tv Lou Dobbs Tonight FOX Business October 24, 2013 10:00pm-11:01pm EDT
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your dollars year. that is our show. see you next week. my $0.2. have a great night. >> the house energy commerce committee holding there first hearings on the obamacare disaster a failure that threatens all of the affordable care act for a program created by legislation that no one had read four years ago it should not come as a surprise that no one now will reveal who is responsible for the health care .gov fiasco. i am lou dobbs. lou: the good evening. a congressional hearing today on the failure of health care .gov raises more questions answered.
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the commerce committee trying to find out who is in charge of the obamacare web site who resisted more testing before the launch and what is the actual cost to taxpayers of that this point? watch one congressman trying desperately, desperately to get a straight answer at as ms. campbell the senior vice president of the main contractor cgi. >> it was not your decision? >> it was cms not our decision one way. >> did you ever recommend they would want to delay the date? >> it was not our position to do so. >> who at cms were you sharing that with or those decisions? >> once again chairman i did die have nor did cgi have been updated on a decision for cms to make on a life or
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no go decisions binnacle the cms made that decision? >> it is a body of individuals at cms. lou: 82 just department participated in the stonewall releasing application numbers increase but leaving out the most important, the people of actually enrolled with obamacare all federal contractors today testified the testing of the web site was inadequate and blaming the federal government without naming any names, fox news chief congressional responded with our report. >> federal contractors told lawmakers individual components were tested earlier but the government failed to check out the whole program until days before the launch. >> did not have adequate
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testing we took those results that were made available. >> contractors working on health care. lou: said -- health care .gov cms told them to go forward watching october 1st. one said he pretended to be a consumer from texas. >> did it work? >> dive log on to create an account and i could do so i just never received a confirmation e-mail. >> did not work. >> also conclude the cms is responsible for the blunder. >> on behalf of the company you have the right to throw them under the bus. >> another suggested they oppose the taxpayers something. >> i have not heard one of your apologize to the american public is that not in order. >> also over the excuse that it caused it to fail civic there are thousands of
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websites that candle, and current volume far larger than what health care .gov was faced with you talk about unexpected volumes ms. campbell. and that really sticks in my craw i have to tell you. >> if it crash was only 2,000 users is volume really the issue as the administration claims? >> there was some partisan fireworks. >> will the gentleman yield? >> know i will not yield to a monkey court. >> it is not a monkey court. >> by about yielding. >> with people sending this letter to obama asking for hhs secretary to resign also film made that call required to register before they can browse? >> two weeks before why was the web site turned off?
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it is ready and good to go. >> we will find out who that person was and why into the impact on the inability to roll out this program the way the administration promised many weeks ago. >> they wanted sebelius to testify today but the administration refused to send anybody to answer the questions at this hearing. lou: the administration was not fourth coming of the actual numbers of those that were enrolled but could survive other statistics with an update fess cms said the of teeeighteen is improving the functionality of the web site expressing optimism for a smooth operation by mid december. more than 700,000 people have applied for obamacare
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on the state and federal exchanges and those of call the when the hundred number for health -- help there are trained consumer representatives taking those calls we're told obviously the number missing is how many have to enrolled? in the administration refuses to answer that question. the president desperate to change the subject from the disastrous rollout even calling congress to go to work and immigration. but his diversionary tactics are weak to alter public attention from the health care .gov failure. >> to regain his heads should roll and changes made
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trying some counter programming talking of the immigration reform just after the problem started. >> this is the moment we should finally get the job done. >> republicans tied it to health care with the aid to speaker boehner saying the house will not consider any massive obamacare legislation that no one understands. other republicans used it to ratchet up pressure on hhs secretary sebelius. >> the web site was not ready attested cannot handle volume was still this administration, which i think is incompetent to do this, is still decided to push the launch button? >> 1.did the figure at that age just department saying it is the quarterback. >> it was the clients responsibility for end to end testing. >> also the unspecified
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number of people are enrolled there will be no monday morning quarterbacking at the white house. >> alternately is the hhs secretary responsible or the president? >> the president spoke very clearly about the fact he is wholly on satisfied. >> i have said from the president on down. >> sebelius said she will testify next week but today she traveled to phoenix, arizona to visit the health care call center although their phone banks with no sign of the secretary after she attended a mental health defense last night. >> what a wonderful room to be a. [laughter] is good for my mental health [laughter] >> not so funny for the administration and a surge of senate democrats demanding involvement be extended beyond march
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leading marco rubio to claim there could be bipartisan support to push the individual mandate by six months while the president has promised to consider reasonable changes his spokesman said since they want to dismantle the loss. >> fear not filled with sincerity to improve the system he wrote a letter on thursday saying that your frustrations just the only people who can propose changes are those who support it and all others lack sincerity? this is unfair and irresponsible assertion. >> now the white house has decided to delay the february 15th deadline pushing a back to march 31st so to align it with the fines so that is a bigger deal to delay the individual mandate. lou: we will take up all of
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that with the "chalk talk" and the 18. big money in business are behind the driver's mary effort with his return to immigration reform more than 400 conservative leaders say they plan to descend on washington to rally for immigration reform although they don't say what form it should take. hired news comes on tuesday the president of the american action forum and a man desperate to prove he is not a one trick pony americans for tax reform grover norquist all about immigration something he seemingly knew nothing about or is not interested to talk about and tell his colleagues in sponsors told him it might be a good idea.
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stocks finished higher with a handful of up beat earnings reports the nasdaq jumped 20 to the people filing for unemployment benefits were down by 12,000 in twitter announcing it has moved up with the update november 6 trying to price the offering expecting to sell 70 million shares of course, that is subject to change. kim co-founder does not like the apple buyback strategy of carl icahn. he said he should leave apple alone and spend more time like bill gates uses to help people like yourself. lou: that will invite to a response for sure. we will be right back. >> scurrying like rats in washington as congress begins hearings over the
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lou: i want to begin by apologizing to his field of the administration. i have on more than a rare occasions accused of the visitation of refusing to take responsibility for their many mistakes of scandals but it turns out accountability may be becoming more important first the national security staff was fired for critical tweet about the obama administration and now an
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operator has made news by talking with my colleague ean handy. >> people are reporting their real news? >> yes, sir,. >> does anybody really like it yet? >> not really. [laughter] so lawman who we will not identify was fired yesterday for participating in a perfectly harmless conversation and he has graciously honored to match her salary for one year or offer assistance to get her job. my apology was cetious but my compliments to sean are sincere. looking at the hidden source code shows you to give up your rights to privacy rather profoundly stating
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you have no reasonable expectation of privacy regarding any communication of data transmitted or stored on this information system. today at the contentious house hearing at health care .gov saying those privacy issues are another reason obamacare has to be delayed. member of the energy and commerce committee, a great to have you here. source code with that declaration forget your rights you are now involved with the federal government. we should expect it but were you shocked? >> i am very concerned and so should the american people that the rollout has been the absolute disaster and we want answers and that was the purpose today.
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lou: ms. campbell astonishing. how does a civilian, a contract with the government's stand before a committee filled with members and basically tell you all to go to hell? she did it with the sweetest stonewalled imaginable but is there not a recourse or some shave or leverage the you have to treat the congress to answer forthrightly? >> i think the contractors pointed the finger at cms and hhs we wanted kathleen sebelius to come before us today if she chose not to do that but she will on wednesday. lou: day you really think the answer would be different? now 24 days into this you
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can smell the stench coast-to-coast but yet we still don't know who is responsible or how many people enrolled the administration will not tell anybody anything but we have reached a level the matter how sincere or energetic the congress looks like it says we give up. the president is winning on scandal after scandal philly and investigations are the response and the stone wall goes on. >> i don't think it is working because we will demand that kathleen sebelius give us the answers and the contractor said it was cms responsible for the rollout. lou: centers for medicare and medicaid but whoever? >> several names were given. lou: there was a group of
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folks nothing worse than a committee unless it was a government committee. >> we will request the secretary provide us with the answers i really think the responsibility lies with department hhs and secretary sebelius. >> a lot of colleagues are calling for her resignation. >> i believe she should resign if the she should face the music to come to capitol hill under no circumstances do i want her to resign at this time she needs to provide us with the answers as to why the web site does not work. field of the administration web site doesn't work but it worked fine for the campaign lou: i went through the list of issues of what has been given voice to but none of them have been successful the man seems to have the
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uncanny knack manage a government. >> this is his signature accomplishment according to the administration you would think they would have tested retested the website there was no end to end test certainly that should have occurred. during the last two weeks the contractors said they did not need to weeks traditionally it is to with three months -- two or three months of full testing. lou: thank you. african pirates? they took two americans hostage off the coast of nigeria. we have the latest on the piracy off the coast of africa stay with us. africa stay with us. we will this is the quicksilver cash back card from capital one. it's not the "juggle a bunch of rotating categories" card. it's not the "sign up for rewards each quarter" card. it's the no-games, no-messing-'round,
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breakthroughs in design... breakthroughs in safety... in engineering... and technology. and now our latest creation breaks one more barrier. introducing the cla. starting at $29,900. ♪ lou: two americans held by armed pirates who attacked the oil platforms to the coast of nigeria this morning the captain of see retriever were singled out because they are american in the case is treated as a
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kidnapping for ransom and officials say we will have updates as they occur. you can still buy something for a petty but they may a -- 88 texas recycler with the first super carrier off the heat and the 1,067-foot ship as a long history also with a bit on tragedy but the navy says they have received no viable applications to turn it into a museum or made into a memorial and ultimately it became too costly to maintain. former secretary of state clinton interrupted during her speech by someone in the audience screaming ben gauzy ben gauzy. you let them die referring to those that were murdered
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during the attack chief said we want to be willing to come together as citizens to focus on the future that we want that does not include yelling the audience applauded and the man was escorted out but not yelling was the headline not that you let them die. joining me now with more on that gauzy we have former pentagon official katy mcfarland. watching the liberal media deal with that issue that there will be no yelling in our future and the heckler said you let them die. >> the bigger story of this era is not obamacare or taxes but where was the american media foundation of democracy that the media
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should be the watchdog of our freedom and now they're the lap dogs of the white house it is almost criminal. pointing all the things they have done wrong but not one and bit of criticism from the media. >> the idea that we also watch them head of intelligence from saudi arabia make a very clear the real family, the kingdom had a bellyful of the united states and this administration is refusing to consult them or treat them as an ally. they did not consult with the saudi government before moving against mubarak or did not consult with the saudis on syria. and god knows what else but it is enough for a rupture
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of a longstanding alliance. we have not seen losing this many allies this quickly we're telling israel you're on your own and with our allies to the .1 single most important ally is and deliver coal we listen to her personal cell phone calls now it is a major political issue. lou: of course, you don't leave out the french either. [laughter] but at whose order? i don't know but i would presume the fbi would not have the audacity to do this without the instructions of the president of the united states if we knew that
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edward snowden would reveal this information was of their preparation by this president by this administration before she did so? where they such fools to allow him to escape to the russians? >> every step of the waiver problems. if they were the fact hess noted went away with secrets that can now be revealed is a mistake and then to say if we knew it was coming those with which we have common interests throughout the world. >> is the obama administration so reckless or inadequate for the jobs they hold? tell me there is a larger scheme or a brilliant plan?
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>> there is too serious that one is they are incompetent but the problem is the allies in the world says the american model is broken you cannot balance your budget you are dysfunctional the web site is a word used by on your neighbors use by on your ally and buckled your adversary. lou: it is important to realize our allies are friends to say you but specifically mr. obama and his administration. i think the american people have a different voice. >> i agree. lou: great to have your voice and face right here. obamacare seems to repealing itself we bring that up in moments. we will be back. >> power, greed, corruption talking about washington.
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♪ lou: we will be taking up in the "chalk talk" the obamacare disaster and talking about the democrats that recognize an emerging reality had they foreseen what was going on just a few weeks earlier. we will be talking about the politics of it all and the "a-team" is coming up straight ahead. but first, a troubling new report showing violent signs on the rise in the country for a second year in a row. it was like 15% last year in
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property crimes rose by 12%. experts point out that we have seen a nearly 20 year trend of declining the primaries and they think that this is simply a reflex technically and many conduct hogwash so president obama is swapping out these old iconic tasks and they are known as covers, that a new version of critics have labeled the yearly. in my next guest says that washington isn't broken a new
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set of skills allows us to extort from what the industries do in order to funnel money into the pockets of their wealthy friends peter, it's good to have you here and congratulation on the book. and the layout of this thing and it looks, by your account, nearly everyone is in on the skin. and there are a lot of people that are.
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there is a survey done with business executives. why do you donate to political campaigns. the prime reason was they fear if they didn't come about things would happen to them in their industries we have something to try to get it to go away. lou: protection money and it is the same that is true. you also have double bills and that is where you can work everyone into this, competing for the extortion opportunity. and speaker boehner, his
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spokesman, it gets kind of complicated. he said, referring to you, he should probably read before he starts making bogus and salacious claims to sell books. >> i think that is a bad word when we're talking about extortion. including blowback from washington. >> that is the only statement that you have made. he started that statement saying that i don't know what goes on in washington and i think the reality is i understand what goes on in washington and what the speaker's office entails and what his spokesman wants us to believe. both are held on certain days and 35 checks from a single company show on the contribution lists and if this happens repeatedly, it is really a bit too much to say. the sad reality is that the lawmaking and moneymaking go
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hand-in-hand in washington. would they have created very simple way is to basically take money to enhance lifestyle all the sorts of things. >> that is in the leadership pac and let's take senator saxby chambliss, a republican senator from georgia. golf outings, equaling $10,000, pebble beach, why mess around, $27,000 at ruth's steakhouse and $107,000 at the exclusive
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breakers resort in palm beach. that is strong stuff. >> yes, it is. if you live, you might as well live large. that is what i jokingly say. >> we had the exception of the political clout. lou: is one-party more give in to extortion than the other? >> it is pretty common with both of them, sadly. i talk about in the book. it is hard to believe. lou: the book is extortion, it
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is available online at bookstores now and we recommend that it's a terrific book and let's continue the conversation tomorrow evening right here. lou: taking a minute to find out that dobbs. you can follow us on twitter and search at including a closer look at why bank of america is counting the thousands jobs in their mortgage department. up next, obamacare seems to be repealing itself and democrats supporting, at least some of them, on the weight of way to government shutdown. that will be part of the "chalk talk." talk." we will have that at od, whatever business you're in, that's the business we're in.
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lou: i would like to extend a complement to the six senators, jeanne shaheen, mark begich, joe manchin, and of course mr. blumenthal, all democrats on the board, delaying and recommending the delay of obamacare is individual mandate. where were they when they were needed. for one, you can't find the people for not having health insurance is a cam by it. as of right now, they cannot. it looks like they may not be able to, as perhaps as far into the distance as the middle of december. we will see with that and much more. we have judith miller, a fox news contributor, joining us. pleased to have you here. it is good to have you with us.
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so what in the world is happening here? these democrats could have joined the republican colleagues in the senate and had some significant influence on history itself. what do you think? >> if we are talking about when the law was passed, this is obviously true for a number of them. poor richard blumenthal, that is not necessarily correct. lou: i was talking about joining with the call for the mandate to be delayed for a year. i did not want to go back in history quite that far. >> i certainly would. because looking at it from my perspective and having track for president obama was on health care reform as a candidate in 2008, you know, ultimately we are dealing with the health care reform health care reform and that's not actually what he ran on area and many of these things are proving to be wrong with obamacare and our criticism.
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lou: we have limited time here and we could go through the history of president obama and his positions. what is this administration doing? and see what is building up and it is certainly a change of attitude with what has been a formidable and unified democratic party when it comes to the president's policy. >> i think that that is what they are trying to do, they are trying to head off something that is questionable because the white house knows certainly incredible debacle over the shutdown. lou: we watch person after person and not today. basically be assaying and refusing to answer the congress of the united states. and i don't see how anyone -- i
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don't understand where they are coming from how they sit there and take that. >> every expert i talked to says that the most with $643 million and i have a radio show, two guys in a cubicle can put it together at my website and it's never failed as an example of a website sign-up. but this is a bad excuse. lou: i'm just saying, the obama administration was not expecting as many people to enjoy it. >> despite the individual mandate and the fact that they are using the force of the government to actually buy this. >> i think as you bring that up, i think they are making a huge mistake. firing kathleen sebelius, basically talking points at the use of the past two years, this is a whole new deal and
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administration. and now it is basically on the ship. it has been in deep peerless trouble. the affordable care act as well and this is a mass. >> everyone can see that. i think the jury is still out on whether obamacare will succeed or not. >> signing up is the simple part. lou: i would like to hear the reasoning. because you are a brilliant journalist. i want to hear why you would think that the rest would be any better. >> we are focusing on hillary clinton's words and not a confrontation, stable os becaus thank you orville and wilbur... ...amelia...
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lou: the white house doesn't quite take responsibility for the disastrous obamacare rollout and that is as strong as i can put it. kathleen sebelius isn't being held accountable either. here are some of the chain of command issues, if you will. we haven't heard about her probably come out she is the administrator of the centers for medicaid and medicare services that is not being held accountable and who is responsible for the affordable care act excel. including, of course, the health website. so let me start with you, mike. this is a time when we need to
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know who is in charge of this and the administration won't tell us. they won't even tell us how many people have enrolled. >> i do a talk show every day, so don't get me wrong. don't get rid of kathleen sebelius, i need this woman. [laughter] >> we have the best technology programs in the world. they all work and that's why they have been disqualified and they can't get a government contract. so i think that she should go. >> did you just blame all this on mr. obama's integrity? >> i may have. >> i think that he put himself first and nice. how many times we have integrity and the foundation for what turns out to be a government
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disaster. >> i do not know at this point who should be fired. it was unusual for this administration. >> i am real fed up with us. someone should be fired. i am not convinced of that. however, this i will say, i do think that it is consistent that the with the administration's approach in which nobody gets fired except white house staffers to go on twitter. >> that includes obamacare operators to talk with sean hannity as well. >> whether it's benghazi or this, someone needs to take responsibility and say that i offered to resign or get fired. >> what she's really saying is that she wants some relief from all of the negative attention on this administration. and whomever is ultimately
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responsible and directly responsible for the health care. go website. what are your thoughts? is the time for the republicans to come up with a brighter and more focused message on this issue and so many others? >> yes, and to come up with real policy of fixing this beyond the talking points that they have been using. because i think clearly if you ask anyone across the political spectrum at this point, we have a real debacle and someone has to come and fix this thing and i don't think that we can really trust the obama administration to get it done at this point because they have massively failed. lou: there is one little problem. with angela merkel. >> we will see what he has learned and what he needs to say i'm sorry for. thank you for being with us, we
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thank you for joining us tonight and please join us tomorrow evening. good night from new york. [ male announcer ] it is more than just a new car... more than a new interior lighting system. ♪ it is more than a hot stone massage. and more than your favorite scent infused into the cabin. it is a completely new era of innovation. and the highest expression of mercedes-benz. introducing the 2014 s-class. the best or nothing.
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>> forget the far right and now the left is having an out. why so many democrats are piling in to allow they now support. and no wonder hillary clinton seems to be keeping her distance from the president. and up against the wall, the big retailers opening 110 stores there because it's had it with politicians and unions here and now the government is going up to jpmorgan. but was it the
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