tv Lou Dobbs Tonight FOX Business October 10, 2013 10:00pm-11:01pm EDT
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that is our show. see you next time. ♪ lou: house speaker puts the dea on the table seeking to raise the debt ceiling for ix weeks, and wall streetejoices. a powerful triple digits gain for the d jones industrials that erased nearly all ofhe lossesince the partial government shutdown began ten days ago. mr. obama makes no determination . i am lou dobbs. ♪ lou: good evening. house republican leaders offered a temporary incrrase in the debt ceiling. in exchange for negotiations on
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what they are calling the longer term debt drivers. offering to build -- bring a bill tohe floor tt wou ise the debceilg for approximately six weeks that would not enthehutdown. white house spokesman signaled earlier in the day that the esent would accept this offer. but after meeting wit the presidt hself, senate jority leader harry reid said no negotiations on the budget would ta place before the hoe passed a clean gernment funding bill. walltreet ignoring their rhetoric o the w tohe biggest one day point gain. they presentedhe debt ceiling deal to the predent just moments ago wrapping up their meeting. correspondt ed henry on the scene with the report. >> reporr: for the first time in this standoff, finally some glimmers progress.
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senate democrats met for an hour-and-a-half the president obama and the marist to sugge th are inching closer to deal with house republicans. >> we will again is clearly a closely as we can. >> reporr: a small group of house republican negotiators arrived with that's something for the president just hours after the sppaker of the house unveiled a proposaa to mixed reaction fm conservatives. the plan wod give t esident this 6-week extension ofhe debt ceiling that would push pential default back unti november 22nd read before thanksgiving. both parties wou b appointed to try and work out aroader budget package of the president agrees to sit and talk about spending cuts and tax reform as part of a deal toet the governme back open. >> it is time f these negotiations and is compensation to begin, and i wou hope that the president would look this an opportunity and a good-faith effort i apart to move halfway. >> reporter: that means death speaker is givin the psident
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to clean extension of the debt ceiling but is not opening the government without conditions. nonetheless the white use seems eager for at least a partial deal. ite house spokesman offered sues the market.s designed ted the dow soared by over 300 points on speculation f a potential deal >> the predent is happy that cooler heads seem to be prevailing. there a least seems to be recognition that the fault is not an option. >> there are still huge road blocks starting with wheth the ker can getnough tes to raise the debt ceiling without any strings hamas which would be a cave. conservatives are wling text given to thet ceiling by taking aard line on health care changes as the condition for opening the gornment. >> he can negotiate on the issues being put there. when it comes to the continuing relution and the isss dealing with obamacare but will continue to all the round.
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lou: -- >> reporter: this seems to be a sit. that would be a case for t president. signaling the president would sign a short term debt cng ight and was cagey and what would me next. >> what he has said is that congress these to do both. it does e that is a good thing, but he will insist that they do the other. >> repter: after the president's meeting he said he woulnot enter budget talks. >> not going to happen. >> repter: of republicans openhe government and increase the debt ceiling the democrats will negotiate on anying. the question is, if the justice of theebt ceiling but does n deal with reopeni the government, does the president have enough litical cover with the first to then say am entering into a conversatio notn actual negotiation with republicans about reopening the governnt? the ttom le ise left the
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meeting with the president without lking to reporters with suggests they still do not have a deal. meanwhile,e, senate republicans are coming over to me with the president tomorrow. lou: thank you, ed henry. the prospt of a deal no matter hownlikely was enough today to exci investors. the market rlied triple digits, up two percentage, news of a potential breakthrough. the dow s 3203oints. the snb gained 36, the nasdaq up 83oints gold fell more than $10. crude oil up nearly and half%, settling at103 per barrel. to obamacare. the obama administration still refuses to say how few people have signed up for new health re befits. technical problems on the government website and the high-cost are opening up opportunities forntrepreneurs, free-market solution, a new industry is blossoming.
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entreereneurs offering an alternative to thexpensive obamacare health plans. obamacare h bra new problem. it is called freenterprise. fox news chief nationa correspondent with our report. >> the employers got year's reprieve from the president before they had to comply with amacare, but individuals did not, and some may lk for ways to work around the laws new penalties. >> i no there are challenges of the affordab care act, and we think our products prove a solution. >> reporter: offering short-te insurance that could appeal to young peopll who might nd the obamacare premiums and deductibles of several thousan dollars more than they're willing to spend. there would have to pay a penay, of course, but he says his insurance is still a better deal. >> short-term medical, the benefits even with t penalty will be less than half of the cost. again, in many cases better befits is only a $50 copay to t to the dtor, up to
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-2 million of coverage. any doctor or hospital. >> reporter: supporters argue young peop will sign up in large numbers in partecause they'rlikely to g taxpayer subsidies but also because they, too,ave mecal needs. >> the reason young alts will sign up is because they know when tre playing football or soccer, things happen that are predictable. >> reporter: gang peoplwill decide to sign up rather than pay a penalty because without insurance they might fiid themselves in financialtouble. >> remember, if you don't have insunce and you go to the emergency rm you are going to be in the enoous debt. most young adults don't want to be saddledh debt. >> reporter: he says that is sent by protecting anyon hes can't afford obamacare against large medical bills, although he does not cover pre-existing conditions. he says his plan mest a fraction of the cost. >> a family of fort about producis roughly $3,000.
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the bronze plan i 6percent actuaria value. so -- >> reporter: affordable even after paying a penalty for not getting obamacare which has an extensive list of benefits tt muste covered with strives up the cost. lou: thank you. a skati new report lasting the obama administrrtion's treatment of journists. the 30-page report written by @%rmer washingtonost executive editor who says president obama came intoice pledging an opennt government but has fallen short of that promise. the administration's war on leaks and otherffts to control information are the most aggressive i haveeeeen sin the nixon administration whenen was one of the editors involved in the washingn post investigation of waterga. today the obama administration has prosecud eight people for leged leaks to the press
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♪ lou: as we reporte the possibility of a shift in the impasse inashington, a reblican proposal to approve a short-term increase in the debt ceiling thrown intoate today a senate democrat insisting be partial government shutdown be lifted before talks can proceed. the white h just reased this statement saying the president had a good meeting with members of the house republican this evening after a
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discussion abootential paths for word. no specific dermination was made. joining us now, one ofhe republican leaders in the room withhe president, congressman buck mckeon, the chairman ofhe armed services committee. mr. chairman, good to haveou with us. >> thank you. lou: it appears thathe market was not wrong in its reaction. at least their is a prospect of somepening in this impasse. >> well, it seemso be. yo know, we have been sayg now for several day and weeks that we would like have the presidents sit down and talk to us. very hard to work out a solutio to anythingf the parties -nvolved don't talk. so finally he agreed to talk to us today. he had the democratic caucus down at the white house yesterday. he has been meeting with senars fro both sites, and he
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invited o ccus to come down. e speaker said we want this to be a productive meeting. and so i guess about 16 of last, the leadersnd committee chairman went down. lou: and whaa iseing proffered by t republicans seems to be a very simple deal. that is, a 6-week extension to the debt ceiling, but obviously senator reid, the senate majority leader is agitated with that prospect because it does not reinstate, if you will, a government thaa is still 90% functional. what do you tnk is going to unfold here? >> well, senatoreid was not in the room, so i do n know what he is saying. do know th the president seems to me to be very genuine in reaching out tory to come toome kind of an agreement.
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and the w we left it is he is going to talk some more with his people. we a talking now, angst ourselves. we have leaders and staff at the table right now working on things that we want to go back to the white house with. hey, i wille here as long as you want. ourla is to get back him toght. if the is some kind of --t lks like we can come together. maybe we can move pretty prickly. attthat point there will behe president to bring harry reid and nancy posind the seate democrats, senators, democrat members of the house to the table. hopefully there wl follow there preresent. u: as a speer lays out,his is going to be aroached this evening. his staff from touse working with the staff o the white
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house to ce to some particular deal. ishere any particular benchmark that has to be reached? is there any particular outsnding issue that you a diussed in that room they believe can be reconciled within the next, s, six hours? >> no, we got to the point where we did not have specific things that we were ready to psent them. at that time we decided it was best that we break o and start working on some specifics. he was very amee to that. we were vy amenable to that. we are movorwan that basi the same time, you have a diverse ccus. is it you sen that there is foundation within the caus to move forward? united? do you think that it is still
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too early, too vue, too and structured cops to make a speculion? >>e d representatives from all partsfhe caus. that does not mean that you animously speak for the caucus but other than that i do think it is too early. i think tt we need to put together our ideas. we need to see if the white house is willing to accept them. we will be mtingro we by tonight. one to each and number of issues if. the administration with tryg part of the aid to egypt. motivated apparently by a desire to have an egyptian government be inclusive with islamist
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>> we have to be very careful about telling another government how they should set up their governments. we have not been too successful at that. we have to be careful also wit egt. i met with leaders i the region , and theay that egypt is therown prince of the middle east. we have been very -- they have been good allies of ours, military leaders have been trained by ours. we have a close relationship there. i think it is importa thate norris t relationships and let them know tt we are supportive of tm and supportive of them coming upith a democratic democratically elect president and ministration, whene with a structure it. but i think they are very important in the region.
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one of the leaders of onef the neighboring nations told me, if egypt goes it is l gone. i think with the tensions that we have, it is important to keep a strong relationship with egypt lou: i want to touch on tother items. the budget itself. whener deal is reached i know that you areost interested, focused the most inelon the miiiry budget. is it your sense that any further spending would be in jeopardy aa result of whenever negotiations take place? >> no. i think the intent is that the military has been cut more than they should be. the 4,807,000,000,000, the 500 billion, sequestration, that is more than they can sustain and continue to carry out the mission. so i think any further cuts -- in fact, this sequestration we
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need to fix because that gets more than they arr able to withstand. so i am not looking for an increase cat in defense but just the oppite. lou: i want to on the touch upon the military death benit. the senate approved the house measure today to restore benefits that were cut. there are a number of interetations. the fense department's, you disagree, but they have been restored by the sene. how important and how much would you like to say thank-you saw all of the folks had fisher house for stepping to solve a problem which should never have been? >> youre right. we tught it was covered in the legislation we passed to pay the litary. we found thate need to do further legislation to sisfy the justice department. we did that. i'm glad this and picked it up. after the meeting tonight whe
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the president came to shake hands, i tell them we nee that fixed. aid, that is done, y know. assured me that he willign it and they will take care of that immediately. he talks to a couple of the families of those that were lost today. it shod not haveapned, but it should be fixed. going forward, th type of thing should never happen again. lo we thank you for being with us. congressman buck mckeo. >> thank-you. lou: up nnxt, the white house will not say how many people have successfully signed up for obamacare cod it be if they don't know? surely not. some states by telling us. the nbers are outright ugly. we will take it up in the "chalk talk". ch more strght ahead. stayith us. bny mellon combines investment management & iestment servicing, ving us unique insights
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at least a decad away from a possible drug for human beings. and new study pinpointing two genes that sigficantly increase a person's risk for eating disorde. it could pave the way f the development of more tarted treatments for those disorders. in washington, house speaker hammered obamacare on the house yesterday. here he is. >> what a train wreck. how can we tax people for not buying a product from a website that does not work? how can we get big business is a tax break and leave hard working famili of nicole. lou: of the latest facts and figures show exactly that. take a look. an aitted supporter and programmer says this about health care, the government's obamacare site.
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i would be aamed and emrrassed if my organization delivered something like that. quite a testimonial. he went on to say it was not designed well, was n implemented well and looks like no one tested it. how bad washe implementation? a new associated press poll finds glitch i prevented nine in ten people who tried to buy insurance on the site were prevented from doing so. nine in ten. failure. they just today by insurance well, we can answer that here tonight. in hawaii none, no one has enrolled for their and in iowa, stepping out. five people have signed up for obamacare. this is incredible. and maryland's eight it out of
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the park i relative terms. 326 people signed up for obamacare in the entiretate. the obama administration goa, 7 million people. go luck with that because amacare going to need it. and forth, so, what is this a glitch-ridden embarrassment3 ing all of the taxpayers?3 a w report out puts the figure at half a bilion dollars. that is more money than it took to create initially facebook, the send mostopular website. and it linkedin, the sixth most popular site command twitter the eighth most popular. histogram, the2nd most popula. facebook, linkein, twitter, as to grant. and health care, this tng is the 400th most popular.
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iould point out one difference health care is government these folks are all about free enterprise. with all of that it is no wonder the obama white house refuses to tell us how many people nationwide have signed up for obamacare. we wl find out. it is just going to take a little while. we're coming right back. deal, no deal. president obama and house leaders meet at thewhite house. the "a-team" breaks down the state of play in the nation's pital. pital. next. you real love, what would y do?" ♪ [ woman ] i'd be a writer. [ man ] i'd be a baker [ woman ] i wanna be a pie mer [ man ] i wanna be a pilot. [ woman ] i'd be an architect. what if i told you someone could pay you and what if tt person were you? ♪ when you think about it, isn'that what retirement should be,
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president needs with senate republicans tomorrow senior washington and correspondent is looks good. >> may be. they met at 90 minutes tonight they did not agree or for how long or how much or to reopen the government but to keep talking. >> we had a very you useful meing as to where we are and the take away was the teams will be talking further tonight. we will have more discussions to consu with the itinistration and hopefullywe can see a way forward after that. >>but the white house is
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downplaying any type of deal but a least they're talking and perhaps circling around the deal. lou: no negotiation from circling around? at sounds pretty good. joining us now from the "a team." do shoen, judith miller, mark simone. to death this is a significant break but the president would not negotiate but the stf is? >> in i would just keep one thing in min the republicans popularity was at8 percent that was the 10-point dro i think the
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party is in terrible trouble >> hughes said the congressional staff and white house staff by did not feel great relief. with the government shut down we could default the meeting was 90 minutes to use the gifts they had a crisis it would only be 90 minutes? they will nottleave throom >> we're not talking about a solution that maybe six or seven or eight week extension to negotiate again. we all agree with democrats or republicans. originally it was obamacare but it is one big the enormous problem. lou: they have mov from defundg obamacare to the
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issue of the de ceilining crease in the issue of default that is now considered absurd as the presidency just without a debt ceiling increase will result in default to sen us into a recession is utter nonsse. >> i thought nonessential government workers? there are a bunch ofhem. and it's good to the armed services committee with the latest form policy decision what areour thoughts? >> i am worried about egypt. absolute the entire ball game it is the most euring part to say we will flip the baby we will give yo a
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little bit of aid but not yet there have for some on hold and the egyptians acted with fury and i lou:hey anthe government? >> at the administration because they are ming th decisions. lou: it even americans don't take that time. [laughter] it is a life-and-death issue for egypt and thee3 ministration see to be falterin. is that considerable reason the approval rating has dropped 37% >> with the debt crisis to pay $50 billion per year in foreign aid you have to make a cut. >> come on
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>> much of that is labeled for economic assistance. we need at. >> almost everything going to egt is military, a counterterrorismssistance. >> is the oy choice to support them. we he to pushto take a pass to democraticule and stand behind secular is some lou: the last time someby talked about the regime in egypt was president obama th mubarak has to go and they messed up really. how about we say this is your country do better? >> but for our stability as a nation. >> those are big words. >> why should we tell any government what to do? >> it can facilitate the unresthroughout the region.
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we need our allies and egypt is a critical ally in we should havstood with mubarak d we didn't. i agree the poly has been bad but we have to stand for something. lou: this is a reprisal to work goinghrough the misjudgments of the middle east. >> that's true. >> perhaps maybe w should pull in ourorns and how about little modesty? we need to start backing up causehe 50 billion by the way i disree but e ct is that is what we are borrowing om cna to send to egypt to send it to other allies. >> lookt wh they're doing around the wld they are spending more we have to stand up because we are uniq and exceptional and unless we assert ourselves
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we put the worl at risk. >> 30 years ago we got r of the russianss now we're almost inviting them back and. but we're not sure now. lou: but we have not acknowledged that vladimir putin is the leader a arguably of the most powerful country on the planet. i think there is room to start thinking deeper and better and broader and you are here ani appreciate it. goo our social sit lou or e-mail me at or follow on twitter. riddled with corruption the ci of detroit receives some justice as one of the
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men responsible forhe debacle is held accountable. significantly. in court. justice meets up. next. howdy partner. you're not linda. i'm filling in for officer owens. she used double miles from her capital one venturcard to take an early vacation. buckle up. let's go do cop uff. [ siren chirps ] license and venture card, ma'am. wai going too fast? oh, you'd be going twice as fast if you had double miles. [ malennouncer ] geaway fast with unlimited double miles from the capital one nture card. freeze! don't touch the face! can i drive? absolutely not. what's iyourallet?
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lou: a federaludge sentenced k.t. mcfarland to bear the former mayor patrick -- kilpatrick 28 years in prison for corruption charges including extortn, racketeering, bri bery and ta fraud. the 43 year-old democrat created when a syst now in the bay and corrupt city of detroit the city became up for grabs for the right price d he was setting the price. , a federal utdown crating of potential for fraud for rkers applying for unemployment benefits and double dipping is t issue
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now how the states will collect thbenefits when the federal workers are paid retroactive back p. have the report. >> date number 10 of the federal shutdown. not unemployed but furloughed. but they are starting to collect state unemploymen checks. >> we do have responsibilities. >> there may be at chad coming that i can pay my rent. >> they will process roughly 4 billion ofclaims and maryland will he about 6 million representing less than 10 percent of those eligiblefor benefits. >> peaps 400,000 or less than that fedal employees have been fuoughed that could receive the unemployment benefit >> with spending money congress says federal workers wl eventuallyid for timy
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will be paid twice back pay and uneloyment. >> that will create a situation that there will be over payments to the federal emplees that thehe state will be expected to collect back. >> but its n clear if they can force theto the money. >> they are milking th system. >> they plan to write letters collecting that they return the money. critics say it will not work >> they need to tell fedel emoyees anybody who does not repay sta employment benefits will be immediately terminated. >> i'd like the private sectororkers agencies are exempt it comes at ofhe geral fund that is boke
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so it is up to the state to collect the overage. lou: thank you. despite the failed rollout with the house of representatives to take up immigration movies gutierrez alks about his brand new book still dreaming is comphensive immigration reform likely to be a reality? we w friday nig, buddy. yoare gonna need a wingman. and my casback eps the party ing. but my airline miles take it wodwide. [ malennouncer ] it shouldn't be this hard. with, it's easy to search hundreds of cards and apply online.
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is a truabination to barricaded world war two debts but allow illegal aliens privilege he is just the all man he refuses to appear onhe cable news show so he does appear to want to work in hollywood again. thousands of protesters at the national mall tuesday despite a partl shutdown rallyi for immigration reform. my next guest one of those arresteded says there is hope for immigration reform and amnesty. joining us now is3 congressman movi could tear as also the author of the new book still drming from the bar rio to capitol hill. great toave you. >> i just thought of this i
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ink about the book andow many auors get arrested on the national mall with the new book? >> if the ada to be there on the mall. >> how do you react to those who complained about illegal immigrants and our veterans their children in families on the mall? it is a partisan exercise. >> this is what i think. they have a right they were recoized the sameday as thearibbean that's coming from p.r. and manyied in korea.
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there congressman charlie rangel of he was serving. >> be exersed e first endment rightshey were elted. brght about. i am so happy i was born here in ttis country in thhe united states of america hundreds of us. lo we kn that from reading your book. lou: that is what i like abouyou we can argue about the agreement it is a great country. let's fight to. [laughter] >> what is the book about? a kid whose mom and dad come
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there was somethi and do not understand the language not even a coach but a grade school education and they work hard but the kids can go into the oval office to sit across of the president of thenited states to be on lou dobbs on cable network that is a good story of what people our able to do. that iso we like to talk about. lou: that is why you were here. your instion story and we have argued a few times. >> i liked it best when you came to chicago. [laughter] >> we had a few hits. [laughter] lou: the idea as the american dream leave the one
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thing the one reason that you got the break you became who you are waa public-school? always the great equalizer? >> i have to say myad and my mom my first examples. she would wake up very rly to take two buses to work and dad drove a cab. i had to drive one for about three years of my life. my dad said after so much effort and money after doing so much you are in the same place i sd it is thh beginning. i want to provide for my that i can do.ughter is all i want to always have self-respect so of driving a cab is what i have to do i
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will. they reay showed me th value of hard-working and tenacity and moving ahead as might father passed away he said theest they i ever didfor you to take youo p.r. m a parents we deut catholics saw robert kennedy and j.f. kennedy assassinated facing turmoil and gain this and you want to know something? is pretty good far away from the big city of chicago but i think we've made the right step we are a reflection of our parents although we think we're different. lou: youre fortunate to have parents that support
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and their although so many ignore how important ty are. >> it is absolutely critical. but we live in a flat in chicag the devigot lety grandson live on the second floor to drive me crazy so theyive on the first floor so we haveour of uso grandparents and a mom and da in that is equilent of today's society we surround him and nurture him that hwill gw up to be strong. lou: w wish you the best. we recommend the bk too highly of mine everywhe.
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