tv Cashin In FOX Business November 10, 2013 2:30am-3:01am EST
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>> we'll see that. is it for "forbes on fox." have a great weekend. thank you for watching. keep it here. the business block contitinues with eric bolling and "cashin' in." get well, annie. get well soon. the apology after the pledge. did president obama just join this club? >> no one in the white house staff, no one in this administration, presently employed was involved in this very bizarre incident. >> i did not have sexual relations with that woman. >> if you like your healthcare plan, you will be able to keep your healthcare plan. period. >> all broken promises, and backtracking. but will this one be the most costly to america and then talk about rewarding failure. the government awarding millions in two contracts to the same company behind the glitch-ridden obamacare website. is this d.c. incompetency at
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its worst? plus, snooped on an now swdled. not only is the government spying on you, the c.i.a. said to be shoveling your tax money to at&t. can you hear me now? "cashin' in." keeping track of your money. starts right now. hi, everyone. i'm eric bolling. welcome to "cashin' in." the crew, wayne rogers, jonathan hoenig, michelle fields, juan williams. welcome, everybody. talk about the words coming back to bite you. >> if you like your healthcare plan, you will be able to keep your healthcare plan. period. >> then the president back pedaled this week saying this -- >> what we said is you could keep it. if it hasn't changed since the law passed. >> and now he is apologizing, trying to clean up hiswn mess. >> i am sorry that they are finding themselves in the
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situation based on assurances they got from me. >> he has been lying for four years, lies are racking up, costs are racking up. michelle, you are not buying this, are you? >> not at all. he knew this would happen since 2010 and he did nothing about it. now the american people are paying the price for it. if you look at the state of delaware, it cost taxpayers $4 million to set up obamacare in delaware. you know how many pple signed up so far? four people. that means we are paying $1 million per enrollee. no one is signing fun for thing. the reason why they canno afford it. the commonwealth fund released a study this week. they look and they found that almost half the people who went to the obamacare websi said t reason they didn't sign up they couldn't find a plan that was affordable. no one can pay f thi >> wayne,when you tell someone something for four yearous can keep your plan and youroctor, you have been saying it for four years and then this week he comes out
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and says, i didn't say it that way. ise lying? this is a bigie, isn't it? >> eric, i'm not sure that he fully understood it. you know it's 2800-page l. i don't know that the president is that smart. all due respect. he is a bright guy. but you don't read 2800 pages and come out with what he said. the congress didn't read it. nobody read it. nobody knows what is in the law. he doesn't know what is in the law. how can he make the promises? i'm not sure that he was deliberatelyying. i coululd have been -- >> no, that's not true. >> let me finish. i'm not sure it wasn't just total ignorance. now once he said it and if he was quoted, yes, that is a lie. >> i think there is no way you can't call at it lie when he said i didn't really say it. hold on. i want to ge to juan. juan, is it more disturbing that the president knew and lied about it for four years or as wayne points out he probably didn't even know? >> you know, i just sit here and marvel at you guys because i think there is nothing that this president can do that will satisfy the critics and
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people that want to trash obamacare. so fine. i thought he was exceedingly kind to y you know what? if he misled somebody, he was wrong and he will try to make it right. he has his people looking at it. the idea that oh, you know what? there is nothing wrong with insurance in this company? oh, yeah, we don't have catastrophe that drive people to bankruptcy. >> hold on, hold on. hold on, wayne -- >> john, go ahead. >> deception is not okay. think about the language. we're in it together, the brother's keeper. the president would ve said anything, done anything to get this law passed. what this law was, as we talk about for years is government control over healthcare. the threat he made to insurance companies the brazen lies, the promises he made to millions of people about fr healthcare that is now more costly? ndamentally all of obamacare is lie. based oba marxist ideology
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that dictatorship is better for anybody. it's not. except for the rulg class which is exempt from during >> respond. had president obama been honest about what the law was, juan, they probably would haven't pasd. probably would never get through congress. >> remember, not one republican -- because they were intent on blocking it. they believe it's social -- socialism. this wouldn't have killed it at all. the contrary, when people look at programs like social security, medicare,medicaid. they can't get enough of it. >> let me throw something up here. the first full screen. this is fact checker fact checking the promises. obama said you can keep the healthcare plan ifou choose to. four pinocchios. the next screen. fact checker is one step
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further. lately the liberals around town is saying you know what? it's the insurance company up at the the reason they're losing insurance. 100 million that may lose insurance. the fact checker gives them three pinocchios on that. john? >> that is just it. juan loves to come here every week and talk aut how the evil, greedy insurance and the for-profit doctors wrecked supposed free healthcare in the country. that wasn't the case at all. government paid for more than half of healthcare spending and it's going up and up and up with more government control. the real cost isn't in dollars. it's in the loss of liberty. givee liberty or give me death. not give me free healthcare or give me death. that's what the founders understood that the president and the many elected officials do not. >> i have to get to the full screen. show mthe full screen of the map. this is a scary map. michelle, retake this. this is the map of the united states showing 4 milli people so far, so far have been canceled off the healthcare plans.
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the estimates are rising. president obama may have known that 93 million people may have been canceled at this point in time and it could go up to 100 million. >> he did know that. a report came out last week said his political aes went up to him and said this is not being very honest and they went ahead and cracked talking points to make sure he said it without explaining fully what was about to happen. he did know that and he was dishont. the real problem here is the group that is going to be hurt the most with obamacare is the middle class. they are making too much money they can't qualify for the federal subsidiaries yet they don't make enough pay for rising premiums without sufferinbecause of it. >> wayne, jump in? >> ts speaks twhat i earlier said. nobody knows anything about this. people talk as if oh this is a plot by the democrats to get it done and they hate the president. on the other side they say the on it. nobody has read thect. the people we elected we
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invest with the authority to -- >> but -- >> shut up a second. and they don't allow the people to read and understand it. >> we're going to leave that. not edit it out. i want to ask juan something. >> to speaker pelosi's point you will read it to understand what is in it. it didn't matter. the point government control ov healthcare. if the president is sold sorry, he is not sorry enough to reverse the decision of the government healthcare. that is okay. it's just the website. the point was to get government control. that he accomplished. >> i have to do this. i have to -- >> hold on, juan. this is quickly. president obama time and time again said he passed a law and the average family health insurance premiums will go down by $2,500. pull up the full screen. this is what has happened since president obama signed the act in law. $2,500 increase. not deease to the average
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family insurance premium. quickly, juan, you want to respond? >> sure. well, first of all, it's about a month in. i don't know octob 1,ight? the whole thing hasn't kicked in until juary 1 of 2014. you nt to make judgments right now. [ overtalk ] >> hold on. let me get a point in here. jonathan, remember, this is the republican plan. this is a plan that was passed in respse to hillary care, heritage, the republicans said -- >> how many republicans voted for it, juan? zero. >> this is a very hot topic. we have a lot more. coming up, the comny behind healthcare democratically-elected government still -- giving them millions of taxpayers after the botched roll-out. get ready for 7 million reasons to be angry. ♪ i'm sorry ♪ so sorry
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rewarding failure onour dime. they screwed up an taxpayers are still paying up, the government throwing $7 million in new contracts to the company behind the botched obamacare website. amazingly, the new deals were inked after all the problems with were discovered. jonathan, uncle sam rewarding
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incatch tense again. >> yeah, but eric, in a free market you have to earn business. through years of competence. successful dealings and success. this is a fundamental difference between economic power like wal-mart and political power, obamacare, which only works because of a government gun. obamacare is a gun brought to althcare. so all those decisions at millions of us will be making on our own with doctors, hospitals, what website is best is now madeop down om government. it starts with now money going to the favorite website provider. this will lead to death panels lateon. it will. >> talk about this. cgi federal got $900 million from the federal government from our government. that's a canadian firm. $300 million for the website. the most aggravating is the $7 million they got sin october 1 and since they botched the rollout of >> they should have never been hired in the first place. when an average american
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decides to invest or spend their money in a good or service they do research. they often go to websites like yelp and read reviews. the government decides to spend hundreds of millions of dollars of the taxpayer dollars, they do absolutely no research. because if they did, they would have never done business with the company. c.g.i. was hired by canadian government to create a medical registry and the canadian government ended up walking away from the $46 million contract and firing c.g.i., because they never created the medical registry. they were 14 months behind deadline. and they were not doing anything. it never happened. any rational person would have seen the history and said to, we're not working with c.g.i. but the vernmentays yes, show us the contract. sign on the dotted line. >> this week, president obama apologized for the botched rollout and we waited to see if kathleen sebelius would resi yesterday and yesterday she came to the podium and said it was botched but getting better. isn't it time for her to go?
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>> i don't understand what the fascination is to get her out. she in charge of the policy. not the thnology. >> juan, you watch football? you watch baseball? you watch just about anywhere else, if the person in charge of the team and the team is failing, if they are in charge, don't you fire the coh at some point? >> at some point but at this point it hangs her out foro good reason and it wouldn't fix the problem. you said look at the average cost according to kizer is going up. the fact curve in terms of the healthcare spending nationally has gone down since 2010. i am thinking to myself that is something to say sebelius you are doing a good job here. >> stop it. >> even as a critic -- >>top it. stop it. stop it. you know the costcurve is not going down. costs continue to rise. >> that is a fact. at is a fact.
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i know facts botheyou gys. >> it's not that. i'll guarantee you that one is wrong. wayne, corruption and fraud in government, bigger government, more corruption more fraud? >> you made a good point. when you were talking about there must be some reason. even a child when he sticks his hand in the fire learns from the first time. the government doesn't learn because they commit the same mistakover and over. it's interesting to note michelle obama classmate at princeton is a high-ranking executive in the canadian firm. am i saying she did anything wrong? no. t necessarily. but it's peculiar that those things happen that somebody gets the contract. if youre in a federal district and it affects yur district, you get the contract. >> john, y go. >> with all due respect who cares about the cost curve. what about your own individual life? the point to me your own life better. when governmentakes decision
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he who writes the checks make the rules. guess you can't be outraged when government waste is $7 million on website that doesn't wo because we're all cogs in the wheel for greater good. >> in liberal speak it's only $7 million. >> coming up, the c.i.a. taking a page from the n.s.a. not on are they tapping in your phone records, they are ing your tax money to dt. then.
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the intelligence agency reportedly paying at&t $10 million taxpayer bucks every year for your one records. they say to help fight terror. but you still have a problem. why is that? >> n.s.a., c.i.a. and just like the t.s.a., thiss security theater. this ishe government fighting a real war against americans on -- honest law abiding american and official wargainst the enemies, a decade plus after 9/11 we can't name. are we at war against americans w need to swoop in their private information? no. we are at war wit political islam, jihadism, and militt islam. but the government can't get it outf its mouth. instead we are fighting unreal war against our citizens. >> juan, what about it? are you in for of this kind of thing? >> i'm notut i am in favor of being safe. i like that they are going to look at records. i n't have a problem with that. it's one they violate the constitution or go overboard.
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jonathan would agree we need to take steps to protect ourselves against those militant islamists who are trying to kill us. >> we can start with not makingeals with iran. that's a good first step. >> the point is this. this is a question not of safety but a question of violating the constitution. the constitution was written by men who understood that the best protection for the people you have to protect from your own government. cour own government snooping and ing this thing. every time out curs, filegtae 1993-'94. hillary clinton got a the f.b.i. files. "oh, i didn't do it. it was a mistake. that wasn't supposedo happen." every time we do it, they abusit and abuse it and abe it. >> michelle, n.s.a. started stad the same way one thg and they were really violating the fourth amendment rights. >> this is invasion of privacy.
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this is the epitny of crony capital. i. you have the big government in bed with the big business. what bothers me is that at&t wasn't given a subpoena or court order. they hand this over. they say freedom isn't free and freedom is expensive now. we know accorng to at&t freedom costs $10 million. >> we have to leave it here. pocket constitution. everyone should have one. thank you to michelle and juan for joining us this week. coming up, the president is accused of lying to america about healthcare. he did keep his word on something else. but you might not like what this one was.
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time for what do i need to know for next week? wayne, you're up first. >> i likearmer daniels midland. in the commodity business. you know they trade all over the world. i think that the commodity craze will be on us in the next five years. >> john? >> not going to happen. what is going to be upon sus higher interest res. they have been moving higher all year, eric. higher on friday. i think security like float liketsl, floating rate fund. anything the benefits from the higher rate. that's where to be. >> great call, especially when what is going on with the ecb in new york. fantastic week. thank you. that's it for cost of freedom block. thank you for joining us. before we go we opened the show explaining the highs president obama and his minions perpetrated on
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america. they lied about keeping your insurance, lied about premiums, lied about the website and they will surely lie about how many people are enrolling. the whole big thing one big lie. fos, it really speaks volumes about a man's charactewhen he chooses to lie rather than take responsibility. there is one thing that president obama did not lie about, though. >> we are five days away from fundamentally transforming the united states of america. >> that's right. on oober 30, 2008, then senator obama abt to become president obama promised to fundamentally transform our great country from capitalist power house to a liberal wasteland. rife with redistribution a social progressivism. he is trying to do that but i'm trying to fight for conservatism and capitalism along the way. see you on "the five." have a great weekend, everybody. ♪ ♪ououououou.
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i appreciate that. safe weekend, everybody. let's assume someday the people working at the website will get it working. then what? does anybody at health and human services know how to run a siness? we'll ask a man who has done it very successfully. john mcafee. right here, right now. >> from the fox business network headquarters in new york ciy, it's "the tom slivan show." here's yr host tom sullivan. >> thanks for joining us here.w this week a health care expertr and economics professor at harvard sent a memo three years ago detailing the problems with the fact that nobody at hhs knew how to build a business orad ever done a startup. he detailed not only organizational but also personnel issues that would
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