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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  December 21, 2013 8:00pm-9:01pm EST

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calls in all a aspects of life. now bill it the showers. ♪ the oma administration's collection of scandals and lies ve led to comparisons to former presidentichard nixon and today, the shington post released atatistical analysis confirming the comparisons, the nixon, the only president to post lower ratings in the position than where president obama finds himself tonight. i'm lou dobbs. good evening, everybody. the washington post, today, released a damming poll for the obama administration, the president's approval rating at the end of his fifth year in
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office has fallen to 43% with a disappval rating with 55%. the post writing of the findings, quote, presidedent bu had a 47% at the end of the his firefight year of presidency and other post war ii presidents. the numbers get worse. when asked who they trust to do a btter job with the nation's approximate? respondents the prident now tied with congressional republicans at 41%. only a year ago, the president had a 15-point lead. now it's gone. all gone. the president also trails republicans on the economy by ur points. last year at ts time, president obama held an 18-point lead on economicc issues. the revelations of scandal after scandal the declarations that have turbid out to be lies and
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the failed rollout of the federal health care law has contributed to his nose dive in his poll, jay carney today, admitted that the president's sinking numbers are can hurting his credibility and effectiveness with congrs. >> does he really still have the power to move the public, to move the congress on these big issues? when he approval rating continue to sink? >> again,ed, you won'tnt from m in whington hass taking a hit. >> more poor timing coming for the administration. president obama himself praisee the fictional congressman frank underwood from hbo's "house of cards" the ruthless character played by oscar winner kevin spacey who manipulatehis way to the presidency through lies and ulmately murder.
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>> i wish things were ruthlessly -- true. like kevin spacey. >> our first guest tonight, voted in favor of the budget compromise in t house. he also stresses the deal eases the burden caused by the sequester, joining us now scott, member ofhe budget committee, congressman, good to have you with us, you and many of your colleagues in the house particarly those who style yourself as conservatives wrestle mightily on this, what was the point to cast your vote to support it. >> thank you, lou. a critical topic for our country. the alternatives before us were
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this, if i voted no, we would have had continug resutions where we fund things that didn't need to be funding. i have been among i think the strongest advocates for returning to regular order, where we have a top-line budget and we have agreed to that in this agreement and work through all of the appropriations bill. >> if the senate approves, almost a certaintt they will approve it tomorrow and movet on, regular order will be restored. we're talking about $85 billion against a budget in x sesz of 3.3 trillion that doesn't amount. this i't small potatoes. in terms of financial number. but in terms of returning to regular order, and establishing a budget for two year after successive continuing resolutions that make a mockery of the budget process, this is a
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very big deal, isn't it? >> it is really a big deal and i'm in a season of public service. is is really the first time that i have really felt that i could come home and come before this incredible district tho serve. so we have a lot of defense contractors and this isn't just protect the home base here, lou. i have the privilege working with our general. i told my colleagues the day we were wrestling with this, if you're inclined to vote no, i said come with me and hear the direct and very real damage that can continuing resolutions combined with sequestration are doing to our military and the fiscal conservative, i sa let's get back on regular order here and get on to mandatory spending. >> and what is your reaction,
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congressman, and your thoughts and your concerns in the cost of living benefits for reting military personnel under the age of 62? the provision that would cut benefits. >> lou i answered the question today, i w talking to a group of our ship repair folks, no more than 200 people in the room, the very last question was on this, i knew that this question was coming and i told my lleagues, my republican colleagues tt we're going to have to wrestle with this, because it's a reduction, what's not being shared in the media, when the service member does reach 62, that cost of living increa increase where they didn't partipate for all of these years potentially, they g caug up at the age of 62. wounded warriors, there no reduction. there's reduction of 1%.
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inflation minus 1%. it's a difficult decision, lou. that's why it was not easy for me to vote for this. i pulled this voting card in my coat pocket out, i have a choice, green for yes or red for no, this isn't i wish i had a different choice button there. i lookedt the sum of all of this, what's important here, lou, now we're going to return to regular order, there's not exse for any member of congress, republican or mocrat, to get back mandatory. >> fair enough any excuse for the republicans or the democrats to put the untry and the politics of capitol hill in position to shut down the government aer thehe new year as you mo to the next issue is the debt ceiling? >> i struggle with this as a businessman, i'm still an owner of a business, it really deeply
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affect our business if weent into any kin of default, but at the same time, i don't want to enable what i so despise, it's ral. the diction we're going. >> understand. but ople are just outright sick of seeing the republican party an in each case it's been the republican party has had the choice. you have shown great judgment, i think a level, good-headed common sense in dealing with wh's symbolic numbers but return to order. surely you're not telling me the republican leadehip would throwhat all away on the debt ceiling, why not go to the polls with your arguments and stop this nonsense? >> here we go, lou, we're right on track, i think any candidate, an uncome bent or a new candidate, they need to be
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asked, what specificay do you propose get mandatory spending? don't let those candidates get away from that difficult question that's got to be answered. >> that question can't be psed until next november. i'm asking you right now, is your leadership commitd of to avoiding a shutdown of the government again? >> yes, they are. what we need to d -- >> i'm going to take what we can. in the timee're alotted. >> i understand. i understand. we shodn't shut the government down at the same time, lou,we got -- >> i wouldrge the republicans, get out and get a ground game going and move some voters to the polls, because that's where the answers lie not in parliamentary maneuvers, i applaud the republican leadership for moving frward in this direction and specifically,
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congressman paul ryan who pulled outhe -- >> i was proud of him. >> i won't be very proud if it% results in another shutdown in thbt ceiling, congressman. >> i don think that's going to happen, lou. i don't. >> we'll take that as assurance and it's welcome. >> congressman, thank you. >> thank you so much. >>up next, the tea party, well, they say that john bey ne declared war on them. we'll be talking with former republican national committee chairman mike duncan about john ehn boehner's job security and by the way, how is the war on coal going? not as well as the president might like.
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the internet is having a lot of fun with the predent after the president holding this card, encouraging young people to get covered with obamacare, because quote, nobody should go broke just because they get sick, end quote. it has been pho shopped dozen of times. it's a ubiquitous across t web. obamacare canceled the plan that you had and liked. and the national republican congressnal committee, also, participating, creating a version with the president holding a card, reading hashtag don't worry. because e i got a trillion coino fix al this. the tea party is in an all-out war withouse speaker john boehner, for whatever reason, he decided to start the feud, escalated i yesterday.
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saying some groups lost all credibily. tea part y favorites fired back. saying, boehner delivered what they call a smug rant. ining us now to talk about the not so civil war within the republican party and much more, mike duncan, the former chairm of t republican national committee, he now heads up of the american coalition for clean coal electricity. great to have you here. this president has declared war on not only fossil fuels but coal in particular, he says if you own coal and if you got any plans for cos, you're out of business. you're having kwiemt a different expeence sf. >> coal is alive and well in the united states. parts of the country certainly understand feel like they have been in thewar, eastern
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kentucky, where we lost over 6,000 jobs in the last go years. >> why in the world is the industry putting up with it, there was a time when you saw people hitting, i mean, getting screwed like this and they stood up for it, you know, and the politicians had a clear, loud voice, they're just getting rolled here? >> the industry is fighting back, we're fighting back in court and in congress,ut congress has been sowhat dysfunctional, if you win in congress you till have the veto threat. he's taking this through the regulation process, he's using the epa standards and he's getting ready to put out standards for existing coal plants. >> and wearg just everybody out with the epa. you have cleaned up your act. you're using it in much cleaner fashion and yet the epa says, the hell with you.
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>> the last 90% of the particles have been removed from coal in this country. coal is ffordable, reliable and ineasingly clean. >> congress, it's getting interesting right no speaker boehner aacking the a party, specific heritage action, the club for growth, the outfits, freedom works, what's going on, your party is starting to show se grit, some life, and some spark? i kind of like it to be honest with you. >> we're only one good candidate away from the esident of the united ss from having unity within our party. we're having a free throw of ideas, we're bringing more people into the rty. >> but there seems to be a negative. when the speaker decides 's going to shut down a wing, and
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you know, they're saying a war has been declared, meanwhile, i don't see what the alternative was to what boehner and ryan did. and by the way, i support fully the teparty, i think they're one of the strongest and most vibrant expression of this country. so, what is your view here? >> i support a big ten. i also understand and expect government to work. that's what you sawin the house this time a i think you'll see that inhe senate. it may be different process. bu the ammrican people want us to have a budget. >> more deliberate, are you kidding me? you got to be kidding. mike, i got to tell you, there's nothing dlib ra tifbout it. thleadership on the immigration reform and the republican leadership in the house -- the senate has screwed up everything they have touched. they're acting, i think,
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bizarrely, don't you? >> i think we'll get a budget. e american people want the government to work. >> all right. mike duncan, good to have you. >> thank you. >> win that war. >> we're working on that. we would like to tag ake a moment to give you a sneak preview of this book it's called "june heef winning back the country by empowering ideas. this new book, it debuts on januy 7th. it is now available for preorders online, beat the holiday rush, be the first in 2014, to get to amaz, tony one of the bookstores inour neighborhood, to order jt upheaval". 're coming right back. stay with us.
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the wash tone postfact checker today released today its top ten lies of year, that's a lot of lies. we thought because it's television we would bring you the five worst, let's start with number five,5, president obams claim that the day after benghazi heersonally acknowledged that was an act of terrorism, not so much. and number four, darll issa, his claim that then secretary of state hillary clinton had signed a cable in 2012 ordering a drawdown of security for the consulate in libya, not so. number the three, reasse reasserting himself that the claim the catol hill january tors would be getting a pay cut when the sequester kicked i
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fox news contributor pat cadel.
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and former member of brad blakeman. would psident -- would president bush ever three out of five? what would you say his record would have been? >> well, i don't think he would% have a record anywhere close? because presidentbush didn't lie in orde to use it to get anything done. this president's inducement on obamacare was said on several lies, you can keep your doctor in affordable health care. the youth see the value in signing up, these are not mely misstatements, these arelies. en the president isnot lying he's exceeding his authority. >> pat, th washington post story i thought it was a blockbuster over the years, carrying out policies that
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they've thought wod be too controversial and would not to the benefit of the president during an election year. >> yes, well, the most transparent administration is one of the most manipulative since richar nixon if y like your plan or doctor you can keep it, probably the biggest lie of this century, and it speaks to everything they have done on health care and regulations which is we'll fool the people the main stream press for the most part, they'll let us get away with it and we'll lie our heads off i we want and that's wh politics in government has come down. >> how much trouble is ts president in now? focuses on administration that is described as ethically squalid, it's almost
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imcomprehensive of their conduct, your thoughts owhere they go from here? >> their idea, the bond of trust is broken and i believe the lie which couldave been the lie of any last four years, because you say, he's been saying it all along, you can keep your plan, once tt bond of trust is broken, it seems to me that it's very hard to take the president at his word on anything, thas whate teach our children. if you lie, no one will trust you again. if you can't spell, no one will trust your facts. when the penalty of the united states says thin that are untrue, why should we believe him on iran or the next budget or anything? >> and we'lle taking that poinin just a moment. the myen yals, in the two latest polls, the my len yals are abandoning this president at a dramatic rate.
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it's say sounding. coming up -- what the online powerhouse plans to do with the powerhouse plans to do with the [ male announcer ] e newew york is open. en to innovation. open to ambition. open to boldids. that's why n york has a new plan -- dozens of tax free zones all across the state. move here, expandere, or start a new business here and pay no ttaxes for ten years... we're new york. if there's something that creates more jobs, and ows more businesses... we're en to it. start a tax-free business at it's lots of things. all waking up. connecting to the global phenomenon we call the internet of everything. ♪ it's going to be azing. and exciting. and maybe, most remarkably, not that far away.
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we're going to wake the world up. and watch, with eyes wide as it gets to work. cisco. tomorrow starts here.
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> google acquiring the company of animal-like machines supplied to our military, look at this thing, it's extraordinary, boston dynamics is google's latest acquisition in a string of mysterious robotic initiatives led by android chief andy rubin, nearly 23,000 robots valued $1.5 billion sold to north american companies last year. you thought we were talking about the future,it's here. certainly in google's future. brad, your party taking on the tea party, your establishment,
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paul ryan, even, being careless with his rhetoric, you know, once considered to be a the forefront of theea party, what are you guys trying to do to yourself. >> we should be trying to unite. some of us to be govern in a world that they wish it t be, but we have a divided government, we got to rule in reality, this bdget deal may not be the best but t's a step in the right direction, getting back to rgular order. >> i agree with you. i agree with you. but what i don't understand is sort of the condescending and nasty attitude on the part of karl roves, the paul ryans and michigan mcconnells, they're talkinto fellow citizens, fellow republicans and i got to tell you, they look like fools when they do that.
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these people weren't smart in 2012 and ty haven't learned a damn thing in 2013. >> look, we can't be eating our own. we need to be uniting. in 2014, united we stand, divided we fall, makes -- you have pointedt out, lou, it makes no sense to vilify yur own, we have enough ammunition against the democrats, t's unite and be successful in 2014. >> what do you think, mike, any more effective than theyhave been? >> i suspect some of this lou is personal. there's a lot of personal bad blood. some of the goups have been criticizing him personally by ing after the republican caucus, paul ryan probably feels, too. >> they're sensitive, aren't they? michael, that's too bad. >> but i do think -- we should never discount the personnels.
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>> i am not discounting it. taking it all personally. my goodness. >> ourulersand our rulers have a sensitivity problem, because after all, nothin is worse is watching the other party. >> for the republican or democrat? >> that's right. nothing worse than watching the political leads of both parties contend the lead. the benghazi thing the administrationas lead from day one about this. john boehner who has it in his power, refuses to have select committee x, why, because god only knows why. it's this washington inside game. we have a regularrd budget. we have no realdeficit cuts. the tea party, for all of their problems, they're right about one thing, american people are
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as mad as hell >> mad as hell, but seemingly passive as hell. i can't a time when the issues were bigger, working men and women in this country were in greater jeopardy as a result o the polici of both parties. i'm talking about the outsourcing of b >> absolutely. >> i mean, you go trough the list. it's disgusting. and here we are. we'll continue this. it great to see you, pat. thanks for being here. brad, thank u, sir. michael, good to have you here. > the stunning reasons why our prison system so expensive and provides perks and punishing views. views. we're cming [ male announcer ] here's a question for you: where does the united states get most of its energy? is it africa? the mdle east? canada? or the u.s.?
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turning now to our turning now to our failing correctional system, our next guest who was weeks
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ago, when we first started talking wh him about his idea of punishment. here to continue our conversation, the fundamental credo of let the punish f fit t crime. professor of law at new york law school and the ahor of the important book, "the death of punishment punishment." you have spent how many days, to see some of the facilities that are available to some of our prisoners, some of the video of the places where robert has been, imean, running shoes, prison in oklahoma that advertises wld's largest prison rodeo, i mean, what in the world has bome of our prison system. >> well, hasn't become of our prison sttm is an instrument
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of justice. not so offensive to have these facilities but they're inappropriate in any facility i think, but the fact is, these we don't make that discrimination and that convicted murderers who e wellbehaved inside can get transferd to parts ofhe prison that u can see and mock the very idea of justice. >> gd time for a rapist or murderer, this is -- how does all of this begin? you know, sherif joe arpaio, out in arizona, he had pink jump suits or hasink jump suits for prisoners, he n't give tm any meal beyond a sandwich for lunch and he's considered to be a very harsh and hard character for so ing, how do we get to a point that's become an entertainment land for many? >> well, justice stops at the
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prison door, that's the irony, that'shere it's supposed to start, but whereit's supposed tobe stop. but the essence of punishment is the daily expeence of it. and so, what we have our facilities that don't discriminate based on the nature of the crime, they only discriminate how they behave once you are there. >> the author of thi book, as we listen to you, do you believe in capital punishmt? >> i do. >> based on the number of people, how do they kill people? >> aristotle found in the extremes. the attitude in which he kills. there are the sadistic serial
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llers in applying pain to their victims. the callous who don't take any pleasure or don't re. i spent time with people who with shooters who mow everyone down on the street. when y sho did you think that there was a whole grou there? you would be killing people ose mothers, children, would be grieving? and they paused. the love between us was palpable. one of them i can' repeat on the air and th other one said, shouldn't have gotn in the way of m bullet? that's a coldness. one part of it is the measurement, the attitude and the other is, as you point out is the consequence, those who are multiple killersneilled
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with ient, premeditation. capital puniment. >> premeditation isn't the issue. a great thinker on this issue pointed out that, an abused wife can -- can mull it over, she can't escape with her kids, she kills her children. someone sees ahild fishing off the bridge, spontaneously, for sport, pushes him off to watch him struggle and drown. the premeditated kifrl,the abused spouse is less deserving of punishment. premeditation isn't the issue. it's either sadistic satisfaction or the vulnerability of the victims.
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>> i find, first of all, your point to be exact distction that you draw, at the same time, it's not satisfying. ♪
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house minority leader nancy pelosi speakingout yesterday against the deportation of illegal immigrants in an interview with telemundo pelosi said quote, our view of the law is if somebody's here without sufficient documentation that's not reason for deportation. if someone has broken the law or committed a felony or something, that is a different story. that b sign language at nelson pandela's funeral service, was among a mob of people who accosted two people and burned them to death. he never stood trial because authorities determined that he was not meally fit. that appears to occurred more than once. a new report by northwestern
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university lidging chronic marijuana to brain abnorlities milar to schizophrenia. the defects last at least a few years after people stop using the drug. my next guest taking on both republicans and democrats in her brand-new show, airing at 9:00 p.m. eastern right here on the fox business network, joining us now, host of the independent. kennedy. >> you have been so sweet. our offic are right next door to each other. >> we're glad to have you in the neighborhood. >> thank you. >> you're a delight. you got a terrific show. since i am a registered independent, i'm sort of pulling for you. >> lot of people out there i think share your views. you have a lot of fans, you make sense. so many people out there going issue by issue.
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and we welcome them, every night, for a nice discussion. >> now, your sh, i mean you're talking about many of the same issues, you're talking about a president that has lied over the cose of four years, you're talking about a republican party that c't win an election it seems, at least a presidential election, certainly hasn't for e last twond doesn't understand what a ground operation is, how doou deal with those issue >> we tend n to not think about them in party terms. people have been doing for so long. growing up what do the republicans say? who d i agree with? one side or the other. and you know, i found living in southern california, there are so many people who go issue by issue and thei views hange. whether it's immigrationor health care and you know, thinking about what i within the scope of government. and oftentimes as you're political mros my evoes that
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scope narrows. that's fine. >> southern california, an entirely reasonable place to live in fact, it d 13 -- over 13% in taxes, sales taxes, income taxes. i mean, it's a pretty striking place -- >> which is what make people so independent. they see this government regulation working agains them in their daily decisions. lot of the regulation in california directly affects the poor. so if you consider yourself a robin hood populous, you should be a libertarian. not part of the libertarian rty. but you want less gornment. i celebrate that. >> you know, celebrating it, you' got a lot of coany, fewer people than eve at least in recent history, are now
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self-identifying as republicans, just a few moree are self-identifyi as democrats. and some self-identifying as independts. >> young people are leaving obama. >> can you believe the millennial >> he was never really there for them to begin with, and he always took the youth vote for granted. but you're looking at a g of people who have such incredible ea access to information and when ideas reach critical mass, they all kn about it instantly. >> thank you, kennedy. come bk soon. >> thank you. >> "the independents." monday through wednesday, friday, right her up next, he played ralphie
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in the hollywood classic and he's bringing the story to broadway, peter billingsley. hollywood megaproducer and look out broadway, he's next, right here. broadway. broadway. we will have thhhhh [ male announcer ] e new new york is open. open to innovation. open to ambition. open to bolds. that's why n york has a new plan -- dozens of tax free zones all across the state. move here, expand here, or start a new biness here and pay no taxes for ten years... we're new york. if there's something hat creates more jobs, and ows more businesses... we're open to it. start a tax-free business at it's not the "fumbling around with rotating categories" card. it's not the etting blindsided by limit card. it's the no-game-playing, no-earning-limit-having, deep-bomb-throwing,
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one of the most iconic christmas films making its way to the broadway stage, of course, "a christmas story:the musical" it continues its tour this week at madison square garden. peter billingsley, 30 years ago, is now a successful broadway and hollywood producerand we're delighted to have you here, and this is terrific. you associated yourself with so many great stories and successes. how does it feel to continue to move a christmas story into,
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well, into broadway and into lives of so many people. it'seally gratifying. the 30th year since it came out. it was a little film. nobody wanteit. it took 12 years to get it off the ground. it didn't make lot money. >> really? >> no. >> i got an entire -- i suspect a lot of folks at home, i have entirely different perfect tif. >> because it plays every year. tbs runs this 24-hour marathon it. and none of it imagined itould ve comehe. over the years, people, maybe you remake it. don't remake good movies. . the notion of a musical was really intriguing. itfollows the tone. we take big musical set pieces from iconic scenes from the fill
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zblm oadway a big success for you. >> yes. >> i mean, what is the secret, i mean, you kno there are a lot of folks in iconic movies who g on and don't do much in show business, you have done immensely well in every medium you push, what is the secret? >> well, you know, it's true. i had a really good family and that was honestly the key and i was raised very well a i had an incredible experience getting a chance to work on things. it was always viewed as a privege. it turned into a business now. disney, nickolodeon generation. i started doing commercials. >> having fun, always seems to me, an important thing to
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anything. >> it is. >> you said the movie wasn't particular particularly that successful then, you must have made money with those reruns? >> no. those contracts. those residuals are from that time before cable. i get the joy of getting watch the film over and over again. now i get the joy of producing the musical. we're in our fifth year. we were nominated forhree tonys last year. it's a very high-quality show. we enjo it. >> we really, really recommend you see the musical it's spectacular and we're delighted to s you. and i think you may have just given us to remake a very good movie. youmust consider those residuals that don't come. >> update the contrt first. >> that's right.
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>> thanks so much. >> thank you for having me. >> all the best. "a christmas story:the musical" running at madison sqre garden for three week don't miss >> this wasthe year of obamacare. >> government shutdown. the government shutdown. john: i did notice that spending and i kept going on and poor people helped in our government lied and lied about it. >> no one is listening to your telephone. >> and many policies are eager to go to work. >> this is not the time to e a silent spectator. >> the left was eager to pass more gun control.


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