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tv   The Willis Report  FOX Business  December 17, 2013 6:00pm-7:01pm EST

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everyday at 5:00 p.m. eastern and kept us at midnight. be sure to get your money no matter what. we will see you back here tomorrow and "the willis report" is next. ♪ ♪ gerri: hello, everybody. i am gerri willis. tonight on "the willis report." spending a lot of money on vitamins? we will tell you all about it. and the government says inflation is flat. so do these officials need to spend more time in the grocery store? and college presidents making millions of dollars. is it any wonder why tuition is skyrocketing? we are watching out for you tonight on "the willis report." ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ gerri: welcome to "the willis
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report." if you are showing your money and your boys. big-time price hikes on your car insurance. filing just a single claim can cause your premiums to skyrocket and we are talking the in the double digits. we have the answers here and lauren is with us. welcome. it is great to have you here on the site. >> thank you. gerri: i was blown away with these numbers. in some cases as high as 67%? >> absolutely. there our valuables that can bump that up. >> let's talk about why it's so high in the first place. i was kind of shocked by that. >> you have to look at the cost ratio and how many people are in that area and how much it cost. so if you start thinking about living in miami, your costs will be more than it is otherwise.
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gerri: i have to tell you that i've been shocked at the numbers numbers and we have been working out at the mall then we are just getting them in from insurance quotes as well. for example, a bodily injury claim is very expensive and that could really impact your average insurance. >> you're looking at l.a. and new york city, a lot more people and populations in higher costs. a lot more. gerri: massachusetts was the one that i mentioned as well. >> 67%, new jersey, north carolina, and what we need to move to?
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>> you're really at risk if you have some kind of accident. you don't always have to make that claim, obviously. but how do you decide. >> let's say you have a fender bender in your car is damaged and the other person does not. before you go and call the insurance company, which usually have 24 hours to do so, i tried to get a quote and find out what it's going to be. if it's less than your deductible, it makes no sense. [laughter] >> is a little bit over your deductible, pay for out-of-pocket, i know it's not fun to do that. >> when you have a serious fender bender, there's bodily injury, that is why you have
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insurance and if you don't tell the insurance agency you don't have things like this, i've got and i like brakes, all of those things in the new technologies and that would help this as well. >> plus there is a driving record. and it is going to bump up especially will bump up your insurance. >> it will lower the rate of car insurance and also package this as well.
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gerri: i wish we had more topics for you. thank you for coming on. from your cart your health, are your multivitamins doing more harm to your health and while i? the case is closed on the debate over multivitamins after finding almost no benefit. so are you kidding me? you know how much money i spend on vitamins? i mean, how can you suddenly, after all this time, turnaround, 180, have the medical establishment say, well, we take it all back. >> this study was published and is very powerful. it's a meta-analysis. a pooled studies on 450,000 patients and showed no benefit of the reduction or overall mortality. >> i have to tell you, i am not
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expecting my multivitamins to save me from a heart attack or prevent me from dying next year. i just want to feel better. >> there is no data to support that it does that. if you have a vitamin deficiency, meaning that your vitamin level is low, then certainly, these vitamins help. if you are anemic and you need iron to help with your blood count, that helps. but it's a 12 billion-dollar industry in the u.s. alone. gerri: we are paying a lot a lot of money for this. we took a look at the retail price. if you take a multivitamin over-the-counter every single day, yyu're paying about $33 every single year. thirty-two dollars and 81 cents. on a macro basis. americans are spending 11 billion every year i multivitamins. so how did we get to be this? >> everyone is looking for a quick fix in america. we want to get healthy by weight-loss surgeries and things likeethat.
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and i think you just need to put in the effort. good nutrition and exercise can go a long way. and yes, you have to be careful and you still have to work at it. gerri: i see your point. i'm still shocked. they talk to you about this other study that we heard about today. which i thought was hysterical. apparently there's no evidence of antibacterial hand washes any better than good old-fashioned soap and water. do you believe that? >> i believe that. i reviewed the data. but the troubling thing to me is the chemicals that are in the is actually have shown to be detrimental and they have shown to interfere with the hormones and interact with ourselves and there is concern that it may hinder the development of our children and the fda has known
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about this since 1978. and they just now are i'm stepping in. the studies were done not early. i think it has a lot to do with following the money and the companies that make these. gerri: this all got started with surgeons and i presume that they will continue to do that even if the fda saying that the average consumer shouldn't. gerri: we have these numbers, just how big it is.
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in the something they are not want to get sick, this is the solution. is that right? >> you know, exactly, i think it's an easy way out. actually you are taught as a child if you wash your hands with hot soapy water and sing twinkle twinkle little star, that is enough to clean your hands. and the equivalent of using that keeps the toxins away. gerri: i never believed that. i would thought that it was just hot soapy water. have a good evening. now we want to know what you think and here's our question tonight. our multivitamins way to get money? i will will share the results at the end of tonight's show. we have more including a recent segment about buying annuities. you guys are fired up.
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and next, can the tech world save obamacare? a group of ceos visiting the white house today. is it enough to fix my customers can shop around--
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see who does good work and comparcosts. it doesn't usually work that way with health care. but with unitedhealthcare, i get information on quality rated doctors, treatment options and estimates for how much il pay. that helps me, and my guys, make better decisions. and definitely not with our healt innovations that work for you. that's health in numbers. unitedhealthcare.
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♪ [ale announcer ] the parking lot helps by letting us know who's coming. the carts keep everyone on the right track. the power tools iroduce themselves. a the bits and bulbs keep themselves stocked. and the doors even handle the checkout so we can work on th thing th's stuck in the thing. [ female announcer ] today, cisco is connecting the internet of everything. so everyone goes home happy. open to innovation. open to ambition. open to boldids. that's y n york has a new plan -- dozens of tax free zones all across t state. move hereexpand here, or start a new business here and pay no taxes foren years... we're new york. if there's something that creates more jobs, and ows more businesses... we're open to it. start a tax-free business at
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gerri: too big obamacare deadlines are approaching. countless americans are now ready. here is paul howard, a senior fellow at the manhattan institute. so we are really a week away from an important enrollment deadline if you want have coverage by january 1, you really have to get on it. >> that's right. as long as you sign up for coverage by january that please me, december 31, at midnight, you are eligible for coverage on generator first. gerri: it administration has put a lot of pressure on insurance. and some are not even going to go along with this. some say they are not going to do it.
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>> that's right, you're supposed to provide it, it's not really a question. but they actually asked them to accept partial payment, promises of payment, and given the leeway as late as january the eighth. gerri: it's so unprofessional and random. >> obviously this could make the risk pool a lot sicker. the longer you push and woman off, the people that are most likely to push those are going to be the sicker people. all of these regulatory cha it just keeps coming. the insurers don't really know what the risk pool is going to look like, creating one of financial uncertainty for that.
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gerri: they say that they have made an application but they haven't made it through the process and we're getting one of those boulders as a boa constrictor through the end of year. so what are we really going to see is that there are more people who have blocked their coverage under obamacare. >> we will see about 5 million cancellations because of obamacare. and right now we've only got about 800,000 people enrolled and 300,000 for the exchanges on the critical piece of information, they won't tell us what the demographics are. the administration is not saying. gerri: we have some insight into that because of california. and we really have to wait and see if i wanted to ask you about the meeting today at the white house with technology ceos. they had one thing on their agenda. they wanted to talk about obamacare. what do you make of the former
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microsoft executive that is going to be a part of this? >> the real problem is the lack of management at the white house and whatever improved user experience they can add to the system,. gerri: so who is this guy? >> there are certainly people pushing this. lots of experience with tech projects like places like mike are soft.
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he can fix all the problems that have already oocurred. gerri: if he were to handicap what we were going to be shopping for on the obamacare story, you know, people are going to be thinking about christmas and not about policy issues. >> these are people who don't know whether they are covered, look at people showing up, hospitals and physicians are going to extend without payment, will insurers cover this? we have to see how the chaos develops. gerri: paul, thank you for bringing clarity to it. it is that time of year again. tom coburn releasing his annual report on federal governments wasteful spending of 2013. totaling $30 billion. $30 billion of your money. rich edson has the details. >> senator tom coburn releasing
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his annual waste book, it includes $914,000 for government projects to bring new people in the conversation and their expression in pop-culture and this includes love between the covers. the government no longer needs. nearly half million dollars in cities like las vegas and new orleans, $500,000 for a storage building, they've doubled it a man cave and a venue for workers party. and for a study that finds the happiest marriages are those where wives were quickly able to calm down during marital conflicts. that's all part of the 100 examples as what the senator described as wasteful spending. >> $30 billion of what i would
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consider stupid or poor judgment and comes to spending money in a time when e have very little money to spare. >> you can always check out puppets take long island costing the federal government $150,000. >> i didn't get past that one. but there's something missing. where is >> at about 95 things missing. that is on the senator's list and it is one of the options here. $7 billion for equipment, $7 million as well. gerri: bridge, thank you for your time. later in the show, the truth behind the governments latest inflation numbers. we also answer the question how do you do that and we are getting a guaranteed fixed
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income for life. ♪ ♪ ♪ at first, i took warfarin, but i wondered, "could i up my game?" my doctor told me about eliquis. and three important reasons to take eliquis instead. onein a clinical trial, eliquisas proven to reduce the risk of stroke better than warfarin. two, eliquis had less major bleeding than warfarin. and three... unlike warfarin, there's no routine blood testing. [ male announcer ] don't stop taking eliquis unless your doctor tells you to, as stopping increases your risk of having a stroke. eliquis can cause serious and in rare ces fatal bleeding. don't take eliquis ifyou have an artificial heart valve abnormal bleing. while taking eliis, yomay bruise more easily
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and it m take longer than usual for any bleeding to stop. seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. i've got three portant reasons to up my game with eliquis. [ male announcer ] ask your doctor today if eliquis is rit for you. yep. got all the cozies. [ grandma ] th n fedex one rate, i could ll a box and ship it r one flat rate.
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so i kn untilt was full. you'd be crazy not to. is tt nana? [ male announcer ] fedex one rate. simple, flat rate shipping with threliability of fedex. gerri: are you thinking about purchasing an annuity? why you may want to rethink your retirement options. we will have details coming up in just 60 seconds
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gerri: three weeks ago one of my favorite guest talked about annuities. and boy, did we hear from you. we have e-mails pouring in saying that he just didn't get it. well, okay, so tell me in your
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simplest terms why you object to annuities. >> largely fixed annuities because the interest rate is low and the income when you start to receive it is fixed. when he died, the money is gone. there is nothing left for errors. high commission paid products come, they often don't disclose the compensation arrangements, and the list goes on and on. gerri: a lot of people over the last few years have had a terrible ride buying stocks, even mutual funds. you know, it doesn't matter. and they are looking for something guaranteed. let me tell you what some people said and let me be clear that a lot of these people are financial advisors and are probably selling this stuff. but you are selling things as well. here's barbara from california. he is incorrect in some of his comments.
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these products have been revamped in recent years, allowing for money to be refunded and passed on to others. what you say? >> only if you are willing to take a dramatically lower level of income so low that if you recognize it, you would say that i don't even need this product is the one we got a lot of comments saying that the world has changed and the world is different. but there are positive and negatives. but annuities are really confusing and complicated. >> yes, the sales pitch is that it lands on the insurance regulator's top 10 investment frauds. it's the way that it is often marketed. agents are making a living selling beds, the nature of the commissions involved, the surrender charges involved, other criteria that people understood them, they would definitely think twice about buying them. gerri: here is marty in north carolina. ask those dependent on mutual
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funds from 2009 through 2001. one insurance company has gone out of business and left annuity owners in the cold at. >> one of the biggest insurance default in history. leaving losses of 67%. and that was probably 15 years ago. off the top of my head. it was a massive insurance fall. gerri: okay, so is your annuity only as good as the insurance company that you buy it from? >> jeff, it is. and the guarantees are only as good as that as well. but i'm not terribly worried about it. it's very unlikely that that will occur, just as unlikely that your bank will default. but the bigger concern is will this product generate the retirement income that you need or as long as you're going to live? and so the overwhelming majority of americans, the answer is no. and the insurance company is in it to make a profit.
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they are investing the money, taking a cut of the revenue before passing them along to you. gerri: you are a financial advisor. wouldn't you take a cut as well? >> absently not. gerri: but we pay you a fee. >> yes, but there's no question that we can recommend any investment product that exists in the entire country and i can certainly sell annuity products to my client that i wanted to. back in the 80s and '90s we used to because the products back then had much better opportunities with death benefits is that simply don't exist today and the cost have grown much higher and the alternative especially through exchange traded has lowered expenses while maximizing liquidity and there isn't a justification today for using the antiquated products. gerri: well, non-panic getting a whole round of e-mails. so when you put money into an
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annuity and you dry monthly income, that is all you are you're ever going to get. he said that that is not the truth. >> if you annuitize an annuity contract, people do that to generate income in retirement, that's a one-way ticket. gerri: you're talking about something specific? >> i'm talking about generating income in retirement and you can always make a withdrawal if you want to. but if you do that, you will be subject to surrender penalties and tax brackets because you don't enjoy capital gains tax rates. the income will not grow with inflation, which is a major concern with people living longer than ever. and it's it simply does not something that's going to resolve with the long-term needs of most americans are going to have. gerri: one of the issues that are sort of unstated. a lot of these were from financial advisors at. >> they make a living selling this product. so let's be clear that everybody has a horse in the race. >> wait just a second.
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>> i think one of the issues is this. a lot of people out there had a horrible experience during the stock market meltdown. they are looking for a way where they can be guaranteed some kind of return and what do you say? >> it's an exploitive on the part of the insurance industry. i lost a lot of money in 2008, i'm scared and don't want it to happen again and insurance agents are exploiting those fears with the promise that this is guaranteed and that might be true. but you will go broke safely. because this is simply too low and not even in many cases keeping up with the rate of inflation. gerri: send your questions and e-mails to ric edelman. thank you, that's the right thing to do. a lot of people out there are questions about these products. >> i'm happy to help. >> don't allow an insurance agent selling it to you to get all the information that you need.
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>> very nice. gerri: coming up next, student loans. in the government says inflation is practically practically practically nonexistent. so what is it telling her everything cost more? the congressman gives us his take coming up next. ♪ ♪ ♪ what would we see? ♪ the billions of gallons of fuel that get us to work. ♪ we'd see all the electricity flowing through the devices that connect us a teach us. ♪ we'd see thatlmost 100% medical plastics are made from oil and natural gas. ♪ anan iustry that supports
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almost 10 million americanobs. life takes energy. and no one applies more technology to produce american energy and refine it more efciently than exxonmobil. because using energy responsibly has never been more important. energy lives here. ♪ dave's always wanted to do when he retires -- keep working, but for himself. so as his financial advisor, i took a look at everything he has. the 401(k). insurance pies. even money he's invested elsewhere. we're building a retirement plan to help him lauh a second career. dave's flight school. go de. when people talk, great things can happen. so start a conversation with an advisor who's fully invested in y. wells fargo advisors. togetr we'll go far.
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gerri: from her fox business studios, government reporting today that inflation in the u.s. remains flat. so why do i have sticker shock every time i go to the grocery store? with monist, an economist at the university of maryland.
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and a lot of stuff that you buy in the viewers by, keeps going up. >> into your point, you take a basket of stuff from the grocery store, 23% of every year. -nd that's critical. it's%, ground beef. up 22%. >> there is some stuff that never seems to go down.
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>> what we had to raise his our prices. >> you made a really good point in your interview. >> a lot of people, the government wants more in taxes and they want to have a more expensive health insurance policy. >> it seems to me that we will have a real real inflation that shows up in the government's
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numbers. gerri: might we see a move to get rid of this and we will be celebrating more inflation. >> we got up over 10%. 3% and every time obama opens his mouth, all that's going of that's going to show up in your health insurance premiums.
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gerri: we are seeing this at the margin, the government goes along and it's everything that is fine. gerri: microsoft searching for a new ceo. and they have looked took the list down to a group of 20. investors waiting until tomorrow to find out whether the fed will announce the beginning of the end of a stimulus program and we just talked about that. kicking off a two-day policy meeting today. and the recent budget deal in washington adding to speculation the budget deal moving forward with the help of 12 senate republicans and a final vote is
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expected no later than tomorrow. and he shock waiting for you next time you head for the pharmacy. and if you are looking a reason that college costs so much, we have information for you. multimillion dollar salaries for college presidents. [ male announcer ] e new new york is open.
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open to innovation. open to ambition. open to boldids. that's why n yor has a new plan -- dozens of tax free zones all across the state. move hereexpand here, or start a new business here
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and pay no taxes for ten years... we're nework. if there's something that creates more jobs, and ows more businesses... we're open to it. start a tax-free business at hmm. mm-hmm. [ engine rev] ♪ [ male announcer ] oh what fun it is to ride.
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gethe mercedes-benz on your wish list at the winter event going on now -- but hurry, the offers end december 31s [ santa ] ho, ho, ho! [ male announcer ] lease the 2014 ml350 for $599 a month at your local mercedes-benz dealer. it's not the "juggle a bunch of rotating categories" card. it's not the "sign up for rewards each quarter" card. it's the no-mes, no-messing-'round, no-earning-limit-having, do-i-look-like-i'm-joking, turbo-boosting, heavyweight-champion- of-the-world cash back card. thiss the quicksilver cash back card from capital one. unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase, everywhere, every single day. now tell me, what's in your wallet? gerri: just how much money private college presidents are wasting. spiraling out of control, so are
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the salaries. is it right? we have the chronicle of higher education senior reporter who broke the story with us tonight. jack, thank you for coming on the show and we appreciate your time. so let's talk. >> we had the most recent year from available to beta for presidential pay. that is an increase of 36 the year before and the typical college president and a private institution makes about $410,000. so yes, the top paid guy is the president of the university of chicago. he made about $3.5 million in 2011. gerri: it's interesting. some of the schools with high pay, you may not know them all. but university of chicago, you may know them. so they are paying a smaller
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proportion of the entire budget. these guys get paid a pretty nice salary and the budgets aren't that high. >> that was something that we looked at this year in particular. the pay relative to budget. leaders are oftentimes astounded by contracts and as you say, at a place like chicago, the budget is in excess of $3 billion. the percentages much lower and that's part of this. they miiht be ranked third or fourth. this was money set aside that they finally got in one ear. gerri: presidential pay going up 3.2%. 2010 through 2011. room and board is up 3.4%. it seems like they are connected. what do you say?
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>> people try to make that connection. i think that on a symbolic level you are right to raise that issue and you hear that on college campuses. the president becomes an easier symbol of that. gerri: do administrators pay overall? the number of administrators rising to top these institutions? >> yes, i think a lot of people are concerned about this in the part of the institution as opposed to an academic enterprise and i think you are right to raise that. gerri: the harvard president doesn't necessarily have the highest paid, under a million dollars. what is going on? >> presumably she's getting along fine with $900,000 per year. she makes about $230 for every million dollars of expenses.
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i think that they are stimulating cocktail parties and you probably get to meet matt damon. [laughter] >> so there are measurable benefits for the job. >> that's a good comeback and it's a pleasure to meet you and you have to come back and tell us more results from your reporting. i know that our viewers are interested in the cost of higher education. >> we appreciate your attention and thank you. >> you're most welcome. gerri: who are these multimillionaires? the list of the highest-paid college presidents. number five is the highest-paid female president any gottman at the university of pennsylvania. she's held the post almost 10 for almost 10 years, making over $2 million. number four is columbia university's president in new york city. he takes some $2.3 million. dennis murray from marist college. the small hudson valley college
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an hour and a half north of manhattan. about $2.7 million per year, and %ortheastern university's northeastern university's president. earning more than 3 million bucks. and the number-one highest-paid college president is robert sommer from the university of chicago and we mentioned him. the salary for him is anything but. nearly $3.5 million per year. and still to come, my "two cents more" and generic drugs have been a great alternative for many americans. we have the details coming up. ♪ ♪ ecisions. that's health in numbers. unitedhealthcare.
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yep. got all the cozies. [ grandma ] with n fedex one rate, i could ll a box and ship it r one flat rate. so i kn untilt was full. you'd be crazy not to. is tt nana? [ male announcer ] fedex one rate. simple, flat rate shipping with the reliability ofedex. gerri: buyer beware. your next trip to the pharmacy could really end up costing you. we have the details in two minutes. don't go away.
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gerri: the next time you go to the pharmacy, you might get hit with sticker shock. generic drug prices are soaring. according to a recent report, one third of generic drugs have skyrocketed in price by more than 2000% and i was blown away by this. we should say that this is not all generic drugs, this is a portion of it. so what is going up in price and why is that? >> what is happening of the drugs we look back, small number are going up in price by a skyrocketing astronomical amount, over 2000%. two thirds are still going down in price but some are going out. and that is changing the whole dynamics.
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>> remapped generic drug price spikes. we are using the generic names which are hard to understand. but the last one that you see the drug that you might know. so look at these price hikes. 6300%. 3000%. adam, i look at this list and i can't figure out what is going on and i thought generics were supposed to be stable in price and low in price. >> there's a couple things going on. we are seeing some drugs in a shortage situation. problems with manufacturing, fewer suppliers, the prices are going up. we are also seeing rumors of shortages and price hikes and this includes pharmacies and wholesalers trying to beat the price increase. gerri: why would there be any shortages? why would there be shortages of this? >> for some drugs they had
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manufacturing problems and they have stepped up their enforcement efforts. including those overseas, making sure that they are staying up to the u.s. standards and they are finding problems at times. so then you have fewer generic manufacturers for some of these products. and the ones that remain can't supply the bull-market. gerri: so there is a regulatory crackdown. and for good reason. i'm not always in favor of heavy regulation, but this is an industry that has major embarrassment when it comes to the products on the shelf. big manufacturers say that they are fine, but their other products that people buy online and otherwise that is not up to snuff. >> some of them have had significant quality problems and i will point to one. one of the largest manufacturers based in india that had major
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production problems and quality problems and have a lot of drugs pulled from the market and have rrally not been as great supplier to the u.s. market. gerri: what do i do if i am one of those people who is trying to buy these drugs and seeing my prices go through the roof. >> the majority of consumers -- you will be shielded if you have insurance. it's still around the lowest tier of the pharmacy and what we are seeing is some of the drug drugs started to vanish from the discount generic programs. these drugs are disappearing. and so consumers are finding that they can no longer get them. some just want to pay cash and are having trouble finding these drugs. but unfortunately, there's not a lot we can do as a consumer. gerri: adam, thank you for coming on. we have to come back soon. >> i will. thank you. gerri: the latest addition to
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"the willis report" wall of fame. from the world of big pharmacology. they will stop paying doctors were promoting their drugs, this has been a big issue and it targets its marketing staff and the company is trying to assure critics that it is addressing conflicts of interest in putting this ahead of patients. the move may force other companies to act accent the industry has been under fire for this for years. glaxo smith kline. way to go. good move. i will be right back with my "two cents more" and the answer to the question of the day. our multivitamins a waste of money? stay with us. ♪ ♪ impact life expectancy in the u.s.,
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with investment information, risks, fees and expenses but with less energy, moodiness, and a low sex drive,y first. i saw my doctor. a blood test showed it was low testosrone, not age. we talked about axiron. the only underarm low t treatment that can restore t levels to rmal in about 2 weeks in most men. axiron is not for use in women or anyone younger than8 or men with prostate or breast caer. and children should avoido are contact where axiron is applied as unexpected signs of puber in children or changes in body hair or increased acne in women may occur. port these symptoms to your doctor. tell your doctor about all medicaconditions and medication
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serious side effects could include increased risk decreased sperm count; ankl feet or body swelling;s; enlarged or painful breasts; problems breathing while eeping; and blood clots in the legs. mmon side effects include skin redss or irritation where applied, increased red blood cell count, headache, diarrhea, vomiting and increase in psa. ask your doctor about axiron. gerri: two major studies suggest
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taking multivitamins does not protect aging brains or even prevent heart attacks, and with millions of american spending billions of dollars on vitamins, are we just wasting our money? what you are posting on my facebook page. i don't think they are wasted money, but they're not the magic bullet either. it is just an added complement to exercising and eating healthy. john agrees, i know what works for me, supplements are fantastic when combined with exercise and a good diet. we ask the question on 46 percent said yes, 54 percent said no. here are some of your e-mails. martha from texas writes, when it comes to holiday shopping i do folkish shopping. i have in mind what i want to buy and while looking for the best deal i can find. rarely things that are on boss. i just look on line or for free shipping deal. larry from washington is ready but 23. i took the 23 and meet dna tests. it gave me very useful health information, plus much about my
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ancestry. the fda is totally out of line with its attack. i agree. jim from minnesota degrees, the game in washington is power. the more items an agency can regulate the larger the empire. every new item is cause for regulators and more money in the budget. i love hearing from you. send me an e-mail. get to finally, it seems a world is not as it should be. generic drugs are getting more expensive while we are being told vitamins don't do you any good. it is a topsy-turvy world, and it will get even more confusing. that is because the obama administration has staggered deadlines for enrolling in obamacare and leaned on the insurance industry to try to get as many people as possible signed up for that january 1st deadline. it is going to be tough. it is going to be confusing, but we at that "the willis report" will be there all along the way to guide you through the confusion. that is our goal, to help you navigate the potentially dangerous waters consumer space.
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a special topic or issues you want us to address, tweet me @gerriwillisfbn. that is it for tonight on "the willis report." thank you for joining us. a great night, and we will see you here tomorrow. ♪ lou: the obama administrations collection of scandals and lives have led to inevitable comparisons to former president richard nixon. today the "washington post" released this statistical analysis confirming the@ comparisons. nixon, the only fifth year president since world war ii to post lower ratings in the polls then where president obama finds himself tonight. i'm lou dobbs. ♪ lou: good evening, everybody. the "washington post" survey released a damning poll for the obama administration. the president's app


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