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tv   Cavuto  FOX Business  February 3, 2014 11:00pm-12:01am EST

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♪ ♪ neil: all right, this just in. mr. prident, really? this has to stop. blaming fox for all your problems. here's what is piling up even faster. your excuses for the inexcusable. welcome, everyone, i am neil cavuto. from the white house, we are like the gift that keeps giving. >> some people are saying that the irs was used at a local levein cincinnati. these kinds of things keep on servicing. in part because you and your tv station will promote them.
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they saiit was all in good humor. but good grief. let's be clear. fox didn't create this mess. the president created th benghazi max. fox didn't kill four brave americans there. terrorists dead. fox didn't miss the growing rumbles from libya then. we didn't even know that there were any growing rumbles on. but you did. your health care lauded. fox didn't make the bosses crunched thenumbers and crunch the workers out. your laudednd you did. and what if fox had the per to
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sabotage any federal initiative when your website made it asy. the true onerous cost for millions made it look so awful. but you, sir, e the president and you are the one who asked look in the mirror. because the source of your problems is the guy staring back at you. and it's adding up the cost of your picnic. we were the ones who said that if it sounds too good to be true, you are insisting that it was true and that doesn't make us okay. you are upset because that doesn't make you our leader. just like it's understandable that you miss an irs clearly targeting conservatives with much ado about nothing. more boneheaded than agenda
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driven. we understand that you would prefer that we ignore it these last the third of these you are lapses in your issues, not ours. sometimes, mr. president, the issue is in the messenger but the guy with the message. your message. your presidency. your ball. so onto charlie gasparino. >> you came so close. >> you know i did. you know i did. what do you make of this? and this isnothing new. but here we go again. >> i think o'reilly did a good job. the questions that he raised were serious questions. but the president knew what bill was going to ask and he dodged him and he tried to turn it around into an attack on fox. i wish that bill had come back.
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i wish that bill had come back and there is only so much you can do. neil: for all we know he didn't trade it's like they're trying to say that there is an addendum to the republican party. we are anti-this president.
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and everyone would like to believe that. but it can't be true. neil: intellectually dishonest. it's a way of making it about fox instead of his own problems. neil: they always say t best defense is a good offense. >> health ce law is fun, it's much ado about nothing. what happened in ghazi is just sort of yammering after the fact that there is ill will here. so you can sort of deflect and that the same time hope america forgets. does it work? >> yes, we did get three other points per the question has been asked and answered. let's get beyond that. remember, that is something even though te questions are never answered. they are asked by fox.
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number two is that he speaking to the radical base. and he's trying to mobilize them. and the difference between clinton and obama is that you didn't have social media and a vibrant internet. this whole thing is bringing it up to try to convince "the new york times" and i worked at "the wall street journal" and i worked att "newsweek" magazine.
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>> i was including the media. nei on this issue about whether the president has talked about this. who is buying what common the fact of the matter is that the president has tumbled in the trust. and it takes a long time to win that trust if you can win it back at all. >> especially when you are a lame duck in your own party is deserting you. and make no no mistake about that.
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neil imagine, in the meantime, the relief when he heard the president say that the whole irs targeting thing is just a boneheaded thing. guess you can calm down. >> the bottom line is that, and i think that we have the bottom line. merriam-webster defines it as someone who lied. even the left-wing media so that obamacare in the way that he presented obamacare is the biggest lie of 2013. neil: he says that he didn't appreciate the magnitude of the problem or of the tea party conservatives in the targeting and however widescale and appeared to you and your colleagues. that it was not inserted thing. what did you make of that? two he is rising to the level of
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unconstitutionality. neil: they are targeted we know the lois lerner party was involved. and a win when all the way to the white house counsel's office. and it's inappropriate. and if you are at the fbi and the president says he aretino as a result, how do you respond.
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neil: we all think about this in various ways. but this is a situation where we try to avoid it. we have an investigation as supposedly zero in. >> i still don't know either of the ones who are targeted by calling out those of us that are talking about a al scandal. neil: coming up next, they are horrible role models in the media says okay. forget speaking ill of the dead. isn't it time that we say something nice about some of the
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neil: what a the most gifted actors. will it kill the mainstream media to acknowledge that not every baker is satan because that is just over the top prejude. a very fair and balanced look at we hope at a very on fair and balanced media that has to end. baker's who make a living and money are still evil. but wait a minute. all bankers all the time? wondering why banks are demonized. it's a very good point. but so it is. what do you think of it? >> i think that it suits the narrative of the liberal left-wing that has the majority of both of t entertainment media and the news media to demonize bankers area the fact is that the pop culture shapes attitudes and people are
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obsessed with celebrities. so they ignore thinking of them as artists when they indulge in a self-destructive kind of lifestyle. the fa is that fame leads people to a self-destructive lifestyle if they don't have balancing transcendent activities like faith and family and trancendent values and we see this happening way too much. corey monteith, michael jackson, whitney houston. we are seeing this horrible end and a tragedy that takes away a great talent. neil: you raise a good point. all i know is the double standard. if you're going to go after let's say business titans for malfeasance or the moral impropriety of a certain
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hewlett-packard ceo of his relationship with a woman with whom he works. that shows the zeal on theart of the press not let go of it. similar behavior we might see out of ahollywood figure that will be covered very differently >> absolutely. the media tends to condone reprehensible behavior and even the most reprehensible allegations of sexual abuse to minors. people like roman polanski and woody allen. and when it comes to bankers, that is right, it suits the same narrative that we were talking about. then bankers apparently have terrible pr because they are indispensable and the fuel tht keeps small business going as it becomes big business and medium-size business and all of that.
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and also the too big to fail banks are also essential in a big and global economy when we are competing with this. neil: i always say that celebrities have passed away way too young. for those business executives wander to and fro. if you're going to follow anything that looks questionable, follow or abandon all sides, all parties, but to select what group you hold up highly and what you don't. some of it is the exact same issue. but all of it is the ceo who might be dragged into doping or drinki scandals or issues is treated very different than robert downey junior. >> there is no question about
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it. and the ceo represents part of wall street and generally a part of the wealthy class and the same kind of class envy that we see in politics. and so there are a few good wall street adds. neil: my only thing is to treat them both with scrupulous detail. >> that would be great if it were to happen. i don't think that we should hold our breath. >> that's a movie i'm not waiting to see. thank you very much. in the meantime, the top house republicans say this is because he's run out of ideas? friday night, buddy.
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you are gonna need a wingman. and with my cash back, you are money. forget him. my airline miles will take your game worldwide. what i'm really looking for is --
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neil: eric cantor says obamacare is running out of time. he is calling it a bad day. he says that the best he can do is get out of the way and let the health care law went to a slow death. the party that angered it has plenty of alternatives. he say are publicans can't fix what should be fixed. he said that is was is putting them in a bigger fix. your notion is there is nothing more than cancer sounding like he's willing to let this thing die. >> no, the american public looks at poll after poll and it's upside down. would you rather turn back the
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clock and go to the previous plan and situati and people say yes by abe 20-point margin. it's also known that house republicans are planning to hold a vote on a replacement bill for obamacare the year in 2014. this after three senate republicans introduced their own alternative though led by tom coburn who will be retiring soon. so this is the replace part of repeal and replace. i think it is important. neil: they have a lot in common when it comes to everyone. so wooden and the president's interest interest to say let's bring your plan over because republicans interpret that as democrats are saying their way or the highway. >> five years after obama for
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obamacare comment they actually are putting forth the plan becaus i don't think it is time to go back to the utopia of the health care system that we had. neil: they did have plans. the president and want to take a lot of them because it incled tort refm and the like. >> the health care law obviously isn't perfect. i think there should be tort reform and i'm a big dubious about what this will be. i think they have plenty of portunities to put those fora. and i think that we should look at it. it's not that easy to ensure a lot of people have pre-existing conditions covered and not have an individual mandate which was in the mitt romney plan. so if i'm a little bit skeptical about what we will see from house rrepublicans.
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neil: the are differences on how to provide that coverage and whether it is a table single payer type system. but the ultimate issue is a fair one. where it's hard to argue it has been proposed or ignored over the last five years. so here we are now the republicans seem to be saying this thing is unworkable or irreparable, i should say. so we might as well stop and start anew. the president says let's look at some of the market forces that you allude to. but do they risk in the middle of this is being obstinate? would come back to bite them? >> i think is a good thing. and they are looking in retrospect at seeming chiish.
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>> no one looks comes he obamacare days as a utopian. there were problems with the system as it existed. what republicansare making things work. and this is important to be circumspect abouhow they do this and one of the biggest problems is the president has a page that has not come through. they went to put forward this alternative need to be open on about what it does and does not do and how it would work. >> when they put a plan out there it is not really easy. this is not an easy system to reform and i agree with you. many people are not pleased with obamacare right now.
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and in 2016 it might be very different. they are a day late and a dollar short on this issue a long time. >> thank you both. meanwhile, did any of you catch these wal-mart ads? i think they're about trying to show the mean evil retailers in a very different light. [ male announcer ] e new new york is open.
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we're new york. if there's something that creates more jobs, and ows more businesses... we're open to it. start tax-free business at >> i get bonuses even working part-time
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neil: wal-mart play nice. you know, is nice. to its workers and customers come in nice to and for america. but that is getting lost with the nlrb. so not happening. the labor group targeting wal-mart for disciplining workers went on strike. wal-mart says not so that no employees striking were targeted. over to our panel on whether the retailers have a case. rebecca, you think they do? >> in this case, and this is a case specific incident, workers are saying that we ran out on what we called organized short strikes and wal-mart was notified of these short strikes.
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but yet they retaliated by saying that those were instances and to many resulted in being fired. so the issue is this. neil: they are saying that they are going on strike and why should they be talking about this? >> it was the fact that wal-mart would accumulate the strike time rather then in america under the law we are allowed tooprepare an employer. neil: so if i have a beef against fox and i joined a protest in front of his building and i'm not doing the shoreline news channel show, i'm absent, untie? not technically one. but there are provisions. there are provisions within the law that allow union workers to strike to protest possible
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conditions that they feel are unfair. the one that doesn't make sense to me. maybe that is the way it goes. but all i know is that if i'm not here, i'm absent. >> exactly. it's an absence. there's a difference between a stike and an absence as in this case to the folks in this case actually went back to work after a short selected. lack of time, like a day off that they had. it's an absence and not a strike. we want to what is problem today? are they feeling that the nlrb think that they were harassed? >> they are saying that they retaliated against them and making them lose their jobs and terminating them because of the absence is. neil: wouldn't you have to prove that other workers that were not showing up for work for other reasons, but they were not counted as absent and maybe these guys would have something to complain about?
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>> i think once you complete a certain number of days of absence and you can be relied upon to go to work on busy day, there is going to be a problem. >> that is true. but for the fact that we have organized labor laws in this country are whether you are a union or not, you're allowed to protest and strike the employer. neil: how does a company controlled? >> control that? >> that's just it. the employers are saying that we provided you with the proper notice according to the law. that is why the nlrb has said that we are going to take this and we are going to listen to the facts are. because it's a very fact specific situation. neil: wal-mart says it has not done anything wrong and it has not targeted them. would target them in your eyes is something i understand. okay, because if wal-mart targeted them and mark them absent and didn't mark anyone else absent who is out of work
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that day, then they have a case? i think that they could have a problem in that circumstance if they tated them differently because they believed that they were striking, then they can retaliate. neil: you don't seethat as the case? >> it doesn't appear to be the case to me. and it also looks like a fact specific situation. neil: okay, ladies, i just wanted to get that straight. in the meantime, why conservatives hve had it been the butt of this comex jokes. and the excuse for the jokes welcome back. how is everything? there's nothing like being your own boss! and my customers are really liking your flat rate shipping. fedex one rate. really makes my life easier. maybe a promotion is in order. good news. i got a new title.
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and a raise? management couldn't make that happen. [ male announcer ] introducing fedex one rate. simple, flat rate shipping with the reliability of fedex.
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[ male announcer ] this m has an accomplished research and analytical group at his disposal. ♪ but even more pressive is how he puts it to work for his clients. ♪ morning.
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morning. thanks for meeting so early. oh, it's not a big deal at all. come on in. [ male announcer ] it's how edward jones makes sense of investing. ♪ >> conservatives criticizing the anti-gay comments come including senator ted and cruise and governor bobby jindal.
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or as they are are collectively known as dork dynasty. neil: conservatives can laugh at themselves. getting a bit too prickly and are more apt to act like pricks. so who better than the one of his time. all the media back in the 1970s. one is very irreverent show called laughiig even got richard nixon do this. >> sock it to me? [laughter] neil: it's always good to have you. you are bigger than lorne michaels ever was. but he is saying that i don't do this as much wit liberals because they are a little bit more sensitive. >> yes, they are not sensitive, the conservatives, of course, whoever is theictim sometimes get upset.
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but he does a good job and he's done it for 35 years. >> that's not what i'm asking it. he'saying that it's easier to target conservatives because they take things personally. is that true? >> no way. >> that's lorne, that's not me. >> the conservatives handed to them on a plate. where else would you find it mike huckabee comingout in a anger birth control is a woman's problem in controlling her libido. he had the look the word out. neil: so with av, you have a lot of liberal friends, which makes me think that yo are a suspicious as a character. [laughter] but do you find your liberal friends are a little bit -- skid than your conservative ones? >> absolutely not. neil: he must be smoking
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something. >> welcome i hope so. how do you do an hour and a half a week without that help. [laughter] >> in 1967 it was a great year for politics and for humor. forty-five years later we haven't fixed one thing. w the president is in a popular. we've made a lot of mistakes. and now we have found him humor and it's a darn good thing that we did. this is our 10th anniversary. the 10 year anniversary they invited me to come on the show after the janet jackson wardrobe incident. neil: wow. >> he said the first person to have pushed the envelope, did i feel any responsibility. and i said yes, i did. you can be proud of fox because they took that half second clip and made janet jackson's right breast most famous dress on television since rush limbaugh.
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so let me ask you this. >> this is a good thing. neil: go ahead and make your point. i'm sure will be nonsensical. >> no, it's not. a. [laughter] >> he said he saved goodbye to me in a nano second. and here i am bac again. >> they have no idea. >> but with mike huckabee serving it upon a platter, he never should've said that. neil: i understand why now. he isnot here now as he obviously doesn't. >> i love sean hannity and i met bill o'reilly and i said you're bill o'reilly and he said yes, i used to laugh at your show and i said i still after yours.
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[laughter] and he did not laugh. but he's toying with dennis miller. it's like huckabee and rush limbaugh. neil: i am working on a book right now. and coming out very soon. but is there any candidate they like in the upcoming presidential race? or the like remapped to i like chris christie. he's wonderful. and i like sarah palin is wild. and i like those guys are all great for comedy. whoever is great for comedy, i'm for it. neil: is hillary clinton operate for comedy? any others who might run? >> that kind of gone to that well too many times. when bill said i didn't have sects with that woman, no one knew what he was talking about.
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and -- neil: go ahead and finisthat. >> well, i love coming on the show. all of my conservative friends say how to do that. and i tell them that you're the brightest person in the whole fox or a. you laugh any listen in your cabinet, to? neil: yes, i am. >> any notice that i've been thinking about that. neil: george, you really are the best. right or left, you' y are equally offensive. but i do love you. [laughter] thank you very much. >> i have more fun with you. neil: hannity sends his best. >> there is no best with hannity. neil: the time just flew. thank you very much and in the meantime, the first day at the fed for janet yellin i ke prilosec otc each morni for my frequent heartburn. zero heaburn. beust
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wohoo! [ le announcer ] prilosec otc is the number one doctor recommended frequent heartburn medicine for 8 straight years. one pill each morning. 24 hours. zero heartburn.
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neil: jeana yellen taking over for ben bernanke of the federal reserve. and does she have a full plate. was a princess, let's talk about that. >> did she inherit a mass. and the worst part is that on the surface of the whole quite a mess. so she will only get credit for one part later. but it looks like everything is okay right now. if you look at the market it is waking up to the fact that w had all of this riemannian low interest rates and an equally party, but no real plan to get out. it never happened before so no one knows wh it's like when to look like on exit. if i were seeing this nervousness and she has inherited the whole ball of wax. neil: the source of it is what todo about it is $65 million
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per month federal reserve to keep rates low. the thinking is to be -- and i'm not a fan of this, but the thinking is that she ironically on he most bogus of excuses because the economy had an even slight pick up and now they have lots of pickups. >> i mean come it seems like she's going to keep going. she is very much into that. but i know that there is a lot of fear and i don't know. i just am not sure. >> okay, i'm going to get 75 billion? >> she could come and there's no way where it says that she couldn't. these guys make up the rules and we sought out the last guy and i think one ben bernanke with leaving come you could hear him laughing.
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and i think that he did it to pave the w for her because this was the one where the market was supposed to panic and this was supposed to make it easier for her so they can go ahead and continue. neil: what about if we don't depend upon -- >> the adjustment could be very painful. and don't forget that we haven't seen a job from all of this and that is what is really scary. the exit is one problem for her. the otherproblem is that we have 92 million people sitting on the sidelines. and we had 8 million who said they were working part-time at a lated work full-time. they say that so many people have given up and that is sort of the weakness in this economy w. and no one knows how to fix that problem, by the way.
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so do you know how to fix that? you e superman. can you get out there and do it? neil: your great guest and a very sweet way. you bury people. >> i badgered him. it's battering. neil: but you smile and watching you do think oh, and another family interview. [laughter] >> you should watch. it's very much like that. [laughter] neil: great to speak with you. and you hear about this. by the end of the week it will have grabbed two out of three americans. but while youre shivering in your timbers, see what stocks to buy. [ male announcer ] e new new york is open.
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you are gonna need a wingman. and my cash back keeps the party going. but my airline miles take it worldwide. [ male announcer ] it shouldn't be this hard. with, it's easy to search hundreds of card and apply online. neil: here we snow again, much
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of the northeast still pelted with more snow. how you just might profit from it. they can find a way to make money off of any horrific environment, gary? >> short the retailers. really no way of making good money because of snow in populated areas, it hurts the economy. andlretailers. i think a lot of it has to do with weather. neil: i slowdown could mean a good time for bonds? >> well, i think ultimately but i think there is something else going on with the market right now, i don't think we're close to there yet. neil: not a correction on the way? >> not -- this is not garden variety, we have not had a 10% in a long while, i think we're in one right now, if not more. neil: jim. >> japan has that 10 percent
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correction. look at united states natural gas, undwrks tng to try to trade into polar vortex, and people will look for ways to get out of thenow belt, i think travel leisure stocks as a whole would be interesting. you could do that with fidelity select leadure fund, n a basket of exits. neil: you play off of the idea now matter how difficult the times, entertainment industry leisure industry will do fine in. >> absolutely. also, that -- get away. shorting retailers but you go somewhere warm. neil: yeah sounds good. did anyone notice the t-me pile commercials, before, during and after. the super bowl you could not miss them. touting how they will buy you
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out of your cell phone contract if you t-up, at&t just started low cost family plans. >> it is great for consumers, costs will go down but terrible for investors, this we haves margins and -- squeezes margins. at&t some of the worst acting stocks in the market, i would say away from those areas. neil: a look at that, for a lot of folks the contracts that really irk the folks, if t-mobile can snatch a way a lot of customers have to balance it out. >> no question. my daughter turned to me at the commercial said,ow come we don't have t-mobile. at&t, verizon, they are entering
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into a market share war. that is a price war that may not be great for investors short-term, locker term -- longer term, growing market share, up selling product system services is long-term arch that at&t and verizon are engaged in, one way to save guard your own pocketbook not pick the individual stock. let an active manager in the space do so for you. kennedy: all right,. neil: time for our night cap, that song rings a bell, coming up on half century anniversary of something. gary. >> i'm watching market carefully, i think they are in big trole. we have not had 10% in a long while, amazing all they have done is taper aittle bit, markets get in trouble, i don't think that the economy is as good as everyone thinks, i think
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we have a ways to did on the down side. stay defensive. neil: you know, what is intereing about the tapering they are doing it to convince that the economy is find but they are doing in face of emerging carpets that are collapses, they are risking it. >> you know, ha has me wondering, what if they were normalized and they just stopped printing. i have a real worry about that. i think we out to be careful, i talk you to about financials they are not neil: jim? >> get into a dim big trucks, d,a, and put a snow plow in front of it. irishares 10 to 20.
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offset what will be more equity markets near-term. neil: it coulder more than a that is it.ght. kennedy: poor peyton manning, he got buggered and groped by attle defenseike they were tsa agents, it was the most watched super bowl ever. we look at an aspect that has you transfixed to comemercials, you know who is making his first apore an tonight on the independents? anthony weiner, who is hopefully wearing joe namath's fur coat. we go to north korea. make a case for legalizing marijuana as we


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