilot.
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dagen: listen to this. remember the problems with apple apps, how the apps are horrible when it was first launched? look at this. the apple apps are guiding people, have been gawking people onto a runway at a major airport in alaska instead of sending them to the eternal. two cars have driven onto an active runway at the fair brings international airport. there were no injuries and certainly because they both happened early in the morning between flights. the entrance to the taxiled has been barricaded from traffic. apple has promised to fix this glitch. connell: goes on to the roadway. where are we? getting ready for the plane. the at the top of the runway. connell: a runway at an airport, trying to get to the airport. yankees were eliminated from the post-season but there's one player hooking forward to next
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season and a big way. we will tell you about that coming up. the former super bowl quarterback here to talk about why after leaving the field and he is on the board of the bank. connell: it enters the did film on wall street delayed. what it means for the oscar chances. the great story, can't we do see that. don: connell: read the book. the net yes. [ agent smith ] i've found software that intrigues me. it appears it's an agent of good. ♪ [ agent smith ] ge software connects patients to nurses to the right machines while dramatically reducing waiting time. [ telephone ringing ] now a waiting room is just a room. [ static warbles ]
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>> your fox business brief, sales of existing homes droppedd for the third straight month. national association of realtors' index fell by 1.6% in august. was revised lower to 1.4% reaching the 6 year high. the index followed since june, mortgage rates slowing home sales momentum. number of americans filing new claims for jobless benefits fell to a 6 year low, jobless claims dropped by 5,000 to 305,000. the estimate was 325,000. the u.s. economy grew at a 2.5% annual rate in the second quarter. the commerce department says its final economic growth was unchanged from last month's estimate. congress was expecting them to.6%. that is latest from the fox business network giving you the power to prosper.
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nascar is about excitement. but tracking all the action and hearing everything from our marketing partners, the media and millions of fans on sial media can be a challenge. that's why we partnered with hp to build the new nascar fan and media engagement center. hp's technology helps us turn millions of tweets, posts and stories into real-time business insights that help nascar win with our fans.
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dagen: robinson cano wants bed in money, and a $3 million contract when he becomes a free agent. and those numbers would give him the richest contracts in the history of baseball. even topping out side the contract the yankees, robinson cano says he wants to stay in new york but is indicating he would take the highest offer he received from any team. connell: good luck with that one. connell: on markets now the nfl is making record profits than the average player's salary. $2 million peer season. 80% of players end a banker for financially stressed within two years after their retirement. out and players like success after they stop playing? the nfl quarterback for 14 years recently named to the board of
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directors was leaving jake on today on fox business, congratulations on that although you would play any sport to get that kind of robinson cano money. that seems a little much but we will see. >> that seems like a great deal but i don't think there will be any athlete who would turn that down. connell: if they did that kind of money. what about this idea of being prepared and we did number of athletes about it for life after playing. how much were you playing? >> i thought about a great deal. they did a great job when they came out. on wasn't a first-round draft pick, not like i had tons of money coming out. i had to earn my keep. the biggest thing is as older players tried to preach to the young guy save your money, you'll get a whirlwind of money, the only job that makes you retire.
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you don't retire from the nfl. you want to play as long as you can. you preach to the young guys and hopefully guys understand this windfall will not be there for the rest of your life. connell: they make you retire. you are 38 and still playing. and whatever it is. another big issue, you would still be playing. >> i wouldn't want to have been settled in school, after continued to play. and things working out for me. connell: very good point. it is a good way to play that long. and didn't come from a major college or anything, that is
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really impressive. and one hot-button topics you have two girls. and the big issue, and playing football game is good to you and have a career post football whether it is banking. would you let them play? >> absolutely. i connell: tell me why. >> i know so much is made about the concussion lawsuit, and they try to do the right thing. accidents will happen. and preexisting injuries from when they were younger in junior high school and college. a great avenue for me, and persevere. you will be told many times you got to get back up and keep your nose to the grindstone and go
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after. connell: just is you were talking, the video of the number of players in action, and -- >> a year older than payton. connell: he may be the best player in football. >> it is awesome. we are very close friends since high school. person no doubt, and was not playing the about the next surgery planned on top of the game this year. connell: that is pretty good. good luck with everything in banking and good to see you.
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superable quarterback for the panthers. dagen: peyton manning deserves more money than that. ended in the green after days of losses, execution joining us now. >> the first five day decline this year. september standing the better months we have seen with the performance. we are seeing the same decline we saw after the meeting in july, and it comes back to reality, more confusion than clarity and we see a dip. this decline is on low-volume. and we continue to underperform when the markets pull back from earlier highs and when we see
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the glow rankling, we really outperform and that is what the market needs with the sector being the biggest in the s&p. vix see you soon. connell: dagen mcdowell read the book, we will talk about the movie, the film is being delayed, the story coming up. dagen: i remember the scumbag firm, remember it well. it went boom and bust. some win is today.
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thank you orville and wilbur... ...amelia... neil and buzz: for teaching us that you can't crea the future... by clinging to the past. and with that: you're history. instead of looking behind... delta is looking beyond. 80 thousand of us investing billions... in everything from the best experiences below... to the finest comforts above. we're not simply saluting history... we're making it.
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hotly anticipated films of the year, the movie's release might be delayed. >> dennis kneale, holding things up. >> read the hollywood reporter and other counts, martin scorsese gets his first rough cut of the film, three hours long. you are a great filmmaker but nobody wants to watch a film for three hours especially when it is on wall street, and everyone in america today hates the excesses of wall street. was scheduled for november 15th and hollywood reporter, get bumped to christmas day. if they are really unlucky going to 2014, get forgotten for the -- dagen: never released in 2014, couldn't they release it like dump it in one movie theater in new york late in the year to qualify for oscar contention and do a wide release? connell: if we can get that shrunk down to only two hours or an hour.
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galore connell: and three the good properties, the director thinks his own stuff is too good to cut. my man marty. dagen: martin scorsese, good fellows and the like, can put out a 3 hour movie and people will still see it. >> the simply won't, and i am sorry, we don't want to go to a three our long movie, will never get back. dagen: look how long christmas was and it won the weekend over two hours. connell: three hours is too much. dennis: allow or of dennis kneale coming next. dagen: along with titanic. >> ridiculously long. dagen: huge moneymaker for 20th century fox. thank you. next hour, still going to be
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here, sitting mortgage chief jamie dimon, meeting with justice department officials, attorney general eric holder said there was that meeting following a report of $11 billion settlement, the bank has a lot to the that amount, we go live inside the beltway. connell: a free commercial on the superbowl telecast. dennis and cheryl are up next, markets now. we went out and asked people a simple question:
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we learned a lot of us have known someone who's lived well into their 90s. and that's a great thing. but even though we're living longer, one thing that hasn't changed much is the official retirement age. ♪ the question is how do you make sure you have the money you need to enjoy all of these years. ♪ ♪ dennis: it is high noon. spacex i am cheryl clouseau. jamie dimon meeting with attorney general eric holder today. dennis: the feds ought to be finding individuals who did these wild things, not the banks
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move. new highs for tesla and they spoke. bed bath and beyond doing good. we will continue to follow jcpenney and jpmorgan. cheryl: we will get to a live report on jpmorgan here soon. should wall street traders care about the shut down? chris, you say wall street is focused on it, but main street seems to be intensely focused. >> when you look at wall street, wall street prices this in. it is kind of like groundhogs day. main street is worried about this.
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bernanke is keeping zero interest rates for the time being. main street is nervous. they do not know what to do. cheryl: they know it has been a strong year for the market. they say who cares. we would not care. >> from wall street perspective, it is a who cares. the past year has been phenomenal on the market. that was easy money. it is not about easy money anymore. we will have to be much more wise. cheryl: we are talking about
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possibly not tapering until next year. you hear from dudley. data is bad. >> what else can you do? people are looking for yields someplace. cheryl: it is only fun for a journalist like myself. >> you cannot guess what washington will do day in and day out. they will wait until the last minute and then pick the can down the road.
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cheryl: let's give our viewers something they can trade on. ncr. you say this is a very good bet for our viewers. why? >> if we look at where the growth of the world is going, ncr is a cloud computing company. we all see everything. data is moving towards that. what we have to look at is here in the u.s. we have a couple companies that have made big names in data. the problem is, they are priced really high. their growth focus, international. if you travel in asian
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countries, what you will see is ncr. you have a diversified business model that allows you to have different sources of revenue flow. cheryl: thank you for being here. thank you very much. an $11 billion settlement is in the works. jamie dimon met with attorney general eric holder. rich edson is covering the story. this, certainly, is something our viewers need to hear about. rich, what do you know? rich: this is something jpmorgan and jamie dimon would like to get on top of.
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he met with attorney general eric holder. was inside the building until shortly after 11:00 o'clock. you talk about all of the little issues. apparently $11 billion in talks. not sure what that could include. nothing from jamie dimon. eric holder addressed it. >> i do not want to comment where we are in regard to that matter other than to say it is all going. rich: there are of course the issues of how much any settlement could clear off the books for jpmorgan chase. a meeting in washington, d.c. sprung up on us this morning.
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back to you. cheryl: rich edson. thank you very much. dennis: what is bugging me? bank finds. our government is raiding billions of dollars from banks that already lost money on their own moves. eric holder says it is not enough. we are extract the even more money. almost none of this money ever goes to any real victims. almost none of this money comes from the bank accounts of the individuals who screwed up so
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badly. instead our government shakes down shareholders. the ones who got hurt are now the ones paying for their banks stupidity. something is very wrong here. should the feds find individuals inside of the things that employed them? cheryl: such an interesting debate. the shareholders are being punished for bad behavior. dennis: they should have been fined personally. cheryl: it insures everything, from big ocean liners to other
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...that lets you be cloto home. that's so cool. [ male announcer ] get $100 in instant savings when you order digital life smart security. limited availability in select markets. ♪ limited availability in select markets. nascar is about excitement. but tracking all the action and hearing everything from our marketing partners, the media and millions of fans on social media can be a challenge. that's why we partnered with hp to build the new nascar fan and media engagement center. hp's technology helps us turn millions of tweets, posts and stories into real-time business insights that help nascar win with our fans.
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cheryl: rounding out the first week of the big dow shake up, i'd like to call it. take a look at the three companies. nike accounting for a little more than six, almost seven. take a look at these up. the impact is more than 13 points. whether you like it or not, there are your new names for the dow. it is fun, nicole petallides, things change for the indexes. nicole: i think that they are
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fun. nike was the best performer in percentage terms today. i really liked that. i thought it was cool. let's take a look at jcpenney. this is a two-day chart. jcpenney was down almost 10%. concerns about the fact that they would have to raise cash. then they talked about the fact that they are very happy with their progress. basically, to the flatline level. just in time for the opening bell. they are paying on time. they have not changed their payment terms.
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these headlines just came out moments ago. it gave a boost to jcpenney right now as we speak. cheryl: thank you very much. appreciate it. ♪ dennis: twitter and a big deal with the national football league. jeep, good timing. twitter carrying highlights to solve 700 million users. nfl deal part of twitters amplify program which has already signed up a couple. maybe espn would like to do the same. the nfl says, no.
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did you hear the twitter joke about the booker, the stripper and the "new york times"? the "new york times" has a story without first contacting the dancer for comment. she complained on twitter. "new york times" updating the story online. she admits having a little crush on cory. dagen: in you getting bad feedback for the fact that he responded? dennis: she is a stripper. cheryl: the postal service asking for a stamp price increase. will it be enough to save the postal service? peter barnes will be with us
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bjorn earns unlimited rewas for his small business take tseags to room 12 please. [ garth ] bjors small busiss earns double miles on every purchase every day. produce delivery. [ bjorn ] just put it on my spark card. [ garth why settle for less? ahh, oh! [ garth ] great businesses deserve limited reward here's your wake up call. [ male announcer ] get the spark business card from capital one and earn unlimited rewards. choose double miles or 2% cash back on every purchase every day. what's in your wallet? [ crows ] now where's the snooze button?
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♪ >> 19 minutes after the hour. hi, everybody. i am jamie colby. divers have found human remains off the coast of where the ship crashed. that is the coast of concordia. the death toll stands at 67. it is expected to rise. it is time to start getting your flu shots. the organization unveiling an online mapping tool. it can be used to track fuel. it is recommended that everyone
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above the age of six months. vaccinated. back to you guys. dennis: thank you very much, jamie. >> you are welcome. dennis: peter barnes joins us live from inside the beltway. peter: the postal service proposed another increase in the price of a first-class stamp $0.249 after it increased price just this last january. it would raise $2 billion a year in new revenue.
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the biggest problem is that it has hefty payments and obligations to its retiree health benefit plan. they will again miss a payment to that plan. >> i had to file yesterday in order to make a rate change in january. we buy fuel every day and the person changes the price with a flick of a switch. that is not a good environment to be in if you are writing for your lives. >> he has proposed ending saturday delivery. committees in the senate and the house are considering legislation that would limit
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saturday mail delivery. the administration has proposed these kinds of reports as well. dennis, back to you. dennis: thank you very much, peter barnes. peter: you that. cheryl: the fox business all-star showdown. we began this summer with eight contestants. we are now down to two. we will have two new stock picks each tomorrow. look at what is on the line. this lovely, blue, i think somewhat gold trophy. i know what you are thinking.
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to get your best night's sleep every night. [announcer] why not talk to someone who's sleeping on the most highly recommended d in america? ask me about my tempur-pedic. ask me how fast i fall asleep. ask me about staying asleep. [announcer] tempur-pedic owners are more satisfied than owners of any traditional mattress brand. tempur-pedic. the most highly recommended bed in america. now sleep cooler with extra cooling comfort on our bestselling tempur-breeze beds. visit to learn more, and find a retailer near you.
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nicole: of wanted to look at some names that are doing well and some that are under pressure. let's start with some new highs. tesla at $1.80 present, 1.5%. you will be able to rent a it has law, putting it in a luxury vehicle department with a ferraris and such, facebook looking good, new high for chase -- facebook shareholders, 50 to 60. and turn it around with some down arrows, names that are under pressure, and let's start off with eli lilly. this is what the breast cancer drug is moving into the late stage of trials. these the first of cancer. and her down 1414%. at the airport they are not rending as many vehicles.
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volumes were low at the airport so that is to the downside and mccormick after their quarterly report down 2.5%. cheryl: thank you so much. they ensure everything from ships to the voice of bruce springsteen to the tune of $6 million. lloyd's of london is out with midyear earnings and i spoke with john nelson and asked him why profits were lower for the first half of this year. >> the first half, the business is in, the high risk end of specialist insurance. we had a relatively benign first task and very few catastrophe claims. underwriting profits were up 26%. that was counterbalanced by the investment returns being significantly down. the return in the first six months from 1.2% to 1.5%, that was caused by market conditions. in general, the late's market where we hold assets to pay
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claims and they have to be cash, credit, relatively short corporate bonds and sovereign bonds and because of the site, up the first half of the year on mark to market basis they were sharing marked downs investment returns but for the insurance industry and for lloyd's in particular, it would be helpful if we saw a slight increase in interest rates. and it would be beneficial to the insurance. >> you do business in 200 countries. and it is interesting that not only are you seeing a little pressure in western economies but also emerging economies as well. so let's talk about the future and the second half of the year the we are in right now. where are you seeing promise for
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the numbers? >> in the second half the kind of business we are in is completely unpredictable because it depends on the incidents of natural catastrophes so last year for example i was sitting here having ads like this, the 9 first half of the iran superstorm sandy in the second half. it is -- you can tell whatsuper half. it is -- you can tell what the result of going to be but we have a continuation of low investment returns whereas in the first half premium rates were pretty steady, roundabout 1%. in the second half, and feel softer. cheryl: that is very interesting. what is interesting about this, many americans don't realize, one of the most fun parts, you ensure celebrities legs, this has been throughout the history of lloyd's whether it is betty
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drivable back in the day, or the days of abbott and costello, and now you have the bruce springsteen contract as well. is it a big part of the business, and will we see more and more unique insurance filings out there? >> to be serious for a moment is true that we do do celebrity insurance. we ensure for example david beck come, what we have done. what lloyd's is about is insuring business to business risks, catastrophe risks and innovating and finding ways to cover new emerging risks, cyberof risk is the example where lloyd's is in the vanguard and business interruption risks are another example, terrorism risks would be another one.
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those are the kind of risks we do specialize in. and a big part of the business. cheryl: our thanks to john nelson of lloyd's. dennis: small business big game contest, one small-business the chance to win thirty-second spot, four million dollars in the 2014 super bowl. one of the leading vote getters is a pro pot grew. diane joins us with details. we went your feedback. diane: the software company has teamed up to put forth this contest where the winner, a small business will walk away with the 30 seconds custom-made superbowl at but what they did not anticipate is the national organization for of marijuana laws, not only sign of for the contrast but the top vote getter, down to 10,000
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contestants which may sound like the launch here but the no. one vote-getter in round 1 for the next round goes down to 20 organizations and normal for sure. what happens if they win? dennis: the advertiser goes to fox broadcasting, says we have a pot had for you. cheryl: and we fought the this polk to fox and said they would not block the ad out right but the spokesman said fox does, any advertisements has to be fox advertising standards. they have the concept out that says what they would show if they did win the contest.
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there is no bonds or cheech and chong. dennis: the network only started running liquor ads after decades of legal liquor, the thought that you bring on pot which is medicinal the legal in 16 states. is a great story and this happens when a brand gives up control and lets the audience control the conversation. cheryl: the reason it knows it is the top vote getters used to include an option to sort the contest and buy popularity so you can see the votes, and no longer available on the web site. normal said they were not sure there was a plan for round 2 anyway or related to the fact they did secure the number one spot.
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tracy: i am tracy byrnes, pending home sales of existing homes dropped for the third straight month, the realtors' index fell by 1.6% in august and the july rate was revised lower to 1.4%. ebay requiring global payments platform braintree for $800 million in cash, the deal removes one of the palace major competitor is joining the peer italianate but continued to operate separately. the division could help to grow capabilities. ends convicted ponzi scheme bernie madoff, not clear what 77-year-old cummings burt has been charged with but attorney says his client was innocent victim of bernie madoff and look forward to clearing his name. that is the latest from the fox business network giving you the power to prosper.
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cheryl: walmart denying reports it is cutting orders as earlier reports sent the stock lower. liz macdonald investigating. is this happening and not? liz: walmart is such a bellwether for the holiday shopping season and when news reports came out from bloomberg that they're adding inventory problems, walmart came out with a hotly worded statement denying those reports. walmart is saying the reports lack the fundamental understanding paula retail world works. and thousands of categories, but we false the way the reporting was that they're having inventory problems. i tell you something, wal-mart has already lowered its forecast for the upcoming quarter and looking at a holiday shopping
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season. and same old story we have been seeing about consumers but the thing with walmart so important for the stock, they do not want a repeat of the 2010 holiday shopping season where they have been selling inventory and real clearance sales in january so they are trying to nail inventory growth with revenue gains they are getting. cheryl: i remember what happened in 2009. they were stuck with floors were empty, they were so afraid to spend the capital up front and walmart's second half, you can't gauge whether or not the consumer is feeling thrifty. liz: with amazon breathing down their neck. fact that they came out of this fought we worded statement going on with walmart about its inventory issues. ongoing story for wall street.
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cheryl: the target and kmart coming as well and j.c. penney and great stuff. thank you very much. time for your west coast minute. it may be one of the biggest comebacks in sports history. oracle team usa at one point meeting seven wins to clinch the america's cup title made it happen in waters of san francisco bay. larry ellison's team won nine to 8 in the final, the 19 day race, the race itself longest in the 162 year history of the cup. another point, the glitch in apple's mack apps on iphone and ipad guiding alaskans to a runway at the fairbanks airport. users who type in directions to get to the airport terminal are ending up at the end of the tarmac where the planes go up and down and back and forth. twice this month cars have continued across an active
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taxiway. arizona sheriff banning meat from all county jails insisting prisoners, like it or not go vegan. he does not done it is not trying to be mean that trying to cut costs for the jail and this the will be charging inmates for their meals setting casserole, one of the meatless deelites, it is healthier for prisoners and will save arizona taxpayers $23,000 a year and that is a west coast minute. time for stocks, let's bring in from the floor of the stock exchange jonathan cortines of meridian equity partners. markets were positive. the debt ceiling seems to be on some traders's mind. is it on your mind? >> most certainly is. any headline out of washington we are clearly watching and they will affect our markets but uniquely what is happening is if you look at the headlines from today overhanging on market. getting towards the end of the month and the end of the quarter we talk about window dressing in the past and maybe we are starting to see some of that now
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before the end of the month. cheryl: thanks, jonathan. connell: pickpocket prove pants, and i can bring trousers, for crime-fighting khakis, pince-nez for travelers by travelers. and a traitor and a hedge fund travel world and build a clothing line after exposing a pick talking incident, joining us now clothing arts order adam rap. thanks for being with us. you are traveling world, quit your wall street job in 2009. basically inspires the business. >> never think it is going to happen to you. pickpocketing is a huge problem and you take for granted you will be safe. some people carry many belts and i developed a pair of pants that answers the need to never carry a money belt again. it makes it impossible for you to have someone get into your gear without you knowing it is going to happen on multiple
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levels of security. dennis: haven't seen so many measures since the tylenol packaging after poisoning so you have a system of zippers, buttons and more zippers and buttons? >> it is about putting security back into the hands of a traveler. we give the multiple levels of security, the spotted over here right now is double security can't get into it. take a split-second and flipped into the back, nice, you are able to use your pocket inside the pocket as well, a pocket inside a pocket inside a pocket. slippage in their and ready to go and flint this over. dennis: you are totally protected. >> it will take 20 minutes to open my pocket and it will take the pickpocket longer. dennis: how much does it sell for? >> $110. dennis: as steel. you have been selling since 2010, to 8,000 hair and making
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7,000 more and my one question, sorry to be this way, what are the limiting factors to get those things made? >> we try to grow within our means and make the ultimate pair of travel and so if you grew too quickly might cut corners and compromise quality and that is something i will never do. i build these pants for me, this is my dream travel where. everything you see our ideas i wanted on the road. dennis: the weather every day? >> unless someone makes me go to a bar mitzvah. dennis: any tired of the profusion of zippers and buttons? >> it takes a learning curve to where the garment but once you get used to it you will feel really empowered, it never think about walking world the same again. dennis: is it hard to get retailers to carry you or get them to make this stuff? the make and in china? >> these are currently made in india. the factory is chosen by me and i help set up the line, we worked in three countries and i
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think it is really important to know exactly who is making the garment and whether it is coming from. the future of the company is definitely going towards more mass-market retailers, held by travel catalogs and better men's and outdoor stores, paragon sports in new york would carry us, uncle ben's in chicago. dennis: online site? >> why is the availability including, shirts, pants, business, adventure and solutions. dennis: good luck with the new company. pickpocket prove pants. dennis: instead of banks that a ploy them, you're tweet the next. (vo) you are a business pro. maestro of project management. baron of the build-out.
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you need a permit... to be this awesome. and from national. because only national lets you choose any car in the aisle... and go. you can even take a full-size or above, and still pay the mid-size price. (aaron) purrrft. (vo) meee-ow, business pro. meee-ow. go national. go like a pro. nascar is about excitement. but tracking all the action and hearing everything from our marketing partners, the media and millions of fans on social media can be a challenge. that's why we partnered with hp to build the new nascar fan and media engagement center. hp's technology helps us turn millions of tweets, posts and stories into real-time business insights that help nascar win with our fans.
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cheryl: if you live in new york? and bill couple blocks without running into one of dan myers's burger haven shake chefs. and in places like russia and the middle east. joline kent is standing by with randy. >> i'm with the ceo of shiksas, always there last night. ipod after years of being open there's still such ill long line. what is the story behind this? >> what happened is over 60 years fast-food ruined what was good about it 6 years ago. and redid that dialogue and said build a place where people come together to be with friends and enjoy great food and sincere hospitality. unique simplicity of that in
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today's age dubdadash >> you don't really advertise. you came of age during social media. is this another advertising policy? >> not a policy but a preference. we do things like last week teamed up with dominique of crownet fame. we lined up for one day event where we sold 1,000 sheets with his crownots. it became one of these exciting things where the line of people will propel the story for us and we would rather do that than advertise. >> yesterday there was a post in russia that you will be in istanbul and dubai. what is the criteria for putting this in a certain location? >> we develop a team, leaders and a partner in those countries for to do it the we have always
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done it. after that, it is about knowing people and the community is asking for and that community can resonate so when we opened in the u.k. and london this summer and istanbul's this summer it was incredible to us how people came out from every walk of life to see it and feel and want to be part of that community gathering that we created over the last few years. >> obamacare and affordable health care act is controversial in washington, you employ a lot of people. how will that impact your business? >> we always offer health-insurance to a whole team that works 24 hours. it is and not a big deal, won't be a major transition, we are already offering that and doing it. the most exciting thing we do is take 1% of top line revenue every month and bonus those hourly workers in our teams which gets them excited about being busy, wanting to take care of our guests and separates us from away at traditional worker
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has lived. we call ourselves leaders training future leaders and our team is constantly trying to develop those young team members to want to grow. >> new french fries coming out. the competition is intense. >> for nine years people told us our fries could be better and we switched away from frozen fried at one shack to a fresh cut in house fraud and we will continue to roll that out a round world starting next week. >> thank you so much. i will send it back over to you. dennis: what is bugging you? should the fed's fine individuals instead of the bank that employ them? that is bugging me. kate campbell tweets back and says the government needs to stay out of banking until they can take care of their own business. eisenhower says, quote, somebody needs to check where all the fines are being sent and how they are being spent by the government and i agree with
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that. now is illegal to make losing trades? winning trades only? corporations have nothing. it is all shareholder or debtor costs. alan robinson said wrongdoing was due to lack of corporate control than corporation as opposed to person should be penalized. cheryl: fired up on twitter. avoiding the government shut down. markets are swinging on every word out of washington as john boehner tries to chorale republicans, how this could play out from a man who knows. and adviser to president george w. bush will be joining adam and war in the next hour. >> charlie gasparino reporting on the meeting between jamie dimon and attorney general, that is not enough, eric holder. that is next hour on fox business. not their short-term agenda. [ woman ] if you have the nerve to believe that cookie cutters should be for cookies, not your investment strategy.
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if you believe in the sheer brilliance of a simple explanation. [ male annouer ] join the nearly 7 million investors who think like you do: face time and think time make a difference. join us. [ male announcer ] at edward jones, it's how we make sense of investing. [ male announcer ] now, taking care of things at home is just a tap away. ♪ introducing at&t digital life... ♪ ...personalized home security and automation... [ lock clicks ] ...that lets you be cloto home. that's so cool. [ male announcer ] get $100 in instant savings when you order digital life smart security. limited availability in select markets. ♪
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you're not linda. i'm filling in for officer owens. she used double miles from herapital one venture card to take an early vacation. buckle up. let's go do cop stuff. [ siren chirps ] license and venture card, ma'am. was i going too fast? oh, you'd be going twice as fast if you had dble miles. [ male announcer ] get away fast with unlimited double miles from the capital one nture card. freeze! don't touch the face! can i drive? absolutely not. what's in your wallet? >> and a very good afternoon, i'm lori rothman finish. adam: and i'm adam shapiro.
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putting legal troubles to rest, that's the hope for jamie dimon, wrappings up a high stakes meeting with attorney general eric holder. lori: what about demands for defunding obamacare? stocks are swinging on every word out of d.c. our next guest says all hell could break loose for the markets if congress can't get its act together. brad blakeman is here. adam: debt spiral averted? jcpenney firing back at the haters, why it says sales are looking good through the rest of the year. lori: move over alcoa, there's a new earnings benchmark in town. s&p dow jones indices senior index analyst howard silverblatt on the name to watch earnings season. and once again good afternoon. let's start things off with a market check, let's head back to the floor of the new york stock exchange, check in with nicole. economic data, right,my coal? helping to boost the s&p and what could be a sixth day of losses. >> reporter: that's absolutely
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right, lori. so we're watching the markets that are actually moving to the upside. we've had five straight days of selling which has not happened this year for the s&p 500, and now we're starting to snap that streak right now with the dow up about 49 points. you do you have the vixx to the upside and commodities are mixed. there's a lot of names we're watching closely, obviously the focus we keep on washington this time with the possibility of a government shutdown. let's look here at jcpenney. now, jcpenney, of course, has been the storied stock this whole year, but over the last 48 hours quite a wild one, hitting new lows and then earlier today it was looking down about 10% before the opening bell only for jcpenney to come out and say, listen, we don't need any financing this year, we are making a lot of progress, we are having a lot of vision, and the are double-digit growth year-over-year. so they came out with full force and turned any
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