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tv   MONEY With Melissa Francis  FOX Business  December 31, 2013 5:00pm-6:01pm EST

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apiece. >> nothing against moet, something a little more. dom. cheryl: go back to times square. >> happy new year, everybody. take a look. happy new year, everybody. adam: seven hours until 2014 and the fish start of obamacare. it is coming down to the wire and we'll hear first-hand from the front line of millenials exactly what they're choosing to pay for because even on new year's eve, in between the cocktails, it is still always about money. adam: happy new year. i am adam shapiro. and i'm in for melissa francis. the county down is on, not just for the new year but the official launch of obamacare coverage. health care took its toll on the process leading to lackluster
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enrollment figures. young people particularly shied away from obamacare accounting for less than 25% of enrollees. still health and human services secretary kathleen sebelius tried to put a positive spin on the subject earlier today. >> i'm thrilled that we're going to have millions of people for the first time that have health security and it should be a great new year for lots of families across america. adam: so what can we expect from obamacare in the new year and will the financial burden fall onioning people? joining us now, are, susan ochs, former treasury department advisor under president obama, and georgia tech undergrad john labute. thanks for joining us. john, i will start with you, the affordable care act, obamacare, is dependent on people your age buying health insurance. are people your age doing that. >> sure, well-being age 20 i have a nice little grace period until i turn 26 where i can stay
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on my parents's plan. it will be mandatory but definitely going to be necessary to do in the future. adam: but your friend have a few 27, 28-year-olds people that can sneak you into adult beverage places, will they buy the plan or pay the 95-dollar fine and call it a day. >> there definitely has been some adverse selection issues with, with the health care. definitely people who are looking to take the fine instead, but by and large i think it is going to work out and people are going to be signing up for it. adam: susan, what do you think? is he right because it is dependent on 2.7 million people, young and healthys, they are called, over 26 and leaving their parents plan and buying health insurance. >> i think they will. i think there are interesting dynamics in the marketplace already. first of all the nice little grace period he is talking about is thanks to obamacare as we know. i can tell you from my own experience the plan i used to
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have is one canceled at end of the year. the insurance company decided they would do all new plans next year. i am getting same amount of coverage, i'm paying less, 40% less for the same coverage under this private insurer than i would have been paying last year. i think that is as a result from more competition in the individual marketplace. adam: so is that message going to get out? we hear for instance the administration on federal exchange roughly over a million people have now registered but they necessarily haven't purchased yet. we don't have numbers of million who purchased. >> that's true. but what i'm saying i think we've got a million, a million three i think they said. there is another, close to two million total between the federal and state levels. i'm saying there are other people, so i'm not technically part of obamacare but i have benefited significantly from its existence because i think my plan is much cheaper. adam: let's go back to john. do you think people, people talking about being off their parents plan 26 and older are they even talking about this? or people over 30 making much
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ado about nothing and those people this, isn't even on their radar screen? >> sure. i think it is less of a problem than it was in 2009 where unemployment is a little lower and more people are getting gainful employment after graduating from college. and it is becoming less of an issue. that said, anytime the government is requiring a tax on its citizens people are going to be talking about it so. adam: they are talking about it but, you can talk about something and you can vote with your feet. again are the people, sounds to me from your first response it is no big deal. they will buy insurance that people talking about, 27, 28. >> like i said that date is still to come but it seems to be apparent people will probably be signing up for it. adam: so what about these enrollment numbers, susan? in fact we have a recent statement from the administration there's a discrepancy. they say fewer than 10,000 people have actually lost their insurance. opponents of the affordable care
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act, of obamacare say it is close to five million lost their insurance. where is the real figure in this? >> i think it is hard to know. i think we'll have to wait until the dust settles a little bit to actually understand. again i think people are getting ancillary benefits from obamacare like me, who are not part of any of these statistics or part of the numbers. you might hear a scary number, i'm included in somebody who technically lost their insurance. i'm getting a better deal that has nothing to do with the federal system. so i think, as young people are coming out of college, coming off their parents plans, unfortunately like getting young people to save money, right. adam: not going to happen. >> not going to happen. all the numbers show it is absolutely the right thing to do start saving early, $5 a month and builds you a big nest egg at time you retire. who at that age is thinking about retirement? adam: who at that age is thinking about health care? >> a lot of time a tricker is family member gets sick, when you get sick, you see why health care is important, that starts
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to trigger things for you. adam: i will ask the we to john and ask the same question to you. did the botched rollout for obamacare ruin it for people going forward or are you a forgiving generation? >> it certainly isn't helpingg3 the botched rollout. but six months to a year from now i think people forget. my generation certainly has a pretty short memory so. so i don't think it will be a big issue. adam: what was phrase you used, selection? -- >> adverse selection. >> you've been hanging around frank lutz too much. that is fancy way of saying there are negative consequences on this thing. susan, has the botch the rollout ruined the future of the affordable care act or do you think it will be back on track by march? >> i things are moving pretty quickly in this world today. i think john is right, it probably damp inned things in the beginning. we had a huge roleout in december. if this continues till the end
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of march i think we could see significant increases. adam: will people, i ill ask one last question. will people that benefit from the affordable care act but not purchasing through the exchanges make the connection to obamacare? you do because you know the issue but will most people make that connection? >> i don't know but my view is if you're getting better, happier with your health insurance and getting better coverage and paying less, that's a win. whatever you at attribute it to, that's a win. adam: happy new year to you susan and john. thank you both for joining us. coming up high times on "money." 2014 will be a key year for marijuana in the united states and people will become rich. they're already rich for selling this stuff legally and illegally. we'll talk all things pot with who else, a harvard professor because who knows better? that is coming up next. it is countdown to the new year but some parts of the word are ahead of us. check out how they have been partying in sydney.
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more "money" coming up. [ male announcer ] this store knows how to handle a saturday crowd. ♪ [ male announcer ] the parking lot helps by letting us know who's coming. the carts keep everyone on the right track. the power tools iroduce themselves. all the bits and bulbs keep themselves stocked. and the doors even handle the checkout so we can work on that thing that's stuck in the thing. [ female announcer ] today, cisco is connecting the internet of everything. so everyone goes home happy.
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adam: if you're watching in colorado this evening there's a good chance you are forgoing the
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champagne toast and lighting up joint at the stroke of midnight, if you're prone to that kind of thing. in a few short hours colorado will be the first state with a legal marijuana industry. we would expect nothing less than from the state that boasts the quote, mile-high city, imagine every joke tomorrow on every newscast with nothing original to say about it but it is time to break out the cool ranch doritos and see what this all means with harvard professor jeff myron. good to see you, sir. very quickly. >> nice to be here. adam: the fact is i could have you back on this program in five years and i would suspect most states will have some form of marijuana, whether be medical marijuana, recreational marijuana, legalized, won't they? >> that is certainly possible and that's what i would hope because but i think it is still unknown. the federal government has into the officially changed its policy on marijuana yet. this administration is being
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fairly tolerant of state-left initiatives. obama administration has been -- adam: down right nasty in california. >> exactly. there will be a new administration in three years. may be another democratic administration but might not be. so i think until the federal government has changed its policy, it is hard to know for sure. adam: so let me key in on what you just brought up. i had a guest on at 1:00, he said, no, we've all misinterpreted referred to from the federal government the ogden memo. there is this kind of hypocritical reaction from the federal government because for those of you to light up in colorado and washington state for that matter, at the federal level this is still illegal. we have conflict, constitutional conflict do we not with federal law over state law with marijuana? >> exactly. one could make argument as long as federal law is on the books it is duty of federal officials to enforce the law with
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reasonable vigilance. in case of a law i personally don't like, i'm sort of torn about that, but still, generally speaking we don't want federal officials to choose which laws they enforce and don't enforce. there is definitely constitutional sort of tension there. until it is resolved we have no idea which way the whole legalization issue will fall out. adam: the fact is a majority of americans in 2013 for first time approve of the legalization of marijuana for recreational use, is that correct? >> that's correct. the pendulum has certainly swung in the direction of pro-legalization. fairly significantly over the last 10 years or so. but pendulums swing in both directions. back in the 1970s, people thought marijuana legalization grad wally would become the law of the land. 14 states decriminalized marijuana. that seemed consistent. in the '80s for variety of reasons drug policy switched to be much more repressive and prohibitionist. from that point it has gone up and down several times.
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public opinion can change the other direction. it is not inevitably going to support legalization. adam: do we look at colorado as a test. as an experiment? will the whole nation be watching? if this goes off without any kind of glitches. much the same way that alcohol is regulated? if there is no big deal from legalizing recreational use, would we see dominoes fall? >> absolutely. if there is no big deal, that certainly is helpful. but of course, all sorts of hape beyond anyone's control that might not be really related to legalization or not. remember back in the '80s, len bias, famous basketball player drafted by celtics, died from overdose of cocaine, that sent off a wave of enforcement of cocaine. there could be random events like that. somebody's child dice under influence of marijuana driving a vehicle. boom, all of sudden it is wheel different landscape. adam: but our oliticians are
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certainly guilty of doing what i say, not what i do. at this point in history it seems as if, people joke openly about smoking marijuana in all kind of professionallal settings, and respected people. even bill clinton. he says he didn't inhale. nobody believes him. nonetheless, that is the state we live in. seems to me, when you look attacks revenue, colorado will get $70 million from taxes on recreational marijuana. that alone given budgetary problems states and cities face would be one reason perhaps to go forward with legalization, wouldn't it? >> tax revenue is certainly a factor that will convince some people. reduced expenditure on police arrests, prosecutors, incarcerations related to marijuana, that is another potential benefit. of course zillions of people who would like to consume marijuana and aren't harming anybody will be able to do so without being hassled by police and so on. there are a zillion good reasons to legalize it.
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those have been around for decades, yet we still have prohibition. i just want to say i think people in favor of this as i am, shouldn't rest, shouldn't think that the battle is won. there's still a lot of effort that need to be put forward to make sure we continue on this path. adam: perhaps if president clinton would fest up more than not inhaling, that might be a name people would respect in regards to that. thank you so much for joining us. happy new year to you. >> thank you. same to you. adam: from the u.s. to every corner of the globe money that is been flying around the world today, starting in china. thousands of workers are puts touches on city made entire live of ice. that will be inhabited. northeastern town is a festival where whole buildings and roads are made nothing but the stuff. taken 10,000 people and one million tons of snow to make structures, spires, domes, archways, colorful lasers and lanterns make the sculptures
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glow at night. for sponsorship of the event, country's largest bank may have helped out. it scored giant replica of one of the its branches in the ice city. in antarctica, chilling images after expedition 100 years ago were discovered in block of ice. it dates back to 1915, they were sent to prepare for a trek by polar explorer, ernest shack fell cord. -- shack fell ford. the expedition photographer taken the pictures and stored for others to find later on. fast forward 9years. the negatives were found in a box by modern day researcherses show members of the team as well as harsh environment around them. landing in the country of gorge ga where a man set a new enviable world record, a kickboxing coach with the ability to attract metal to his skin was able to stick 53 spoons to his back and chest.
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what else do you have to do on last day of the year. that is ahead of previous record of 50 spoons. the man's next challenge will be to move part of a train, even an airplane. good luck with that. maybe lose some weight. another day, another "duck dynasty" scandal. you won't believe what the duck commander will say now. how does ae cope or do they have love the attention? tweet us and tell us what you think about the duck saga? are people outraged or should they back off? at the end of the day it is all about "duck dynasty."
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[poof!] [beep] [clicks mouse] nice office. how you doing? good. automatic discnts the moment you sign up.
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adam: we can't leave 2013 without this. the plot thickens not even a week after a&e reinstated
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"duck dynasty" patriarch phil robertson. video from 2009 shows the duck commander giving his version of marital advice. listen what he says. >> make sure that she can cook a meal. you need to eat some meals that she cooks. check that out. check that out. make sure she carries bible. if she pictures of ducks, now that's a woman. they got to where they get hard to find. mainly because these boys are waiting until they get to be about 20 years old before they marry them. look, you wait until they get to be 20 years old. only picking that will take place is your pocket. [laughter] you got to marry these girls when they're about 15 or 16. you need to check with mom and dad about that of course. adam: aal right. is this another bad duck call? are there possiblery per
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cautions to the -- repercussions to the multimillion-dollar hit? we have a fox business's own david asman and marketing consultant, tara dowdell. thank you for joining us. women are a big part of the audience at a&e. i heard comedians say similar thing who haven't been in the spotlight the way he is. will this come back to haunt him. >> i don't think this will come back to haunt him. i do think that a&e is playing a very dangerous game. it is double-edged sword. live by the controversial sword you also die by the controversial sword. they're benefiting from this. this is the cash cow. at some point he gets more and more emboldened he can say more and more, at some point this is big problem. >> this is 2009. this is what i did do. adam: five years ago. >> let ladies go first. i will jump in. adam: i will let david be the gentleman here. tara, excuse me, rachel what do you think. >> i think it is snowballing at this point.
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honestly i'm wondering who is letting him talk moving forward. there is a lot of things under his chest, under his beard he needs to get out we apparently don't know. adam: probably -- i thought you were a gentleman. >> here i go because i will defend these buys. i marry ad nicaraguan. i married a nicaraguan. in the third world, people marry 14 and 15 years old. adam: they also die at 40 in the third world. >> hold on a second. that is not nice the fact the third world they do it all the tile. they have better family relations down in nicaragua than here in the u.s. adam: asman,. [speaking spanish] >> who knows. you're talking about family values in a country where 50% of the people get divorced. excuse me. adam: time out. >> you all have a problem. adam: you marry someone, you can't get married in this country where you can marry at
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16 in parental condition. in some states you get married at 16 you will wind up when you get divorced coming of age. >> that's what you think. who knows. adam: let me ask you a question, at heart of what he said, there is nothing offensive in that. don't look at me, trust me i would never say this. what i'm saying if he is talking seriously or is he joking? a comedian. watch comedy channel, comedians say terrible things about marriage and men. >> he is not a comedian. he is on reality show where they make ducks. he is not a comedian. >> isn't he a preacher as well. >> hold on you're saying there is no schtick in preaching? there is a lot of schtick in preaching. >> for some. not my preacher. >> what he said was actually the most egregious to me, when he said if you wait until they're 20, they will pick your pockets. adam: wondering if someone -- >> that is misogynistic and offensive. i support free speech. he has right to say it. adam: absolutely.
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>> i guess, i guess i just spent too much time in latin america where marriages last a lot longer than they last here and people get marid at 14 and 15. i'm sorry. they're more religious than we are. that is one of the reasons. >> there is financial issue. adam: can we scrub all of the other segments and talk to david about some of the things he is saying here. i got to tell you, david, let me ask you, what on earth, what on earth -- >> 50% of divorces here in this country. adam: how does this have mig to do with family values? >> because of fact -- >> you're raising your wife. >> that is actually, well, there's, there are people who believe thaw start a family from the beginning and you finish with the same family. you start a family and develop it and then you finish with it. you don't get divorce and get married and divorced that is the american way. frankly people like phil don't think it is the right way. i don't think there is anything wrong with thinking this isn't
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right way. adam: this is not a discussion of marriage and divorce. >> we're talking about marriages. he is talking about marriages that last. that is his idea of a marriage that will last. >> 15-year-old in this country, if a person his age marry as 15-year-old -- adam: no, no. >> he was talking about consent. he said with parental consent. there are some states which you can do that. adam: there have been stories where the parents were consenting to marriages with much older men and younger women. it makes national news because people think it is crazy. >> it is crazy. >> it is crazy. adam: david, we'll give you last word on this. >> phil would say, and i think i'm paraphrasing it, phil would say what is crazy what we have in america right now which is culture in which people get married without any intention of staying married. you have over 50% of the marriages ending in divorce. that is not right. adam: we'll continue this one day, because i know nobody, david, who gets married with the intention of getting divorced.
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that is like inventing with bernie madoff with intention of losing money. >> what do you call a prenup? adam: protection. >> protection. adam: do you buy a car with intention of having an accident? we got to go. >> marriage and a car two different things. adam: we've got to go. i'm sorry. i got everybody up. >> stirred things up. i think i succeeded. >> i think you did. adam: all of you, thank you very much. i want to let you know, willie and cory robinson will be part of live coverage tonight on fox news channel as part of special new year's eve coverage with bill hemmer and elizabeth hassleback. >> that is good thing, right, adam? adam: good thing for the fox news channel. hope you watch the fox business network. it is one happy new year. no wedding advice. 2014 can you guess which companies will fight for their lives? if you're a woman with a comment, write david asman by the way. speaking of new year, how
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shanghai is celebrating. that's impressive. more money coming up. [woman]ask me... [announcer]...if you think the best bed for one of you might be a compromise for the other one... [woman]ask me about our tempur-pedic. [announcer] they're sleeping on the newest tempur-pedic bed... the new tempur choice... [man]two people.two remotes. [announcer] firmness settings for the head,legs,and back... and with tempur on top,that famous tempur-pedic comfort comes any way you like it! [woman]ask me about the lumbar button. [man]she's got her side...and i've got my side. [announcer] tempur-pedic.the most highly recommended bed in america. [woman]don't touch my side!
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♪ teeseven the new year is all about making resolution, but does any reza -- resolution for some companies seem to be deemed their own graves? it is survival of the financial fittest. let's bring our power panel pessimists with their prediction a new is not going to make it into the new year. thank you all for joining us. i'm going to start with a question about of the vice i'm holding in my humble and. this is a blackberry curve. this could be worth a lot of money one day. >> it is certainly not a stock you want to own. it is one of those names has
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been on the precipitous of going bankrupt for long time. that is certainly not a stock would want to belong on. adam: can they turn it around someone find some value other than that curve? >> some yes, but the problem is that the vice you're holding is the hardware. a debt of $4 billion charge last quarter because there does not selling the devices. they just did not sell. there are attractive parts of the business. they have 3 billion in cash, but that consumer electronics thing they have an air and is as good as an agent nintendo. >> if you throw this really are on the floor does not break. is actually quite remarkable. >> to the thing "the ministry? >> it is going to be seers. >> no one talks about kmart.
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split. >> his company may no longer be in a position. nine quarters of negative sales, they stand for nothing and resell under giving discounts to their worst customers to lower their price points. >> i could see j.c. penney's there because they've gone through such trauma. anyone disagree? >> as the problem. i think you're right in some way shape or form it will keep disappearing one business unit as time. i think they are correct. ron johnson is not the only problem. he will see a seven to 10% sales decline this year. liquidity issues, twice the numbers. >> also year-over-year shack on the death watch has had. >> broadly speaking.
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>> is use your card charges? >> the business model, you cannot get repeat customers because they're loyal to your brand because they have a device that magically ran and of batteries that day. it is a point of sale model. and thanks to avoid j.c. penney debt is 500 million, market cap is 300 million. was the company's debt is twice the market capitalization, you get into big issues with creditors not having enough money or assets in the bank. adam: jonathan, want to point out that in 2013 your fashion sense went into the grave. nice teacher there. >> it has been a great year for stocks. i do think there will be a number of metal stocks and sectors that might not got a business and couldn't but get shellacked. higher interest rates will have
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a major impact as this will allow the municipalities. companies. >> compass i california. >> you want to be careful with any kind of entrance, particularly municipal-bond. adam: i you're in chicago? revealing said jakarta to that list? >> indeed. you saw a lot of the last three or four years driving individuals, private companies tying their belts. >> that's the case. adam: we have been celebrating : robert t. of color of long before kinmen there. i'm joking, but the l.a. alito corrupt companies billion a business, this is serious. whether its radio shack or j.c. penney, as dozens of people losing their jobs.
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>> 1% market share and a u.s. is abysmal. when you don't stand for anything in the marketplace you're in need to raise cash. my sources tell me if you would hear radio shack raise liquidity which can rain down on shareholders. you could lose your job, see our rage and twitter and facebook. like a pulse. this is the lawyer said, but i am curious, is there anyone else we should be steering clear up as we go into 2014? >> will there are a lot of risks, the biggest problem is that you jump on markets as rory along. you want some lend money to radio shack, you can get more. all of these troubled companies keep getting financing because some people are just a real. adam: doug give you the last word. you're smart enough to bring the champagne. any final thoughts iraq.
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>> one area can several of shovel in 2014 and the gold miners. another new 52-week the today even as the stock market is at an all-time high. names like those will have a lot trouble. >> what the drinking? >> apple juice. busted. have a happy new year. more were this came from the new web page all about the topic of we were talking about compton and the municipal bond market and the problems of cities of being able to pay a retiree's and retaliations. see one of the very top this has been scrapped -- pension crisis gathering. just about every city will have some form of pain ." coming up, what a year for advertising. some of the things we of seen on tv and print or hilarious.
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others are just downright gross. one branding expert has the best and worst pick from 2013. you don't want to miss it. at the end of the day it's all about "money." ♪ [ indistinct conversations ] [ male announcer ] when you wear dentures you may not know it, but your mouth is under attack. food particles infiltrate and bacteria proliferate. ♪ protect your mouth, with fixodent. the adhesive helps create a foodeal defense for a clean mouth
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and kills bacteria for fresh breath. ♪ fixoden and forget it. life an everyday miracle of survival today the future of all life on earth hangs in the balance what happens next depends on us ♪ well you done done me and y bet i felt it ♪ i tri to be chill but you're so hot that i melted ♪ i fell right through the cracks
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♪ now i'm trying to get back ♪ before the cool done run out i'll be giving it my bestest ♪ and nothing's going to stop me but divine intervention ♪ ieckon it's again my turn ♪ to n some olearn some ♪ but i won't hesitate no more, no more ♪ it cannot wait, i'm yours ♪ open up your mind and see like me ♪ open up your plans and damn you're free you'll find that the sky'snd yours ♪ so please don'tplse don't, please don t ♪ there's no need to complicate ♪ cause our time is short ♪ this oh, this oh, this is our fate ♪ i'm yours
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♪ adam: from ginger did downright controversial come to only 13 has been a roller-coaster of ads competing for your cash while also causing a bit of controversy. mounting of the best and worst ads of the year, our money marketing expert. thank you for joining us again. and will let you tickets through this. a stir with the worst and then go global in mid. >> obama we have to. the erin in laurel. with the advertisers want are a few things coming your attention. these days it's too easy to press a button the speedup in fast forward. they have to get your attention. the need a strike an emotional
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chord, do something and if she feels something. it want to create ads that you want to see again. adam: watching the ago that he had with the famous kiss. that makes me want to vomit. >> it's emotional, but not unhappy when the six ford of india and a tasteless said involving the former prime minister and in a way to go on and on and some trouble. >> it's hard to believe with there were even thinking. it's offensive on every level, politically, the low-income anyone who likes women in this one just blows my mind. adam: that were made no sense. tell me why this one of the bombs. >> we all expect nowadays that political ads will be hard hitting, with this one where he
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is talking about how and his opponent wins new york is going back to the worst of the worst of the worst. take a look and see. >> his response, mutters it wil" his records the dangers in the on crime will take us back. alexis is a movie in the 70's, escape from. >> take expected this is just disgraceful. adam: brent was cheaper. the stock above those it did in a plans. kmart. >> and love this and. they have to let people know there have been can compete and win in did in an end to end of
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the ship your pants. >> ticketing? >> you can write your. >> to you your that? and shipment cancer free corrected just might. >> i can't wait. adam: and wins. that's a great end. >> every kid was saying that. it was repeated. executive egregious of. they have killed of the camera. the essence of the voice-over. we all know this guy. you send it to your friend. doesn't that remind you bill in shipping. >> consolidated is. come on. and if you can hear me. guess what the dais. >> it's on tape. >> he is not in shipping.
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he's on the floor here. i'm going to have to make amends to him. >> we all know him. the voice was perfect, the cpr was perfect. it was a great at. it was tycho's most repeated and bandit was the second most viral and this year in the world. adam: final against. tommy about the wheelchair basketball lead. >> this was fantastic. every men's deodorant brando was wants to combine toughness and tenderness. it's what you see so many and. this and actually doesn't. you can watch this and not could use the bumps. >> dedication.
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the choices we make reveal the few to venture nature or character. >> after watching and a feel like going getting in guinness and in shipping my pants. >> well i was listening to them, it did me goose bumps. it makes you think about friends who a sacrifice, good times to get in. it really is a fantastic ed. adam: a wonderful way to say thank you and-this segment. say hi to my people of next, the countdown the 2014 is well underway, but check out this live shot of times square. people of braving very cold
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weather. more than 1 billion people will have their eyes on a crystal ball watching all of the glow. he's right here on said. you have to see this believe it. you never have too much "money." ♪
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♪ adam: temporal and millions fun. our last segment of the year ago are taking a lead into the actual cristobal. we have waterford vice president year to give us a sneak peek into everything incomes in the man who the fans will that will job in times square. you brought with him an actual piece of it.
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and holding a brand new panel. how many of the ball with it? >> it's an exciting year. we been involved for 15 years, but this is the first that we have replace them all. 2,688 panels of and replace this year, all with the gift of imagination thing. adam: crystal is expensive to begin one. how much did that cost? >> the panel's actually are not for sale. realtors started this project the day after new year's. so many people go in the making it. adam: is it the same. >> the same since 2007. adam: and don't think it transcends, but there are beautiful colors. of these colors and the l.a. the
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life. >> this should shine brighter in support of greater. adam: of going behind this of the forget. you could have this for new year's monitoring mixture. >> adelle number of commemorative items. we do a crystalline, handblown glass and bins of of celebration. this is just a terrific piece. each has the same cut men's actually on the panel. adam: and where would you give them? >> $400 : neiman-marcus, bloomingdale's, macy's, dillard's, and every fine retailers across the country. adam: can you put that in the dishwasher?
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>> you can't. adam: and a strong. which is much stronger than glass. that's one of the reasons we're asked to participate, to create the ball in crystal. adam: were you there today? >> have been. [silence] for our times already. it looks terrific. the lives of working, the panels are on. adam: the mayor and the people will double. >> it actually stays year round heads nec's you replace a portion. adam: to actually put them in our era. the 2001 panels would donate to the 90 of the museum. adam: thank you for joining is. happy new year. can you guess who made and lost
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newhall 18 months ahead of schedule to stock his line exclusively. he told the san head to go and look for other stores in. said to be part of the planned to drop one their trendy plants. losing "money" today peabody amazon made it available early when. fans rushed to download and exams and, but the suns have already popped up on a legal file sharing sites that means there and in losing out on what could have been futures sales. that's always gotten. be sure to tune in to martin for a special edition he live.
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alves safe and very happy and healthy and 2014. "the willis report" with jeff flock is next. hmm man meanrich: happy new yea. real looking at live pictures from berlin, germany, where hundreds of thousands have gathered to ring in 2014. the latest to reach midnight. him farther east is already 2014. organizers said of nearly 8 tons of fireworks in 12 seconds, and visitors are ready hacking into times square where a 1 million people are expected to watch the ball drop. good evening. i'm jeff flock in for gerri willis. 2014 could be the year of the dr


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