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tv   Markets Now  FOX Business  January 3, 2014 11:00am-1:01pm EST

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>> 10:59, 47, 4. almost ought of time. lanier, you weren't bad. charles, excellent ad usual. dagen: wait to let the trial lawyer suck up all the time. can't stop talking. >> that's right. dagen: we love mark, mark is terrific. mark lanier, stuart varney, charles payne. have a good weekend, gentlemen. the first snowstorm of the new year, hit with as much as two feet of snow and dangerously cold temperatures. many airports coming to a virtual stand still. more than 2300 flight cancellations yesterday. another 1600 so far this morning. no bull about this. professional bull riding, the world champion, j.b. mauney is stopping by the studio before he begins his defense of his title tonight at madison square garden. 2013 proved to be a winning year for hollywood movies. who was the top bull at the box office? all that and so much more coming up on this hour of "markets now.
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dagen: good morning. before the weather we get to stocks. and we go downtown to the corner of wall and broad and nicole petallides on the floor of new york stock exchange. a bit after rebound, nicole. >> dow jones industrials snapping back from yesterday's losses. yesterday the dow jones industrial average dropped 135 points. not a good way toking kick off the new year. obviously kick being off with a decline for first time since 2008. however, last year, 2013, was a great one. we're back with green arrows with the dow above 16,500. you have a majority of stocks with up arrows. drug index, retail index, banking index, oil services, transports, truckers, shippers, airlines, checking on airlines with all the snow and still maintain some up arrows. you do have market breadth looking somewhat favorably.
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i do want to look at shares of lindsey. they have a mixed bag here. they have a buyback program underway. they boosted the dividend. they did have a quarterly miss. this is irrigation maker. back to you. dagen: thank you so much, nicole. if you were in the midwest or northeast, you have a lot of snow outside your window. the first snow of the year dumping average of four inches across 49% of the u.s. that is foot 1/2 in some areas according to national weather service. fox news meet roll gift maria molina is live in the weather center with the very latest. good morning, maria. >> that's right, dagen, a lot of snow across portions of the northeast. i want to show you the latest snow totals from the national weather service. new york city picked up 6.5 inches of snow. we were expecting a little more than half a foot of snow. up to a foot of snow in portions of long island where there are
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blizzard warnings in effect. winds are gusting in excess of 50 miles an hour at times during the overnight hours. the state of massachusetts, boston, 14.6 inches of snow. just to the north of boston, that is where the two-ffot snow totals are coming out of that area. boxford looking at snow total out there at about 23.8 inches that was earlier today. so we could see that number climb. the worst of the storm system is over in terms of any additional accumulation. we're seeing snow come to an end across the northeast. the window will continue gusting out here. still current wind gusts in many coastal areas gusting over 40 miles an hour and over 20 miles an hour across portions of long island. otherwise the wind in combination with the very cold current temperatures is producing frigid current windchill temperatures. look at boston. when you head out the door in the city of boston feels like 10 below zero. feels like 27 below zero in
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burlington. in caribou, maine, feels like 37 degrees below zero. dagen, windchill advisories and warnings in effect because frostbite becomes a concern because of these windchill temperatures. dagen: i don't want to digress you have to worry about face being covered in temperatures like that. you literally have to wear a ski mask over your face not to get a frost bite on your nose s another storm system with cold air coming? >> we do know another storm system will come this weekend. we know that will occur. that will produce snow yet again across states like illinois, indiana and across ohio as we head into saturday and sunday. with more wind. behind the storm, dagen, temperatures could be colder than what we've seen already. for instance, in chicago the high on monday could be 10 degrees below zero. that is the no the windchill. factor in the wind, we'll have
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issues across the midwest. dagen: tat is really dangerous. i saw you doing snow angels outside the studio. >> kicking off 2014. dagen: when i was on the air and looked out in the window and seeing you lie in the snow outside. it was awesome. thanks so much for that. >> thanks. dagen: maria molina our meteorologgst here. here is a look at some flight delays throughout the united states according to flight aware. newark and jfk international in new york running more than a hour behind. jfk was closed earlier in the morning. washington dulles an hour behind on most flights. what could make of this? from denver, mike boyd joins us of from boyd group international. thankfully the storm didn't happen over christmas and new year's? >> christmas you don't necessarily have more people flying, a different clientele and more luggage and passengers. we dodged a bullet. we'll be back to normal in 24 hours. dagen: how full are the planes? can the airlines handle this
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much better because the planes simply are not as full as they were before christmas? >> it is kind of a down period right now because business isn't traveling as much. absorbing people who are misconnected and canceled they can do a lot better job. it will be inconvenient. getting stuck ad laguardia is no fun. been there, done that. they will be back home probably within 24 hours. dagen: how are airlines handling customer service when flights are delayed or canceled? they should be better. they have no excuse with apps and smartphones and text-messaging services? do they get better marks from you how they handle this? >> all this technology is really a downside when things go wrong. 25 years ago you had 18 positions at laguardia with american airlines and each with an agent. today they might have fine with everything electronic. you can't talk to a kiosk and
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there are not a lot of people. there is downside to technology and may be on the phone a lot longer than you would like. dagen: i want to shift gears for a minute. the faa mandated more rest for pilots. this has been two years in the making. this goes into effect shortly? are you on board with this? will this make a difference in terms of airline safety? >> there is no downside to it, there is always upside but reality it will make things more expensive. airlines will have to schedule a little bit differently. overall something we'll probably have to do. you can't argue with it and say it's a bad idea. i it is a sound idea, giving pilots more time between flights. there is no downside to that whatsoever. dagen: mike, great to see you. it will be a healthy year for the airlines you think? >> very healthy year for the airlines and overall for a travelers it will be a stable year as well. dagen: we like to hear that. happy new year, mike boyd. mike boyd in denver.
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unemployment benefits for 1.3 million americans expired last week. the white house is pushing for an extension of unemployment insurance and fast. i interviewed labor secretary thomas perez this morning and asked about the white house's plan about the argument, this money, would be about $25 billion a year, should be used to create jobs, rather than extend unemployment insurance. >> the best way to attack and investment in long term unemployment to continue to grow the economy. if you continue along the austerity path, we're going to end up having these challenges for the long-term unemployed that persist. that is what we're trying to avoid. so it is not an either or thing. it is all of the above and then some. dagen: here with reaction, "wall street journal" economics writer steve moore. he joins us now. when you say don't extend the benefits, you sound like an ogre and a scrooge. what say you? >> look, dagen, everyone wants to help people who lose their
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job or get laid off. everyone thinks there should be a safety net of people for several months until they get their feet back on the ground and get a new job. what we're talking about here is, people who have been unemployed sometimes 18 months, even up to two years who are seeking unemployment insurance benefits. the data is very clear on this, dagen. when you extend unemployment benefits, you extend the length of time people stay unemployed. like a paid say nation for a lot of people. so my view is, look, the labor secretary's right, we do want to grow the economy. we do want to get more jobs. extending unemployment insurance is negative for employment, not a positive. dagen: that argument from the left and from democrats is that you're putting money in people's pockets. that boosts economy. >> no. you don't boost the economy by paying people not to work. the money has to come from somewhere, dagen. this is the idea there is tooth fairy out there, right? passing out free dollars. if that were the case,
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unemployment benefits might be positive for the economy then money has to come from somewhere. i would much rather see the money being used for pro-growth tax cuts or other pro-growth perhaps that will create jobs for people. don't forget, dagen, there is another part of this equation people don't talk about at all which is, how do we finance these unemployment benefits? we finance them through a payroll tax. and we know that the payroll tax will have to go up in future years to pay for these benefits that we're providing now. dagen, that is a job killer when you raise the payroll tax. it makes it more expensive for employers to hire workers. so i think on balance, extending unemployment benefits is a clear negative for employment in the economy. dagen: it is $25 billion annually to extend these benefits. the bill in front of congress is a three month extension right now. john boehner, house speaker, has said, well we want to find a way to cut somewhere else in order to fund this. we'll see if that happens. but looking at the job picture, how much better do you think it
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can get in the new year? the white house champions there are 38 straight months of job creation in this country but you still have unemployment at 7% nationwide? >> look, that's a great point. when we passed the original unemi am employment insurance extensions in 2008 and 2009, dagen, the unemployment rate was up to 9%. there were so many unemployed people and not so many jobs available for people. we're in a situation where the unemployment rate has come down. i'm not saying it's a great economy, it's a not but it improved a lot. i think 2014 is looking like a good year for employment. we've seen over last three months, 200,000 jobs a month f we keep that up, no reason to extend unemployment benefits. what we want, put people in jobs, not on welfare. dagen: steve, great to see you. have a fantastic weekend. have a happy new year. see you often in 2014, i certainly hope. >> great. dagen: the nfl gives playoff home teams an extension to get the tickets sold but it still
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may not be enough to avoid a blackout in some local tv markets. singing a different tune, former "american idol" runner-up, clay aiken testing the waters for a new career. who needs a driver. study says self-driving car sales will explode in the next 20 years. a look at the oil market. oil is down below $95 a barrel. ♪ [ male announr ] this is the story of the lile room over the pizza place at 315 cnut street. the modest first floor bedroom in talln, tonia and the dusty basement at 1406 35th street.
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it is the story of the old dining rm table at 25th and hofan avenue. the southbound bus barreling down i-95. ...and the second floor above the strip mall at roble and el camino. ♪ this magic moment it is the story of where every gre idea begins. ♪ so different and so new where those with endless vision and an equal amount oaudaciousness believed they had the power to do more. time and time again. ♪ and then, it happene at dell, we're honored to be part of some of the world's great stories. stories that began much the same way ours did. in a lite dorm room -- # 2713. ♪ this magic moment ♪ [ telephone rings ] [ shirley ] edwa jones. thiss shirley eaking. how may i help you? oh hey, neill, how areou? how was the trip?
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[ male announcer ] with nearly 7 million investors... [ shirlehe's rig here. hold on one sec. [ malennouncer ]'d expect us to have a highly skilled call center. kevin, neill holley's on line one. ok, great. [ male announcer ] and we do. it's how edward jos makes sense of investing. ♪
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dagen: fireeye on fire after buying up one of its top rivals. nicole petallides is watching that stock. nicole? >> indeed. 54.70, new high. striking new highs for fireeye. this is all about cybersecurity, such a top, top story. right now the stock is up about 33%, up over $13. so this is a cybersecurity company, fireeye, and they made over one billion dollars acquisition of mandiant. that is a computer forensic specialist. what is interesting, these two executives of these two
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companies are so highly, has so much respect in the industry over all. so putting them together for this cash and stock deal obviously puts these two together in the security industry for not only cybersecurity but computer forensics. this will be an interesting pairing. sometimes you see the acquirer moving to the downside. not in this case. on the contrary, you're watching fireeye jumping and moving to new record highs. back to you. dagen: thank you so much, nicole. playoff ticket sales are headed to overtime. the nfl extending the deadline for home teams to sell their remaining playoff tickets and avoid local television blackouts. three of the four home teams, packers, bengals and colts, all had difficulty for seal selling tickets to their game each weekend with each team having 3,000 to 350000 tickets remaining as of last night.
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philadelphia's game is sold out. go eagles. packskers have until four p.m. eastern time. the colts have until 4:30 p.m. to sell for their matchup with the kansas city chiefs. the last nfl playoff game to suffer from local tv blackout was 12 years ago in miami. "american idol" created some superstars, carrie underwood, probably the biggest in its time. it now might be adding a russ congressman to its list of accomplishments. former "american idol" star clay aiken is said to be mulling a run for a seat in the is house of representatives. so if he runs it would be in north carolina's second congressional district, the seat currently held by gop representative renee ellmers. the washington blade reporting that aiken is engaging support and commissioning polling and talking to the democratic national committee. go on, clay. get on with your bad self. more problems for the stranded passengers for the ship
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stuck in ant arctic can, one of the icebreakers involved fears it may not be able to move through the ice. boeing, union members set to vote whether they will build the next generation plane in washington state. dan springer from fox news has the story. before we look at that, we'll look at how world currencies are i standing up against the dollar. so ally bank really has no hidden fees on savings accounts? that's right, no hidd fees. it's just that i'm worried about, you know, "hidden things." ok, why's that? "hwell uhhh...."
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♪ ♪
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>> at 22 minutes past the hour i'm lauren green with your fox news mine. iraqi troops joining sunni troops against a battle against al qaeda insurgents. a new report shows 8,000 people were killed in terrorist attacks in iraq in 2013. that number nearly doubled that in recent years. leaving many to fear the terrorist organization is having resurgence in the country. the drama for 52 folks strappedded in antarctic ice isn't quite over yet. turns out one of the ice breaking ships that helped pull people to safety may need
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rescuing of its own. the crew of the chinese vessel, aurora is worried about the ship as ability to move in the ice? >> an upset in the big easy, oklahoma stunning alabama 45-31 in last night's sugar bowl. this is the first bowl game last for 'bama since 2008 thanks to oklahoma quarterback trevor knight. alabama was heavily favored going into last night's fame. back to you, dagen. dagen: tide goes down. woe is them. >> 'bama. dagen: i get a bunch of hate tweets. people are crazier about alabama than anything else, even their own children. thank you, lauren. >> sure. dagen: let's make money with charles payne this hour. much all about 3-d printing, you have one stock, not one but three. >> i will talk about a stock somewhat controversial. a new ipo last year, a german
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3-d printing play. the ipo was crazy. it went straight up. look at that. dagen: there it goes down. >> and reason it went down someone put out a piece, well, these guys have never sold anything which to be honest with you is inaccurate, but they haven't sold a lot of machines. but the machines are huge. they also have, it is a conveyor belt kind of system and perfect kind of machine for manufacturing side of 3-d. the company has 170 patents. there has been scuttlebutt the last few days, 3-d systems which a name i featured all year long, they print ad rook for us. >> a what? >> a rook, chess piece. came out great. dagen: okay. >> had sterile staircase on inside of it, absolutely phenomenal they may be acquirer. 3-d made a acquisition of company with about prints three deal. products, for marvel, come book
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company, from disney. the dots are starting to being acquired in real commerce. i have subscribers in voxeljet. extraordinarily volatile. 3-d made a move out of this world. i don't know when it will stop. this year hewlett-packard will get in the game. i don't think they will start to scratch. that means they have to acquire someone. think it is could be ssys. if not ssys it could be 3-d. i don't think they will start from scratch but they will get into this and when they start making acquisitions it will add more credibility. i would ride the wave. i think it is one people like. i think people will make money off it. right off the bat, hang on to your hat if you want to play in it. dagen: it is fascinating industry very. >> really is. dagen: "cavuto on business." 10:30 a.m. >> we'll rock. big shoes to fill.
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dagen: i will be good and angry. >> do me a favor. elbow charlie gasparino a couple times, okay? dagen: if i can reach him. thank you, charles. >> see you later. dagen: boeing next generation plane is centerpiece of a union vote in washington state. a no vote could cost the region thousands of jobs. fresh off of a win the professional bull riding champion of last year, j.b. mauney, stops by as he getting ready to start his new season. this weekend's monster energy buck-off in madison square garden. don't say that too fast. here are some winners today on the s&p. welcome back. how is everything?
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there's nothing like being your own boss! and my customers are really liking your flat rate shipping. fedex one rate. really makesy life easier. maybe a promotion is in order. good news. i got a new title. and a raise? management couldn't make that happen. [ male announcer ] introducing fedex one rate. simple, flat rate shipping with the reliability of fedex.
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of the dusty basement 06 35th street the old dining table at 25th and hoffman. ...and the little room above the strip mall f roble avenue. ♪ this magic momt it is the story of where every great idea begins. and of those o believed they had the power to do more. dell is honored to be part of some of the world'great stories. that began much the same w ours did. in a little dorm room -- 2713. ♪ this magic moment
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♪ dagen: two tech names making moves this morning. let's start with twitter. nicole: twitter was above $70 today so this is a great performance, $26 ipo, unbelievable, hit a new high recently, $74.73 on the december 26th, but a $70 mark today, $2 basically. micron on the other hand is under significant pressure and you do have some of the analysts talking about that they are worried about mobile health on micron overall. as you see micron down 2.3%. it is the top user in the s&p, bank of america, merrill lynch cut into and underperformed from
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neutral, rbc downgraded the company, and obviously this is on concerns about the mobile industry overall so this is one of the reasons we are seeing the downside and twitter is a great performer today. 30,000 boeing workers voting on an important labor contract that will determine whether the aircraftmaker's next generation planes will be built in washington state. it could cost the state thousands of jobs and. again springer is live in washington to what happens if the union votes the contract down? >> reporter: this is a high-stakes game of poker. the company said it will move the production of the next generation to 777 x and its new composite wing somewhere else and many in this area field an end to the end of the aerospace
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industry in the area. >> we voted. it is over. >> reporter: we almost didn't get the vote. was a slight in the union about giving members a say. local membership of the international association of machinists shot down the proposal in november by a big margin 2-1. boeing made a few changes but they didn't go far enough. >> if we bring an offer every time boeing comes with a list of demands what good is it to have a contract in place? edlund legitimacy that any time they come with the man's we have to bring it to a vote. >> wanting to save thousands of union jobs the head office in maryland force today's vote on local leadership. dagen: the concession boeing is demanding? >> big one is over pension. we have seen this across the
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board in industry, wants to do away with or suspend the pension plan and move to a 401(k) retirement plan, freeze benefits in place and moved to 401(k). there was a big rally at the local union yesterday urging a no vote. they call it extortions, threatening to move jobs out of the state of they don't give that hard earned benefit but there has been pressure from local politicians including the governor and trade groups to vote yes to save those jobs in industry. >> that would be devastating not only for my family, but the community. >> reporter: 31,000 boeing machinists in the hysteria and we are seeing a steady line of them in line to vote on the contract extension. boeing machinists have a contract through 2016 so this is an extension of the contract, guaranteeing the jobs would be
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done down the road. dagen: dan springer from fox news. it was one year at the box office, super euros to fast cars it was a record with more on how 2013 third for the movies. dennis kneale is here. happy new year. look alive. dennis: it was a box office this year. they are tantalizingly close to $11 billion that would break the $10.8 billion record set in 2011. five films of the year, a lineman 3 from disney number one, $409 million in the u.s. $1.2 billion worldwide. under games catching fire coming in number 2, despicable me and frozen, disney had four of the top ten, disney had four of the top ten films, warner and universal had the top ten in
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north america, only two of them were entirely original and new. frozen based on some ancient legend, the rest are sequels or remakes of standard franchises and man of steel and superman. no wonder hollywood spins out so many sequels. dagen: what is interesting is we got to record take at the box office but a major number of real huge bonds. >> they had swiss 9 figure blockbusters, eight or nine films and huge props like the lone ranger with custom to $25 million to make and took 260 and the studio got half of that so that was the biggest loss of the year. look at the market share battle, disney and four of the top ten, on market share. warner taking number one, that is the top five but if you look at the market share battle you will see warner, 17%, more than
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disney and universal sony and lion's gate the little engine that could, five studios over a billion dollars. dagen: lions the distributed -- dennis: hundred games. the net don't move. i want you to weigh in on this. do you know what is? martin scorsese's highly anticipated wolf of wall street cam out christmas day setting a record not in terms of tickets. the blockbuster which highlights drug and prophecy filled world, include the use of the f word 506 times. according to a report that puts the movie ahead of the previous record set by spike lee's 1999 film summer of fans. dennis: i would have sworn scott faced with al pacino would have been the title holder. 506 times in 180 minutes is quite a lot. one thing i could not figure in all research i did is doesn't
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include the gerund ing or the mono selector -- dagen: spend time thinking up -- i would too. i thought about the same thing. dennis: script writers ought to come up with a few more, a few too many. dagen: be creative. the brightest minds in economics gathering in philadelphia right now. peter barnes talks with the former chair of the presidential council of economic advisers and hall about having a car that drives itself? there are predictions they will take over the roads in the next 20 years according to one study. this man collected a million-dollar check for winning the bull riding world championship in las vegas last year and he is about to start defending his title of this weekend at monster energy's block off. we are talking world champion j.d. one who is here in studio coming up.
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my dad has aor afib.brillation, he has the most common kind...'s not caused by a heart valve problem. dad, it says yourst afib puts you. at 5 times greater risk of a stroke. that's why i take my warfarin every day. but it looks like maybe we should ask your doctor about pradaxa. in a clinical trial, pradaxa® (dabigatran etexilate mesylate)... ...was proven superior to warfarin at reducing the risk of stroke. and unlike warfarin, with no regular blood tests or dietary restrictions. hey thanks for calling my doctor. sure. pradaxa is not for people with artificial heart valves. don't stop taking pradaxa without talking to your doctor. stopping increases your risk stroke. ask your doctor if you need to stop pradaxa before surgery or a medical or dental procedure. pradaxa can cause serious, sometimes fatal, bleeding. don't take pradaxa if you havebnormal bleeding or have had a heart valve replaced. seek immediate medical care for unexlike unusual, pradaxa may increaseyour k if you're 75 or older, have a beding condition or stomach ulcer, take aspirin, nsaids, or blood thinners... ...or if youave kidney problems, especially if you take certain medicines.
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tell your doctors about all medicines you take. pradaxa side effects include indigestion, stomach pain, upset, or burning. if your someone you love has afib not caused by a heart valve problem... ...ask your doctor about reducing the risk of stroke with pradaxa. lori: i am lori rothman with your fox business brief. at&t offering t mobile customers $450 credit when t mobile users transfer their wireless service and additional credit of $250 when they trade in their smart phones. general mills announcing plans
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to make cheerios without genetically modified ingredients. the company says it is manufacturing original flavor cheerios for the past several weeks, now it will be using non p.m. of cornstarch too. your kids may or may not care, the change doesn't apply to other flavors like honey nut or apples and and then. before a bankruptcy reviewing a deal between the city and banc of america, with the city last week, interest rate swap agreement with 155 million. that is the latest from the fox business network giving you the power to prosper. [ female announcer ] who are we? we are thinkers. the job jugglers. the up all-nhts. and the ones who turn ideas into action. we've made our passions our life's work. we strive for the moments where we can s, "i did it!" ♪ we are entrepreneurs who started it all... with a signature. legalzoom has helped start over 1 million businesses,
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turning dreamers into business owners. and we're here to help start yours. became big business overnight? ♪ like, really big... then expanded? ♪ or their new product tanked? ♪ or not? what if they embrace new technology instead? ♪ imagine a company's future with the future of trading. company profile. a research tool on thinkorswim. from td ameritrade. dagen: the brightest minds in economics on hand for the annual economic association forum, at the federal reserve chief himself. ben bernanke will likely be giving his last speech as
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chairman. peter: the place is crawling with economists, we have been pulling them in to chat about what they hoped to hear from ben bernanke and the state of the economy, and joining us right now alan krueger, former chairman of the council of economic advisers, frequent guest on fox business, at princeton and presented a paper today. what do you want to hear from ben bernanke? >> great to see you again. it would be helpful for this audience, for what ben has learned in his position in washington. he served as chairman of the fed, at an extraordinary time, got to do some remarkable things, really pushed the limits in terms of rescuing the economy from the great recession. reflections on what he learned, how things differed from what he expected and putting his role in the context of history.
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>> some clarity on policy, on capering and eventually raising short-term interest rates. janet yellen is taking over at the end of the month but could we get clarity from him on that? >> that is certainly possible. the risk is often the fomc doesn't know what it will do until it gets in the room. i don't know how well he could predict though he could elaborate on the comments he made at the last press conference. >> where do you see the economy going in 2014? >> we are continuing to recover. did a lot of healing last year. the housing market is fundamentally on stronger footing, we work of a law of access that was built up in the bubble years. the economy will continue to expand. we got some fiscal head winds behind us behind the sequester and the end of the payroll tax cuts and it will bite a bit but
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less than the full sequester. i can see growth picking up. i don't think growth will pick up in this recovery because of the nature of the crisis because someone's wealth was destroyed yet i do think we could see growth in the 3% range, we have seen over the past couple years. the labor markets -- >> you have been doing some research at princeton on the labour market, particularly long-term unemployed. what are you finding now in your research on that issue? >> one of the most pressing problems the economy faces is the large number of unemployed workers, and sadly the longer you are out of work harder it is to get back to work. there is evidence that employers don't give them an equal shot compared to other recently unemployed workers in the labour force, also the long-term unemployed get discouraged, applying for jobs, not getting
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them, that makes it hard to get up in the morning and apply for more jobs. those combinations, that combination of factors is making long-term unemployed more marginalized when it comes o t. >> they could be gone from the labour market for good. in the future. >> if congress doesn't do more to win encourage more hiring of long-term unemployed like investing in infrastructure or bringing back the tax incentive to hire long-term unemployed, increasingly facing the risk of more and more workers leaving the labor force, not going back to work. >> thanks for joining us. back to you. dagen: thank you so much. do not be alarmed if you see a car with the driver doing something else going down the road. driverless cars are a thing of the not so distant future. a study by i a chess automotive
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predict sales of rivals cars will reach 11.8 million units by 2035 and all vehicles on the road will be self driving by 2015. innovation, self driving capability in these vehicles, 7 to $10,000 to a car at sticker price. so you can put on some mascara and not worry about that. automakers having a rocky december but overall 2013 was one of the best years in memory. jeff flock has all the details. jeff: just got off a conference call with general motors, talking about their sales. it was a little bit of a disappointing december, different automakers blaming different factors. chrysler blaming the weather. it has been a nasty end to december. will get who did what, chrysler sales up 6%, that is the 45th consecutive month chrysler sales were up, ford was up and toyota
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as well, gm is surprising down 6%, they blame the little bit on the weather as well but all of them pointing out of the year end sales were very strong for all of them. let's look at those, ford up 11% on the year, chrysler up 9%, 2013, gm up 7 as well as toyota. all in all a pretty good year. in terms of nuggets from the conference call talking about some prime lending a lot of people are concerned incentive spending has been increasing and some prime lending has been increasing. just for your perspective, last december, 5.2% of all loans were sub prime and this december's 6.3% so it is rising. gm cheri 7%. they are higher than industry average but for your information the high point in some prime lending was april of 2004, 14% of all loans were some prime. wonder why lot of those went
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underwater. let's not make that mistake again. dagen: no chance of that. great to see you, jeff flock in chicago. professional bull riding named 2014 s fastest-growing sport by forbes and the reigning world champion, j.d. mooney will talk to was that the heads to madison pquare garden to begin defending his title. [ male announcer ] nearly 7 million clients. how did edward jones get so big? t me just put this away. ♪ could you teach our kids that trick? [ male announcer ] by not acting that way. it'sow edward jones makes sense of investi.
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dagen: professional bull riding is big business. one of the sport's top stars, j.d. mooney's professional bull riding world champion as of last
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fall. starting tonight in madison square garden. good to see you. what help are you willing? no serious injuries last year? >> first of the year a little rough, up and down but end of the year -- dagen: i see you getting on -- in better shape as you get older. >> don't go to the gym or anything, things like that. dagen: doing outdoor stuff. how long can you continue to do this? here is how you look at the injury, reinforces but the injuries you sustained over your career. how long will you keep doing it? >> in a couple days, i figure 32, 33 --
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dagen: transition. congratulations on a little girl as well. >> done pretty good. dagen: what after that, do you think? >> we run those. dagen: raise cattle for a living. >> probably. my plan is to win enough money when i quit me and my wife don't have to do anything unless we want to. dagen: that sounds like a fantastic idea. people don't understand the money you got to make if you are champion is kind of astounding. >> as long as you can stay on the mat and win it pays pretty good. and million-dollar bonus. it is pretty good money. dagen: you put in the bank. >> i like spending it. the wife saves a lot more so, works out good. dagen: you got yourself laid in.
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talk about the attraction of the sport. i am going to night and trying to go every year when you open the season at madison square garden and it is as much about rural -- people don't understand that. there are a lot of folks in that arena who are rooting for the bull. >> some of them are just as well known as the writers are. dagen: bushwhacker is it champion bulls, two times. >> everybody knows him. they are athletes like we are. they know their job. you will see a lot of them. they quit bucking and go out of the arena and know what they got to do and do their job well. dagen: does everybody wear a helmet? >> i don't. i used to. dagen: why not? seriously. given the focus on concussions in professional football as one example, you went from wearing a helmet to not wearing one.
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why did you make that choice? >> end of 2012 by wasn't really good, was riding really bad, having trouble keeping my head down where i could see the bulls and decided to take the helmet off and did a lot better without it and wish i of -- whether i had it on or not i could still get hurt. dagen: you be safe. i know your wife probably makes your wife and little bit nervous. congratulations. we will be watching tonight. folks can watch on cbs because it is broadcast on saturday and sunday. check the times. you will be able to watch this weekend's event on tv. great to see you. please come back. i sound like my usual country self. my parents understand me after you have been here for a few minutes. madison square garden starting tonight. let's talk about the weather, travel nightmare, the ripple effect, first major snowstorm of
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the year. it is hitting all sorts of parts of the country. dennis and cheryl following the story and the business of marijuana, the state's most likely to follow in colorado's footsteps coming up in the next hour of markets now. ♪ [ male announr ] this is the story of the lile room over the pizza place at 315 cnut street. the modest first floor bedroom in talln, tonia and the dusty basement at 1406 35th street. it is the story of the old dining room table at 25th and hoffman avenue. the southbound bus barreling down i-95. ...and the second floor above the strip mall at roble and el camino. ♪ this magic moment it is the story of where every gre idea begins. ♪ so different and so new where those with endless vision and an equal amount oaudaciousness believed they hathe power to do more. time and time again. ♪ and then, it happene at dell, we're honored to be part of some of the world's great stories.
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stories that began much the same way ours did. in a lite dorm room -- # 2713. ♪ this magic moment ♪
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>> i have no idea when we get out of here. >> it got canceled again. >> we are just for the call that was canceled again. cheryl: the joys of traveling in the winter. taking it to the next hour of "markets now." thousands who saw their flights canceled. 1600 flights grounded, that is on top of yesterday's 2300 cancellations. is all that glitters gold? peter schiff thinks so.
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he has been bullish since 2000. finishing down 28%. he is here. and the business of marijuana, another state making moves to follow in colorado footsteps. coming up. looking forward to our discussion about where he sits on gold. >> he is a most enthusiastic goldbug. and top of the hour, nicole petallides at the floor of the new york stock exchange to run it down for us. nicole: the dow is up about eight points. we kicked off the new year in negative fashion down 145 points, we haven't started that
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way since 2008. if we were to have two down days, the nasdaq and the s&p are in negative territory, so we have not seen a new year starts with two consecutive down years, down days since 2005. the trend has been to the downside, but after the great years, the good years, usually. a lot of factors to be had. a mixed bag overall, fear index is slightly lower, commodities are mixed, gold gaining $11 while oil is holding back. that is the environment overall here on the second trading day of the new year. dennis: thank you very much, nicole. our next guest is bullish on gold no matter what. in 2013. on the way down, this guy put
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together a gold fund. on february 13, 2013, peter schiff said it can guess to $5000 in six months? publicly not. in two to three years, it is likely. it will go higher. let's look at the price of gold on that day. where is it today? about 25% lower. starting where we started before, were you wrong or were you just early? >> i have been buying gold for 14 or 15 years. the last 13 years it has been down once, in 2013. did i anticipate 28% decline in 2013? no. the fact that happened doesn't change anything. what is amazing is you have this big down year.
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hardly anybody views it as a buying opportunity. the fundamentals for gold have never been better than they are now. so many people cannot see that makes me even more bullish. dennis: do you need for the economy to go into shambles for that be a meltdown to go up strongly, or instead meet inflation to break up his econom and good, getting into inflation as a hedge. >> what is happening as we have a lousy economy, it is probably it up by creation. asset bubbles, stock and real estate. government bubble. that is inflation. if the fed were to take that away, do the right thing, but interest rates go up and the market would implode, stocks would crash, a lot worst financial crisis in 2008.
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in order to prevent that from happening keeping the phone economy going as long as possible, they will keep on printing and that is bullish for gold. people are confusing inflation for genuine economic growth. they think the problems have then solved, they haven't, they have been exacerbated. that is why gold is going a lot higher. dennis: you're not a believer in the gdp numbers? isn't that okay? >> i think gdp has been goosed it all the cheap money. if interest rates were a lot higher, where would the judy pb? i don't think gdp is indicating economic growth. how much money we are spending. dennis: the fact we are dealing with the situation we are dealing with, i didn't understand something. he said if we had this economic
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collapse, wouldn't that be good for gold? you actually mapped out the thing where it is helped by gold because there is inflation. >> gold was going up faster than stocks in 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, we had a phony economic recovery generated by cheap money. now we have even phony economy made by cheaper money. a great environment for gold, inflation drives gold and inflation is quantitative easing. that is what it is. the easing is another name for inflation, and in the public will like as opposed to dislike. great environment for gold. dennis: if you quadruplets, that is inflation, larger supply of dollars just none of that money has any velocity movie and the
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economies we haven't had consumer price inflation yet. 1.2%. >> have you bought anything recently, do you have any idea what is going on? prices are going up despite the fact the government tells us they are not, but one of the main reasons prices have not gone up even faster is because we have exported a lot of that inflation to emerging market economies. check out the inflation rates in other countries that hedge their currencies to the dollar with big trade currencies with the united states. they don't like it. dennis: a lot of those countries in the developing world long had inflation problems not related to what the fed has done the past two years. if the economy doesn't go into the tank in 2014, if we don't have some big huge cataclysm, can gold price still rise and how much will it rise in the new year? >> i don't know how much it will rise, but we had a down year in
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2013. is it possible that we could have a couple down years in a row for gold? it is possible but i don't think it is probable and the sentiment is so overwhelmingly negative on gold and gold mining stocks, gold was up $35 so far for the first two days of january, how is the stock market doing? dennis: i can't take my gold coin and buy a pack of gum, but bitcoin is not either. where would you put your money, gold or bitcoin? >> you cannot take shares of twitter and buy a pack of gum with that either. gold is more liquid than stocks. when it comes down to the purchasing power with bitcoin or gold, i take gold. the question is would you rather have bitcoin or dollars. i still think it is a bubble and
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if we're going to have virtual currencies, it needs to be backed by real money just like physical currency was backed by gold, virtual currency has to be backed by gold. it can't be backed by nothing because it doesn't work, america is a perfect example. dennis: thank you very much, peter schiff. -@>> happy new year. cheryl: the big business of marijuana, the drug is now legal for recreational use in colorado and washington state later this year anyway. i have of other states have already legalized medical marijuana. executivexecutive director for g policy alliance, you have been one of the biggest components for legalized marijuana, you say many more states are going to attempt to make pot legal. what is the next state we will see push this through? >> i put my money definitely on
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oregon. it looks like the language is going to be good, so very likely there. we'll be trying to figure out in the next month or so to move forward to california. the public support is there, the question is if we can get them to have it. dennis: looking at a department report that came from the department of health, one out of six people become dependent. there are concerns about kids using marijuana and brain deterioration. questions come on about dependency and driving and everything else. maybe colorado or oregon this could pass, but what about the northeast conservative parts of the country or the south. >> the natiooal public opinion polls show 58% of the latest gallup pole of people supporting marijuana, only 38% oppose.
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showing statewide polls public and private showing similar to those numbers. i will tell you even the last few months, texas, louisiana, florida, indiana and missouri more people in favor of legalizing marijuana than against it the questions of health are legitimate, we have to be concerned about it but what the public has concluded his they did nothing to protect young people, all it did was made it more likely they would get arrested and more likely to do this as health issue regulating it and controlling it, persisting with the failed policies of the past. cheryl: why doesn't the fed just make it legal? >> the faculty mentor takes matter takes congress a long time to get anything. 70% of americans have supported legalization of medical marijuana over 15 years and it is hard to get congress to do anything with that. i am relieved the obama administration and justice department sitting on their hands for years issued a memorandum saying they will allow colorado and washington and presumably other states
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proceeded to try to implement these new laws in a responsible way. the same will happen outside the country. we will see the debate growing as well, so we are at the beginning of a long-term process of taking what was a massive underground industry and transforming it into a legal aboveground regulated taxable industry. cheryl: taxation is nice on something like this, we could debate it all day, but the bigger issue will be what kind of business this will be. these stores opening up, most of them in denver. at the end of the day marijuana is an agricultural business and whether it is corn or wheat is low. do you think this is a true business model? >> oh, of course it is. multi billion dollars in legal industry to multibillion dollars legal industry. the difference is they will be a lot more tax revenue.
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for colorado it will go for school construction, other states going to the schools, education, a whole lot of good. one way or another people will find a way to make money out of this. my only hope is we can pull this off with responsible public health model recognizing marijuana is a drug and can be used problematically for no reason to keep it illegal and keep arresting thousands every year simply for possessing a joint kid cheryl: certainly times have changed in 2014. thank you. dennis: the northeast reeling from the first snowstorm, but points out across the country sunny california is feeling the impact. fox news standing by outside l.a. international airport. well? >> hi, dennis. that is right. we do not have the snow you are seeing in other parts of the country, but we have long lines at lax and the truth is the weather is really impacted passengers all across the
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country. take logan international and the boston area, shuts down overnight because parts of boston got 2 feet of snow. in new york, jfk shut down for several hours, evidently one runway is back open. you take the snow, the ice, the poor visibility having a huge impact on travel, according to flight, there have been 2000 cancellations today alone, almost as many delays leaving many passengers stranded and frustrated. >> they were all aggravated, but it had been people three days trying to fly out and all of the planes are booked. >> not for another 48 hours. >> there has been a real domino effect that started in the northeast moving across the country, and one thing to think about here in l.a. we had the
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national championship game for college football on mondays with thousands of people will be trying to fly into l.a. over the weekend and the airlines their best advice is to call or check online to see if any of your flights have been canceled or delayed. the one passenger you heard right there, they rebook the flights but 48 hours later. you just have to wait for two days. dennis: thank you very much. cheryl: a new study reveals self driving cars will rule the road by 2025. dennis: and voting on a new contract. they could move production of the next generation airplane out of washington state. first as we do every day, take a look at energy prices. welcome back. how is everything?
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there's nothing like being your own boss! and my customers are really liking your flat rate shipping. fedex one rate. really makes my life easier. maybe a promotion is in order. good news. got a new title. and a raise? management couldn't make that happen. [ male announcer ] introducing fedex one rate. simple, flat rate shipping with the reliability of fedex.
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cheryl: first trading date 2014
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yesterday the dow lost scribbled digits, but now we're up by 15 points. certainly that is the travel sector, hotels and resorts around the world. even some cruise lines want to watch all of these stocks mostly in the red right now. let's bring in nicole petallides, you are looking at health airlines. a top performer today. nicole: indeed it is. a snowy day in the northeast, but we are looking at airlines, dealt the first as it is up nearly 4.5%. this is because of the performance for the month of december. turned out it was quite good, a late thanksgiving holiday helped their december numbers as well. this is the portion of seats filled, passive traffic up, that is great news overall. there is a nice one year chart with delta climbing throughout the last 52 weeks. that being said, we continue a gain of 120%.
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let's take a look at all of the airlines across the board, of arrows across the board. jetblue 4%, southwest airlines love in the ticker symbol on that one, up nearly 2% with a new 52-week high. so many people delayed, thousands of airlines have been canceled, but you are seeing the group sustaining some nice up arrows, back to you. cheryl: thanks, nicole. dennis: buckle up, self driving cars no longer a figment of science fiction. predicting sales of driverless cars will reach 11.8 million cars by 2035. ihs also says all vehicles on the road will be self driving by 2050. google, the first to pursue the technology, but most are now working on it. it will put a dent in your wallet.
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they will add 7000-$10,000 to a car sticker price. a lot cheaper than a full-time shofar. cheryl: that is a good point. workers voted, they will decide if the new triple seven plane will be built in washington. it could put thousands of jobs on the line. dennis: a guy who wants to help you cash in on the fracking boom. here's how the world currencies are faring against the u.s. dollar. [ male announr ] this is the story of the little room over the pizza place on chestnut street the modest first floor bedroom in tallinn, estonia and the southbound bus barreli down i-95. ♪ this magic moment
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it is the story of where every great idea begins. and of those who believed they had thpower to do more. dell is honored to be part of some of the world's great stories. that began much the same way oursid in a little dorm room -- 2713. ♪ this magic moment ♪ [ male announcer ] this m has an accomplished research and analytical group at his disposal. ♪ but even more pressive is how he puts it to work for his clients. ♪ morning. morning. thanks for meeting come on in. so e oh, it. [ male announcer ] it's how edward jones makes sense of investing. ♪ we are thinkers. the job jugglers. the up all-nhts. and the ones w turn ideas into action. we've made our passions our life's work.
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we strive for the moments where we can s, "i did it!" ♪ we are entrepreneurs o started it all... with a signature. legalzoom has helped srt over 1 million businesses, turning dreamers into business owners. and we're here to help start yours.
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>> 24 minutes past the hour, i am lauren green with your fox news minute. developing this hour, new line on the loose in florida. the shares office as it is assisting the florida fish and wildlife conservation. trying to find a cat apparently got loose for a wildlife sanctuary. looking at live pictures of the efforts. all taking place in the tampa bay area. the u.s. embassy in south sudan evacuating more of its staff at seeurity is breaking down, fighting erupted in the nation last month between supporters of the president and those of the deputy he fired.
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u.s. embassy will no longer provide services they are starting saturday. two american college students report of the detained in benghazi, libya. their college bes basketball pls at the university. the americans were detained on campus but it is not clear why they were taken. u.s. embassy there has not commented yet. and those are your headlines. back to dennis and cheryl. dennis: thank you very much. over 30,000 workers going on an important labor contracts today. they threatened to move production of the next generation airplanes out of washington state. taking thousands of jobs with it. fox news is live in washington. dan, is the thinking that they are serious about this, not just bluffing? >> you know what, the stakes are high. a lot of people say look at a couple of years ago when they
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moved the 787 over to charleston, south carolina, but the stakes could not be much higher. but only for a minimum and voting of this contract since 5:00 this morning but also the economy of this region. they will build the triple seven and new composite wings some where else, and many fear it will kill the aerospace industry in the seattle area. >> we voted, it is over. >> we almost did not get today's vote. a big fight about getting members a say. they shot down the proposal back in november. they did make a few changes, but the local leadership said they did not go far enough. >> if we bring an offer every time they comes with a list of demands, what good is it to have a contract in place?
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any time they come with demands, we have to bring it to a vote we had >> wanted to save thousands of jobs, the union based in maryland forced today's vote on the local membership, that is why they are in line voting on the contract offer right now, dennis. dennis: how deep are the concessions they are demanding? >> the big issue is the pension plan. they want to go with a lot of companies have done and freeze the .d pension. that is what will switch over to her 401(k) retirement plan. that is vested in well with a lot of members in this union. they have fought very hard for those benefits and they look at it as too big of a giveback. they called their doing extortion threatening to move jobs out of the state if they giveback hard-earned benefits. but there has been pressure from local politicians and trade groups to vote yes to save those jobs and really an industry.
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>> i think that would be devastating at only for my family, but for the community. >> most people are predicting a much closer vote than the one in november. they have taken in offers, bids from 54 different locations in 22 states to have those jobs go there. dennis: thank you very much, dan springer. cheryl: the shale oil boom creating a lot of new wealth from texas, north dakota, but there is another way to invest in fracking that doesn't involve equities. dennis: box office bonanza. we hit the movie theaters pretty hard in 2013. the latest on last year's big winners coming up in the media minute. but first, a look at the s&p winners.
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so i can reach ally bank 24/7, but there are no branches? 24/7. i'm sorry, i'm just really reluctant to try new things. really? what's wrong with trying new things? look! mommy's new vacuum! (cat screech) you feel that in your muscles? i do... drink water. it's a long story. well, not having branches let's us give you great rates and service. i'd like that. a new way to bank. a better way to sa. ally bank. your money nds an ally. it's lots of things. all waking up. connecting to the global phenomenon we call the internet of everything. ♪ it's going to be amazing. and exciting. and maybe, most remarkably, not that far away.
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we're going to wake the world up. and watch, with eyes wide, as it gets to work. cisco. tomorrow starts here.
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the bid for coal stocks. rich edson covering that. california looking for any precipitation and would even welcome snell as a drought -- the will of wall street breaking a record but you might put earmuffs on. stocks every 15 minutes. the bigger movers, what do you have? nicole: i have not seen the wolf of wall street. jpmorgan, financials hitting a 52 week high. that is worth noting. abercrombie and fitch bouncing after yesterday on a downgrade from jeffrey.
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twitter back above the $70 mark, up 3%. holding on to the gains here. the name to watch, they will no longer use genetically modified products in cheerios and not because they are not saved but they are choosing to do so and hope to get some customer loyalty with it. that is to the downside and analyst downgrade revenuer girl from outperformed keeping a close eye on blackberry in the midst of intellectual property battle as well as police ickes. cheryl: i saw that break up. adam: coal stocks taking a hit since president obama's reelection but a push could mean a boost for the sector. rich edson is in washington with that story. >> reporter: republicans trying to blame the administration for the decline in coal and client
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that democratic senate challengers blasted president obama. coal stocks have fallen since the president was reelected. the energy sector is up 18%. analysts credit the natural gas boom for the shift away from cold those they say a upcoming epa regulations would make it more expensive to operate coal power plants. renewables over that time up 55%. republicans need to pick of six seeds to win control of the senate. president obama lost in 2012 with democratic senators up for reelection this year. a handful like west virginia, arkansas and montana coal states. >> coal will be a major issue in the campaign, an issue that republicans will use to try to tie these democcatic senators for democratic candidates to president obama. important to remember is that republicans will need to win republican leaning states to get the majority and they will use coal as an issue to tie these to
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the president to win. >> many democrats said distancing themselves from the president on energy issues. one republican campaign a says these democrats are playing for the wrong team and giving democrats control of the senate. republicans have to hold their own seats especially mitch mcconnell in kentucky. >> reporter: the u.s. fracking boom is creating millions of dollars in new wealth of thousands of jobs in the country mincing millionaires from texas, north dakota, and royalties as if anyone can get in on the oil rush he is recommending mineral rights and he is here to explain this. if you have ever been on a from mineral rights is you own the mineral rights even if you don't own the land and that is where you are making your investment. explain where you are getting the idea for this? >> thanks for having me. mineral rights are a segment of
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the mark the people are not aware of. if you remember the tv show beverly hillbillies, jed clampett becoming an overnight millionaire overnight. what is happening all over the country we have 50 states in which more than half the country have shales in those states. dagen: cheryl: how confident to split land ownership for mineral rights ownership. we see that in families, have seen in my own family but what about across the country? >> there's a great opportunity in minerals. you have to know what you are doing little lot of people own the land but might not own the minerals. you might be a new owner of a farm, a previous owner had a company coming in to your company and you have an eyesore. cheryl: you and your partner, you go out and acquire the
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rights in different states. what are the main stage you are buying into? >> we focus exclusively in corn and shale, it is the opportunity. it has two times the amount of oil in place and everyone knows about that. you wish you had gotten into the bathroom shelf 5 or 6 years ago. cheryl: all right was the next opportunity for you and your investors. >> our only opportunity. that is where all the resources of gone. cheryl: i would buy the rights from you. i alone those rights. >> we don't flip anything. minerals with our own capital, we go out and buy these minerals, we talk to landowners, we talk to title attorneys,
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absolutely every one. a long convoluted process and when everything is done we write a check. cheryl: i talked to one of my colleagues at the cme and he is behind this investment strategy and it is not very prevalent. do you think it is because people don't understand the strategy or they are intimidated by the tragedy? >> the average american has no clue what a mineral is and the mainstream media isn't even going to that segment and what we have in this is the second coming of the california gold rush of 1848. if you remember in 1846 we had people in san francisco bay, fast-forward nine years 90,000 people, 40,000 of them, came from overseas. places as far as argentina, took eight months to get on a boat and come up here and did some nuggets of coal out of the
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ground. cheryl: is interesting. thank you very much. appreciate it. adam: friday media minute hurray for hollywood. likely broke the all-time box office record for north america in 2013 breaking in almost $11 billion on budget busting sequels. disney had four films in the top-10, warner and comcast universal had two of these. number one film of the year iron man iii, $1.2 billion worldwide. in the u.s. the hundred games:catching fire to the second spot and $400 million, worldwide universal's despicable me sequel was the number 2 film and $900 million. warner taking the top spot in market share, 17%. disney universal, sony and little engine that could, l gate filling out the top five and wolfe of wall street may be oscar worthy but hands down winner on another front.
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using the f word more than any film in history. the paramount film directed by martin scorsese uses the four the catch all the total of 506 times in 180 minutes. previous record 435 in spite of the's summer of sam 15 years ago. that is progress. cheryl: the indianapolis colts have done it. indianapolis was one of three home team that needed to some remaining playoff tickets to avoid local television blackouts. one of the corporate sponsors stepped in and bought the tickets and donated them to military families in the area. the green bay packers and cincinnati bengals 7:24 p.m. eastern time to sell their tickets, the last nfl playoff game to suffer a blackout was 12 years ago in miami. looking beyond cash stocks and bonds our next guest has alternative investments for your
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portfolio. dennis: alisha keys brought in the creative director bailing out on the company after just one year with that title. [ me announcer ] this is the story of the dusty basement at 06 35th street the old dining table at 25th and hoffman. ...and the little room above the strip mall f roble avenue. ♪ this magic momt it is the story of ere every great idea begins. and of those o believed they had the power to do more. dell is honored to be part of some of the world'great stories. that began much the same w ours did. in a little dorm room -- 2713. ♪ this magic moment ♪
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cheryl: time for fox business brief, auto sales are in, the top four automakers missed expectations for the month,
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sales down 6% year over year. toyota sales down 1.7%. chrysler sales up 6%. for all of 2013, sales are up 8% making 2013 the best year for the industry since 2007. vanguard the world's largest mutual-fund company took in $1 of every $4 invested in mutual funds out of morning stop for the first 11 months of 2013. vanguard in $117 billion of the total $25 billion invested. at&t is offering t mobile customers $450 to switch at&t giving them $200 credit with t mobile users transferring service and additional credit of 250 when a trade. that is the latest from fox business. we will be right back.
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adam: investors tired of stocks other options beckoned to those building of to grab them. let's bring in dan shaffer,
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president and ceo of schaeffer management for interesting places in the new year and get your overall outlook on stocks. i think in 2013 i was really bullish and you were sort of bearish and the dow was up 27% but what about this year? >> you will be an interesting year. the cycle usually asks three to four years. we all know the market is being generated by federal reserve money and the economy doesn't match the earnings these companies are making. the question is when it the bubbled going to pop and the party will be over? in their respective in the lot of calls from people would like to now? don't want to be on the equity side? coming in with his absolute return model which is where people should be going. very dangerous at these levels. dennis: tell us about the coffee. >> coffee has been in a decline for three years in my d stationary scenario with gold and other commodities. technically making a turn and what happens when you get an
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abundance of a crop? growers don't grow so much so commodities go in cycles. we had a decline in coffee prices and in a technical breakout the prices of coffee start to rally to a 25% to 50% read trade of the last three years. dennis: in this year? >> it could happen in 2014. dennis: and the edf of the coffee index, cup of joe, cafe. >> they track the indexes of coffee. not going out and buying the coffee producer or coffee manufacturer. they follow the tracking price of coffee where you want to be because these stocks in the coffee business could go down if prices go up. dennis: gold fell 25% in 2013. how much did copy prices go down? >> 75% in the last three years. dennis: the idea of an abused
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abandoned sector and buying in because it doesn't have that much more to go, more upside. >> more than that. we follow growers and technicals the way the prices turn and we have a turn coming in. dennis: oil has been bearish and not 100 and got 90s but oil heading down and another edf on how to do that. >> it is a short play on oil and oil prices. oil is having trouble getting through the hundred dollar market. i right about that every weekend will head toward the 80 or 75 levelland it will shock a lot of people. the world is a wash of oil and shale oil production is increasing and filtering into the nervousness of why our oil prices at the levels they are? gasoline and heating oil come down with this. dennis: the global economy is repaired and on the come back as many believe other nations will have a stronger times than the u.s. doesn't that mean oil could go up, not down?
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>> necessarily under former economic circumstances yes but natural gas is coming to the picture and being used in other areas replacing crude-oil, heating oil, natural gas market will start to heat up, the prices of natural gas will creep up again because that is now being targeted as the alternative energy to oil. dennis: higher price will bring in more natural gas production. >> the beauty is you could get involved with these in your portfolio using exchange traded funds, not the futures market or the wrong market. it is an alternative to the long equimark it. dennis: great to see you, happy new year. cheryl: dan was talking about investing in coffee. how about cheerios? general mills says it will be cutting genetically modified
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ingredients from its iconic brand. this in response to consumer demand and only applies to its original flavor seal, not apple cinnamon or multi grain or those others. phil flynn standing by in the pits of the cme with more on the affected will have on the overall industry which we should say could be impacted severely by this change. >> maybe, maybe not. it depends how many boxes of cheerios we actually sell because this is more about marketing than reality. the truth of the matter is there's a lot of concern about wheat and corn designed to change the dna of these plants to create crop resistant plants are bad thing but at the end of the day they are probably not. we have been altering court and grain for 100 years but not smart enough to play with dna before but at the end of the day we have seen this kind of thing hurt prices. when china turns down green
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because it has been modified in a way they don't approve impact prices and we did see exports today that came out in the grey market where we saw them very weak for wheat and corn that down today. at an end of the day you will be fine. cheryl: thank you, appreciate it. time for your west coast and a good california's drought getting worse. state officials warning conditions show no sign of improvement. the drought could spell bad news for california's farmers to get lower priority for water delivery behind large cities like los angeles and san francisco. one of the nation at large as danny goodmanmakers is leading colorado. it is moving production, distribution and shipping to texas and wyoming in addition pablo becoming legal this week stricter gun laws went into effect in colorado. the company said they moved the. in mexico, legislature will begin debating a proposal that will allow the navajo nation the right to build two new casinos.
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the deal was struck between governor martinez and tribal officials that if approved will give the tribe 5 casinos in total in new mexico but several other tribes are worried about cutting into their business. 2012 taxes on gambling revenues put $68 million into the state budget and that is your west coast minute. dennis: at the green bay packers to the sold-out list. green bay announced it has sold all tickets for the playoff game this weekend and that means it joins the indianapolis colts at home and the philadelphia eagles at home in sellouts and that leaves the cincinnati bengals with a deadline of 4:00 p.m. eastern today to sell off their tickets and avoid the local television blackout. last time that happened in an nfl playoff was 12 years ago when miami posted the ravens i think it was. cheryl: good memory. dennis: alisha cheese signed on a year ago, the singer and
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struggling company are parting ways. stors... oh hey, neill, how are you? [ ma announcer'd expect us to have a highly skilled call center. kevin, neill holley's on line one. ok, great. [ male announcer ] and we do. it's how edward jones makes sense of iesting. they're about 10 times softer and d may have surface pores where bacteria can multiply. polident kills 99.99% of odor causing baeria and helps dissolve stains. that's why i recommend polident. [ male announcer ] cleaner, fresher, brighter every day. open to innovation. open to ambition. open to boldids. that's why n york has a new an -- dozens of tax free zones all across the state. move here, expand here, or start a new business here and pay no taxes for ten years... we're new york. if there's something that creates moreobs, and ows more businesses... we're open to it. start a tax-free business at
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dennis: this girl is on fire but not her blackberry. january 30thlisa cheese and blackberry will par ways after one year partnership in which the singer/song writer served as global creative director of the struggling and saidmaker and was responsible for the blackberry keep moving project that attracted 40 million online visit in her tenure. one interesting takeaway after landing the gate at blackberry leash ickes continued to tweet from her apple iphone. shares of blackberry today are off the little team siesta bit. cheryl: and your iphone.
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cheryl: the winter weather blast dropping two feet of snow in boston. coming up the latest on all those travel delays. dennis: will the bengals get a black out? the wild card playoff start tomorrow but tickets are not sold out for that game. fox sports on the league's do or die fight with your tv set. cheryl: showing digits with strangers, whether it is for craigslist or someone you just mad at the bar, the new apps that generates disposable phone-number is for yourself. ♪ like, really big... then expanded? ♪ or their new product tked? ♪ or not? what if they embrace new technology instead? ♪ imagine a company's future with the fure of trading. company profile. a research tool on thinkorswim.
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industry since the recession, taught four u.s. automakers reporting dismal december sales. lori: most start-ups are focusing on protecting e-mail, let's talk to the creator of an apps that is designed anonymous self-destruct in phone numbers like the one i gave you. ashley: they went up in smoke. green bay in indianapolis has done it, avoiding a blackout, but they are all cheering meaning cincinnati is the lone playoff city that needs to sell tickets before the 4:00 p.m. eastern deadline today. nfl insider on the league's battle, looks like cincinnati. lori: lets an update. earlier gains still higher. to the floor of the stock exchange nicole petallides,


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