tv Lou Dobbs Tonight FOX Business November 21, 2013 10:00pm-11:01pm EST
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more people out of poverty and a never well. that is our show. see you next week. ♪ dobbs tonight." have a good evening. ♪ lou: senate majority leader harry reid went nuclear today. the democrats throughout a key role that has been in place in the senat for more than two centuries. senator reid said the reason for voting at the filibuster on presidential nominations with the exception ofupreme court justices is to remedy obstructiosm. but with this president and administration, now in a web of historically is and mr. obama in a ratings free fall, today's filibuster busting vote may be as much about changing the subject and diverting media attention. i am lou dobbs. ♪ good evening, everybody.
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senate majority leader harry reid going nuclear today. the upper chamber voting to eliminate the 60ote threshold for presidential nominees and for ed day, at least, president obama had a bright, shiny distraction to keep the national media from the train wreck that is obamacare and the pile of whe house lies that seems to grow with each passing day. the biggest of those lies quite possibly the nearly 40 times the said to me if you would like your health insurance and you can keep it. but there are so many lies to consider. that says the obama white house apart from its predecessor. there lies were considered in many cases brought down possibly fewer in number. president george w. bush invaded iraq to destroy the weapons of saddam hussein, weapons that were never found. president clinton ce famously said, i did not have sexual relations with that woman before ultimately he was forced to red
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meat that he did. president george h. w. bush told america to read his lips. he promised no new taxes before raising several taxes as part of the990 budget agreement. president obama's list is much longer, dishonest bout keeping your health care, keeping your doctor, rates going down, the cause of the benazi terrorist attack and claimed to know nothing about scandals that ranged from the irs target of conservatives to the ns apying on world leaders to the justice department snooping on reporters. mr. obama today wasted no time getting in front of thecameras trying to lose -- use this in a clear partisan vote to eliminate the filibuster from presidential nominations. and, of course cannot help distract the national media from some any more urgent and important matters. fox news chief white house correspondent ed henry has our report. >> reporter: for nearly an
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hour after president obama had liberal pundits over for a long off the record session to help shore up his base after weeks of pounding over health care he came out pol pot for a tactical step that also rallies his partisan allies. lou: so, i support the steps that the majority of senators took to change the way that washington is doing business. running roughshod over republican attempts to block some of his nominees, including judicial picks they could hold sway over major regulory matters including how health care getsmplemented. >> the gears of government have to work. this stuff that the majority said mr. today i think will help make those years were just a little bit better. lou: the shift in focus to the so-called nuclear option also enables the president to try and change the subject from the broken gears or at healthcare which have been seeking his ball numbers.
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even as they tried to downplay the significance of bringing in liberal pundits to try and right the ship. >> the president is now focused on policy. implementing the affordable cace benefits of the law for millions of people all across the country lou: earlier this week the president himself from this is a political campaign. as he urges liberal supporters and organizing for action to be back republican attempts to dismantle block. >> so i have run my last campaign. i have one more campaign in the. that is making sure that this law works. we areot backing off one bit. >> today the president was reflective about the war over nominations. >> i realize that neither party has been blindness for these tactics. they have developed er the years. it seems as if they continually escalate. >> in fact in the best tactics were developed in t by then senator obama in 25 to
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threaten to block all of then president bush's a brummagem nominations until he got his way . and he lashed out at republican mitch mcconnell 2005 threats to use the nuclear option against democrats. >> i sense that talk of the nuclear option is more about power than about fairness. i believe some of my colleagues propose this rule change because they can get awayith it rather than because they know this is good for our democracy. lou: aides now insist th president change of heart is not hypocritical. >> then senator obama would argue that it was sensitive position when he was obstructing nominees. what is different? >> i did not work for senator obama at the time and am not familiar with the specific instance. i think he was pretty forthcoming about the fact that this is a problem that has existed for a while and neither side is blameless. >> the problem for the presidency may have put republicans in the eyes just as he gets ready for another budget battle and a possible showdown
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over the debt ceiling. lou: think you very much. the so-called nuclear option reduces the republican minority to spectator status on alllof the president's executive nominations save for t supreme court justices. all because politically weakene3 democrats will never again be able to theam legislation down the throats of the amecan people. not after the spectacular failure of obamacare and so many promises bron by this president. they are sti intent on running some of the president's nominations to the senate. and now they can do so. fo news chief congressional correspondent with our rept. >> republican leaders are accusing democrats of a power grab a threatening that they will live to regret this bold move. complaining of gridlock, senate democrats change the rules iminating filibusters' for most presidential nominations. the vote was 52-48 to mostly along party lines and scraps
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nearly 225 years of precedent in the body now for liberation. >> the change we propose today would ensure executive and judicial nominations, and upper down vote on confirmation. yes, no. the little change would make all nominations other than the supreme court, the majority threshold of. >> three democrats voted with the gop in opposition. republican leader mitch mcconnell accused rita going nuclear try and change the subject from obamacare. >> millions of americans are hurting because of a law washington democrats forced upon them. what did they do about it? they cooked up some fake fight over judges. >> reporter: mocking read with another obamacare reference. >> you may have just as well as that if you like the rules of the say you can keep them. later a top democrat fireback. >> ms. mcconnell says we have tried to change the subject. i beg to differ. he does not want to address the
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filibusters. he does not nt to address the rules changes. so three-quarters of his speech is dedicated to obamacare. we are not changing the subject today, he is. >> in the white house briefing room president obama expressed support. >> today's pattern of obstruction just as a normal. it is not what our founders envisioned. a deliberate and determined effort to distract everything, no matter what the merits just every fight the results of an election is not normal. >> prominent democrats did not like the idea when it was trend in 2005 when they were in the minority. >> this nuclear option is ultimately an example of the arrogance of power. >> the filibuster is far from a procedural gimmick. it is part of the fabric of this institution we call the senate. >> today tennessee republican lamar alexander sounded an alarm. >> this is the most important and dangerous restructuring of several ss thomas jefferson
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wrote the at the beginning of our country. it is really not about the filibuster. it is another exercise of political power to permit the majority to do anying it wants one ever wants to do it. it is obamacare in that sense. >> asked if this will come back to bite him when democrats are in the minority. >> no. what i said on the floor, this is the way it has to be. the sate has changed. the senate has changed. but what has happened. >> this comes as the senate is trying to finish up the defense authorization bill and as lawmakers are trying to hammer out a budget agreement. now there are serious doubts about what can be accomplished. the rights of this congress. lou: thank you very much. an historic day on wall street. the dow jones industrials closing above 16,000 for the first time ever. the dow of 109 points closing in a new record high for a 40th time this year.
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the s&p up 14 points in the nasdaq up 48. we're coming right back. ♪ lou: a congressman tries to do the right thing, declining to subsidize the obamacare insurance. the congressman is just one of millions now to have lost his health coverage. he is next. ♪ it's as simple as this. at bny mellon, our business is investments. managing them, moving them, making them work. we oversee 20% of the world's financial assets. anthat gives us scale and insight no one else has. investment management combined with investment servicing. bringing the power of investments to people's lives. invested in the world. bny mellon.
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♪ lou: a states now rejecting president obama'so-called big for the millions of americans who have lost their health insurance policie had been canceled because of obamacare. surprisingly many of the state's rejecting his proposalre blue states. they include new york, massachusetts, washington, ryland, and vermont.
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another obamacare embarrassment for help secretary kathleen subereous just two days after cameras caught are witnessg health care crash right in front of her eyes. we are learning that the website is a bust in her home state of kansas. just 371 people have signed up for coverage in kansas. and walmart blue cross blue shield doing its best to taken advantage of the websites failure. take a look at their new ad. >> things don't always work like they are supposed to. good thing the government exchange website is that the only place to buy health insurance. lo it is a bitter pill for the president to swallow, even the liberal media now seems to have had enough of obamacare. time magazine's newest cover sayst all with a headline and a broken promise, what it means for this presidency. it is unlikely this will help turn around the president's 37 percent approval rating.
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>> congressman corey gardner, a member of the energy and commerce committee and subcbcommittee on oversight and investigation. congressman, good to have you with us. amongst members of your committee you interrogate mr. zhao and found them wanting with some of the information that he was putting forward. sounded as if no one ever ask a question in the health and human services department. he did not want to see the report, know what was going wrong. >> you are talking about the deputy in charge of the security program, the project manager. major reports that he has interviewed for the people are asking him his opinion on security. they come out with this report, show it to the secretary, show it to high-level officials within the white house and talk about that damning findings of security among the pricy bridges that are possible. yet the project manager is not shown and he does not seem as if
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he cares to read. as a pretty telling way that it is unfolding before the american people. lou: there is not a darn thing that you or anybody in congress can do. others in the department cannot moving along without being held accountable for anythg. lou: the comment was made that this is the worst nightmare that everyone has about of bureaucracy in washington d.c. not listening to my not accountable, and yet millions and millions of americans have lost their health insurance, millions more will be losing their health iurance. a lot of the private personal affirmation is at risk. we still don't have answers. lou: you provided an answer. he declined this subsidized obamacare package for members of congress. frankly, good for you. but you also don't have health care insurance i understand right now. >> that's right. in 2010 only got elected we made a decision that best fit our
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family coming to keep our private insurance so that we could be like other families and just like 250,000 families in colorado, we got that letter saying that the plan has been cancelled. as 250,000 people. more people have lost their insurance in colorado that have signed up for obamacare nationwide. lou: that is an extraordinary number. in fact in over 5 million people had been canceled. the number looks like it will be in the short term somewhere around 16 to 17 million people who will lose their insurance. as many as 50 to 100 million will be canceled before the midterm elections according to the latest report on these cancellations. this is staggering. and there is no fix for this. i mean, congress is rejecting the fix. at least eight states and their insurance commissioners have rejected this so-called fix which is not a fix, of course. wherein the world are we headed?
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>> that is just did. you keep hearing people talking about the other shoe dropping. i don't know how many shoes can drop it really just learned that as many as 50 to 100 million americans could lose their insurance this month. business plant and a small group policies. privacy information. we have lost hours to millions of lost theirs. the stories go on and on. i don't know how many shoes can drop, but apparently it is also locker where it. lou: i would have to think that the republican caucus is not too happy with you for having opted out of the subsidized health care that is available. nearly all the phone that subsidy which sets them apart from the american people. republicans say that democrats did, but the fact is republicans had an opportunity to stand and back up their language and their rhetoric with a real statement and declined. >> there are several of my colleagues to have lost their insurance, whether they're
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around, i know michele achmann was in t news talk about her loss. the bottom line is the congress ought to be like everyone se in this country. what is good for the goose is good for the gander. there should not be separate laws. that is why when the secretary testified several weeks ago i asked her if she would join to the obamacare exchanges like every other american. lou: and she said no thank you, she has aery lovely plan provided by the taxpayers. >> that is what she said at the hearing. that's right. lou: thank you so much. up next, senator reid vowing to bring tough new iranian sanctions to the senate floor despite the white house objections. we will be talking with general jack keene on just exactly where u.s. policy in the middle east and sanctions against the iranians are headed next. ♪
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part of the preliminary deal, something that would be a major concession for the obama administration. the white house ordered at top to bottom review of the nearly 5 million people have been granted classified information security clearances, both in and say leaker edward snowden and washington navy yard shooter errand alexis held those clearances raising concerns that security clearance holders of not being properly vented. starting next week to those in the nation's capital will be seeing a lot more of snowdon. a left-wing radical group called partnership for civil justice fund is running a series of buzz as that will feature the message thank-you edward snowden. the tentative deal to keep u.s. troops in afghanistan be on next year could be at risk after afghan president's, karzai said he would not sign the agreement and so after the country president election. it will be held in april. for more on the afghan security deal, the ongoing iranian
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nuclear talks and joined now by retired four-star general, former army vice chief of staff and fox news military analyst. good to see you. at it again. just for domestic consumption. >> it is mostly about him. these -- he is trying to avoid being irrelevant the. he is not want to be a lame du. he drive a sset times. i think what we have to do is really focus on the strategic long-term relationship with afghanistan's. come next summer we will be dealing with a new president. hopefully you will be in office by then. don't let him pull these sideshows and pull us of our real objectives. i mean, the letter,e wrote the letter. at all think it did any harm.
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what could do harms getting us off of a strong bilateral security agreement. we don't want to do that. lou: the security agreement will be enforced, if you will, supported by u.s. troops for some time. exactly what sort of troops there will be, looking at combat brigades, conventional warfare, where troops or will we see unconventional but my covert operations? >> both. the fact of the matter is that remissions we have to perform is counter terrorism which is a euphemism for taking on high-value targets. we will use special operations forces to do that, helicopters, drones, intel analysts and the whole suite back in the united states. also use conventional forces to train and assist. we will not be involved in combat operations.
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help them do what they have to do. the afghans lack some of the enablers. they're essentially an infantry force. lou: turning if we may. some despondency setting in. they don't have an agreement. had the same time thought to include the underground sites, that puts in capacity, all of that should be verified. that should be a clear, unequivocal objective. let's get on with what we are trying to achieve the removal of those sanctions which are finally doing some true damage to their economy and then make that deal based upon that. these interim steps, we are
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chasing fools gold, yearning to make a deal. they know that. they will press very hard to get this deal done. lou: you go so far as to say that a deal that gives away concedes far too much. at destabilizing the region and gives israel very little choice about the actions of the state to defend itself. once we make concessions they're right on the cliff wanted to go back and do business. so we will unleash. there will get far more out of this interim deal then certainly we're going to get out of it. the isrrelis, make no mistake about it, the iranians are smart. they are working with the obama adnistration to make these concessions. they clearly want to isolate israel from the united states and from the west. they're doing a pretty good job
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of it. you can see that. the intensity how about this interim deal. he knows what that means for him. he runs the risk of being isolated. the only one that would do a military option no assist from the united states. a pariah. all of this diplomacy and negotiatn is taking place. always good talking. an historic day on wall street. the dow's 16,000 this year. wall street veteran michael holland. what happens next. we're coming right back. ♪ lou: president obama's loyal senate majority leader trying to help amount, trying to divert media attention from all of the obamacare lies and mistakes. harry reid sees as the nuclear option. the "a-team" takes it up here next. ♪ this is the quicksilver cash back card from capital one. it's not the "fumbling around with rotating categories" card.
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it's not the etting blindsided by limits" card. it's the no-game-playing, no-earning-limit-having, deep-bomb-throwing, give-me-the-ball-and-i'll-take- it-to-the-house, cash back card. this is the quicksilver cash card from capital one. unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase, everywhere, every single day. so let me ask you... at's in your wallet?
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lou: 85-year-old american veteran of the korean war has been detained in north korea for more than 3 weeks according to his family, they are trying to get him home to palo alto, california before thanksgiving. he was on a 9-day trip, when he was pulled off the aircraft when he was abouto leave north korea. two by lots who were flying a cargo plane are in difficulty after they landed at a wrong airport in kansas, about 8 miles north of their intended destination. >> no word on who is to blame for the confusion. but the plain did make it to its original destination. despite concerns of the runway at the airport they landed on was too short for safe take off.
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>> amtrak is investigating after a train headed from philadelphia to new york ended up lost in suburban pennsylvania. the train operator missed a signal, angering 130 people onboard. >> joining us now, the a-team, jedediah bila, former hillary clinton advisory cofounder of define american, jame you green and ed barnes. is this changing the subject? harry reid throws more than 200 years of history to the wind to protect his good buddy barack obama. >> come on lou? hope to be 200 years of history, a war the republicans who created a unprecedent add judicial crisis.
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it wasupposed to be used in an emergency. >> if you -- if -- if that is a no, i get it. >> one presidency. come on. lou: i uerstand. jedediah your thought. >> barack obama, i thought saw a beautiful clip of barack obama in 2005, speaking out against the nuclear option, it is amazing i find myself split between the barack obama of today, and barack obama of the past, talking about how minority party has to have a voice, now he says, you are obstructionists i can not get done what i want done with you. >> jedediah, you fall in love with a man, he treats you bad, you have to break up with him. lou: with tha analysis, we'll -- fred. help us out. as jedediah said, president obama as senator, said it was
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about protecting free and democratic debate preserving the philadelphia. joe bin said, a single most important vote he casts in his more than 30 yea in the senate when he votedded against the ideas. >> one of the biggest offender harry reid, he wrote about how important the filibuster was in his oddo biography, put up -- auto by brief, haubiography, hea hypocrite. harry reid knows that the subject will be obamaca for months and months, that is poisonous for democrats, he wanted to get as many judges appointed and other ministration officials in office, they -- and in particularly the senate, i think that harry reid recognizes that the senate become republican next year.
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lou: jehmu it is clear, it is an unblocked path. public should be concerned. >> what they want to do with those nominations is get our judicial working again, i am not a spring chicken. neither a you, or fred, but jediah is. there are judges right now in there 80s and 90s who condition retire because they -- can't retire because they do not have anyone to replace them. lou: they would have already started to putn place responsible fiscal policies, this administration does not care about that. >> should the judicial system cease to work? 200 million americans, and the courts shut down. lou: the system of government you replacessed with this action, you take ownership of
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it. >> this is the same administration that pushed obamacare down everyone's throat without republican votes, why would it surprise anyon they understand who silence republicans as much as possible. >> don't they are trying to silence republicans they are trying to get judges on the court. dc court of appeals, it handles all of federal regulations but not there they already have enough judges, if present obama was so worried about getting judges this relief the courts around the country, why are his top three nominees the one to get on the court, that is not -- does not have a backlog? lou: rand paul and chri chris christie it turn to two contenders for 2016, rand paul suggestionse and governor christie, meet in iowa after being asked about whether or not they would getting it, he said they could meet there to have perhaps together a how did he say it in a fried twinkie.
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subtle dig? >> suss els subtle, but it is a legitimate rivalry going on. libertarian and more of an established republican, they will duke it out through the next presidential election, that is not a bad thing, ern hates the controversy within the republican party, it is not a bad thing to show two candidates who are very different with very different views of government, and tax action and gun control, these politicians need to learn to laugh a little bit, it is a joke, don't take things so personally. >> let them duke it out later. >> i don't min it. >> i don't mine but why now? we're plea year 3 years away from the presidential election, can't they wait, doesn't rand
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paul have a job in senate, and chrichris christie a job in new jersey, they need to stay out of iowa, wait a year or two. >> these 2 have huge egoes. >> the argument we have, president tt created a web of lies he will not escape from by changing the subject, and talking about nucar option conveniently brought forward by senate majority leader or other visit to gun control initiatives, i can for an guarantee that part. >> you can go to and join the discussion. the markets at record highs, wall street veteran icon michael holland tells us why there is still time to buy.
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ameriprise financial. more within reach. >> the dow closingbove 16,000 for first time ever, index on path for its best year in more than a decade, despite yesterday's fed -- to retails likely possibility of tapering. joining us now to discuss the record run, his outlook for the markets and the economy. michael holland. >> good to see you. lou: 16,000. >> thank you very much, i cause caused most myself, we've been parents, we told kids. lou: and we remain so. >> we tell kids tngs over and over it takes a long time sometimes. the federal reserve hand by saying to the -- has been saying to the investment community,
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tapering is not tightening that mean fed is going to stop buying bonds. it is not tightening, tightening is like -- >> if it were. market today dismissed it. a triple-digit rally. >> it is figuring out what they mean. lou: are you telling me 24 hours ago they were stupid and they got smart today? >> i guess not. lou: i'm curious. >> today was a couple things could one of which was, market had some rediculously big moves to upside that gave back a little bit, this market has a lot of cynicism, a lot of people areatching the show not for me, but othereople who have interesting things to say about washington and the world, but the stock market, they can't care. lou: i love the fact we are watching this idiosy in
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washington d.c. they say things are going to get better. >> despite this lack of leadership. we had companies do well in a lot of cases, pretty well in some case, okay in others, few have done badly issue corporate america is in good shape despite the craziness that means something, that means while companiesing dower well people hear headlines they listen to you, they say the world is coming to an end, stockrices remain low compared to the value historically. lou: i think you sort of cast me into a narrow range. >> the world? the headlines are what they are, you describe them. lou: why isn't everybody short
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then. why do we watch a 27% distributi in equity,n market cap. >> just mentioned skepticism, many of viewers do not own stocks, some say they will never go back in, and then china, has continued to be a prop to the world's growth, they have over -- that is a different story, we spent a time on that, most important thing is the federal reserve, in 2008, they said we're the only grown up in washington. administration and congress is not going to do anything, they have been doing it the fed writes the market letter. lou: they keep the score, and they prop up the score as they want it to be revealed. >> that is right. lou: what about retail investor? should the retail investor get near this thing? you are talking 4.5 trillion created this year. starting to sound a little dicey
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maybe? >> for people who sold their stocks, many did in 2005, 6, 7, 8, 9, now is not the time to jump back in with market up. but if someone said i have a 401(k), no stocks, would i say if you have $100 to put in stocks put in $5 now, and $5 every 3 months? of course, at 16 times earning on a historical basis u.s. stock market is not ridiculously expenses it is moderately cheap to me. lou: does the run finh? >> yes, because the federal reserve said they want the -- federal reserve said we'll have 0 interest rates as far as the high can see that is a good backdrop for stocks. lou: all right michael holland. >> happy thanksgiving. lou: up next, the new book, death of punishment. how worse criminals live rather comfortable lives behind bars,
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making the case that the death penalty is not just for murderers, michael to talk about bny mellon combines investment management & investment servicing, giving us unique insights which help us attract the industry's brightest minds who create powerful strategies for a country's investments which are used to build new schools to build more bright minds. invested in the world. bny mellon.
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lou: a judicial sysm, and a justice system is fdamental to a society. this is a new book that uncovers the way that the worst criminals are living in our detention facilities, we used to call them prisons,he death of punishment. author, professor of criminal law at new york law school, robert blocker great to have you here, a fascinating book. a fascinating issue talking about academy or the cushy
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environment that federal and state tax dollars provide for some of the worse criminals. how did we get here? >> we do the here because we originally committed ourselves to a proposition that punishment to fit the crime, then we lost site of that and progressively disconnected what people do outside to how they live inside, if talk or listen t in. you talk to correct office, you ask their mission, to person they will say, not my job to punish. wh a guy did outside is none of my business, i care about one thing, how does he behave inside, they point to mission statements no mission statement of any department of correction in united states mentioned word punishment. lou: that is amazing, had histor rape was a capital crime, it no longer is, team are sentenced -- people are
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sentenced for two years, or two years probation for what is now called a sexual assault or some other expression. what is going on in our criminal justice system? what is going on in our corrections system? our prisons? >> what is not going on, is puppispunishment. i don't think that rape unacompnied by further phys val fiscal violence deserves death penalty it, it does deserve harsh punishment though. it may not even ashtach to attempted murder, a came across some guy who spent 4,000 hours in maximum security. one said, about someone who raped a woman, then cut off her arms and legs and left her t
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bleed and die in the woods, hunters came u up owner and she lived, that person does not get death penalty in my opinion that person deserves to die. lou: i am thinking i would have a public drawing and quarter erring for a person who would be so vicious. there is a point where you have to say as a society, we'll not tolerate this conduct, how we treat you will represent who we are. you know if we're trying to be perceived as sensitive and compassionate people, by not punishing those who absolutely deserve it. who are we? >> there are limits. lou: we gone beyond the limits we had 8 amendment. when rape was a capital crime, we've evolved without so much as
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a involvement of our citizenry, in not always a appropriate change in public consciousness, but more change in fundamental law. and regulation. >> it is funny, you used key word we evolved, united states supreme court held that meaning of -- has not fixed, they seem to know what a maturing society is. support for death penalty. lou: good thing we have high courts to tell us we know better than we know. >> and tell states often better than what they know. the problem with the system is both directs, there another direction that is we are in prisoning for mandatorily for life without parole, people are committing nonviolent offenses that is appalling. you are as committing to making sure we punish people to degree they deserve it as you are to make sure we don't over punish
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people who don't deserve it. lou: if you do the crime, you do the time, an appropriate punishment to fit the crime, the ashtors of those -- arbiters of those issues whore they? >> that is inevitable rifting question, you would think it is direct -corrections, you ask thy say, not my job, you look at television sets, and they are playing softball, and volleyball, you ask justice department, how did you justify that, the answer is, it is easy for them it is easy for us if it is easy at them, it all about safety, getting home at night. >> professor great to have you with us, the death of punishment on your bookstore shelves on-line right now.
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