tv Markets Now FOX Business October 10, 2013 11:00am-1:01pm EDT
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connell: we have breaking news on the debt limit standoff, house republicans with the short-term fix with no strings attached. the drop dead date in the new deal in this extension would be november 22nd. the gop leadership, any moment from capitol hill, the borrowing limit is acceptable. dagen: treasury said terry jack lew telling lawmakers in front of the senate committee that if they don't meet their responsibility extending the debt ceiling the market and the economy would be deeply damage. peer connell: the president would sign it without additional conditions like changing the health care law. dagen: breaking news in the next hour but let's check in with a market rally, fall and then some
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at d.c. and a 200 point gain. lauren simonetti at the stock exchange with more. >> at the height of the session the dow was climbing 215 points and investors playing defense. nine sectors we watch in the green led by financials, and utilities. we have the vix down a little bit, down a lot of around 17. gold prices down as well. this is a market where people want to buy deeply oversold market. connell: the breaking news this morning, exclusive from rich edson reporting on capitol hill lane new offer by house republicans to avoid government default potentially. dagen: rich edson oliver has the details. peter: here's the house gop offer, a dazzling increase to november 22nd barring treasury from using any extraordinary
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measures and requires a budget conference, still have to see if the house is able to pass this thing. democrats say republicans have been blocking a conference negotiations all along so that is the offer republicans will get to the president later today and treasury secretary jack lew refuses to say if the government will service the debt if the u.s. surpasses its debt ceiling. phe treasury's computer systems are programmed to pay all the government's bills, not some. >> we are going to be in a place which is uncharted territory. if anyone thinks it works smoothly -- it would not work smoothly. it would be chaos. we have looked at many options. there have been reports indicating thiigs that have been looked at over the years. no one has had to put this into effect. they are not tested. peter: the government shutdown made the debt ceiling deadline projection less reliable. october 17th, if congress does manage to pass this proposal
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nov. 20 second would be the new deadline. that would be an actual hard deadline because it would not allow treasury to use those extraordinary measures. dagen: dan enninger of the wall street journal editorial board joins us. your reaction with the six week extension? >> it sounds like it might be good news but i am afraid it looks to me like ultimately it is kicking the can down the road, the can being at the center of the disagreement between the republicans and the white house and the democrats and it depends which side is making the proposal and which side is reacting. the republican side and the house has been saying they would like to do this so in return they could get some progress on discussions of entitlement reform meaning medicare and social security and tax reform meaning a new tax system with lower tax rates. on the democratic side they have been quiet up to now because it has been going their way to show their hand, pressure has been on
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the republicans. harry reid and nancy pelosi have their own members who do not want to get into a discussion of entitlement reform, do not want to reduce pay outs for medicare and social security and went taxes raised so they continue the upward trend of spending which is at the center of the spending discussions so i think what we can see is push back on the democratic side and the can being in center field being kicked over the six week extension. connell: i want rich to explain to is indeed what your reporting turned out to be right and we do see this extension to the twenty-second of november in terms of the debt ceiling being raised. the separate issue dan talks about with the government being shut down and these are two separate issues does it make more likely the government's they shed down or the government shutdown lasts longer?
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>> absolutely. what you had before this proposal was delinking of government spending and the debt ceiling increase because the deadlines were so close. they are in a partial government shutdown and the other deadline of oct. 17. when you remove the debt ceiling and push it back to november 22nd what you are doing is linking the issues so allows the government shutdown to become more of a stand-alone issue even though republicans say is part of this deal they will be negotiating budget issues. the urgency to get that done becomes less urgent and so you could have this out there, this government shutdown out there for a while and it be a separate political issue where what would cause action to reopen those pieces of the government would be decline in poll numbers from republican party democratic party or some other type of action, separaae issues and make the shutdown longer. dagen: why is there any reason to think major but -- bbdget
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issues, and in the next six weeks in the next six months or years when you have a democrat or white house in the senate. >> when you have this particular democrat in the white house is unlikely. it is unlikely, still to discuss these things. he bent over backwards last week, i never saw him bend over backwards on the subject. is the difficulty here as rich was laying out, the -- alongside all of these events you have opinion polls being taken and make no mistake, those republicans are acutely aware, and that are not going well as are the democrats. if it gets bad enough they are going to cry uncle, they want to get this shot down. the longer it goes on the longer one side or the other is disadvantaged, if for instance this weekend we get from signing
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on for a deal like this, the first question all of us would ask who came up on top? you cannot avoid that aspect of this discussion about the substantive issues. connell: a multiple choice question for the republican leadership presented to the mend the speaker will come out and we will take a live, in the short term could say we will fight two sites, we are going to fight one fight, we are going to pick, and the debt ceiling in the short term keep fighting the other one. that is what the president wanted to fight another day and negotiate down the line. are they making the right choice if this is the choice they're making? >> they're doing a halfway decent job dealing the hand they have been dealt. it has all been processed, about the shutdown and the debt ceiling. if you extend the debt ceiling, we are actually talking things
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like entitlement reform and tax reform. it put something more substantive on the table to argue against. the white house and democrats to address those issues. it elevates the conversation which is the best you can hope for. dagen: any sensitivity at all among the right or the left in washington, they are creating these mini crises that plagued the nation, our economy, individual and the market, and necessarily. we were talking about the debt ceiling fight, we just had this conversation a couple years ago. >> when you look at what happened as far as sensitivity is concerned it is watching -- washington. in some quarters it is a political opportunities, in other quarters something that you hit the other party over the head with and for republicans, up this is an example of they
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say president obama will not come to the table and negotiate the uses in good faith without some sort of event and these are what they use. the real crisis would be if we don't address these problems. democrats. republicans on creating and manufacturing these crises every so often to get their way on certain issues. one problem republicans have had is until this point they have yet to have a coherent this is what we want for the debt ceiling and they have gone from obamacare to budget reforms but they have been unable to pass through the house they control one bill, one starting off. connell: good point, john boehner on his way out. we will take a lively show the markets, dow jones industrial average up 2 points, up 175 and make the argument separating these deadlines, the financial markets, not just about whether we would be able to make a
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payment on the interest on the debt and all the debate about prioritization the last few days and we talked about it. dagen: what is the default? connell: financial markets are more concerned about that. they don't want participants at the market do not want to tempt fate there. they could stand the government shutdown. i know it is very serious for the people who are affected by it but the point of view of the market's reaction shows that is a big deal for them. >> i think it is but let me pose another possibility. it is the janet yellen market, the new fed chairman. we are talking about easing money as far as the i can see. ben bernanke market, whenever they talk about tinkering, raising interest rates, the market has gone down. janet yellen will not raise interest rates anytime soon because she believes money is used to create employment and stimulate the economy. dagen: that is what gives lawmakers, democrats in washington a free pass.
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iffthe fed stands ready to keep buying the debt and monetizing the debt then they don't have to act assuming the market won't go against the federal reserve and keep long-term interest rates. >> that bails out washington. dagen: janet yao ming get in the driver's seat. connell: interesting perspective. no matter what the cause, dan henninger, back to rich edson him a moment. we will squeeze in a quick break to get to john boehner on time when he comes out. we will have it live on fox business. we will be right back. [ male announcer ] need help keeping your digestive balance in sync?
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we enable you to reach global markets and drive forward with broader possibilities. cme group: how the world advances. dagen: breaking news. you are walking washington d.c. live. we're waiting for john boehner to come out and make some remarks. rich edson all over the story the republicans are proposing, a six week extension on the debt ceiling. it would be a hard and fast date in late november but that is on the table and that is what is happening right now in washington. bernard: the speaker said he would be on his way out soon but we have a firm time when that would be. more from rich edson in washington. dan henninger heard, in new york.
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charles payne, four box on a right side. they heard rich's reporting on wall street about the short-term debt limit extension. >> off to the races today, and we saw optimism showing monday with the dow and s&p on news that both sides were talking and to get something out of washington and if you look at the numbers it is looking pretty, the dow is up 180 points,-1/4%, the s&p up 1.3%, basically everything you want to be in the green today is in the green except for the vix, except for gold summit is shaping up to be really nice day, broadly higher stock market. most are up financials discretionarys and a lot of momentum names we talk about, the amazons and netflixes and best buys and facebooks of the world got killed this week. to asthma motor was up 7% until
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today. all of those stocks are up and up dramatically. this is a nice rally. if you look at the all-time high the market sept. eighteenth so not even a month ago. as of yesterday's session the dow and the s&p redound between 4% and 6% from that date and we are getting some back. dagen: we are joined by dan henninger and charles payne. is this, could this be lasting? the market at least in the short run tells something hard and fast and an extension of the debt ceiling limit will train on the limbs of washington. charles: i got to tell you even the downside, almost always limited in terms of volume, never a sense of panic per se. you got to point were selling began selling and keeps score points. this could be the beginning of something big and a lot of people are trying to position themselves a year end rally and washington out of the way. dagen: that jump in interest
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rates earlier this week, come on, the highest yield that the government had to pay since the crisis in 2008. that was very unnerving. charles: it was unnerving but i didn't see people heading for the exodus of some people still government debt, some -- was it fidelity? someone offloaded some dead here and there but if there was ever a sense of panic, may be a sense that we could nudge washington a little bit. i never felt the sense of panic. connell: i am just glancing down and this is not scientific but the liberal tweeting going on now is john boehner is retreating, surrendering, giving in. what is happening in your view? >> as we said a few minutes ago if anything gets close to a deal that is the reaction. who's losing, who is winning? there are a lot of participants in the market,s, they don't want
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as jack lew said the market to be turned into chaos which i've always a very un treasury secretary like thing to be saying predicting chaos in the market. john boehner is basically herding cats in the house right now. he has a very conservative wing that doesn't want to do business with barack obama. none the less he has to look at the polls and understand every member of the republican house has got to run for reelection next year and a lot of them are getting nervous about coming out on a wrong side of what is going on right now. on the other hand john boehner has virtually no personal relationship that all with barack obama. we have talked about ronald reagan and tip o'neill, the speaker back then having a very close relationship and got things done. barack obama spent last week the writing and ridiculing john boehner and john boehner is under pressure from the conservatives so he is in a very tough spot. he has to decide how much can i trust this president to actually
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do a deal that holds on the debt ceiling or the budget? dagen: i want to ask, dan pointed out the use of the word chaos from a treasury secretary but it is in the best interests of the american -- the administration to phone in a little bit of worry or a lot of worry to get something done and use them for lack of a better for phrase scare tactics. >> they have discussions with the number of people in industry and the administration can't be elite tell someone to lobby congress but they can wipe out the situation for people in the banking industry and save this is where we are dealing with on a debt ceiling deadline. this is what could happen, just letting you know that so you see this pressure over the last few weeks from people in certain trade organizations, banking organizations try to start to lobby congress about this. the administration telling congress this is not the way for we should be running things here.
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republicans maintain this is their only bargaining chip and this will look like nothing compared to a debt crisis we have if we don't address these issues. the administration says let's talk revenue. we will do that and around and around we have gone. connell: dan henninger there was talking about a tough spot john boehner is in. he is literally doing the opposite of what he wanted to do. if you heard his interview with george stephanopoulos, his most recent interviiw on abc is that i wanted to have the fight about the debt ceiling, not the continuing resolution but my members wanted to take a stand hour as he put it and here we are today with your reporting telling us that is completely flipped. what happened? >> when you look at how this was going there is probably a little unease in the speaker. he said explicitly doesn't want to breach the debt ceiling or go over that cliff and we are about week away from that point according to the treasury department and they have been unable to put together a bill
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that would increase the debt ceiling and that is just the house republican conference with enough 218 votes to do that. dan was spotted on herding cats. that might be too generous. they couldn't come up with an idea to even start the talks so there might have been a sense of nervousness. he didn't want to default on him and this is what they did. dagen: is this a really bad stage play? we as the american people whether republican or democrat have to watch over and over and over again? >> oh yes. by and large they are. the substance of the two parties's interest are so far partner al on spending and reform of entitlement or tax reform. the people that are represented by harry reid and nancy pelosi and john boehner and mitch mcconnell, we have just seen cannot disagree. there is real issues and substance at the center of this
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and they will come to the floor if they get past, if we do a little bit of a deal on the debt ceiling we will start talking about substantive things the democrats and the republicans, at the very least i think than the american people will be looking at something that israel, has a meaning for them rather than whether we are going to pass the whole budget not. charles: does anyone think at the end of the day the continuing resolution. and sequestration probably will be a compromise. the deal with any different than that? >> the sequestration caps are something the democrats genuinely want lifted and republicans have said we are willing to discuss that, we might lift those caps on discretionary spending in return for progress on entitlement reform. that is the issue and the question is whether the two sides are willing to have a
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conversation on that subject. it is not that difficult. connell: report from the white house we want to get to the thanks for all the time. dan henninger. peter barnes is at the white house, he joins the discussion. what can you tell us? peter: we have a statement from the white house, ridge was referring to as i was trying to plug in here and obviously a lot of maneuvering going on between the white house and house republicans before the big meeting this afternoon with john boehner and 17 other top republicans as they do not negotiate about all this. the white house statement appears to try to draw this hard-line of a continuing budget resolution to reopen the government and the bill to increase the debt ceiling at a minimum on a temporary basis but the statement appears to have wiggle room in it so let me get to it. according to white house
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official president made clear he will not a ransom for congress doing its job and a oor bills. is better to economic certainty for congress to take the threat of default off the table as long as possible which is why we support senate democrats' effort to raise the debt ceiling for a year with no extraneous political strings attached to president also believe the republican leadership in the house -- connell: the speaker, breaking news, just walked out and we are going to see how he has the news we had by rich edson by peter parnes, a temporary move to raise the debt ceiling quite possibly and we will hear from john boehner in a moment. other members of the republican leadership as they take some questions. dagen: how about the lectern with the hash tag on the front? once the leadership starts speaking we will bring in brian
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westberry in the second. we are waiting for the house speaker to stop the. >> ten days into the government shutdown, just today the president has invited the house republicans to have a discussion about the wait for word. we are hopeful that this is the beginning of the meaningful dialogue with the president about the important issues that face this country. we are hopeful these will be good faith negotiations over the long term debt drivers or drivers of the debt, the security that we need for this country as well as the pressing need to open the government again. that is why we're going to offer legislation that will offer a temporary increase in the debt ceiling to allow us some time to continue this conversation because it is time for solutions. the democrats's unwillingness to
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have this conversation has resulted in a debate, an ongoing government shutdown and it is hurting the american people. it has gone on too long. we hope the president will choose negotiation over crisis, leadership over inaction and dialogue over science. it is time to solve our problems. >> the president is fond of saying no one gets everything they want in a negotiation. frankly i agree with that. nobody gets everything they want. over the course of the last weekend days we have been trying to have conversations with our democrat colleagues. they don't want to talk. the president doesn't want to talk. we tried to water bills that would reopen part of the government only to have the rejected by our counterparts in the united states senate. so what we want to do is offer the president today the ability to move. temporary increase in the debt
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ceiling, an agreement to go to conference on the budget. his willingness to sit down and discuss with us a way forward to reopen the government and start to deal with america's pressing problems. it is time for leadership. it is time for these negotiations and this conversation to begin and i would hope that the president will look at this as an opportunity and a good-faith effort on our part to move halfway, halfway to what he has commanded in order to have these conversations begin. >> the american people except both sides to sit down and work out their differences when you are operating in divided government. i am pleased today the we have had an invitation from the white house to actually begin to do that. we have seen now for ten days but government shutdown. not what we asked for. it is the result of the two
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parties not being able to sit down and talk. there is very little time left. we cannot waste anymore time. what we have discussed at the conference is a temporary extension of the debt ceiling in exchange for a real commitment by this president's and the senate majority leader to sit down and talk about the pressing problems that are facing all the american people and that includes a broad array of issues and we look forward to that happening and if you look throughout history, presidents who have governed in a divided government have all sat down and talked with the other side. is about time this was happening. >> i am very hopeful for today. this is something republicans have been waiting quite some time for. we never wanted a shutdown. that is what the last bill said let's go to conference. that door has always been open and we are thankful the president is willing to talk
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today. we have an idea of working together. we coming to find common ground, to find common ground that will deal with these economic drivers that harm the economy. the drivers that continue to add the debt. when we make an offer today for a temporary extension we are looking for a structure that puts us on a path to get a budget, to take care of the debt and to move this economy and a stronger position and have all americans win. a little common sense for the rest of the country. >> i will take a couple of questions. >> now that you are undertaking this plan on the debt ceiling what do you need in order to reopen the government? >> that is a conversation we will have with the president today. i don't want to put anything on the table or take anything off the table. that is why we want to have this conversation. >> what will prevent us from this? >> clearly you could end up in
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the same place and we don't want to be fair. i met the president wants to deal with america's pressinn problems as much as we do. in order to deal with these pressing problems we have to sit down and have a conversation that leads to a negotiation that these problems for the future and frankly our kids and grandkids. >> will you reopen the government if the president doesn't agree to anything? >> ands and abouts can be an off [laughter] connell: breaking news in what we just heard about, extension, raising of the debt ceiling and leading up to date rich edson talks about when he broke the story before they can out and
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you would think there would be news throughout the day. what may happen next and what we just heard about have on hand charles payne still in studio, we're joined by brian westbury, one of our favorite guests. peter barnes braving the elements on the north lawn of the white house and rich edson has done some excellent reporting from inside the bureau in washington today. dagen: peter, john boehner says the house speaker we will pass a temporary extension of the debt ceiling november 22nd. of budget negotiations can start will the white house sign on to this do you think? >> the white house is saying in its statement just released a little bit ago as news of this was coming out it was a clean increase in the debt ceiling, continues to fight for clean increase, clean budget resolution without condition. the republicans appear to be attaching conditions which is let's get to the negotiating table to start to hammer out a longer-term budget deal.
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part of the strategy appears to be the white house getting behind the senate democrat increase in the debt ceiling, 1-year increase that would be clean and that would bounce over to the house where john boehner said this week there aren't votes to pass it. so the white house appears to be trying to corner john boehner and get the senate to pass its bill, pick off some republican senators or even moderates and send that to the house as his game continues. connell: one more piece of reporting from rich before we get to the analysis, the interesting, most interesting question for the speaker was one you essentially brought up before we went to let live which was what do you want? what do you guys want from this? we still don't know that.
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>> depends who's u.s.. when you ask what do house republicans want? the problem is they all want something different, sort of don't know what they want. others want health care, changes to the health-care law, are serious about the fund or nothing else, other republicans would take tax reform as an example or would paul ryan put out yesterday in the wall street journal which was the mix of tax reform and some other issues. the white house will discuss if this is part of the deal they are going to work out. the problem is the white house wants to talk revenue. republicans want to talk entitlement. republicans had considered the revenue issue closed with the tax deal that happened at the beginning of the year. you might get a little revenue that comes from tax reform in certain ways but for the most part as far as democrats are concerned when you hear the president say we proposed changes to entitlement much of that is paying health care providers less money to provide
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the same services. in these negotiations i doubt you are going to get structural tax and entitlement changes. perhaps may be just enough to extend the debt ceiling for a little longer than six weeks. dagen: a six week extension on the debt ceiling if it gets done. is that really good for the markets? will we have to relive this a few weeks from now? >> just the thought of it is sending the markets through the roof. i am in the denier camp first of all. we can pay all the interest on the debt without a problem. the problem is we can't pay everybody we promised to pay, sociil security, medical care, highways. is a problem but if the tea party had gone into detroit 15 years ago and said you are not borrowing another dime, there would have been short term pain in detroit but they wouldn't be bankrupt today and i am not predicting bankruptcy for the u.s. in the next five, 15 years
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but if we keep going down this road we all know where it goes. connell: my point if you are in the denier can't you don't deny that there are consequences associated with this? >> absolutely but there are consequences of not doing it too. we are told if we don't stop global warming york city will be under water. that to me as almost holding people hostage. if you don't do something everybody will be under water. dagen: if we pay the interest on the debt we don't pay some of our bills as a nation you don't really know what the financial, you know what the market impact will be. if i don't pay my bills like credit score severs. >> trillion dollar deficit every year as far as the eye can see. actually we do know we end up like greece and italy and spain and cyprus and the troy. dagen: not as long as you have ben bernanke or janet yellen
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running the federal reserve. >> the new end up like zimbabwe or argentina or venezuela with a double, triple, quadruple digit inflation. connell: to the extent republicans blinked, you want to characterize what we are watching today, tell you they think collectively that the debt ceiling and raising the debt ceiling is more important, i ddn't know how to characterize it but more important than the government shutdown and they get hurt more than that, markets are up today, they're putting bigger priority than the government shutdown because as rich told us today's events make it more likely the government will stay shut down longer. charles: a six week period to hash this out throughout that period. connell: shutdown all time. charles: shutdown 800,000 non-essential workers but the real issues the republicans are not talking about obamacare anymore. they threw that out. i think they misplayed it but now that they have taken that off the table you are not hearing anything in the last 24
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hours and that has been hopeful for a lot of people. now what does the president do? we don't want to dismantle your signature log. when will you come that? what will be the compromise from your point? the pr game of the president was out the gate, starting to lose a little bit, norton went crazy in a closed-door meeting. the mayor of d.c. harry reid, public-relations aspect goes away, and we have dealt with the crb 4 and the debt ceiling and that is why ultimately is a deal we have seen before, very similar deal we have seen over and over again. connell: democrats used the debt ceiling to get george bush sr. to agree -- charles: it is -- >> not the first time -- connell: that is the difference. we shut down the government 17 times since they started doing the budget the way they do. >> maybe this time to do that. how do you stop -- dagen: nobody gumma i just want somebody to say i don't really
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know what would happen. in the financial market. >> we can think about it. we know we can pay the interest on the debt. we are not going to default. so anybody that says the word default is using an extreme piece of language to make a point that is not true. default on your obligations. default is making credit default swaps pay off and we would never be in that position. the second thing is if we have said we will build these highways and pay this out social security and pay this out in medicare we already delay payments to doctors and hospitals. illinois issues ious, there are seven billion ious outstanding in illinois. it is not killing illinois why would it kill the united states? the point i am getting to is -- dagen: much more important credit as the nation than a state.
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>> i agree with that but this idea that we don't know and therefore we can't go, that is just we have to give up. is like saying, i was thinking about this. what do they want? we want peace in the middle east. how do we get it? give up this subdivision or that one. then you start getting in the nitty gritty and lose the argument. what we want is peace and in this case what republicans want is a path toward a balanced budget. how we get there we need -- dagen: it is pretty evident at this point are you willing to take a chance of going past that date and missing some payments to save defense contractors let me finish but the republicans are saying based on this extension we don't really want to face that. we don't want to test the waters. is that safe to say before we let you go? >> yes. >> i didn't hear the question because the producer was in my
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year. dagen: like the republicans don't want to test what the financial markets might do if we miss some payments to save defense contractor. based on the extension proposal. >> the speaker has said over and over again that he is not going to allow law default. there is some definition, depends on what your definition of default is, they have said over and over again if they don't do that they are trying to find a way forward without capitulating. without backing down from the connell: brian westbury is one of the most optimistic people on earth and we will talk about that and still have this problem with the economy and it will keep on going and everything else. thank you very much. thanks for your reporting today. we will be back to both of you and charles payne in studio. brian westbury in new york.
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charles: you look great by the way. charles: the way you be the mop. dagen: i didn't -- connell: very mild. connell: connell. got to look at these treasuries. dagen: ok, we are not going to default on the debt. this is the day that yields paula. people are less fearful and willing to take on risk. they sell treasurys and they buy stocks. connell: we got to come back. edge of your seat. we will be right back. five tech stocks with more than a 10%... chge in after-market trading. ♪ all the tech stocks with a market cap... of at least 50 billion... are up on the day. 12 low-volume stocks... breaking into 52-week highs. six upcoming earnings plays... that recently gapped up. [ male announcer ] now the world is your trading floor. get real-time market scanning wherever you are with the mobile trader app. from td ameritrade.
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>> i am a adam shapiro with your fox business brief. weekly jobless claims hit their highest levels since march, 374,000 people filing for first-time jobless benefits last week. that is up to 66,000 from the prior week, but half of that rise between backlog of computer problems in california. the number of u.s. homes entering foreclosure process slid to a seven-year low in the third quarter according to realty trac. they began foreclosure action down 13% for the previous quarter, down 39% from a year ago. hershey's announced his first new candy brand in 30 years. it will include flavors like vanilla, strawberry and caramel. they candy will be launched in the united states and china in
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your money needs an ally. >> i would hope mr. president would look at this as an opportunity and a good faith effort on our part to move halfway, halfway to what he has commanded in order to have these conversations to begin. dagen: chief economist, he called himself a denier in terms of the dire consequences if we hit the dropdead date on the debt ceiling. so to that point, they are proposing extension six weeks, november 22. why do it if it is not such a crisis? >> i think they are scared it is, and that is always a problem. for example, personally think tarp was a massive mistake but when you are in washington, d.c., and the whole world is telling you you can save us from catastrophe and you
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want to be seen as a savior, you go out and you do things. connell: that is a perfect example. that is what happened in '08. the market is what they are. if people are scared and they all get scared at the same time, the market can be chaotic or can go down in a hurry. you can sit there theoretically and say we had to solve these long-term issues and maybe it is time to go over the debt ceiling or scream and yell, tarp is a disaster. the market does what it does, that is part of the discussion, whether you like it or not. >> they're terrified it will come back. we are still up double digits. we are up double digits in the dow, nasdaq, s&p this year. connell: the decline in the market has consequences. >> government believes it has to act to spend hundreds of billions of dollars.
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that is an interesting thing. let's say we went over the cliff, we still paid all the interest in our debt but did not pay everything else the government owes. noninterest spending is what would get cut. my belief is that every dime the government spends, it taxes or borrows from the private sector, so what would happen is it would borrow less from the private sector, the private sector would have more money left if they didn't have to lend it to the government and that would create more jobs. dagen: the federal reserve is monetizing that very debt. what is interesting is tarp gave rise to the tea party. that is when the tea party was born and those very people who do not believe the banks needed to be bailed out in the first place, that ultimately created so you have this entire wing of the republican party that says you know what, don't play scare tactics with me anymore. i am willing to let it go. that is one of the interesting
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dynamics at play right now. >> the fear mongering always gets people to ask. if you look at al gore's video "inconvenient truth." it was about scaring people into getting more toward solar and wind power and all those kind of things. dagen: you keep on bringing up global warming. it is the second time you have brought it up. >> it is scare tactics, that is the way politicians work these days. the more they will put power and money in our pockets. connell: to wrap it up on this coming maybe write about everything you said, but if the united states doesn't pay a bill it owes, don't we have a big-time credibility prrblem? isn't that what it is all about? you don't trust the united states to pay his bills anymore? >> i would argue that is a big deal. what the tea party is saying isr
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control at some point, we're not going to be able to pay our bill for real reasons. i have said this before, the tea party would have gone into detroit 15 years ago and created mayhem and chaos and not paid bills and t say we are not borrowing another dime, detroit would not be bankrupt today. that is what the tea party is saying. stop it now or we get stopped. one way or another, the market. when the politicians will stop it. connell: the market likes of it is getting in or whatever, the debt ceiling extension. we will stop for now, but great to see you in new york. come back and visit us. >> absolutely. dagen: you get to sit next to me next time. connell: here we go. dagen: let's check on these markets. washington treasury's people are selling treasuries to a certain
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extent because we are not going to default on our debt potentially later this month stopped hitting session highs. lauren simonetti at the new york stock exchange. lauren: absolutely, dagen. stocks are flying, all three indices up at least 1.5%. a broadly higher market. if you look at the bills, a little bit later than the temporary adjustment to the debt ceiling. the yield on those have actually doubled today, that is something to point out. you don't want wall street like washington as we have been the last 10 days. we have a sign of progress and washington is responding to that. back to you. connell: we're going to talk about china here in a moment. thinking it will get paid after today. dagen: china only on the small percentage of our private debt. you know who owns most of it? social security.
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>> the rapidly growing economy, that is the answer as well as a jump in car sales lead to this new status on top accordance the u.s. energy information agency. china now consumes 6.3 million imported barrels per day versus the u.s. which consumes 6.1 million imported barrels. china has had more oil to make up for the fact its own supply has been partially damaged by flooding with oilfields recently. if you look at daily consumption overall oil consumption in the u.s. is 18.6 million barrels versus china which is below that at 10.9 million barrels per day. the u.s. is increasingly been able to support itself with the use of more fracking domestically, dagen. dagen: what does this mean for oil-producing nations? jo: it is certainly a welcome sign given u.s. demand is stable and in europe demand is down. it is good news for oil producers in the u.s. keep in mind the chinese
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government is dealing with a serious pollution issue. look at the cloud streets on the screen. the leadership is trying to cut down on vehicle centered transportation and industrial transportation. they're trying to hunt for resources at home as well. stayed on oil companies consuming deep water capabilities. may see those import numbers change, perhaps decrease if they strike something good like shale. dagen: we produce more oil right now than we import for the first time since the '80s. when i had really bad hair. connell: thank you, good stuff. dagen: could today be the day that we get some sort of deal? even a short-term solution on the debt ceiling. we are live at the white house coming up. connell: finally have some movement on that. over a week has gone by, we still don't know how may people have signed up for the health care exchanges. grover norquist demanding details. he will join cheryl casone and
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>> it is time for a leader. time for these negotiations and this conversation to begin. and i would hope that the president would look at this as an opportunity and a good faith effort on our part to move halfway to what he is demanding in order to have these conversations begin. dennis: house speaker john boehner talking moments ago. offering a short-term debt solution. i am dennis kneale. cheryl casone and i take you it through next hour of "markets now." president obama meeting with members of the house g.o.p. will today be the day both sides agree on a deal? over a week has gone by and we don't know how may people have ssgned up for the new health care exchanges. grover norquist demanding more details and he will be joining us coming up. norwegian airlines taking the second dreamliner out of
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commission. we will talk to the ceo on fox business. all this and more on the next hour of "markets now." ♪ welcome back, dow 15,000, cheryl. cheryl: we're looking at one heck of a market rally today. the dow at session highs. luckily for you on a day back, feeling better, we are both 15,000, dennis. all of this on washington and what is happening in d.c. let's get to this breaking news we have been covering for you for the last hour. republicans putting a short-term debt solution on the table. let's go to washington and bring in rich edson. it seems like the republicans are offering a clean deal, a clean extension, but the statement from the white house,
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rich, seems to be harsh on whether or not they will agree to this. are we getting any sense of what is going to happen this afternoon when they meet? >> i would say you probably now have a scenario where there is a decent chance october 17 will no longer be the date that we are discussing. let's take a look at the details of the house g.o.p. offer, the debt ceiling increase november 22 banning treasury from using any extraordinary measures so it would be november 22 and it requires a budget conference negotiation. republicans have been blocking that conference negotiation all along. when you look at the white house is saying, a white house coming out with a statement saying basically we're willing to look at any proposal congress puts out. we still want a clean debt ceiling increase, they prefer the one going through the senate right now, but you have the situation where the house is potentially poised to pass this proposal.
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if the president can get an increase in the debt ceiling to set up negotiations, it clears this panic that we could be seeing next week, so to be a tough political position. the white house is not ruling out signing this. cheryl: what republicans are asking for is they want to go to a budget conference, but if you look at a statement from the white house, it seems to me whether it is military death benefits or whatever, seems to me the white house is very concerned about the maneuvering john boehner is doing here, there could be an effort to block that later on today. the white house actually once again plays hardball and that is what the president has been doing here for 10 days. rich: what the white house statement is saying is we don't like it, but we are not ruling it out and are not saying we are not going to sign it. they want the debt ceiling increase increasing the debt ceiling for i believe a year with zero strings attached. and then we will get on with negotiating.
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this has a couple of strings attached to it. probably not enough. it does not cut spending anywhere. these are attachments that set up a budget negotiating process. one democrat said republicans have been blocking. cherrl: rich edson live for us out of washington. rich, thank you so much. dennis: yippee ki yay, a relief rally on the debt deal. lauren simonetti on the floor of the new york stock exchange. lauren: medium rally. when the government shutdown started, we have come close to that level. the stocks across the board. leaving the s&p 500 are best buy. about to launch a trade-in program. facebook flying today, down 8% before the session. the strength on the dow coming from financials and discretionary's leading the market higher.
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the top dow performers nike, visa and, i am not sure what the last 20s, but it is a great market. back to you. dennis: treasury secretary jack lew warning congress a decision by lawmakers on the debt ceiling could reverse the economic recovery and this year's rally in the equity market. >> we have a lot of work to do, but from the economy people are beginning to feel the economy is moving in the right direction. if congress fails to meet its response ability it could deeply damaged financial markets, ongoing economic recovery and the jobs and savings of millions of americans. dennis: united capital financial advisor ceo and chief u.s. economist at rbc capital markets join us now. tom, jack lew striking a cautious note. yet bullish on the economy. do you think the american consumers feel what he is feeling about the strengthening economy?
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speak out i think bullish is a relative term. if you call 2% growth bullish, sure. i can buy into that. but we have been saying time and again, this economy is going to have a very hard time searching away from this 2% growth that we have existed in. you saw 2% growth, i can buy into that. dennis: some people are surprised the market is not down even more. >> i think what happened is we have seen this movie so many times, we know the ending. that is exactly what we have seen. kick the can, four weeks of back and forth again, somehow they will get to a resolution and nobody will like it. we have seen it before. people are tired of it and while they will do a lot of screaming, at the end they will be a reasonably happy ending.
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as for your prior question, i do think the average american whose net worth is mostly tied up in their homes, increaae in home prices has been real, it is sustainable and isn't making people feel better. that allows them to borrow more and borrow more, allowing them to feel better. dennis: tom, some forecasters. moody's said a mere ooe week shut down in government would shave a full quarter-point off our gdp growth rate, which seemed to be a drastic effect and maybe wonder white house i made the economy boomed. do you think it has been hurt by this shutdown? >> the best you can say is a tenth of a percentage point. i wouldn't split hairs, but i think on the bottom line the longer it goes on the worse it gets. the government shutdown is actually hitting the debt ceiling.
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i hate to use such dramatic terms, but it could be rather collaborative. both sides recognize the understanding down in d.c. we are not going to allow that to happen. but that is a worst-case scenario. all respects to those who have been furloughed, it is not where the real economic damage comes from, it is the debt ceiling. dennis: are the mark is almost over the upside? and merely an extension of the six weeks in the debt ceiling. >> the debt ceiling is the big one. the government shutdown is the problem, but one that is manageable. they have been told they will get paid even though they are not working. the impact of the economy is just lost productivity, not lost income. the second we have the fed chair janet yellen as nominee. she tends to be more dovish than the alternative. good for stocks, good for
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growth, not so good for bonds. very oversold, lost 5.5% or something like that. people are leaning towards being more invested. i think it will be volatile. we are telling all of our clients to be diversified. dennis: thank you. cheryl: all right, despite the company's best efforts, the dreamliner nightmare for boeing continues this hour. when operators around the globe still reporting technical difficulties with the new aircraft including norwegian air shuttle who just announced it is taking the second of the two out of service. here for fox on fox business, the ceo of norwegian air shuttle. you had a record number of orders in 2012, let's start with the dreamliner's. many ceos are saying they are frustrated with the problems. how are you feeling about the
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dreamliner and when you get the plane back in service? >> the second one regular service, but we have 15 people going over there. not big problems, but someeminor problems from boeing. there is service orders they have to take in the next months. cheryl: obviously you're working with boeing engineers and your team is working with the boeing engineers. what are the engineers from boeing ssying to you? are they give you a sense of when the aircraft and actually get back up in the air? >> we could actually have it flying because the first one we operated was a fuel leak. the second one, the passengers love this airplane. it is a gorgeous plane. very low cost.
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in the u.s., i have been received fantastically. we are launching aawhole bunch of new routes. cheryl: that is why you are here. i had to ask you about the dreamliner. you are the first airline to launch direct route between the united states and scandinavia. you're doing these nonsttp flights. a big reason you brought on the dreamliner as well. talk about the company because these routes are a big expansion that you are doing middle eastt africa, southeast asia, now the united states. is the overall industry really picking up that well, international flight industry? >> i think there's a difference between a legacy carriers and low-cost carriers. the low-cost carriers are performing really well. cheryl: that is your business. kind of like southwest. >> we are on top of the
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infrastructure, we have a big network with 400, we will see. the flights in and out of the u.s., we have to give people cheap tickets. cheryl: you have to get the dreamliner back in service. i do want to say you ordered 222 new aircraft. you are a big customer of boeing and would like to see that in the u.s. airbus or whoever. thank you for being here. >> thank you. dennis: the states that are home to three key industries that can rebuild our economy have the worst tax policies. is this what is stalling our recovery? i want to know what you think. tweet me. cheryl: how many people have actually signed up on the health care site?
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cheryl: got the doll again really pushing the session highs up 236 points right now. the rally on washington, we will get more information at the market close. a couple of stocks really pushing the dow higher. visa 188.83. more than 30 points of an impact on the dow. jpmorgan chase, watch this one throughout the day today. right now it is eight points but earnings are coming out tomorrow
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so again we will get some bank earnings. dick bove saying he have to watch out for jpmorgan chase. it may be surprising that tomorrow morning. that will keep all of us very busy. the other story we have to cover because have you heard, and hershey's product for the first time in 30 years. very excited, lauren, they haven't introduced a new candy for 30 years. this is very cool. lauren: i am just as excited as you. unfortunately we have to wait until january to try the lancaster candy. hershey's will start branding it in the u.s. and china at the same time. that goes to show you in the past 30 years look at how important china has become. american company wants their business. caramel chew. the stock is up 1.5% today over the past one year. up 30%. hershey is one of our winners today amongst most stocks. cheryl: it certainly is.
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at 3:00 p.m. eastern time i will have her she's on "countdown to the closing bell." we will be talking more chocolate this afternoon. lauren: why can't they get it out for halloween. cceryl: exactly. dennis: what's bugging me? state taxes. the worst impact in the states we need the most for an economic recovery. a new study out from the nonpartisan tax foundation ranks states by impact on business. theethree that worst on the list or hold the most important pillars of our economy. coming and 40th of the 50 states, california. home to high-tech and silicon valley and biotech. 49th, new jersey. our pharmaceutical industry which every year creates over half of the new drugs in the entire world. ranking dead last, new york. the financial center of the world. big pharma and wall street
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finance. major finance stories entered by the three worst tax stays in the union. all three states -- big business and cozy up to unions and fun workers.ions for government new york reviles wall street and cries for bonuses and happily spends the taxes it skims from those very same sources. this is no way to treat our economy. tweet me. are onerous state taxes damaging the economy? cheryl: in february i went down to florida, they're going to go to florida. dennis: no state income tax for individuals. cheryl: employees have better lives down there. feel free to throw it out there to dennis kneale. he will put your comments up. jobless claims up today.
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dennis: it has been just over a week since the launch of the health care enrollment site despite numerous glitches the white house says millions have visited the site at the white house refuses to release any actual numbers for how many have signed up for obamacare. joining us we have grover norquist. thank you for being with us, grover. you started a new website to prosecute this case and i believe the web address is obamacare them's fighting words. do you really think it is a cover-up or is it just cluelessness? >> no, clearly the government knows how many people have signed up. they've chosen not to tell us. i understand why they keep secrets about wiretapping americans and so on a secret,
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they don't want the russians to know or the syrians to know. but why would you keep secret comic people have signed up for government program that we are all paying for? 20 new taxes to pay for obamacare. you may think you have health insurance and therefore this obamacare is about other people, not you. you are paying for it. every american has a right to know what's going on. there's no reason to reason to s information. we tell doctors you are not allowed to lie to patients now the government decided will be the doctor, it has to stop fibbing. dennis: they came out and we will announce monthly numbers, not daily numbers. do you think that was a sign there were little embarrassed the small number right now it wants to wait to get a bigger, higher number in a month? >> it is worse than that, they did not tell you when they would start announcing it monthly. they knows it would begin monthly. it could begin six months from now.
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there wasn't a timely follow-up question like when are you making the first monthly announcement. the white house says health secretary is doing it in the health and human services secretary goes on the jon stuart comedy show, she doesn't know anything. they are really playing hide the ball here. there is no reason to. dennis: we are in day 10 since these exchanges went up. operating 36 of them. i always wondered how the federal government would do running websites when that is not the core competency. what would be the number of successful sign-ups in 10 days that would make you say that is really impressive, and what the number really is. >> the government's own numbers are that they need 7 million to sign up in the next six months in order to have 7 million their goal for next year all of 2014. they need the last threeemonths of this year and of next year to
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get 7 million. a little more than a million per month, which would mean we have been at this for about a third of a month. you would want a third of a million. dennis: what do you think the real number is? >> they are not there. dennis: nowhere near that, right? >> no. dennis: good luck with your campaign. though moving off of your core competency. i guess tax reform has to fund the health care. >> because we are paying 20 new taxes, this is a tax issue. dennis: thank you very much for being with us today. grover norquist. cheryl: from health care exchanges to rising costs. it is a new world for insurers. the ceo of humana coming up. dennis: it is no laughing matter for the network. comedies are getting in on the act. take a look meantime at the s&p winners.
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dennis: lauren simonetti. >> hey, dennis. it was a high number. much more than expected. the market is shrugging it off. it just keeps going higher and higher as the day progresses. everything is up today. i just plugged in the numbers from the height of the market. we are definitely getting some of the momentum back. cheryl: we could be snapping the losing streak. thank you very much. we have jobless claims, but we are still missing key data. tom gimbel is here to help us fill in some blanks.
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tom, you are on the front lines of hiring and firing. >> right now the jobs market is the recession started in 2008. there are other indicators that show there is a lot of good things going on in the economy. we have 93% of americans who are looking for work that are employed. cheryl: you have a initial claims coming in today. this seems to be the new normal. we are only created 180-190,000 jobs a month. is this it? >> yes. this is how it is going to go. it is not up to the companies to hire people.
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it is up to the market to set that expectation. the companies have the people they need. there are jobs available, unfortunately, there is a disconnect. cheryl: how wide of a problem is that? i keep seeing a build in the services sector. engineers, nurses, things like that, jobs that companies cannot fill. how big is the disconnect? >> it is a huge disconnect. this is nothing new. we have become a service country, not a manufacturing country. that is something we have to accept. we have to realize that engineers, nursing, educators, that is where the jobs are.
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that is four-year degrees, for the most part. cheryl: we are looking at some comments on our screen. we are watching what secretary lou is saying. at the end of the day, you have to think of these for load government workers. what do you say to people like that out there? >> we are talking about workers that will get paid unemployment and back pay. there are some major problems here. the issue is so much bigger than what we are talking about. people finding loopholes to get paid while they are not working
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inside of figuring out what they need to do to get the qualified jobs. with the president talks about junior colleges. the solution, that does not fill the gap of what we need. that is where these people can find work. they are not qualified for those jobs right now. cheryl: it will be interesting when we do get the government back up and running. the jobs we will see. tom, thank you very much. >> thank you for having me. dennis: president obama meeting with house republicans today as the deadline for the debt limit gets closer. >> it will offer the president a
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six month stopgap increase in the debt ceiling in exchange for coming to the table and supporting a house-senate conference committee on the budget to try to hammer out a budget deal. take a listen. >> i would hope that the president would look at this as an opportunity and a good faith effort on our part to move halfway onto what he has demanded. >> for now, the white house continues to support a clean and greece in the debt ceiling of one year that does not have any conditions to a. the white house said the president will sit down and go she ate with the house
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republicans and in a statement today on all of this, the white house continued to go after the tea party as part of its strategy. while we are looking at any proposal that congress puts forward, we will not allow a faction of the republicans in the house to hold the economy hostage. dennis: extraneous and extreme. you said six months, but i think we are talking a six week extension? >> thank you, dennis. six weeks. cheryl: we will be honoring j carnies press meeting. dennis: i keep waiting for it.
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the government shutdown has now gone too ffr. the lack of usda data has taken a toll on soybeans. dennis: we will take you live to the annual forbes health care summit. first, let's take a look at treasuries. ♪ (announcer) at scottrade, our clients ade and invest exactly how they want. with scottrade's online banking, i get one view of my bank and brokerage accounts with one login... to easily move my money when i i get one view of my bank and brokerneed to.unts plus, when i call my local scottrade office, i i catalk to someone who knows how i trade. because i don't tradlike everybody. i tradeike me. i'm with scottrade. (announcer) scottrade-proud to be ranked "best overall client experience."
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♪ >> i am ashley webster with their fox business. the average fixed mortgage rates have little change this week. the number of u.s. homes entering the foreclosure process sliding to a seven year low in the third quarter. about 174,000 homes. down 39% from a year ago. taylor pharmaceutical announced it will cut 5000 jobs by the end of next year. they will save about $2 billion annual by the end of 2017.
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dennis: some of the important leaders in healthcare industry, they are here in new york. an exclusive interview with elizabeth macdonald and bruce broussard. >> bruce is one of 200 executives meeting right now in the lincoln center. i asked him how health reform is affecting his bottom line. here is what he had to say. >> i think for society overall, it will be great. it is expanding coverage for people.
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business, it will give us more customers. >> what are you seeing in terms of medicare cutbacks? >> it is reducing the rights they pay us. it is allowing us to find new ways to help people with their health. street cleaning rules how are you making money off of that? >> continuing to lower the cost of healthcare. it allows us to be more profitable. i dig long term, it will be good. i think long-term, more people are being covered is a good thing.
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i think it is a great motto. >> keeping them healthier, how will that change your profit flow? >> it will allow us to lower the cost of healthcare. as we lower the cost, that improves our bottom line. >> what did you think of the government shutdown? >> i am not getting into that one. >> we have a whole new entitlement coming in. that is health reform. we will have these battles again and again and again. where does humana come out on that? >> we are supporting health reform. it is here and alive. that is what we have been dealt. i think trying to fight it would be something that is not in the
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right interest for our company. >> humana is in a quiet. meaning their earnings are about to come out. that company may be liable for $175 million in payments for military. that will not really hit the bottom line. he does think it will all work itself out. i have more interviews thrrughout the day. back to you. cheryl: i am glad you asked the question. nice job on that. the shutdown is striking the u.s. grain belt. it is in harvest dealt.
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traders are having to play it safe. jeff flock is standing by with the very latest. jeff: in the front seat of a combine. combine the beans. no data with the government shutdown. >> the prices have really turned down in the last couple of months. we are three bucks a bushel less on board then we were a year ago. jeff: you are having a good harvest. >> we went six weeks this summer with no rain at all. we are better than what we thought we would be. we are still average, at best. jeff: the government data is pretty important.
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you have a lot of grain buyers out there being very conservative and until they get data. >> absolutely. there are a lot of fields that are coming in that are below average. jeff: pause right here. we can take a look out the back. you had a drought last year that really drove up prices. this year, though, it may not be them busting for you, but it may be ffr a lot of people. >> i am worried we will take a tumble even further on the grade markets. our input costs have gotten so high. jeff: always trying to give you a front row seat on this harvest. amazing what these combines do these days. go ahead, take off.
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cheryl: great stuff. thank you, sir. dennis: death by comedy. cbs may have set or tied a new record for failure. killing the comedy we are men. only 2% of adults under the age of 50. abc killed lucky seven. i watched we are men. i thought it had some good moments. have faith. this just in, dreamworks animation chief made news yesterday saying he offered $75 million to the producers of "breaking bad" to make just three more episodes. it never happened.
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you could yet see him try something like that. watch for it. here is where dreamworks has traded for the past year. cheryl: striking again. why commuters and san francisco are being told to make alternate commuting plans. dennis: burden from state taxes. your responses to what is bugging me i had. meanwhile, let's take a look at some of today's winners on the nasdaa. ♪ [ malennouncer ] need helpkeeping your digestive balance in sync
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cheryl: time for your west coast minute. the fifth largest rail system in the country -- both sides went into mediation. a midnight deadline could be the moment where workers once again walk away. the usda made close california poultry plants due to a recent salmonella outbreak. they are believed to be the origin of the outbreak. 42% of those affected were hospitalized. that is double the normal rate. las vegas is hosting foreign executives from around the world
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cheryl: jay carney will start that press briefing at the white house. i am thinking we may get a deal on the debt ceiling today. dennis: a whole six weeks. adam and lori will be up next with the latest on washington. ♪ [ woman ] if you have thaudacity to believe your financial advisor should cus on your long-term goals, not their short-term agenda. [ male announcer ] join the nearly 7 million invesrs who think like you do. face time and think time make a difference. at edward jones, it's how we make sense of investing.
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adam: jack lew tells lawmakers if they do not meet their responsibility, the markets and the economy could be deeply damaged. according to fortune senior editor, is kicking the can the right move? adam: the american dream burns. mike brenner will join us to talk about how the fiscal limbo is making it impossible to get his dream off the ground. lauren simonetti is on the loor of the new york stock exchange. >> this is an excellent day on wall street. the nasdaq is up a solid 2%. it is a winning day
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