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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  January 27, 2014 10:00pm-11:01pm EST

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after this date of the union they will be on with stossel look at the after show. have a good night. we will see you tomorrow. >> go evening. president obama will deliver his fifth state of the union to relieve the but the economy will get another projection after the baby's there minutes after a number of ecomic reports are released. we will take up the good tunes the bad news the ugly. hillary clinton begins the 2016 public rehabilitation on benghazi ashy gears up for another run at the white house. and after a volatile session on wall street dow jones industrial average
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stretching five days. the top storyy president obama bluetooth delir his fifth state of the union which he is expected to push id, and in a quality agenda that did illustrational and threatens to support without congress stood back to conduct that he will use every means available to him to move forward to the achievement of those goals that includes working with congress if they will work with him but he simply boat stop there because mindful of congress' reluctance to be cooperative the president will exercise his authority. >> the actual state of the gene could be defined by both good and bad numbers
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that are a result of the economic policies. first the current national debt stated that $17 trillion that is a number that will double since obama took office. 20 million americans have joined the foot stamps record 46 and a half million americans living alex or below the poverty line despite the president calls for it, inequality during last year's state of the union obamacare has witnessed a record growth in the stock market of nearly 150% increase since the lows of the recession. a sl but steady rise of gdp has increased nearly 18% for the second quarter of 2009 in interest rates have moved higher but consumers still enjoy a relatively low interest rates.
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while the unemployed rate hafallen at 6.7% that is deceptive driven by the work force participation rate dropping t the old lows of the jimmy carter presidency. the president released a tease of the speech suggesting more of the same proposal after one year that saw the majority of the agenda stall. we have the rert. >> today president obama used social media with a short video. >> although the top aides signal the power play he will work with issues on immigratn but also will bypass with unilateral executive action. >> mindful of congress' reluctance to be cooperative
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that times the president will exercise his authority senate bill by house -- the white house even did a tweet of the pen. >> why not take that 10 today to approve the keystone pipeline? >> as has been the practice floor been years the reduce involved for the international pipeline that crosses the international boundary are run by the state department. >> they say they have been studying it for years all the democrats have urged the president to pull back:trade deals. >> it is time to go with a different direction there are some of the job-creating steps. >> to suggest the public may
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point to another direction only 37 percent of the public trust the president a good deal or about to make the right decision 63 percent say they trust him some or none that is tough for a president who has a tough report card as he has a hike in the minimum-wage. the republican obstructionism justifies more executive action that the president will announce an agreement to make sure the long-term unemployedet a fair shot at a new job. >> with the commitments that major employers make with this regard will be enormously helpful to the sixth african challenge. >> if the film as if they are not sure these corporations will follow through on the promise and
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the white house has no way to enforce the promise because it is the executive move that does not have the backing of congress passing an actual law that shows the of theitt that some of these power moves have. lou: another democrat breaks ranks with the president on obamacare. listen to the congressman from virginia he announced his plans to retire earlier this month expressing doubts about obamacare. >> i am afraid the millenials will be less likely to sign up. they feel independent maybe even more vulnerable. but i don't think we will get enough young people signing up to make this bill work as it was intended financially. lou: with the discontent
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senators revealed their alternative proposal that would abolish the requirements for business to provide it the g.o.p. proposal has the patient choice and empowerment act also cut tes while preserving consumer protection. orrin hatch put forth a plan and richard versus their plan would give individuals more flexibility. >> with the choice of the failings of obamacare which is struggling to sign up young people in babyealth plan that is affordable instead of coverage they will never use or need. maybe the 25 year-old male only once catastrophic coverage not a plan that covers maternity care. lou: at the white house the
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press secretary tried to dismiss the proposal as more of the same. >> increasing repealed as a political strategy will not be successful my view. lou: he was also asked about the criticism of obamacare. he sidestepped only saying there has en a surge of involvement with obamacare in the industry should believes they are on the right track. they struck a deal with major technology companies allowing them to reveal more details about the request they receive from the nsa regarding the customer da. there will not be able to publicize for the first time in broad terms how often they must taken over customer information that was in response to legal challenges in argue that
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revelations of usa spine problem have the potential to damage the program to drive away users there is no clause concerning what they must do with the individual customer data. stocks continued their slide as the dow fell and the nasdaq fell 44 points. year to date dow jones industrial avera loss 4.5%, the s&p report 5% in the nasdaq to point to 5%. apple shares plunged in extended tradg after the flat earnings report that beat estimates and also had disappointing revenue guidance. caterpillar assures -- shar better than expected earnings in the new $10 billion share buyback plan.
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new home sales dropping 7% they were up 4.5% since 2008. another blast of cold air with temperatures plummeting from minneapolis to kentucky extreme cold forcing more than 1,000 flight cancellations mostly from three airports ccago o'hare, chicago midway and cleveland and chicago public schools shut down as temperatures were dash 4 degrees with the wind chill making it feel like 24 below zero. also minus 28 in minneapolis in dash 13 in cleveland temperatures expected to hold through tomorrow aaron to coulter there in the nation's northernmost city in alaska where the temperature was dash four.
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we will be right back. ay with us. >> the obamacare train wreck the father of health savings accounts chorines us tonight whether obamacare is welcome bk. how is erything? there's nothing like being your own boss! and my customers are really liking your flat rate shipping. fedex one rate. really makes my life easier. maybe a promotion is in order. good news. i got a new title. and a raise? management couldn't make that happen. [ male announcer ] introducing fedex one rate. simple, flat rate shipping with the reliability of fedex.
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lou: our first guest says obamace cannot survive in its present form we cannot afford to buy a product that the cost grows faster than income the bnd has to be reaced and the jury being us now is one of the foremost authorities the father of the health savings account now ceo of national
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center of policynalysis curing that health care crisis. this model we have seen clearly is broken. people are not signing up insist on a mandate to make it work people are resisting the mandates and are receiving waivers. how soon to the other .6 million have had their insurance canceled but only 3 billiohave picked up coverage where is the inflection point when do it untraveled? >> if you get into the death spiral only sick people are in the pool so the premium keeps rising in if only the really sick people are in the pl the premium goes sky high the insurance
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company go bankrupt or leave the market. lou: rigo we have already been told they will go higher nothing dramatic changes second moody's has already put them on a negative outlook expecting two or 3 percent reductions of earnings. this is a train wreck. not delivering to what it should be for insurance. how long do we wait? we arealking about 1.8 trillion dollar program. that is expensive and. >> nothing will change between now d&b election because the two parties are not talking to each other there will be real interest
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to maksignificant changes to the law. lou: well and good but isn't it about time somebody started to get straight? we are not getting information from the white use this has spent a debacle of the highest imaginable order the republican party comes forward today with a proposal the frankly seems they did not spend all lots of time with the alternative. what is going on? why should the people receive this back of the hand? >> i applaud the republicans for making an effort i actually like the last bill better that was a good plan of a bike to see republicans get back to that to give
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everybody the same tax creditegardless of where you get the insurance. lou: look at where we're going we're looking at a plan that does not work very expensive, not delivering service that most deserved to have insurance. why e we puttin up with these expensive programs if the parties to deliver candor and directness with the sense of responsibility? why are they holding back? is there a deal behind the doors to avoid any encounter ? payment of both parties there is no interest to focus on what is really going on and for the public the insurance companies are not talking.
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they know the facts. lou: they have the facts they have the best set of facts it is clear they are afraid they will lose th bailout tuned subsidies is that why the obama administration has bought their silence? limit eight are afraid to say anything to and if i turn the spotlight back argue the media has not could the budget -- has not done a good job the health care media hasn't explained wh is going on. lou: we have covered this story and i don't get the sense the people elected to office know what the heck they are talking about it is clear the adnistration doesn't know otherwise they would not put the arbitrage is around their neck.
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>> you are right nine of them know what is going on nobody takes responsibility including the president. lou: would you not say this is a crisis? it will be a failure to provide health care because of the enormous cost it is the sad joke. what can we do? >> it is a huge crisis and many people don't know if they can get insurance so this is a tragedy. i am sorry to see the two parties have no interest to come together we have to go through the election before anything is done.
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lou: the president bragging about all the people that obamacare put on medicaid as if half said doctors in the country don't except medicaid. asas if he was unaware. this is beyond intellectual integrity. >> absolutely. medicaid is the worst insurance plan and how they're theesults are much worse than private insurers t under obamacarehalf of the new the insured are to go into the decade i was surprised they wanted to do that but they voted for it. lou: as they didith obamacare. we well continue to bring this story to the american people. we appreciate it. down to the weekend box office for the second
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weekend in a row the police police, he took $21 billion took him three times the production budget. loans survivor was second 12.5 billion in the fifth week out into the end of its quarrel came third place over 12 million. up next the five day losing streak for the dow jones industrial average calling it a correction in. bendix guest disagrees right here. here. next. [ male announcer ] here's a questionor you: is your tv powered by coal? natural gas? nuclear? or renewables like solar... and wind? let's find out. this is where america's electricity comes from. a diversity of energy sources helps ensure the electricity
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[ electronic whistling ] oh! [ zap! ] a smarter way to shop around. now, that's progressive. call or click day. u: dow jones industrial average continues its slide for the fifth consecutive day finishing lowefor the third straight session here with his outlook chief market stratis good to have you with us. a good number of people on wall street say this is big. baby is the correction what
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do we have to look forward to? >> show we 3.5% year to date this is not your first rodeo so a move of the market is not news worth it -- newsworthy saw a correction is ted%. that is not likely right now we see emerging markets. lou: not the currency crisis of the emerging markets. we are looking at strong numbers in history tells us they can get bigger in a hurry. >> with emerging-market its there is not just one model sub like venezuela or argentina borrowed money to fund consumption in they ha structural problems public at box -- mexico or columbia is diverse. the currency where the government borrows a lot of
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money will have challenges but emerging-market its will pick anjous there is a lot of opportunities out the. lou: i don't know how the people i heard over the last month loong at the return from last year now is the tide to turn in a rgeoning markets. so betty block into the teeth of that nonsense. >> the small-cap russell 2000 was up almost 40 percent it did have a strong years so you want to be diversified also with fixed income looks at infrastructure and commodities. a burgeoning markets is a long-term investment you want to be globally diverse but proceed with good research.
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the fundamentals are improving tuned the growth will coribute but there is a slowdown of china. lou: we appreciate you being here. take a bit to pick up a copy of my new book "upheaval" barnes and noble, online, amazon, you can also get the audio version of "upheaval" even amazon, the barnes & noble and i to this. we will give a copy of the book to each of the post that been freed of the broadcast. some of the top comments to right. >> i agree with did%. when you agree with the you will go way up. [laughter]
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we wish you or someone would you rather have all the two-party bibbers go for the third-party candidate or the republican candidates in the 2014 election? lou: i hope they have been thinking about that. >> i watch your head show in degree the g.o.p. better wake up also nice to hear you were taking your wifeo dinner. lou: i did. we had a wonderful time. at the four seasons here in new york. >> id by the way i got a lot of points with that. >> i wish you were running for president will the republicans understand they will never win any election and tell those people belong to somebody in the middle we are of most of the toilet and it looks like the democrats want to push us down i am ashamed of both parties we need a third party.
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lou: all lots of people agree tha is why so many identify as an independent right now. we may not have much of the choice. follow us on facebook or go to lou >> kelly clinton biggest regret revealed than what appears to be the former secretary of state image secretary of state image rehabilitation project [ male announcer ] e new new york is open. open to innovation. open to ambition. open to boldids. that's why n york has a new plan -- dozens of tax free zones all across the state. move here, expand here, or start a new business here and pay no taxes for ten years... we're new york. if there's something that creates more jobs, and ows more businesses... we're open to it.
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start a tax-free business at
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lou: they seem callous foreign poli challenges to discuss all of that yield more we are joint by curdle ralph peters we appreciate you being with us.
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let's start with secretary clinton to say it is her greatest political results? >> it is politics. she was secretary of state during far briefer events and we pay for that today we doubt talk about sending apache helicopters to iraq so the middle east collapse has to do with policies formed when she was secretary. thebility of her state department to support hour of military so yes the dead gauzy is about 2016. lou: the idea we watch even more combat brigades from our forces, right now it
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seems we are pulling in our whole words except the issue of freddie this remains not thate should be prepared for any contingency. >>. >> we will not be prepared for important contingencies i retired as the army lieutenant-colonel but as american i have to put that asideocate at the situation today we are above maritime power. but with all services we have got away from formulating forward looking strategy to implement the strategy instead be buy weapons the example of how be placed tens of millions of dolla every year. with the overall upward to infatuation with aircraft
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carriers. they are not survivable. the air force buying fighter planeshat could not reach china from nt base. meanwhile we've read about the guts of the rb you and the marines with the subversives file system -- for style system we'd never have enough. lou: looking closer to home with homeland security troublous surprising comments from the homeland security secretary saying he believes the earned path to citizenship itis view it is is encourages people to cover all from the shadows. it is purely political. does that stud you? we back when somebody breaks
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into your house you did not put them on the beam. i am not inhumane i know the weld bought mine at deleaded billion in the grants and marched across the rio grande to. but a form of legal residency for those of not committed any sort of crime. lou: the house and judiciary committee plan for immigration reform is the most sensible and humane workable idea. >> but not any of these agreements. lou: secretary of told the and a security what is the fact? beverages like hillary clinton it is politics. they've not -- they did not want to vote for president they want to make money if we offer them the chance to become legal residents but
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they can never vote they would grab it. it is about the democratic party sadly johnson tries to build a permanent democratic electoral base. thank you carl marks. lou: curdled ralph peters. to push in comedy quality during tomorrow's status of the union we will be back with a time to talk about with a time to talk about that next. dentures are very different to real teeth. they're about 10 times softer and may ve surface pores where bacteria can multiply. polident kills 99.99% of odor causing bacteria and helps dissolve stains. that's why i recommend polident. [ le announcer ] cleaner, fresher, brighter every day.
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lou: here is the "a team". marjorie the president
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tomorrow will talk about income in the quality, i am sorry is he running against his own record again? the key is finally taking advantage of his first term the issue the pope has highlighted a topic of conversation and when i take a bit, a quality it is more about how to recreate opportunity a class of americans that can grow with the current economy? >> we have had income inequality forever as a matter of fact we have had in every country what is the big deal of how? >> it is the lack of jobs for the middle-class career builder just said 40 percent of the jobs created between
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now and 2017 are for low and gh end, earner's so there is nothing for the middle-class to grab ahold of. lou: i have wtten a couple of books on the middle-class it drives the bad to watch the industry should republican or 10 rickrack give the results that you talk about. the president discovered opportunity his favorite expression is in, the quality for redistribution now he has learned something about opportunity. >> when barack obama says it can inequality you should hear tax hike. but he is talking about is not really a job -- jobs
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strategy but a political strategy. obamacare has our the country so the owner of the right to you have to counteract tt with anchor on the left so astutely those juices he believes is the way to do that so to have a call for a minimum-wage. >> but then tried to get out the democratic vote. lou: why is this president even fussg about the battle waged? he asked for $9 he had five years to momove he would create bigger fracturing hubs in he did not know that
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we are to take him seriously ? >> lecter up the way politics works with you are in the second chart you have more flexibility. first uc states implementing their own minimum-wage because if you have a class of the working poor they cannot afford to stay above the poverty line. lou: what percent of american workers are on a minimum-wage? >> on average 38% working parents. lou: i will help you. i will keep this right here. to% of american workers are robert wage. and so when people talk about raising it and i don't
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really care as long as they don't overdo it because you talk about to present the obama change the nature of the world we need to talk about opportunity. >> but that is the lower 90% of earners only heard the 50 percent of the total income. is not be distributed but we have seen a law were growth since 1928 we are at the same level of the great depression witthe divide. lou: will owe. wait. wait. there is a rlity about
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then distribution of the fact is the major surge of the coefficient is 1980. 1990 the reality is what was occurring simultaneously was the stock options starting the ceo also the explosion of technology and the bradys. -- in the 1990's but dennis president talks about redistribution and for wealth step back and we also know he willbring that up tomorrow but if there is a hike with the industries have to scale back on the
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workers' average so ile ey will make minimum-wage it will just scaled back the hours they are offered. lou: the reason there is the plush for comprehensive immigration reform their members are working landscaping, construction and it is cheap labor. >> that was my next point supply ian to be used you comply with sec leave them those things but the reason the work es not pay a living wages because of supply and demand is out of whack illegal immigration has pulled down the bottom of the american worker whether competition r the jobs if you do not do it for eight or $9 somebody will. they have no negotiating or leverage to get more out of
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the jobs. lou: we can go on and we will but the fact is free a living wage to the middle-class is critical with the business practices that absolutely devastating to the middle-class i hope the present will take a look at those issues as well. in and a reminder to pick up my new book "upheaval" objective is out on twitter or facebook or leaks to everything and lou the brand new book that makes the case the code dependency of the united states and china could be the most critical question we answer stephen is next. this is the quicksilver cash back card from capital one.
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lou: i.q. plea to most important international relationship united states china the relationship that is straight forward and has some very unhealthy and critical consequences that have to be considered by pick our decision makers. from morgan stanley senior fellow at yale university jackson institute of global affairs. the book unbalanced to which we commend all of you, loved
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the book and the idea to understand the relationship it is terrific as we looked at what is happening today people say the slowdown of china is the uncertainty tuned anxiety of our market. do you agree? >> the title of the book is unbalanced the concept the only way to get out is to rebalance. tried it is rebalancing an we are not. consequences for us it is started from a producer to a consumer for that is a more sustainable pace of economic activity. lou: possesses the largest surplus which is the largest
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deficit of trade they are banced of their approach with the current account why have we not adopted the behavior of or germany that has been balanced too far the other way? back. >> but to keep growing we have to boow this circle of savings from china. then they buy our treasuries to support our brackets it isnsidious and code dependent. lou: but get our economy, i cannot imagine as you argue for balance it would be to robotic and stressful, to
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boost the exports to sustainable levels that makes a real difference. how do we get there? we but i took a peek at yr book you are a big advocate of saving if you don't save has of the shed you cannot invest in your people or infrastructure. we're counting on and tried to do the same. but they say those days are over. we will stimulate our economy. not yours. the have to save as a nation lou: so the chinese economy moving from production and to consumption want to do with it intelligently but we hope serendipity will help us be back we have gotten away with it but it will not
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work out that way. lou: your book will work out. a balanced. great to have you here. great to have you with us we welcome back. how is everything? there's nothing like being your own boss! and my customers are really liking your flat rate shipping. fedex one rate. really makes mlife easier. maybe a promotion is in order. good news. i got a new title. and a raise? management couldn't make that happen. [ male announcer ] introducing fedex one rate. simple, flat rate shipping with the reliability of fedex. the recent increase in cafeteria prices is not cool. when you vote for flo, we'll have discounts. ice-cream discounts. multi-cookie discounts. pizza loyalty discounts! [ kids chanting "flo!" ] i also have some great ideas on car insurance.
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[ silence ] finding you discounts since back in the day. call or click today. i like her.
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neil: well ahead of the president's of state of the union, if the big guy sets to target republicans for the reason it is in such a sorry state. tonight fox on top of a president doubling down on a grand ol' party he said to say made a grand ol' mess of his signature triumphs. so he aims to point out where he wants to lead us in the future. but doesn't the president first have to ttke at least some responsibility for a lot of the problems in the past? persisting even now? welcome, everybody, i'm neil cavuto. to hear a former top republican house leader get ready for, well more of the staple. the president intent on


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