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tv   The Willis Report  FOX Business  January 11, 2014 11:00pm-12:01am EST

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continues. ibetter get that phone. [phe ringing] hmmm. good stuff. we'll end
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discovered by somebody else and it is very hard to determine exactly what was stolen becse there is n file because you can cut and paste and leave the original emplace. gerri: so it was days and@ weeks between the time target announced they had been breaced and when it started. weeks and weeks go by before it targets says were the number one be allowed reporters are asking questions. it just begs credibility to say no. they should be the first to no. isn't that their responsibility? >> it is. what is the most problematic not necessarily we have gone from 40 million to
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7million. what is really problematic we went from it is just pavement information to now it is personal information which is the key toraud. in my mind that underscores the importance of everyone who shot dead target to get there but on the phone to the bank to get the card we issued or change your pin. melissa: names and addresses common car expiration dates , ted numbers, indebted codes, it takes the question shouldn't we prevented this? you said tothe producer they should hav been in correcting this data and they could have prevented this. house so? >> there is a lot of standard standpractices so encrypting fat but they ose not to do it probably because of the expense.
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but creditcard security is baby now or pay me more leader. if you are not willing to pony up the money up front you'll pay more in the back end and they are discovering that now. gerri: the of baby later quotient is scary. you say there is a lot of money onhe line? >> the numbers vary but it will cost over $1 billion not even the good will they have losas customers in what they have to spend on credit monitoring to cover to 70 million customers. gerri: you talk about the actual losses but consumers are worried that sales at the pathan end of the year the offered a 10% discount
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and now on social media they are slammed. >> now we hear our names e-mail addresses? i will never sharpe -- a shot that target again. has the cio resigns and yet? and start their. people are piling on that you will get the credit che it is cold comfort. >> they are right. the of more consumers pushed so more people will invest with security becausehey assume it will not happen to them. no o has ever ben held up accountable for fraudulent charges on the credit card. they don't hold liability but i can understand why people are upset. gerri: one of the statements earlier from the mouth of
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the ceo don't be mad at us we are avictim. were damaged. i thought really? that is the stance you will take that you are the victim? you have our personal identity stolen. >> that is clearly damage control. he basically suggested that we areust as victimizes ui and it is clearly damage control and ossibly was in the hands of a fraudulent person. and john is corrrect. we are not liable for those targets on credit card we are not liable for fraudulent use of a debit card. but the problem is that whave to argue to get our money back from the bank. and during that time that money is not there due to the lack of
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funds. so merry christmas. gerri: i want to ask you, what should consumers be doing, if anything you said asked for more investment in some of the securities. but that will not be enough obviously. shall w be paying in cash everywhere we go and not to sign up for these affinity cards? and this is something that people are going to take seriously. >> i believe that they are going to take t seriously. >> you know come at the end of the day, someone takes a 20-dollar bill out of your wallet come you have no rights at all and it's gone and you're never going to get it back. and someone, if they use your
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credit card or bit card information fraudulently, you will get it ack. i still like the protections and the affordable capacity of plastic. gerri: if you take my $100, it's gone. but if you take my credit ca come you can steal my identity and the pain can go on for years. gerr it is old-fashioned, but it works. >> it does work. and that is the bank's money that is going to get stolen and not my money. gerri: i will show you right here. here is what we like. >> i've never seen one of those before. >> we will explain after the
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show. thanks to both of you for coming on tonight. that is tough, let me tell you. we appreciate you coming on tonight. >> thank you. gerri: now we want to know what you think. have you stopped shopping at target? logon and vote on the right-hand side of the screen and i will share the results at the endof tonight's show. and still to come, the feds cracking down. are you getting a 0% down deal? and new mortgage rules taking effect today may be doing more harm than good. that is next. please stay with us.
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gerri: more government intervention into the housing market. courtesy of the consumer financial protecti bureau. while the government is touting rules as away to protect us from risky loans, fears are growing that these rules will only hurt the very people it is
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intended to help and keep buyers out of their dream homes. we have the executive vice president. rick, it is great to see you. is your company. it so i have to ask you if you share my fears and will it actually end up hurting a lotof folks out there that like to buy a home? >> yes, the 43% net income rate illuminated that and so we ar going to see his. >> this is kind of a critical part ofhat is going on and loans can be improved if the powe that exceeds his or her income. why did they think that was necessary? >> well, it will be especially tough on minority borrowers, particularly tho at the end of
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the borrowing table. a lot of the borrowers ll have a hard time complying with the rules and 43% of their income, no more than 40% of their income can go towards their housing expenses. gerri: so there is more to it than just a qualifying mortgage rul, there's limits on bank fees and income and debt requirements and what i don't like about it. you know, we had all kinds o special and crazy once before. and there aractually people who need tse loans that we may be walking out of the marketplace because they can hit these rquirements. >> that isoing to be a very deeply affected group of potential borrowers and it's people who don't have the right paperwork that they have put out. but by their own estimate, about 8% of ours won't be eligie who would've been eligible in 2013.
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and the industry estimates are even worse. and so that turns into hundreds thousands of potential borrowers who simply aren't going to be able to get a lo for the time being. gerri: a lot of those people are going to be small-business owners who then may not be as someone they can count on. the housing market just picked up. so what happened? >> well, this is going to tigen credit and make it difficult for people to buy houses. so i believe demand will go down a little bit. i believe the home price appreciationumbers will continue to go up. marginally you're looking at three 4% this year compared to the doublee digits that we sw last year. and i think that we will have more or less a flt year in terms of the number of units sol still better than we were at the bottom of the market and far away from beng a healthy and
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robust level that we would all like to see. gerri: my mother used to say that folks are a day late and a llar short. that is what the regulators are. and it's not just a problem. and it seems to me is just ridiculous. what you say? >> i think that you are right. we are correcting problems that have already been solved and i will give them a little bit of credit though. they did not extend what they are dictatin much beyond what a lot of common practice in the marketplace is right now. and so they didn't completely go off the deep end in terms of regulations. they pretty much codified what a lot of lenders were doing. it's just very risk-averse market. gerri: we don't have enough market lenders as it is. the big banks have dialed ack
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this and we need those folks out there planning to americans so they can buy a home. >> there are two problems. what is the dependence on government-based lending in these rules have submitted the governments role in until we get private capital back in the marketplace that will fund the non-bank lenders to come and with nonconforming loans, it's going to be tough for people who are on the borderline of being able to get a loan to be able to buy a house andhat will have econom reprussions for the rest of us see one we have a long way togo. rick, thank you so much and have agreat weekend. well, later in the show, being forced to rveal who you are online. and also, how do you know if these advertisements are missing you are% down really mean it? we will have that after the break. welcome back. how is everything?
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there's nothing like being your own boss! and my customers are really liking your flat rate shipping. fedex one rate. really makes my life easier. maybe a promotion is in order. good news. i got a new title. and a raise? management couldn't make that happen. [ male announcer ] introducing fedex one rate. simple, flat rate shipping with the reliability of fedex. open to innovation. open to ambition. open to boldids. that's why n york has a new plan -- dozens of tax free zones all across the state. move here, expand here, or start a new business here and y no taxes for ten years... we're new york. if there's something that creates more jobs, and ows more businesses... we're open to it.
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start a tax-free business at over the pizza place on chestnut stet the modest first floor bedom in tallinn, estonia and the southbound bu barreli down i-95. ♪ this magic moment it is the story of where every great idea begins. and of those who believed they had thpower to do more. dell is honored to be part of some of the world's great stories. that began much the same way rs did in a little dorm room -- 2713. ♪ this magic moment
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♪ gerri:o you think all those promises of zero down seemed too good to be true
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gerri: the federal trade commission putting the bras on decepte advertisements at nine auto dealerships rather country. the advertisements promise everything from sweepstakes prizes that didn't exist 20% down with strings attached. here to help us spot these deals is the car coach. i think they found some of the bad guys and some of these promises were ridiculous.
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and in this case whenou are talking about people that are made and switch or misrepresenting themselves it has to be signed or released and anything from as simpleas a article. we all have to be so careful. people are bypassing the thing you know that a consumer is going to find themselves being one that gets caught up in us. and everything that we deal helps the auto industry including manufacturers and
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dealers with that negative energy put towards them. >> i think that we have always been circumspect about this% down and financing. because we know some are getting their money back a different way. so how dothese dealerships make money when they say this? so how do they make their money? you know they are getting at. >> you have to remember that sometimes they have a 0% financing or money back. and you will select a page title and registration and all the other fees whetherit's a gas fee or a tax for all of us. one thing that is really important is your betterff taking that money down after you do your negotiations. and say i on't want a the financing, i would rather have the money don and then you can
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go to a credit union which makes sense. and that iseally a smarter choice. and it will definitely mpact you. gerri: i like that idea from and maybe check them out and see what they have to offer. it's not enough to go to the first person that offers committee really want to look at a bunch of different people. thank you for coming in tonight. have a great weekend. thank you for being with us. >> thank you for having me. gerri: what happens when you sign-up for obamacare? only to have the insurer tell you there is no record of it. it happened to mynext best. especially if you don't have to give your name to do it. we will have that next [ indistinct conversations ]
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[ male announcer ] when you wear dentures you may not know it, but your mouth is under attack. food particles infiltrate and bacteria pliferate. ♪ protect your mouth, with fixodent. the adhesive helps create a food seal defense for a clean uth and kills bacteria for fresh breath. ♪ fixodent, and forget it.
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gei: an increasing number of people rely on review sites like to yell and that is why one individual revealed what he made what he called were false critical reviews on lp. is it the end of the anonymous review? with me now is bill from ken and lis wiehl. >> that's right. really negative reviews were written. they wanted to know who allies. it was damaging.
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>> under the virginia law, i think they have a case. if you can show that something is out there that may hurt you in the business sector and you have not been told who that person is, you have a claim. gerri: but still i love to complain and online. [laughter] >> in this particular case i think the court got it wrong and the reason is there's an important constitutional right to free speech and anonymous free speech has been recognized because sometimes people are afraid to speak up. gerri: like whistleblowers at. >> just. they have a whole different category. >> the truth is that the showi that was made by the owner of this business -- what doesn't ke sense is that if you ook at my database and i know they are not my customers, why once you know who they are?
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gerri: but this has incredible impact on people. and you can say anything as an opinion. but if you put out a the so-called facts, even on the internet, when you say this is a fact that it's damaging, that is a defamation. gerri: so the fact that it wa implied is that i was a customer and i didn't like the service and the company is saying, you were never at her cmpany. >> there was a dissenting opinion by one of the judges. do you know for fact a fact that these people were not customers. well, they believe that they. >> i am parsing language, but this is the case. >> you should have a constitutional right to free
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speech. gerri: here's my question. now you can't say anything on the internet? >> no, it's not going to come to that. i just don't think it will come to that. i think it's a very no deision. i think that the internet is pretty much protected in some ways. some is good in some ways back. gerri: if you are relying on the interne - i know. >> a lot of businesses gain from these reviews. and you have to take the good with the bad. but their other jurisdictions as well. gerri: so will you write a nice review on yelp for me? [laughter] >> i think the people should know that they should have some
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degree know what they're tking about. >> having no sense of grounding of the. >> the problem is that they are going on supposition. they don't really know. gerri: now they are going to reveal these people. that is what i think is shocking. d here is a number that is just amazing. yelp has 47 million reviews written by users. whether you are at a restaurant and your tourist complain this or you are at a dry cleaner or a grocery store. they have incredible power. >> and i want to know what is going on. but i also d't want salacious information out there. >> that is really the issue. but as i said getting involved in protected speech, you have to have a lot of goods tbe able
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to show the court says. >> it's very interesting i think it will repeat itself. >> i think source so as well. gerri: this is such a huge category you guys do such a good job. thank you both so much for coming here. >> absolutely. all right, thank you guys. well, the invention of the smart phone may be easier for consumers to post reviews online. before you've even had a chance to cool down. seven years ago this week steve jobs change the world with the first iphone. he said that he hoped to grab 1%, just 1% of the global marke for cell phones and today apple holds 13%.
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this news technology work this and many otheitems. the iphone users are tonight's top five. the blackberry was once the go to cell phone and thanks to the iphone, why take up space on your i nightstand. and a gps system as well like the garmen and the tom-tom. and the number one thing is table manners. forget talking to the person you ar eating with and how new rules may leave you grounded problems surrounding have produced a whol new group of people and i
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will be joined by one of them in just a minute. [ ilen yelling ] [ telephone rings ] [ shirley ] edwa jones. this is shirley eaking. how may i help you? oh hey, neill, how areou? how was the trip? [ male announcer ] with nearly 7 million investors... [ shirle] he'sight here. hold on one sec. [ malennouncer ]'d expect us to have a highly skilledall center. vin, neill holley's on line one. ok, great. [ male announcer ] and we do. it's how edward jones makes sense of investing. ♪
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to be fairhow edward jones makes sense of investing. no cutting in line... play by the rules. don't pick on the little kids.. well, there's something i need toell you mommy's and daddy's should be that way, too. every time you go to the store you have a chance to be fair and it makes a huge difference. just look for the fair trade certified label on products in the grocery store it means that farmers are getting a fair deal... ... that they can look forward to a brighter future buy fair. fair visit to learn more
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gerri: tonight we have an exclusive interview with a woman who thought that she h signed up for insurance or obamacare but it never happened. joining me now is one of the many so-called obamacare orphans. and we also have a senior fellow at the manhattan institute. you have had some frustrating weeks trying to get signed up for obamacare. can you tell us why you were looking for coverage and what happened? >> yes, i was looking for coverage because i received a letter last may stating that as of december 31, 2013, my current insurance was not going to go forward. so it was very proactive. i started looking into tthis on
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the eastside of manhattan and i chose a navigator to help me walk through the enire process. gerri: so ou can't help? >> yes, the first day. you and you have coverage? >> i don't now. i finally signed up through the navigator on november 6. i have gone on to meith this person a month earlier and then the computer were not working. we waited and things were being work out. and then i as signed up through new york state of health through the help of a navigator and i was told that i would be receiving a bill in the mail in the next couple weeks. when i got to be the first week of december and no bill arrived, i started making phone calls to blue cross and blue shield, who i chose as my new insurance coverage. and they have not even received my application. and then i received a call from
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them saying that they had received my application. >> sees trouble to get coverage and it was no easy thing using a navigator and working very hard at trying to figure this out and sign up. and now you don't know how you have coveragenot. so how unusual is this >> the obama administration is saying that th're only 13,000 people are so they're in the the situation. but insurance executives consecutive saves almost five to 10%f people in about 2 million people. actually little more than that now. we are talking abt these people otentially. gerri: so how well do te did the website work for you? >> i didn't actually work the website myself. i worked it through this navigator. and we did choose plan and i selected it and it gave me a letter saying that i had signed
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up. gerri: but they never cash or check? >> no. and that is what i was getting to before. when th finally told me that they received my application, i was told to send a check, which i did on december 21. and as of 4:30 p.m., at the bank said that the check has not been cached. gerri: i think a lot of people that are saying that i did the right thing. where is the coverage? >> yes, it's a huge problem. and we have found out, one of the top i.t. officials, the system for paying this hasn't even been built et and this was as of november 15, six weeks after the exchanges were launched. so they hadn't begun to build on. so they aren't finished yet and a lot of insurers are pretty nervous about that. gerri so tell us how you feel
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about this and what is your message? because you voted for this president in the been a supporter. >> yes, i have. i just feel a bit diappointed. and it just seems not to be playing out that way and my doctors have informed me that they are not expecting blue cross and blue shield through the portal jak. gerri: this is is an xample of someone who is out there tryig to sign up for coverage. under obamacare they can't keep their position that they probably had for years. so that is so frustrating. >> if she's able to get her insurance, she will benefit from
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obamacare because she is eligible for a large subsidy under the structure of the obamacare exchange. so this should be a lot lower, something like 60 to 70% lower than what she was paying before. gerri: but it's not meaningful she's not getting the card in the mail. so what would you lie to see happen? with messages what is the message that you'd like to give to the president? >> i don't know if he can do anything. i think it has gotten to a point thathe insurance committee set to quickly and i'm just fearful. what if i needed it to a hospital by doctor? i have no card to show, just a letter that says i signed up and that is something i do. but i have no official cards to show this and that is the problem. gerri: if someing happens, that makes sense. now she'sn a time where you have no coverage at all. it is just not fair.
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i know people out there are so deeply frustrated. just got news that the government is firg one of the main providers of software and technical support and are you surprised and what does this tell you? >> i'm surprised that they were hired in the first place. they had an incredible record of failure. in the province of ontario. they spent $46 million on this and they abandon the project. they have a recor of doing this over and over again that they have lobbied and they are very politically connected to navigating bureaucracy. to that is why they get hired for these jobs. the administration has, they are very political and ueaucratic. so they nevershould've brought
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this in the first place. gerri: byron ensure is working faster? >> welcome and they are doing everything they can and i do believe that. the other one is losing money people don't pay their premiums and they think that they are covered. gerri: but they are not getting accurate information to begin with, are they? >> they are doing things quietly and politely to connce them to work with them. but they are the ones that are getting stepped on. gerri: i hope you'll come back and talk to us about this. you know, we really feel for you and we know that you're one of many who are experiencing this frustration and anxiety. thank you for coming on. an i want to tell our viewers here if u're in the situation and try to sign up for obamacare and you really want to get that coverage. you can't get i. give us a call.
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send us an e-mail at follow me and let us know what going on wh you. we want to hear what from yu and we will tell your story on the air. still to come, my "two cents more". and the government strikes agai what could make your next trip a nightmare. details are coming ou right details are coming ou right after the break. [ female announcer ] you get sick, you can't breathe through your nose... suddenly you're a mouth breather. a moh breather! how do you sleep like that? you dry up, your cold feels even worse. well, put on a breathe right strip and shut your mouth. cold medicines open your nose over time, but add areathe right strip, and pow! it instantly opens your nose up to 38% more so you can breathe and do the one thing you want to do. sleep. add breathe right to your cold medicine. shut your mouth and sleep right. breathe right. add breathe right to your cold medicine. so ally bank reallhas no hthat's right, no hidd fees.nts? it's just that i'm worried about, you know, "hidden things."
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ok, why's that? well uhhh... surprise!!! um... well, it's true. at ally there are no hidden fees. not one. that's nice. no hidden fees, no worries. ally bank. your money needs an ally. gerri: travelers, brace your
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gerri: a new federal rle requiring more rest time for pilots may cause headaches
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especially true after jetblue had to cancel hundreds of flights this week blaming weather and an faa regulation. what does this mean for you? joining us now is mark murphy. he is the author of this new book called travel forward. it's very interesting. and i want to talk about this rule. because now pilots have to have more rest. >> it went fr eight hours to 10 hours and it just came into effect in some of the major carrie that party counted for that, jetblue is not the same. gerri: so eight hou must be uninterrupted sleep. so why do these rules come through? >> became through because of the flight that crashed over buffalo. they said pilot fatigue played a role in that and what they wanted to do was make it as safe
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as possible in the skies. so you will show up rested and the airlines have to accommodate that. now, i don't believe the excuse with jetblue because at was passed in 2011. and that is where it gets a little bit more difficult. so let's say there is a mechanicapart that come back and that crew can now no longer fly because they used up those hours and so the cost of the airlines are going to go up to. gerri: absolutely. so the thing that i took away, you thought that the complained they were a little too cranky. it was ke the government is blaming te weather for the bad economic impact? >> yes. gerri: so not jetblue is blaming
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people on this as well? >> yes, i think it should not have been. it shouldn't have happened to the extent the. gerri: this will increase demand and that where you are going life. the ui cou have more pilots and there aren't enough pilots. can you look at what those regional pilot make? >> yes, and they hav hundred thousand dollars worth of cost to go to flight school. so it's supply and demand and everyone wants to fly and you are reallygetting paid that you are there to thank those hours and ke big money. and the challenge is the instment and people are basically saying no, i'm not going to do it. gerri: and now they have expressed more and it will take longer turn those hours. >> yes. but i think what will end up
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happening is they will have to start paying pilots higher wages which will translate into higher ticket prices. gerri: so what does this mean for ? that is what i reallyare about. >> eventually ll have to pay more to fly. the airlines have operated and there is no interruptions or whether issues and everything is lined up. but at the end of the day they will have to hire more people anyway a pay those regional pilots a little bit more money. but the ones who get hurt are the secondary cities rely on regional jets. gerri: that is where the fares have been. >> okay. gerri: thank you so much and have a great weekend. gerri: time for a look at the
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top stories. 100 million customers have had their personal information stolen from target and originally target said 40 million cards were affected. but the company said they are offering credit monitoring to custercustomers in target is asking for new bill to be passed today requiring security requirements on the interpretation of obamacare. the white houe says the bill stands no chance in the senate. and it's surprising that this jobs rept isn't having much alone impact on wall street. 74,000 jobs were added in december and far less than economists were expecting. and president obama intends to nominate a new vice chairman of the fed. he will succeed janet yellen who is the federal reserve's
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sucssor of ben bernanke. those are some of the hot stories on fox i will be right back with my question, have you stopped welcome back. how is everything? there's nothing like being your own boss! and my customers are really liking your flat rate shipping. fedex one rate. really makes my life easier. maybe a promotion is in order. good news. i got a new title. and a raise? management couldn't make that happen. [ male announcer ] introducing fedex one rate. simple, flat rate shippi with the reliability of fedex. of the dusty basement at 06 35th street the old dining table at 25th d hoffman. ...and the little room ove the strip mall f roble avenue. ♪ this magic momt it is the story of where every great idea begins. and of those o believed they had the power to do more.
11:56 pm
dell is honored to be part of some of the world'great stories. that began much the same w ours did. in a little dorm room -- 2713. ♪ this magic moment ♪ before those little pieces would get in between my dentures and my gum and it was uncomfortable. [ male announcer ] just a few dabs is clinically proven to seal out more food particles. [ corrine ] super poligrip is part of my life now.
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[ male announcer ] wt kind of energy is so abundant, it can help provide the power for all th natural gas. ♪ more than ever before, america's electricity is generated by it. exnmobil uses advanced visualization and drilling technologies to produce natural gas... powering our lives... whileeducing emissions by up to 60%. energy ves re ♪ open to innovation. open to ambition. open to boldids. that's why n york has a new plan -- dozens of tax free z all across the state. move here, expand here, or start a new businessere and pay no taxes for ten years... we're new york. if there's something that creates more jobs, and ows more businesses... we're open to it. start a tax-free business at
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>> targets sa millions of customers were afcted than they previously thought. will you stop shopping at target? >> no. >> yes because they already knew the problems the day i went shopping in did not tell me. they could have told me so i did not use my credit card. i am not happy at all. >> also the question on gerri 54 percent said no. 46 percent said yes. >> the federal government waste most of our taxes
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taxes, bleeding cuts of a trillion livesith millions of expenditures by the fed. >> what's next? the air you breathe stacks or walk, walk tax? >> who owns your information? that is that the parts of the story. the target customers who voluntarily shared personal information that would later be sold in. who i the victim? the retail chain or its customer? and then the issue of negative reviews on websites posted negative anonymous review and the court could find you if the vendor complaints. with illegally sharing every detail with anybody who asks for it is clearly past time that we stop that. coming up nxt week our users guide to a new year into new you. real lack of the best ways
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to spend less and save more how you're smart phone can help you. that is it for the love of this report. have a great weekend and a great guy. 7%. neil: okay, thank you guys so much. john: at the wealth gap is getting worse. >> this is the defining challenge of our time. >> the rich are getting richer. the other percentage of people are left to suffer. john: you suffer because these people make more than you? and government can force more quality. and every oneof


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