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tv   Markets Now  FOX Business  November 26, 2013 1:00pm-3:01pm EST

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adam: time to brainstorm a thanksgiving plan b with. i'm adam shapiro. a big winter storm is headed east just as millions plan to visit their family for holiday. the latest on the storm's path, flight delays and if you need to alter your travel plans. neither rain, nor snow, nor sleet, nor hail will keep the shoppers at bay. why the massive storm is setting up for the ideal shopping weekend for retailers. and a fox business exclusive, former federal reserve chief alan greenspan on what he says is holding back the economy. las vegas as close as your laptop, new jersey rolling the dice on online gambling, but can virtual and land-based casinos thrive side by side?
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we are live in atlantic city. but we head to the floor of the new york stock exchange, nicole petallides. there's some green on the screen. what have you got for us? >> reporter: i enjoyed watching some of that gambling video, looks like fun. all up arrows. no record on the dow, no record on the s&p today. i know you're used to me saying it, but not yet or not today. but for the nasdaq you've got the record, okay? 4,017, a new intraday record that we haven't seen since the year 2000. all three have up arrows, the nasdaq up one-half of 1%. the vixx, the fear indeck, pulling back a little bit. let's take a look at some names that are hitting new highs, right? i said no record highs on the dow, but you do have on the nasdaq. walmart and nike, these are dow components that hit highs, american express and also travelers, macy's not a dow component. new highs also some others worth noting, southwest airlines hit a
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high, pulled back. we'll watch that, obviously, as people are trying to get where they need to go for turkey day. hormel and also tiffany's and cvs, care mark, rite aid, men's warehouse and lazy boy. that's what you lay back in after your turkey. adam: nicole, thank you. thanksgiving at risk for the millions traveling this holiday weekend as a wicked storm moves across the country. we are covering the action for you, and we go live, steve centanni is at reagan national airport with the latest on delays and what you can do to avoid them. steve. >> >> reporter: yeah, adam, a very, very busy holiday travel week all the way up through sunday which is one of the business jest travel days of -- busiest travel days of the entire year. to plan ahead x. it's not going to be smooth sailing for everybody, i hate to tell you, because of the weather delays, weather problems all the way across the country. take a look at some pictures we shot earlier here at national
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airport. things moving fairly smoothly, a lot of the arrivallings are delayed, more than half coming in late, and that's probably going to push back the departure times later in the day as you have that domino effect. a lot of rain here, possibly snow tomorrow, weather problems all the way across the country as that storm moved from california, down to the south, now up into the northeast. just a lot of tangled travelers and flights delayed and a lot of headaches on this holiday travel, even though the holiday's still two days away. a lot of people trying to get away early not having too good a time of it. there have been some flights canceled, i'll get to that later. things are fairly good here at national, however, they could get a lot worse and might. listen. >> worst case scenario would be similar to what we saw in dfw two days ago where there was over -- roughly a thousand canceled flights and delays. so a suggestion that we have to all travelers is if your traveling over this holiday season, check early and often.
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so, you know, basically check to see if your flight is delayed or canceled, and if it's, get in contact with your travel agent or airline to reaccommodate you quickly. >> reporter: there have been 65 canceled flights across the country so far according to, and that's just today. 1,285 this week so far largely because of the storm. meantime, check with your airline because some of them are waiving change fees because of this heavy weather here on the east coast now. it was heavier in other places earlier, so delta, jetblue, united, us airways waiving the change fees. always check with them in advance, make sure your flight hasn't been canceled, then get to the airport in palinty of time. adam: steve, you mentioned the waif fees, my father was on a flight to new york, they actually called and and said do you want to go tonight? he's hopefully going to get in tonight, but you've got to check. >> reporter: absolutely. good luck with that. a lot of people not having any problems right now. it's hit and miss. it depends where you're going and what the situation is at
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that particular airport. so, yeah, get the lay of the land before you -- adam: we were expecting rain in new york, we saw just a little bit of snow before we came on air. >> reporter: yeah, okay. adam: steve centanni from reagan national, thank you very much. how could the bad weather impact one of the largest shopping weeks of the year? we want to turn to evan gold for a business weather intelligence company. thank you so much for joining us. i know in years past if there's been snow, that's been an excuse that shoppers stayed out. hurricane sandy, i think, at one point was an excuse because of the damage it caused. but this storm that will hit today and tomorrow, actually it isn't expected to have a bad impact on shopping on thursday, friday, saturday or sunday, is it? >> it's really not, adam. it's great to be back here. you know, the storm might impact people being able to get to grandma's house, but the reality is everything's going to clear up in time for black friday, just in time for black friday. those cold conditions, the dry
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conditions are going to enable folks to get to the stores and get those items that they need to fill their baskets. and this time a year weather can help drive what you actually buy, what you purchase -- adam: right. in fact, we're showing what you guys expect to be the big sellers. let's keep this graphic up and talk about it. long-sleeved shirts year-over-year you expect sales to be up 26% and blankets up 25 percent. tell me more about what you expect people to buy. >> sure. so all those cold weather items, those apparel items, sweaters, fleece and also things like hot beverages. when you're out and you're shopping and it's cold, you want a warm beverage. so hot foods, hot beverages, all those items. because it's much colder than the same week it was last year, much colder than thanksgiving last yeert, which, by the way, was the warmest since 1998, so much colder, much more favorable for seasonal demand pretty much throughout the entire u.s. and especially in the consuming east. adam: okay, let's talk about the east coast and the west coast.
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it's going to be 10-25 degrees colder on the east coast. 145 million people will shop over the holiday weekend. anytime wear will be up -- knit wear will be up 29%, and in cleveland, ohio, which i love, winter boots are going to be a huge seller there. but what are the stores that are going to win big? dollar general, american eagle, who else do you think will win big from this? >> i think, certainly, all of the department stores are going to fare very, very well. the discounters and the mass merchants, you know, also do well this time of year, but this specific time of year i think it's the department stores that if the weather stays dry as it's expected to be and it's cold, they have the inventory, and they should fare very, very well over this holiday weekend. certainly to start the shopping season, which, by the way, is the shortest season it can be. we only have 26 days between thanksgiving and christmas and early hanukkah, all those bode well for increased traffic over the holidays. adam: let's talk about different parts of the country. i would expect it's going to be sweaters and stuff that keeps
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you warm. what about los angeles? >> so a lot of the west is, especially in the weekend, is going to be near seasonal, maybe even a little bit warmer. but that being said, you know, there's still opportunities pretty much throughout the united states. but the biggest opportunity, frankly, is in the consuming east, in the midwest where most of those items are sold, those cold weather items. but it does still get cold in los angeles, seattle, so they will sell sweaters and fleece and other items as well. weather's all local. adam: so the cold weather, does that make us part with our money from your statistics any more rapidly than when it's warm? >> it does. you know, it's all about need-based purchasing. so when thewet's warm, we might think about maybe not buying a cold weather item, maybe electronics. but when the weather's cold, it impacts what goes in your basket. so this weekend for folks that are out looking for gifts and it's cold outside, they're going to be looking for those gift-giving items, blankets and
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boots and fleece, sweaters, long-sleeved shirts, all those items make great gifts, and the consumer's going to be triggered into that mindset based on those cold and dry conditions, and that's what drives those items this time of year. adam: i think the best gift would be a round trip ticket to florida come february, but that's about $600 right now. thank you very much for joining us. >> thank you. happy holidays. adam: the home price recovery continues to make headway, prices up 0 .7% from august, that's the lowest monthly jump since february, but year-over-year prices jumped more than 13% posting their largest annual gain since 2006. that news is lifting home builders shares, and it's also sparking discussion of another bubble in the housing sector. jc penny shares are rising for a second straight day, the stocks getting a boost as the ceo bought more of the company's stock. a regulatory filing shows he spent more than $1 million on
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those shares. while the stock has lost half of its value over the past year, it's actually up 25% in the last month, so perhaps turn around is showing early signs of actually holding on. more than 100 phones are lost or stolen every minute, so why are wireless carriers pushing back against a plan to install what they call a kill switch? that would make a stolen phone unuse cial. a bankruptcy decision on tap for detroit ahead, new details on the judge's ruling, plus why warren buffett, goldman's lloyd blankfein are headed to the motor city today. don't miss peter barnes' exclusive with alan greenspan, what the former or federal reserve chairman blames for holding back the u.s. economy is coming up next. ♪ ♪ as a business owner, i'm constantly putting out fires.
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so i deserve small business credit card with amazing rewards. with the spark cascard from capital one, i get 2% cash back on ery purchase, every day. i break my back around here. finally soone's recognizing me with unlimited rewards! meetings start at 11, cindy. [ male announcer get the spark business card from capital one. choose 2% cash back or double miles on every purchase, every d. what's in your wallet? i need your timesheets, larry! adam: former federal reserve chairmann greenspan spoke exclusively with peter barnes from the fox business network about how urn certainty -- uncertainty is impacting the economy. quite fascinating, peter, he really opened up with you. >> reporter: yeah, adam, he came
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by to help to sell his book, in part. it's called "the map and the territory," it's basically lessons learned from the financial crisis, but, of course, we want to ask ask him about lessons learned and the current state of the economy which can't seem to get much growth going, can't get job creation going as much as the fed would like it, and he said it's -- the problem is a lot of uncertainty caused by policymakers here in washington. and he said all you have to do to see this is take a look at interest rates. here's what he said. >> there's a huge uncertain deabout the -- uncertainty about the very far distant future. so long as that continues, this economy will remain dull, demand for funds will remain dull, and the amount of borrowing or lending by the commercial banks is going to bety min miss. >> reporter: and you think the problem is washington. >> well, the problem, basically,
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is washington in the sense that, first, let me just say this, there's very little doubt about that it is up certainty -- uncertainty that is affecting the very long-term yields. for example, the spread between the 0-year treasury on the one hand and the five-year note on the other is the widest spread in american history. and what that is basically saying is that the uncertainty between five years out and 30 years out is the greatest ever. and the question essentially is where does that come from, and it's basically in the business community and even in households, a real very, very major concern about how far out people can invest with some degree of security. >> reporter: two other quick things, adam, i asked him whether or not he thought the equity markets were in a bubble right now, he said, no, he doesn't think so.
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they're not bubbly, looking at some of the metrics, and i asked him how the fed is going to get out of this stimulus for the last five years, $4 trillion in bonds on the balance sheet, low interest rates. he said it's an experiment, and he hopes it works out. [laughter] adam. adam: i think you actually tried to pin him down, do you think it will work, and his exact quote was i hope it does, but i will wait and see. so let's hope that he's correct -- well, let's hope that hope is alive, i think is what they say. peter barnes, you're going to have more from that interview -- >> reporter: all going to be posted online, the whole thing, all 15 minutes on our web site. adam: well done. so it's time to go back to the floor of the new york stock exchange, nicole petallides standing by for us. another chapter in the men's warehouse, joseph a. bank buyout. i've shopped at both, nicole. >> reporter: well, you've got to love them both because they now, in fact, may be with merged together which a lot of the experts on wall street who follow these two retail
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companies believe the synergies between the two companies would work out well for both once they can actually figure out a price. that being said, you may remember joseph a. bank two weeks ago dropped their bid for men's warehouse, men's warehouse is $55 a share, and you are seeing both stocks moving to new highs. jost a. bank will concede they did receive this unsolicited proposal. it is an exciting story, and it's pushing the stocks to the upside. adam: nicole, thank you very much. the four cs when you're considering a diamond. forget cut, clarity, carat and color, more like charles, charles and charles, it sounds like the five ds this dodgeball, duck, dive, dip, dodge -- whatever. mr. payne spot on with his tiffany's call. new jersey is betting gamblers will flock to gamble online. could it be a money fix for other states? we will go live to atlantic city
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and let you roll the dice. ♪ ♪ luck be a lady tonight. we went out and asked people a simple question: how old is the oldest person you've known? we gave people a sticker and had them show us. we learned a lot of us have known someone who's lived well into their 90s. and that's a great thing. but even though we're living longer, one thing that hasn't changed much is the official retirement age. ♪ the question is how do you make sure you have the money you need to enjoy all of these years. ♪
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>> at 21 minutes past the hour, i'm lauren green with your fox news minute. a pair of american b-52 bombers
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flew over the east china sea last night without informing beijing. the bombers, which were not armed, entered a new chinese air defense zone as part of a training exercise. the islands are claimed by both beijing and tokyo, but the u.s. considers the region to be international air space. the supreme court will hear two @ases involving religious objections to the birth control mandate in the new health care law. dozens of companies have sued arguing they shouldn't have to cover some or all forms of birth control because it would violate their religious beliefs. and the company that purchased elvis presley's intellectual properties says it's discussing ways to expand the singer's brand along with possible improvements to graceland. authentic brands bought presley's rights from core media group, and those are your news headlines on the fox business network. now back to adam. hard to believe you've got to enhance elvis' brand. adam: lauren, i love graceland. it's like a bad episode of the
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brady bunch in 3-d. you should go if you haven't. have you been? >> i've been by it, i've not been the this it. that will be my next trip. adam: it's really an experience. lauren, thank you very much. >> sure. adam: new jersey gambling regulators are giving six casinos the green light to offer internet gambling. new jersey officials hoping to put places like atlantic city back on the map. rick leventhal is there with more for us. can they succeed? >> reporter: well, we'll have to wait and see, but they certainly hope this will help, especially on a cold, wet, rainy day like today when traffic's pretty light. last year the casinos made about $3 billion which sounds like a lot until you compare it to the $5 billion they made before getting competition from neighboring states like pennsylvania. so now atlantic city and new jersey can go online. they are hoping to recapture some of that lost revenue, becoming the third state in the u.s. after nevada and delaware to allow casino gambling on the
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web. and the casinos will profit because they're running these sites with experienced online partners. the revenue estimates vary widely from 200 million to 1.8 billion a year, but proponents say even the low end will help casinos stabilize during these rough times. >> any amount of money that's being generated by the casinos to their bottom line is going to be a positive to them. it's money that they don't have right now that they will have whether it's, you know, whether it's a dollar, $2 or $10. it will be, there will be a positive impact to them. the question will be what will that positive impact be. >> reporter: and as you can imagine, web sites like party poker are pretty excited about this new potential surge in legal business. there are plenty of black market gaming sites, but now new jersey's eight million residents can play in a well regulated environment. >> people who play in new jersey are going to be now having the same experience that they have
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with people throughout the world have had. the opportunity to combine the online market with the brick and mortar market and have a chance to play at large tournaments throughout the country in the future. by participating online. >> reporter: so now you can play on your home computer, you can play on a hand held device, but you have to be in the state. they have this geotracking system which had some glitches in the first few days, but if you try to cross state lines while you're playing online, the system will shut you down, adam. adam: all right. they're going to keep an eye on you one way or another. gambling online in new jersey or in a yellow cab here in manhattan, all the best to you. thank you very much. >> reporter: thank you. adam: time to make money with charles payne, he's following up on a winning stock he's been recommending since january. i've actually been here when lori's not on vacation. she loves tiffany's. >> i've mentioned it on this channel seven times. i think with lori at least five. in fact, i even brought a prop
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today to sort of -- because i know if she saw this box -- adam: her eyes would get wide. diamonds. >> i don't hike the flagship store in new york. they need to renovate it. be that as it may, this is not a u.s.-centric story, this is all about the rest of the world. asia-pacific, 29% revenues, same-store sales up 22 percent. japan, 9%, seam-store sales up 5%. but europe even played a role, up 4%. america was up 5. seam-store sales were up 1%, and they hinted that the flagship store was up a little bit. they won't break that out anymore. it's really all about the engagement ring, right? and it's a custom that goes back so far. do you know the romans used to give out two rings? ad no. >> the gold ring in public and then she had an iron ring so she could do chores. and later on they had a situation, you have to let the world know before you get married, so hence the ring. so it's always gone on, but
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recently it's people around the world adopting our customs, particularly in asia. adam: what i want to say here and not to give you too much of an inflated ego, but you called this. and and there's still room to the upside. >> i think so. i think it could go to at least $100. give you an example, the bears came out with a report in august, and they said between now and 2014 diamond sales in china will be up 8%, india up 4%, these are amazing bastions of areas to buy this, and there's still room to the upside for this so, yeah, i feel good about it because i stayed with it, my subscribers are in the stock, and we're doing very well. and it's really one of these names that management habit necessarily done a good job, but this iconic box so powerful, you can have a few missteps and still have your stock trading at an all-time high. adam: congratulations to you on the call. diamonds are forever. >> i appreciate it. adam: a new social network, but this one has a twist: it's for dead people. the sixth sense. no, the web site designed to serve as a virtual graveyard for
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your dearly-departed loved ones. we're going to hear from its creator. and making a stolen smartphone useless. the theft of those things cost consumers $30 billion a year, so why are wireless carriers pushing back against a plan to prevent your phone from being used by someone who steals it? ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ no two people have the same financial goals. pnc works with you to understand yours and help plan for your retirement. visit a branch or call now for your personal retirement review.
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maestro of project management. baron of the build-out. you need a permit... to be this awesome. and from national. because only national lets you choose any car in the aisle... and go. you can even take a full-size or above, and still pay the mid-size price. (aaron) purrrft. (vo) meee-ow, business pro. meee-ow. go national. go like a pro.
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(announcer) at scottrade, our clto make their money do (ann) to help me plan my next move, i take scottrade's free, in-branch seminars... plus, their live webinars. i use daily market commentary to improve my strategy. and my local scottrade office guides my learning every step of the way. because they know i don't trade like everybody. i trade like me. i'm with scottrade. (announcer) ranked highest in invest satisfaction with self-directed services by j.d. power and associates. adam: back to the floor of the new yok stock exchange where we find nicole petallides, and you're watching barnes and noble, but that stock is getting slammed today, isn't it? >> reporter: it really is. it's tough for the shareholders who had high they're disappointed because sales across all divisions have dwindled to a certain extent.
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take a look at the stock right now, down 5.8% as they did come in and also an 8% drop this revenue from last year. the other thing we should talk about are the nook devices and such, the e-readers, and that came out and launched in 2009. at that time people wanted them, but since then they've just faced intense competition from apple and others, and today don't have a partner in this area so that, too, saw a big drop, 32% year-over-year. back to you. adam: it's news alert for you. decision day in detroit is just a week away. judge steven rhodes will announce his opinion on the city's bankruptcy eligibility at a hearing next tuesday. now, this hearing is raising eyebrows because it's unusual for a judge to discuss a ruling verbally before issuing the written opinion. a lot of people believed a written decision would actually come down without warning. also in detroit warren buffett and goldman sachs' ceo lloyd blankfein are teaming up an an event earlier today. they announced the city is being
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added to goldman's 10,000 small businesses initiative. buffett said he'd be open to investing in detroit saying he's always looking for businesses to buy. samsung is fighting back against phone theft. the tech giant wants to preload its devices, all of its devices, with absolute low jack, a kill switch that would make lost or stolen phones inoperable. but wireless carriers are saying, no way. john livingston is the ceo of absolute software, and he joins us now to discuss this. and samsung actually preloads it on some of its devices, but this idea, why would verizon or at&t and the other wireless carriers say no? >> well, adam, as you say, this is a huge problem across the country, and, you know, it's really up to the telcos to step up now and accept the samsung absolute solution that provides the safety and security for consumers and our ability to
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turn the phone off, kill it if it's lost or stolen or even recover it. why would they say no? there's just not a good reason to say no. so one can speculate. they sell billions of dollars worth of handset insurance, that's part of the speculation of why they're saying no currently. adam: so isn't the other part of that, though, the wireless carriers would say the software your company sells would also allow a hacker to interfere with a phone that had not been stolen and potentially make that phone inoperable? isn't that a danger? >> well, not really. not a practical danger. we've been tracking and securing mobile devices for 20 years, we have over eight million subscribers under management, we've never had any issues with a hack. so i think that's a bit of a red herring for the telcos to hide behind. the real issue is we've got to get together, we've got to do something productive here to help the american consumer.
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adam: and this already exists if you have an iphone with ios7. you get the kill switch and the tracking ability through that system. i can download if i have a galaxy device or even another device, if i have an android device, can i not download the low jack kill switch at my own choosing? >> yes, you can. you can go to lowjack jr. opinion jr. laptops -- low jack for, and you can download an android version, and it's consistent in all the devices. that means if it's lost or stolen, the thief that's stolen from you can't erase the technology to turn it off. so that's really, really important. and that's what absolute and samsung have done together. we have made it persistent so that it's a really solid kill switch for the consumer. adam: and one of the reasons people might consider doing this, i think the latest statistics might be coming from the uniformed crime report, don't quote me, but the statistic we hear is that 40% of robberies in my home city, new
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york city, actually involve a smartphone. so you would want something that would wipe out your personal information or permanently lock that phone so that a bad person could not reactivate it, correct? >> 100%. and the district attorney's office in san francisco and the attorney general in new york and now i believe 31 other states have joined the save our smartphones initiative which is all about providing in this deterrent element so that we can really make a difference and try and stamp out this bad theft crime that we're seeing right across the country. it's really turned into an epidemic. and unfortunately, as you point odd out, about 35-40% of the time when a device is stolen, the victim's accosted in the process, and we've seen some real tragedies in this area, and this is what the da and the ag's office want to stop. we want to prevent that from happening going forward. adam: john livingston joining us from vancouver, british columbia. i think i see the sun behind you. we miss it here in new york
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city. perhaps we will see this option available on samsung devices in the future. take care, sir. >> thank you very much, adam. adam: the nasdaq executive shuffle and what the future holds for current ceo bob greifeld. charlie gasparino is here with more on that exclusive scoop, and take another look at the latest regarding flight delays across the country. it's only going to get worse as that nasty winter storm makes its way east, and it's not even winter yet. ♪ ♪ hi honey, did you get e toaster cozy?
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yep. got all the cozies. [ grandma ] with n fedex one rate, i could ll a box and ship it r one flat rate. so i kn untilt was full. you'd be crazy not to. is tt nana? [ male announcer ] fedex one rate. simple, flat rate shipping with the reliability of fedex. try ign. it's the number one ge recommended probiotic that helps maintain digestive balance. ♪
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stay in the groove with align. ♪ ♪ >> i'm dennis kneale with your fox business bree. home construction permits rose last month to their highest level since june 2008. the commerce department saying october building permits jumped 6.2% to a seasonally-adjusted annual rate of more than one million units. ford is recalling its 2013 model year escape small suvs to repair oil and fuel leaks that can cause fires. the cylinder aides in more than 161,000 escapes can overheat and crack causing oil leaks. ford says the deficit has caused 13 fires but no injuries. this is the seventh recall since the redesign in the spring of 2012. and consumer confidence dropped to its lowest level since april, fell in november to 70.4 from 72.4 in october.
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consumers expressed concern about future jobs and earnings prospects, and that's the latest from fox biz, giving you the power to ross per.
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adam: okay, it's just one day before the biggest travel day of the year. a storm is barreling toward the northeast. we want to check your thanksgiving forecast with justin povik, he joins us right now, and it's not looking good, is it? >> adam, no, not at all. and, in fact, this storm will not be known for its record strength or its amount of wind, but rather the amount of travel impacts along the interstate 95 corridor during the busiest travel day of the year. later on today, tonight and especially wednesday morning conditions will go downhill throughout the northeast. in fact, right now we have a lot of precipitation, we'll start you out here along the eastern seaboard into the southeast. it is pouring rain. we also have the threat for tornadoes along the northern portion of florida, that goes
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until 5:00. 2-3 inches of rain here throughout the carolinas, then on the northern fringes of the storm, we will see some snow. again, the severe weather plows its way later on today and tonight, but damaging winds for the northeast outside of the i-95 corridor, 95 cities in good shape if terms of -- [inaudible] we will see some big time travel delays because of the rain. so a mixed bag. sleet, freezing rain, just an icy mess here from central pennsylvania into central new york state and welcome welcome . we have a long ways to go. adam: people are watching that, i've got family traveling just about, what is it, 40-plus million people will be hitting the roads. thanks a lot. the departure of a senior executive at the nasdaq indicates another senior official will not leave the large exchange anytime soon, plus the nyse is watching a senior executive depart along with quite the pay package. charlie gasparino here with the exclusive details about who's
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about to get a golden parachute. >> we broke it yesterday here exclusively on the fox business network, he was the number two executive, essentially, at that is damage. basically, the heir apparent to bob greifeld. this is what we understand, what went into his thinking, i'm not quite sure what they do, it sounds like it's a broker-dealer. it is owned by a private equity firm, we should point out that was our initial read, that he was talking to a private equity firm. that's why we got convergex is run by a private equity firm, just to clear that up. here's the interesting thing. he weighed just how long bob greifeld would leave the nasdaq. now, he's come under some pressure from the outside, not necessarily his board given the technological glitches at the nasdaq with the facebook ipo, the recent sip crash and losing the twitter ipo. a lot of people say how long is greifeld going to be in there. he weighed that before he
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decided to take this job, and what he determined is bob greifeld's there to stay for a long time, bob greifeld is not leafing. so that's one of the reasons why eric noll took this job are. he would like to have run nasdaq, he got there, i believe, in 2009. he came from the private equity hedge fund world. smart guy, very comparable guy. he wanted to rub it -- run it, he determined that a bob greifeld is not leaving anytime soon. adam: short-term potential difficulties for nasdaq can, we were talking about potential mergers, but everyone's replaceable. any names coming to the forefront? >> no, i've been told inside and outside. and by the way, tear not the only, i guess, exchange going through some sort of management, we should point out the new york stock exchange, duncan's going to leave next year, larry leibowitz, the coo, his number two, that's been already reported he's going to leave. here's the interesting thing, we determined at the fox business network, we understand that larry leibowitz is leaving with a $10 million nice golden parachute.
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so host going to be pretty much -- he's going to be pretty much set when he goes, and he's a guy that came from the world of technology and exchanges. and i think he was a hedge fund. of he'll land okay. of but that's the kind of money that he's getting leaving the combined entity of the intercontinental exchange and the new york stock exchange. we understand larry leibowitz is leaving with a $10 million -- adam: well, that that kind of are you might land in new jersey. man hat tab compared to what others get around here -- >> he wasn't really there all that long. it'll be interesting to see what cup can's package is to leave. you get stock, i heard they're giving a nice golden parachute to leave there, and we should point out that the new york stock exchange has no comment and would not deny any of this stuff. so that's where we are right now. some flux. the difference between the flux at the nasdaq as i said yesterday with the new york stock exchange, new york stock exchange has done its transformational deal. it's set. i.c.e. is owning it, his team is in place. there are other people in place.
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nasdaq still is in flux. we don't know about the future of nasdaq. when you lose top guys, when you go into that kind of unknown future, it is something that should weigh on the stock a little bit. adam: charlie gasparino, thank you very much. time to go back to the floor of the new york stock exchange. mark newton of grey wolf execution partners is in this and joins us. mark, quick question for you, i was reading a report that a lot of bank stocks are going to have to deal, jpmorgan chase, wells fargo, with equity lines of credit going a bad to a greater degree next year expect year after that. of are we seeing any of this reflected in bank stocks just yet? >> well, surprisingly, i mean, bank stocks have been some of the best performers for the month of september, and we've seen a rally just in the last month for financials, really the third best so far, and they have, of course, led year to date. if you remember, they've been suffering really since july, since interest rates started to take off and continue b to under pressure. so as long as that trend in
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interest rates is higher, it's doubtful that we can see in my opinion too much further outperformance in the financials. i think we probably will stall out sometime in the next couple days, honestly. a lot of them have moved just too far too quickly. so a lot of stocks like goldman sachs, for example, american express, jpmorgan, they're all getting extremely overbought and, you know, the sector has had a fairly decent run of late, but it's starting to get a bit overbought at least in the near term. adam: i'm watching the dow right now, read another article that said don't expect it to pull back anytime soon, we'll actually go into the new year because people want to avoid raising the capital gains tax they might have to pay. do you agree with that? >> you're starting to see real conviction with the bulls and a lot of upside targets across the board, and so that's a little bit of a concern. the bears have grown muted, even though we've seen a few charts compared with 1929, it's really been nothing price wise to justify that as of weight. we have about 12 hours left in the month of november in this
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holiday-shortened week, and indices are set to have tear best years since 2009. so it's simply, it's been remarkable. it's been quite resilient and really no signs of weakness whatsoever. so very good strength out of health care, biotech and hmos not only for the month of november, but this year, and same with consumer discretionary. adam: mark newton, thank you very much. >> my pleasure. adam: it's a piece of film history, but it comes with a big price tag. how much did this famous statue go for at auction? we've got the answer for you next. also, did you know there's a facebook for the afterlife? the israeli entrepreneur behind the idea will join us next in just a moment and give you a sneak peek. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> what is it? >> the stuff that dreams are made of. ad and it really is the stuff dreams are made of as the statue of the maltese falcon just shown in humphrey bogart's hand, today auctioned that monday night in new york. the prop -- it's a movie prop -- sold for over $4 million and was the auction's biggest draw. the original falcon has been exhibited at the warner brothers studio and museum and the museum of modern art in new york. the auction house has not revealed the identity of the winning bidder. visiting a lost relative's grave has now become just as easy as logging into your facebook page. our next guest, shelley, founder of the project, joins us to talk about her web site. it's a web site that allows people to create a virtual grave
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site for a family member who has moved on and a way to stay connected. thank you so much for joining us. i believe i have you live from tel aviv, do i not? >> yes, i am. i am live from tel aviv, and it's a nice evening here. adam: so describe to we, we have a bit of a satellite delay, but describe to me how the web site works and how people -- i know it's not in the united states yet, but how people in israel are starting to use it. >> well, the web site we documented, we photographed and documented more than seven cemeteries in israel, fully documented them, and put online the pictures of the gravestones so that people can look for their loved one with -- ones who passed away and find the page, the memorial page already prepared for them to put inside
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as the content that today want. if it's memories, if the life stories of their loved ones or videos, anything that they want. adam: and, of course, if a family member does not want the grave site there because grave cemeteries in israel are public domain, you remove it. do you have plans to maybe bring this to the united states, and out of curiosity, how many people have signed up in israel to use this service? >> well, for now we have, we are on the air for a bit more than a month, so only 60 people have enlisted, but we have already 120,000 graveyards ready for memorial pages, waiting for people to come and put the contents in. so that's -- we have 120,000, but we're aspiring to do all the cemeteries in israel so that at the end we will have a few
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million. adam: and do you have plans, perhaps, to try this in the united states? and i know from an investment standpoint, people would be wondering would there be advertising on the web site? >> well, now we don't have advertising, and we would like to keep it clean. this memorial site should be dedicated to the deceased people and their families so that it will be a gathering lace for everybody -- place for everybody to come and really like, more like wikipedia rather than facebook and share the information, share their love and respect for their loved ones. adam: all right. >> and it's coming to the united states. fist we'll focus on israel. okay. >> shelley, we wish you all the best with the web site, nd if you do come to the united states, give us a heads up. we'd like to talk more about that. all the best to you. online gambling legal in new jersey starting today, should it be legal across the united
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states and heavily taxed? tweet us. your tweets plus al is here with his take next as tracy byrnes and ashley webster take you through the next hour of "markets now." ♪ ♪ or e, there was a man who found a magic seashell. it told him what was happening on the tradg floor in real time. ♪ the shell brought him great fam ♪ but then, one day, he noticed that everybody could have a magic sshell. [ indistinct talking ] [ male announcer ] right there in their trading platform. ♪ [ indistinct talking continues ] [ male announcer so the magic shell went back to being get live squawks right in your trading platform with think or swim from td ameritrade.
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i am tracy byrnes. ashley: i am ashley webster. this note in the secret to grandma's house this thanksgiving, and nor'easter hitting on the busiest travel day of the year. many airlines already waiving fees to reschedule or canceled flights. we are live with up-to-the-minute coverage to help your travel plans. tracy: online gambling legal in my home state, new jersey, beginning today. how heavily taxed is it going to be. that is the biggest question. tweet us your answers all that next. ashley: raising the roof on
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housing, house prices take the biggest gain in seven years. if you are buying or selling. tracy: in tomorrow's business, when the deal is not such a deal, gerri willis is here with a dirty little shock in -- we have that and more. ashley: top of the hour, we do this every 15 minutes. the dow and the nasdaq on track for four straight days, record highs. >> when you come to me every 15 minutes the last time i was on i charge you another new high before the nasdaq composite hitting 4,021. we are right around that level, still holding on to selling gains, 26 points, 3/4%.
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and home depot, boeing, health care, and hitting highs. third quarter earnings beat doing well with sales in asia and japan, and did well in japan, and softening in the u.s. but a great quarter, raised their full-year earnings forecasts, it is 9.5% and hit an all-time high of 60 which is sitting out right now. tracy: new jersey legalizing online gambling, given six casinos the green light to offer statewide. rick leventhal live from atlantic city with the details. a big day for my home state. >> it is. it could be the antidote for the lows on a day like today, cold, wet, rainy and quiet.
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the largest expansion of gambling in new jersey since the casinos first opened their doors 35 years ago. new jersey becoming the third state in america to legalize online gambling. 13 sites run by half a dozen casinos offering poker, blackjack, roulette, any casino to anyone willing to sign up as long as the person is physically in the garden state. there is a huge appetite for online gaming and nine million residents so the revenue estimates range to 1.the billion dollars a year which as you can imagine, the casinos and partners are salivating. >> this is a historic moment. regulated gaming in the united states is a transformative moment, poker players looking forward to for a long time.
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>> critics say this is a danger for compulsive gamblers. and the regulated sites offline, in a casino they say you can be anonymous. online, you had to register with personal information and close tabs on betting habits, and that the help you need. >> everything you do we have a record of and we keep the record for ten years. you are not anonymous. you think you are but you are not. >> internet gaming online to new jersey, don't have to be president but you have to be in the state to play, you log in from your computer or -- you consider that gambling and to on the train from home to work but once you cross the state line, the tracking device will shut you down, that is a big feature
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of this online gaming in new jersey. tracy: i was born, will live and die in new jersey. thank you very much. ashley: the question is should online gambling be legal and text across the united states? send your tweets and we will show the on the bottom of this green. let's put that question to the chairman of the poker clears alliance. given the fact will chairman of the group, i would imagine you are very much for is this. >> it should be regulated, permitted, you can't ban it and the people who come against it in some cases are so cynical and hypocritical because they go get a licenses in your it is in europe, they have sports betting in their own state, they run big casinos but the same thing as the brick and mortar, you should be able to do at home and
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suppose you have the person who is confined because of physical, can't get out of the house, can't get to a casino, financial wherewithal. they should be prohibited from doing the same thing you do in the brick and mortar casinos? you can do protections as it relates to youngsters keeping them off as it relates to problem gamers. i don't see that taking place at the brick and mortar casino. tracy: i don't see how is different from alcohol. if a kid wants to get a 6-pack of beer he will do in it. you got it absolutely right. ashley: that is the state motto. did it work? >> is alcohol problem? it certainly is. and in the bad old days when
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people were taking a bad step, you will force this underground, legalize, attacks it, new jersey will make $250 million a year once it gets up and operating. it will create jobs, about 2,000 jobs. in the fullness of time it is going to be you can't stop commerce. the internet is commerce. this is the most -- you will say we could use of everything, buying stock, you can bet on horses on the internet but you can't play poker. ashley: should that be a federal gambling bill? that is very confused. >> it should set an overall standard and states can opt in or out. those stays whose residents are opposed, in utah you will get that passed for many years and permit the state to regulate even heavier. certainly it should first pass on the federal level, and it is
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not, states like new jersey and i applaud the governor and state legislature, doing the right thing so raise revenue, let people, ordinary working folks who want to play poker at home will be allowed to do it. poker is a great pastime, all presidents of the united states except obama, maybe he should take up. tracy: the ancillary commerce is an interesting point. you'll get people coming to jersey to play even in a hotel room, you can do little online gambling, not to mention tax revenue. >> they get 15% of the gross and that will get a lot of money. you will see other states, hopefully new york, i used to live in new jersey. our motto was a jersey boy. tracy: all good things come from jersey. >> you will see other states moving in this direction. it'd be properly controlled and
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regulated and safeguards you will see who can do that better than the states. ashley: thanks for being here. >> have a good thanksgiving. tracy: speaking of thanksgiving, in early thanksgiving rush at the airport, people are trying to beat nor'easter. adam shapiro talking earlier, we are live with up-to-the-minute coverage next. ashley: ahead of the shopping rush j.c. penney shares higher, the ceo takes the lead in buying more stock in the company. tracy: heating up and not just in sales. oh oh. we will tell you what microsoft is toning down the language used on its gaming council. the dow is up 28 points. don't go anywhere. (vo) you are a business pro.
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a halt on holiday travel plans. it is a mess. let's go to the fox weather center, how far the east coast is going to get it. >> interesting figure, 2.5 million square miles. it is the eastern quarter of the country, everyone to the west is fine. and across the east, all those flights will have a ripple effect for many people. tornado watch in effect for the panhandle of florida at 5:00, it is issued to the east, and future radar, the storm will pile up, it is a big rain event across the eastern seaboard. all the big cities. and the wind is going to cause a little more with flight delays. to the interior sections, a strike to a foot of snow. these are places more accustomed
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and have snow removal equipment. that is better news. that is tomorrow morning, by tomorrow afternoon rain across the coastal areas and it is finally gone by tomorrow night. thursday, thanksgiving day is looking absolutely fine except windy and cold and everybody precipitationwise is gone. could be a big swath of areas could see two to four inches of rain so flash flooding certainly is a concern and we will see areas in central appalachians and interior sections upstate new york and pennsylvania. airport concerns, if you are driving somewhere hold off until thursday if you can, a better day for it. ashley: thank you so much, i think. tracy: some good news for the twenty-five million in the airports today. as this storm is expected to snarl traffic, airport carriers like delta and u.s. airways have
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waived fees for travelers, customers can try and move their flights on a tour back or wherever you think is better but check with your specific carrier because of the fine print and whether to move. take a look at the flights mystery man, atlanta seeing the days you can see that in your serious x m 113, atlanta over 375 flights of already been canceled across the country today and i presume that is moving further north. ashley: domino effect. so glad i am not going to the airport. tracy: it is a huge delta hub. that rose everybody off. ashley: time to check the markets. nicole petallides at the nyse. looking at retailer who may be on the rebound. >> what says confidence in your company more than putting money where your mouth is and that is what this the e o is doing, you
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have mike allman, the ceo of j.c. penney up 2.5% because the ceo is saying he is purchasing stocks, first time anyone has done so in a year for j.c. penney, he came on board, doing that, but $1 million in company shares at a price of $8.95 a share, very forthright saying stands by the company, and to reconnect with customers. and month to date, over 25%. and turnaround site, really trying to show its support as well. ashley: thanks, back to you at the bottom of the hour. breaking news, laura logan has taken a leave of absence along
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with producer max mcclellan from 60 minutes over the inaccurate benghazi report. jeff announcing the news and a staff memo following an internal journalistic review from cbs standards and practices. it determined the cereus october 27th report about the 2012 attack at the u.s. consulate in benghazi was not properly vented. when alan greenspan speaks people do listen. peter barnes's interview with former fed chief, his cannot miss comments straight ahead. tracy: supreme court taking the challenges to free contraception under obamacare. that story next in your fox minute. the dow is up 25 points. we will be right back.
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>> the supreme court will hear two cases involving religious objection to the birth control mandate in the new health-care law. dozens of companies have sued arguing they shouldn't have to cover some or all forms of birth control because it would violate their religious beliefs. fox news confirmed a pair of
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american b-52 bombers flew over the island chain in the east china sea last night without informing beijing. the bombers which were not armed entered the new chinese air defenses known as part of a training exercise. the island the planned to buy both beijing and tokyo that the u.s. considers the region to the international aerospace. top republicans in florida calling on republican congressman trey rails to resign. he checked into a rehab facility. the spokesman said the congressman is focusing on his recovery and plans to return to work as soon as possible. those are your news headlines on the fox business network. >> thank you, thank you, thank you. alan greenspan given his thoughts on the fed, finallying its bond purchasing program with some interesting things to say, peter barnes joins us with more on his great exclusive interview
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with the former fed chief. >> the former fed chairman stopped by to talk about his new book the map and the territory, lessons learned from the financial crisis and problems in forecasting and the future forecasting and get him in the chair we want to ask about how does the fed exit all of this quantitative easing, $3 trillion of bonds purchased over the last five years to keep interest rates low and stimulate the economy. he talks about it in the book and i tried to drill down on it all little more with him. here is what he said. >> there's a culture at the fed, outgoing chairman don't come in on policies of incoming chairman. carole walker never once commented for 18-1/2 years on whether he liked or disliked the monetary policy of his successors. >> can you talk about the
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challenge the fed has, trying to wind down quantitative easing and at the same time it appears to be moving towards using its guidance? its forward guidance to try to convince the markets and convince consumers that it is still stimulating? that is not going to be easy. >> it is an experiment. i never endeavored to assume you could talk the market into something but if it works it is fascinating. >> will work? >> i hope it does but i will wait and see. >> in the book he does say he is concerned it will cause interest rates to move up. he would be a seller of 30 year treasuries. the stock market was in a bubble, all the irrational exuberance from the 1990s, he
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said no, he doesn't think so, looking at price-earnings ratios, risk premiums and equity premiums and things like that, he does not think the market, the equity markets are in a bubble. tracy: hindsight is 20/20. peter barnes, thank you so much. >> the whole thing is on line. ashley: president george w. bush's former white house director for health care policy dr. mark mcclellan will join me tonight to talk about obamacare. i am sitting in with lou dobbs at 7:00 eastern on fox business. flying high with big colin's. one company letting you pay with digital's currencies. tracy: raising the roof on housing, taking the biggest gain in 7 years. the price ahead for you if you
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are buying or selling. ashley: take a look at today's winners and losers as the markets continue to push higher. how about this for the time of year? tiffany's on fire. we will be right back. let hi honey, did you get e toaster cozy?
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stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. ask your doctor about cialis for daily use and a 30-tablet free trial. and this park is the inside of your body. see the special psyllium fiber in metamucil actually gels. and that gelling helps to lower some cholesterol. metamucil. 3 amazing benefits in 1 super fiber. ♪ tracy: take a look get your dow 30 right now. pretty much have and have. green and red. clearly half and half. a big winner today. on the bottom you have a neck, exxon mobile, intel, and mcdonald's. kind of bringing that st. patrick's day shape back earlier. nicole petallides on the floor of the nyse-listed. you're looking at syntex stocks. >> reporter: i am indeed. on a day when we are seeing that take heavy nasdaq hitting record
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highs since the year 2000, looking at other names in the take realm that are under pressure. let's start off with dow component hewlett-packard down one-quarter of 1% sitting at $25.205 per share. the shares are to the downside, but the reporting after the bell today, and we will keep an eye on both ibm and cisco systems because there have been growing concerns overall. let's start off with hewlett-packard. coming after the bell today. year-over-year, not impressive. china also been expected to be a problem area. and we have seen cisco systems and ibm come out with mixed results. to keep an eye on all three of these overall. of course, make whitman has been working on our turnaround effort overall, but right now you are seeing these tech names not pulling with the rest of the market. ashley: thank you very much. guess what? it is time to make money. this hour he is looking at a
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chinese internet service provider. let me get that charles dollars going. there it is. he is smiling. looking at a chinese internet service provider. >> it has been awhile since i brought you guys, particularly tracy, one of these cowboys stocks. [laughter] ashley: beyonce. >> absolutely. exactly. international mobile security products. the company has been absolutely on fire. revenues, up 124%. up 154%. the stock has been an amazing place. yesterday, downgraded. in those leagues because of the indictment of the company and the stock made such a huge move. these kind have seen. there it is. the big move over the summer, and it has been a little bii
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sideways. above 90. i do think it is off to the races. these guys have so many eyeballs . starting to monetize. 445 million people using their services. advertising, and revenues of big time. 107 percent last quarter. they also have a video game platform of 160% year-over-year. like this. a think the break above 90. this is really off to the races. the next leg is to the upside. ashley: a pretty special challenge. it has always been a bit of a mystery in many ways. ashley: they have done better. when i did. we just got out maybe two days before muddy waters jump all over it. in fact, liz claman at this ceo on her show, i think, we go. there is a big question mark over some, but you have to it, they have got a lot better.
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i think it is hard to lie about foreign 65 million users, but you never know. if it goes north of 90, it might be $100 stock. tracy: all right. [laughter] ashley: get that man a cowboy hat. in boots. tracy: all right. how about this for an airline story. if you have bad weather, excessive fees, long security lines. but one discount airfare website actually is trying to make things a little earlier. did coin, the digital currency after receiving some controversy . this ceo joins us now. first of all, this is made easier or harder to pay for an airline ticket?
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>> it actually makes it easier. if you have this going when you buy it, a credit-card purchase online, you have to fill of a long form, the credit card number, the billing address, of these things. it is easy. it can do it into cliques. much easier and more secure way. tracy: are you worried on your hand about the volatility of the actual decline? >> well, no, not really. the way we have it set up, we are pretty insulated from that. the airline does not take that point yet, so we have to pay them in u.s. dollars. what happens is the sale comes in, we get the decline in the exchange it almost right away. the very for sale that came in was a $150 ticket. we kept those. their worth $1,706. i checked today. not a bad -- tracy: now you have a little hedge going on.
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okay. so a lower transaction fee when i use this point. so it is cheaper for me. >> well, no. not for the consumer. what is appealing about this point to me is that the way credit-card transactions work, the banks and credit card processors for decades have been getting away with egregious fees. consumers don't always know this, but they're is a 3% cost embedded into every single thing they buy. but coin does not have those fees. the transaction fees are much lower. i think that it is about time for the banks and credit card processors. they've gotten away from it. tracy: agreed. >> they have been the only game in town. tracy: isn't part of a problem that they are not regulated temecula the transaction fees on that as well. >> well, if colin does not have banks involved or the government.
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tracy: not yet. >> banks are the ones charging the fees. i think the way that it has been designed to allow the banks and not going to be able to get involved. the government, you never know. i think their heirs some form of regulation which might not be the worst thing in the world as long as it is not too egregious. i think it certainly is fair to make sure that transactions are taxed just like regular transactions. tracy: the chinese. okay. are you expecting this to actually brought in your basic users? >> definitely. to be honest, when we launched we were not sure what to expect, but we have been really excited and impressed with how many people are actually using bit : and have an appreciation for other merchants to accept it. so we are -- in order for it to really gain traction you have to be able to buy a lot of different things with it. we are adding hotels in.
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the more and more of the merchants that come on board, the more it can be a really viable competitor to the banks and credit card processors. tracy: the more people get involved, the more the government is going to want to as well. ceo of cheap air. thank you for being with us. >> thanks a lot. tracy: i love the way he is hedging. ashley: absolutely. he says the airline is not taking it poignant. tracy: exactly. ashley: homebuilder stocks surging. the question is, should you buy, sell, or hold. that is ahead. tracy: you cannot afford to miss the willis report with a little dearly secrets. been. ashley: first, as we do every day at this time let's take a look at the ten and 30-year treasury. the yield coming down even more. the same story. we will be right back. ♪ (announcer) scottrade knows our clients trade
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♪ >> reporter: i'm adam shapiro with your fox business brief. u.s. banks' earnings decline in the first quarter, the first year-over-year drop since spring 2009. fdic says the banking industry spends $36 billion down one-half billion or nearly 4% from a year ago. reduced mortgage activity and litigation expenses contributed to the drop off.
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of rejecting the rival takeover offer, men's wear house has launched a one nap billion dollar bid to acquire joseph a. bank of $55 a share. last month they had a $48 per share offer. consumer confidence dropped. the index fell in november 70 and 72 and october. expected to head keep their earnings. that is the latest from the fox business network, giving you the power to prosper.
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tracy: breaking news. when to pull back government support for the housing market. we're hearing that home loans that fannie mae and freddie mac could buy. mortgage finance years will continue to purchase loans up to a maximum of $417,000 in most
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areas, and you're more expensive markets like los angeles and new york the camp will remain at 625,000. now, the limits were raised in 2008 to help keep the mortgage demand liquid, but those numbers will hold steady. tracy: homebuilder stocks getting a nice boost thanks to the september case show a report showing the biggest year-over-year gain in home prices since the start of the housing prices be rejoining us now to talk about all of this, analyst david goldberg. thank you for joining is. it seems to me with the home housing industry as a whole it is one step forward, one back when it comes to this kind of data. water you hearing? >> i think if we like it where we are in the housing cycle, you are probably right. i am not sure if it is a step forward back. think we are getting better. prices, strong first half of 13. upon us now from the seasonality the slow time of year.
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the builders are pushing that are in terms of trying to stimulate demand. everyone is waiting to see what happens during the spring selling season, but we are in the early stages of recovery. things are getting better. ashley: we know home prices are coming back, especially in some parts of the country, are they getting back to the point where people are more inclined to put the house is up for sale which i guess you could call it normalization of the industry as a whole? >> setting that is right. a big home price movement. then the numbers, from 2012. prices moving up, some of the coastal areas where there is not a lot of supply. that is helping to boost prices and better neighborhoods. i would say probably not yet, that is because the price increases have not moved. you think you'll see more supply. right now becomes on. it is being eaten up. very, very quickly because there's so little. in time we will be there.
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ashley: we will get there eventually. what names in particular do you like? >> at think there is lot of earnings power. the market is discounting. we have a business, an active adult business. sixty-five and over, baby boomer specific business. great leverage in terms of free cash flow generation, operating margin improvement and top line growth. folks of discounting the segment because it has been slow. the start of the movement in the cycle. also, the cost is getting better. getting benefits from the cost. there's a lot of earnings power in addition to micro cap names, these are on there. those are the big names right now with the builders. ashley: so much depends upon the ability to get a mortgage. what you hearing with regard to credit and the visit to the availability of it? >> is a great question. the amplitude of the cycle. you will get a much more moderate cycle this time around. getting incrementally easier for
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buyers to get credit today, go out and get a loan, but it really is not impacting demand. and of losing the credit cycle, and i don't think we will get anywhere near that looseness we saw in the 2004-2005 timeframe, lucid and today, but nowhere near the last cycle. ashley: some many banks asking for 20 percent damage canner because it can take out a lot of potential home buyers. >> by remember, private mortgage insurance is coming back. a more affordable option. people who cannot but 20 percent down. we appreciate your thoughts. tracy: and it is time for your tech minute. shares in the red as the company announces it will buy back all the carl icahn shares. seattle publisher will keep the "men on hand to pay the $250 million purchase price. now, three directors nominated
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based on an agreement made several years ago. and microsoft and sony are dealing with expensive profanity. we forest, new the issues with regards to their gaming system. well, the new end xbox and playstation consoles are banning the users from uploading video with to my swearing-in. microsoft says that it will enforce the code of contacts to ensure a safe and secure playing environment for your children. echoing the same sentiment same non gaming content is not allowed. an industrial purges. maybe. putting on the risk. online retailer amazons, going eyebrow. in andy warhol painting. is it could be yours for a mere 66,000. don't worry. it qualifies for free shipping. wonder if you can use your one touchdown and what you're driving.
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the most recent addition to the amazon high-brow list of products. adding $700 bottles of wine. multiple cared diamond rings. retailers, the region for $7,000. in the for the upcoming elise -- holiday shopping weekend, shares of amazon hit a 52-week high. someone thinks it is a good idea. ashley: a $7,000 diamond. whenever. i am still concerned about the playstation issue. what is that about? in time for stocks as we do every 15 minutes. let's sit down to the nancy. the dow, al hunt, hitting an intraday high. >> quite resilient. we continue higher. current levels, the best gain since 1993 in efforts to hold these levels. it is pretty incredible.
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23 percent year-to-date, s&p up 26%. all the indices will have their best year since 2009. november. and we still see signs of spring. all eyes will be on friday. obviously the eurozone, inflation numbers come out. it will be interesting to see how that holds up. really no sign of weakness. it continues to be a little bit of a concern for those that are wary, but, you know, seeing at least some sign of deterioration . certainly pays to stick with the trend. right now we see a lot of good strength in the retailers', industrials coming ino, financial said that a good move. pulling out. so utilities have been one of the worst groups that only of the month but the year. even when interest rates dip down, down four days in a row when nearly a little bit of strength. groups that have been hard hit. right now it has just been the builders. ashley: that is exactly right. we appreciated.
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>> thank you. tracy: all right. a dirty little secret that retailers do not want you to know. jerry willis happens to know it. she will tell you. ashley: i am glad she sharing. fears that nasty weather will spoil the thanksgiving parade. giant plans will be taking off for canada. tracy: [laughter] tracy: over the border. as we head to break take a look in some of the winners and losers on the nasdaq. we were just talking about the chinese. monster beverage. a kind of like them. we will be right back. ♪ tdd#: 1-800-342550 trading inspires your life. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 life inspires your trading. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 where others see fads... tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 see opportunities. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 at schwab, we're here to help tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 turn inspiration into action. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 we have intuitive platforms
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♪ tracy: breaking news.
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ms nbc and alec baldwin say they are ending the actors talk-show. it was suspended for two weeks after the actor used an anti- case letter against a photographer in new york city streets. one of many things he has been caught saying. ms nbc said it was a mutual parting, and we wish alec all the best. he apologized for the seller. given the original suspension, but now he is off the air. ashley: he is done. tracy: he will be back. ashley: he will. he really will. ashley: and you will be shouting something and someone. tracy: and it will come back. all right. here is a dirty little secret that retailers and now wants you to know about. the black friday discounts, most of the bargains are engineered illusions. the mark down on items built into the original price. here to expose that secret. >> we have fantastic graphics here to explain. we knew this was going on. you just did not know how.
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imagine a sweater suggested retail price $15. the first markdown, take a look at this, 4499. the final price, $21. the. ashley: the deal. tracy: you are used to seeing this kind of thing. next graphic please. so, what you don't know is what the retailer pays for this. and that is what we will show you. there is. $14.50. you take their average price. they sold it for $28. the gross margin is 45%. it is not good for them because that suggested retail price is a fantasy. no one ever buys anything at the suggested retail price. it is meaningless. and it is something that the retailer actually works out with the manufacturer. ashley: what those of the stores are all about. it sounds great. tracy: we mentally must enjoy it. j.c. penney tried to do
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discounts. it did not work. you get trader joe's that does it and they completely get away with it. but j.c. penney tried, and it did not work. >> i think shopping is entertainment for so many americans. that is why they're going to the shopping center on thursday and friday on thanksgiving day hopefully the entire. ashley: 75 percent off, it is like a sugar rush. tracy: brag about the discussed that we got. it is bragging rights. on the basis of it is entertainment. women in shephard things. expensive, but it is an entertainment choice. you do it because it is a pretty place to go running out. ashley: talking about this
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tonight. >> yes, we are. what they do is pull the wool over your eyes. ashley: thank you very much. six and 9:00 p.m. eastern time right here on fox business. tracy: this hour, and travelers headed to the airport, but the annual thanksgiving day parade might not -- this is like blasphemous. ashley: you don't want to be hanging on to one of those. you are out of here. tracy: kermit. the wind gusts as over 34 miles-per-hour, the 16 bolas, fly. snoopy and spider-man. egg game day decision by the new york city police commissioner in the office of the mercy management on that thursday morning. forecasters have called for a 34 miles-per-hour winds had a old side note. issued a winter weather warning to motorists.
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of course in advance. ashley: not looking good. tracy: it is a bummer. especially because there are lots of people that pay top dollar for artels along the parade route. ashley: maybe it will get a refund. tracy: i doubt it. coming up on countdown to the closing bell, more of our interview with the former fed chair alan greenspan including his views on the economy and the fed's bond buying program. and the motorola phone makes its debut today. consumers should pick this lower-priced towne over their rival iphone five. a fox business exclusive. of 43 points. don't go anywhere. ♪ [ male announcer ] what if a small company became big business overnight? ♪ like, really big... then expanded? ♪ or their new product tanked?
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>> could have then cover everybody. i'm liz claman. it is the last hour of trading. there may be a winter storm charging across the country, but it has not cool this week's market surge. trading is likable we are looking at a broad based rally if. yesterday the nasdaq crossed the 4,000 threshold, but it failed to close above it. today we might just get there. 4,024 is a distinct possibility. housing in the big story of the day because we had a couple of key piece of data. the commerce to partner reported a jump in building permits to the highest level since five and a half years. that sent home builder stocks soaring. taylor morrison, kb homes. they have been on the show very recently. and the lennar corporation, all of significantly. an average of about three, four, 5%. a great day for homebuilders. on top of that we have the u.s. some prices fell. the case schiller index, that is just ove


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