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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  January 9, 2014 10:00pm-11:01pm EST

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government force that leaves everyone for. that's our show. see you next week. have a good night. >> a chris hristie stocker fired less than 24 hours after a massive traffic jam was orchestrated at the gwb bridge. all for political retrition. i am lou dobbs. ♪ double mocha lou: e-mails that reveal a
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massive traffic jam was orchestrated at the george washington bridge to force an endorsement of the local mayor. governor chris christie wasted no time in firing the staffer and adapting the worsening scandal head-on with the media. >> i had no knowledge or involvement in this issue or its planning or execution and i am heartbroken that someone that i permitted to be in that circle of trust for the last five years betrayed my trust. i am responsible for what happened. i am sad to report that the people of new jersey, that we fell short. lou: a liberal media when faced
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with democratic controversy road into action qukly, going after the governor who is the head of the national governors association and a preeminent potential candidate. abc and cbs and nbc let their morning shows with stories about the politically inspired new jersey traffic jams and governor chris christie's political fortunes. lou: in addition to all of this come in "the washington post" and "the new york times" and the "chicago tribune" and the "los angeles times" and the new york daily news and time magazine. devoting their front pages and cover stories to speculation about the impact on governor chris christiend his possible presidential hopes and chances.
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and this includes a clear preference for one political party. and we have devoted inordinately more coverage than they gave to the obama irs scandal over the past six months. the republicans are calling for the removal of the justice department officials leading the investigation into that irs targeting scandal. this comes after lawmakers learned that trial attorney is actually an obama donor who donated this money and hundreds of dollars to the democratic party. in a letter to the justice
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department, jim jordan and darrell issa say that it is a startling conflict of interest and that the investigation has now been compromised. >> we still were astonished that they would be so tone deaf as to have a major figure in this investigation, being someone that is so obviously close to the president politically. lou: the justice department defending its choice, saying they are not allowed to consider political affiliations or leanings when handing out assignments. and president obama promised to investigate the irs and the apparent targeting of conservative groups last may. more information on the benghazi whitewash. the state department renewed the lease for the u.s. compound and
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ungodly just two months before the september 11 terrorist attack. that in part because the state designated the compound as a temporary structure and facility, allowing it to be exempted from security standards and a new poll out shows the majority of americans now believe the obama administration deliberately misled the american people about events surrounding the american ambassador in libya and ungodly. that's an 11 part increase from a poll taken three months after the attack. and those who say that they misled the obama white house, 59% are independent.
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and much more ahead tonight. the president's leadership on iraq and afghanistan challenged by his former defense secretary. the majority of the senate objected to the president's views and strategy on iran. congressman randy forbes joins us and former army vice chief of staff will be here as well to tell us why we should take robert gates words very seriously. also tonight, the brand-new book the new school makes the bold prediction that the internet will save the american education system from itself. and others. in the obamacare debacle. yes, it goes on. mark udall of colorado is under fire for allegedly pressuring state health officials to offer negative obamacare numbers. last november at the officials estimated that nearly a quarter of a million folks in colado
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have their policies canceled as a result of obamacare. but the senator reportedly pushed the division of insurance to reduce that number to 73,000. by touting those who were given the option of renewing their policy. his staff writes that we need to move on this asap. or we will be forced to challenge the 249,000 number ourselves. it is wildly off or very misleading and reporters keep repeating it. saying that even if some customers were given the option of renewing policies, it doesn't change the fact that they received cancellation notices. and stocks finishing flat ahead of tomorrow's all-important jobs report. the dow jones down eight points and the nasdaq down nine points. weekly jobless claims improving, onto a five-week low, down
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15,000, 300 30,000. food prices also decling and down more than 1.5% because of higher corn and wheat supplies. food prices have fallen nearly 9% from the record high set in 2011. and with that, were going to come right back. >> the obama doctrine. now defining the white house. pushing ahead for renewed sanctions against iran. randy forbes joins us nxt. [ me announcer ] this is the story of the dusty basement at 06 35th street the old dining table at 25th and hoffman. ...and the little room above the strip mall f roble avenue. ♪ this magic momt it is the story of where every great idea begins. and of those o believed they had the power to do more.
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dell is honored to be part of some of the world'great stories. that began much the same w ours did. in a little dorm room -- 2713. ♪ this magic moment ♪ there's nothing like being your own boss! and my customers are really liking your flat rate shipping. fedex one rate. really makes my life easier. maybe a promotion is in order. good news i got a new title. and a raise? management couldn't make that happen. [ male announcer ] introducing fedex one rate. simple, flat rate shipping with the reliability of fedex.
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lou: a majority of senators, 53 of them to be exact, define the obama white house. they support a bill before i ran
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and failing to curb its nuclear program. in debating the measure, the white house is threatening to veto any legislation that does precisely what these 53 senators intend. and white house aides say that preside obama may utline changes to the national security agency surveillance program as early as next week. the president is expected to rein in spying and surveillance in may were strapped the nsa access and president obama today met with congressional leaders at the white house to talk about his plans for the agency and amongst those attending chairman bob good law. he says that president obama
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must act to regain the confidence of the american people. >> he believes that some of these programs should continue. especially with the meta- data in storage program and he needs to give specific reasons why that is needed. lou: tomorrow the white house staff will be meeting with representatives from technology companies on the very same issue. joining us now is a member of the armed services committee. it is the daddy with us. let's start with the president's announcement that he is going to alter the boundaries and other constraints on the nsa. what is your reaction? >> we have to have some boundaries of what the nsa is doing. th concern that we have right now is that the president and this administration has lost so much credibility. i was talking to many members of
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congress. we are not certain what the administration is doing and what they are not doing. and are you spying on members of congress and that was a chip shot an easy answer. and so i think as he said in the last report, this president has long ways to go to restore confidentiality and confidence to the american people. lou: the confidence boosted with the revelations from former defense secretary bob gates and his new book in which he reveals and i'd like to share this and put this on a full screen if i may. he says i sat there with the president and secretary clinton and the president doesn't trust his commander. can't stand president karzai and doesn't consider the war to be his. and for him it is all about getting out.
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they president and the perception of a entagon chief who doesn't trust his commander and allied and has no faith in his own strategy. this is an amazing amount of eyewitness history. >> it is bigger than that. the president's domestic policies have been so much a part of this that we forget how bad the foreign policy has been. you will find where he is and in this particular situation we see a member of his own cabinet as someone who said thank goodness that the secretary is at the home. and he comes up and says two crucial things. the vice president of the united states has been wrong in every situation on foreign policy. and that is what our allies have been saying.
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and that is what the eight armed services committee has been saying. especially when we look at foreign policy that is being implemented. lou: i don't know of a time in american history in which it has been said of a commander in chief and our troops are in arms way carrying out that commander's orders. >> especially when it has not been said by the president's own secretary of defense and someone that he has embraced and said that this is just the man that we need. that is a huge indictment and one that i think is resonating with a lot of people who have been looking at this issue. and that is pretty heavy evidence to conclude that the president is threatening the
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foreign-policy ramapo. lou: turning if i may to another part of the president's foreign policy. that is ungodly. more than half of americans now believe and they have been stonewalled for all of these months, refusing to divulge the fact of the matter. so what more can the united states congress to to bring forth the truth? >> we are going to continue to do it. because the american people understand that even the president of the united states can make mistakes in his administration can make mistakes and what they expect from the president and the commander-in-chief is one those mistakes have been made to have an honest discussion of them and to act quickly and decisively to's say what happened to
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correct those mistakes. and forgive me for interrupting. but congress is on the verge of contributing to the problem. 80% of the country says they're headed in the wrong direction and congress has a horrific approval rating, as does the president, which is actually higher by some measures the night of congress. why is there not a select committee eing formed that we be told what has happened in scandal after scandal and the internal revenue service and ungodly and the "fast and furious", department of justice, the list is long and the response from the white house is the same. silence and a very cold stone wall.
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>> as you know, the congressman actually had legislation to do just that. i joined with him in that legislation and i am continually opening that that legislation will be approved. but the second thing is while the president does have the power, the senate has backed him up on this and i think it's starting to resonate with the american people. we are seeing it poll after poll but now they to question the credibility and they just don't trust him. and that is the major problem that this administration has right now. lou: congressman, we thank you, as always. i also take up the president's foreign policies approaches and failures in my new book called up evil. you can get your copy at all over the country. it is on online now. you can get more details at
10:20 pm coming up next, the afghan president leasing 72 suspected terrorists against the obama administration and their wishes. general jack keane coming up next. next. stay with [ male announcer ] e new new york is open. open to innovation. open to ambition. open to boldids. that's why n york has a new plan -- move here, expand here, or start a new business here and pay no taxes for ten years... we're new york. if there's something that creates more jobs, and ows more businesses... we're open to it. start a tax-free business at
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lou: that attack was part of iraqi forces taking over places that were run by al qaeda. and another foreign policy failure for this administration in afghanistan. the afghan government leasing 72 prisoners that the united states had insisted were involved in common doesn't of troops. afghan officials say there isn't enough evidence and decided to release them from the prism. my next guest has read the
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entire robert gates book and says the former defense secretary released the book trying to prevent the events in iraq in afghanistan. also if fox news military analyst. general, what are your thoughts upon reading the book, which puts you in a very rare five class. >> well, first of all, it is refreshingly honest as a memoir. because he doesn't leave himself out. he admits all the mistakes that he made in some of them are serious. usually don't find those very much because he talks time and again about the troops and the personal responsibility that he bears for their safety and welfare and also the fact that when he entered his 50 year he
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thought his emotions were clouding his judgment. the other thing is obviously something that everyone is talking about so much. it comes across loud and clear in the narrative and that is the fact that the white house, led by vice president biden was undermining the decisions that were made to execute the war in afghanistan with a new strategy. and that is just outrageous and it's quite appalling to read it. it rings out to you when you read those excerpts and everything that they provide in the book is pretty significant. lou: if you will come expand on that. >> well, what happened was that as it was detailed, the president made a decision not to accept the vice president's recommendation on the war strategy for afghanistan and
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accepted the recommendation similar to the success that we were achieving in iraq and afghanistan and also additional forces to execute that from the beginning after the decision was made. the vice president and others did all that they could to assist that strategy, claiming it was failing and were undermining the ability of general stanley mcchrystal to execute it. and that was quite interesting and somewhat unprecedented to see that kind of behavior from such high officials. >> a lot is going to flow from this from the white house. we will be watching the expected damage control and much damage as you suggest. and i think that they will have already been a part of his. the credibility and the national
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security, i can't give you a the reading on it. but it is tarnished from what anyone could imagine even a year ago. that being said, we are watching the violence there that is overwheing. and right now many sources tell us that al qaeda has a presence in iraq and gives it control of more territory than ever before. and well they in fact succeed in this judgment? >> i do not know. but i do know that this is a very serious problem and they have seized fallujah. and this is where the sunni insurgency began back in 2003. but the facts are that al qaeda was defeated and they admitted it in 2009 and they said we are
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done. the fact of the matter is a lot of the policies with them, the lack of that and the lack of troops, and has invited al qaeda and embolden them. so they now have a swath of territory and they are not looking at that border is being meaningful but a major safe haven for them in the region. and this is significant for us in the u.s. interests and our own security. lou: how significant is it. the president's statements, the white house is letting us know that the president is raining in surveillance with congressional leaders. what are your thoughts? >> i believe that what the nsa has been doing has been right on the mark.
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and i do not believe that they are violating the civil liberties. if they're going to pull back from that, what will give in there is the people will be less secure and more vulnerable. and i think that's definitely a mistake. lou: general, it's good to talk to you. thank you for being here. >> thank you. take care. >> much more on the criticisms of the obama administration in the form policy. we take it up next and we are coming right back. >> the national liberal media has been all over new jersey governor chris christie. the question is not rhetorical and we will have an answer for [ male announcer ] if you suffer from a dry mouth
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lou: vermont democratic governors surprises the legislature devoting his entire state of the state address to a full-blown bear when prices. the governor insists the problem must be dealt with because it is costing his state to lives and dollars. >> we ust do for this disease what we do for cancer, diabetes, heart, and other chronic illnesses. would weaken prison in vermont is $1,123 but $100 will give a week of treatment at a state-funded center. lou: 4300 were treated for opiate addictions and vermont in increase of more than 770% since 2000. federal officials say most of the heroin in the northeastern part of the
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country originated in south american countries principally columbia and interest the united states through mexico or miami. a new study finds for the first time in our history for members of congress are millionaires. according to the center for responsive politics at least 268 of the 534 lawmakers have a net worth of more than $1 billion in 2012. joining me now the "a team." angela, a pate, and from the "new york post", michael goodwin. your reaction we have some well-heeled elected representatives in washington and? >> we do.
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i think they will do a good job since they are back in session with the election year. we have some greatly shield elected officials. lou: are you serious? [laughter] the same congress that has single-digit ratings? are you feeling okay? >> with the poll numbers as low as they are for congress it is the election year but they're ready to do work. they want to keep their job. lou: we have a blossoming of the great donning a shining city on the hill. you say the same thing i am sure. >> of course. i am very optimistic about our government. a study recently shows the bigger government gets the more intimate program
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summary spend, the more people get money from the government, the less trust there is. these lines are directly related. i public to see a congress that began to whittle down government, it would raise its own poll numbers and let people become millionaires at the same time. lou: nodding in agreement with you? >> i happen to agree. it is wonderful but when sure that helps them to understand how average people in the heartland can make it every day you feel that empathy. that is why they do the idiotic things they do. lou: that's why it -- i better not say that. [laughter] is president announces he will restructure and constrained the nsa.
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moving from a position where he was supported by the recommendations of the study group now now it looks like he wants to run from the agency he has led. how big a problem is that force this president or national security? >> and the president politically people don't trust him or the government. now he has had a failure after failure with domestic policy. he tries to show he will restructure and reinvent but it is too much too late. lou: it is not too late for us because we will be back in moments. a reminder to get your copy of my book "upheaval" at bookstores and nationwide go to might website for links. and the first official bird flu death is the antibiotic resistant super bug has also been revealed in a cluster
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in illinois. we will be right back with details and the "a team." details and the "a team." stay with us. [ male announcer ] here's a question for you: is your tv powered by coal? natural gas? nuclear? or renewables like solar... and wind? let's find out. this is where america's electricity comes from. a diversity of energy sources helps ensure the electricity we need is reliable. take the energy quiz. energy lives here.
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take the energy quiz. hey, buddy? oh, hey, flo. you want to see something cool? snapshot, from progressive. my insurance company told me not to talk to people like you. you always do what they tell you? no... try it, and see what your good driving can save you. you don't even have to switch. unless you're scared. i'm not scared, it's... you know we can still see you. no, you can't. pretty sure we can... try snapshot today -- no pressure.
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lou: to bring you up-to-date quickly on a concerned a number of developments canadian officials show the first case the bird flu feeling ill from beijing to canada and knowing the first case in beijing as well. 648 confirmed cases of the bird flu but mostly isolated in asia but that has changed. oh the largest outbreak of nightmare bacteria in the state of illinois contributing to rising concern of antibiotic resistant super bugs.
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it has been traced to the advocate lutheran hospital and the chicago suburb of park ridge. it lives in the intestines of their rare enzyme that breaks down the antibiotics has sickened 44 people over the past year. 23,000 americans are killed every year by super bugs. sexually transmitted diseases of the rise in the united states as the cbc reports cautery cases rose 4% last year while syphilis and jumped 11% it is linked to a lack of testing and a surge of infections among homosexual men. now back with the "a team." starting with governor christie as an assault of speculation from abc, cbs, nbc and the usual
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suspects of national newspapers. your thoughts? >> looking at the new york times and there were three of four stories today on the web site and on the front page about chris christie but not of bob gates or obama it was buried inside with some old leak headline about war and shadows but christie is a ripe target for the left because they see him as a real threat to hillary clinton 2016. the knives are out for him. >> as one of the most prominent republican presidential candidates he heads the republican governors association now. your thoughts about the coverage? media research cent pointed out 17 times the coverage given to the irs scandal calendar this administration. >> he is a major candidate
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for president of united states. that makes him very newsworthy. today was a bad day because the way that he dealt with it, he fired people but he tried to make him self out to be the victim but that is by his own staff. lou: was see convincing? >> he was but he is very wounded. >> when you are in his office the deputy chief of staff is implicated that is why it is news but we don't hear about the bob gates but we sure do hear about chris christie. >> i have to disagree. i don't believe chris christie is wounded. he did a wonderful job today but if you turn on the morning news you would think it was the end of the world covering him. we do have several scandals associated with this white house and president that the
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mainstream media will not cover. he did a great job but i hope he was firm what he said today. lou: let me ask this question. do think abc, cbs, nbc and national papers would call president obama wounded with half a dozen major scandals he has stonewalled over the course of that least beginning to years ago? >> no. there is a double standard. they would have no standards at all if not for double standards. [laughter] lou: not even you can top that. good one. joining the debate by home check us out on twitter or lou dobbs news or facebook
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for lou and i will share a few thoughts to night. here are few thoughts on former secretary gates. >> there may be the of the reasons for robert gates to delay his indictment of foreign policy but the saddest part is had gates made his thoughts public in october 2012 we might not be stuck with the obama for a second term. lou: interesting point. >> will obama as promised zone have the same meaning as a promise ring? lou: in other words, a promise with no commitment. [laughter] we have the smartest audience i am telling you. and about the g.o.p. establishment. >> for the past several years when have the republicans not sold out? lou: we will make that calculation we will have the
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answer tomorrow night. claims tha the internet is making us a dumber? there is a brand new book showing the information age will save our minds in the future in the american educational establishment from itself. next. [ male announcer ] this is the story of the little room over the pizza place on chestnut street the modest first floor bedroom in tallinn, estonia and the southbound bus barreli down i-95. ♪ this magic moment it is the story of where every great idea begins. and of those who believed they had thpower to do more. dell is honored to be part of some of the world's great stories. that began much the same way ours did in a little dorm room -- 2713. ♪ this magic moment ♪ open to innovation. open to ambition. open to boldids.
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that's why n york has a new plan -- dozens of tax free zones all across the state. move here, expand here, or start a new business here and pay no taxes for ten years... we're new york. if there's something that creates more jobs, and ows more businesses... we're open to it. start a tax-free business at
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lou: to bring you up-to-date with the latest developments on nine space flight there -- the of first cargo delivery as well launched to the international space station pakistan thousand pounds of supplies was six astronauts on the station part of a 1.9% billion
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dollar contract from nasa. a rival company also fly is cargo next month under a separate contract with nasa. today's launch originally scheduled for wednesday but a massive solar flare delayed a the mission over concern increased radiation could doom the launch the flare erupted from what appears to be one of the largest sunspots' stayed on the surface and more than a decade that has been an abnormally quiet decade. now in its cycle the solar activity has been the weakest in a century and deeply troubling. my next guest says americans are starting to abandon traditional education for new models and rising cost of lower test scores are contributing. here to talk about how to
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fix this education system is university of tennessee law professor who has a brand new book called the new school how the information age will save american education from itself. congratulations on the book and i hope you are right. millions of americans do becse education is in deep deep trouble. let's go to the idea what we have isn't working so what will work and how will technologies save education from a faulty education system? >> not one single new answer but what of different smaller answers because our current matt model for k through 12 and higher education was imported from germany in the 19th century. the was a bad then but now
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it is a 21st century and in the area to buy 1,000 different of shampoos it is odd we have one approach. lou: what changed particularly in elementary school and high school can we make casey 12th to contribute to improve education for our young people with better results? >> dell holmes system was to make reliable factory workers to a lineup like machines and no one tells you what to do. it was the one-size-fits-all approach. now kids learn differently. we know that and it makes sense to have a different approach for different kids. my age daughter went to online high-school she went three weeks through an entire year's worth of calculus then moved on to the next party cannot do that in public school and she graduated f-16.
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there is a lot more flexibility weather homeschooling. lou: she went off to college? of mine would be more efficient. >> i think after online high-school she was ready to try bricks and mortar. lou: client talking to a man who has conflict of interest at a bricks and mortar law school but the fact is we're headed to the explosion of the education bubble you are analyzing and recommending from the information age will improve things for you may be a victim. >> it is like keeping a diary while an officer on the titanic. [laughter] lou: let's hope that is a slower applications be made before the same reasons the lowest -- lowest admissions in 40 years? >> employer prospects are
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worse and students are stuck with a lot of debt and people say i am not confident enough i will make enough money to pay this off but i am going to make that investment. i think that is great they think of that in advance. lou: the data is so unreasonable and it is if we want people to buy cars we give everyone a $100,000 line of credit. it is crazy what is being done in the name of'' on approach to education. we look at the test scores and a struggle to create jobs. >> from kindergarten through graduate school everything cost too much and returning to little. lou: why don't you in higher education, why don't you talk about efficiency or productivity?
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why can't it be two years or one years? what is the deal? that sells like a deal from the middle ages. >> higher education is a little better. people are starting to. nothing concentrates people's mind like the fear of imminent disaster. people are talking about a two-year law school and increased online program. lou: one thing i had not considered is the increase of homeschooling. as a result of technology. that is exciting that they're ready greater family involvement with children. >> four people it works for it is terrific and nobody cares about your kid is much as you do. lou: the new school. thank you for being with u much continued success with the book. come back. don't forget to pick up a
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copy of my book "upheaval". thank you for being with us. we will see you tomorrow night. welcome back. how is everything? there's nothing like being your own boss! and my customers are really liking your flat rate shipping. fedex one rate. really makes my life easier. maybe a promotion is in order. good news. i got a new title. and a raise? management couldn't make that happen. [ male announcer ] introducing fedex one rate. simple, flat rate shipping with the reliability of fedex.
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single knockout. ♪ b1 forget about everyone exis. focus on something that is much more troubling. not what is going on in the garden state a what if looking at the irs. talk about putting the fox in charge of the henhouse. not me overseeing a buffet but the justice department selecting to lead the criminal probe into this group. republicans crying foul. darrell issa's


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