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tv   After the Bell  FOX Business  October 28, 2013 4:00pm-5:01pm EDT

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stock trading? [closing bell ringing] liz: up just under 8% as we wait on that news p at david: a of draggers. it would be much more positive than it is now but were not for boeing and united tech. we have a split decision here again so much of all of this is waiting on what happens to apple. apple reporting and so is herbalife. herbalife will not change the overall market as much as apple is. again, split decision. dow jones s&p update text, the nasdaq and the rustle down a tick. liz: no records with the s&p or the nasdaq. time for your front page headlines. david: shares of burger king getting a boost after better-than-expected quarterly results.
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from one year ago. liz: sales of previously sold homes fell for the fourth month in a row 5.6%. pending home sales index dropped to the lowest level in nine months. david: pharma merck third-quarter earnings fell on lower sales expenses related to pharmaceutical giants restructuring of the research and development operations. weighing heavily on performers. liz: amc networks buying cello media. this just waited to close in the first quarter of next year gives amc and major international booze. david: toyota outselling their rivals in the first nine months of the year. 7.4 million vehicles since january compared to general motors 7.25 million volkswagen 7 million. liz: five coal mines for $3.5 billion. this deal o is the biggest step yet in shifting it his focus ofe business toward natural gas and
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away from coal. after the bell starts right now. waiting on big-name earnings this week. the hartford, apple and herbalife. mark newton, chief technical analyst in the house says the market is headed for a pullback in november. down in the pits of the cme, let's start with brian. i know what mark newton is going to say because he takes the emotion out of things. you guys look at the emotion in the pits. what did you see as we got oh, so close to multiple index records here? >> we had bad housing numbers, bad numbers, but those numbers will start losing value because of all the nonsense that happened in d.c. economic numbers will be delayed full of noise from what is going on i in the implement picture.
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watching the headlines and the trend is going to be to drag higher because you can't stand in front of this market. tapering is not going to happen. that liquidity going on. we will keep grinding higher. the bond market agrees. there does not seem to be any pressure in interest rates, letting its drift higher. have to wait for earnings. david: it is tough to argue this market is not top-heavy at this point. it has gone so high so fast. however i will throw out a line i hear a lot, where else are you going to put your money? you don't want to keep it in the bank reported in fixed income, where else but the market can you put your money? >> the one thing i would say is you have to keep aware of the ongoing trend. it is currently bullish but don't get too complacent. we have had a big run, the doll right now up over 700 points since three weeks time. you have three days left in the month of october. iindices will close up 4% on the
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heels of september 3% already so we have come a very long way in a short period of time. so what is interesting to look at in this point is we are starting to see increasing signs of sector rotation. it seems consumer staples, the largest outer performer. consumer staples the biggest out performer for the month of october. up 6.5%. up almost 200 basis points beat. talking with food stocks hitting new highs territories. we will see a lot of these which is a concern at this stage in the rally. liz: look at what did hit a record. by a long shot, the previous record the close was 7022. look at where we are, 7036. now these are names like the railroad, airlines, the fedex and ups of the world. like the old-style word of what
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they would talk about. >> investing is always compared to what sold. i think what we have to be very careful of is short interest. if it does turn, there's nobody left to buy it. wnursing small infantile games and nobody is convinced like you saw, we are getting higher on no news. i think it'l it will be really y because nobody that has two buyback cover the short position. the sector rotation is to find the next thing that is going to go three, four, 5%. it is a technical market, not an investor's market. david: the short sellers have been killed. you think of herbalife. i know you are bearish for good reasons. you are not a dramatic bear. is there anything too short out there? spiegel and more skeptical than bearish. it is interesting to note the financial sensing underperformer started back in july getting a
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few of the justice department cases. david: they are spending billions, but why is it for the other financials? >> we've seen attacks, reminiscent of what we saw in the '70s with the massive antitrust relations. sometimes easy massive attacks and dramatic underperformance, so this is important because this is the highest percentage sector in the s&p almost 18%. when you see a real lagging sector like this, it is tough to get a real tailwind behind some of these moves. we have seen that reflect it already, so that is the reason for concern. liz: some of your names, again i stress mark takes the emotion out of these things. you do like some of the consumer staples and utilities and technical. procter & gamble has had a these and run up already. spiegel and trying to look things and true november that have not experienced the kind of move like the regular market.
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things that have been down in the dumps just starting to resurface. this is the prime time of the year to look for laggards all the sudden start to outperform sstocks like kellogg, procter & gamble, these are just a couple of them. phillip morris, these are stocks not experienced the kind of move like the regular market. they do look like good technical risk rewards in the last five or six weeks. david: those stocks depend on the strength of the economy in general. we've had a couple of economic steps that haven't been that good. >> let me say this about financials. financials make money one of two ways. traditional lending when the economy is not describing that kind of business environment. that takes a long time to ramp up. they also make money in capital market speculation. that's been terrible. the third thing is regulation. dodd-frank, now this increased judicial risk taking through the
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justice department putting the screws to the financial sector, to be hard for them to recover because all three of those things are hurting them right now and it is hard to see how they will come back from that. a lot of pressure on a leader like that for that sector. liz: a time that we see names like green mountain coffee brought up in the last hour, has continuously like netflix captured the eye in the excitement of the consumer out there. are these opportunities are little more discretionary, are they not? >> you're seeing the discretionary stocks rollover against the consumer staples and that just occurred in the last few weeks. if uni high growth names really rollover. that is evident today with the solar names, internet names rolled over. all eyes are on apple. it is important when you see deterioration in the stocks. david: as we await apples numbers, i will ask both of you to be real short with this. is apple a buy at 530 where it is now? >> i do not like buying the
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stock. i will wait to pull back to 500. david: apple at 530? >> they're the guys that invented the i told you so. they always have a great margin. i think you have to hang in there and believe in apple. david: we will check back in with brian shortly after the s&p futures close. great to have you both. david: we are moments away apple's earnings while investors will be poring over iphone sales, top analyst says it is about forward guidance. we have full team coverage coming up. liz: the administration is probably wishing for a do over after the health care exchange hit and major snafu over the weekend on top of all the other problems. we will look at what is being done about it. david: which brings us to our facebook question. do you think should be pulled down completely? change the whole thing, rip it up, start over again. we want to know, your answers coming up at the end of the
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get live squawks right in your trading platform at od, whatever business you're in, that's the business we're in with premium service like one of the best on-time delivery records and a low claims ratio, we do whatever it takes to make your business our business. od. helping the world keep promises. see who does good work and compare costs. it doesn't usually work that way with health care. but with unitedhealthcare, i get information on quality rated doctors, treatment options and estimates for how much i'll pay. that helps me, and my guys, make better decisions.
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i don't like guesses with my business, and definitely not with our health. innovations that work for you. that's health in numbers. unitedhealthcare. help the gulf when we made recover and learn the gulf, bp from what happened so we could be a better, safer energy company. i can tell you - safety is at the heart of everything we do. we've added cutting-edge technology, like a new deepwater well cap and a state-of-the-art monitoring center, whe experts watch over all drilling activity twenty-four-seven. and we're sharing what we've learned, so we can all produce energy more safely. our commitment has never been stronger. david: all eyes are on apple but we're still waiting for herbalife earnings also which should be out at any moment. nicole petallides on the floor of the nyse. what is the word?
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speak three i continue to wait for the numbers, not out yet. it's in a stock up over 100% this year. the stock has more than doubled, something we're waiting for. the analyst being positive, they say to anticipate some growth and strong demand for the formula one they have. also the waste management product. we continue to watch what they are going to put out there. in the meantime, we wait eagerly. liz: i see a flash that says herbalife has announced the appointment of the 17th surgeon general of the u.s. between 2002, 2006, nicole. this to the board of directors. they are getting some names that perhaps give the company some legitimacy to the health claims of these shakes herbalife makes. liz: that obvious and is a big deal to have the u.s. surgeon general there. they also talk about don't forget what will act when users say about herbalife, continue to follow that story as well, so
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that is another factor in this. right now we continue to wait for it and see what happens. liz: he really likes the company and the stock. lizdavid: george soros has a big stake in the company as well, so a lot of big money has bought into herbalife. wonder how long he can hold those shorts. thank you very much. david: lets go back to the pits of the cme. >> trying to get it done. a couple of seconds left here. the grind is going to be towards the higher. so we will see what happens. it will not be on herbalife or on apple. david: by the way, is there much talk at all about what is happening with the overall economy? were the focus on individual stocks? >> it is a technical marke marks market.
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you will get crushed if you try to get in front of it. so we're just going to ride the wave until it turns and ride the wave down that way. david: so many on the sideline here. more problems plaguing the new health care website as another technical glitch prevented users on federal and state exchanges both from signing up for care. liz: rich edson with the very latest. i am sure there is a lot of scrambling going on. rich: her has-been. the website is now up and running again, at least that part of it. technical problems continue to hamper the effort to enroll millions of americans and health insurance plans. the ministrations as they have begun a surge and expect the site to work for most applicants by the end of next month. one republican is skeptical in an exclusive interview with fox business, the chairman says he has little trust in the administration's latest timeline.
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>> they looked us in the eye, said it would be ready october 1, they are not promise it'll be ready for november. it's not good answers. and their credibility is lacking for sure. >> the improvements are happening every day. the consumer experience on the website will continue to improve every day. incrementally as those changes are made. >> on wednesday his committee hears from health and human services secretary. tomorrow the administrator of the centers for medicare and medicaid services appears before the house ways and means committee. they oversee online marketplaces and both hearings will focus on the construction and performance or lack thereof the online insurance marketplace. back to you. david: thank you very much. we're going to go back to the numbers. herbalife just reporting now up a little bit after hours. dennis kneale, what are the numbers? dennis: wall street was looking for earnings of $1.14.
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instead he comes in at $1.41. that is a very good beat and we are comparing to apples. sales managed to beat as well coming in at $1.2 billion for the quarter instead of 1.19 billion. little bit of a beat there, but even bigger on the earnings per share. the battle between the doubters like bill ackman who still has a good 50 million shares or so betting they will go down against the big guys who are betting it will go up. nevermind all three of these guys know nothing about the herbalife business but their placing bets anyway. david: i remember carl icahn talking about they make a lot of good stuff. speak to anybody who has grown up in l.a. sees the bumper stickers that say herbalife, ask me how. how do they do it. jumping in the aftermarket session and again we want to reiterate that have added the doctor to their board. i know you saw that.
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having been an important focus during the 2002 administration. >> i guess so. new board members don't bombay stock. it has to be some cold cash coming in which clearly it is here. david: nice bump after hours. liz: a deep dive into apple earnings. whether the stock will ever top $700 again. david: even more problems over the weekend for the perspective from a guy who knows a thing or two about websites. founder of, his prescription for obamacare coming right up. i'm sorry, i'm just really reluctant to try new things. really? what's wrong with trying new things? look! mommy's new vacuum! (cat screech) you feel that in your muscles? i do...
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drink water. it's a long story. well, not having branches let's us give you great rates and service. i'd like that. a new way to bank. a better way to save. ally bank. your money needs an ally. losing thrusters. i need more power. give me more power! [ mainframe ] located. ge deep-sea fuel technology. a 50,000-pound, ingeniously wired machine that optimizes raw data to help safely discover and maximize resources in extreme conditions.
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liz: we have some breaking news. hartford financial group coming up with numbers. dennis kneale. dennis: another beat to the upside coming in $1.03 per share. that is $0.20 more per share ind $0.83 per share wall street was expecting. that earnings beat me in pre-much the revenue is going to come in and little bits the upside as well. we will see in moments. liz: we have the ceo coming up to talk about those numbers. david: as if do not have enough problems, and other glitch prevented users from accessing the site over the weekend. obama administration promised in the website will be running smoothly in a month, but is that a realistic goal? and where does fall short of other e-commerce sites? fox business exclusive, a man who learn knows a lot about thee sites, chairman ceo and founder.
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wonderful to see you, thank you for coming in. if this kind of a rollout happened in the private sector, with that business still be alive? >> no, it would be a smoking heap. david: you must have had. >> this kind of been destroyed a couple of businesses in 1999. there was one, some toy online company that had a bad christmas, the company was gone the next quarter. david: you think the entire idea what obamacare is would die if f this was in the private sector. >> oh, yes. i am not a bayonet wounded kind of guy. i have a lot of feeling for the folks up drinking, trying to work through the night to fix this. unfortunately political decisions underlining this disaster that i think they make it unfixable. we may be in an obamacare death spiral.
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david: why do you think that? >> got to look at some political choices that underline this whole program. the political choice of no pre-existing conditions is the fundamental flaw. once you have that, you create the problem of adverse selection, if you have good risk it doesn't make sense for good risk to buy the insurance because it gets too expensive. what you have to do is have the individual mandate. once you do that, you're basically transferring wealth and good risk to bad risk, residents this means testing risk from young people to old people who are already the wealthiest, so this is another example of a government program for the stated extent is to help poor people the transfers wealth to rich people. david: forget about the computer glitches, is a systemic failure. not just computer glitch.
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>> it is a fundamental philosophical flaw before you even get to the computer glitch. the computer glitches are going to exacerbate the philosophical flaw underlining all of this. once you get, but may continue for a moment, now they're putting these changes, i agree with these changes. the government has a role in fixing the market and make it easier for consumers to competitively shop and things like that. but the requirements, baseline requirements for the insurance are still too high. the prices are too high. so now it is making more and more sense for good risk, young people to come in, see the price, i would rather pay the tax penalty for not taking part. once they do that, creates a death spiral which incidentally ties into the computer problems because they made the fundamental bad decision upfront on the computer system on the website, and that is to force people to login and give all of their particulars before they
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actually get to shop. that increases the load on the website by about 50 ex. their website doesn't have it. david: shouldn't the geeks involved with putting this together have known that? >> i'm sure they did. i'm sure it was a politically driven system. the politicians did not want people to just go to the website and see how high the prices were, so they made them, some politician made a decision somewhere along the way or political appointee may people have to login first. david: they wanted to hook people into the system before the people knew all the details about how much higher the price would be. >> because they were afraid of sticker shock. if they defect because of sticker shock it triggers this hold that spiral of selection. underlining all of this is it bad political decision, not a bad computer programmer.
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david: there is a false premise they can offer something cheaper in the private sector as well. we can talk about that, but there is also false advertisement. the president claimed on several occasions, many locations in fact if you like the policy you had, you can stay there. the only thing that would changes it would become cheaper. let's get your reaction. >> if you already have health insurance, the only thing that will change for you under this plan is the amount of money you will spend on premiums. that will be less than you are spending now. david: not only a false premise, but false advertising, patrick. >> i don't think he understands it. this is a weird situation. a six of the national economy is enduring a hostile takeover from a bunch of policy wonks who have never run but their mouth. so they make these kind of promises with no idea, no recognition of how the law they
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put in place is creating, has created a set of incentives that will force people to act in ways that are not with these politicians are imagining. david: we have two run, but if you got a phone call tomorrow and the president said could you take it over, would you accept the responsibility? >> extremely unlikely, never occurred to me. i would of course do it ever asked of me, my father always said is a good thing i'm not a girl because i cannot say no. but no, don't want the job. david: thank you very much, great to see you. liz: all right, hartford financial group reporting third-quarter earnings moments ago. the stock is up nearly 50% so far this year although down over the past 10 years. they have come through quite a turnaround.
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coming up we are speaking exclusively to the chairman and ceo of hartford financial services. stay tuned. if you've got copd like me, hey breathing's hard. know the feeling? copd includes emphysema and chronic bronchitis. spiriva is a once-daily inhaled copd maintenance treatment that helps open my obstructed airways for a full 24 hours. spiriva helps me breathe easier. spiriva handihaler tiotropium bromide inhalation powder does not replace fast-acting inhalers for sudden symptoms. tell your doctor if you have kidney problems, glaucoma, trouble urinating, or an enlarged prostate. these may worsen with spiriva. discuss all medicines you take, even eye drops. stop taking spiriva and seek immediate medical help if your breathing suddenly worsens, your throat or tongue swells, you get hives, vision changes or eye pain, or problems passing urine. other side effects include dry mouth and constipation. nothing can reverse copd. spiriva helps me breathe better. does breathing with copd weigh you down?
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don't wait to ask your doctor about spiriva.
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david: well the apple numbers are out. dennis kneale has been going through them. dennis what do you see? >> it's a beat from apple. earnings coming in $8.26 a share. wall street was looking for less than $8 a share. that is actually a nice little upside. revenue beating if my math is right, over half billion dollars
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to the upside on revenue, coming $37.47 billion. wall street looking for a touch under 37 billion. understand something, this earnings per share number is actually a decline from 6. -- $8.67 from a year ago. this is bad when a tech company doesn't grow earnings year after year. they're beating wall street estimates, apple is, because wall street only cares how they did versus expected and other guys worry about what the growth is. david: we don't want to bury an interesting lead. you can see that on the signs to the left of your screen the stock is dropping after-hours, dropping quite significantly after-hours. even though by the way, they also beat on unit sales. wall street was expecting 33.4 million iphones. remember they only had a week of sales in these quarterly figures of the new iphones of the they came in at 33.8. it was a beat on the numbers a beat on the unit sales, about equal in what they were
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expecting with mac sales. look what is happening, liz, after-hours to the stock of the it is going down. liz: it is falling and perhaps there is disappointment o china. let's bring in mark spoon hour, laptop magazine editor-in-chief. as you took the first blush at numbers at first glance what do you think. >> they actually seem very positive in terms of unit sales as you guys were just mentioning. we're looking particularly at iphone sales. when you think about apple revenue, more than half comes from the itched phone the fact that they were able to surpass their estimates when the 5s and 5c were only on sale for a week bodes well for the future. as far as the ipad goes they were a little below estimates that doesn't surprise us though, they just announced new models. we'll really see how that bears fruit in the first quarter after the holiday sales. david: we should mention again, only a week of sales of the new iphones are in the figures. none of the new ipads, so-called air pads, are on, is
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in this report, correct? this is old, a lot of people knew the new ipads were coming out. they decided not to buy in so that was expected, wasn't isn't. >> yeah it was. i hope we get a little bit of insight during the conference call about the split between the 5s and 5c sales. investors want to know about that there will be questions but i'm sure tim cook will be cagey as usual, what he thinks about bigger screen iphones and wearables market and apple tv what is coming there. people want to know the next driver of growth for the company. liz: exactly. brian cohello, "morningstar" senior analyst is joins us. why is the stock falling in your opinion. >> i think it comes to the guidance for fiscal first quarter. liz: the december quarter? >> exactly like you said, in the september quarter you only had 10 days worth of iphone sales. this is the first clue into strong demand or demand would
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be. liz: can i ask you what guidance you would have rather seen? we had gene munster in the previous hour was looking 37, to 38% on gross margins. what are we seeing? >> exactly. apple is 36 1/2 to 37 1/2, the low end. range. if you look at apple's pricing strategy, they're launching phones at higher prices in order to capture the bream yum customer. we would -- premium customer. we would have expected higher pricing, higher geese margins but that was not case. the gross margin means these are costlier items. david: what about the i kahn factor here. will apple use what icahn wants them the to use the huge cash hoard to buy back stock? >> first is first. they only authorized 17 billion. we like to see buy back the 60 first. maybe that would appease
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mr. icahn. apple has enough cash to do buyback, 150 seems high. the way we always -- david: that was icahn's first offer. you start with the biggest thing you want and whittle it down after compromise. >> exactly. that 60 billion is still relatively conservative. they have 100 billion overseas. if they took out off billion to do the buyback, if they ever get overseas back to the u.s. they could pay off the debt tomorrow. still a relatively conservative authorization. liz: we'll get mark's thoughts on the laptop part of the business. he is with "laptop" magazine. dennis, you have more. >> couple points why isn't the stock going up on what seems to be a nice little beat. in the current quarter apple giving revenue outlook of 55 to 58 billion. it might not be aggressive enough because wall street was looking for 55.7. might want to see a bigger upgrade. on gross margins, understand the gross margins this quarter just reported came in at 3%. apple said they could go down to 36.5 next quarter.
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year ago quarter, right now the margins were 40%. year before that, margins were 40.3. the so the profit margins are going down as their growth also goes down. because the growth even with surprise to the upside on 33.8 million iphones, okay tax is roughly 25% growth versus year ago. the year ago quarter the growth was almost 60% in those iphones. look to the current quarter. for the first time in a while, apple has two big engines for christmas sales. has the new iphone 5s and c. maybe the c will be more of a consumer product for christmas gifts. has the new ipad going full guns this quarter. see if they give them new growth. david: mark, let's talk about margins for a second because the margins on 5 s is much better than 5c. a much more expensive phone. >> yes. david: why focus the 5c if you're ceiling three-time as many 5 ss than the 5c. better profit margin from the 5s than of 5c.
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why do you do the 5c? >> good question. people shop for phones, 99 or 49 where you get the 5c. the cost comes from the contract. from our perspective it makes much more sense to get the 5s because of the future proof because of specs. as far as ipad goes i think apple could be a little bit of trouble in the upcoming quarter not because of the ipad air because it looks great at 499 because of the design. i think some people are questioning of the price of ipad mini with retina display, at 399, it is much more expensive than the nexus 7 and amazon hds they're trying to go for the premium route but hopefully it doesn't come back to bite them. liz: steve wozniak was not impressed. he was saying what have you done for me lately? apple stock coming back but not near the closing value. brian, i will give it to you, mac revenue down 15% to $5.62 billion. is that worrisome to you?
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>> not especially. we really think that, you know the future is the ipad and certainly to the, tent ipad bams more of a -- becomes more after computing product, where it is used for it is can -- cannibalizing pc's as well and apple is willing to make the tradeoff all day long. david: brian, mark, gentlemen, good stuff. thank you very much. i wish could be better stuff for apple although as you mentioned, liz, the stock is coming back a bit. liz: dennis, we appreciate it. david: sandy, one year later we look at the lessons learned for the community, government and businesses. liz: speaking of which, hartford financial reported earnings earlier this hour. the property and casualty insurer is speaking with us. we have exclusive interview with how he managed to turn a 3-dollar stock to a 33-dollar
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stock in just four years. ♪ at od, whatever business you're in, that's the business we're in with premium service like one of the best on-time delivery records and a low claims ratio, we do whatever it takes to make your business our business.
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with a signature. legalzoom has helped start over 1 million businesses, turning dreamers into business owners. and we're here to help start yours. liz: if we reach back to a year ago, everyone at fox business was staying at hotels in the city because hurricane sandy was coming and it was disasterous store. insurers had to deal with quite a bit. hartford reported third quarter earnings earlier in the hour. they beat estimates coming in at dollar 3 a share. revenue expected to be 4.8 billion. came in at 5.6 billion. joining news a fox business exclusive, liam mcgee, hartford financial services group chairman. thank you, mr. mcgee. thank you for being here. what grove the beat on both the top and bottom line?
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we're not seeing that so often lately. >> well, liz, first of all great to be back with you again. last time we were in the studio it was a lot of fun. liz: yeah. >> thank you for your kind remarks on our results. we did have a very strong quarter, $505 million of core earnings or 1.03 a share as you said, 17% higher than last year. thanks for noting that it did nicely beat consensus. if you look at our quarter, it was very strong. it was driven by very good fundamental performance in all of our businesses. in our property and casualty businesses we had improving profit margins. we did have top-line growth, 2% net, written premium growth. and, finally in your standard commercial business which is the halt mark of our company, for the fifth consecutive quarter we had% renewal pricing increases. our group benefits business is a real star this quarter. it continuation of the improvement in profitabilities.
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so that also contributed to result that is you noted. i have to say in addition to that the continue ages of the lowering of the overall risk profile the firm continued this quarter -- continuation. we want to lapse rate in japan, 20%. we have the capital management plan. 220 million of equity securities this quarter, liz. i'm very pleased and proud of our teammates in the success and transformation of the firm. liz: what is interesting, and we'll get to the turn around of our company, stunning turnaround the past four years, what is interesting you are one of those companies that had to face down and actually, i shouldn't say face down, face an activist investor. john paulsen a while back, billionaire hedge fund guy was saying you twice should spin off
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the life insurance business. i remember how vicious that conference call was. it made the blogs. you listened and ended up spinning that off and tell me what it like on inside when you have an outsider who becomes an activist who is aggressive lyings of carl icahn and bill ackman, in this case it actually worked out well did it for you, did it not. >> every shareholder has a right to state their opinion. they're the owners of the company. as you noted we diddliesen very carefully. we talk the paulson and company's idea, very seriously, looked at it objective and which went a different route. as you noted that the improvement in our stock price the validation of the route we took. i think it is very important you listen to any shareholder regardless how they communicate with you. they are the owners. what we did as you recall, we looked at our business. we said we wanted to be more
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focused on businesses that we thought we had leading market positions. liz: right. >> that could invest for continued profitable growth. we wanted to be in business that is generated capital, didn't consume capital. and finally, we wanted to lower the overall risk profile of the firm as i noted earlier. liz: right. >> the reduction of variable annuities is helping us. so we announced that we were staying in property and casualty business, group benefit business and our mutual fund business which is growing very nicely but we sold our individual life business, our retirement plans business and a retail broker-dealer. we have put all of our annuity businesses into run-off. and over time we think that will result in a release of capital that we'll use for creative actions for the shareholders. i think the focus that is shown in these numbers this quarter on property casualty group benefits and mutual fund business really validates in this environment it is better to focus on things
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that you're good at. in many ways we return to the core competency, legacy of hartford property and casualty and other life businesses which are in good businesses are in the hands of strategic buyers that really value them. it is good for our former teammates so they continue their careers there. liz: in the end, we're talking to a business audience. your stock is up 50% over the past year, so it is outperformed many of the benchmark indexes there and, over time you've gone from $3 during the low point of the financial crisis to 33.90. you are moving higher today. we continue to watch the hartford story. thank you, liam. good to see you. >> nice to see you, liz, always a pleasure to talk to you. liz: liam mcgee, same here, ceo and president of hartford financial group. david, over to you. david: tenfold increase in the. one year since hurricane sandy hit the east coast. we'll look at the progress and roadblocks in the rebuilding
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liz: it has been a year since hurricane sandy rocked the east coast causing $65 billion in damage. david: elizabeth macdonald joining us from far rock away new york. this isn't far from your old neighborhood, right, liz? >> that's right, david. my parents lived un, grew up the way. what we're looking at, liz and david, good to be with you this afternoon is a boardwalk that still has to be fixed and built. basically the number they're talking about here in the rockaways, government basically allocated 9 to $10 billion in government spending. off billion was appropriated. they're waiting for machine know to come back in. the other big debate happening out here, basically flood insurance could go up. this flood insurance price increase was enacted three months, ironically before
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hurricane sandy swept through the country and devastated businesses and homes in about 13 states. and here's the deal. here's the problem. congress may vote tomorrow to delay the flood rate increases, one guy, dan monday, fire department chief out in brooklyn, he is also a civic association leader, he is really upset. he is saying take a listen who is profits off flood insurance. here is dan mundie. >> if they know the history of the program from 196, 2005 wasn't single taxpayer dollar paid into the program that may be true and we may have to pay more, big question about amount of money insurance companies are getting. they will make billions of dollars the way the program is structured under the law. >> that is the debate for homeowners and housing market still in recovery. people affected by flood insurance rate increases are saying hey, we give a lot back to the u.s. economy. why raise our flood insurance
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when we may have to move because we can't afford it? flood insurance could rise about 10 times by next year and go up some are saying 200%. actually even more. 5,000% over five years. we're hearing all sorts of numbers. that is the debate going forward. starting now in washington, d.c. may see a vote out of congress to stop the flood insurance rate increases. give it back to you guys. david: by the way, new houses, newfounddations look pretty damn close to the water? >> yeah, that's right. they built sand berms here too. they're doing all sorts of construction to basically stop storm surge from ever wrecking the foundations again. david: good luck. >> this is community where people rescued each others with kayaks, canoes, surfboards. they're fighters in this community. david: they are fighters and have community spirit. emac, thank you very much. good stuff. >> sure. >> appreciate. >> it awful times. she was out there with day later. trash piles. david: i went out there months, all our family is from there. she has a stake in this story.
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[ male announcer ] ask your doctor today help the gulf when we made recover and learn the gulf, bp from what happened so we could be a better, safer energy company. i can tell you - safety is at the heart of everything we do. we've added cutting-edge technology, like a new deepwater well cap and a state-of-the-art monitoring center, whe experts watch over all drilling activity twenty-four-seven. and we're sharing what we've learned, so we can all produce energy more safely. our commitment has never been stronger. we don't have time for stuff like laundry. we're too busy having fun.
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we get everything perfectly clean by tossing one of these in the wash. and that's it. i wanted to do that. oh, come on. eh, that's my favorite part. really? that's our tide. what'sours? melissa: let's go "off the desk." halloween has gone to the dogs. americans now get this, shell out more than $300 million on halloween costumes and accessories for their pets, people.
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david: aye yi yi. liz: 40% increase from 2000 two. david: we'll probably do it. this is how apple stock is trading down after-hours. not as much as before but it isdown. liz: money with melissa is next. melissa: people who work here at mcdonald's cost taxpayers $7 billion a year in food stamps and other programs. is that mcdonald's fault? what do you think? come on, let's follow the money. melissa: have you had your break today? mcdonald's under fire for its mac resources hotline directing an employee to the government dole in order to make end meet. it is another turn in the saga of fast-food giants feeling the heat as hourly workers continue to call for increase in pay. this as the golden arches reported its third quarter revenue rising to


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