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tv   Bulls and Bears  FOX Business  January 26, 2014 8:00am-8:31am EST

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>> thank you. >> thank you, everybody. but now, diving, layoffs, percolating and big name companies like mickey d's seeing fewer customers buying. well, all of this sent unemployment climbing. hi, everyone, this is "bulls and bears." welcome. everybody. there is lots of red arrows on wall street, main street, should we be bracing for more pin clips? >> i think so. i think it's the root of the problem is people just aren't spend close. look at the number of companies,
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the names of the companies that have announced po earnings or at a minimum poor forecasts. we have wal-mart. we have sear's. we have places like game stop, best buy, gap. i pine, christmas was really poor and it's just, i don't see it getting any better. and if it's not getting better. if the consumer is not spending, it's almost impossible for the vast companies that make the s&p to grow, if they aren't growing, they aren't hiring. simply put, i think we have seen our best days of unemployment. i think it starts to go back up. >> mark, what do you think? >> i think there is a reason consumers are not spend close. is they don't have the money in their pocket to do so. there is no question when the middle class has a on the of money, they will inject it. they will spend it. no estion, it will be a big boost for the stocks, the companies, they can hire, they can, the reason this is
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happening because the however we have seen over the past couple years is disproportion natalie affected in a positive way, they're well off already. i think mostf your panelists will agree with me on this. we seen the stockmarket recover, housing price goes up. we haven't seen wages increase. we haven't seen the minimum wage, discovery distribute and shared by all americans. >> first of all, if we agree with you say, upper class do spend him i'm in the sure everybody agrees with that. john what do you say? is unemployment going to keep climbing because we have having problems in the economy? >> i think so. look. this has zero to do with the middle wage. look at a company like twitter, they're a $33 billion market cap company, with 2,300 employees. compare that to a company that
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has $29 billion mark cap but 239,000 employees. 100 times the employees for less market cap. that's how wealth is be close created. the problem we are seeing right here is we still have a net loss in jobs since president obama has taken office. wead the lowest participation rate since march, 2008. we see target, j.c. penneys, target laying off people. there are a lot of positives out will. but the negatives we see, especially with natural gas rising and costs for all people are starting to take an effect on this stockmarket and this economy. >> john doesn't paint a pretty picture. do you think it's going to get better? . >> i'm not as pessimistic about the situation. i will say if the stockmarket keeps going down like it did this last week, it will go down, en i would say unemployment could go up. there has been a huge wealth
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effect since the mid-90s there is a trick him downesque in the econom economy. they feel richer. they wiped out the '07, '09 crash. it will let people spend less. and that would lead to higher unemployment. >> what do you think of it? >> i think the obama administration has backfired. they have hurt the middle glass beam. the reverse effect happened. >> that is no one's fault but the white house, what is happening in middle america, still what has been happening for years now. uncertainty out of d.c. ineasing my taxes. i don't know what's going to happen. i don't know what's happening with obamacare. are people going for a time? who the heck knows? why would you wanto spend anything? all you will hear out of the financial pundits over the next few weeks is no top line growth. >> that means no revenue, no
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sales. people are not buying stuff, because they still don't know what the heck is going on out there. >> mark, she says uncertainty is causing a lot of this. >> yeah, i have to take issue with a boum's policies be close, you can't blame them on everything. >> it's a burning bush, mark. >> no, look. somehow the rich are putting money back into the economy instead of off shore accounts. they're investing it in foreign stocks. listen to me. economic inequality is as bad as it has ever been since 1928. we remember what happened ater fine 28. there is a reason why middle class people aren't spending money. it's not because of obamacare anduncertainty, they d't have the money if their wallets right now. >> let's talk about the trickle down. the last time we had a huge boom in the economy when the upper 1% got fabulously wealthy was during the internet yes, guys
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like mark cuban becoming billionaires, jeff besos. many other companies that wre created in that internetoom under reagan. what hpened then? you had billionnaires eated. you had an unemployment rate below 5%. the people total that had given up looking for jobs was 6% him you had one of the greatest booms in the economy an employment that way. rich people got rich and hired people to work for those companies, this inequality argument is silly. we can't redistribute it around and make the employment rate go back down to 5%. >> 74% in a recent po of americans think that we are still in a recession. if you think it, is that going to basically make it true? >> only if you behave differently than the year before? you don't have to spend less
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than the last year. those people don't think they are spending money because their proposal. some are spend close 20 times as a pessimist. circling back, what can i tellu because the market tank,t's not good. because we have an economy more and more tied to the stockmarket and the original point about the number of employees, it's kind of interest close, because people are creating a lot of employees, so unemployment is going to be higher. that's just the direction the economy is going him it's not like 100 years ago, you start as an oil conglomerate, this can be done on a small amount of people today. you don't need the hiring. even in the ' boom, there are fewer employees behind these numbers today. >> talk to any small business owner, all their expenses are going up. heating costs, you name it. propane is higher nowaday, everything is more expensive. that's why they don't have money
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to spend because they're spend close-to-put the lights on. they are struggling to keep the ones they have. >> you know, jonas brought up theealth everything, if the stockmarkets hire, if your house is worth more. you feel richer, so you might end more. is that contrast true as well? >> sure it is, people look at their 401ks, they don't feel that wealth effect. so they don't spend as much money. look, we have the most dysfunctional government i think in the history of governments anywhere in this world and their policies have fuelled the middle class. look, workers went from manufacturing to housing, housing was a bubble. those workers right now don't have jobs anywhere. there is no middle class. the rich have gotten richer. poverty is almost 50 million people in america. there is nothing out therefrom this government or anybody else to help with job growth.
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job growth is what we need. >> garyb.. the do you is up some 15%, there is a lot of money made. >> yep, there was, i earth forget who made the point, a lot of companies me good earnings is because ey were able to cut costs, increase productivity while not hiring back the workers. we need industries like the frack close industry to come be the next internet or some energy or something new we haven't thought of. in in order to do that, we need the take the shackles off business. right now they are burning companies as john said with too many regulations, too many tacks and too many things like obamacare in order to grow. everyone is afraid to take a step forward. yet, that's what we need. >> thanks, guys. well, everyone is watching the terror threats. ahead of the olympic games, is
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there afternoon even bigger threat closer to home. why this top military guy is warning how mount close deads the biggest securit thread facing the fakes. neil and the gang are all over it at e bottom of the hour. up here first, more companies dropping insurance for part-time workers him some here are ask close if that was the original intent of obamacare all along, intent of obamacare all along, pitting [ female announcer ] you get sick, you can't breathe through your nose...
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. target is taking heat for cutting health insurance for part-time workers saying, well, they can get it from obamacare. it the latest company to do so. now, where is the law pitting employees against their employers and, john, are you sayi that was the plan all along? >> yes. wuj of the first ones that brought this up. mr. krautheimaner, he is right as he usually is, you don't ha asbestos di for a part-time worker. the government wants to take over the health care exchange, which they are getting to 35 of the 50 states said we can't afford it. they are pushing it back to the federal government. the federal government had planned this all along to control this insurance market. there looks like they're getting their way. >> jonathan, is thereomething wrong anywhere with providers providing employees with health care? >> yeah. what is this bogus relationship between the employer and employee? why should target have to provide health insurance to a
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part-time worker stocking shelves? that is absurd and puts the competitors to the advantage. i mean, look, basically, they have to get their own health care. those who can't afford it, the government should kick in. if it goes in that direction, it's a win. this whole situation where employers have the hr department for health care, like that's what they have to provide employees. no major country does that, either by ourself, you dump on the national health care system. i think it's a win for target. it's good, they shouldn't be punished for not wanting to get everybody an insurance plan? >> is this pitting employees against some employers of obamacare? >> i love john and highly respect charles. i think you are giving the government too much credit. i don't think they're art off. >> that would be conniving and conspiratorial. they're t that smart. i think it's a complete understanding consequence. they screwed up from the get-go. as you all know,ancy pelosi said it. no one read if thing. no one knew this was going to
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happen. every day we get a new revelation how this thing will fall apart. >> all right. mark. weigh in he. >> how is it going to fall apart? you are are adding new enrollees to obamacare. let's remember, too, you are taurk u talking about target having 10%, even if they have signed up in the first place, most when you think about part-time, high school students, college students are in their parents' health ce the vast majority are getting it from their spouse or have medicare. so we're not talking a huge number of people here. part of the reason target is can sell close its health care, as it says, it has a lo participation rate. guess what? good for america that those people getting bounced off their health insurance have a place to go get high affordable health insurance, if they need it, it's subsidized and, you know, this only in america? no, not only in america -- >> mark said they were getting more enrollees, most of them already had insurance plns, most of them are older people
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what about the whole employer/employee? >> not to mention the people that got kicked off their health insurance plans, normally, 99.9% of the time i agree with tracy, the government, they're not smsmart enough to be that nefarious to figure itout. but in this case, i think it was relatively lazy, they sat there and thought, hmm, how can we get people int our system? what will make it easy for companies to kick them off? think that's exactly what happened here with target. basically, they said it's 10 pshs of our employees. we can wipe our hand and be done with them. they can go into obamacare. more and more, because mark's dream, i spoedz, is that more and more people ce into that then these companies, they get rid of health care, event wally move to a single payer system. the problem with mark, oh my gosh it's so great they can go to the government. yes. that can also do that in a free market, if we had one in health
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care, which we don't. >> thanks, guys. last word there. so before you say "i do," this may have you say "i don't." one state proposing forcing couples to take pre-wedding classes. talk about giving love a bad name name. (vo) you are a business pro. seeker of the sublime. you can separate runway diculousness... from fashionhat flies off the shelves. and from national. because only national lets you choose any carn the aisle... and go. and only national isanked hiest in car rental customer satisfaction by j.d. power. (natalie) ooooh, i like your style. (vo) so do we, business pro. so do we.
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>> it's enough to drive brides berserk. colorado the latest state pushing for mandatory pre-wedding classes before let close couples walk down the aisle. ten hours for your first marriage, 20 hours for the second and 30 hours if it's your third, thank god i don't live in colorado. tracy, do you say "i do" to this idea? >> i did therapy, i did everything with my now ex-husband. apparently, you can't teach people to stay together. you grow, you change. this stuff just happens. you don't take combatibility course bfrs you walk down the aisle. colorado is not going to teach people to stay together. >> jonas, do you want the organization that gave us the proposed and the irs to be telling us how to stay married? >> most definitely. let's forget colorado for a second. they just legalized marijuana,
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so you got to have a whole set of rules like a cool close off period to get married, which the provides. you know, it's not the federal government doing it. a lot of states have by czar rules. new jersey can't get a vanity plate. it's not good for the economy, we are lucky you get to be 25 to get married. that's like renting a car. i think it's a grea move in that direction. >> you have a very good marriage. john, tell us what you think about this. >> jonas knowing mug about divorces, look. i aed somebody who is an expert on this. okay. exs spend a lot of money. it's actually very good for the economy. no precounseling this time. i hope whoever made this law was as high as justin bieber on that legal prop in colorado. they have to admit they are
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stupid. stay out of marriage, government. by the way, colorado has a grea pro-football team right now. >> that's true. all right. we'll haveore on the beibs coming up later. mark, what do you think? >> look, i'm not married. i haven't yet been married, but i happen to be really good at standardized tests. wonder if there is a testing component to this. then you can hold it over your spouse the rest of your lives if you did particularly well on it. i think marriage is an education. you shouldn't require an education, what what i have been told, anyway. >> somebody that can teach us all is gary b. you have been married how many years? >> going on 20 seconds. >> you didn't take a class, did you? >> i take a class every day, brend brenda. >> that's why you are still married. >> in all seriousness, i wish someone had sat down. after 25 years, i still make
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mistakes i wish i hadn't. i made a lot of them in the early years, but the fact remains it's not the government's job to do that. if iwanted to, i'm sure i could have read books, sought out counseling? maybe it would have work, maybe it wouldn't have. it's not the government's rule to tell us what to eat and that yocamamy stuff. well, after the hacking, get ready to be paying these credit cards may soon cost you more. is it worth every penny? plus, how arnold's pump close ♪ [ chicken caws ]
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[ male announcer ] when your favorite food starts a fight, fight back fast with tums. eartburn relief that neutralizes acid on contact and goes to work in seconds. ♪ tum, tum tum tum tums!
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>> predictions, gary, b., you are up. >> brenda, i think this bearisess is just about over. i am bullish. it's the time to buy. dia, which represents the dow. >> arnold once said when you grow up, drink beer. >> gary b., pomar bear? >> i think it's weak, wait for some strong day to buy. >> tracy. >> we feed secure tip credit cards. the cost of converting credit karksdz much cheaper tha the hacking costs we will
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experience. >> jonas, your prediction. >> justin bieber got pulled over in a lamborghini. ride fast in a car that look it goes slow. >> polar bear. >> big poor justin bieber. >> all right. look at that, awkward, we are deal close with terror threats ahead of the winter olympics over there. something this guy is worried abouthat is a lot more of a threat over here. hi, everyone, i'm neil cavuto, call at this time national security debt threat. retired admiral mike mullen at one time the highest rank close military officer in our nation sound close off about all the spending going on in our nation and all that debt that's behind it. >> we just can't be the country that we are capable of in the time in the world reneed it as much as we feed it if we keep


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