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tv   Markets Now  FOX Business  October 23, 2013 11:00am-1:01pm EDT

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dagen, it is yours. dagen: stuart, thank you so much. after a disastrous rollout of the health care exchanges, insurance executives heading to the white house. the financial pain that these companies will feel if these problems cannot be fixed. time for energy, people. energy stocks that is. the cost of sony playstation four is in the hundreds of box here in the u.s. in one country, it is in the thousands. yes, you can blame taxes. the world series gets underway tonight. all that and so much more this hour on markets now. ♪
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connell: we have decided i will root for the cardinals and you will root for the red sox. dagen: i care. i am legitimately rooting for the red sox. connell: i will root for the cardinals. dagen: the red sox kind of anybody hard times. connell: no, they don't. we have a lot coming up to start us off on markets now. nicole: good morning. the dow jones industrial average down 73 points. that is down about .5%. the nasdaq composite down almost a full percentage right now.
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today we have a mixed bag of earnings. we are seeing some selling underway. boeing raised their full-year earnings. following is a winner. other names like tesla, a nara and coach are pulling back. connell: thank you. dagen: discussing some of the problems hurting the rollout of the health exchanges and the affordable care act. connell: we are going to go to the white house right now. rich edson is standing by. rich: these folks are losing the customers they need to be paying these insurance premiums.
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later this afternoon, it is negative from humana, while point, also the insurance lobby in town, kathleen sibelius among other administration officials to discuss these issues. >> it is adding to the fear of so many american people. what is not helping is the lack of transparency upon the part of this administration. rich: they say that republicans are just looking for any issue
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to exploit on this. republicans say they should have been in on these briefings. democrats have not wanted to talk to the administration about the healthcare rollout before. hhs secretary kathleen civilians has wanted to testify on capitol hill. she will be available for hearings that are expected to be on this next week. dagen: rich, thank you so much. rich edson. tim, the economics of this scheme totally collapse if young people, who are essentially being taxed to pay for insurance for older, sicker americansif they do not sign, that is the big fear;
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correct? >> we do not know how any people have actually signed up. the folks who are supposed to cross subsidize that are the healthier young people. dagen: even if there were not problems with the rollout of the health exchanges, there are individuals who i have talked to because of the mandate for the type of coverage you have to buy now, their health premiums are going up under this law. maybe they will not buy insurance. maybe they would rather pay the penalty. maybe i will not even have to pay it if you do not catch me.
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that alone will drive premiums up for other americans. >> dagen, you really identified a part of the program. when you have a situation like this, you have $500 million allegedly being spat on the website. it only costs $150,000 to launch the iphone. now with the insurance executives, they are saying the data that they are getting, there is a lot to come. dagen: put on a different hat, if you will.
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what would you do if you were in the white house administration? they are paying the baltimore ravens to get the word out for the affordable carewhat would yw and that and of march deadline. >> of course, they have to do everything they can to get the website fixed. it is very important. the administration took the position to a spokesperson the other day. the mandate is, if you do not buy and have access, you are subject to a penalty. it is contingent upon having access. dagen: right. it was great to see you. be well. please come back. anytime.
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connell: we will talk about stocks right now. this is kind of interesting to us. energy stocks may be lagging the broader market. for the first time in 30 years, charles is buying. he joins us from chicago. >> well, the energy picture in the u.s. has fundamentally changed. we have been an importer of oil and gas for at least the 30 years. north america is actually going to become an exporter of natural gas and oil. we are putting natural gas into all kinds of things, including taxes and buses. that picture is fundamentally changing. the energy business will be a lot better for a long time.
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connell: why not before? were you ever tempted to make the plunge? you avoided it for a long time. >> we try to buy companies that have some kind of a sustainable competitive advantage. we always felt that energy companies were really kind of commodity companies. their fortunes went up and down with the price of oil or natural gas or coal. now, that is changing. the u.s. is becoming the low cost manufacturer of a lot of these energy sources. that makes a lot of these companies have a real edge on their global competitors. connell: national oil well caught which caught by the way, is owned by brookshire hathaway. talk about that.
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>> they have a wonderful demonstration of their rigged equipment. you pull it into north dakota. it sets itself up all with automation. it is remarkably efficient. they drill a new well, again, with very little requirements for work. it is just incredible technology. that is how we get more natural gas out of the ground. it is this kind of equipment. connell: that is just one example of what you are talking about. let me ask you one general question. going forward, are you
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optimistic, are you pessimistic, bullish at this point? >> i am glad you asked me that. one year ago and two years ago, we were really pounding the table saying we thought stocks were extremely cheap. we are toning back down a little bit now. stocks are not as cheap as they were. we would call them fairly valued. there is no bubble here. we are not panicking. stocks are not as cheap as they were. we think people need to be careful about coming right in now. connell: interesting. charlie, thanks. we will keep an eye on it. appreciate you joining us, as always. fox, by the way, has more pics from charlie later
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today. dagen: a flyover for firefighters. jetblue honoring new york's bravest. connell: that is pretty cool. very cool. a new color topping the list of favorite cars for car owners. are we hinting at this also? dagen: does it make you look fat? that is the question. well, it does, actually. the new playstation cost a pretty penny no matter where you live, but how about a four number price tag? look at that, 96 and change. finally below that $100 mark for oil. ♪ [ male announcer ] imagine this cute blob is metamucil.
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and this park is the inside of your body. see, the special psyllium fir in metamucil actually gels to trap some carbs to help maintain healthy blood sugar levels. metamucil. 3 amazing benefits in 1 super fiber.
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metamucil. sometimes they just drop in. always obvious. cme group can help you navigate risks and capture opportunities. we enable you to reach global markets and drive forward with broader possibilities. cme group: how the world advances. connell: a nice day in new york. a nice fall day. it will be a nice day tomorrow. a couple retail giants roughing up and shaking up their shipping
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operations. nicole is back with us. nicole: everybody loves the holidays. let's talk about what we are seeing here with their shipping strategies. amazon shares are down seven and a half dollars. ebay is virtually flat right now. the main story here for amazon is that they raised their order size for free shipping buy $10. it will now be $35. the other thing worth noting here is amazon's increase in the minimum purchase price may be tied to an effort to push the customers over to amazon prime. that may be one of their ways to try to do that. meantime, ebay has been edging just a little bit higher.
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they plan to reach 25 markets by next year. back to you. dagen: thank you. move over silver. there is a new favorite color among car buyers. white is overtaking silver. a full quarter of the vehicles the company supplied in the 2013 model year were white. silver has led the pack over a decade. it seems white is number one in europe, north america and asia. they say apple may be the reason for all of its gadgets and stores. remember i-man have that champagne colored escalade and they got rid of it? my car is silver.
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white is easier to keep clean, though. white, and clothing for ladies, makes you look fat. connell: it is a car. we are talking about new york. the fire department is receiving some high honors from the airline jet blue. a bright red aircraft. it took flight over manhattan this morning. just 2000 feet in the air. people got a really good look at it. there it is. that is kind of cool. dagen: early-morning news around new york, they were kind of warning people that the jet would be flying over manhattan at 2000 feet. after 9/11, you see a low-flying aircraft and people freak out. connell: that is true.
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dagen: kind of a little bit of a warning. nonetheless, very cool. connell: we will talk about the president's health care plan. we will talk about it with judge andrew napolitano. dagen: we will take a look at how the world currencies are holding up against the u.s. dollar. ♪
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>> 23 minutes past the hour. i have your fox news minute. a trial begins today to determine if the city of detroit's requests for bankruptcy can go forward. if eligible, the next step would be to restructure $18 billion of the cities that. the money game behind college athletics. alabama is reporting revenue of $143.4 million. that is up 16% in a year.
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another royal milestone will be reached today. prince george will be christened in london. queen elizabeth and her husband prince philip and other royals will attend. those are your headlines. back to dagen and connell. adam: thank you. dagen: making money with charles payne. he is flying high with a lookout boeing. charles: first of all, boeing has planted caterpillar as the global proxy. watch boeing. forget about caterpillar.
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these are three numbers i always talk about. twenty, 35,000 and five. boeing only has one real competitor. they blocked off a 50% discount on this order. they are still making money. despite all the with the dreamliner, they cannot help but make a whole lot of money. what do you think is the number one selling playing for them? you have those 737, the 747 and the 787. connell: i will go 47. dagen: yeah, 47. charles: the 737. in the meantime, by the way,
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caterpillar, it is not the answer. it is just a temporary thing. caterpillar's numbers underscore the fact that it is not the same business model. dagen: until they raise gas taxes. connell: thank you, charles. dagen: we have to go. the constitution coming into play with obamacare. a judge allows another lawsuit to go forward. judge andrew napolitano is standing by. connell: the economics behind the game. the city of boston stands to make some money. boston will make money off of the series. they will play the cardinals.
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we will talk about all of it coming up. first, though, chicken prices. ♪ the american dream is of a better future, a confident retirement. those dreams, there's just no way we're going to let them die. ♪ like they helped millions of others. by listening. planning. working one on one. that's what ameriprise financial does. that's what they can do with you. that's how ameriprise puts more within reach. ♪ that's how ameriprise puts more wi♪hin reach.
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(train horn) vo: wherever our trains go, the economy comes to life. norfolk southern. one line, infinite possibilities.
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help the gulf when we made recover and learn the gulf, bp from what happened so we could be a better, safer energy company.
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i can tell you - safety is at the heart of everything we do. we've added cutting-edge technology, like a new deepwater well cap and a state-of-the-art monitoring center, whe experts watch over all drilling activity twenty-four-seven. and we're sharing what we've learned, so we can all produce energy more safely. our commitment has never been stronger. dagen: here is what is coming up. the president healthcare law facing yet another challenge in court. judge andrew napolitano is standing by to explain it all. oil production is up in this country. alaska is concerned. the money behind the big game or games. the world series. a look at that economics ahead of game one.
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connell: game one. let's go. cardinals versus red sox. shares of corning is what we will talk about right now. nicole: there is a lot going on with corning. the stock is moving to 52 week highs. it is still up 9.7%. everybody loves that. we are talking about a deal with corning. also samsung. in the meantime, corning gets part of this deal. it seems like a good tool for both. in the meantime, corning is jumping in. analysts are also raising it. facebook, watching shares of facebook. adding to yesterday's losses. in the next hour, we will be
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talking to someone who is not hot on facebook. actually, shorting facebook. connell: shorted facebook. all right. thank you, nicole. dagen: a court challenge on the president healthcare law. a federal judge allowing the case to move ahead which challenges the idea of posing tax penalties under obamacare to those that failed to buy obamacare. connell: let's talk to the judge about it. judge andrew napolitano. good morning. >> it is a little complicated. if you are less than $45,000 a year, four times the national poverty level, then you are required to acquire or your employer is required to give you a bare-bones health insurance
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policy. if you earn more than $45,000, you are required to have a more luxurious policy. if you earn right around $45,000, but a little bit under it and you get a tax credit, a subsidy to help you buy it, that, according to the irs adds the value to your income. you get taxed on the tax credit that puts you in the higher bracket so you have to buy the more expensive policy or your employer has to buy the more expensive policy for you. there are over 7 million people in that category. that means an enormous expense for employers. did the congress to agree this? no. is it in the statute?
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no. the irs took read it. it seeks to invalidate the irs interpretation of it. that is where we stand. congress fostered the complexity . it gave the opening to write these rulings. dagen: at the judge should not block the implementation.
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>> no. the lawsuit seeks the irs interpretation. the judge denied that. connell: you know enough enough about it to say it is a good argument? >> i can say that the irs rarely loses at this stage. it is a judge trial. i think the irs will lose. i think they will lose big time on this one. this will actually help a lot of poor people in the united states that are only obliged to buy that bare-bones policy. as much as i disagree with the statute, the irs is frustrating congresses intent.
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dagen: can i ask you something about the irs? we keep talking about young people. they are essentially being taxed in a hidden way. >> that is not the irs's fault. dagen: the irs will be charged with going after these people. if they do not by this health insurance, how aggressively will the irs go after them? >> as aggressively as it goes after everyone else which is uber aggression on the scale of aggression. dagen: now the young people will have the irs breathing down their necks in a way they probably have not felt before. >> i think you are right.
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that is congresses fault. dagen: great to see you. the week is not complete unless we see that. connell: the u.s. is now the top oil producer in the world. alaska is in a panic. we will tell you why. dagen: $400. that is what a playstation four will set you back. unless you live in one south american country. connell: the city of boston. a lot of buzz in boston. a lot of big money behind the game. we will talk about it. ♪ big... then expanded? ♪ or their new product tanked? ♪ or not?
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try align. it's the number one ge recommended probiotic that helps maintain digestive balance. ♪ stay in the groove with align. ♪ >> i am jo ling kent with their fox business brief. stocks are pulling back from their recent rally. caterpillar is weighing on the dow jones industrials. boeing says its profit for the quarter climbed 12% from last year. right now checking the dow it is down about 61 points. fedex expects a stronger holiday season compared to last year. they expect to ship a record 22 million packages on cyber
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monday. nissan is recalling over 188,000 suvs worldwide to fix a brake problem. some pathfinders and infiniti suvs have a software issue. that is the latest from the fox business network. giving you the power to prosper. ♪ managing them, moving them, making them work. we oversee 20% of the world's financial assets. and that gives us scale and insight no one else has. investment management combined with investment servicing. bringing the power of investments to people's lives. invested in the world. bny mellon. they're the days to take care of business.. when possibilities become reality. with centurylink as your trusted partner,
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our visionary cloud infrastructure and global broadband network free you to focus on what matters. with custom communications solutions and responsive, dedicated support, we constantly evolve to meet your needs. every day of the week. centurylink® your link to what's next. dagen: the u.s. may be taking over as the world's top oil producer, but alaska is not exactly celebrating. connell: this is interesting. fox news dan springer is an anchorage today. >> i tell you, a lot of alaskans are in full panic mode. some of this the client is attributed to nature.
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these are big oilfields. they have been drilling for oil sands the 1970s. the easy to get oil has been tapped. we know that production peaked in 1988 at 2.1 million barrels a day. at the time, a quarter of all u.s. oil drilling. >> a place that is as overregulated and overtaxed as california is potentially eclipsing alaska. >> republicans in the state blamed a tax structure that has been in place since 2007. when the price of oil is high,
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these companies pay a tax of 75% which is at least 15% higher than places like texas and north dakota. dagen: the republicans fixed to higher taxes is under attack. right? >> they are fix was a huge tax cut for these oil companies. it was signed by the republican governor, but now there is an effort to repeal it. a huge giveaway that will cripple the state. oil revenue makes up 85% of the general fund paying for everything.
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the companies are still making billions of dollars in profits. >> a fair oil tax on the books was part of building a strong alaska. our concern was it was not tied to more oil investment in the state. >> some people are calling this a hail mary. the alternative is that 800-mile long alaska pipeline that runs all the way from the north slope going dry one day. that would be catastrophic for the state. dagen, connell, back to you. dagen: thank you very much for that. dan springer. great to see you. is it alaska oil or u.s. oil? who does the money belong to? connell: that was a good story. good job by dan.
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what about treasuries? we are at three-month highs. expectations tapering. you have higher prices, lower yields. dagen: sandra smith has the latest in today's trade. sandra. sandra: we are seeing the yield on the ten year hitting the lowest levels of the session right now. hitting multi- month lows. we are looking at the yield at 2.47%. the lowest we have seen in about three months. mitsubishi security put out a note that they believe the rate could drop to 2.4%. cantor fitzgerald also saying that you could drop even further. reuters did a poll yesterday. nine out of 15 see the fed not tapering until at least part
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2014. by the way, i just look at the website cme where they do determine when the feds next move may be with interest rate policies. it is pricing in the highest percentage chance. the month is april 2015. it is at a 49% chance. something to note as we continue to see these bond yields drop. back to you. dagen: thank you. sandra smith. if you live in brazil, get ready to pay big time for the playstation four. jonathan cortina is here. he is a gaming nerd, i guess.
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>> i do have children who are always interested in something like this. kind of an unrealistic price tag. what we are seeing here is that sony is only making this playstation4 out of one factory in china. they are tacking on this transfer fee. they say it is costing way too much money with rising commodity prices. it will be interesting to see how many people pony up and want to buy something at this price. usually when something comes out, yes, there is a flurry. wait until things die down a little bit. then i think it will be and less demand. dagen: jonathan, great to see you. thank you for that insight.
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connell: jonathan talked about apple. an update for the newly released ios seven. there is that. and apple story in today. let's look at the stock price while we are at it. dagen: eyes that you get the apple air. there are ten free apps, by the way. i am just kind of excited about the apple announcement. baseball biggest series expected to begin tonight.
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the cardinals versus the red sox. a lot of money involved. connell: nasdaq winners today. netflix@328 and change. there are some losers, too. we will be right back. ♪ it's a growing trend in business: do more with less with ss energy.hp is help. soon, the world's most intelligent servers, designed by hp, will give ups over twice the performance, using forty percent less energy. multiply that across over a thousand locations, and they'll provide the same benefit to the environment as over 60,000 trees. that's a trend we can all get behind.
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♪ connell: baseball. that is what we are talking about. the cardinals and red sox will
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play in washington. the series could bring in as much as $25 million. dagen: this series is about much more than baseball for the city. molly is outside of fenway with more. >> hi, guys. that is right. it has been a historic season. the runners run right by here. on patriots' day, it is tradition for the red sox to have a morning game. that is what they did this year. we all know what happened. the boston bombing this year changing things forever on patriots day. perhaps one of the greatest symbols of just how different this baseball season has been lies right on centerfield.
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many of the fans will be wearing it today on their t-shirt. the red sox poured their hearts for the city. take a listen. >> it may be the secret ingredient was the passion and compassion of the fans to the players in response to the players passion and compassion to the fans. that is what is really cool. it goes so far beyond baseball. it is what we hope sports can be. it is what we seek sports to aspire to be a man the fans have really echoed that sentiment.
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here is what mike peters had to say. >> i think it helped bring the people together. i think it just beeps atomizers and lifts the team up. that is what the red sox are about today. >> in the wake of something so horrible, there was a special synergy here. back to you guys. connell: thank you, molly. good story. dagen: thank you. i will be watching with my jersey on.
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connell: -- dagen: i try to stick to single syllable words. the baltimore ravens the latest pitchman for obamacare. those details are coming up on the next hour of "market now." connell: fixing america's crumbling infrastructure. calling for more money for highways, bridges and ports. cheryl and dennis will have more coming up on "market's now". ♪ [ male announcer ] sheets or bar? how do you get your bounce?
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bounce keeps my clothes fresh for weeks, even when they've been sitting in the drawer a long time. like those jeans you can't fit into anymore. that, i mean...
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[ male announcer ] how do you get your bounce? long-lasting freshness. [ male announcer ] how do you get your bounce? sometimes they just drop in. always obvious. cme group can help you navigate risks and capture opportunities. we enable you to reach global markets and drive forward with broader possibilities. cme group: how the world advances.
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and did say he was aiding greek about this. do you know when he first knew there was a problem? >> it occurred fairly early in the first couple days. >> not before that? >> there was no concern about that in the white house? >> we talked about having, testing, going forward and if we had an ideal situation, build the product in a five year period of time we would have taken five years. connell: kathleen sibelius' dodging the question about what the white house knew and when did it not on the glitches of the obamacare website launched. they raised red flags, and she is at the white house meeting with health-insurance the e os who are thinking it is not so easy. we will take you there live. and the latest on obamacare, the
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baltimore ravens, how much it is costing taxpayers and facebook over 170% in the past year. we got a guest who says shorten the stock right now. all this and more in the next hour of markets now. some day i am going to stumble on the way back to the desk. cheryl: i will give you a band-aid when you fall. lot going on in washington as we monitor the health care ceos at lake house. what is going to be set by the president? dennis: former insider on what the meeting might be like, might be fun to watch. stocks every 15 minutes, nicole petallides on the floor of the stock exchange. nicole: good afternoon. we are seeing the losses to the downside, dow jones industrial average dropping 60 points at 15,407.
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the s&p down 1/2% and the nasdaq jumped 3/4%. the big picture we made it through the monthly jobs report. yesterday, tomorrow, the weekly numbers coming out. tough economic news, taking cues from abroad. we are selling off after hitting record levels. on the s&p 500 all-time record highs, pulling back today. some of the names wayne on the dollar in particular, intel, microsoft, caterpillar shaving off 30 points, boeing balancing it out. some good news and adding about 30 plus points to the dow. we have winners and losers to speak up and names like netflix coming under pressure. dennis: thank you very much. cheryl: as we were talking about at the top of the our health insurance executives heading to the white house to discuss the problems ailing the rollout of obamacare. rich edson standing by at the white house with the latest.
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what can be said in this meeting that hasn't already been said between these parties? >> with all that is going on we expect this afternoon executives from well point, humana and representatives lobbying, eight american health insurance, on hand at the white house meeting with administration officials including the h h s secretary kathleen sibelius. on capitol hill republicans continued badgering the administration. >> listen to the president to his press conference we will handle it, we will fix it, rings back to the moment when he was proposing obamacare and that if you had your health care and elected you could keep it. >> republicans are looking for problems to exploit. we democrats are looking for problems to fix, to find solutions. >> the administration hopes to fix this web site, by most accounts nearly not impossible but difficult to get health insurance on.
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democrats and republicans continue to go at it on capitol hill. republicans at the energy and commerce committee went kathleen sibelius to testify at their hearing tomorrow. she has a scheduling conflict so she will testify as early as next week on the issue. meanwhile house democrats got a briefing this morning from administration officials on health-insurance law. republicans say we want a briefing too. house republicans say they will soon be getting a briefing from administration officials as the fighting on capitol hill continues and the fixing of the administration also tries to continue. dagen: certainly. we are a anxious to see especially when it comes to the mandate and the penalties of what the next step is for all involved. thank you. dennis: bring in democratic strategist ann fox news contributor joe franky. thank you for being with us. do you think the meeting at the white house today is about more cheerleading and salesmanship for a trip to the woodshed?
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>> it is about salesman -- he needs a lot of help getting this thing out there, he needs the insurance companies, he needs the baltimore ravens and everybody to get out there and push people to sign up and do this. dennis: health-insurance -- >> it will be both. he has a great relationship with some of these guys. dennis: he has them beating up on insurers for four years. does stuff like that come up in a meeting like this? raises the elephant in a room no one mentions? >> will be the element in the room he hopes dozen come up but this has to be about getting everybody on board, making everybody, trying to get them on board with the message that things are going well and they can work this out and fix it somehow and need them to sell. dennis: when the president spoke yesterday, should he have been more oh my gosh this is terrible because as much as the press reported he is taking responsibility it seems like that was the tiniest part of the session. >> was but what he was doing was
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selling, getting young people to sign up, the site is not great but it will work for you, didn't want to be so over-the-top negative that people stopped checking get out. dennis: it you were advising the white house before the launch of the web site would you have said damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead because republicans demonizing the program or would you have said do it for three month. >> and would have had a state, 50 different sites, thirtysomething state -- doing this -- 30 something -- has developed technology. i want to make it simple, i would have i think what i would have done is extended the site of period, in other words not be
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laid it. i would counter up how many people signed up. ten people, people but than doubled to 21100, the country caught up in like they did in the campaign. and everybody signing up is somebody who didn't have health care yesterday. dennis: eager that the won't provide that. >> and looks like transparency. dennis: now tell us what you would do to get them out of this? what is the next thing you would do? >> i would do all those things. all those people sign up nationwide, encourage people to tell their friends to sign up the. make a campaign to get seven million, ten million, fifteen million people signed up and they have got to get website
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fixed, but i think i would still go back to different sites. dennis: these a good ideas but you left out one, in to amazon. thanks for being with us, joe tripy. cheryl: a seal of well point heading to the white house, his company saying despite beating the street with third quarter report, couldn't give any future guidance for 2014 due to the implementation of obamacare. sam stovall is joining us now. the dec has been much help the white house has been so brazen d.c. e os, the stock is falling, united health down last week, their earnings, concerns about obamacare. you like this sector? >> i like it based on expectations for 2014 earnings
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growth. we see areas like biotech, services, like science and technology, but you are bringing up a good point, that all depends upon how well this overall platform works and whether the seven million people who are expected to sign a actually do so and who gives up first, those who won't the end need the insurance or young people who are really going to be supporting those who need the insurance by signing up themselves. cheryl: doesn't seem to be a consumer issue, people are trying on a website, getting information, and get help on the web site, so the insurance companies are a victim in all this and add to the fact that what companies are saying, at the united healthcare made the same statement, they're having a tough time with verification of these individuals, tried to sign on to the federal program and denounced the programs and this
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isn't the health insurance companies fault. >> i am not saying it is the health insurance companies's for the consumers's fault but you have to realize those people who continuously try to sign up the real question is what patients do they have? patients's level of continuing to come back and be pushed back by the web site, those who need the insurance have the incentive to continue to come back on whereas those young people who don't need the insurance but simply have the march 31st of point could end up losing patients more quickly and so the real concern is maybe we have not enough people sign up who need to and then we have to revise our earnings expectations for next year. cheryl: another issue government seems to want to inflict on wall street investors, the shutdown. the average economic cost looks like $24 billion, the average estimate of economists.
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but certainly this will affect unemployment, that is something the fed will have to weigh. markets love the story yesterday. today without 77 points what is going on? >> i agree with you about the economic number because it was first published by standard and poor's ratings which operates independently from capitol iq but i think it also just says this is one reason why fourth quarter earnings are expected to come in at 8.6% rather than the 9.6% that was expected on oct. first. earnings expectations of come in again and what is going on with the stock price today? i think because we hit a record high yesterday some people are saying maybe i want to take some profits while i can. i would let investors know the we are getting to a zone of vulnerability in my opinion because valuations are coming
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back to long-term averages where only a couple of percentage point discount to the median over the past quarter century. we are getting up there in terms of valuation. cheryl: that is the question for 2014. always great to see you and i apologize for cheating on you with other strategists and economists. i will be careful. >> i forgive you. dennis: coming of the baltimore ravens shelling for obamacare and patriotic pigskin millionaires get paid some of your tax dollars to do it. cheryl: america's highways, umbrages, critics say there isn't enough government money going into fixing our infrastructure. what happens to the $800 billion of shovel ready stimulus? i will get answers to that question coming up. as we go to break will get the energy market and oil again the story, well below $100. keep an eye on crude. let [ male announcer ] need help keeping your digestive balance in sync?
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cheryl: losing the gains, there is boeing, a couple things happening, earnings from boeing. higher by 12%. and higher for the year, the 787 delivering almost 645 aircraft this year, kurd jet deliveries. that is not what is happening but helping the dow because it is caterpillar which is down five points, 32 negative impact, third quarter profits of 44%. it wasn't minding the power system, nothing was there, the ceos a moderate's not picking up despite commodity production, global equipment sales were
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down. global story, down 63 points. and keep an eye on the industrials in their. you are looking at u.s. airways' right now. one of my favorite companies. >> a lot of fun to look at the airline company's most of which have done very well. here's a look at usairways down 1.8%. did i earlier today, 2209, highest levels we have seen since 2007. this is because it is setting money aside for taxes and merger costs, in the midst of trying to merge with american airlines but the department of justice has a lawsuit pending and that will be taken care of on november 26th and will continue to follow that, their concern may be to hire ticket prices and hurt
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competition. we will follow that story into november. most airlines are doing better, did well over the summer and charging welker baggage and seeds elections, boosting revenue overall. cheryl: we will talk to gary kelly in the southwest. dennis: attempting to steer clear of bird flew the baltimore ravens are jumping on the obamacare bandwagon, judicial watch reporting the defending super bowl champions are being paid $130,000 in taxpayer dollars to promote obamacare and what is called a sponsorship agreement. maryland health officials pay the ravens to push obamacare on tv, radio and the team's web site. the white house tried recruiting the national football league to promote health care but the league declined. cheryl: probably a smart decision. platestation iv will set you
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back $400 but you need a small loan to buy one in brazil. dennis: from buy to sell, one harvard professor saying you could short facebook but here is how the world currencies are faring against the u.s. dollar. [ male announcer ] imagine this cute blob is metamucil.
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and this pk is the inside of your body. see, the special psyllium fiber in metamucil actually gels. and that gelling hes to lower some cholesterol. metacil. 3 amazing benefits in 1 super fiber. your financial advisor should focus on your long-term goals, not their short-term agenda. [ woman ] if you have the nerve to believe that cookie cutters should be for cookies, not your investment strategy. if you believe in theheer brilliance of a simple explanation. [ male announcer ] join the nearly 7 million investors who think like you do:
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face time and think time make a difference. join us. [ male announcer ] at edward jones, it's how we make sense of investing.
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>> 23 minutes past the hour your fox news minute. steelworkers and retirees carried signs and chanted in protest at the trial begins today to determine if the strike's request for bankruptcy can go forward. lawyer for the city says he has a mountain of evidence proving the city is insolvent and desires to turn itself around in bankruptcy court. the story we have been following closely on markets now, the money behind college athletics. alabama is reporting revenue of $143,400,000,000 worth athletic programs, up 16% in a year. at saw the crimson tide win college football's national
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championship and game 1 of the world series between the st. louis cardinals and the boston red sox tonight at fenway park. the greater boston convention and visitors bureau says the series could bring between 5.6, and six$.3 million per again to the city of boston. if the series goes seven games that could be an added $25 million in visitors and money to the boston economy. those are your news headlines on the fox business network. dennis: poorly targeted facebook adds just one of the reasons my next guest says facebook stock is a short. joining me is harvard business school associate producer ben edelman. when violence seems like wall street was sold on facebook went public 38 down 16 and now it is up $50 mark, you come out and say it is a short. why is that? >> i am not sure the ads are
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quite what users are looking for. think about a user at facebook, they want to do fall off, look at pictures of their friends, are they in a buying mood? not so sure about that and even worse, if you are to look at them they can be pointed in exactly the opposite direction from what makes sense. dennis: what does that mean pointed in the opposite direction from what makes sense? >> i got married a couple years ago and not six months later facebook was serving me ads for the dating site that doesn't seem right. facebook knew i was married, had a link to my spouse, they knew it was on my profile, y. sayre tried dating and? the biggest blunder you could make. dennis: unless facebook has a really dim view of marriage but i see your point. also you figure users are not liking the intrusiveness ads and advertisers begin to doubt the returns. why did they doubt the returns?
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>> advertisers are usually pretty well positioned to measure the and effectiveness, they can measure how many ads are shown, how many users click and how many users sign up. on that view presumably would eventually notice this ad isn't working well for them which would lead them to reduce their bid or maybe stop buying out all. that could help push the market back toward sensible outcome is. and circumstances where advertisers get tricked and it is more than it is worth for them. dennis: are we raising the bar on facebook too high. when general motors runs an ad for a sedan on prime-time television is reaching 90% of the audience that is shopping for a car. >> absolutely. that is a real point. on the other hand the price general motors the effects the huge discount, they get a discount because they know most of the users are not going to be interested in what they're
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selling. facebook meanwhile want rights -- wants the price that is tighter than what television charges. charging a premium price because the ads are separate we targeted. until you really dig into the details, then it can be much less. dennis: when i step in if you stop here, i've thought prime-time ads on television were roughly $20 to reach a thousand people and facebook ads on a cost per 1,000 pieces was cheaper. am wrong on that? >> you can get at on facebook ready advertisers being quite a bit more. the new targeting ads can be rather expensive. you can go well above $20, some of these ads are charged when the user clicks the rattle when the user buys and prices can be superhigh in that context. dennis: thanks for being with us. i don't know that you made this a little. they have done a good job at
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facebook navigating the trap these over to the mobile but we will watch that stock price and bring you back on when you turn out to be incredibly right or incredibly wrong. thanks for being with us today. cheryl: stand on a topic of social media liz macdonald has some late developments on twitter from the fox business news room. what do you know? cheryl: twitter double the pay for five outside board directors to get a whopping $16 million each in stock based perfect, versus the prior $8 million each. we haven't seen this in along time. this comes from who found it buried in a filing that twitter made right on the same dapple has big breaking news about its new ipad. five outside directors include an entertainment executive, david rosenblatt, the first --
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what is key is two thesebook directors only got around $600,000 each and noaa information in a twitter filing on what performance based metric these outside directors needs to get this rich pay a. cheryl: that was a question yesterday, now we find out what is going on, thank you so much. dennis: the play station 4 it sells next month, actually $400 cheaper than the microsoft box but in one country is going to have a four figure price tag. gerri: top executives meeting in d.c. to discuss north america's biggest project. we have the organizer and outspoken critic of the state of the u.s. infrastructure coming up in a fox business exclusive. and look at the winners, the s&p 500, of the big names we will talk about in a moment. when we made our commitment to the gulf, bp had two big goals:
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help the gulf recover and learn from what happened so we could be a better, safer energy company. i can tell you - safety is at the heart of everything we do. we've added cutting-edge technology, like a new deepwater well cap and a state-of-the-art monitoring center, whe experts watch over all drilling activity twenty-four-seven. and we're sharing what we've learned, so we can all produce energy more safely. our commitment has never been stronger. i'm, like, totally not down with change. but i had to change to bounce dryer bars. one bar freshens more loads than these two bottles. i am so gonna tell everyone.
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[ male announcer ] how do you get your bounce? [ woman ] time for change!
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dennis: i am not afraid. stocks every 15 minutes. let's go to the stock exchange. some big players in the restaurant sector having a little indigestion. nicole: we are talking about names in the restaurant sector that have in digestion and we will look at those, pandora bread would be a name that is under pressure today after weaker numbers but i wanted to bring you over here to corning. when we look at corning it is on the move to the upside, up
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11-1/4% hitting new highs we have not seen since 2011 and this is because of the big deal, samsung and according to working together, now making a joint deal, samsung buying $2.3 billion a steak and corning will own all of the lcd adventures with samsung which gives them the opportunity to supply samsung with liquid crystal display glasses through the year 2023. corning is known for guerrilla glass, when you think of the razor and samsung galaxy, and they have a hand in that so this is a big deal which is why you are seeing analysts really pushing corning higher as well. you dated is up 35%. new high performing. cheryl: a thousand product across the country. coming up at 3:00 p.m. eastern time. my interview with the ceo and president wendell weeks will be
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on "countdown to the closing bell". we will talk about the deal with samsung, a big one. a bipartisan call to take action on mending america's crumbling infrastructure, bridges, highways, ports, 500 private sector execs meeting in d.c. to discuss the top 100 projects happening in north america. those projects with $435 billion. joining me now for a fox business exclusive interview, outspoken critic of the state of u.s. infrastructure, norman anderson. one of the things americans can't help but forget is the hundred billion dollars the taxpayers put out to fix the infrastructure in this country. you say is not nearly enough and hasn't been effective. >> hasn't been enough and indeed hundred billion dollars only 1 hundred billion went into infrastructure and over nine years. we actually spend 2 did billion dollars the year and infrastructure and have to double that in $400 billion, it
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is critical for a global competitiveness? >> we look at numbers like this if you look at $33 billion and this is a we have environmental protection agency got $6 billion and is very vague as to where that money is going but the private sector is stepping in. is this worth the risk for private companies to get into this? >> absolutely. it is and unbelievable market for private companies. those are the guys with how the technology, all the creative ideas, the guys with the money. the federal government doesn't have any money anymore. we got to figure out how to structure this to get increasing amounts of private sector investors involved in infrastructure. cheryl: one thing we are talking about, transportation, many americans would like to see the fruits of the labor, we are not frankly. one of the things you're seeing is a lot of big oil companies putting money in infrastructure projects in alaska, that serve the oil companies but what is to
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get a companies to invest and save mrs. alabama, where is the economic payoff for the company? >> these are fantastic examples, global trading creasing by 10%, 15% year. unbelievable to keep our waterways which are incredible in terms of the gifted this country to make as globally competitive. how is it we don't keep those up to date. how is it the army corps of engineers as a $4.5 billion budget and $65 billion worth an annual demand for our waterways and ports and wetlands? >> i thought this was interesting, senator rockefeller of west virginia road and article that said this reflects the largest problem in congress we have right now, the lack of infrastructure projects in this country. on the other side of that argument we got to fund health care, medicaid, social security. the military. every senator, every congressman has is that project he wants to
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fund. to other leaders in congress with enough power to push these projects. >> they certainly are. we got to get people thinking about infrastructure as if it is a national security issue because it is a national security -- it is a national economic security issue and unless we figure out how to grow and that is not republican or c united states issue. unless we figure out how to grow we will grow from investing in infrastructure. absolutely critical. in 1956 we invested 5% of our gdp in infrastructure. by 2018 will be less than 1%. that is the least of any developed country investing in infrastructure. cheryl: you say the united states will no longer be globally competitive. not even in the top-10 would comes infrastructure. the chinese away at a bus. >> chinese, spanish, brazilian, all those guys are much more competitive globally than we are and invest in much larger percentage of gdp and infrastructure than we do.
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gerri: yet they just came out of recession today. >> just in a recession that have the largest owner operator of infrastructure in the world by far. cheryl: you have a lot of things coming this week, the list goes on. of bipartisan group that will be there so we will play following news. thank you very much. over to you. dennis: the new playstation 4 hit store shelves november 14th a few live-in brazil get ready to pay a lot. the latest game expected to cost $1,900. that compares with $400 in the u.s. blaming 300% markup on brazil's high taxes, electronic import fees, taxes and fees are a bad. cheryl: here is a question. . pmi el? organ may make drivers peck for every mile they drive. forget house of cards, there are big plans to take on netflix
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with the house of its own. as we go to break take a look. we will be right back. when does your work end? does it end after you've expanded your business? after your company's gone public? and the capital's been invested? or when your company's bought another? is it over after you've given back? you never stop achieving. that's why, at barclays, our ambition is to always realize yours.
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stick with innovation. stick with power. stick with technology. get the flexcare platinum. new from philips sonicare. try align. it's the number one ge recommended probiotic that helps maintain digestive balance. ♪ stay in the groove with align.
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ashley: ashley webster with your fox business brief. stocks remain under pressure as investors react to a mixed bag of earnings, dow component went on the blue chips after third quarter results missed estimates but another dow stock, boeing soaring after its quarterly numbers topped expectations. right now the dow up 80 points. investigator says hundreds of irs contract workers are behind on their taxes, the irs inspector general says 5% of contract employees or 700 workers or a total of $5.4 million in back taxes. prices rose 0.5% making the estimates but export prices also of 0.3%, prices expected to remain unchanged and that is the latest from of a fox business network giving you the power to prosper.
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cheryl: there is. we are ready. fox business all-star showdown title and the final competitor, oliver porche duking get out this friday at 12:00 eastern. are the stocks for the championship round, tracking them for a month, the average best performance will win. we thought it would be fun to look at the average of their picks for the past year to see if it could help predict who the winner would be friday. here are robert's plays throughout the competition and the average time we were tracking them almost 4% gain. here's what oliver has done so if we were taking the new account which we are not, oliver would be our winner but these are the picks. you just have to wait at noon eastern time to see who wins. dennis: breakout the cosmos. could be a record-breaking harvest for this year's cranberry crop in wisconsin and
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jeff flock is live. jeff: we love to see these up close and personal and see what we think is a record year. this is a farm in the nation that is the biggest producer of fresh cranberries, people actually use cranberries. >> you bought a lot of your store shelves at your local grocery store. >> in the 1 cranberry status nation we have a graphic that shows how big you are. you're seeing a fresh cranberry harvest? specialized machine about 6 feet wide and gently breaks the cranberries of of the vine. >> the u.s. is the largest cranberry producer in the world. i think the numbers and again we have got them, 77% of the cranberries in the world are grown in the u.s.. >> that is correct and the majority of the ones from the u.s. are grown in the state of wisconsin. >> why such a big harvest this year?
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perfect growing conditions? >> despite a cold spring the growing conditions throughout the rest of the summer were great, nice and warm, a little bit dryer, precautionary whether. >> fascinating to see how this works. you want to be careful with the cranberries because these are ones that are not going to be crushed, people are going to use them. >> we will put them in a cooler and store them and when we start them out we sort out the white ones and pack them and send them to the grocery store. >> big crop for corn, soybeans and big crop for stuff like cranberries, pumpkins big this year as well. agreed growing season. look at these. as a kid i used to rake these cranberries with a hand rick. we don't do that and more. it is all mechanized. dennis: how many abandoned named for them. cheryl: on the floor of the stock exchange, jason weisberg,
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earnings giving investors some headaches today. are we back to focusing on numbers now. >> that is exactly what we are doing but again, the momentum is cooling off a little, nothing really that stands out. quite frankly earnings are the show. if people are digesting the apple call from yesterday i imagine we will continue to see an upward trend in the markets in order to sustain the market we need these pullbacks. i don't think people a feeling pain today. it is momentum guys there taking froth off the table. cheryl: 15 points off, jason weinberg, thank you. dennis: oil prices are at the lowest level in four months. that is good for the u.s. economy. to the trading pits of the cme comments and phil flynn. >> these lower oil prices will provide cover for the fed. one of the problems we have with
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rising oil prices, the fed was worried that would harm the economic recovery and they have to pull that. janet yellen said there was never a connection. that wasn't true then, it is true now. oil inventory up, not only did we get an increase of 5.24 million barrels this week, but last week's number we got two days ago because of the government shutdown we are talking ten million barrels of oil in the last two weeks but products are slammed on that news right now. gasoline prices, the wholesale price down $0.05 a gallon at numb to dollars and $0.55 and deegan heating oil down 666, down 29285. this is good news for the economy and also may be a sign the oil prices are different from the risk on risk of trade we have seen for some time. rising production, rising supply
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is changing the dynamic and is happening in recent weeks, we will probably see more of that and that will be good for the fed going forward. dennis: u.s. energy boom, thanks, phil flynn. cheryl: time for west coast minute. organ launching a new program that will tax drivers by the mile. concerns about cost and privacy to implement the plan and monitor the plan are some of the issues. the state is trying to come of with new ways to generate revenue due to fuel efficient cars. americans driving less. the launch in 2015 but critics already had their say. the health care exchange has been criticized covering california with ratings on four of 12 health insurers on the exchange. officials say the biggest downturn in hospital networks i changing so much next year they simply can't operating this. consumer advocates and kaiser permanente will meet with the exchange board tomorrow and going to push for action.
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the one those ratings put in place. if you plan to trick or treat on the west coast seattle may be your best bet. according to the real-estate firm when it comes to record treat mr. cheng seattle is no. 5 in the nation based on median home value, population, crime ra and whatability. cheryl: that is something. that is it. amazon. dennis: one of netflix's favorite turf, with the programming paula launching two of its own shows. details on the media minute. cheryl: look at the winners of the nasdaq. it's a growing trend in business:
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do more with less with ss energy.hp is help. soon, the world's most intelligent servers, designed by hp, will give ups over twice the performance, using forty percent less energy. multiply that across over a thousand locations, and they'll provide the same benefit to the environment as over 60,000 trees. that's a trend we can all get behind. your financial advisor should focus on your long-term goals, not their short-term agenda. [ male announcer ] join the nearly 7 million investors who think like you do. face time and think time make a difference. at edward jones, it's how we make sense of investing.
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cheryl: we are getting breaking news in to fox business. it has been confirmed by administration officials that kathleen sibelius is going to be traveling to phoenix, ariz. tomorrow to tours and obamacare call center and meet with community leaders on our reach to the currently uninsured. what is interesting about this news is she was invited to testify on the whole tomorrow but her representative citing a scheduling conflict, answering questions about the exchange and glitches, she will visit the knicks to visit a call center and maybe have a total of or two. dennis: the media minute, netflix house of cards, online streamer hit new record highs
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and looking to out hbo, faces the challenge on favorite turf, or original programming. a formidable amazon. amazon prime video service unveiled an 11 episode comedy out of house starring john goodman. it is about four republican congressman who shared the same house, written by a guy who hates gop congressman. a second sitcom premieres on amazon prime next month about silicon valley startup, and three kids shows next year and 11 pilots. watch out, netflix, amazon is ten times your size. remember the 90s? t l c, v 81 biopic is the highest original cable movie this year and the most watched the original letter to run on the viacom channel. crazy sexy cool landed four million viewers and almost two million tweets monday night and
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if you missed it not to worry, it will run an encore on sunday and let's go to break, wireless carrier worse, t mobile's unique strategy to undercut the likes of at&t and verizon giving a away free of charge and the ceo joins adam and lori. cheryl: $18 billion in debt and looking for a lifeline, as the city prepares to learn whether it canuptcy. dennis: through thick and thin and health care website glitches the new obamacare add that is lightening up social media. ♪
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and this park is the inside of your body. see, the special psyllium fir in metamucil actually gels to trap some carbs to help maintain healthy blood sugar levels. metamucil. 3 amazing benefits in 1 super fiber. lori: hello, welcome to another hour of "markets now." adam: detroit's future on the line. a pivotal hearing is on the way. will the city meet the legal
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criteria to file chapter 9 bankruptcy? working out 400 troubled debt financing more than 35 different states. he will tell us who has the upper hand. lori: president obama were to contain the political damages and the public outrage over the problem playing online health exchanges. recruiting super bowl champs to promote those health exchanges. your taxpayer dollars are going to the baltimore ravens to help get the word out. adam: the apple of t-mobile's eye. a boom for the wireless carrier. t-mobile the only one of the four carriers to provide a data plan for free. the ceo will join us and tell us why in an interview you will see first on fox business. lori: we all know to back up our files online but what about


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