tv The Willis Report FOX Business October 12, 2013 11:00pm-12:01am EDT
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every week day 3:00 to 6:00 p.m. easterntime. we'll have another great tv show for you right here next wk on fox business. >> hello, everyone. i'm dennis kneale than for gerri willis. what does it cost when you criticize president obama a his economic policy? the answer may be ove $20 million. that is what someone is paying. we will explain. and facebook ceo demanding more privacy not for you, but for himself. you in the meantime are about to lose more privacy on facebook. also tonight monica de part two, sexual harassment i the workplacis legal, but a judge rules it is okay in some cases inlving interns. our legaleam will tackle that issue. "the wils report" starts right nnw. ♪
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we found out todayhat can happen when you are a top nuncio who openly bashes the obama administration. it will cost a company. the legal costs in defending itself in a slew of feral investigations will total at t an astonishing $23 billion could go even higher. this f a bankhat our government thought necessary to raise billions of taxpayer dollars to bailout. the bank's chairman a ceo jamie dimon has bn one of the fefew bold enough to criticize e white house economic policy which has made him a target of sorts. with me now, former gdm vice-president who is now a scholar and a liberal think tank . and neil weinberg, editor-in-chief of american banker. to start this off of what you to look at something. we want to make a chart of the different agencies invesestigatg
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jpmorgan. there are so many we could not fit them all on the same seen. and look at this next scrn. five more. ten agencies. that does n even mention the fha or the many state investigations. now the "wall street journal" editorial page, washingtons leading j.p. morgannd may yet stirring up jamie dimon as a lesson in what will happen to washington bosses.s to disagree his storytelling needs conflict. vestar withonflict. what do you think of tt int of view, the idea that this is really at some point a witch hunt. >> thank you for having me on. acally, i have the complete opposite view, as you might have guessed going into this. i think that t criticismnd the fact that jamie dimon has been so outront in the resistance to the form of wall street's has rlly caused him to create a whole sense of defiance against regulators
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which is really what has happened. if you look at the rorts that were done on the london whale case, it is clear that he has created a corporate culture where regulations are not to be followed b the letter and the spirit of the law, t to be avoided. i think that is really what has gone on and why they have gotten -- dennis: by the way, did not see the chart exactly, but there are several othecntries. i don't think he -- dennis: and yet, you know, jpmorgan takes its own money and loses $6 billion which is a pretty good lesson about risk. yet the government comes in on top of that advise them almost a billion dollars more. why fina bank for losing its own money? what is that? >> obviously it should not be legal you should not be fined for losing money oraking risks >> in this case with the government is saying is that jamie dimon or his bank was not
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being honest witthe govement. i can tell you, you aed if this is a witch hunt. i think it is half a witch hunt. clearly there are some people who don't like the fact that jamie dimon has been speaking of, but we have also --n ameran banker, some of the things that the government is going after. we were there in some ces first and i think that there is so fire or the smoke is coming from. example, there were trying to collect from people we delinquent on credit cards. they did not have the records to go after theseeople. it was extremely dubious behavior to either sell this to collection agencies or have their entire infrastructure of lawys around the cntry suing people when they did not have the goods. they have since shut that down and there in trouble. that is why the investigatn is going on with the occ. dennis: in the entiretdown jpmorgan was one of the good guys. they did not trade in synthetic ceos. a real and the government says were you pleased by a bear stearns n washington mutual th
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70 percent of offenses, all the companies we bought them because you asked us to. we're picking on them. >> go back and listen to what was said by the management at the tim he was acquired. they were giddy about the transaction. they brought to bear stearns for roughly the value of the propertyn park avenue. dennis my point that these were guys who did something right. were singling em out and are about to destroy them. >> trading up. they a actually are profitable, more profitable than wall street expected, but for the legal costs. they're in no dang of going down my point here is that they actually benefited hugely fm the bailo. all of these other banks.
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not that they should -- they should not be punished for things that went wrong. the part of the witch hunt is what youe saying because he was a hero during the financial crisis, ca and. that was good. now he is getting slapped for during that. also bank of america bought countrywide which was voluntary. they paid about $50 billi to settle problems. you cannot say. dennis: when a bank in the worst melt down since the gat depression is up losinmore money not in a meltdown but in the aftermath because of the federal investiggtion and penalties,sn't there something wronwith our system? >>he could be something wrong with the system or jpmorgan. >> you have also take into consideration, jpmorgan was bailout. dennis: they pa back every penny plus interest. >> the best way to think of i is thathe whole system, whher it was money market
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funds or currency swaps, the whole system was about to melt down. so even though kaytoo did not miss -- jpmorgan did not necessarily needed an ifusion, they benefited from the system. >> by that lic we get bailed out to. dennis: we have sn meltdowns in the late 80's and in 2000. and in 2008. every time the government has to find a few culprits to make in the poster child and to kind of beat up on them that we all get our moral lesson. what about a wall street amnesty? what about a treat and reconciliation commission? let's stop all this because feel like we are bleeding the very banks that we had to bailout to save the system. >> t bigger problem is the way we are leading the banks. there is validity to some of the government investitions. not all, some. i also think that the regulation is going to rangle us. >> the regulation is going to shrink kaytoo and some of --
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jpmorgan and some of the other banks by forcing rectus busess out of the banks. that is true. as a very good thing. i think that the fact of the tter is we have have -- we don't need a treat reconciliation committee. no one more than a fabulous vampire them a fulous that has @%er been really prosecuted. the fact of the matters. dennis: there was not true criminal activity going on. >> are the government has said theituation was so bad and tenuous. >> one other thing that is going on here. you have regulators,he office of the control, the currency, fcc, played as fools during the financial crisis, did not see anything going on. dennis: now they can b the ones in the system that no matter. what i worry about is that what we a really doing here is the will ossication of the american banking system we are making so that they are too afraid to take risk, not that they will lose money, but it
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will pay even momore i fines. i am taking the last word on that. thank you for being with us. appreciated. now we want to know what you guys think. here is our question. is the government ought to destroy? g on to a and vote. we wl share the results of the end of tonig show. and i seems washington d.c. is set destroy itself. on day 11 ofhe government set down president obama and house eaker talking on the phone. both sides say that whi there is no deal the chat was constructive rich edson is at the capitol with the latest. >> well, talking in right now republicans in the house are waiting for a counter offer from the white house. republicans last eveng in late night negotiations presented the white house with an ofr. raise th debt ceiling, reopen the parts of the government that arclosed and included spending cuts and mandatory health care cuts as well. house republicans say they're
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waiting for a response fromhe white house on all of this. right now you have this sense in washington where their rhetoric has been ge down. folksn the house are letting the negotiators for congressnal leaders and the3 white house talk this one out. there's a separate track going on in tcent. a number of republicans floating their own plan looking for democrats to sign on board which would close or open the government for another year or fund the government r anher year, raise the debt ceiling f short-term inhe medicalevice tax and health ce law. the numr of proposals floating around that these white house house republican negotiations are really the primary track righhere. waiting to see. i have to tell you, democrats and republicans have been stuck on issues of taxes, revenues, government spending for years now. there are some certain things that they ccn do within that where they sort of agree and will be wilng to go. long-term debt deal rht now over the nt few days is certainly not going to happe >> some of the changeshe
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republicans actually want to make our important strabismus. this to a 3 percent tax on medical equipment maker is on the revenue folks are not on the profits that are left over. thatis the revenue. i alked to the ceo of a medical equipmen company as it basically they will live, entire profit growth, now, this started out as a fight about omacare. it feels like it is not about obamacare anymore. what you think? >> it depends upon who you ask because there still are all obamacare mponents the republicans are pushing for. republicans stillant or are floating according to one congressman a 1-year delayn the individual mandate that mas or requires almost everyone to have health insurance next year. when you look at the senate proposal, we just discussed that there is that element of medical device tax which is something in a budge vot that does not really have the forcof law. as an estate in a vote. it did not become law, but it did send signal that 79 or
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thatax. that should be an easy way that n be easily thrown on to thi. dennis: the democratic controlled senate. refusing to negotiate or make any changes at all, yet the democratic conolled senate previously said it was lefthat equipment tax. these guys will fight over anything, even when they agree. >> and that is the thing. and so you have the white house message on this which has been you raise the debt ceiling. you find the government. and then we will negotiate. right now t white house is giving a little bit. when you have something like this this state of massachusetts , lot of medical devi companies. senator oking out for their home state interest, though they mabe demrats, they don't want to see the tax. you have that and some other northeastern states with the same type of thinkg. you wrap a of these issues and might get to something. that is where everything is sort of movin all over the place
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right now. it is tough to tell what will be included. we look to that because it has been so pular in the sate. denniss on last fearless prediction. will there be an accord by sunday? >> no. dennis nicel done. okay. a lot more still to come, including ways to make your work experience a little better. and nt if you're on facebook they will find you whether you like and not. why advertisers and perfect strangers or worse an ex lover may soon be ab tt search you out. ♪
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so i can reach ally bank 24/7, but ere are no branches? 24/7. i'm sorry,'m just really reluctant to try new things. really? what's wrong with trying newhings? look! mommy's new vacuum! (cat screech) you feel thatin your muscles? i do.. drink water. it's a long story. well, not having branche let's us give you great rates and service. i'd like that. a new way to bank. a better way to save. ally bank. your money needs an ally.
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dennis: add real-estate mogul ted the resonate far mark zucker byrd, paying $30 million touy four houses surrounding his own in palo out so, californi if you want to do a flyover. fuelling his shopping spree is a lust for privacy after discoverg the developer wants to buy one of those songs and flip it by using theacebook
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billionaire as the hook, he made the move buying the homes by leasing them back to their forerunners. when it comes to your privacy, heakes facebook in the posite direction, getting rid of a privacy feature that lets users limit who can find them on the site. here to weigh and, adam levine, the chairman of identity test 911. thank you for being with us. first, tell us why. >> they are arguing that since therare some money bac doors wheee people can find you anyway , they can go facebook dot com / dennis kneale and get to you. so therefore having this sor of omnibus feature about using search engines to get your timeline, you knoithin facebook, it did not mean anything. dennis: a projection that was not doing much anyway. >> creating a false sse of
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security. dennis: previously and was able to stop some crazy ex-girlfriend search, but now cannot. >> except for the ft that it is such a small percentage of people anyway. withacebook, a small percentage could still be millions of people. listen, we are facing a constan the erosion of privacy. there is no question. facebook has been leading the charge. he himself said that, you know, there has been a paradig shift in the conce of pricy. at this point there isn't any. playing so much information out there. dennis: is a ridiculous of us in the privacy prut's even make an issue of it given that have much privacy anyone shouldxpect when they go on and say come here is the college, my religion, what i think. it a misnomer? should we never have expected any privacy? >> people have a certain concept of what they want to see in %-other people and being able to limit those people.
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facebook argue that depending upon the items and where they are that you can limit to friends, friends of friends, acquaintances, the solar system, you know, whenever you want to do in termsf how public and expose you wish to be, but i think that in this -first of all, we're living in a world now where i think we have generation i, geration invincible. people think they can say anything, do anything, and they're bulletproof. and they are not. there are too many people what your information. dennis: if it is not careful it will be on the wrong side of this trade. think abouthis. the american people are getting creasingly concerned about just how much about them is available. california state legislature passing any laws aimed at kids still have the right for the state fces website stick give kids a chance to take down comments. i was e-mailing the ceo of an outfit. they have temporary phone numbers or you can sig up and get rid of it in a day. in fact we have a segme coming
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of later tonight michele. a bunchf new apps. thii type of blitz disappeared. those. so isn't facebook kind of on the wrong side? shouldn't they make it far better to let me know my privacy? i have no idea how to do my settings and feel like the company is making difficult. >> they claim they want to make it to the point where you can decide when you do something to you want to see it. it changes. it is a mystery. every day is a new advre. ltimately going to endncern. up on the wrong side. >> , but the news rvice that is more exclusive and more ruling out and as a lotore blockknd obstacles to others eing able to come in and see everything. should they take this job back and turn it into a profit center? >> absolutely. a great article. the main annouement.
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a new program. $20 a picture you could make the informion disappeared. >> i thi that is a great business plan. the old days the white pages in the form but, y were listed unless youay the phone company extra to be enlisted. mayb that model. thank you for being with us. and facebook is by far the wod's largest social media site with nearly a billion visitors every mth. issues of privacy are certain to become a reality for the other side's out there. the most popular social media sites bede facebook make up to arrest of five. number fiie, google plplus, a fast-growing netrk. th number seems to beoing on the up a opposed semaphore, the late my space, this 10-year-old network has been on of the first to launch the social media crazed but is mostly a music sharingite. intest, the photos sharing site that's more than 85 million monthly user's been up items
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at theyike. number two, linkedin, 102 million monthly users. the number one most pular soci site is twitter. about a quarter of a million monthly user's, a quarter of a million has to be wrong. must be a quarter of a billion. let's hope it is better than the cebook ipo. we left out tumbler which has hundreds of millions. is to grant. you ge the point. later in the sho our legal panel debates whether uaid interns are protected underhe law when it comes to sexual harassment. next, answer the question how do you do that? we will tell you the best ways to get along with church at work. even if you guys seem to have nothing in common. ♪ it's a growing trend in business:
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soon, the world's most intelligent servers, designed by hp, will give ups over twice the performance, using forty percent less energy. multiply that acro over a thousand locations, and theyl provide the same benefit to the environment as over 60,000 trees. that's a trend we can all get behind. you're not linda. i'm lling in for officer owens. she used double miles fromer capital one venture card to tak an earlyacation. buckle up. let's go do cop stuff. [ siren chirps ] license and veure card, ma'a was i going too fast? oh, you'd be going twice as fast if you had double miles. [ male announcer get away fast with unlimited doue miles from theapital one nture card. freeze! don't touch the face! can i drive? absoluly not. what's in your wallet?
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♪ dennis: class in with your co-workers. we have all had to go through it. working with jerks that can turn your job into a personal hell. and always easy to deal with census can beuite an uncomfortable sittion. here it with experts device on how to handle it, and our best communications expert. thank you for being with us. coming communication errors that lead to jerky confrontation. lack of ecificity in what you say, lack of respect for rettals, lack of focus undesirable behaviors and lack of immediacy.
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as send chart, a lot of what happens is is better communication is needed. >> a lot of misunderstandings, misperceptions. the first one at the top is lack of specifity. and the easiest way to describe this is the phrase as soon as possible. what does at mean? dennis: almost nothing. >> it is one of the most common phrases and work places today. you say that to me and i think you mean, you know, nextuesday on m schedule. but you wanted by 7:00 tonight. dennis: something about posture. and this is your translation for some people are just a jerk. lack of appropriate tone and body language. sarcm, raising your voice is somebody when you're upset. dennis: can't get just the being panic.
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dennis: are we being a little precious few back the fact is people going to let fact -- /. >> poor customer service. a final le you as a co-worker in need you to get something for one of my customers and he will back, that impacts customer service. if i have a good attitude and i am in a better work environment is causes turnover. and going to turn over and get of there. dennis: trust. >> trust is the foundation everything. - fin trustee of my best interests at heart are you will llow through on last year due, not a contest to do anything. dennis: how important is the art of apology in dealing wh co-workers? >> it is huge, with the apology has to be sincere and we have to believe in it. if we don't address taiwan believe the apology rather. dennis: the solutions to this co-worker conflict. >> we have to teach people how
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to communicate to influence in a positive way. how to confront issues directly probably, but also respectfully. dennis: just be not so much of a a rng to a point society because i work wit younger co-worke. this will do with an all. suddenly they are so does respected feing like,h, my gosh. i'm just trying to get the best work. are people too sensitive >> yes. there is balanced. there is pendulum that we have to walk. absolutely, people can be sensitive ellis self-esteem and our society which is an epidemic. and so -- dennis: close of this team? was a it is the opposite. a bunch of people who are way too arrogant to have never received anything. >> that is all interlated. @%u're absolutely right. denn: that is amassed they put on. >> just like bullying. bullying is -- dennis: based on insecury. aubrey this is driven by
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insecurity. i fear failure and work a lot harder. and that is where the balances. some of us put it toward good use and bowser behavior. others use negative ways to get it. dennis: overall apologies are important. be nicer, watch your town, once the body language. >> and be more specifiand as for what you want. ddnnis: iike this idea. that was my new year's resotion. i will start asking more people for what i want. so far they keep saying no. thank youor being with us tonight. coming up, and mourning for all of you bond investors. and an unpaid intern sues the company that she volunteered for claiming sexua harassment, but is it legal? we went out and asked peoe a simpleuestn: how old is the oldest person you've known? we gave people a sticker and had them show us. we learned a lot of us have known someone who's lived well into their 90s. and that's a great thing. but even though we're living longer, one thing that hasn't changed much is the official retirement age. ♪
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the question is how do you make sure you have the money you need to enjoy all othe years. ♪ losing thrusters. need more powe give me more power! [ mainframe ] loced. ge deep-sea fuel technology. a 50,000-pound, ingeniously wired machine that optimizes raw data to help safely discover and maximize resources in extme conditions. our current situation seems rather extreme. why can't we maximize our... ready. ♪ brilliant. let's get out of here. warp speed. ♪
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the e controversial ruling madey a federal judge in new york last week is spaaking some outraged. judge ruled that unpaid interns and a protected. the human rights law. they cannot sue there employers again sexually aroused. should an unpaid intern is protected. joining us with our legal panel, an employment lawyer. and a fox news legal analyst. you know, any time we come up with an intern and harass and sexy wind up thinking abo all bunch of things in recent american history. where do you guys fall on this? >> legally as reprehensible as mrs., horrible case where a woman was groped and promised a job and after she disappeared in the grand hotel she lost the job so it was horrible. legally the judge got aight because she is not an employee. that can be changed to bar right now employees are not protected like that. >> i think the judge got it
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wrong. under wage and hr law, there have been cases of interns you were providing a benefit to the employer and therefore should be paid. >> but was not bei paid. >> but they were able to ultimately be pd because there were benefiting the employee. sheas not going out and is making coffee and cocktails. she was doing real work. dennis: you would have gone about it in a different way and saying she is aefect to hourly employee. >> that is correct. however, if you just wan to have a law that says straight up in turn should be paid that is a great idea. dennis: you will have a lot because a lot of people won't hire them. that is the beauty o unpaid interns. u bring them in and do not pay them. dennis: they don't have to worry about the same litigation possibilities the budget with full-time employees. >> that is exactly what the court isaying. i think that is wrong from a
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moral standpoint. from a legal standpoint awa that the law is now, that i correct. >> first of all, she is still have an assault and battery civil st. under criminal charges against keating wrote. second of all, the employer, says he is high on the totem pole could turn the employee with his actions and be invved in negligence supervision cases. [inaudible conversations] >> my point was that if you are high enough in the pecking order your actions could bind the employer. >> told the employer liable. >> yes. right. and interestingly enough tissue or an employee and this happened a work the employer could have a defense which is that it should be dealt with by workers' compensation. she is not an emmloyee she could have a case lik that. >> so she might be better off. >> and employ you.
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>> tt's rig. >> a worker that comes in every da they don't count as an employee. >> the most famous and turn. anthere were unpaid. only the unpaid interns were there. she was the one that bught the pizza immolated night. >> that is all other story. as i said before, if you are doing coffee, bringing me coffee , helling babysitor the boss's daughter, that is not a benefit to themployer. dennis: a quick footnote question. this year and woman, a 42 or 23, sheid go to the boss is the tower room. if this were a full-time ployee of the company payroll, sexual harassment case, would it be a mitigating factor that she had willingly got to? >> you cannot blame.
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would be wrong. >> she was afraid that if she did not go. >> it came down to quit pro quo. you comeo the tell, do what i wanted to do the family get thi job. she said no. does not her fault. >> soon ter she did not get the job? >> exactly right. she sued after she did not get the job. she was promised a job and did not get it deis ifhe had de the job she might not have sued. >> if she got the job surely would not he sued because you'd be happy she had the job. dennis: of five suingor asman and got the job doesn't that mean if i wanto take the job must not think t harassment is that bad? >> you can look at it that way.@ that par case, she was not hired because she complained about it. >> the point is if he had taken
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the job she would not be suing harament. >> you can still sue your employer. happens every day of the w week. someone is there, and happy, denied a promotion, deied a good position and soup. >> it would not have happened if she got the job. dennis: there is something -- i know. we are just going to leave it right there. thank you for being with us. a wonderful job matching the dress to the eyes. profession consulting. >> my time. >> all rht. thanks a lot. whene come back a look atow you can pose some the online and have disappeared. and with big-name companies dropping in treasury, is this a sign of where theond market is headed? will we looking out for you and your next. ♪ [ man ] on december 17, 1903, the wright brothers became the first in flight.
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♪ dennis: this fction is alive and well in washington d.c. tonight. you need that. no one has come up wiih the deal to reopen the federal government , hammer out a sensible spending plan are deal with the debt. the only thing they seem to agree on is to keep on talking. meanwhile the rest of us in the whole econo was held hostage by t situation. when will all of this come and ha an impact on your money? president and founder of into a portfolio strateeies and author of the buck he correctly foreca the rl estate collapse in 2006. how does it relate? >> your living in the twilight @%ne. if they do not raise the debt ceiling in washington d.c. and we have a balance was ainute
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however, if we raise the dt ceiling in extending credit card limit that is the correct thing to do and fiscally irresponsible. i have no idea what is going on. dennis: what is the right approach? split that they before us. >> the right approh is to keep the amount of the deficit growth under the increase in ninal gdp. will somehow someday be able to bail out the debt. dennis: rewind that. the way to dot i >> if that percentage issgrowing and less quickate tn the increase in nominal gdp, that
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debt as a percentage of gdp would be falling. the best thing we can possibly the biggest the already have 17 trillion in debt and consistently pass the entitlement program. now we have a premium support for 20 million individuals who cannot afford health insurance. i wonder wher the money will come for these people. over two and half trillion. when we going tooplacate our creditors and lethem know that the united tates government wi never defaults. the oy way that we caa do that is to bring down our deficits.
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i cut the deficit i half since i took office. >> the deficit in 2007 was under and 60 billion. because it went to onealf trilli. at a single year. >> i amot blaming the obama. dennis: i am. >> i am blaming w-2. obamacare into a recession and depression. it is not alysys fall. you cannot sit there and say happ days are here again. look at us. we are fiscal conservatives. the deficit is $750 billion. denniswe are happy about it. >> a un have to worry about anything. the deficit is up tremendously from mary was. dennis did not read aecent headline coming 8% of government spendings on automatic pilot.
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we let people being categorized as unabomb's. we have to do something about entitlement programs. we don't need to add to entitlement programs. we need to fix the ones you already have. you need to spend less i'm social security, but now we're pposed tbelie that this gridlock in d.c. is going to lead ta gnd barin. am i supposed to believe the democrats e going to dismantle cial security in allf these retirement programs? , sposed to believe they will embrace on mass use t increases on wealthy? it is not going to happen. the besthing is small deal with it will save face.
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they reduce the tax. we cannot go h and celebrate the fact that we are careening toward insolvency. dennis: until the next crisis. we have to wrap. just checking. when you said tha the tea party is arica's answer our home. you were not being sarcastic or ironic. you mean that. >> i love the tea party. as i've country's best hop. >> they want to balance the budget, strengthen the currency. now you are treated, these people i know, like i said. dennis: they have been characterized as such almost by ou own predent. one last note, one reason that
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we have not yet had a crisis, every year we have been paying about $360 million in interest costs. basically identical to what it was ten years ago when the debt was malt to the far smaller. thank you. we have t go. thank you. appreciate your time. >> thank you. dennis: that was a lot of time. you got plenty. >> let's go anothegme. dennis: take care. stl to come, we will looknto the newest trend in social media. the tempura web, , when information disappears after only seconds. so i can reach allbank 24/7, but there are no branches? 24/7. i'm sorry, i'm just really reluctant to try new things. really? what's wrong with trying new things? look! mommy's new vacuum!
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(cat scree) you feel that in your muscles? (cai do...) you feel that indrink water.s? 's a long story. well, not having branches let's us give you great rates and service. i'd like tha a new way to bank. a better way to save. a neally bank.ank. your money needs an ally. i don't miss out... you sat t most of our game yesterday! asthma doesn't affect my job... you were out sick last week. my ahma doesn't bother my family... you coughed all through oudate nig! i hardlyse my rescue inhaler at all. whatid you say? how about - every y? coping with asthma isn't controlling it. test your level of control at, then talk to your doctor. there may be more you could do for your asth. denniscoming up in a social media is here to stay, but do your messages have to
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♪ dennis: on the internet the rule of thumb is that nothing ever disappears. but new applications are trying to do just that marries the messages, photos and seconds, and a hot rend in social media. with more on this, priipal in u.s. advisory innovation leader with the w.c. pce waterhse coopers. maybe that is what they are funding as. thank you for joining us tonight. a nice new aircraft. usually when i seehiguy he is absent minded professor it eds a haircut. explain this, the temporal web. >> the idea that peoe don't always wantverything out there for the rest of their lives. when the internet for started
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out the deal w everyone to have everything woull be added together. after at happened people started to realize tre were some things they would le to takeff. on the dension of privacy about time the control which is where we aretarting to see it happen. dennis: was run through a f examples. you have a show. snap chat lets you send photos with a catch. >> absolutely. founding with the ia that you could take picture of video and send it to a friend and again last anywhere from one to ten seconds a it is gone. not about being upon the web for ever, but viewed by an individual and then not there anymore. dennis: this msage will self-destruct. >> exactly. the thing is that a lot of people say that this generation does not care about privacy. ey do. they're dimension of privacy is different. they want to get temporary i the new world which he goes privacy in control because
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pracy. dennis: interesting. the problem, let's see sign up for a phone number that you use for a day an hour, we, and then yo burn eight and eliminated. thisuy was saying to mehat basically one thing is that people want to have authentic of versace's th eac other, free expression. the second thing he says is that the more mobil we get, the more advertising marketers come after you and try to gets to you the molly aually seek protection in inflation away from it. >> i could not agree more. you jeopardy for people to be able to control the environment. you think about what will get measured and managed. you take a look isssomething like the self driving a car. an unbelievable amount of informational, whether it's coming from the bill will orality or tesla. we will see more and more measurement. i tally agr. his product is a very interesting product. let'say you happen to have an advertement out there, a date
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site. the idea of being able to control and that it be temporary. that is the new privacy. >> anonymity. the weekend to you. >> good to talk to you dennis: short and sweet but intelligence. that guy is quite brilliant we will be right back with the aner to our question of the day. is the government ought to is the government ought to destroy j.p. any last requests mr. baldwin? do you mind grabbing my phone and opening the capital one purchase eraser? i need to redeem some venture miles before my demise. okay. it's easy to erase any recent travel expense i want. just pick that flight right there. mmm hmmm. gi it a few ps,'s takenarof. this is pretty easy, and i see it works on hotels too. you bet. now if you like that, press the red button on p. ♪ how did he not see that coming? what's in your wallet?
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ido more th less within buless energy. how did he not see that coming? is helping ups do just soon, the world's most intelligent servers, designed by hp, will give ups over twice the performance, using forty percent less energy. multiply that across over a thousand locations, and they'll provide the same benefit to the environment as over 60,000 trees. that's a trend we can all get behind. wow..ook at you i've always tried to give it my best shot. these days i'm living with a higher risk of stroke due to afib, a type of irregular heartbeat, not caused by a heart valve problem. at first, i took warfarin, but i wondered, "could i up my game?" my doctor told me about eliquis. and three important ons to take eliquis instead. one, in a clinical trial, eliquis was pron to reduce the risk of stroke better than warfarin.
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12:00 am
report" have a great weekend. we will see later. ♪ buying, thank you for watching tonight. we'll see you tomorrow. >> how incentivend cold can you get? >> tt is what i hear if a challenge a welfare program. >> we're talking about people that we ought to be rushing to try to hp the needy did benefit credit cards,dt cards. ♪ john: free sff for victi. bill o'reilly. n matter what the evidence, no matter what facts are presented, the liberal line wi be the same if society's fault. john: she blames her parents for bad attitude. the back street boy's neck carter blames his drug binges on paris
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