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tv   Cavuto  FOX Business  December 8, 2013 5:00am-6:01am EST

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♪ ♪ neil: i always had thought that this health care lot was a rule of the dice. why not call it a day? i know that this much, you just put in a casino in a website url and you are on to the race. i believe, new jersey. welcome, everyone, i am neil cavuto. how is this for an online kickoff? a tale of two worlds in the garden state. this first week of legal online gambling in new jersey more than 50,000 players why not to play.
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and that is how many individuals signed up. first, it was 741 across the entire state signing up for the health care law in all of october. and now, that must be nice. a lot of americans might not be willing to gamble with the health care law, new jersey is happily logon to the 13 various casinos authorized by the state and it was not easy for them. and then he got bumped off those sites. and players getting bumped off during the ddle of a poker hand. but i still have to give new jersey a hand for keeping everyone in the loop, including private casinos that work hand-in-hand so the galers to play their hand on the site. i've been told that the hotels
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and casinos have an annual terman, they have attracted more than 1800 or not. just follow the affordable casino act now. that what we'll call it. so let's talk about this with our expert. >> even with the rebranding, president obama thought he would launch his campaign. and we are looking for the younger and healthy people gambling on site and they are trying to get this online. and they are not printing it.
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and that is clearly not enough to boost of the obamacare system beyond it depends on what u are selling. but if you are selling something that people lke or think you'll have fun doing or make money doing it, the online gambling, away w go. they have seen the health care lines and some of them show some daunting figures and the odds are stacked against them this thing will work and so they move on. >> to keep at the casio team, they don't have enough money to ante up for the premiums that they will have to pay. >> facts and figures and you do that casino analogy, and we have a samite.
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>> the problem is that a lot of these young people, they are enthralled by his message and they heard that universal health care sounded really nice as a thing to do. and the old and if enough at do not have that money. and so if you don't get those young people, as you mentioned, if you don't get the, this thing could fall apart unless you also mentioned, the president build up a casino in the health insurance industry. >> we have been following all this week, the states that are out of sorts with this whole exchange thing, the bumpy ride, we have looked at half of them and have been run by democratic governors, others by republican governors and how you slice it. health insurance cancellation issue, paying more for premiums
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issues, getting on board with the website itself. it's a consistent theme. >> i think that the obama administration is really worried about this at this point, the fact that you will see 45 million individuals are going to have canceled policies by the end of the year and they have to be signed up by january the first. not enough people are signing up to get this process moving. so not only do they have a pr problem, but they can't even they have the ad campaigns are trying to bring in people to sign up quite frankly, you have small-business owners are very concerned, scared to death because of the mere fact that they are going to have fewer hours for a lot of the employees and it's going to impact, you know, the businesses overall.
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>> you could win a million dollars, but be odds are stacked against you because you're going against the house. thank you both very much and have a wonderful weekend. >> thank you so much. neil: there is another problem with the health care lot. you're not official signed up until you have paid up. very few have paid anything at all. the website is not too clear about that. so come january, the last time i checked this was a few weeks away. if you have not paid in advance, you have no insurance at all. and tommy thompson says you have a bunch of angry americans not exactly celebrating the new year and over to the human health and services secretary of the united states. ecretary, that's a big prrblem. >> oh, it is a huge problem and there are so many problems with this law, you mentioned some of them since i've been listening to you. the big one is that the young
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people are not signing up. you wait until they find out that about0% of their premium is going to going to subsidize people like me. and they are not idiots. young people know that part of the strategy here is that they would have to pay in. >> so what do you think that they will do? >> why would a young person say i'm not going to have insurance and i don't know that i will make sure that people in my category are going to be taken care of? they are oing to be smart enough to understand it. secondly, so many people are working so hard to get through this.
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neil: if you've gone through this ordeal, you've made the assumption. come january the first, you are not necessarily part of this. and if you haven't paid anything, you are definitely not in. and that could be many more americans than what we are considering. part of those shrinking or the number of those who have effectively signed on. >> the young people are not going to sign up. the people have gone through this arduous task of going through all of this and then finding out that they are stuck in january and february and they don't have insurance. and we're not even going to understand this impression of these individuals and it's like,
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that person has cancer now, they have to have an amputation or whatever the case, and are we going to pay for that? we really don't have to. they have good intentions to will pay for it. give me a break. >> i would like to think that my kids would pay for me, but you're quite right. and it's very good having you, sir. >> we signed up rd and it works >> we have a new interactive experience for you. there's a very good chance that you could see your tweet pop up on air. keep an eye on it on the bottom of the screen. it is during your world cavuto segment. you can join the cavuto conversation right now. meanwhile, remember that argument that i got into with a congressman who waed to double the gasoline tax?
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>> you account for $42 billion, can you sell out for me where that has gone? >> it accounts for the hundreds of billions that were already forking over things like this. shouldn't we apply and it is a sign that funds are tight? also, where all the funds have been going thus far. been going thus far. apparently not into every day we're working to be an even better company -
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and to keep our commitments. and we've made a big commitment to america. bp supports nearly 250,000 jobs here. through all of our energy operations, we invest more in the u.s. than any other place in the world. in fact, we've invested over $55 billion here in the last five years - making bamerica's largest energy investor. our commitment has never been stronger. it's not the "fumbling around with rotating categories" card. it's not the etting blindsided by limits" card.
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it's the no-game-playing, no-earning-limit-having, deep-bomb-throwing, give-me-the-ball-and-i'll-take- it-to-the-house, cash back card. this is the icksilver cash card from capital one. unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase, everywhere, every single day. so let me ask you... at's in your wallet?
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neil: this is one of my favorite conversations, if you can call it that. the awkward dynamics of president obama and president putin of russia. this is not going to go well. the u.s. government accusing russian diplomats as scamming american ollars. they don't like putin-care, but they do like obamacare.
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at the it's the same program that many want to expand. but they don't look at where they have been throwing them. dam, it's good to see you. >> it's good to see you as well. >> would he make of this? >> i think that this is an example that many finally get across to people that medicaid is a failed program. do you remember the bridge to nowhere last decade and a crystallized in people's minds? i think that this story about russian diplomats may finally get people to focus on the billions of dollars of waste a federal entitlement that should be sent back to the states, just like we did with welfare reform in the 1990s and it really is outrageous. diplomats of another country figuring that let's go ahead and american taxpayers to finance her health care costs. ne must tip your hat to
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these russians. they found a way to get this medicaid program to work. but what i'm worried about is more money from medicaid doubling the gas tax because we need more money, it's sort of the same theme. just throw more money at them. without accounting for the money we have already committed. and we keep doing it. >> we keep doing it because specialists special interest groups benefit. medicare and medicaid benefit and it's basically a way of artificially increasing demand and increasing the third-party payer which will lead to a lot more utilization of health care services in ways that there is no cost effectiveness order intelligent allocation of resources. and you're going to overprice your products because you know that consumers don't care and in this case american taxpayers.
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they are paying the bill. it's a cause some of what is going on with government in the health care sector generally. but as i said, i'm trying to be optimistic and this might be the example that people need with genuine medicaid reform, do what was then the ryan budget. let's block this program back to the state. at least as new york state wants to waste money, only they will pick up the tab is taxpayers. neil: we have had this concept before and nothing has come of it. but hope springs eternal. thank you, my friend. it is good to see you. here is why it is tough arguing minimum wag. many are saying no to more food stamp funding and you always find some heartless person and we have already had it out with liberals and the wage thing. get ready.
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♪ mm. mm-hmm. [ enne revs ] ♪ [ male announcer ] oh what fun it is to ride. get the mercedes-benz your wish list at the winter event going on now -- but hurry, the offers end december 31st. [ sant] ho, ho, ho! [ male announcer ] lease the 2014 glk350
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f $419 a month at your local mercedes-benz dealer. they're about 10 times softer and may have surface pores where bacteria can multiply. polident kills 99.99% of odor causing bacteria and helps dissolve stains. that's why i recommend polident. [ male announcer ] cleaner, fresher, brighter every day. if every u.s. home replaced one light bulb with a compact fluorescent bulb, the energy saved could light how many homes? 1 million? 2 million? 3 million? the answer is. 3 million homes. by 2030, investments in energy efficiency could help americans save $300 billion each year. take the energy quiz. energy lives here. yep. got all the cozies. [ grandma ] with n fedex one rate, i could ll a box and ship it r one flat rate. so i kn untilt was full. you'd be crazy not to. is tt nana?
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[ male announcer ] fedex one rate. simple, flat rate shipping with the reliability of fedex.
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neil: all right, it is time for tonight's edition of the greedy republicans again. this time, stamping out a food stamp mix. let's get this straight. the grand old party is like the grand old double. taking food from the mouths of the poor. it turns out not quite true. one look at this chart tells you the whol story. those small boxes at the top show the amount that would be shaved from the program. but republicans are trying to do is curb the growth in the food stamp program that has grown to include more than just the poor or were remotely poured and here
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we have our visitors and liz macdonald. the rapture is that the publicans are going to make a lot of people starve. >> what is really going on is the republicans are scrooge mcduck. now, what they really want to do is rescu it. they say a fifth of the groceries industry in food stamp usage, it is due to standards that started under george bush and was accelerated. neil: so they have both. >> that's right, one in seven versus one in six people back in 1996. neil: one in six? and here is the deal, they are still prominent. the 1% fraud rate is bogus.
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it is a big numer, it is driven by the number of government officials have investigated and that is very low, the number who investigated the. neil: melissa, what is the story? >> the idea is that it grows when the economy is bad and it contracts when the economy starts to improve. projections are that in the next five years it will go back at the 1996 levels to ensure its economy and the point is to boost wages. neil: one people out of seven people, isn't that bad? >> one person out of seven people is about $23,000 a year getting for food stamps.
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>> i'm not sure it's one out of seven. but what i hear what melissa is saying. it's a bad economy. 65% of groceries and food stamps duto that. neil: we also relax the standards? >> yes, starting under george bush. as well as president obama. there were a requirements and tests and the like. but that is a recent development. while people are misleading others about when they say that there is not an explosion of food stamps, there's a higher growth rate. what they are saying is rescue the food stamp program for the truly poor. the. neil: we could go back and forth for who is really poor and who is not poor. but you could go beyond food stamps, now you are close to one out of three americans getting assistance. and it makes my head spin. because the direction is that we need to relax the standards or the economy will start to have no choice but to expand this program to the degree we have.
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it is unaffordable. it is untenable, is not? >> food stamps are not expected to be contributing to our long-term death of deficit. neil: the amount of money that we are committing, and the top that we are talking about, you're right about the improvement and things will snap back into place when the economy and the recovery snaps back into place. but right now it is untenable. >> in terms of relaxing standards, some of this is -- for example, someone wwill have toualify for work in order to get this. that seems like a good policy to me. >> i agree with that, but there's a lot of pride fraud in the program and that is indisputable. and the people on both sides have their own opinions. let me finish.
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you will from both sides want to help the poor out. everyone wants to help the poor out. help them, give them a job. the problem is there is abuse of the system that is being underreported and understated by the democrats who are basically saying that it's nonexistent. i totally disagree with that. >> the studies say that the fraud rate is very low. >> it is misreported. >> it's not just for families. >> yes, it is. the fraud report has a problem. and here's the problem with the fraud rate. >> it is creating proems for the private sector. >> the thing is that it doesn't catch all the people who are speeding, as in an officer catching those on the rod. the. neil: the bottom line, ladies. because we have one out of three hitting some kind of assistance. and we don't think we are that destitute, but we will see. in the meantime, nancy, your
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economic ship has come in. maybe you can stop trying to bail everyone out. we have the latest news on jobs coming up next that have some thinking that we can cool the job incentives. but not quite yet. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] this store knows how to handle a saturday crowd. ♪ [ male announcer ] the parking lot helps by letting us know who's coming. the carts keep everyone on the right track. the power tools iroduce themselves. all the bits and bulbs keep themselves stocked. and the doors even handle the checkout so we can work on that thing that's stuck in the thing.
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[ female announcer ] today, cisco is connecting the internet of everything. so everyone goes home happy. ♪ grew up in a small town and when the rain would fall down ♪ ♪ i'd just stare out my window ♪ ♪ dreaming of what could be and if i'd end up happy ♪ ♪ i would pray i could breakaway ♪ ♪ i'll spread my wings and i'll learn how to fly ♪ i'll do what it takes till i touch the sky ♪ ♪ i gotta take a risk, take a chance, make a change, and break away ♪ ♪ wanna feel the warm breeze, sleep under a palm tree ♪
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♪ feel the rush of the ocean ♪ ♪ get on board a fast train, travel on a jet plane far away ♪ ♪ and break away ♪ out of the darkness and into the sun ♪ ♪ but i won't forget the place i come from ♪ ♪ i gotta take a risk, take a chance, make a change, and break away ♪
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>> it is absolutely essential that we expend the benefit. it remains one of the best ways to grow the economy in a very immediate way the. neil: maybe so, but news to nancy. unemployment is coming down. maybe now is a good time to cut the government apron strings.
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so now we have rubber wall. the timing could not be worse. we need to be doing more in this extent, but we are seeing jobs improving. so shouldn't wesee that after 240 weeks? >> i think that ere are two sides. one side shows the gdp is getting better, we had a great number today relative to where we have been in the past and i think that it's a million plus jobs for 45 straight months. but on the flipside, the participation rate is so low in the long-term unemployment is longer than anyone in this country wants and i think that that is where the concern is on the unemployment benefits. neil: that the. neil: that is getting kind of long and the two. >> i agree. at the end of the day it should not prevent a budget deal. >> okay. neil: let's focus back on whether we can ease up a little
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bit. even in the face of good economic news. >> i think it's something that we have to really contemplate. and i'm talking about what i think we should do. neil: you are being pragmatic? >> correct. i think that her response is what is respected of budget reform and we should put it what it was. respect to what the sequester was and then wish of the deficits be cut and there is a debate right now as you know between education defense and for her, unemployment benefits is important. we need to pass the budget either way. whether this is included or not. >> one way or the other you are right about that. t i wasn't joking about the good quality and the fact that republicans and democrats respect you. it is still the hatfield and mccoy's in washington and i'm wondering how this president is a good example of that. will this be the way it's going to be for the next three years? the president is a friend of
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yours, does it come up like health care is a disaster, it might get better and it might t, but we have a lot of people paying a lot more with premiums and we have 5 million fewer with insurance and when this thing started. so this is what it's going to be. three years of this. >> two different points he made. one is can they get together to do a budget plan. i think that they are both well-respected and smart. and i think that they can split the difference and come in at a couple hundred million over the next two years and get rid of the stupid sequester and try to move forward and get defense at the right level and i think that they can do it. i'm optimistic. neil: on the affordable care act, i was actually with the president this last week and i'm very confident that it's going to get better. we can debate and no one would
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be happy about it. but the key is getting back to the fact that there are 125 million people that will be impacted on this in 100 million on preventatived 30 million are uninsured. those numbers we have debated in the past. will this be a bump in the road? absolutely. >> there is no question that he has been taking this on and he believes that the beginning -- >> it was not good at all. he said that we did tell the white house. >> what i would say is that he d a million people hit this and it's up and working. >> corporations have to kick in, you don't see this getting out of control? >> i think it will get better because at the end of the day when you're moving 20% of the economy, it is going to take time and it will be baby steps.
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>> that is up to the president. >> i think it was not a good rollout. neil: i'm not saying that. >> usa 24/7. i don't even need to say it. i think that they brought in jeffrey zients. there is no question that this guy gets this right the. neil: would they get anything else done? >> yes, i think something that they would do and he and the president are alike. infrastructure.
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>> did you think logging onto that site was your secret? your boss knows all about it. and someone just told him it is all legal. you decide if it is too late to control this so allbank has a raise your rate cd
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that wothat's correct.a rate. cause i'm really nervous about getting trapped. why's that? uh, mark? go get help! i have my reasons. look, you don't have to feel trapped with our raise your rate cd. if our rate on this cd goes up, yours can too. oh that sods nice. don't feel trapped with the ally raise your rate cd. ally bank. your money needs an ally.
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♪ neil: here is the latest skinny @% this. you log in and they have your number and are not letting go. you type this in and they are your ball and chained for life. and it is stuck on a website and they are stuck on youtube. all of this time, i bet you thought it was just facebook and google monitoring your every move. compared to these x-rated rogues
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who know your every move. long after you've left their website. is it right and is it legal? on distinguishing between creepy and reality. first, can they do this? and what are they doing that is different in tracking where you are? >> what they are doing is that they are a third party. it is a third-party group that is going on to this while you are on the website and then you we met and then they are potentially following you down the world and it's like internet stalking. so there is really no other way to put it. and it has nothing to do with the fact that you are looking at salacious material but it is really anything. not like by facebook, not by google, but by this other party that you don't know about. neil: so how does this make it
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to my boss? >> if your boss is watching you over your back. [laughter] >> well, the website can operate in anything you do on the internet can be tracked. many workplaces have this. neil: even if you are doing this at home, it has a way of getting back to your boss. >> it could. but i don't think it goes that far. i think that the concern is what about these third-party advertisers better tracking needs. when you go to a website to by clothing, th've been folly you where you go on the internet. is that an invasion of privacyclaim we have had a debate before. they had these laws in the uk guarding these tracking cookies.
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and will they mimic what the uk has, they will create laws that deal with this. okay, so it says here that it is okay and this is all the risk that he taken that what you deal with is that. >> yes, i think that that can be an argument. personally i think that america is founded upon the great principles such as a right to privacy and whatever that is. neil: you both think that we should move on from that. >> i do not think that. first of all, any company should have a duty to protect their visitors and say that there is a potential for them to track you or know about it. neil: there is a sort of stigma
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of whatever you do at home could comeack to bite you or could go to your boss. so would they go to your boss? i mean, what is the incentive of going to your boss? they are concerned about selling products and gettingou to buy whatever it is that they are advertising. i don't necessarily think that they are going after you for those reasons. there is now way or and spyware that is out there. it is your employer using a? the companies are going out and monitoring ths. >> here's another interesting thing. we are both attorneys. what about in divorce cases? does an attorney latch on to a soon-to-be ex-husband and use that against him in cou and say we will do what he's doing online? neil: what about the husband? >> because the husband is always part of this. >> that is just incredible. we have seen that happen.
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>> do you want government bureaucracy? you are trying to spend all this money, you know. neil: ladies, thank you. who knew that this would go viral? >> history with the people that you work with indicates that that will ever be the case. really? >> why do you say that? why do you think it's gone? >> this is after we have >> this is after we have committed tens of every day we're working to be an even better company - and to keep our commitments. and we've made a big commitment to america. bp supports nearly 250,000 jobs here. through all of our energy operations, we invest more in the u.s. than any other place in the world. in fact, we've invested over $55 billion here in the last five years - making bp america's largest energy investor. our commitment has never been stronger.
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neil: a lot of people are listening and talking about this. you are talking about doubling this and acting like it's no big deal. >> i did not say it wasn't a big deal. neil: americans want to know how
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can you guarantee the new money won't compound this. >> i just finished indicating to you that independent studies from business studies -- you -ave no idea, do you? >> i think that you purposely don't have an idea. neil: i get the same answer. >> thank you for your time. >> we are still getting thousands about thatargument where the congressman planned to double the gas tax. so first, that guy is a typical democrat and all they know is that it was vexed and national transportation with no accountability. so maybe the gas tax money goes to the same places a social security trust fund and we say
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that we are trying to get to the bottom of this. if you can account for all of this, then you can make a credible argument. >> this is a good for you segment and the point is there is no accountability. you spend billions on education and you know how dumb our kids are. maybe not yours two i can't lecture. because i used to put a number in front of the decimal point. >> but we are doing hundreds of billions of dollars in and the more we spend on education, the words the test scores dead in the more that we on poverty programs, the more we spend on roads come the worse the poverty programs and roads get. inside the beltway they live and talk to themselves. republicans are the same way. >> absolutely.
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>> there is no bottom line, just a bottomless pit. >> if you allocate the sons, you and i can question this and then followed it. where's that money going? >> how many times will we see an incredible job that all of the others have in handling the crows. and at the same time you see this website the obamacare website, there is no accountability. it just shows you the private sector worksin the public sector doesn't. neil: okay, topic number two. yesterday's nationwide protest. one person tweeting that i guess they don't understand that the minimum wage increases will put them out of a job and so finally, i do not eat at
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mcdonald's, but today i did, supporting the businesses that the unions are trying to ruin. >> good for him. these are exactly the people that the president claims that he is supporting. these are exactly the people that he will hurt the most. for entry-level workers cut out of work because businesses won't be able to afford them and who owns the mcdonald's franchises? people making about 80 or $90,000 per year. >> by the way, burger king and wendy's and all of these, it is going on in this way. >> these guys usually have sort of mortgages for their franchise. and it's between four and $500,000 for a mcdonald's franchise right now.
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not only are you just making 80,000, but you have to be spending a lot of money every month, paying down on the franchise cost and these are th people that we need to work the hardest, the small and midsize companies. >> be careful what you wish for. because you could be gettin more automated responses. >>ofit margins are as thin as a sheet of paper. it is that simple, they will be out of business. >> at the good pleasure to see you again. neil: thank you for coming on the show. ♪
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[ engine revs ] ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] the mercedes-benz winter event s back, with the perfe vehicle that's just right for you, no matter which list you're on [ santa ] ho, ho, ho, ho! [ male announcer ] get the all-new 2014 a250 starting at just $29,900. yep. got all the cozies. [ grandma ] with n fedex one rate, i could ll a box and ship it r one flat rate. so i kn untilt was full. you'd be crazy not to. is tt nana? [ male announcer ] fedex one rate.
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simple, flat rate shipping with the reliability of fedex. it's not the "limit the cash i earnvery month" card. it's not the "i only earn decent rewards at the gas station" card. it's the no-games, no-signing up, everyday-rewarding, kung-fu-fighting, silver-lightning-in-a-bottle, bringing-home-the-bacon cash back card. this is the quicksilver card from capital one. unlimited 1.5% cash back on eve purchase, everywhere, every single day. so ask yourself, what's in your wallet?
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neil: all right, issue one and two nights business lists.
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are you getting your customers blitzed? nordstrom, urban outfitters, getting into the holiday spirit. they actually are. a way to spike up the sales. it would have to take an entire bar for me to endure the pain of shopping, but they might be onto something. what do you think? >> i am with you. this is a page right out of las vegas. give them free alcohol even if we have to pay for it. it is something when you're better have to do shopping. but i will getreally worried if they start hurling chips in. so it affects you, and you don't care and you're like, is that true? >> that is exactly what las vegas does. they want to distract you, they don't want any envinmental cues, they know that you will get looser with your wallet and i think that this is a time of
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desperation in all seriousness. so i am very -- on a personal basis, i'm very upset to see this because i don't know which way it will go. >> i justwant to go to my hickory farms kiosk i will just buy up the place. >> i think that it's unlikely. retailers are solving the wrong problems. they are trying to get neil cavuto to come in and shop and he's not a shocker. you are probably going with your wife if you're going at all and she is the one doing the shopping. [laughter] >> the women are not going up. the guys are doing nothing. but now they are drinking. the reasons you don't go our because the lines are long, you can't find what you want, you can't find a place to pay for your goods when you're done and that's the problems of the retailers should be solving.
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i think it's dumb. [laughter] >> yup, that is me. anyway, twitter has a new target. they say that they are tracking users onli to deliver tailor-made advertisements. people were getting into this a little bit earlier and this could kind of confuse the message. but they like maybe the money that can be gained, but it gets it's kind of creepy. >> i think that it's more than just a little bit creepy. but it's very common sense when it comes to washington. the problem is thathey will have to track you and do it in ways he nnot possibly imagine. so if you are using those services, be prepared. you will all of a sudden get a random advertisement and they will be very targeted and you will think that you have handed over your wallet and then some. >> is this a sign of the times?
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we have collectively seemed to shrug at this with these creepy invasions of privacy. and the award goes to the company that is the best added. >> well, exactly. i can understand that as a user you might be creeped out. but twitter can offer a better service and they can sell the data and use the data for another purpose and, you know, microsoft does it, google des it, facebook does it. no one seems like it, but nobody seems to stop using the services because of i either. neil: do ou guys worry that it will escalate? because it is what it is. >> yes, i do worry about that. and i do see a lot of users beginning to revolt against this. neil: all right, it is time for a good night herre. what you think of this? >> i'm looking at the market
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action on friday, it was superb and i think it broke the downtrend. if it holds, next week i think that we might set up this rally the last three weeks of the year. if we say it, it could be a lump of coal in the stocking. >> i'm looking at the jobs numbers and am watching the market action. and i'm worried about the fed and whether it will taper and i think the structural problems in the economy are actually serious. so i'm watching what they are doing with this minimum wage battle. neil: are you surprised? the markets seem to like a new number. >> well, i definitely am surprised. it's funny that you mention that. i would have thought that with a good numberthat the market would be down. we are worried about this and maybe it shows that we are kind of getting over this -- this everything must be the fed
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mentality. neil: personal responsibility. we will find out on monday because dick cheney is here and ♪ ♪ connell: welcome to the best of "imus in the morning" from new york city, i'm connell mcshane here from our studios in midtown manhattan. it's good to have you with us this morning, we'll have the journalist and author jim lehrer to get us started, in fact, the first two interviews today deal with the jfk assassination. jim lehrer was ancr on pbs for many years, but he's also been the author of a number of best-selling novels. his latest starts with a premise that's true, lehrer was there on the day president kennedy was assassinated,


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