tv MONEY With Melissa Francis FOX Business December 4, 2013 5:00pm-6:01pm EST
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number one thing to watch will be weekly jobless claims before the november numbers. economists expect number of americans filing for first-time unemployment benefits to climb to 9,000 to 325,000. liz: "money" with melissa francis is next. melissa: an unbelievable deal for insurance companies putting your money in the middle. basically the white house saying, guesstimate your costs and we will pay you in good faith. oh, and then we'll go back to review the numbers later. from your wallet to the insurance companies pockets. even when they say it's not, it is always about money. melissa: so insurance companies certainly have been put through the wringer by obamacare's failed rollout. but looks like they are finally going to get their pay day courtesy of you. since the health care website can't calculate subsidies yet, insurance companies will guess
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what they are owed and our government will just cut them a check with taxpayer money. what could possibly go wrong? joining us now to break it all down, buy i don't know rork of the "washington examiner." he is also a fox news contributor. byron, this is an unbelievable story. every day you peel back another layer on the onion and there is some other smelly ugliness there. >> boy, isn't it? melissa: wow! >> there are a couple things to understand here. one the nature of subsidies we're talking about for months. these are not subsidies where government sends money to each individual person they use to buy coverage. in fact the subsidy goes from the government to the insurance company on behalf of the insured person. the other thing is this website. we've heard that the, you know the obama administration basically declared victory on the website yesterday. they say it's now working. well they fixed the front end of the website where consumers go and sign in and can do a little shopping. there's a back end of the website as well in which it
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communicates with other federal agencies like the irs. it determines whether someone is eligible for a subsidy and if so, how big it is and then it tells the insurance company. that part isn't working. regardless of what you heard about the other parts of the website, that part isn't working. >> not working or not built? i'm reading it is not finished. >> it is not built yet. not as if it has a bunch bugs. ttey haven't finished it. we're days, a few weeks from this needing to work. what happened is, the insurance companies said wait a minute, if the website can't calculate subsidies. government can't give us money, are we supposed insure people for nothing? what happened is, the obama administration said well look, if you estimate what you will pay out in subsidies just tell us, we'll pay you and pay you when the computer works. melissa: so much that is wrong with this basically the government says we didn't finish our homework on time. we'll create a whole bunch of additional homework for
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ourselves down the line. they're already so bad doing what they're supposed to do. now they have created a new task where in theory they will go out to figure out what they paid, compare it to what was there and they will claw back that money. that seems like, they already can't do what they have on their plate. why would you put more on there? >> this is something you think, insurance companies will get all the money and maybe be too much. this is not something they really want. yes they want to be paid, this is lot of extra money to come up with some good faith estimate. obviously does invite fraud. probably more importantly, just invites a lot of human error. puts that into the system. who knows whether these estimates will be anywhere close to what the reality ends up being but? it really tells you how much they're flying by the seat of their pants and just not planned this out for a bill signed into law 3 1/2 years ago. melissa: you were being more generous about it than i would. i'm thinking insurance companies are sitting here. they have been the whipping boys. they have been ones who been
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blamed for all the people who got kicked off their health care and they're sitting there saying you know what? we were thrown under the bus. now we're stuck with all these people who are going to, we have more expenses. we have people who are sicker in the pool. we still have to charge the same lower rate to these other people. we're getting screwed all over the place. so we deserve more money, in terms of subsidy. i don't think they're going to be, you know, careful with their estimate of how much they're supposed to get from the government because the government hasn't been careful with them. >> number probably the best thing of course for the insurance company, it's check. it is money. it is in their hand. they don't have to wait for the process to work. one thing everybody found out is that the obama administration was completely unprepared, even after those 3 1/2 years, was completely unprepared for this rollout of obamacare that started october 1st. remember subsidies are supposed to start flowing on january 1st. that is less than a month away. and the system, to which they're supposed to go isn't even built
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yet. melissa: no. in fact i saw an ad this morning, it was playing during my kids cartoons. it was unbelievable. said, don't forget you need to sign up by december 23rd. get on the website, sign up, if you don't do it by then, you won't have health care by the fist. this is ad we paid for playing on morning children's television and still the website is not done and it is not safe. there are more and more folks out there saying it is rife with fraud. that the security isn't there. byron, would you go on and enter your information at this point? would you feel safe doing that? >> i would not. this is 19 days away that we're talking about. you have to remember there is so much politics is at play here. i think any reasonable person would say, they need to delay this. it is not ready to go. i think they would have said that anytime in the last couple months and yet because democrats are so defensive about the affordable care act, because they're so distrustful of
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republicans who do want to repeal it, they felt like they had to keep going no matter what. well maybe it is not a good idea if the thing is not even finished. melissa: byron york, thank you so much. >> thank you, melissa. melissa: walmart workers around the country held black friday protests over low wages. now today 600 new washington, d.c. employees are happy to have a job. is the big box retailer winning the war on walmart? plus, police departments are using new technology to deal with speeders. they are firing rockets at you. i'm not kidding. that is one way to cut down on high-speed chases, right? is it safe? more money coming up.
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melissa: the great wage debate rages on. two d.c. walmarts open following months of controversy but the fight is not over. d.c. city council just voted to boost the city's minimum wage to 11.50 an hour by 2016. it is 8.25 right now. that is a big jump. here now the man behind the plan, d.c. city councilman, vincent orange.
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thanks for joining us. have you heard from walmart? they opened their doors and you guys voted to raise anyone mum wage by three bucks? >> i was with walmart at preopening atth street. i joined them this morning on the store with georgia avenue. all seems to be well. opened their stores. council voted minimum wage of $11.50. melissa: did you talk about this specifically. >> no, happy feeling last night and this morning. people know they will have minimum wage. walmart knows they will sell their wears in the district of columbia. melissa: why do you think thaw need to increase the minimum wage by so much? for example, if you look at bureau labor at that schtick tis being less than three people, less than 3% of people make minimum wage. don't things in d.c. deserve more attention like crime? >> what we need in the district of columbia is better quality of life for our residents. they can have that with minimum wage of $11.50 per hour as
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opposed to $8.25 per hour which is $15,000 on annual basis. child care is about $13,000. what is one to do? we don't want our residents living in shelters and going to work every day and then have to go and apply for food stamps, need housing voucher. melissa: those are not people, if you look at labor statistics those are not people working for minimum wage. half of people working for minimum wage are under 25 years old. 62% are enrolled at school. these are not single moms living on their own or people trying to support a whole family. these are people who are under 25 who are students, who are living at home who are trying to get into the economy, get their experience, get that first job. by raising minimum wage there will be fewer jobs for those people trying to begin their life as productive workers? >> i would have to disagree with you. that may have been the model five or six years ago but with sequestration, we lost 8,000 jobs in the district of
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columbia. we have people that have been making a decent wage, that need to continue making -- melissa: is sequestration cut off jobs at mcdonald's? how do you connect sequestration with people who are making minimum wage at places like mcdonald's and burger joints? those two things don't go together? sequestration didn't cut off money for minimum wage at restaurants? >> that is not absolutely true. you will find all kinds of workers in these fast-food places because the economy has been bad. the bottom line the district of columbia provide for a minimum wage. walmart opened their doors. in fact we were surprised to learn starting wage at walmart is $9.25 per hour, even now. we had great impact. they were talking 8.25 per hour. we'll take it to $11.50 with indexing after 2016. we not heard any opposition from walmart. melissa: you were understanding that 23,000 people applied for 600 jobs at walmart that means
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that 2.6% of the people who applied, that is how many actually got a job there. there were plenty of people who want those jobs. they obviously don't think they're bad jobs. why do you feel like you have to so dramatically change the wage there if it looks like it is working just fine? >> it is not working fine. the bottom line is the 600 people that will be working there will be receiving minimum wage. we brought costco into the district of columbia. air average hourly wait is $21. melissa: average associate wage at walmart is 12.87. >> that is the average wage. but i've looked at their numbers. they bring people in at 8.25 per hour. but that is not going to happen in the district of columbia. we have the highest disposable income in the nation. we have residents moving into our city on a monthly basis. the growth for walmart is in the inner cities. that is the reason why they're facing opposition in new york, chicago, san francisco. melissa: if you have the highest disposable income then it seems like you don't need to raise anybody's wages. if you have the most disposable
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income you're already all set. >> no, we're not set because we have to pick up the safety net costs. i imagine yourself. could you live off $15,000 on annual basis? why would you want someone else to live off $15,000. melissa: i absolutely got it of college my first job was minimum wage. i worked in college to save money to have the job so i could start the industry and work my way up. >> how long ago was that? melissa: it was minimum wage at the time. it wasn't $8. it was $6.10 when i got out of school with college degree. so i could work in the industry and work my way up. that is entry level job. that is what the station could afford. i came in and did it and worked to where i am now. that is the american way. that is how people get started. it is not meant to be a job you have your whole life and support a whole family on and statistics from our government show that is not who is working for minimum wage. >> well, what we show in the district of columbia that we're standing strong for minimum wage of $11.50 per hour. what we're seeing walmart has
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acquiesced. we're all moving forward. when you have a ceo that makes $11,000 an hour or $200 a minute and drives these great cars how can you say you want to pay somebody -- melissa: you know how you say that city councilman. because he started making minimum wage loading boxes. that is how he got that job, ceo. that very guy you're talking about. he started as an hourly worker as well. city councilman, thank you to so much for coming on. i hope you will come back to the show. >> absolutely. melissa: thank thank you. that is one side of the story. here with reaction, sara schaeffer and capitalist pig jonathan hoenig. fox news contributor. what do you think of that? >> i think councilman we have a serious problem of poverty in the district of columbia. i drove bit shelter on way to the studio. where he is wrong and misguided unfortunately that boosting the minimum wage doesn't make those low-skilled workers anymore valuable to the labor market.
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it mines places like walmart as you suggested are going to hire fewer people. it especially bad for young, unskilled workers. they're not simply looking for compensation. they're look for skills so they can then get the next job. i think that's a gross oversight. melissa: see, jonathan, i totally, when he says, you couldn't live on this wage, you couldn't support your family on this wage, that is abs absolutely true. i don't think anyone argues that. the problem this is a wage you earn to get started in the system working and then over time you're supposed to gain the skills and education to move out and do something else. the problem is, the very few people who get stuck as a career in minimum wage job, that is the problem we should be addressing how to train those people and get them skills and get them @oving somewhere else, not forcing walmart to have a hire minimum wage so it helps fewer people get starred on their careers. where did i go wrong with that, jonathan? >> i think you're right on the money, melissa. minimum wage causes unemployment. that is not my judgement.
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that is the judgement of the labor department in 1938. when first minimum wage was first enacted. many prominent economist. the minimum wage is discrimination. it is discrimination exactly what sabrina and you pointed out, low-skilled workers who need the first job. only 4% of the people making minimum wage are supporting a family full time and most of those individuals are able. whether it is at walmart or mcdonald's or anywhere else, move up the ladder. you have 40% of the mcdonald's ceos started making minimum wage. i believe something like 75% of store managers at mcdonald's started making minimum wage. started at bottom. what you do by enacting it, simply discriminating herring people exactly they are supposed to help. melissa: sabrina it is interesting walmart came in. they fought this battle. was going to keep them out of the district of columbia. they came. and then as soon as they opened their doors the city council passes this. did they see it coming do you
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think? what has, what do you -- >> yeah. melissa: you did? >> this is very contentious debate. now the councilman and democrats in d.c. embracing walmart as great savior but for months and months people of washington could have been benefiting from lower prices and more affordable healthy food options in area that doesn't have it. if the d.c. council really stood in the way of all this the minimum wage conversation now is really distraction from real regulatory reforms could boost business in the city. real reforms like expanding the d.c. opportunity scholarship program so people have more educational choices. this is a mask of a much deeper problem. melissa: jonathan -- >> all walmart can do, all walmart can do is trade. they trade with their customers. they trade with their employees. it is all voluntary. everyone is satisfied. unfortunately the councilman has the ability to use force. that is exactly what this is. the minimum wage is force against employers and employees. does neither of them any
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benefit. the one it does help are the unions who really behind this movement. not because they make minimum wage but their wages are indexed to minimum wage. we're trusting same institution that bankrupted autos, the education industry, the airline industry. we're putting economic policy in their hand and d.c. is ground zero right now. melissa: we'll leave it there. thanks, guys. >> thanks. melissa: cops around the country have high-priced alternative to high-speed chases. are have you heard about car chase cannons? car chase cannons. wait until you see this. half of young americans say they hate almost everything the president has done since he was reelected and would like to yank him out of office. where did the love go? this is today's monty talker. do you ever have too much money? as a business owner, i'm constantly putting out fires.
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i break my back around here. finally soone's recognizing me with unlimited rewards! meetings start at 11, cindy. [ male announcer get the spark business card from capital one. choose 2% cash back or double miles on every purchase, every d. what's in your wallet? i need your timeshee, larry! you will lose three sets of keys, four cell phones, seven socks, and six weeks of sleep. but one thing you don't want to lose is any more teeth. if you wear a partial, you are almost twice as likely to lose your supporting teeth. poligrip and polident for partials seal and protect helps minimize stress, which may damage supporting teeth by stabilizing your partial. and clean and protect kills odor-causing bacteria. care for your partial. help protect your natural teeth.
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melissa: high speed car chases may be part of just about every awesome action movie you have ever seen but in reality they could soon be a thing of the past. cops in several states are launching gps rockets at moving vehicles, in order to better track them while they're in hot pursuit. sound so dangerous. still sound like something from a movie to me as well. fox news's dan springer is live in seattle with the details. dan, tell me exactly how this works. >> it is so ominous, doesn't it, like cannons out there shooting rockets. actually cost is a concern for departments as it should be. they're looking into this technology. but i have to tell you, melissa, that the departments are also very ntrigued at possibility of being able to catch these bad guys who are fleeing a lot more safely. it is an air cannon, a gps unit and some really super sticky glue. we got a demonstration in iowa where the state patrol just started using one of these
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things. the air cannon is mounted to the front of the patrol car. it can hold two round. when the officer gets within 50 feet he fires and the heated glue ball cause that is unit to stick. the cop can call off the high-speed chase and track the suspect from a safe distance and speed. this is pretty cool, if he out on patrol, when the criminal takes off, if he is out of the car, he can fire the gps using remote keypad. >> the suspect will usually slow down to the posted speed limits. they will try to blend in with other cars. they don't want to be noticed anymore. they're thinking they got away from us. >> ah, but they really only delayed their arrest. so far police in iowa are two for two. it also has been used 11 times successfully to make arrests this way in texas, austin, texas. although an officer there tells me there are limitations. like their officers will not fire in the rain or car that is swerving or turning but they're
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all in favor of lowering the number of high speed pursuits which kill a person a day in the u.s. and 42% of time, the victim is an innocent motorist or bystander. the product and the company that makes the system are called starchase. >> it allows the officers to really use different tactics on, on what would be a traditional pursuit but just run it, run it differently. and lower the adrenaline. lower the risk, and it allows everybody to make better criminal. >> now but your show is about money. we'll talk about the what the downside is. they are not cheap. the cannon costs 5,000-dollars. every time they fire one of those sticky gps units, that is another $250. but i'll tell you, there are people from seattle down to looking at possibility on a short term test basis to see if it can work. we know the chases are very, very dangerous.
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melissa: so many questions. what if the thing hits back window of the car, does it break it? cars come in so many shapes and sizes and weather conditions. >> yeah. melissa: could it hit a prius in the snow? >> if you're driving a prius in the snow and trying to evade cops you have more problems than this thing. but seriously that is the big concern for folks here in washington state. it rains out here. they're not jumping all in with this thing. our cars are wet and muddy. but apparently the glue in the gps cannon is heated up just before that thing is shot. and so, it is hot. and it is sticky and apparently it does stick most of the time. but as i said. the folks in austin will not shoot it because it is not cheap. 250 bucks every time you shoot it. you will not fire it if it doesn't stick. melissa: hit as person, back window. there are a lot of questions. very interesting to sigh the least. thank you very much. >> sure. melissa: up next, 52% of young
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americans would vote to recall the president right now if they could, of youngsters. i can't believe this. would you? tweet me and tell me what you think. this is today's "money talker." our panel is raring to go. "who made money today." berkshire gave the company, tons of cash but we'll tell you who it is. "piles of money" coming right up. [ male announcer ] this store knows how to handle a saturday crowd.
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♪ [ male announcer ] the parking lot helps by letting us know who's coming. the carts keep everyone on the right track. t power tools iroduce themselves. all the bits and bulbs keep themselves stocked. and the doors even handle the checkout so we can work on that thing that's stuck in the thing. [ female announcer ] today, cisco is connecting the internet of everything. so everyone goes homhappy.
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[ male announcer ] they are a glowing example of what it means to the best. and at this special time of year, they shine even brighter. come to the winter event and get the merces-benz you've always wished for, now for an exceptional price. [ santa ] ho, ho, ho, ho! [ male announcer ] lease e 2014 e350 for $579 a month at your local mercedes-benz dealer.
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here the results are very anti-obama. what do you think? >> i think people -- young people especially are fed up, they don't believe anybody any more, i don't blame them. melissa: not anybody. >> they don't like obama, and returns and their parents, i don't blame them, everyone is bummed, who is happy? melissa: we dragged in our own young person here. you can represent the young people. >> i agree 100%, young people are so fed up with politics as normal, they are tired of the rhetoric, and experiencing reality of bad politicians in washington. they are experiencing the pain of their own vote. melissa: how. >> higher premiums, youth unemployment. crippling student loan debt, they are experiencing the harsh reality of fail liberal policies. >> mercedes.
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the problem is a lot are untractable. health care is a new one. in terms of how it is hitting them. before they were well protected but now they are getting kicked off their policies at school. there was a promise, that the president could solve the student debt, they are not problem that can be solved immediately no matter what. >> there was so much euphemism in terms of what they wanted, they were thinking this is our savior, remember a new day, we'll solve your problems, that is the platform that obama used. when you fail on these promises, the cynicism kicks in, these kids say, wait we voted you in, how come we can't get a job when we graduate, and we don't have health care, and the true edis edition is up, you failed to keep your promise.
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melissa: the idea of recalling president 52%, is that how kids think? >> you know, i remember, sort of, i am not a young person, charlie -- younger. when i graduated, in mid 90s,. melissa: much later. >> like last year. but, hypothetically for those of us who are 12 years old when we graduated in 90s in college, i remember i graduated in 95, and economy was not that great, i grew up in the bush years, and bill clinton was elected. it was a new change, i think a lot of young people felt the same way about obama, they bought into that remant simp row. >> he was such an "avatar" for people's hopes and dreams.
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>>a it almost manifested itself. he might have said something but somebody thought so much grander of, that he will solve all my problems and make my life better, he had a tough couple of months starting with nsa candle with young people, he is listening to my cell phone, and raising my premiums they don't like him. melissa: if you promise to solve everyone's problems, you know you are lying, older adults know you are lying they have fallen for this before. as a politician, how did i change that? >> it is never going to change, a formula that has been here for sensories, it is so true. they won't change, because they are going to be that underlying belief, maybe this will be the person that will solve our problems. melissa: if kids are sick of president obama do they believe in republicans, are they looking for real solutions ?
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>> you used word recall, unfortunately recalling a president is not as easy as recalling an xbox, we stuck for 3 more yores years, the republicans have to make the sale we'll see if they can make the sale to me voters, talk abot things that relate to them, stop talking about the national debt, and figurative terms that does not affect me every day. talk about he and the. market. >> cynicism is romance is over with media. there is so much focus on the failures of obama administration now, in the mean strategy media -- main street media. >> thank you. >> all right hail th the ron burgundy marketing machine,
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will farrell breaking all barriers. 250,000 jobs here. through all of our energy operations, we invest more in the u.s. than any other place in the world. in fact, we've invested over $55 billion here in the last five years - making bp america's largest energy investor. our commitment has never been stronger. you can fill that box and pay one flat rate. i didn't know the coal thing was real. it's very real... david rivera. rivera, david. [ male announcer ] fedex one rate. simple, flat rate shipping with the reliability of fedex.
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>> you are one of the great quarterbacks playing the game today, you had a lot of success, you have done it out without a mustache, you run around out there, you look like a suc suckt baby lamb. >> i never had desire to grow mustache. melissa: i love that peyton manning is so soious, what a great job, don't alike your not impressed. will farrell's newsman alter
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eagle. ron burgundy has dominated the airwaves. the physical character had a major real word impact on advertising for the companies clever enough to partner with him, why everyone is banking on burgundy is our markets expert, peter, the clips are funny. he is everywhere. he has a ben & jerry's flavor, scotchy, scotch, scotch. and doing the dodge during an -- ad, is there a fear of over exposing. >> i am actually wearing liz wear his cologne, i cleared out the news room. it is brilliant. the creativity that comes with ferrell going out, and becoming
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a character, and naming a journalism school after him for a day, it goes on and on, they are having fun with this. the studio itself did not give nim what they wanted for the budget, maybe they make it up in the merchandising and this other branding they are doing. with ron burgundy. melissa: i guess he is getting a piece of the merchandising, that is why it's world of it to him, with the dodge, he goes out and does those ads, they are not paying him, he wrote them, he did them. and it was a partnership to promote the movie, but dodge durango sales increased 59% since he has been out there, he is doing thing after thing. i wonder at what point does he feel like, i don't feel like doing this any more. i helped movie as much as i can. everything is going to see the movie anyway. >> i think he is just reveling in it i saw him in a banking and
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nobel in westwood, and l.a., he was fully in character. and signing books, he is reveling in this, he is enjoying himself. will ferrell has a very appealing personality, people love him, the movie the campaign he was in was hilarious, he is just really tapped into real sense of people with ron burgundy, when they look at news programs or pseudonews programs he is riding on that wave. melissa: from a marketing perspective, it makes me think, you are right, when i watch this the reason why it works it does look like he is loving it but he loves playing this character so much, it like is he can't stop himself, he continues to go out and takeover newscasts, and wow a chance for me to interview peyton manning and be funny, it makes me wonder, could anyone else do this? is there any situation that
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could be this successful. >> i can't think of anything offhand, i think that will ferrell his respon respond. >> he brought out his kids they were in their pajamas, he can yecanget away with this, he hasn appealing personality, he is spoofing himself people love that. melissa: we look at some partnership he has done at green with the ben & jerry's ice cream, i wonder about the rid underwear -- red underwear, he is making fun of them that is one thing i don't feel like buying for anyone, a lot of fin, thank you so much. >> great to be here. melissa: were you ready to deck the halls,f the new trend this
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year is tricking out your gadgets, we have some coolest most unique tech ideas for you on your list, here is consumer texas pert, co-host of fox and friends weekend, clayton morris, you are worried about ron burgundy stealing your job at all, i am nervous. >> i would give up 3 hours of fox and friend for him to do my job. melissa: would you give up more than that, when he took over. >> true 92 talk about your tech gadggts. you brought earmuffs that are blue tooth, big fuzzy ones. >> i love technology that improves on things that we're doing, are walking your dog, and freezing your ears off. melissa: does that happen? >> to a lot of people, i heard from viewers this weekend that said i have to get these, blue tooth ition necked with your --
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it connects with your smartphone. melissa: why are you not wearing the white fuzzy ones, why you are wearing those black fuzzy ones. >> i wear these at home. melissa: microphone in there? >> microphone is built in to take calls, so instead of shoving ear buds under your hood or hat, pu put these on. melissa: how much is it. >> it depends, there is a range from $79 to $ 100, depends on what you get, for women, men and a slimmer one for sport. melissa: wow, and it pairs with any device? >> over ble flew bluetooth. melissa: they are warm?
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did you theft them out? >> i had so many leaves in my yard for thanksgiving break, i was raking for an hour and a half using them. melissa: portable battery charger. >> we're moving toward owning smart senssmartphones now. now, to me the holy grail is battery life, no company has figured out how it give me all day battery life in a smartphone, a company like ventev has made a great charger for the iphone, it doubles life of your battery, there are a couple other companies that do that. >> do you carry it like that or charge it in your bag? >> right here on the side. using your normal micro usb charger, when you want to power it on you click the
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button, and it starts to charge. it is thin. just adds a little bit of bulk to your phone. you could use yore headphones you -- your headphones have you to the bottom. some other chargers it requires aan extend piece, these, are selling like hot cakes. they want that battery life. they need something extra built in. melissa: tricking out people's gadgets, a great present for anyone, do you have one more. >> logitech keyboard case, first keyboard case sold in an apple store, slide your ipad in front of it, it connects. >> fabulous, leave all those on your way out. >> here are the fuzzy ones. melissa: i want those, how often do you use language blee
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[ bleep ] like retail or? you can never have too much money or too many [ bleep ] square words. [ male announcer ] here's a question for you. if every u.s. home replaced one light bulb with a compact fluorescent bulb, the energy saved could light how many homes? 1 million? 2 million? 3 million? the answer is... 3 million homes. by 2030, investments in energefficiency could help americans save $300 billion each year. take the energy quiz. energy lis here. take the energy quiz. so i c reach ally bank 24/7, but there ar24/7.branches? i'm sorry, i'm just really reluctant to try new things.
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who knew ohio? i don't know, ohio? i'm surprised. i thought midwesterners were chill, and relaxed. >> you know, first of all, all depends on the sample. like global warming enthusiasts know it getting hotter, other people say colder, it depends on where you put the thermometer and who you ask. you can't ask everyone in the state if they curse or not, this is why i think this study is bull crap. bart simpson can say it so can i, places least likely to curse, massachusets. melissa: really how is that possible. >> have you seen the movie ted. >> have you seen a red sox fan? melissa: a lot of cursing in boston. new jersey third most likely place for people to curse. it has to be one or two but 3?
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>> maybe interstate systems and highways, i'm kidding. what does this mean for people who swear at work? is this he right thing to do, this is like public littering. i swear plenty. melissa: how do you find the connection. >> it is intruding on other people. >> garbage out there, just throwing your garbage out, i used to curse a lot. we both worked at "wall street journal," i worked there earlier than e-mack because she is so young, everyone there would curse and smoke that is part of the job. melissa: you were living in mad man world. >> i stopped when i had a kid, you go from x-rated to pg very quickly. >> is it okay on swear at work? >> 81% of employers believes that it brings a employees
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credibility into question. >>. that same career builter survey found on one out of 4 employers found that employers swear at their workers. melissa: sudden anyone a-- isn't anyone afraid in these days because of lawsuit now? >> i never heard you ever say anything others than bull crap crappy. >> you said the c word, and heck? >> there you go. we fleshed it out. >> who made money today. he is not making money but hauling off many millions today, the answer is ahead. any idea? >> no idea. >> i know. >> sit us straight. melissa: you can never have too much money. [ male announcer ] how can power consumption in china,
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melissa: whether on wall street or main street, here is who made money, anyone that owns twitter. despite a scathing letter from berkshire hathaway hammering twitter, they led a mini-rally, closing up 5.6%, nice. cofounder evan williams owns 57 million shares of twitter. he made wait for it -- $132 million today. i would say that is worth tweeting about. also, kanye west, reportedly dissed his deal with nike, $10 million, west said he
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severed his partnership with nike they did not offer him decent royalties on his air easy shoe. added he is the number one most impact full art it of our generation, you think? what a humble guy he is. >> and jacoby, is now a rich yankee with 7 year $153 million contract, critics they that bronx bomber will live to regret the deal that pays him $20 million a year until he is 37 years old, i don't know. that is all we got for you, i hope you made money today, tune in tomorrow, next installment of too cool for school, michigan state turn, their tips and tricks on making money, tomorrow at 5:000p.m., the willis report
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is coming up next, i'll see you back here tomorrow. gerri: hello i am gerri willis on the willis report, obamacare on life support, taxpayers on the hook, as new survey said fewer than 3 in 10 of young and uninsured will buy obamacare, a new warning about life saving devices for your heart, how is your marriage doing? a new way to give it a grade, wire watching out for you tonight on the willis report. gerri: welcome to the willis report, your show, your money, your voice, tonight, your healthy care
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