tv Lou Dobbs Tonight FOX Business December 31, 2013 10:00pm-11:01pm EST
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in the health care is a principal factor. new numbers show the administration is nowhere near hitting their ambitious target of enrolling 7 million amerins through the obamacare website. just under 365 people have signed up for obamacare in the first two months. and at less than a third of the 1.2 million people that officials have projected to enroll nationwide by the end of last month. kathleen sebelius appeared for only a second time since the
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debut of the obamacare website in october. she testified and came prepared. calling for an investigation of herself, her very own website. and speaker boehner blasted conservative critics announced by senator murray and congressman paul ryan. joining us now is a member of the houston public and leadership. congressman bob good law, the chairman of the house judiciary committee. it's great to have you with us, mr. chairman. >> always great to be with you in your viewers.
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>> and that is a prsident who does not do entitlement reform, a sentiment and transcended that will not do entitlement reform. that is what the problem is here. we can't get them here without doing tax increases. and that includes the current spending for the rest of the year and unfortunately we don't have 218 votes to do that in the house. so the chairman is put in a difficult position because these shared these concerns and
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therefore i think that this deserves careful consideration by the house. lou: it looks like rlatively short cotton. it happens to be that in a return to regular rules and regular order. and if that is the result, that would be worth whatever the results were for conservatives or moderate republicans or whomever. would you agree? >> after my yes, i do. that would be the immediate result. d during this time that would allow us to get to handle each appropriations bill separately. that is important not only to allow individual members to have their opportunities kite, but also to stop certain programs
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and that gives us an opportunity to do those kinds of things. lou: coressman, we have a huge number of subjects and let me just say that kathleen sebelius, secretary kathleen sebelius calling for an investigation of herself and are you astonished at her brazenness in making such a proposal or statement? >> i think that she would issue were to step down, and the president woul appoint soeone
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in this mess called obamacare. i think that the inspector general should be continuing the investigation of what is going on there. and i thi that is very important. the same thing with the gentleman in his dealings. not to e promoted and now ccmpounded by a senate, willing to throw overboard their own power to check the administration b by requiring tt they send peoplebipartisan support of.
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lou: this includes the legislation that has a lot of people concerned. and secondly, where we stand, will be witness speaker john boehner having his way? putting forward that it seems ttat he will push forward for the amnesty version of the immigration reform. better than the bob goodlatte order approach to dealing with the issues. >> yes, the leadership has been working very closely on that. including speaker joh boehner who is very helpful by month ago. in making it absolutely clear that not only do you take up the senate ended his night special
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♪ lou: my next guest, one of the most influential and respected commentators of ourim lou: my next guest is an influential commentator of our time. from doctor to writer to think or tt social critic. and an ardent conservativ chaes krauthammer, we thank you for being here. and we are pleasedo recommend what is a blockbuster bestseller already. it makes the book so compelling. walter mondale, henry jackson, how can you be associated with su people, given your conservative philosophy?
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>> i'm gl you asked. lou: and you never dreamed i would. and wasn't like the lord spake to me. it is quite simple. in my 20s, i was a democrat and then this is a road that has been traveled by many. and what happened was i was in my 30s and i began my writing career. and the evidence of what the great society of the war on poverty which i had believed in in my 20s d 19, the evidence of what the effects were.
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>> i think that when thing people do is credit this is good or bad. in some ways to make your once a liberal, i understand the intent of liberalism. there are some who want to control the political class and the ones who believe obamacare and i know it's not a good plan, but i know you like and that is a part of it as well. and liberals are stuck in a
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either in their minds or hearts, have responsible regulation in the role for government. perhaps there is a sign of considerable trouble to come. >> a belief in the sety net, not the entitlement society, which is the liberals in the hyper liberal idea. in all and all of the government regulations that we get. and this includes the bing a geneus socety and solutions that incorporate small governmt.
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and to do it only in reurn for closing the border. if these are the last 11 million that are legalized from the last time we do it, then i think that america is humane and generous for doing it. lou: is one of the reasons i support the chairman of the judiciary committee. he has comport with an intelligent incremental approach has the potential to solve very difficult problems to say the
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least. >> thank you for having me on the show's. lou: thank you. i hope you wi pick up my new i hope you wi pick up my new look e-book and audio available overmany discounts to thine customers! [old english accent] safe driver, multi-car, paid in full -- a most fulsome bounty indeed, lord jamie. thou cometh and we thy saveth! what are you doing? we doth ofr so many discounts, we have some to spare. oh, you have any of those homeowners discounts? here we go. thank you. he took my shield, my lady. these are troubling times in the kingdom. more discounts than knoweth what to do with.
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now that's progressive. [ male announcer ] when you wear dedentures you may not know it, but your mouth is under attack. food particles infiltrate and bacteria proliferate. ♪ ptect youmouth, with fixodent. the adhesive helps create a food seal defense for a clean mouth and kills bacteria for fresh breath. ♪ fixodent, and forget it.
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♪ ♪ the 18 of the country's largest technology companies today calling upon president obama and congress to implement sweeping reforms to stop further surveillance. the coalition saying that there is an urgent need to change spying practices. because according to microsoft people who use technology that they don't trust. and there is some irony in this statement when we look atall of the cyberattacks on technology around the country. and a new report about just how extensive the national security agency spying really is.
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they reportedly spent years spying on online gamers, including those playing world of warcraft. on xbox live. the outrage. obamacare architect ezekiel emanuel said young people haven't signed up for coverage because the obama administration hasn't sufficiently promoted it. my next guest says that he could not rate a greater piece of fiction in the obamacare narrative. we are joined by best-selling conservative author brd the thor. his latest book is called hidden order and it's great to have you with us. >> what it is saying is that obamacare works if you are rich.
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you will have access to the health care system unless you're rich, which is the bottom line, which is a stunner coming from this. lou: the idea of that cedars-sinai in los angeles, but these hospitals would be -- this is just such tough stuff. and some premiums are lower than anticipated, which means we don't understand how highly expected them to be. and this is a very difficult thing for people who thought that obamacare would amount to something. >> i have to tell you that i there is a poster of obama and
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this guy is the best salesperson for the evils of big government and the necessity for us to embrace liberty in this country. my first and only test for legislation is that the bring you more freedom or less and everything out of the democratic party has been less freedom for you. and you know, the problem with liberalism is that they believe that you are dumb and too stupid to make our own decisions, so they have to legislate and regulate us to death. so i really believe the endgame is socialism and complete government control. this idea that this is falling flat on its face. we find out between july of 2010 that obama met with kathleen sebelius this many times and it is just insanity. this is the premier piece of legislation. the ones not anymore, it isn't.
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lou: amazon developing plans. and there are drones in the air, delivering packages. and then some technology companies say they don't want any further surveillance by the nsa. this is a crazy country right now and we have technology companies telling us to quit and that the national seurity agency will quit spying, which is what they have been doing and mining data for years without anyone's permission. talk to facebook. talk to google.
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and it's a brand-new way of doing e-mail. i hear these guys are going to do a kick start process and they are doing something where it never sits on a server, it's constantly moving and that is going to be amazing. so these issues inspire us. >> go ahead. it's a lightning rod. >> good for the nsa. they get around a lot and i and along with all the others unless there was a reason. you shouldn't expect privacy on facebook and twitter. people are going t give the nsa kudos. it's like they've said that they shouldn't been spying on the
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flight ademy. saying that these guys are not learning how to land the plane correctly. >> i'm still trying to understand how they can take executives from a technology companies, talking about personal privacy and security in pushing against the nsa and they want a mopoly on that access your private information. >> well, if you own your domain, that's a lot different than if you use gmail or hotmail. and this is the way the marketplace works. i'm paying subscriptions fees and i'm paying for it i want that privacy and the added encryption. a lot of the nsa stuff is forced on some of the companies even though they do their own private ddta mining. he won fair and balanced as always. brad, good to see you. lou: another obama cover-up. new details revealing the obama administration knew about a flaw in the obamacare business exchange. romney health care advisor next
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on this latest obamacare outrage were this is the quicksilver cash back card from capital one. it's not the "juggle a bunch of rotating categories" card. it's not t "sign up for rewards ea quarter" card. it's the no-games, no-messing-'round, no-earning-limit-having, do-i-look-like-i'm-joking, turbo-boosting, heavyweight-champion- of-the-world cash back card. thiss the quicksilver cash back card from capital one. unlimited 1.5% cash back
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visit for tips and information. lou: house energy and commerce committee releasing new e-mails showing that administration officials knew they needed to delay the health care exchange for small businesses as early as august but it wasn't until six weeks later on september 26th that the administration actualy announced it was delaying the online portal for small business. energy and commerce committee chairman fred upton said about that revelation, quote, as the paper trail broadens we see more and more evidence that the administration was fully aware its signature health car law was not ready for prime time. the documents we are now reviewing tell a much, much different story than what officials testified to congress. the white house continues to claim is working better. public sentiment however is
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worsening. a new "gallup poll" shows a majority of americans, 52%, want the law scaled back or rled outright, compared with 50% who felt that way in october. 37% said they want the law expanded or kept as is. joining us now,e have senior fellow with the manhattan institute, formerealt care policy advisor tohe romney campaign. also the author of the new book, "how medicaid fails the poor." great to have you here. the number of visitors here, about 3.5 million peopl 3.7. should we care? what does it tell us? >> we should care because the old plans that people had have been canceled. so if they can't get insurance under the new system, it's a big problem. it is not just a big problem for those individuals. it is a big problem for the viability of insurance companies now trying to sign up people for whomg they won't get paid lou: but my problem is, just visiting a site doesn't mean
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anyone is enrolled. anyone enrolls doesn't mean they have been insured. so at what point will we have meaningful, substantive answers from this administration, to repeat the off the used phrase, signature health care law? >> they have had a strg record, not just recently, but throughout, since010 only closing data flattering to the administration. fairly owe lit sized disclosure process. i don't see that that will not continue. they stonewall on so many fronts. exchanges between the officials at cms and the contractor, cgi, show the adminisation as i just said, show the small business exchange, they knew it wasn't going to be ready, but as you suggest, refused to let anybody knowas until effectively the last minute >> well the good news at least is the small business exchange can be delayed without, they delayed, delayed it and it won't
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disrupts much insurance market for people who wrk for small business. the problem is, they should have done the same thing for the individual market exchange becaus thatg exchange hasn't been ready either. delayed that exchange for a year, we wouldn't see massive disruptions in that market we're seeing today.% lou: the idea thaa this administrationhi is watchg the number of sign-ups and i won't call them enrollments. insurance sign-ups but let's call them sign-ups for medicaid, outpacing thosel for obamacaret a ridiculous rate. they have inverted the ratioed they soughtnd then some. we're looking at prospects according to some authorities, $17 trillion in unfunded liabilities because of unintended, massive expansion of medicaid through the marketing of obamacare. >> well you know, this is the interesting thing about the law, is that it is supposed to expand coverage by 30 million pple. roughly half odf that is through
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the website, through the private insurance exchanges. and half of it is through the medicaid program. so what y hear a lot of commentators say, particularly on the left, well, at least the medicaid portion is succeeding because those people are enrolling, as p i argue in the book you mentioned, that is not success for those people. studies show people on medicaid fare no better than people with no health insurance atll when it comes to health care outcomes. lou: say that again. medicaid is effeively not working. >>ly studies show people on medicaid don't fare better in things like mortality heart disease, diabetes, anything like thatelative to no insurance at all. people say we have to expand medicaid, because it will save lives of allhese people. studies show that is not the case. . lou: the problem, medicaid is a mess now obamacare is a mess. we don't know where we're lou: medicaid is a mess. obama kays is a mess. at some point when we know
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people, a will be insured and whether b, sufficient numbers of young people 18 to 35 are being cured that the foundation of obama care itself, young paying for older? >> i doubt the administration will disclose number of young people who are enrolling unless those numbers are good which they probably will never be. lou: sincehen does a president or an administration get to decide that they will not tell the american people whether a program they're paying f is working or not? >> i certainly don't agree with their disclosure strategy but it is going to be -- i don't know if it can be solved through litigation. it will take a new administration or congress to force them to do it. lou: effectively what you're saying we may be faced with a prospect we not only have utterly incompetent and incapable government, but we don't have the where with all or the, the resources or avenues to
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correct it and, we don't know whether, to what degree we need to. >> to what degree they have actually disclosed anything, it is because there has been immense political pressure, immense pressure from journalists, friendly journalists even to disclose stuff. they have trickled out some things. we'll have to get data from insurers themselves. insurer sometimes through consultants, consultants getting information and disclosing it. that is where we get data. we'll see prices for plans. if the prices for plans submitt for 2015 than 2014, that will give an indication older and sicker people are signing up. lou: older and sker. frankly we will not at that point know anything substantive about obamacare and the enrollments nd subsequent insurance that follows till perhaps the new year? it's outrageous. >> it's a problem but you can only hide the problem so long. i think they're trying to do that hoping if they, if they
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tell people everything is good and they, you know, they don't disclose a lot of things, young people will sign up. that's what they're terrified. they're terrified if a lot of bad news and pries continue to go up becausenly older and sicker people sign up that will further discourage young people signing up who they need to subsidize insurance for everyone else. that problem will continue to get worse. hiding it and non-disclosure will not succeed. lou: i the model overall on your judgment on the verge of collapse? >> i don't think it is on verge of collapse t will limp forward. it will not collapse but won't live up to its promises or billing. lou: thanks for being here. good to see you. if you like your doctor, you can keep him but you hve to pay. that is not exactly what the president promised. "the a-team" on ever changing political narrative of this white house. ed rollins, michael good win, a.b. stoddard, here next. x÷÷
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lou: joining us now "the a-team." campaign strategist, former reagan political director, ed rollins. pulitzer prize-winning columnist, "new york post" and fox news contributor, michael good win. from washington, d.c., associate editor of "the hill", a.b. stoddard. great to have you all here. ab, start with you. ezekiel manual made it simple. if you want to keep your doctor, pay for it. that is what the president meant to say. >> we learned a few weeks back when president obama said if you like your doctor you ould keep them was not telling the truth. what dr. emanuel made clear if you will go into this program, you're going to get the doctor that they choose and youill get the service that is are meet the standards for the affordable care act and you're going to like it. the problem is, if it isn't affordable an the name is the
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affordable care act, if it turns out that people, even those who didn't have a doctor or policy ey liked find that this plan is unaffordable with all the out-of-pocket costs that will be a real problem. there are five million or more people who lost their policies worried that they can't keep their doctor and they're already fuming. but it is people going into the system for the first time, maybe have not been insured ever or haven't been in a long time and don't have a doctor, they're finding prices are not affordable. that is a problem for the administration going forward even if they get the number of enrollees they hope to. lou: as you put it, you will have this and you like it, was emanuel's basic message. i thi you're exactly right. this is such an elitist tone. i mean absolutely coercive piece of law, that i can't believe there isn't greater focus on it broadly in the national media. >> well, i think the national media in fairness, remember the national media has followed this story ever since the government
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reopened on october 16th, night and day, there have been many more problems with not just the rollout but the actual structuring of this law than anyone including the elected democrats who were in negotiations with president obama and his team all along even knew. i think as we look to the fix of the website and to the future of what does enrollment lookike this winter and in the spring when the insurance industry is reassessing prices for 2015, what does it look like next summer and businesses waiver expire and take people from their companies into the exchanges and people think unaffected by the law, there is lot of potential problems to come for the law that have nothing to do with the website. the administration needs to face that. >> michael, you wrote a column on medicaid. one of unintended consequences so it seems to obamacare invert the ratio of medicaid to obamacare enrollees and medicare is swamped.
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11 troll lars in unfunded -- $11 trillion in unfunded liabilities. >> medicaid will reach a crisis situation fairly soon but it will not be alone. we talked before with cuts to medicare. lou: right. >> required by obamacare. we now see all these, the private insurance market roiled starting with the individual market. so this was a website problem that became a political problem. it could well become a health care crisis, that extend for years. lou: doctors are simply not providing coverage. >> right. lou: care for medicaid patients. it is just not -- >> they lose money. they lose money on every single one of them. most doctors are small business people. they have to pay for nurses receptionists what have you, if you tell them they have to take more patients get less money, they will not be able to function. the problem with medicaid, it ill end up being a state burden
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as it has historically, it will break the backs of a lot of these states in addition not being good health care. lou: among the many miscalculations of obama administration in my judgement is the time horizon that these problems would manifest themselves. they never dreamedded ty would be at a crisis within a matter of three months of the advent of obamacare. that is where they are now. we're coming back to continue the conversation with "the a-team." to join our discussion, take a minute to check us out on the social media twitter, follow us at lou doobs news. go to facebook. go to up next, three of the winningest, most recognizable managers in baseball history, they're part of history
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lou: major league baseball hall of fame approving three new members. managers tony la ssa, bobby cox, joe torre, unanimously elect to the hall of fame bit expansion era committee. all three future inductees rank in the top five of the career list of managerial victories. la russa, cox, torre, combined for 7558 wins, eight world series championships spanning more than three decades. quite a performance. what do you think? ha of fame. back with "the a-team." let's go to this we're watching in the asian pivot, a chinese aircraft carrier moving into the south china sea. we have seen a buildup of chinese troops. we have also seen three other ships move into the region. the south koreans announced an extension of their air defense identification zone, adiz.
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to follow along with that of china and japanese are not backing off at all. it is very unclear what the united states position in it all is. >> historically we've always been the force that goes in there one of the problems with diminish the military as inclination to do, you don't have resources to put a carrier group in there, what have you, to sort of keep peace. my sense all of these countries are about-face. they will not back off. there is a lot of historical bad blood. my sense it is not a good situation. it will not get to abettor situation in the short run. lou: and, michael, the fact that we have as i raised with brad thor in the broadcast earlier, we have the nsa being beset, beseeched by, i will be nice about it, beseeched by eight technology companies to stop their surveillance and just back off. your reaction first the idea there would be a cadre of technology companies that would
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think that their interests somehow would be better represented, should be better represented than those the @ation? >> lou, i think that all of these are different pieces of he same puzzle. you have a weak goverent, viewed as weak abroad and now teetering at home in many respects. nobody wants to be with it and everybody wants to carve it up in their own way. the lack of american strength opennd abroad, or lack of consensus government that speaks for most of the people is really a damaging moment. when america's government is weakened, the whole world goes off the rails. that is what we're seeing in china and ukraine. going back to the soviet mothership almost, arab countries moving tore russia. at home you see this division, the sense of resentment the government does not represent
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the public anymore. is a very dangerous moment at home and abroad. lou: ab, congress des not seem to he as strong as clear a% voice what happens in foreign policy here. we're not hearing from the foreign affairs committee. we're not hearing as one might or democrats for tha matter to shoulder part of the interest of the country a their president in t case of the democratic chairman and the senate. what is going on? >> it's a very interesting turn of event and i've been covering congress since 1994, to watch what hapned really to both parties i think more of, new and interesting on the republican side because there is actually a real tangible drift towards, if not, kind of a isolationist bent but, away from tradition of the republican party, strong defense and international, internationalist posture abroad,
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emphasisn global leadership. that is disappearing. i'm not calling them isolationist. we're moving away from the republican party as you've seen from the new faces who were so popular, from that traditional republican position. over on the democratic side, theyoo lost some of their so-called moderates who used to be pro-defense. they're left with such a lib ram antiwar, anti-, military, investment posture we're seeing coalition between them. where you see on afghanistan, o drones and other issues,, you see senator rand paul to name one person, siding with someone like dennis kucinich. you see in the syria debate which was an absolute debacle for the country and president to do something and entire congress
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turn against him. you saw in that moment both parties say no. lou: was it a debacle or an example of checks and balances? did our government that one instance work. >> i'm characterizing it that way. find a democrat in this town who wasn't privately furious and embarrassed about the fact that the president created red lines. put them down on the table. had known this was coming for years. could have anticipate ad chemical attack. lou: they're embarrassed for the president? is that what you're saying ab? are you saying embarrassed for the president? >> foreign policy always led by the administration. there is usually bipartisan agreement on democrat and republican. the weakness of this president on all fronts he is not respected abroad or domestically thatch is what is creating all of this. >> syrian thing was a dry run for iranian arrangement. inian arrangement is a very
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dangerous situation for the whole middle east. lou: there are plenty of challenges, whether this president pivts any direction he will find them. mike, great to see you. [ male announcer ] if you're taking multiple medications, does your mouth often feel dry? a dry mouth can be a side effect of many medications but it can also lead to tooth decay and bad breath. that's why there's biotene. available as an oral rinse, toothpaste, spray or gel, biotene can provide soothing relief, and it helps keep your mouth healthy, too. remember, while your medication is doing you good, a dry mouth isn't. biotene -- for people who suffer from dry mouth. a dry mouth isn't. side by side, so you get the same coverage, often for less. [ rattling ] that's one smart board. what else does it do -- reverse gravity? [ chuckles ] split atoms? [ whoooosh! ] hey, how is that om-splitting thing going? [ rattling ]
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