tv MONEY With Melissa Francis FOX Business October 11, 2013 12:00am-1:01am EDT
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20 progra20% crection. if you got out y misthe out today. arles: you did buying today. >> we did charles: a lotf peopl ying, thank youor watching tonight. we'll seeou tomorrow. >> how incentive and cold can you get? >> that is what i hear if a challenge a welfare program. >> we're talking about people that we ought to be rushing to try to help the needyid benefit credit cards, edt cards. ♪ john: free stuff f victims. bill o'reilly. >> no matter what the evidence, no matter what facts are presented, the liberal line will be the sam if society's fault. john: she blames her parents for bad attitude. the back street boy's neck carter blames his drug bingesn ris hilton.
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lamar odom as father blames his sonsrouble on the kardashian these people say they cannot find work. this woman works for the welfare office. >> which should be done abt th? >> i don't really know. they will get a job john: selling victim died. that is our show tonight. ♪ spherejohn: are y a victim? won 19 emmys. solar powered clothes dryer, just 50 bucks. what did they get in the mail? a clothesline.
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>> this machine supposedly used chemical sprays to make people feel younger. >> or you could use this device. >> will step. of ugly facial fat. john: it's my job. should warn you about scams. nothing wrong with consumer reporting. the media alwayss goes overboar. and in 2020 we did. >> cfee makers may have started dozens of fires. johntossel with the facts you @%ould know, brewi disaster. john: did you happen to catch this so-called this story? >> investigative reporter went undercover to see firsthand how this undground world works. >> eig peoples sharing a meal in a stranger's home. blended best and dinnerarties like these have become more common. insiders tell us they are comptely unregulated. john: oh,y goodness. unregulated dinner parties. gavin mcinnes is a media critic ann columnist. he hates this kind of hide and
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writes about it. what gets in theireads? >> outf touch with theverage american and think that they need to get in there and regulated all. i feel like they have never ilt the business, a liberal arts degree, a journism degree, don't run the numbers. john: that a good poi. anybody u.s. tried to build something, a building or a business, they wake up to relation. reporters, most have never built anything. >> i notice they took the comments section down from the web page at that news station. you called theeporter up and gave her some heat, i hope. she said s seemed dubious. with my questions she returned more questions. john: you would not answer the question. >> she wanted to know what my ankle was a wire was asking questions. one thing i find a lot of these reporters are scared of is being exposed. they're like politicians. when you stick their face a per call at the name they're less likely to go on ese witch hunts
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john: well, undercover cameras. one of the me famous ones, jua roberts won an oscar portraying theer aaron brockovich. >> very harul. >> it kills people. >> oh, yeah. a dream about being a will to watch their kids women a poo wiout worrying it will have to have a hysterectomy at the age of 20. john: this wasbout chemical leaked from a california power plant that was supposedly causincancer. but it turned t it probably wasn't causing cancer. the california cancer registry studied cancer rates in that area and found no cancer in excess. i mean -- >> people fell for this because it is intuitive that think that being near a power plan is probly bad. being stressed must lead to cancer. when you talk to experts ithe field they go, really, smoking is the only thing you can do to change your genetic makeu if you're going to have cancer
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you, you're going to have cancer. otherwise, live for everyone and it as dressed as you want. john: lawyers made a hundred million dollars despite no evidence. i ve their real erin brockovich some credit after she and her lawyer boss were criticized calling me a corporate sll. i invited her on t program and she came. john: californians have to pay more for electricity to pay off al of these lawyers. it looks like thisamp. >> is d definitely not a scam. i have to tell you, in this instance with the southern gas and electric and being part of it from the process from the beginning to the end, it was willful egregious intential contract -- contact. they knew that that chemicawas a poison. john: the chemical is a poison, but for the record a steady a 50,000 people who worked at the power plant and were exposed more and were healthier than average. so the media cells that, lawyers
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get rich, everyone pays more for electricity. >> chlorine is a poison and we swam in it all the time. it's gre. i love boys and. john: you wrote recently about the myth america pageant. what is that about? >> what is happening in media thesdays is they have become storytellers. they find a villain and said that this princess in the castle story and then work backwards angethe evidence from there. the edence is really there, so they started relying on twitter to pve the theories. with the ms. america pageant it found a bunch of teams to set things like she looks like a terrorist. twitter is the same place where people say this house is not zombie-proof, buwe are listening to opinions. john: there was actual backlash. they hav some f. >> someids, 14-year-old spiri ke there followers. there waso backlash. it fits their narrative. a crowbar it and. john: a sample, the media fre
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out. >> the new winner is facing a fierce backlash. some people calling her foreigner, an arab, even a terrorist. >> cing face-to-face wit racism. >> racist comments bacante -- began flooding t internet. $1 began tweeting, ms. america is a terrorist. john: fiee backlash. >> i loo at woman at that she has ro followe, little kid. if you look up i hateebabies you will find dozens of kids saying that. john: twitter is full of rhetoric. what is the media do this? >> there are a million theories, but culpability is not sexy on tv. john: irrponsible. >> even though it is wt made our culture great, it iso we e is a nascent -- nation. it makes people feel better to say it is not their fault, victim of circumstance. john: one last example about media peopl wringinghere nds about victims is that media concerabout kidseing vote -- bullies. >> this kind of bullying is on the rice, by one ount as many
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as one in three kids being victimized. >> cyber bullying, a growing epidemic. john: on the rise, a growing epidemic. i assume there was more bullying when i was a kidecause nobody thought about it. was bullied. i assud it was jt part of schools. now at least there iswareness. i bet there is less. a former teacher jet a dire -- jedediah bila says this is an example of the media doing something right.3 >> i like thii. i saw cases of bullying. john: elementary school. >> elementary, school, college. it is a real roblem. you have kids to not only have their grades suffer but contemplate the idea of hurting themselves. stories and in his work is ultimately commit suicide. when it comes to legitimate cases a bullying the media and media personalities that ve a platform can hhlightases and say, for example, there was a girl in queens. in maynd read a story about a
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girl who did commit suicide as a result of bullying. it turned out tha the administration was not doing prer follow-up and t parents to try to reach the administration to look into the problem at is the kind of journalistic coverage that can help the issue in may because parentsho ordinarily are not to soundnto this issue to say, hold on. let me ask mike to some key questions. let meet to the schoolnd make sure everything is oka john: what about the media always saying i is on the increase. they don't know. >> in some cases the media can create victims and label things as bullying d reall serious that are not necessarily. but there are cases wre it is serious, particularly now wh the internet age where we have facebook and ttter and cyber bullying, schools have a responsibility. john: and overweight tv anchor was praised by t media, gotn the today show because after she got aetter from a viewer who said, you are a bad example for kids and should take care of herself, she complained about his bullying.
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>> there are children whdon't know better, who did e-mails. as crical as the one i received more in many cases even worse, each andvery day. the ternet has become a weapo . john: come on. shis a hero. the guy just said you should take care of yourself >> ts is an example of in my opinio hypersensitivity which is where the fine line comes in. >> this keeps happennng with all of these cas. now, yes, it is a tragic thing that seone killed theelves, let's can pare that to a bees sting. how seriouss this problem? millions of kids. let's quantify. john: hundreds of americans are killed. >> let's quantify the people who were not. when you bubble a child like that and put a pive l and coddled them they're not prepared for the real world john: now we have the internet, and anemone which lets people believe more.
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>> inevitably when you are arguing with someo like this guy who called arafat and she is fat, by the way. john: did not even call arafat, the wake. >> he should feel bad. you're overweight. sorry. >> there has to be a balance in terms of how we looked at this. john: we are way beyond balance. thank-you. if you would like to keep this conversation going, go to facebook and twitter and use that has tagged. victimhood. let people know what you think. coming up. >> cupcakes for sale. john: i held the bake sale, a racist bake sale. >> that is not right. >> ou got to benour -- john: also today, what does it mean toe poor in america? >> atv. >> television. john:ir-conditioning? >> yes,. hn: cable-tv? >> yes,. john: how many channels?
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have you? what amount of pay is reasonale at what point is is so low that if you work for thatou are a ctim? >> people got bills. you know, child payment, car insurance, utilities. you know, that doesn't -- the minimum ge is not cats -- john: there have been lots of protests around the country, mostly restaurt workers complaining about low pay. the ptests have had an effect. california just passed a bill to raise the state's minimum wage to $10 per hour. most people aund me -- i do live in manhattan -- c $10 is not enough,nd the government must get in to guarantee those victims of greedy employers more money, a living wage. th, but he is preside of the ayn rand institute, and we notice of this person ayn rand
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was. hugest advocate selfishness >> i'm advocating that everyone should be self interted. there are many people out there who arinterested in working for these rates. what happens when we set the minimum wage so high, $10 per hour or whenever it happens to be, $7.25, what hpens to those people who don't produce at $10 an hour or $7.205? what we create is a css of people who will never find a job. you why those people? young, inexperienced, teenage, inner-city youth who are now excluded completely frohe work fce a will never learn skills and get the experience necessary for makin a hundred dollars an hour. john: how are they excluded? >> because if they can only produce $5 an hour, no one will employ thee at $10 per hour. no onn will lose on the employees th they hire. john: and the restaurant lobbyists ran this ad.
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minimum wage. why robots couldoon replace @%er minimum wage.manding a >> were actually seeing is. ifou drive up the cost, what restaurants will do, they still need to make theirrofit, keep the price of their product cheap. they will replace people wit technology. john: mcdonald's respoe thout was interesting. they came out th as simple budget, and a free cprehensive money management tool to proving an outline of what an individual budget may look like. they showhat a pers can work for minimum wage and still save $100 per month. however, it included working two jobs. it took a lot of heat for that. it ia little b brotherly for mcdonals to tell its employees, here's wh you can do. look, people are living all ove this country making this kind of money people came to this3 country with -- 100 years ago people lived on much less tha this. they sent there kids and got an
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education and rose up. john: people do around the world >> most people around the world live on much, much less. the government has no role in, you know, dictating -- hn: our government has decided it does. >> it sure has, and as consequence you have seen youth unemployment in this country close to 20%. %-ted raise minimum wages, wha you see is massive unemployment among those whoan least afford it. jo: i think progress, every facet of this budget basically is uchieble. >> many peoe achieve it. we all staed somhere. i make a lot of money today, but i started making less than minimum wage, forgn student, you know, working at graduate schoolaking probably less than this. we managed. it is wrong to try to force people to pay a pticular wage, to pay a particular form of income. this should be left for the marketplace. let -- left tootiations.
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john: affair was the protesters, there is a spring in their sp. [chanting] hn: they don't act like victims. >> i don't see any one of those pele look like they were starving. we makit more expensive. we are doing is not just,ou kn, violating their rights and reducing profits in everything that has to do with economically , but also denying jobs toeople who cannot afford to be denied jobs and create unemployment. john: listen to ts more serious protester who presents the viim message, and this persuades people. >> some people work 80 hours a week and cannot ma ends meet or have no time for anything else. all they do is work all week. hn: all they do is work all week. nobody -- >> nobody know anything. john: don't w or it -- of the
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poor ssmething? >> no, we don't. john: i feel i owe as an individual. >> then you as an individl can help them out, but they are not asking for your help. they're not tryinto negotiate a betteralary. what they are asking is for the state to bring coercive power and force you to help them, force eloyers to help them. john: thank you. yaron brook. ming up, our black people victims in america? do i victimize them further if i run this race is to bake sale? >> we have different pris here. if you are asian, and dollar 50. if you're white, and dolla if you are lato or black, $0.50. so i can reach ally bank 24/7, but there are branches?
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24/7. i'm sorry, i'm just really reluctant to try new things. really? what's wrong with trying new things? look! mommy's new vacuum! (cat screech) you feel that inour muscles? i do... drink water. it's a long story. well, not having branches let's us give you great rates and service. i'd like that. a new wato bank. a better way to save. ally bank. your money needs an ally.
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continuing racial discrimination but t author of "backlash" offers that this focus on the past is terrie for blacks. ca says they should stand up ait destructive progressive tyrants to promote victimhood. distractive progressive tyran. >> progressive policies are harmg the black community, failing public schools, unemployment isver 13%, or 40 percent among young black individuals. john: they are victims. >> stands up to these present policies thaare not working. and do not see them as victims. they are not victims. that is a narrative that the left useall the time to promote their bigovernment agenda. they don't want to promote liberty, personal responsibily . vapor vote --, a bigger governmn john: you went to the naacp annual summit and heard l about victimhood. >> toughout the entir meeting hn: every speech?
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>> what i heard when i was there was an as verses them mentality. added not hear any solutions i heard a lot of victimization, race cds. voter i.d. is racist, as verses them. if you are bla you don't stand a chance. john at that same naacp conference whereou areot allowed to speak should point out, al sharpton mard -- mocks people who say the election of president obama means tha amica is past racism. >> those that were saying that neve wasrofiled in a departnt store. thosehatere sing at work never pulled over on the highway. john: here is a point, of the black man is more likely to be lled over on the highway, profiled. >> racism isot prevalent across our country. there are 80 it's out there m be racist, but clearly look at individuals and polics, business, sports, enttainment. myself, and i implo all
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freedoof americans to sta up@ and push back on this narrative. don't be afraid to be called a racist or a sellout, of the difft nes. if you believe in liberty and want to advance our country forward, i implore all americans to speak out. john: the stock to let the killing of trade on martin. the president said this could have been my son. it could have been his son. >> he injected himsf into this and made about a racial issue when, in fact, itad nothing to do wh race. hn: we don't kw that it had nothing to do about race >> the fbi investigation concludethat. zimmerman was not convicted. so clearly it was not about race. unfortunately early on we had people who promoted it as our p race. that is what domineered the headlines. john: and a producer at nbc -- surprise, surprise -- clearly had black victimhood in line -- in mind when he edited the nine month one call. here's thectual call. >> this guy looks lik he is up
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to no good or something. it is raining. he is just walking around looking about. >> okay. this guy, is the white, black, or hispanic? >> he looks black. john: the editor took up the dispatcher asking, ishe white, blk, hispanic, was left just this. >> this guy looks like he is up to no good. he looks black. john: look, and televisn, we always -- maybee was just -- >> no, that was just very inappropriate and the wrong thing to do. anything about race is emotial and it drives the headline. eerly on with this case, this investigation, it was always about race when, in fact, it wasn't. john: seventh bcks been victims in america? >> years ago, john. black individuals did not have access to education, housing, jobs. times have cnged, and we don't live in that era anymore. john: let's talk about
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affirmative action, given america's history of discrimination, it seems reasonable to me thathites should tryo mak amends, tried to give a bak to minorities grace that i had. what is wrong with that? before you answer, let's bring in a white person who opposes firmative action. jennifer gratz was denied admission to theniversity of michigan, you say because you are white. aviano was because of your race? >>ell, they're proud of th fact that they use race and admission to help some people into heard others. the university of machinelike applie -- johnn not prrudly hurt others. they say they help some. >> when i applied to the university of michigan and a point system in pla. you needed 100 points to be accepted. a peect act sco a an applicant to los points,nd a standi as sake was one point. you're black, as bennett, are
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native american, you're automatically awarded 20 points, more than a perfect act your sats court. very obvio how much a factor replace. john: you su over this intricate knowledge of the suureme court and won. >> i did. john: affirmative actiontill lives. >> the supreme court said that race preferenc cannot be used a mechanical way.3 the cld not be a point system, bu race could be used as a factoror about another 25 years. john: if i get a job applicant and they are equal, i probably would take the black person figuring this person had may be to overcome something in the past. what is wrong with that? >> i tnk tt our decision making should be colorblind. i think that first of all, the chances -- john: what about the history of discrination and special privileges for whites? >> i don't know of any special privileges that i have.
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there are three unintended viitims of these policies. the people who get a preference to get into college and don't ed or to get a job and don't need it and the credeialsf unestioned. john: us tal about that. sent us this video of a conversationith a 16-year-old girl. she has top grades, perfect s.a.t. scores, andhe is against affirmative action. >> this college, racial tension d racial division because the white people going to say, oh, but we don't get preferences. we don't get advantages. they'rgoing to resent the minorities. i'm going to get extra points because of pilot light, and i resent that. i don't want people looking at me and saying, maybe sheot in because of what she looks like and not because she is qualified john: i have heard that befe. how can you ever trust that this doctor deserves to be a doctor. >> these polics did not exist among we would love the people in positions that allow lives
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antheir hands are there cause of their mer. john: other victims, y say, are people who get e eferences and do well in scho. >> correct. people who are qualified to get into a second-tier sls are bound to because of preferential treatment and get int a top tier school and then don't do well and end up with a coiderable amount of debt and student loans a oftentimes dropout. so now they have a debt, no degree, and they feel horrible. they don't feel successful. we would be better off having ki go where they're prepared to, whether qualificationsay they're ready to go and graduate and get a degree in feel like a success. john: the third category is this message of victimhood. >> yes. the race hustlers of the world, and jesse jackson, alharpton. john: if you're told yore a victim, you start to act like it >> exactly. you act like aictim. you become a victim. and it becomesn us versu them
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type of mentality which i know you talked about eli. john: to raise people's consciouess about affirmative actioni oe ran a racist ake sale. john cupcakes for sale. my priceless said agents had to pay $1.50, white's latinos and blacks just $.50. >> that is not right >> you have to be out of your mind. >> that is stereotyping. jo: it is. that is not right. john it is the same principle. >> you got theirttention. let me give you a quick --- john: we had aonversation people were saying, had not thought of it that way. >> frederick douglass was born a slave, eape slavery,elf educated, involved in polits, an adver to presidents, he disdained affirmative action and special treatment. so if he was someone that coul do it and be successful, anyone can with our wor.
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♪ john: welfare is supposed to help people in need, give destite people a chance to get back on their feet. that i not what usually happens , former welfare recipients team -star parker. what you mean? >> what has happeneds the pr have been conditions to adopt a slav mentality. i don't on mysel and and n
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free. it is sad in a free country that we are even calling ourselves pork. i got caught up in it, and a lot more people are today bause they goodies are getting much broader and more expensive to the taxpayer. john: people who get government aid oftften say the solution to their problem is more government aid. here is what i was told outside aood kitchen in harlem. >> poverty stinks'. >>ive us more jobs and oppounities. john: goverent should just created job. >> creat jobs. >> create more jobs. john: more food stamps. >> mar foods cents. >>ore welfare. >> more wefare. john: oo and o the impreions that goods come >> rig.vernmen. well, that is t disconnection. i never out about it when i lived on welfare. we have also taken the shame out. you can live tax dependent commit taxpayer dependence and no one will en know it. housing f theoor has improved when it is come to what lay it -- what they look like.
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you cannot tell it is a government pay for. john: youee lived pretty well. >> it is a mentality. this is the problem. people are notnecting to their own lives and well-being. it is, give me somethi. then you make use similar to slavery where you make dof you are on by someone else. it put up barriers so they cannot live free. you move from one benefit to the next. john: check out the fear of a califoiaurfer dude who john roberts interviewed here uses his food stamp card to buy lobster and sushi. >> hundred dolrs a month. >> thank you for shopping with us. >> just like that. >> please remove our bags. >> all paid for by our wonderful tax dollars. john: he had no inrest in getting a job. >> not something that appeals to u..3 >> not whatsoever. john: you work the sysm when you collected. >> why not just hang out at venice beach all afteron. i did it for a long time. it wasot until the christian
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conversion changed my life and i engage iny own well-being. work is hard which is why we don't want to reward of behavior. john: the government's welfare bureaucrats ussally claim that they are saving people. one outside welfare office i was this -- surprised the find that admitted what she does leads people to death not bother to look for work . you end hum-resources encourage people to be independent? %-jo: what should be done? >> i don't really know. i guess stop givingway the money and it will get a job. john: and you work forhe government. >> that's ght. john: that is a pretty unual reaction. [laughter] >> don't work, don't save,on't get married. that is the rule of welfare. john: don't admit that usually, do they? people with serious. >> no, they were not serious, but they did not admitted in public. mike case worker is the one that told me if anyone ever asked to
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make sure that night did not live beyond what they were paying me. pretend that added the issue one to go to lunch with her girlfriend. she is part of the problem. john: one aspiring actress and lis in a poor neighborho in los angeles mad this video mockinthe welfare system. >> go to california. i need se money. >> free food. >> mamays she can't take me to school. >> we get free fd. >> free day care, free clothes. this is where it then ithecks pay d money goes. all you have to do is -- and nine months later you get the@ bigox. john: obviously her point, having babs wednesday benefit >> absolutely true. if you get pregnant you get a check. welfare reform, you get pregnt at 14,5, 16, you get a check and a housing voucher to move out of your parents setting. it isad. john: you think a 14 year-old
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girl says i will get pregnant because i'm going to get thi monthly check? >> i think that what we have done is incentivizezed this type of behavior. remember, these folksave been conditioned to believe ty are victims. when you're 14 years old and your mother was 14 when s gote pregnant with you and you looked out at your options, broken school, broken environment, yes, you can then say why not just ve for today. the next thing you know you are pregnant a in tt same cycle john: said if a politician des suggest change, cutting benefits , the media and the left , i they the same thing? eight hacked out rat. >> there are other things that could be on the table bore you pick a program hat is feeding the nation's poor children. >> al insensitive and cold can you get? john: a halnsensitive a and cold you must be to suggest these cuts.
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[laughter] it is the bt medicine ever. it is a cancer in our society, and the people that are promoting to keep the status quo at the very part of the system that is no working. we declare war on poverty, and trillions of dolla ler we have a collapse of marriage, communities that aren total ruin and you have the likes of those forces we just heard that keep insistinge continue this madness. john: thank you. we do seem to continue the madness. deserved assisnce, even iless agree with that. government assistance it creates more vic. ♪
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♪ jo: are you isabled? so disabled you can'tind wor im a stutterer. today's disability laws existed and i began work, i wonder if i had overcome my problem or maybe just gen up, collected a government check. i am glad today's disability laws did not exist the because without them i struggled and i am here. but the laws do exist now, and coincidentally, more americans say they are disabled.
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ted dehaven tudies this. >> a couple of years ago at walmart i over here a conversation between two women and hear one say tohe other, i could take a pay cut or i could justfor disility. it really struck mes an analyst to dell's into various government programs. she spoke of that as if it was anither or. i went home and looked at it. the numbers have exploded. when you start looking at the program, we are not more disabled. we are not a blue-collar economy anmore a have -- john: more people are working at home, less manual labor. >> exactly. so h could this band all this re money for disability and ha these people applying. john: when you say all these opll applying, you have the cato institute chart that shows the money spent over the lasast0 years. people say, well, when the economy gets better and then it goes down.
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it barely went down in the 80's and the eonomy improd. basically it is going steadily up. >> we have had a liberalization ineligibility going back to t 1980's iis showing up now. for parents trying to gethere kids on psychotropic medications and the hopes tha they will increase their odds of qualifying for a check. it goes to dad and mom. john: your neighbor gets sick and you start to feel like a sucker. >> the mesge being sent toy and disabled. as they become adultt, the first thing they're being taught is don't work. disadvantaged or they are or are not. john: disabled used to mean paralyzed. aevere injury. now it means what? pression, back pain. >> is lik any other government program. you start off with good intentions and it becomes something it was never sposed to be. the original disability
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insurance program w supposed to benefit those ages 50 to 64 as basically a transition into regular retirement. since the 1980's u.s. in a 300 percent increase in awards for back pain,ental issues, what they call non exertion of restrictions. i am going to my chiropractor tomorrow with a pinched nerve, compressed disk and qui honestly trying to taken the vernment is driving me nuts. is a good chance could qualify if pressed are enough. john: it used to be that they day most of the claims are things like anxiety, stress, back pain, nulous diagnos. >> and it is very subjective. john: one oer reason more pele collect, lawyers make big bucks promoting them. >> if you are disabled or can't work you need social security disability benits, but don't try getting the money around. >> we help people get disability benefits. >> it is important that u act now.
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>> call 1-800-win/win one. >> my law firm has collected over $30 billion for injed people. john: the third of a billion dollars. >> yes. sometimes when i am at the gym i know this program after program containing commercials for these folks. they don't make a ton of money, especially specialty law firms. john: $88 million according to the "wall street journal" in just one year. >> about a decade ago the dec -- the government made i easier for non lawyers to represent people in appealing a claim. th hire a bunch o cheap non lawyes and such and rushed people through the system, figure outhe system, collect little bits of money. it adds that if you get enough people. john: and you pay. thk you. coming u, a doctor composing rap music to try to fight victimhood.
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>> now is time to have occurred and take resnsibility for reactions in that year life the way it should be live. john: live your life the way it shou be lived. that mus is not from a professional singer, a doctor@ who works at a clinic in ohio. anthony atkins. you got this idea from the kids u saw >> the idea from working with youth. it started in ohio, working in a fast track e.r.
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teen pregnancies come as tds, guns, drugs, thingsf that nature. we just develed a bond. i startedalking to them. john: you would say to these kids, like you live like this? >> very straight up with me. and sometimes he did not have a way to go. decided to use the music the way they do and listen to mto teach and educate. that is what we do. john: in response to teen pregnancy let's pl a clip from your song titled what if. it. ♪ john: and do you really think this will make a difference? it is hard tonk that music could make a difference. >> this is medicine and mic. yes, given the chance and guarantee it will make a difference. the kids will come back and say, am so glad you spoke to us this way because a lot oeople
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are not doing it. you keep it reallyoes. you keep it straight with us, d we love it. john: thank-you. your signs are directed to the blcommunity, but i should be clear that the show is n ngling out minorities. most so-called victims in america are white people, and many are affluent. caroline biden, joe biden's niece, was arrestee recently for throwing punch at a cop. the new yorpost says she is addicted to alcohol and pills does not take rponsibility for actions instead blaming them on the pressurshe faces because her uncle is the vice-president. givee a break. america succeededecause it was founded by people who were the opposite of victims, people with great, overcoming obstacles is the route to prosperity and happiness. so three cheers for dr.nt atkins and for all o you fighting to be anything but
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victims. th is our show. see you nt time. ♪ [dave gentry] hello, i'm dave gentry. welcome to smalstocks and big money! [intro music] [intro music] [intro mus] [intro music] [dave gentry] good evening, i hope you're ving a great we. first today i wanna give you a redchip nation update. our show s been approved to run on bloomberg rope and bloomberg asia on turday and sunday afternoon.
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