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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  October 14, 2013 10:00pm-11:01pm EDT

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for joining us, dvr the show if you can't catch us live, have a great night, see you here tomorrow. lou: heepublican ark k travelled. to now, perhaps rolling back the most successful fiscal policy since 1980. th sequester, dde to a spenterred republican party, established g.p. in senate and grassroot conservatives in the house, who now emerged as leaders, frustratingresident obama, harry reid and the old guard of the republican party, i am lou dobbs. good evening, day 14 of the
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government shut down, three days aw from aell a make believe deadline, to raise the debt ceiling this is where we're tonight. a deal is emerging. between senate leadereid, and minoty leader mcconnell, fox news confirmed that deal would fund government until january and suspending debt ceiling until february, senate democrats willing to accept spending levels until january an an effort to have a battle over a new round of sequester spending cuts that kick in at the beginning of the year, medical device tax, imposed by obamacare, stays at t assistance of the white house. and senator reid. but a requirement that the government verify income eligiblability for obama carry subsidies is in the deal. senators reid and mcconnell have all but forgoen about
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speaker boehner and hou conservatives he must persuade to push ts agreement through the house. unless speaker boehner relies n house democrats to ps the legislation. that would be a violation ofhe -called hastert rule, and tt requires a majority ofajority support to bring a bill to the floor, does the speak or that. >> we'll find out. a violation could cost him his speakehip. >> fox news, mikemmanuelle on capitol hill with the report. >> reporter: biptisan leaders of senate said their conversations wereeaded for success in final hours. >> i'm optimistic. we will reach an agreement. it is reasonable in nature this week. to reopen the government, pay nation's bills and begin long-term negotiation. >> no discussions continue, i share his optimism that we'll get aesult that will be acceptable to both sides.
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>> reporter: reid's goa of a longer term debt ceiling with a shorter ter government funds bill to fight sequester cuts, and mcconnell side, favored a longer term package, so g.o.p. be argue something to do about debt. >> the 6 time that president wants a debt ceiling increase, they want a million dollars a minute for the next yr, beyond the 2014 elections, unchecked. >> reporter: democrats have cite criticizes republicans for overreaches, republicans war that reid of going too far over the weekend in trying to repeal the budget conol act. >> democrats, have been wanting to break the budget caps tha were put in place in 2011, i think you know first tim since
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1955-56e have two years in a row of reduced spending, they don't like that. >> it would not help win republican sport in sate, but senators who work on trying to find a bipartisan deal, sound upbeat. >> we'll get it done, ieel confident they have anutline of what they want, it is just puuting the dates and times and ings of that sort, making sure it works for everyone procedure ley. >> reporter: senat republicans were to pleat this evening -- meet this evening, they will meet late in the morning, as leadership eads have been telling me, for something this big you want everyone in the room, lou..@ lou. thank you very much. and on wall street today, despite all of the talk emanating from the president and the white house. d an effor to talk the market down to provide support in the negotiations, the markets instead liked what they heard. although there was light tding on thi columbus day, and bond
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market closed. dow jones gained 64. s&p up 7, nazdaq up 23. th politics of government shut do, having an impact on a wide range of potential presintial candidates for 2016. setor ted cruz, standout in that group, winning value voters presidential straw poll over the weekend. others, like senator marco rubio just wel fading into the background a bit. all the whi, strong crop of g.o.p. governors are angling to take advantage of washington disfunction. fox news chief political corresponden carl cameron has our report. >> reporter: texas u.s. senator cruz joins sarah palin in national mall this weekend,o rip president obama and democrats for closing veteran memorialing as part of the shut do ofhe government. >> this is the people's memorial. >> reporter: cruz champions tea party backe house strategy to
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fund the government only if the affordable care act is defunde or delayed. >> our veterans should be abo politics. enough games. >> reporter: potential 2016 g.o.p. rivals, senator rand pl of kentucky and marco rubio in florida locked step with cruz this year. hoping to halt obamacare through the budget process, they have since piped dow fray, and since thehut don began, paul has been emphasizing negotiation. >> both partying the bie the --, they will look for us for a a negotiation. >> reporter: interesting g.o.p. governors is growing. walker backs obama carry, but not shout down politics. louisiana governor bobby jdal
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has been dissing his partiy behavior. new jsey governor chris cristy there week cast as a ridiculous shout down of both parties. >> compromise is not a dirty word. >> reporter: before the shut down,eter king was fst 2016 white house hopeful that blast cruz as a fraud. >> ted cruise weather dunn that pack. paul ryan, has not ruled out a rent, but as house budget commtee chairman he is stuck trying to find a way out, depending on how it goes it pay more may not lead him back to the campaign trail in 2016. >> carl cameron thank you. lou: projects slow that people who rely on social security may be in for a disappointment for a second straight year, cost of living adjusent will be among
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smallest increases since automatic increases were adopted in 1975. so-called cold a- cola irease averages to $17 mon for each check next yr. >> obama administration signals an end to sanctions on iran, and netanyahu calls this a historic mistake. kt mcfarland next. when we madeur commitment to the gulf, bp had two big gls:
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help the gulf rever and learn from what happened so we could be a better, safer energy company. i can tell you - safety is at the heart of everything we do. we' added cutting-edge technology, like new deepwater well cap and a state-of-the-art monitoring center, whe experts watch over all drilling activi twenty-four-seven. and we're sharing what we've learned, so we can all produce energy more safely. our commitment has never been stronger. customer erin swenson ordebut they didn't fit.line customer's not happy, i'm not happy. sales go dn, i'm not happy. merch comes back, i'm not happ use ups. they make returns easy. unhappy customer becomes happy customer then, repeat customer. easy returns, i'm happy. repeat customers, i'm happy.
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lou: secretary of state john kerry signals a shift on u.s. syri policy. calling foror a traasitional government, and bashar al-assad's removal from office. also, china saying it would be a
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good idea for the world to as th put it, de-americanize. talking about these issues and more, fox news national security analyst, kt mcfarland, we begin with idea that john kerry is signallin a shift in obam dministration's policy toward rael. your reaction? >> israel, and syria, your head spins they change their mind so often. maybe it a negotiating ttic, perhaps it indicat that things are not going so well with syria. he is looking for an out. lou: and any indication from inspectors that part of this relationship that is now ongoing, is breaking down. >> no but it is always going to be complicatedome, chemical areas are in -- are in areas that are contested where people are fighting. thats not happened yet, there
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was going to be a lot of break down, a lot of opportunity for things to go wrong including the syrian decides that hole us up lou: tomorrow begins talk, to denuclearize to use the chinese expression anyway. fore they actually get the weapons, do youelieve it makes sense to do 20% increment on slowdowns? >> come on, we're being so ten to the cleaners, we're talking about easing up sanctions as goodwill, guess what they are doin they are spiing their center fuges faster, i think they have decided that iranians they want us to drop the sanctions and keep the nukes now are they going to keep the nukes? they are not getting to a point
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that a nuclear weapon completed on the shelf. lou: w should there be a discussiin, if th are talking about slowing their development. ofs uranium eichment this bizarre stuff even for andministration that ha sometimes seemingly spontanious forgn policy. >> you know, we have to be tougher when we negotiate with these cry, president obama certaanly sho he can get elbows outnd be tough with negotiating with congress. but when negotiating abroad whether ira or syria, he really is sort of a nice old you know, he is not playing hardball, he > it since assaulting andwhiffl.
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annoying and worthyf a respond this president will sit there quietly, and meekly, and prete sohow he is powerful, even though hes feeble by the opposition, in in case, china, and his lame duck status. >> every president in the las two years of an 8 year presidency is usually in trouble at home whetherbj ornyx owner reagan or clinton he looks abroad for a big tats se big achievement. that is what obama is doing, as a result, he is vulnerable. on iran and iael and on china. lou: and he i vulnerable fuher and unlike the previous presid, with over a trillion dollars of our debt called by the chinese. and a lot of protests that emanates from white house i suppose, t more he would be he
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thks h would be offending our bankers that is sad. >> it is. you don't pick a fight withour banker, chinese are scared, they don't want to see their holdings in u.s. debt deval youked, and they are- deval youked. you.that would annoy me this president. he does noteem to have mh of a resnse toowerful arrival and opponents,e crushes the weak, of course. kt good to have you here. >> thank you. lou: more on china, iran and syria with the a-teaoming right up. stay with us. >> government shu dn day 14, coromise at hand ors one side surrendering? congressman john campbell with the view fro the house. next. bny mellon combines investment management & investmentserv,
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giving us unique insights which help us attract th indust's brightest minds who create powerful strategies for a country's investments ich are used to build new schools to build more ight minds. invesbny
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lou: breaking news, new reports that army is scrapping the heavily criticized uniforms. look a that, after less an a deb add of use -- decad of
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use, feature so-called universal cacamouflage pattern in 2004 thy cost $ 5 billion, and theyere meant to blend inith a environment, critics say this cacamouflage was ineffective particularly in afghanistan. not the most military of iforms. according to daily news spending 4 billion for a replacement design toe worn by a million membs of active duty and reserve forces. >> returning to government shut down, and battles my nt guest has a number of concerns about thelan emerges from senate, joining us new congressman john campbell. also a member of the republican policy committee, congressman good to have you with us.
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>> hey, lou, gat to be with you. lou: we're getting intthatever degree we can reply upon, a blurry outline of a deal in prospect, framework is that debt ceiling would be suspended until feuary 15. government funded to january 15. and medical device tax, one of my favorite, out of deal all togeer. this is among straussty -- monstrousty both parties should understand has no place in public policy what say you? >> i agree. let me give caveat, as you said, therere negotiations ongoing in senate, i'm not in those negotsnegotiatioions. what i know is wt i see on fox business. and so tt is what i know about it. at this point. but given who i know -- what i
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know, i don't understand why we would want to do this, why -- we're in the middle of a great debate right now, why would we want to shut it down, and open it back up again inanuary? what makes us think if we can't age on these issues now with government shut down, with the pressure of debt limit that somehow we'll all kumba and get along and january and fix it then? i don't understd why we would wanto do that as you sugst. medical device tax, which is something, in there are reports outhere is a senator reid, does not -- won'tccept delays or repeeling the medical device tax inless he gets something in return. i don't understand, 79 senators voted to repeal the tax, why does heave to get something that 8 out of 10 senors want. -- senators', thisface on
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this, ts u.s. is n dowbd goosoundod to me. lou: and budget control act, sequesterolled back, caps lifted? apparently if the president, has his way. and senator reid his way. will they have their way with the house on that issue? >> well, here is the thing, i would hope not. but here is the thing that has become clear. as much as we republins dislike obamacare, the democra dislike the sequeer they really, really want it to go away, because they believe that the wind is on the theirack, they now want to take what they said we should not be attaching things the cr, but now they want doing but they want to attach their own thing, that is repeal the sequester, tt is spend more money, we went into this by trying to get it so the bt, if we extent the det limit we did it with conditions that
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reduce our debt going forward, what harry reid is talking about now ii increasing our debt going rward by spending more men on the sequest, the sequest ser something that wasegotiated in 2011 that those of us who don't want the country to collapse under f fiscal calamity, we shod got give it up. lou: i agree you should not ge it up. bu at the same time, i have t say, that your position there sounds a bit like president obama's, he talks about obamacar subtle law ignores fact with the stroke of a pen and an executive order he has delayed on set of businessman dates within obama carry. despit the law he has written all sorts of waivers and e. xemptions to business friend, special groups prominently lab
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unions, now you say sequester law, you make the law, everything we assume would b reasonable tos a political toll do so. >> lou, you are 100% correct, only reason i would want to sound like prsident obama circumstance when i am towing his ope words back at him. and t fact is, thatike obamacare, the sequest ser the law of land -- sequester is the law of the land, obamacare can be changed and repealed, and so can the sequester, t this majority do not want to change because it is the one thing we have been able to do in las3 years that caused the deficit to go down, the president brags about the deficit going down, this is why it is going down, now he wants to get rid of that one thing that is bringing the deficit down. lou: most economyifth public fiscal policy since 1980, in a
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time wn we looking atnfunded liabilities and excess of $ 87 trillion, and yo unsustainabe trajectory of spending defkits and debt -- deficitsnd debt. they have climbed over course of two fiscal years, this is a serious business, and response to be, well, hell,et's just spend more mey. is -- well i just don't understand why the republicans cannot mou a message tt is compelling and persuasiveo american people, i'll be dog gone, you are all operating on radio silence on the radio. >> well, i like to think we're not, i not -- mostly say host on television, do not think the way you do. and so i often sayhat as republicans we're alway playing. lou: you didn't have to prae those othertsnn television. >> like we're always playing an
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away game, the cro is cheerin against us, just theay tt mainstream media is. generally today, it hard to breakthrough, but it is reality, deal with battl btlefield as it. but we've been saying that -- when we're fighting for here, what we're trying to fight for is people talk about the debt calaty, we will have a debt calamity in the future i we n't rede the deficit not boerborrow as much. lou: that message is great, can i offer up a thoug, convertible of that language, if i may, about deficits, and debt, and budgets, to the impact on jobs that is president refuses to focus upon. the creation of those jobs, and republican party immediate will change its aeal, with thathange in mesge in my
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opinion, meanwhile, i have to say, we' outf time, you get the last word quickly. >> oy. well, we have been talking about jobs all of the time, in the end this all is about, is the qualify of love for americans -- qualify of life for americans that involved freedom and opportunity that america h provided that is part of this overall -- that is wt we're doining all this for. lou: congressman john cpbell, wef you for being here, and sharing the message, than you, sir. >> thank you, lou. lou: up next, some o our elected officials have been so sint of late. they mig has well be in the witness protect program, jn mccain told to us think about it that way, other refuse to we went out and asked people a simple question: how olis the oldest person you've known? we gave people a sticker and had them show . we lened a lot of us have known someone who'sived well into their 90s.
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shut down now 14 daylong. the eve verify system has gone dark tt employers use to assure the wly hired workers to legally work in the unittd states. chris christie jumping on in-state tuition th republican governors is weekend endorsing what he calls to we ould eat quality signal illegal immigrants should be allowed to attend public colleges at the same tuition rate other presidents of this date. while. senator mccain says he knows how to solve e washington stalemate here he is making another appearance >> im hopeful thate will get negotiants i hope the president will be coming gauge maybe we need to get you to the witness protection proam because
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he has relationships we have not heard very much. lou: we haven't. bided has been out of sight with the budget standoff reportedly because the vice president gave away too many democrat priities in other lastinute deals he is a vaulted. with the witness protection program that is where he is. but then of course, there is reggie love. former friend and bodym? he revealed they were aying cards during the seal ticked -- seals six team rated weehave never heard from him since another witness protection program person. another. there he is.
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jeb bush to generate a lot of headlines even put out a bo when immigration that did not so worth a darn and neither did his ide. but try to talk about drumming up interest for running for president in 2016. senar rubio ining the gate of fate'' and took a big hit the he has not fully recovered we would like to get him out of the program but there are others we would like to put in their. we will start with none other than senator john mccain. the untry needs a litt break. at times he looks like an aide to president obama and not just a u.s. senator also signed on to a bartisan letter saying he is open, this i awfully nice
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nice, but to suspend sanctions against iran if they agree to suspend enrichment. isn't that a wonderful thought? we would not ask him to go anywhere without his buddy lindsay gramm who signed the sameetter that went on to say that best tting for the republican party is the dea that does not delay or defund obamacare. is it fair? it isad public policy of the cost way too much but you have arilliant idea. it is ha to imagine but gramm cld be even more irritating than mccain but debbie wasserman schulz offered hee sexist delusions' although the media did not to say aord about that she just said we just he to get the female
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members together of republicans said democrats could get this resolved in a few hours. isn't that clever? isn't that cute? but there will not be a peep out of the national liberal media. house speaker gets to be the last entrant because if he sits up to harry reader seven recall with the blessings of president obama you can bet conservatis in the house will do very short-term order to be disadvantaged. you were thinking if we did th with politicians to irtated as the witness protection program would get soig we would need a bigger budget, four or five timethe present size. that is something to think about. goo our social sites. lou e mail me at
10:37 pm a follow me on twitter. checkout fox the with a partial government shutdown has stopped what keep martin from making a deal and good to see that business is rolling in the army is cared for. with a cegory that obamacare was never considered is next. stay with us. ♪ nice car. surere is. make a deal with me, kid, and you can have the car and everything that go along with it. ♪ ♪ so, what do you say? thanks... but i think i got this. ♪ [ me annocer ] thell-new cla. set your soul free.
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lou: three amerin economist one of the economics nobel prize for research into market price says blood dash pric nasa bubbles. from the university of chicago sharing the 1.2 million dollarrize. netflix repoed working on
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deals as cable providers to work are thoseith cable boxes in the stock as the paper said republicans have blown t two buses to get what ty want since day number one and in early christmas prpresident -- present to the president. to talk about this budget impasse a wall street legend or even icon michael holland. >> did i say those things? lou: that is a charge. [laughter] >> yes. from someone who does not know nearly as much what a gift not only to you as part of the witness protection program but the democrats as
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dumb as the art they are blessed with therepublicans as the opposition. i will be indicted next week lou: will you talk t people about this? >> that is cool. [laughter] they're happy. lou: the idea that the chines cruz mke a crack tells us everythingng and how do whave a president who sits there i have the greatest admiration for the chinese but when people talk nonsense to suffer in silence? >> do you thinreag would have the same reaction? no. we hve been tough this before great shoes for those people there were people who
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fed up with what is going on and youused to read history now we have lived it again. >> but wondering about the grand kids in the great red kids to talk about of the budget caps are the budget control a? his conrn is abou spending more money aid to do so ready encysted a poll. but at what point do you thk rationality might prevail? but not in this budget deal. >> n yet. thearket's have not provided that common-sense view we have a crisis.
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if they actually went over the cliff, they would be there. and they would have to do something for right now the market say that is okay. lou: first call -- first of all they don't buy it that october 17 = schaede defaults. they areright. but to insult the intelligence of everyon in the banks and wall street go with it because they say they are full of it but to their crrdit they say it is nonsense. >> but we will not default i cannot imagine this to be
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the only president in the nation to take this down the j.p. morgan seo said if we -et to tha point the world this confetti at th point. the unintended consequence. lou: otherwe? >> the damage is already done of the frth quarter. we have had a couple of shutdowns the market and the economy have both recovered. lou: it was a boom. maybe they are genius. >> novell. [laughter] they really are that stupid no. @%aughter] lou: lookin at the weekend box office the waer brothers overtakin in another 34 million raising the two week total and
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captain phillips debuted in second place in cloudy with the chance of meatball th ishe great title was of $40 million. reverend al sharpton is up next getting criticism from his o backyard. stay with us.@?
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lou: en trouble brewing in harlem with al srpton being the target in fighting with the 100 local churches bidding together to reduce his influence in the manhattan region. alition calls it speak out and say loud while his
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parishioners are struggling to eat he himself is just sitting around the country pushing his book and barely watched cable news show. lou: i do think it does fairly welly msnbc standards. [laughter] he says he doesn't run an organization but a civil rights organization. >> we have a special sistant to george of you bush stand ryan christie and fox and news contributor jetted dyak, that thanyou for being here and also warrant ashburton. let's start with your reaction to what did the are saying is in never of part of the president to roll backhe spending caps of sequester? >> we are proud to have a
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al. how long do we have to wait for this to happen? they canceled a 3:00 press conference because they want to keep the optics out and try to work on the deal but is not quite clear if we will fall off the cliff for not sticking to republicans caved on this then they came on the sequestered they have no business being the majority party. this is the first time we have had any meaningful reduction of spending if the republicans get the whe -lag and we give up on spending cuts that we don't deserve to be theajority. >> they don't get elected because th make that line is sslick and its people cannot tell the dference
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they have no reason to go out and vote for them that nobody would be surprised they he doest care about spending cuts. lou: those that still continue with some sort of negotiation with everyone so focused ononstraining spending when one participant in particular made it clear what he wants done and at what price he is willing to pay at what price the country it shou be prepared to pay. it is truly shocking. a and debbie wasserman sclz. [laughter] i don't know what to say. the chairman says all the women in officcome togeer they could solve
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the budget impasse and a few hours. does that sound vaguely sexist? >> the guys are not getting it done. all of that hyperbole is fine but she is trying to make light of a difficult tuation although it ds sound ke the with better better than the men. [laughter] but there is one serious point are there women in these deals of hh-level positions? i don't think so. >> of course there are. >> and the attempted to cave once again susan collins is up to negotiate for the senateepublicans. >> just because the president rejected her proposal in the war on women and continuous. [laughr]
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>>t is said gender stereotyping but though love to blames the right i am appall and i hate when women say all women would act ke this. we're also individuals put men or women or a combination and youmay get the results you nt it has nothing too with gder. lou: it is a lack of genius. go to ln panetta who took a shot at th president it is broad sided empower fall. put that upas faulted the presidentou have to engage in the process it is not enough to feel you have the right answer you have to look your sleeves and you have got to relegate the process that is what governing is all about. he puts the pesident in his
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place? >> faste thing because he served in his and registration a here is a guy you think might be on the president's side. but it is a damning sentence for him to say. lou: this is the most i have never heard any democrat say about this president. it is not enough to feel you havehe right answers you have to work one thing about this president does not like to work. >> he doesn't his version of negotiating these are the things iant to know you cave and i will callt a day. it does not worklike that. take a page out of the clinton playbooks to have the conversations. you are the commander in chief. lou: has it occurred to this president or the liberal media he has not gotten a t done?
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the reason there is a reluctance to get his hands dirty or roll up the sleeves he does not want to be over there working the leadership >> this is what you get with a community organizer with no experience nothing in the illinois state senate or nothings the campaign does not know the artr form of negotiation and the country has to suffer as a lack of his desire to work. >> he likes the idea spehe does not like to sit and do the hardork. >> i d't think he does eith. >> tink bot parties are being damageseverely. >> it is time for a third-party. >> the you goou dobbs for president. lou: let's and on that. [laughter] we appreciate every betty. we will and the broadcast by giving credit to a1
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year-old honor student to maachusetts. stripped of her caain of volleyball tm and suspended because she suspended because she stepped up to help a friend when wmade our commitment to the gulf, bp had two big goals: help the gf recover anlearn from what happened so we could be a better, safer energy company. i can tell you - safety is att. we've add cutting-edge technology, like a new deepwater well cap and a state-of-the-art monitoring center, whe experts tch over all drilling activity twenty-four-seven. and we're sharing what we've learned, so wcan all produce energy more safely. our commitment has never been stronger. customer erin swenson ordebut theyidn't customer's not happy, i'm nohappy. sales go down, i'm not happy. merch comes back, i'm not happy. use ups. they make returns easy. unhappy customer becomes happy customer. then, repeat cusmer. easy returns, i'm happy. repeat customers, i'm happy.
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charles: the clock is ticking, the deadli is coming, signs a tell m be brewing, welco i am charles payne in for neil cavuto, senators harry reid, and macdougamcconnell trying to peal a deal. >> you are hearing a lot of nuers, when debt ceiling would be extended o, there are a number of different numbers they are influx. this is an ongoing negiation right now, between the top democrat, and topepubcan in the senate. part of the negotiations is know as sequester, democra want to fund government to january because they want to


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