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tv   Cavuto  FOX Business  October 23, 2013 8:00pm-9:01pm EDT

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or difficulty breathing or swallowing, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. ask your doctor about cialis for daily use and a 30-tablet free trial. neil: it's upside down day in washington today. delegating much of meets to top official, bad form. worse form. keeping same cast of characters who am bar asked you. maybe this dude's problem is he owned up to botching something. that is not tolerated in this white house. but letting baltimore ravens promote your healthcare law is tolerated this inn the white house. and remember the guy who punched a woman after jets-patriot game.
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he is not the only guy on the hook. do you see any security images here. leave it to crafty lawyers to say that the jets are on the hook. >> fair to say this guy and gal are not striking up a romance any time soon. try any one you want, the guy behind sugar daddy thinks he hit the ultimate dating web site tweet spot. >> netflix looking iffy. time for us to get cooking in a jiffy, starting now. neil: finally someone gets fired in this administration, only one problem, it is the wrong guy. welcome i am neil cavuto, he fessed up now he has been thrown
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out, senior national security staffer of sending nasting tweets under a pseudonym. about his bosses in the obama administration, well, that is saying bad stuff about the administration gets you can. doing bad style we've i while ie administration, gets a pass. this guy dared to vent about the big guy's, well, rhymes with bitty staff. and i know not saying that mr. joseph should not have been canned. but a lot more should have been following him out the door for doing what they did. very wrong, very stupid, benghazi, the healthcare balkic. -- debacle, so man, not a one dumped. so, many reflected poorly on it administration, sheltered by this administration, saying that
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poor fool who dared to say something about about this administration, it amazes me how white house comes to save its image but not give a damn when it comes to more official matters -- more important matters like i don't know, saving our country, herman cain, what do you make of this? >> this just an example of fact this administration is totally disfunctional. what adds insult to injury in this case. being nice calling him a jam, he so the national security council of all places. disfunctionality, i agree with you, why has someone else not been fired as it relates to the scandals. that means that president is out of touch even with his own staff, the leadership is not
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there to make it funkal, obamacare meltdown is just the latest example. neil: i'm not for firing people willy-nilly. in this guys case, if he were a security official. you don't use pseudonyms and tweeting stuff that is as bad as weiner and what he was doing tweeting and texting other matters. but leaving that aside, i think it is rare in this administration to see someone take responsibility for someone as he did. he left but no one is taking responsibility for any of the debacles we've seen like planes backing up in laguardia, where is this going? unless someone takes heat for something we'll see the same thing. >> unfortunately, we get to see it for another 3 1/2 years, the president should take responsibility for it and if he takes responsibility for it, he
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would be in touch, enough with the issues to know what is going on, and to be able to give direction. that is not happening, neil. you see it in all of the examples that you pointed out. when i first went to godfather's i had a disloyal cfo that i had to fire. when i found out he was doing something. if you can't trust someone working for you, i would fire them also. but this issue is bigger, in this case. all about the disfunctionality of this administration, and the american people are paying for it. neil: herman, two quick insights, i respect the fact that you can get right to the core of the problem, and i will therefore work for you -- i will never work are you. >> inside joke in that, my company, if i invite you to breakfast, you are in trouble. neil: a bad sign right no there i'm going to order everything on the menu as you throw me out te
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door. >> thank you, neil. neil: someone trying to sign up for healthcare, and on-line help rep. >> don't lose or santy over this web site, try it, if it does not work walk away, try it tomorrow. >> what you sent me seems like a side response. >> it was. >> i had the log in problems for the first 11 days. >> imagine you are stuck in the rush-hour traffic, you still exist, but not going anywhere. >> you have no way to assist those who ask for help? >> don't run with scissors. >> they just went to words actual text. it really was. incredible. all right, political prospect editor, said this is why we need to delay this thing, at the least, i think we learn is that even the people handles the help sites need help.
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>> absolutely, the level of incompetence is startling, if this is what we're seeing with just the roll out, imagine what we'll see when the government tries to takeover 18% of our economy. it is incredible. and perhaps more incredible with hundreds of millions of dollars and government resources at his finger tips, obama, the ceo of this could not even do what mark zuckezuckerberg did in a dorm r, with no money, no resources, obama needs to answer for this, he is the ceo. neil: you are right, if there are screw ups on your watch, you are the responsible party. you know now he is bringing big guns in to help, it will be pricey and way after the fact. it does not begin to address some of the texts put to words here. because once you get up and running you are dealing with the
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same nim bots who are trying to offer advice, they seem were brighter than the folks that put it together. >> the key what you said is after the fact, we heard in sebelius' interview yesterday evening, that own did not know about the problems until the day after the launch? he is the president of the united states this is the touchstone of his administration. how in the world do you not know there are problems with the web site until the day after the launch, he needs to answer for it he should be testifying before congress not sebelius. neil: i know that president -- every president is passionate about something. reagan passionate about his tax cuts he policed everything in the committee, and john f. kennedy with the space program, very hands-on. you can look back at even
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franklin roosevelt, new deal, he monitored like stink on you know what. if you are passionate about this, to the president's president he did the it through and done. follow it through. follow it through. that is the problem, there is no follow through. >> yes, yes, absolute please, this is the principle portion of his domestic policy. you would think we would have a remotely good web site, we're not even seeing that. to not follow through is startling. a private ceo would have been fired. apple would have never made it. it is really dorrel breathtakine needs to answer for it we can't hold him accountable until the midterm elections, it special that machine -- americans see this and show up. neil: americans are very forgiving, say, hey, a screwed
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up, caylee thank you. >> talk about bad form, the president meets with people he has been railing against, for the better part of 3 years, the health care ceo, meets them at the white house, and has his top under lidges saying -- under lings saying, you can help us out. i want you to picture you being one of those ceos, and what would you say to those under lings at the white house, oh, if the walls could talk. the ocean gets warmer. the peruvian anchovy harvest suffers. it raises the price of fishmeal, cattle feed and beef.
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bny mellon turns insights like these into powerful investment strategies. for a university endowment. it funds a marine biologist... who studies the peruvian anchovy. invested in the world. bny mellon.
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>> we're held hostage at any given moment by health insurance companies that deny coverage or drop coverage or charge fees that people cannot afford. hard working americans, who are held hostage by health insurance companies, the system works a lot better for insurance companies than it does for america's families. >> smoke and mirrors, it is bogus andiar. neil: all right, so, what do you do if you are president right now, you invite those same health care ceos to the white
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house for a powwow on how to fix the health care thing. it is a little odd, is it not? my next guest was not invited. said he is frustrated with the system, because he has been vocal about it, is why he did not get on the invite list. bill, what do you make of fact he gathered these guys into the white house, i don't know if he personally talked to them, we know he did gather emthem, aren 't they going to be own a little anxious. >> we're all anxious, i'm frustrated, i'm concerned we're three weeks going to four weeks into this new process, we spent tens of millions of dollars, countless hours preparing, we're ready to go. we had a lot of people, thousands and thousands
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inquiring and trying to get through the system but essentially stuck. neil: stuck why? they cannot get through the web site? >> yes, president spoke to this about problem with the web site. this is a central point of a disfunction at this point. people are getting through with a lot of work and effort. these are serious problems. there is no question about that. >> all right, now you -- i am sure in your job, launch a new products or new undertaking, you strike me as a guy will check that is are dotted, and t's are crossed. i can surmise here that was not done. because this has been a technological disaster. why? >> well, i go back to what i said on another occasions, it is a complex undertaking that
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requires asystem black of a lot -- assembling of a lot of information, and it needs too have been tested. neil: i tell you, it looks like they did not do that. i understand this is a huge project, that you know you are going to get tens of millions of americans on it but you did have time to prepare, whether server capacity or user-friendly site, we're told latest count 20 plus million trying to get on, more than 400,000 who did, they don't necessarily have coverage right now it is just they have completed what they had to complete to get coverage, what do you make of that? >> i think that numbers peak for themselves. my concern is that at this point, we're looking for people to actually get their coverage andband be able to use it startg the first of january, which is
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less than a few weeks away. so, it is important a couple months away, it is important that the problems get resolved. get resolved quickly, i'm sure that was part of the discussion today at the white house. i have been communicating to our industry leader and representatives that lep us in the -- represent us in health carr industry, what we're seeing on the ground, and learning and giving feedback about the situation. but, i'll leave it to the folks in washington to try to determine what is best to do going forward. neil: you know, i am wondering about this group of economy -- economies whexecs who came to te house. >> i know them. >> you know most of them, and they were dragged across the mud, my basic instinct would be to say, to hell with you, you
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treated me like dirt, now you need my help or my cover to bail you out, i don't know if i would be so positively responsive. >> well, i just leave that to the people in the room. i think at this point, we're all concerned about people. we're concerned about the people that have expectations of coverage, or who have coverage, this is another issue, who have some coverage who may be losing that coverage because of the plan they were on, their particular state might have been a subsidized coverage plan, they were intended to move on to the exchange. but if they can't or get coverage under the new system, then we have another problem. i'm concerned about that problem as well. neil: all right, william thank you very much. good to have you on again. >> thank you, neil. neil: all right, so, choice of fixing this darn computer web site or promoting this law where it is just stopped in place. naturally, i am going to hire the baltimore ravens to promote
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it. i'm not kidding. the baltimore ravens. promoting it. friday night, buddy. you are gonna need a wingman. and with my cash back, you are money. forget him. my airline miles will take your game worldwide. what i'm really looking for is -- i got two words for you -- re-wards. ♪ there's got to be better cards than this. [ male announcer ] there's a better way with compare hundreds of cards from all the major banks to find the one that's right for you. it's simple. search, compare, and apply at first round's on me. help the gulf when we made recover and learn the gulf, bp from what happened so we could be a better, safer energy company. i can tell you - safety is at the heart of everything we do. we've added cutting-edge technology,
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like a new deepwater well cap and a state-of-the-art monitoring center, whe experts watch over all drilling activity twenty-four-seven. and we're sharing what we've learned, so we can all produce energy more safely. our commitment has never been stronger.
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neil: the baltimore ravens receive $130,000 in taxpayer dollars to push the obamacare. people are pretty mad. >> hope they lose every game forever. one more. condition watch sports to -- can't watch sports. and now a $500,000 grant to crow
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bar pro obamacare messages to big hollywood tv shows, to rick unger and dee dee. to promote turkey as rick would say. he did not say that. i will give you time to recover, dee dee, what do you make of this? i would hire anyone to -- computer geeks to fix this before i promote it. >> you don't mess with sports teams ever, don't mess with football. i am a colts fan, i think that ravens are already bad. we took the team away, then they are called ravens and now this? i feel bad for the time, they are going to make fans mad. people hate obamacare, they are going to be mad on sundays, what are they doing put the announcement on the screens when people have hot dogs and beer, they will say oh, no. neil: ravens never more? >> i'm trying to understand your objects. we can quickly get rid of half
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million dollars, this is a private foundation. foundation. you are not telling them what to do, they are private. private. >> taxpayer dollars to promote it. >> $120,000 for number of impressions they get is great value, what is your problem with this? neil: the law, the turkey and the law, i don't care who is paying it but you are promoting a turkey! use that money to fix the computer! >> be all that you can be. >> i'm sorry you cannot -- >> no, no. >> obamacare to the marines. >> that is the army commercial. >> military. >> you may think that the best way to enlist members in to the military, by the way, government spends a billion a year to do that just because that is your point of view. neil: did you just make that up?
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i wish i could check that. i'm going to google you. >> i like to think that spending that to enlist people in obamacare is a great use of money. neil: but you are promoting manage that is not working, get it working first, then promote the hell out of it. >> you are only talking about the web site, i admit it is not working. neil: wait, wait, what? >> it is not working. neil: it is not working. >> it will be working, in the meantime, you can pick up your known and call. neil: you like the ravens? >> not particularly. >> you like the rave eps another ravens. >> they would do it for los angeles team, right, because there is not one. neil: good point. >> you are going to write into stories in sitcoms, what a lame brain idea. >> it is creative. >> we -- sitcom or at a football
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game. >> remember richard nixon on laugh-in it was great. >> they are going to turn it off. neil: it is subliminal though. we kid around, my bigger issue is a lot of attention to promoting something that should be fixed. i understand the marketing, i understand there are astute marketers, the fine head of that great, news and business channel had to market something that was not up and running, so, respect good markets and planning, but i also recognize when you have problems like this it is all hands on deck, all cash on fixing that deck. >> use that money on the web site. >> neil's point is good. neil: if i could get money for it. >> put that money toward fixing the web site. >> there th will be, money is nt the problem. neil: mr. yo unger, you have
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serious issues with it. you are one of the more -- to the left, when someone like you comes out. i am wondering what that tells us, what a democratic senator said hold off on individual mandate. and host of others saying we have to reassess. many are up for reelection, some are not. guys like you have nothing to run for, yet you raise serious doubts. >> i'm not raising serious doubts. neil: you said, i have serious doubts about this, neil, have you been right. >> replay just like the ravens game. >> big problems. neil: big problems versus serious doubts ? >> whatever, right. >> that is the question, i -- >> the lawyer response. >> i don't know. >> how desperate they are, they are so unpopular they are go to
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different ways to make people think this is a good thing, when it is not, it a turkey like you said, neil. >> are you signing up. >> don't compare, you can like the law, hate the law, but don't confuse the poor execution of the web site with the law itself. neil: that is the law. >> no. neil: you become a part of it. >> it isi is execution. you can take greatest idea in the world, if you don't execute it, you might as well not have that idea. neil: hello? >> they can fix it. >> good edgar allen poe reference, i got it. when we come back, forget looking at these guys in congress to fix this, they are beginning to look like the pits. just go to brad pitt, the women like that guy. i have no idea why.
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neil: halftime, find me someone to throttle. i don't care what your views are right now on the budget debate. but we're 84 days from these guys colliding against, and a potential shut down again. the way that democrats want to resolve it is by hiking taxes. we have a big spending problem in our country away too much money going out. even though we have a lot of money coming in. we do the to address that money -- got to address the money going out, that is my point of view. but they want another tril lion dollars in -- trillion dollars in tax heights, we could look a potentially said, she said,
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we're looking at a shut down again. not a big fan of tax hikes. that seems to be the waterloo why? >> well, that is not the direction in which we should be going. i agree. there is evidence to support, this is not just religion and gut feeling, this is based on evidence from literature. if you look at what happened in countries that have tried to close their budget gaps by raising taxes that has not been a successful strategy. reason it not successful, is two-fold, first, when you raise taxes you create more revenues for government, it is tough for the government to resist spending that revenue. and other aspect, you kill off economy growth, and that -- >> democrats think just the opposite. the economy is moving a little bit. and that is despite the hike in taxes on upper income.
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obviously we have room to hike them. my counter argument, elections have consequences, one was hiking taxes on the rich. republicans can argue, we conceded it, we're not giving you more. >> well, that is a good political argument. but going back to the economics, not a lot of evidence that this economy is moving along, the growth rate for past three quarters hasn't under 2%. this is not a booming economy. to say tax increases have not had a negative affect is a stretch. i would argue you that in a had a effect on previous growth as well, in large part because businesses were expecting tax hikes. when you tax capital, that the worst tax. in terms of economic distortion, and impeding growth. a lot of studies that show this
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oevbstudies everyone finds that worse taxes for economic growth are those to capital, dividends and tha capital gains that is investment and investment is essential. neil: limit deducts for wealthy, take away from benefits. don't touch the rate as much as you slice a slot of other things like ronald reagan did 27 years ago. difference then, high cut rates and got rid of some of the you know deductions and allowances and breaks tried to simplify the tax code there was a compromise, i see this as a one way offer from democrats. >> well you know you can always say that it is possible to cut taxes by -- sorry cut the deficit by tacking the rich. that is -- thanking the rich, but where do you stop? is it always case by raising rate to rich you don't have
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effect on economy growth, all those are affected by tax rates, it is true different groups are less sensitive than other groups, but it does not mean it has a negative effect on the economy, favors in the economy tend to be the rich. if we don't induce saving we will not have capital necessary to provide investment. we're borrow from others, right now we borrow 20% of your government spending, that is not a good long run situation, we have to get away from that habit. neil: ed, well put, thank you. >> great. neil: congress is gridlocked, they just punted on the government's problem for a couple of months. washington needs the money ball approach to fix it not a bad idea explain what you and brad pitt are up to. >> boring a chapter -- borrowing a chapter from billy beane,
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looked how can we bridge data anbring data andevidence to basd soy, and a's won again and again, he looked at what was driving success in baseball, we want to blige tha bring that sah to government. we're spending billions of dollars as a country, and as takes pair, not -- as taxpayers and not knowing what is working what is not. we have to use existing resources, create a money ball index, every time a member of congress takes a vote or a committee considers a bill they know the evidence base behind a program. look at evidence currently for existing programs, for example head start it was just funded year after year, now, they don't recompete, the bottom 10% that don't have a evidence base. and there have been programs like the even start family lit
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lit rah see program -- literacy program, that program of cut. neil: you make way too much sense. it does make sense. if it isn't working, stop it. but we just keep adding to it and compounding it. i have little fable in washington. to -- little faith in washington, what do you think is going to be done? >> it is interesting, results for america, mobil rising people icing people, saying let's invest 1% of existing resources, not new resources but existing resourc
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resources. >> when you see this, you probably see it again, and again. the guy punching the woman after the jets-patriots game. who do you think is really financially on the hook? what if i told you the new york jets?
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>> they are trying to make my son look like he hit this poor girl. that is not the way it was. yes, a guy should not hit a girl or a woman but if you get a maniac girl, how much abuse do you take before you defend yourself. neil: self-defense. that is what the jets fan mom is saying after her son of caught on tape punching a woman in the face, four people have been charged with assault. but could new york jets have to pay up as well? over issues like security. bridge in the lawyers -- bring in the lawyers, we have two good ones, it could be pricey for the football team, and randy said no, randy the time has no responsibility? >> zero, there are 7,00 70,000 , unless we want to spend 300,000 a ticket with our own personal
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bodyguard, unless someone shows that jets knew, how in god's name would the jets have known. neil: there is a rivalry, fans get ruckus, like a red sox and yankees game. >> you do not expect a brawl to break out. neil: nicole, you think otherwise? >> this brawl was going on in stands into the platform where people were exiting, someone thought to videotape what was going on, it is something that somebody expected, this welcome woman choiced him down to do the attacking, it possible the jets could face some responsibility, they usually have security of fight fee of where were they -- every 5 fight, where were they. neil: who is beneficiary of that? who gets that money, the guy, the woman, both, people watching it, who?
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>> anyone can sue anybody, there is a real question about that, was the girl really injured, it is hard to tell from the video. she retreats and stands where she is. neil: wait, a guy hit a woman, you know? >> you know, it seems to be implication that the women are weaker sex, plenty of women have caused plent of the damage in plenty of circumstances, i don't care if the guy did hit a woman, he has just as much right to defend himself as a female does. neil: i am happy of it a woman that said that. but, rahni? randy? >> you don't hit a girl, any questions, rule number 2. neil: she started it. >> in the days of fire drills, you stop, drop and roll,. neil: this is a family show, what you are talking about? >> fire drill, stop, troll and
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role, you do not hit a woman. neil: people around could have broken it up which did happen. >> absolutely. neil: that satisfies this, done without bringing in security personnel it was the done and finished. >> the jets have no civil liability, he can't testify against her, he has a pending criminal action, and she condition testify against him, she -- she can't testify against him, she has a criminal act, and he has already done one and a third for stabbing someone, he is not going to take the stand as as a victim, these cases go away. neil: you could say, they both had -- he lost his season tickets. >> you know. >> it is a great value to people who like the jets. >> and he may be wanting to go back and ask jets for his money back, he is not the interstate
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the instigator here. >> thank you hear that? >> i heard it. no. not, just because they have a deep pocket, anybody can sue anybody issue at some point we have to end this madness, people can't just go and sue because "they can" it has to stop. neil: thank you very much. they should sue the end of that game is what happened, they stole the game, done they? >> way a new datin date app, crs calling it legalize prostitution, i call it, well, where was this when i was in high school? customer erin swenson ordered shoes from us online
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but they didn't fit. customer's not happy, i'm not happy. sales go down, i'm not happy. merch comes back, i'm not happy. use ups. they make returns easy. unhappy customer becomes happy customer. then, repeat customer. easy returns, i'm happy. repeat customers, i'm happy. sales go up, i'm happy. i ordered another pair. i'm happy. (both) i'm happy. i'm happy. happy. happy. happy. happy. happy happy. i love logistics.
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neil: okay let's say you can't get a date the old fashion way, like my case in high school, asking 48 women in a row to the prom, and taking your mother. try this, bribe them. that is the idea behind m.i.t. wiz kid who invented a popular dating app. it is gifts for dates, offering an incentive to go on a date with you, o carrot date founder, brandon wade. so, what do you do, for me to entice machine to go ou someonet with me, i am offering them what sounds like a bribe? >> a choice from dining, entertainment, and gift giving,
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flowers, dinner, chocolates, a day at the spa, a choice that people can bribe another person with. neil: and plastic surgery among your ideas, that sounds like a big expense. having said that, how do i know that what -- do i give the gift first or do i get the date or is it simultaneous. >> the way that app works, you have to offer, or dangle the carrot, and person has to accept it, only then can you communicate. you have to actually bribe that person before you go on a date. neil: have you no problem with this site that has now demeaned human kind to bribing each other for romance? >> well, i guess bribery is illegal in most instances, but in this case it is for a good purpose. neil: how do i know -- not that -- i'm married now, but back in my high school years, i wish you
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were around then. i say, if you go out with me, i am going to make you to ponderosa. if i had that, would i say, you are going to meet me at ponderosa and i pick up the tab or you say, you guys settle that for now you put it on the app, and offer is made. >> right, it is agreement between two people, so, if you are dangling that bribe, you pay for it. neil: what if she does not resip kate, i am there and already you know gotten the meal, and she never shows up. >> oh, well, in that case, you report that person to the app, we have a feedback loop, and we take action and kick them off. neil: but, but, the one who has been given ballisti little bit . >> plastic surgery. >> we were polling women to gifts, plastic surgery is one of the main things, specifically
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boob jobs, if you seriously offer someone that, you have to understand it could be humorous at the end of the day. neil: have you a good sense of humor brandon wade, carrot dating app founder. the meantime. netflix just soaring, then that guy on the left did something that changed everything. what? it's as simple as this. at bny mellon, our business is investments. managing them, moving them, making them work. we oversee 20% of the world's financial assets. and that gives us scale and insight no one else has. investment management combined with investment servicing. bringing the power of investments to people's lives.
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invested in the world. bny mellon. help the gulf when we made recover and learn the gulf, bp from what happened so we could be a better, safer energy company. i can tell you - safety is at the heart of everything we do. we've added cutting-edge technology, like a new deepwater well cap and a state-of-the-art monitoring center, whe experts watch over all drilling activity twenty-four-seven. and we're sharing what we've learned, so we can all produce energy more safely. our commitment has never been stronger.
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neil: i went over that last segment saw it is time to hurry if you want free shipping from amazon you have to pay up and at least $35 that is hired $10 over the last decade.
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man does amazon stand to her because of that? >> it is a move of desperation they're trying to get the consumer to acquiesce after spending a certain amount but shipping rates have gone up in their thinking is we will give it to buy the amazon prime and everything will be o.k. but those users are taking money away i think it is a bad move ims seller ahead of birding's i think it is awful ahead of earnings in the holiday season. >> i think it is great i think that is one of the best deals of the planet they have done their homework and going into the holidays people will pay for it. it is great. neil: does this have the netflix field that it stumbled badly? it got its legs back but that is the concern it could
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be like that. >> that $35 trying to get the business i think it is negative. >> carl icon sells nearly 3 million shares just with the company soaring. >> it does. the field as solar city or tesla or facebook it is not how you start but until you finish by getting out is almost more important. >> what do you think? >> he is still making money but it is a momentum stock the fundamentals may not be there but if he were high risk you can stay on the trade i think it is a by if you are in investor.
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neil: number is a truncated version but that will do it. we will continue to monitor the fallout with the president working with topsful geeks' to get the president -- to get the web site running. "the willis report" is next. ♪ gerri: hi, welcome to the "the willis report." tonight we have breaking news with in the last few minutes affecting your health care. big news on obamacare. increasing chatter at the individual mandate may be delayed. people all over it -- all over washington talking about it tonight. here's what we know, senator joe mansion from west virginia, the democrat talking about introducing a bill to delay the individual mandate. other democrats also getting on board in the senate.


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