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tv   The Willis Report  FOX Business  November 9, 2013 2:00am-3:01am EST

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that is a world where more people prosper. that is our show. see you next week. gerri:wo nights of "the willis report." the solution to obamacare we take an "in-depth" look at what you can do for your healthare in the age of obamacare and babying and shaving web sites. owing in popularity but are they the goal? we help you have the best thanksgiving dinner ever. coming up tonight. "the willis report." gerri: tonight we looked as
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solutions to obamacare and the problem is the law has created. especial user's guide to skyrocket a -- rocky premiums implants they've told they could keep you have heard the litany of problems but tonight r panel of experts breaks down real strategy is in rea solutions and answers. douglas told secant is here chris jacobs center for policy health studies at george pataki. i was on the web site. >> you actually got tough? >> of of pages still says you can keep your insurance policy if you want to. >> rita l. that's not true of the president just apologe about that and the fact is 8 million americans is this year will be notified their policies are canceled.
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that is sent to right but they're all are treated as a and exemptions that congress pass when they would ram this thrgh so there is help. gerri: for americans to have insurance coverage you can keep it. duquesne not to. wn, one of the fate this i have been talking about is e kaiser family foundation is known as an expert and they have a callator on there website you could calculate the subsidies you are eligible for. they use this on the federal government webeb site you cannot get on there. [laughter] >> they are experts it is a go-faith effort to give help but the bottom line is we will have winners and losers the letters will go to kaiser family foundation a juicy it can break it down to something reasonable also
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it is not a solution for what had to present a at. the next question is to reduce the for your doctor? gerri: the problems go on and off but people tonight know that mom or dad or somebody in the family that was just canceled a and what can they get on the federal government web site? if you are 62 year-old woman making a $32,000 per year. here is what youet from the obamacare web site at a premium of $700 a subsidy of 4400 so you pay 3,000 out of pocket. that is $6,300 that is a fair amount of moneys be back for a lot of people premiums have gone up maybe there'll be payi $2,000
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with $4,000 deductible now they pay 3,000 with $6,300 deductible because obamacare is forcing insurance companies to coverther services they have to pay more. >> than a 62 year-old woman is getting maternity services. >> but she still has to pay for it if she doesn't. gerri: private excnges. private insurance exchanges, is a possible this is a dancer? >> it already is. self insurance were you are not under the heavy hand of obamacare if you are signed up with self insurance a lot of times workers don't even know. you have no rules or penalties of our taxes of obamacare but for small businesses to join 6 of large business and 80 percent of the unions get it through a self insurance
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for only 50 percent of small business so they should look at this it is more e efficienand less expensive and allows you to tailor the coverage. gerri: what are your criticis? >> if you are a self -- a small firm's health insurer you take on all the risk if one gets very ill you still have a problem. it isot a panacea but a situation they have been how forced into trying to find any shelter. >> governor? >> there is an optio if you are a small business you don't want to assume the risk of somebody gets a serious illness you have to pay 200,000 is a you can get insurance anything above 5,0 or 10,000 you are covered with a private insurer that the employer pays for.
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you could limit their risk estimate that's a good point but the important to peace is it is tailored it is what obamacare does not let you tailor it to your circumstancethe biggest difference between private republican approach. gerri: people want to see private sector solutions program.'t wanto be with what else is emerging? >> private exchanges are out there and health insurance is an option of. pieces like clinics that have ready access to care. but to put the lipstick on the big board make lemonade out of belod choose the analogy. >>n how they may not be available in would be
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difficult to get doctors and was searching for a solution because i hear from people from medicare to say i am really worried will lose my doctor over ti that they will work with people who are really wealthy. i think these peoplehould see what their plans are t major's. >> if they can get a doctor to enter the phone. middle-class it is hard to do. just as an example 82% a and kentucky signed up for mediid there might not be enough doctors. gerri: what can we do about that problem of? if you have private markets we offer by a having a higher wages and attracting people died here is the low reimbursement rates to medicaid to save with the obamacare exchange. they are the medicaid of the future that is not a solution. gerri: out it is on view.
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have to get your own coverage, find a doctor with the hospital they allow you to use, people say how can i look out for myself? i have spent jockeyed of what still some weeks that does dna testing to look to see what should i be werke to protect myself? >>we will see more personalized madison because of the harnessing of the human genome to be tailored you see that with the problem is obamacare tries to put the one size fits all solution. >> no question. oneof the sad alternatives is to be a small business with fewer than 30 workers why we're not seeing him plugging grow part-time
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workers held at 29 you are out from obamacare. there has to be a better way >> hope we can find that. gerri: you are sticking around as the solutions contin and we will talk about th politics surrounding the law and wha washington can do now. in the meantime go to gerri individual solutions
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t several comeback to an hour to find real solutions to the problems created under law problems that the president today made a light touch did his p.j. louiana >> we had this problem with the website. i am not happy about that i want to fix it myself but i don't write code. there will only be so much support we get on that on a bipartisan basis and tell it is working real well then they will stop calling and obamacare. gerri: our panel is back.
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and from the center of health policstudies thank governor pataki is that in good taste? ltd. is pathetic he is laughing at a problem that millions of americans have bid 10 million more will have. it doesn't just have colbert problems it is flawed. it will not work they can try to tax parts of it but ultimately th have to take a look amir to say we screwed up we finally read ite have to go back to the drawing board. gerri: he apologized last night. >> i am sorry that they are finding themselves in this situation based on assurances they got from the. >> that is as close to an apology will ever get from this president. he is not noted for his
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modesty and i really think this will come back to haunt him. it a forceful way he did promise people he keep their planr keep their doctor. it is not true but the governor is right that is not the only problem the more you dig the more prlems you will find that is the taliban problem. gerri: now at the back and read the website tries to communicate with providers. >> it is interesting obamacare doesn't let you keep your health coverage it does cover kirch feelings? saide is sorry if you're hurt the league's but not for making the promises. >> have a website still promises you could keep your coverage but they cannot fix the whole page of the web site?
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how to the fix the web site? >> they can't they cannot fix the law. , the tides to buy serities they this was a bad bill? they do they we're doing back. gerri: here is what the president said. >>. >> i have been burned already with theweb site or more apart the the of people have the verge. >> he still has his health care but what about the 65 year-old will get? i don't feel sry for the president. >> i just want to echo. the american people have a problem they paid for a website that doesn't ork about may very well not be
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secure and once it is working they still have a bad lot it is nonethels the matter. gerri: why don't they delayed the mandate for one year? check the people need relief even if they get the web site working a constituent from north carolina came to us last week and with personal information and from another persoapplying for coveragehat disclosed tim a north carolina man received a south carolina cabana the eligibility. gerri: in washington is the same state. [laughter] your information is not safe such you really want to use it? >> flying down to the president. >> she knows that he is that travel in the louisiana and she is running next year.
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then ery major social issue advanced in a bipartisan way except obamacare this was the signature of the democtic majority with the catastrophe they have too old at what them to see that runaway. gerri: date sapir said the chief technology offer for the what will they learn? iraq fifth security testing. there have been concerns about the security of the web site. there is some indication as they do there was a problem of at the lunch were their security concerns?
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why did you go ahead? the web te may be fixed but that is a lasti judgment call. gerri: as a you say not only did they know a bunch of people would lose their coverage but they also do there was security problems? >> the administration and said they'd never did end to end testing and last week it seed fine in this would never have the baby because the people ascii for her resignation as she does not work f them so she doesn't care but the people the to go this website is secure befo they pert -- but if the social security numbers to back the chinese will go more of the americans they have the nsa. i guarantee there is a little phial of everybody.
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>> it is absurd. it is funny except it is tragic. >> the irs the social security administrtration it is not just my number but a weak point in the security of u.s. records criminals pay more for health care records more is there a social security number and there it is to be had. will be back after the break looking at more solutions to th ri a cost of obamacare. n't go away.
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gerri: "users guide to obamacare" continues tonight with the in depth look at the massive st of this law that small businesses even the system itself could the cost craig the whole system down? bring back our guest. it introduced the floor from the "wall street journal." about me with this. the price tag on eight we were originally told in 2013 over ted years is 1.8 trillion how does that have happened? why is there such a big boost? >> douglas is the one who bridges the numbers i think it is voodoo. we have talked for weeks
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about the fact the promise is bn and if you want your health care you could keep it but here is the bigger lie the idea this will pay for itself and will not blow a hole in the deficit and reeler the opposite. people are not citing up to subsidize but you can see a massive cost. >> one of the biggest cost detrimental impt is what of the reasons you see the price tag go up. a lot of people who are unemployed logger than anyone procted and obamacare raises the price tag. if we get past the starter problems there is n chance
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it will add up but the premiums are too high and dead in that end we don't get much of a program. the store fami. nothing in between. gerri: and i ink t real ar is the program goes top-seeded billions of people inside that said we have a huge tap have the president said yesterday that he wants to put even more subsidy money on the table. >> exactly. in addition to promise a you can keep your plan but did in 2008 presidt or a candidate obama said it would cost 50 or 60 million per year when fully implemented the commercial budget office says 2023 it will cost $250 billion for
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the subsidies. that is four or five times what he promised not county if you kids get a waiver or if they have to subsidized or four employers decide to drop coverage it is a lowball estimate. gerri: a so a big announcement from kathleen sebelius earlier today talking about adding mental-health. [laughter] so she says there should be parity between carriage of mental-health issues and physical ailments. if i break my arm on sixth avenue i will see a doctor who wwll fix ann it is over. therapy is once a week over years. how do you make them the same? the cost is different.
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>> you talk to all major new crosstree already know that obamacare is basic pl is much more important one dash pensive than people thought. they will coinue to add benefits. if it ever gets off the ground. every american and once their own health plan. like kiwi be a society to pick and choose? why do we do one-size-fits-all? i do not the maternity care. [laughter] gerri: tell me something intelligent about the mental health benefit i understand but psychiatrists do not work to work for this kind of money that medicare and medicaid services do. >> that is between the metal
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kolff services with a lack of access. said it the are some elements like diabetes better conicler better similar to a mental health so they try to establish parity but the k point is why do we add me benefits to the one se fits all paage? that is what is wrong with this from the insurance point view. gerri: last word what is the biggt problem? >> the befits a of that there are incentives to put more people in the exchange's so he put them with a government benefit kirk combined with the problems of medicare/medicaid social security is a recipe for disaster. gerri: you were on capitol
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hill d you see it? >> don't say we didn't try to warn you but the regulations in three years ago sid you cannot keep your plan but now people our just waking in up to e reality. gerri: stake youo much. we appreciate your time. coming up we will switch gears for current legal panel weighs in on a new trend of public they began shaving. addedext one of the most important stories from the week a look at a genec testing can change your life after the break.
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gerri: welcome back.
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finding answers to coping with obamacare is not esy on a personal level a can be intimidating. or scary for the 5 million people who have had their health insurance canceled bu the risks our bigger than back geing affordable care you can have confidence in it is more difficult for ever but a. will your doctor be around next year? the year after that? what about your hospital? will your insurer paid for you to go there orad chosen at cheaper facility? the burn of responsibility is shifting to you. you have to make sure you get the ce they you need d deserve. under obamacare is shifty to protect itself that leaves you on your own. we have been talking about solutions than one shortcut or one solution that i thought that may interest
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you is a web site that is a dna test a web site. gerri: i was blown away. surprise. ancestry affirmation. >> we have a schoolteacher called the ancestry composition we can take your dna to break down into percentages of your ancestors who are mostly european said tuesday a big chunk from great britain or ireland. we do this for europe and africa and asia all over the world. gerri: 40-point 5%ritish irish got a surprise. i had no idea a big reveal for be by an asterisk for celiac? >> you are at a vy significant increased risk that is a profound included
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allergies of misinformation you can sharee with your doctor some people don't know they have a and genetics plays a big role. gerri: i am already taking steps that it hhs made a $95 but y could getu pay deprivation that could really help you. the other thing that i have to put in my medical records about a drug response. >> you are hypersensitive to a blood -- a blood thinner you would require a much lower dose so this is important innovation to share with your doctor because you could have the adverse side effect. gerri: is a you made i could lead out in a situation. that is critically important lots of questions today when you are a did a bad bet if
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you create designer babies? >> we filed patent to help people understand when two people think about having a child what the chances are would have certain trades like eye color could the child have blue? it is a tool to undersnd how genetics are passed down to the next generation gerri: title lot of you are larry but think of it this way you could learn something about yourself to allow you to prevent a problem down the road salt a health problem before it happens. i did and it is worth thinking about. to the twitter follower who suggested that i am gettg paid to promote their service. don't i wish? go. i am not being paid i just think it is a good service. bows story sure click jake on the unexpectedly strong
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and a blender report gives the stock a lift to does have investors wondering what is a need for the stimulus program? adding 204,000 last month for august and september than previously been reported perpetrators stock after social networks had a smooth public debut add 26 long dash tired of the 26 ipo price. yesterday the guest predicted a sell-off but today the dawdles sales edged up the biggest company is credited for a limited time offers like the mighty wings and puckett coffee. city and state officials have pursued bankruptcy but the city says it is the last resort the city filed in july. those areme of fostoria's
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right now. when we come back celebrity chef is year and ben and women getting their revenge she is a home record dhaka. is a legal? stay with us.
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gerri: we had serious topics now switching gears the jilted is causing revenge websites to surge of popularity one of them she is a home gives women the arage 32 anonymously day more shave their boyfriends but is a legal? we have a partner from duncan and hunter law firm from new orleans.
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and/ fox news legal analyst. >> it is legal for the sir they are covered by the committee said decency act of the servers can put on whatever they want but where it gets tricky is not for the rvice itself but the peopleho are posting there posting tes that are not true or they'd make it public about private tax they babies sued for defamation. gerri: is this legal? back at a rare opportunity but i agree. its a shock. the truth is that theoretically it is legal but people could say phase and tuesday's letter so a rages that there rigby an attempt through that to go out after the person individuallyho is
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doing the reporting saying that they this -- bad status gerri: is appalling. this is not some place you want to spend aot of time. so there is liable, defamation, a slander? >> it applies with the divoe court because in all comes out. you posted this en the of bloody the wife who does this to the husband fair disclosure now oocyte called he is a home >> but it does remind people but to have it splattered all over the internet is a probm and lawyers to break these types of cas will t be attracted to go after
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the individual as opposed to the network or individual service provider who have the deep pocket. it is a real problem and baby to be addressed. >>lso the ultimate defense is is it true? but if they live said you talk about defamation and slander. you have to prove it. >> some states do have the invasion of privacy laws just the fact is on there even if it is true could have a cause of action but if they keep the proliferatorsnonymous and then how do you know, who to go after that could lead to lawsuits against the provider in the w site to force them to disclose who these people are. gerri: ed you agree to much. forget the legal credentials.
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what the state of this public baby and shaving? >> it is wrong and horrible and discussed thank. anybody that stoops to that level is not kosher in my book. >> is definitely not kosher we agree again but i cannot help that but any fair minded person does not want to see their dirty laundry for the whole country. that doesn't need the person who did the cheating is right but use this forum it is a statement had although our society could be to let this stuff go on. should be of awful but how does that happen? >> good lot. >> that will not happ and that divorce court any judges sees that you try to shave your husband or wife i
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know the key will be very sympathetic. >> the only other side it worth is that if people know they could be shamed into teacher their behavior? >> this has been going on since before the internet. >> but they had to find some think. [laughter] gerri: have flooded new orleans. >> i am here for work. gerri: we heard that. either would you agree you are still flood s always. is it okay to publicly blame and shame? log on and vote on the right-hand side of the screen and still to come my $0.2 just 20 days away from the best family day of the year and we have tips from
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one of the best shops out there, tod english. next.
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gerri: from spending time with loved ones to the macy's pare there are plenty of reasons to lo thanksgiving but the food is the mania event here to his secrets is celebrity chef todd english author of cooking in everyday english.
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you did dodd/frank me one? [laughter] >>t is on its w. as a chefis there a better holiday it is all the wonderful things the net in the air and you feel like eating and going for it. i am not from here. i am from north carolina and people here got out to dinner on thanksgiving? the tradition is at home. >> i a happy with three restaurants in thcity but i agree. i love to cook. get the faaily and frids around then bring dishes over then you feel obligated to make everything the shes in e cranberry but
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then there is thcleanup that is the fun part. gerri: that is what the husband is for. >> for their kids but thanksgiving food taste better the day after so start cooking a couple of days ahead of time. gerri: nothing worse than have a room full of people d you are not ready. what is your ideal thangiving meal? what would be the best deal ever? >> every year to meet i is about the sides i love turkey. but the fund vegas to play with are the cranberry relish, a turn ups. gerri: they are boring
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speech you can roast them more at cheddar cheese or maple syrup or not they can and spices to make them different but as far as what else goes on and with the turkey and i love billy so i will put white truffles that is extensive. gerri: i will delay of this year. >> would every like. we have done vegetarian and turkeys, squash, ham, bacon staff aide for your lamb. something find and different they doubt the fed achieves. gerri: if you could get there about 2:00 that would be great.
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>> we will deliver it to your hse. >> great to information and. >> and not even without pie it does not hav to be homemade. according to the npr survey one quarter by there is at the store. which tops of by are the most popular? >> blueberry. wide out of ted service and it is popular in made. number for gerri. number three punt again. 60 percent say it as the place of the table. number two's strawberry or even strawberry rhubarb. number one is apple the all-american and desert the favorite of 20 percent of families and historians
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found apple pie going back to the 14th century. my mother-in-law makes cherry and apple if you choose the apple she says whats wrong with the cherry? wel be right bk with the question of the day is it okay to publicly baby and a sham like digest did?
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gerri: earlier this hour, debae on homewrecker websit and if it is legal. is tat okay? we asked the question on 53% said yes and7% said no. be sure to log o to onto for our online question every weekday and finally tonight, we have done our best t come up with solutions tonight for obamacare.
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other ways to get health care insurance, i'm going tt review a couple of them right now. the aiser family foundation have the calculator on their website that can help you figure out whether you are eligible for subsidy them what you can expect to pay. do not forget the limit on out-of-pocket costs. check out this website. and talk about extending your current coverage. it's possible that you are in sure will allow you to extend your policy for another months. and it couldn't hurt to get procedures and test on now instead of later. some gd newstonight, private exchanges are beginning to emerge and may be a solution. keep watching "the willis report." we'll tell you about the changes coming up. that is my "two cents more." we will bring you a users guide to shopping. next week. the best deals to the holiday season. again, the users guide on shopping starts monday and goes all week long.
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at's it for "the willis report." dvr our show if you can't catch a fly. neil: hereyou go. >> am sory in this situation based on assurances they got for me. the one he is sorry but that doesn'mean he is taking anything back now. and he is fixing it on-the-fly. a look at how that is creating a bigger fly-by-night situation. welcome, i am neil cavuto. the president has a


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