tv After the Bell FOX Business November 1, 2013 4:00pm-5:01pm EDT
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them turning around. [closing bell ringing] nasdaq going higher going into the close. david: bells ringing on wall street. what a positive day for a newmont in november. we see all green arrows. one, russell 2000 getting kicked around. small and mid-size caps, having a tough time. nasdaq managed to squeak out a positive day, just barely. dow and s&p firmly in the green. a good day for those indexes to start the month, please. >> brand newmont, what do we general motors gaining 16%. ford sales up 14%. chrysler saw a jump of 11%. ford and chrysler numbers slightly below forecast. david: u.s. manufacturing grew in the fastest pace in 2 1/2 years. institute for supply management report said october was the
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fifth consecutive month of quicker growth. that is good news. liz: apple spans forming long lines at company stores to buy the new ipad air. they hope the new tablet will curb loss of market share to rivals google and samsung. david: container store ipo shares rocketing. went up a little more than 100% today. liz: citigroup is is facing multiple expression investigations in other other jurisdictions with four x trading. 10 traders at five major currency-dealing banks are on leaves of absence. david: many flights were disrupted today after today's shooting incident at lax, los angeles international airport. union official saying, one it tsa official was killed but north authorities have not coon firmed the death of the shooter. the shooter was also reportedly shot. we're not sure how serious his
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injuries were. "after the bell" starts right now. liz: let's get to today's market action. jarrett levy, and lance roberts, sta wealth management ceo and will share top stock plays and what they're avoiding. larry shover chief investment officer joining from us the cme, larry on the first trading day of november. does it set the tone for what is traditionally decent month of the year for trades? >> it has. what a week it has been. good grief, on monday, people walked in thinking prerogative the s&p 500 would climb up to 1800. wednesday and thursday come, and all of a sudden the market thinks that we're stretched that we're stretched, extended and due for consolidation.
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sentiment turned a little bit gloomy. for whatever reason. people are worried. continue to be negative even though november historically is a very good month. david: may be gloomy, jared, i have to say, even if it's a bubble, a lot of us think you have to be careful with all the money printing going on there has to be a bubble somewhere. maybe it is the stock bubble. even if it's a bubble, a lot of investors say, hey, you have to play along, right? >> that's right. you can either be right or you can be rich, right? you can't sort of be both. what that means is, you have got to follow the crowd and the crowd right now wants to be bullish. look at the majority of investors they're buying these dips. liz and dave, i think we'll see a one or 2% correction but you know what? it will be met with buyers. david: hold on, 1 or 2%? that is the most timid pullback i've heard of so far. >> yeah. because i'm watching this market action and you know like we talked about every pullback, it
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looks like it will continue on. buyers are underlying. liz: you say whatever the correction comes, you're pretty cool about it. you're copastetic. another the "c" word, you're not really concerned, why not? >> i'm not i agree with larry. larry and were here last time we were on together and had the same conversation basically. one thing that bothers me are some people talking about a bum, probably means we're not having a bubble at this point. generally nobody sees a bubble until after the fact. larry is absolutely right. the trend is positive. momentum is positive. the fed is not tapering qe anytime until after the 1st of the year at earliest. bias is still to the upside. if we get a one or 2% correction, i'm right there with larry, got to be buying it. david: i think he is with lance, not necessarily larry. larry sounded more bloom any than lance did. i want to talk specifically
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about oil. they're looking at drop, wondering what it portends. what does it portend to you? >> makes gasoline cheaper i think. i think actually an overhang it is true oil is down a bit, where it was two months ago. some of that is strength of the u.s. dollar. part of that is risk of middle east and dissipating quite a bit with cera, iraq, the, et cetera, et cetera. oil is starting to get hard to, break even, floating at this level too long. start shutting down production and we'll see oil shut exactly right. liz: that is what they do. they cut down on supply. especially at refinery level. lance and jared, show us the money. we're making for money making ideas. jared, picking stocks, not sectors. tell us why that is the theory.
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give us the first name you love right now? >> a couple of names are on my list. remember what you just said, stop thinking in terms of sectors. not about that looks at stories stocks. anything with a peg ratio above 1.7 or two, that should be a caution for you to look deeper and make sure you justify the pe multiple. much here is what i'm looking at next week, michael kors is being added. they have a lot of great momentum. i'm concerned with q4. the company is performing, firing on all cylinders. i'm a buyer of michael kors head of next week's earnings report. one stock, two of them. sanderson farms an pilgrims pride. i love chicken. loved it for a long time. both stocks had decent reports. they come off the highs. david: this is thanksgiving play, by the way, jared. they also make a lot of turkeys
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there. >> they do. but again, chicken is good alternative to meet. >> lance, talk about exxon, particularly regard with oil coming down. why exxon now as oil is coming down? >> well, first of all, first of all, i agree with larry's sentiments this is an issue with supply and demand. we're also move together end of the year, which is typically a weak period of the year for oil prices. after the beginning of the year see an acceleration of oil back to the upside most likely. 100-dollar plus barrel of oil we had earlier this year, takes a while to translate into the actual balance sheets of exxonmobil. toward end of this year we'll see better balance sheets there. one thing real quick about the market in general, i am concerned about the extension in the markets we got. i do think potential low-hanging fruit of easy money has been made. i like bigger companies that have dividends and strong balance sheets. >> they're all defensive stocks.
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these are all defensive stocks. >> absolutely. they are because if we get a downturn in the market, the stocks will get hit the a hasheddest. you mentioned about small and mid-caps underperforming. that is a sign that says the market may be getting tired. i like bigger defensive names at this stage of the market cycle. liz: "the wall street journal" interestingly enough, jared, is reporting that instagram shared its first ad, everybody is wondering how they would monetize instagram and michael coarse ad. right along lines of your stock pick. what is happening in the u.s. they are turning backs on coach for example. how dangerous can it be when you go with what you think is a hot stock and couple years later, you have to make sure you take the profits, jared? >> you do. and that is the other thing that can tell people at this point. you know, take baby steps. get into a stock, make a little bit of money, take the risk off the table. something like michael coors,
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there is excitement around it, if you have been in and make money, reduce the risk. any stock momentum play, don't be afraid to wiped down as you're making money. always get back in when things get worse or there is a pull back, with michael coors and momentum stocks. those pullbacks can be sharp. tough be careful. david: larry give you a chance to pay back jared for call you a nice young man. go made. >> hey, we're both from philadelphia. he's got great hair. would i like to have his hair. forget about the chicken. >> oh, boy. hey, jared, thank you very much. liz: right about now, lance says, mine is not that bad. good to see all of you, thank you very much. >> thank you. liz: check back in with larry in a few minutes. >> coming up new insight on what the fedsying this about and when it might begin to taper easy money policies. couple fed officials speaking out for the first time since this week's testimony omc
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decision. wait until you hear what he have this to say and how it might affect decisions, final decisions of that man. liz: have you seen more of these on the road? david: i have. liz: audi revving up to over take mercedes in the u.s. with a chunk of new models. we have a fox business exclusive, with audi of america's president about the brands suddenly superhot cool factor and record sales numbers. david: in our facebook question today, we're talking about who say sales. storrs are launching on line deals a month ahead of black friday. will you take advantage of these early, early, early, sales? let us know what you're planning. your answers are coming up. [ male announcer ] once, there was a man
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who found a magic seashell. it told him what was happening on the tradg floor in real time. ♪ the shell brought him great fame. ♪ but then, one day, he noticed that everybody could have a magic seashell. [ indistinct talking ] [ male announcer ] right there in their trading platform. ♪ [ indistinct talking continues ] [ male announcer ] so the magic shell went back to being get live squawks right in your trading platform with think or swim from td ameritrade. once wrote something on a sheet of paper and placed it in his factory for all to see. ♪
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four simple words where the meaning has never been lost. the challenge always accepted. and the calling forer answered. ♪ introducing the all-new 2014 s-class. mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. introducing the all-new 2014 s-class. at od, whatever business you're in, that's the business we're in with premium service like one of the best on-time delivery records and a low claimsatio, we do whatever it takes to make your business our business. od. helping the world keep promises. it's not the "limit the cash i earnvery month" card. it's not the "i only earn decent rewards at the gas station" card.
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it's the no-games, no-signing up, everyday-rewarding, kung-fu-fighting, silver-lightning-in-a-bottle, bringing-home-the-bacon cash back card. this is the quicksilver card from capital one. unlimited 1.5% cash back on eve purchase, everywhere, every single day. so ask you wallet? liz: yesterday at this time-shares of first solar started to move after the numbers came out, right? now they're on a share earnings are back on the floor of the new york stock exchange. nicole. >> this stock is pretty incredible as it moves to a new high, shares at 59.14. what a great day for first sole lear. came out with profit that easily outpaced analysts. when i talk about profit, more
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specifically, for the period more than doubled. they have seen that resulted in revenue. a couple of things, california and canada are two notes that you should make here pertaining to first solar. revenue, a lot of that came from a california solar plant and other project sales over in canada. you put those together, and that really amends revenue for first solar. a stellar performer. a multiyear high. goes back to 2007 when it was soaring but, certainly a great day today for first solar. back to you. >> happy november. good to see you nicole. have a great week. s&p futures are closing. larry shover at the s&p. people are buying into the weekend. >> people are squaring away. let's face it the market is a little bit wobbly right now. that is of little concern to me. we've seen this movie over and
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over again where we back and fill back and fill. s&p is basically, russell 2,000 down 2 1/2%. that continue. u.s. treasury yields, last 72 hours up 15 basis points. u.s. dollar is moving up 1% at a clip every day against major currencies. so there is a dislocation. that concerns me a little bit but macro sense there is still a lot of negativity. i do think the paint rate is higher. david: larry shover. see you, buddy. have a good weekend. liz? >> thank you. >> always do on the first day of the month we get auto sales numbers from all the companies. some of them missed wall street expectations for auto sales in october. audi of america is kind of stunning here. reporting its 34th consecutive month of not just beats but record sales. sales rising 11% during the month of october. what is really at heart of this? what do the company's numbers indicate about the overall
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economy? these are luxury vehicles. joining us in fox business exclusive, audi of america president, scott keough. a friend of this program. we back all the right horse. with your horsepower, stunning what you guys have consistently done. you talk about month over month, year-over-year to get audi where it is today. now you're trying to take on mercedes. can you do it and what will you do to make that reality? >> liz, u thank you very much for the welcome. you did back the right horse. fortunately the american consumers are backing the right horse as well. for us it is real business fundamentals. we made our brand extremely hot. we continue to launch new products. you see that with the tdi offensive. rs-7, sq-5. what is crucial our dealers are investing. this growth is not sporadically happening. it is happening in small towns and markets across the country
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so that gives us a lot of optimism. liz: what caught my eye. luxury diesel. those vehicles are extremely successful for you. i told you before my sister bought one and absolutely loves that. i'm thinking diesel? i had a peugeot diesel in the '80s, belched black smoke. >> old 50 a 5. as you point out that is long, long way from general motors diesels and peugeot diesels. we used diesel to win lemans. we proved its worth on the track. it is having very american. the infrastructure is in place. you're not requiring massive investment on infrastructure front. second thing we love bit the behavior of the customer. it is exactly the same as gasoline. just a hand on different pump. >> we're showing commercial where woman pulls up starting to use diesel. everybody frequents out, you're using wrong thing.
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cops are running. she is not using wrong thing. right thing for the vehicle. it has become extremely successful. great ad campaign that is part of the success too. let's get to the energy picture here. there is lot of supply out there. what happens now? will you go for the electric vehicle? i know you have got some development. got ideas. you have got the real thing. how do you anticipate that will eventually take off? >> look, i think there is multiple solutions as we always stated. right now we're very effective with gasoline engines that perform extremely well. smaller outputs getting fuel efficiency. we added diesel as you discussed. we're about a year away from launching a plug-in hybrid. this vehicle will have 20 miles of range, purely electric. then of course it also has an engine which will give the customer a lost confidence with the range and a lot of anxiety issues. i do see an environment for pure bevs but i think that is niche. i think it is dramatically
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smaller. you have to deal what the american consumer wants now. what we see they want, audis, and diesels and certainly see opportunity for plug-ins and we'll launch those as well. liz: they do want choice. can you spin it forward what you anticipate will be sales for plug-ins? we saw chevy volt sales stumbling a little bit. >> we haven't launched the car yet. i want to keep a little bit of my gunpowder dry. we think we have a target group that will appreciate the cars. we think we'll design and architect it so it drives and behaves like an audit. we're very confident like all of our cars. we're not in the business to launch science projects. we're not in the business to launch cars that are not successful. our engineers will get it right. we'll launch it right and i'm confident it will sell once we get it here. liz: no science projects. think about the biggest thing talked about the movie world and lotus s-3 in "the spy who loved me." you guys have a car a supercar
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you worked on to appear in enders game coming out this weekend. talk about what it means. we're showing a clip from the movie here. >> you know, it's, something we have a long history in. whether you go to i robot with will smith or as you call, robert downey, jr. and "iron man" and eventually 3-iron man movies. and transporter and. look at enders became. our designers love this stuff. they get to put a one-off car. this car will get exposure to hollywood and maris son ford. we have a bit of truth in everything. while this car looks to the future, certainly there's a lost things in there we can bring to reality, midterm as you look at that. it is something we love to do. gives us great exposure. liz: i want to extend invitation we have a car companies pull up to corner of 4th and 6th. smart car, back when it was alive, a bunch of other
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different cars that since gone under. we show them all, the top to top. we want to see that plug-in when it cops out in a year. pull right up to the corner here and we'll invite you and take a live look through it. >> i promise you will take you up on the offer andwell be there. i guaranty you we're not going anywhere except of course to the top. that is exactly where we're going. liz: no saab story there. scott, thank you very much. >> no. liz: he was laughing -- david: no saab story? liz: peugeot diesel. david: nice, nice. liz: good little car. david: top fed officials sounding off on the economy and their easy money policies, couple days of at fed decision. did we get any clue at all to the timing when fed would stop printing as much. details coming up. liz: this earnings season is far from over. more than 70% of the companies have of course reported. we've already got some predictions what will happen in the next quarter reports. we will give you the names of three companies that could
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surprise but to the downside. next week. ♪ my customers can shop around. but it doesn't usually work that way with health care. with unitedhealthcare, i get information on quality rated doctors, treatment options and cost estimates, so we can ke better health decisions. that's health in numbers. unitedhealthcare.
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liz: time for a quick speed read of the day's other headlines, five stories, one minute. publish houghton mifflin is going public. the 18.3 million shares will price between 14 and 16 each. the company will trade under the nasdaq under hmhc. boeing plans to increase production much its top selling 737 aircraft. a surge of demand for more fuel efficient planes prompting the company to manufacture nine more
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planes per month. "usa today" is now the country's most widely circulated newspapers issuing 2.8 million companies from october to november. walmart offering online holiday deals a month earlier this year. customers begin accessing roll backs on brand name electronics and home goods starting today. groupon launching a new website, revamped site will make it easier for users to find automated suggestions and references. that is the speed read. [buzzer] david: i like "wall street journal" better than "usa today." liz: wasn't "wall street journal" first. david: it can will and will be. count on it. richmond fed president jeffrey lacker speaking for the first time since the central bank reiterated plans to continue its$5 billion per month bond-buying program. liz: peter barnes joins us from
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washington, d.c. with more. peter. >> hey, david and liz, right? markets can't get enough of this quantitative easing and now we have a economists who are predicting that because of the government shutdown which might hurt the economy, and because these fiscal battles will continue in the new year, that the fed, it is going to keep printing money well into the new year. we're listening to every word that the fed folks are saying. we got comments from jeffrey lacker, let's start with him, president of the federal reserve bank of richmond. he is an inflation hawk and opponent of quantity quantity and i said in a speech -- quantitative easing and he said in a speech, looks like labor force conditions improved significantly since the latest round of quantitative easing was launched sent of last year. looks like would support taper as soon as the fed's next meeting coming in december of the his colleague, james bullard, president of the st. louis federal reserve has been a big qe supporter.
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he said, quote, the fed also wants assurances that any progress made in labor markets will stick. so while some economists think the fed could start tapering at its next meeting in december. others think it could be in the new year but this one does not. >> given the slowdown in fourth quarter gdp and what's happening with the budget, all the uncertainty over the budget debate in january, i don't think they will be in a position to slow down quantitative easing at all in december. >> got a big economic report today though. the institute for supply management survey of manufacturing found that factory activity apparently wasn't hurt by the shutdown. in fact, it was up slightly in october, when analysts had been forecasting a decline. also, all those auto sales today. up double digits, in for the month of october. so, not sure that they, that shutdown affected them.
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so that could keep tapering, tapering perhaps on the table. tapering the quantitative easing in decent. david: maybe. i wouldn't trust anything bullard says. he is blinded by the loss of the st. louis cardinals in the world series. he is absolutely blinded. he is beside himself. he can't think straight. liz: exactly. david: thank you, have a great weekend. peter barnes. >> that was a home run, david. liz: very funny. forget third quarter earnings season. we have an analyst predicting winners and losers for the fourth quarter. we'll give you his picks right after the break. david: also, how do you take a floundering baseball franchise to turn it into a playoff contender in just one year? peter guber knows. because he did it. the co-owner of the l.a. dodgers will take us inside his game strategy. his secret sauce. you want to stick around for this. coming up. ♪
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♪ nothing, that's what? that's why i take prilosec otc each morning for my frequent heartburn. 'cause it gives me a big fat zero heartburn. woo hoo! [ male announcer ] prilosec otc. the number one doctor recommended frequent heartburn medicine for 8 straight years. [ larry ] you can't beat zero heartburn. and best of all, it means i can enjoy all the foods i love. oh, zero heartburn is awesome. just like zero clery. ♪ [ male announcer ] prilosec otc. one pill each morning. 24 hours. zero heartburn. >> let's look at today's market drivers. investors weighed better than expected manufacturing activity. the dow and s&p posted weekly gains. telecom an consumer staples were this week's top performers. gold closing the week down nearly 3%, its lowest price in 2 1/2 weeks. the precious metal closed at
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$1313.20 an ounce. u.s. manufacturing rose to 2 1/2-year high. that was good news. the index climbing to 56.4, from 56.2 in september, liz. liz: third quarter earnings season winding down with nearly 75% of the company in the s&p already reporting results. david: so let's break down the numbers. take a look inside at this season's biggest winners an losers and what we can expect next quarter. joining us sri raman, thomson reuters senior research analyst, our touchstone for the future. this man can see into it. first of all it is kind of easy to beat expectations if you lower expectations. there was a lot of that going on in this past quarter. will we see more of that in the next quarter? >> so we have started seeing a little bit of that. let me put that in some context. when companies report they give out guidance numbers for following quarter.
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for five companies that gave positive guidance, five companies gave negative guidance. i wouldn't be surprised to see companies expectations go even lower. we're seeing growth rate 9% for the next quarter. that is pretty healthy. it might come down a little bit based on negative numbers. liz: going back to the first point, sri, that is significant thing. we saw that last quarter where guidance were nothing to write home about and they outperformed. no one will deny the landscape is tough to navigate because the economy is touch-and-go, more touch than go. could that repeat itself in the current quarter when we start to see the numbers through that we'll see up side surprises? >> we will probably see some up side surprises if the numbers go down low enough. right now the earnings growth rate of 9% is pretty fantastic. we might see it taken down quite a bit. for example in this quarter, six months ago the earnings growth rate was 9% for this quarter also. they got taken down pretty
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tremendously. coming in 4%, slightly above the estimates n fact, 70% of the companies actually beat estimates this quarter. that gives you idea how the companies are really taking down the expectations and then beating them. we might see that again this quarter. david: time to put your reputation on the line, my friend. we've got a couple coming out next week. let's start with tenet health care. what is your suspicion about tenet health care? how do they report? >> so we actually see the smart estimate which takes the best analysts estimates and latest estimates puts more weight on it is actually lower than consensus at 42 cents. there is some uncertainty about obamacare. that is actually drawing analyst as little lower. we have one bold estimate of, five-star analyst, he has been extremely accurate in the past, he is far below the consensus. we want to pay attention to him. the estimate is lower and might miss earnings in report. david: miss on tenet. >> yes, growing company. >> take two interactive, that is
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certainly wonderful. bygive us the next winner and losers. throwing them out quickly so we get names but what is jumping out at you? >> right now information technology is actually doing pretty well. that is driven by the software side. the estimates have been driven lower quite a bit. some of these software companies are outperforming pretty tremendously. so we're pretty excited about the software, the growth in the software industry. another sector that is surprisingly doing well is the consumer discretionary. there it appears is "tale of two cities." one is of course you have the retail stores. they're not doing fantastic. the reason for that is consumers are going out and buying big-ticket items. they held back such a long time. finally have to replace the old washing machines and old cars and home finishings. they have less to spend on other consumer discretionary items. auto sales are doing well. home furnishings are doing well.
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on the downside retail sales are not doing as well. david: let me get to another specific company that is going to be reporting, t-mobile. do they beat or miss expectations? >> t-mobile reports next week and we expect them to miss again. they have very poor cash flows and our proprietary model actually, smart ratios credit risk model has very poor leverage ratios for that company. with the cash flows being negative, that's a negative for the company going forward also. so expect them to miss when they report next quarter. liz: okay. join us again, sri. we love the outlook. it is great. thank you so much. david: sri raman. >> thank you very much. david: down for tenet health care and t-mobile. we'll see what happens. coming up a fox business exclusive, one of the biggest names in entertainment and baseball, one of our friend, l.a. dodgers owner peter guber, to explain the secret, the secret behind his team's success in 2013. took over the l.a. dodgers.
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the team was down. the spirits were down. he lifted up the spirits and the team made it to the playoffs. how did he do it? el explain. liz: we're all eager awaiting the second installment of "the hunger games." no one more than david. movie franchise is in fuel gear and lions gate investors. we'll see why the movie is betting big on this latest blockbuster. ♪ so ally bank has a raise your rate cd that wothat's correct.a rate. cause i'm really nervous about getting trapped. why's that? uh, mark? go get help! i have my reasons. look, you don't have to feel trapped with our raise your rate cd. if our rate on this cd goes up, yours can too. oh that sounds nice. don't feel trapped with the ally raise your rate cd. ally bank. your money needs an ally.
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at od, whatever business you're in, that's the business we're in. with premium service like one of the best on-time delivery records and a low claims ratio, we do whatever it takes to make your business our business. od. helping the world keep promises. you know how painful heartburn can be. for fast, lg lasting relief, use doctor recommended gaviscon®. only gaviscon® forms a protective barrier that helps block stomach acid from splashing up- relieving the pain quickly. try fast, long lasting gaviscon®.
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david: very exciting world series this year. saw of course the red sox win at home for the first time since 1918. another team had a really remarkable year is the l.a. dodgers. in 2012 the team was suffering under management and it sold for $2.1 billion. now just one year later, the reorganized dodgers were in the playoffs and had a lot of folks wondering if they would go all
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the way. so what was the secret to their success? joining us for a fox business exclusive is peter gooer -- guber, l.a. dodgers co-owner, mandalay entertainment and author of "new york times" best-seller, tell to win. the guy does everything. peter, since we talked earlier today we had the shooting incident at lax. you probably live in lax. i want to get your reaction as a big business owner in that town? these are live shots by the way. >> shut the town down. getting studio took three times as long. this market quickly reacts to news. it changes mobileness of this society. what is scary in the businesses i'm in, movie business and sports business, location means entertainment. when these kind of activities happen, people get nervous going out in crowds. people get nervous going into locations. it's a very telling event. david: that is a good point. it could really affect at love
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industries in l.a. thank god it is over. okay, let's talk about the excitement and what happened with the dodgers. when you looked at world series, they look pretty evenly matched, red sox and cardinals. how do you think you would have done against them in the world series, one or the other? >> they're both really superb organizations. red sox rebuilt, rebooted. last to first this year. they reorganized their culture. that was the secret sauce. they built a new culture. the cardinals had a great culture and maintained it. both have good farm clubs. both are very substantial organizations and been up at the time for a long time. dodgers on the other hand were a put moribund before mark walter, stan cast ten, magic johnson ownership group took over. david: a bit moribund what you say. a lot of people said they were down for the count. how did you bring them back? >> well, you don't really bring them back. first of all you create a culture. when mark and magic johnson, stan cast ten and the group
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decided to build the culture from the bottom up. great management. don't let expectations get ahead of yourself. bring in the best people. use capital to get greatest resources, players. build a system from the bottom up. that's what they did. now certainly went ahead of schedule this past year and very exciting but you have to remember, in this business, losing is part of winning. so you lose 50 games, win 50 games. it is other 50 games make the difference. this year those other 50 games cut our way. david: that is a very interesting point. you don't want to necessarily win all the time. i know as owner you want to win all the time but expectations, just like in the stock market, expectations are important also in the world of sports. sometimes a couple of down, couple of down seasons or a couple of down weeks can actually help building expectations. >> well, you know, thing about location-based entertainment sports is, uncertainty is what brings your audience n they don't know if you will win or lose. they think they make a difference. unlike a movie, nobody thinks i
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will see the movie this time and rocky will win. no, it ends the same way all the time. you go to sporting event the fan thinks they make a difference in the outcome. they aren't passengers. they're participants. so you have to understand that. when you talk about expectations the expectation to provide a quality product that is competitive on any one day they can win. david: by the way, we're looking at some stats of l.a. dodgers. you had players like peeing puig. spectacular to u.s. ports sports there is a magic in baseball. perfect example, red sox they will never make it. they're the winners of the world series now. once that spirit, gets in the system of the ball club, anything can happen. how do you deal with that ball club? is there magic you can't quantify or way to emphasize it and build it up in a team?
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>> yeah, there are. culture is the best good business policy. in and out of the team, in in ad out around the organization. you build it by getting best people for the common goal. the common goal is winning, yes, but winning world series is not the only thing. it is winning hearts and mind of the audience so they become the owners of the project, owners of the property, owners of the games. when you do that like in a restaurant or any location-based vehicle, entertainment-based vehicle you build continuity. continuity makes success on the field and off the field. david: okay, crisis of all questions but you have to deal with it. $2.1 billion you paid for the team. how much did you get back as a result of going so high this year? >> well, really changed a whole set of metrics. you changed the metrics of your advertisers, your sponsors, your ticket prices, maybe even concessions and merchandise. winning is an elixir that affects all the different touch
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points in marketing and finance, everyone of those. what happens is, when you do that you build this kind of momentum, the magic mo for the organization. you attract better people into the organization. even when players see revitalization of the team are more interested coming to the team and playing for the team. so it has across the board impact oo it. here's the point, being competitive is the game. being competitive on the field and in the marketplace is the game if you want to win long term. david: peter guber, the guy who has that magic mo whatever he touches. good to have you here, peter, thanks a lot. ceo and cokohner of the l.a. dodgers who may be the world series champions in 2014. thank you, peter. >> okay. liz: peter, breaking news from the fcc according to "the wall street journal" just a quick mention here, they may be considering jettisoning, getting rid of the 40-year-old blackout rules for sports programing. so, soon as we get more information on that we will get it to you. events are sold out, how the
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blackout rule goes. stay tuned. we'll get that more for you. forget about "gravity" other science fiction movie, enders became, could it win the -- "ender's game." could it win the box office game. could behind the company that backed film and shareholders. >> could missing outdo blockbusters films and be a ratings winer? we'll find out when we take you off the desk. ♪ my customers can shop around-- see who does good work and compare costs. it doesn't usually work that way with health care. but with unitedhealthcare, i get information on quality rated doctors, treatment options and estimates for how much i'll pay. that helps me, and my guys, make better decisions. i don't like guesses with my business, and definitely not with our health. innovations that work for you. that's health in numbers. unitedhealthcare.
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david: we have some breaking news on blackberry. qualcomm is now joining in talks with cerberus and the blackberry cofounders for a bid for the whole company. we had heard a lot about whether cerberus would be doing this with the cofounders of blackberry, taking it private. having some effect a little bit on qualcomm is down a little, blackberry is up a little. not a lot of effect but again everybody is waiting when and if it happens. if it does happen, cerberus and cofounders of blackberry take it private game, qualcomm may be joining them. liz: lion's gait -- you do? david: yeah. liz: that is a story in of itself. david: all right. liz: already sold out, the sequel to "the hunger games."
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suddenly the hottest studio in hollywood, that is of course lions gate behind "ender's game", could it win the box office this weekend? david: if it does they're on fire. there is more, lots more. dennis kneale with the story. right, dennis. >> that's right, david, there is more. "ender's game" could win the box office taking in so-so, $25 million. more importantly it sets the stage for november 20 second premier for one of the biggest films of the year, the sequel to "the hunger games." "hunger games: catching fire" could rake in an impressive $185 million opening weekend. never mind a film aimed at teenagers, about teenagers, killing other teenagers to win a contest in the post-apocalypse. some forecasters finishing up near the billion dollar mark, among highest grossing films in movie history. that means the sequel will fare
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better than first "hunger games." grossedhundred million dollars worldwide, a hefty return on $78 million, production budget. it could benefit from jennifer lawrence. she won best actress for silver linings playbook. she was barely known when cast as age 20 for "the hunger games." she is bonafide star in her own right. can it keep lions gate star riseing? up 500% in one year. total four films will be made. mocking jay, premier same weekend next year and part 2, same weekend in 2015. liz: waiting dennis kneale. david: waiting very anxiously. bad situation for the crash of a mazda you're looking at right now get as lot worse. etch pick toe truck failure. we have the video gone viral. you don't want to miss this coming up.
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passenger recorded it just in case the insurance company needed proof that was there fault. >> 1 million or regions are expected to huddle around their televisions to watch live in getting a 12 hour marathon with a world-record attempt for making a sweater from sheep to sharing to the final stitch it will be spun and knitted so the guinness world record to be is four hours 51 minutes 15 seconds and has never been attempted on live television before. why? >> stores are launching holiday sales. >> dash let them sweat and toil they offer better deals closer to a black friday. >> next week watch the big jobs report in october.
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non-farm payrolls rising 125,000 with the unemployment rate to climb. >> have a magnificent weekend. melissa: everyday america wakes up to the revelation of and is a spy and how deep is the dole and white does that mean whatever i have to wake up? >> could be a drone? they are being tried and tested in places you never even thought of. how can you make money? we'll tell you right now. melissa: the drones are coming it could be the next week to make money in the
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