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tv   The Willis Report  FOX Business  February 9, 2014 4:00am-5:01am EST

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i still believe like you and i wish you a good night.:00 eas. here comes "the willis report". gei: today. a storm of protest after a seal breaks study comments about to employees. what has people of raged? and another terrible jobs report. we brought down the biggest mistakes the diamonds are forever but when it is over who keeps the ring? we are watching it all for you on "the willis report." gerri: aol ceo armstrong and
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hot water after comments he made the play been distressed babies for changing the 401k program all said jury a companywide conference call. here to way you'd we have our power panel. and paul howard senior fellow at the manhattan institute he added moms to the staff we have to do that haddistressed babies that we paid $1 billion each to be sure they were okay in these are the things that add up to benefit cost so i made the decision to change the 401k plan. critical of their decision to give employees less benefits. do you have a problem wi what mr. artrong had to say?
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>> as i understood in it he was playing obamacare with the increased cost rather the individual situation. that caught -- cost is indisputable obamacare is costing them millions of dollars. >> so what he was saying is the employee health premiums have to go up or they have to cut the batching. so the company and the employees a of the culprit is obamacare. gerri: there are other sources for those funds. you were not a favor and? you thought it was bad form? to make you don't want to single out any individual employee for health care. it could even be federal violation classic case of foot in mouth spicule party
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as opposed to disclose -- as clues medical liberation about employees. gerri: they give all the trouble we go through here to keep personal information in separate add-on that call today there were probably a couple bevan who were very upset. >> i thought the same thing right away privately have been very upset. i did not hear the details of it was an end to have babies because theoretically they are involved and covered because of the mail but it i possible people do who they were. theoretically that would be hipaa violation. >> bb tim armstrong is not the best benefits manager brett fight is any company in a position to be so critical of health care? going back to world war ii
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price regulations this is the fundamental cause some courage words but government involvement under health care. ups, a target, a university of virginia, companies have said health costs are going up specifically because of obamacare. >> then why not say health care costs are going up? we have to offset with 401k. we have to make a business case decisions. >> i am not certain he can tie all these to obamacare. for the last few years while health care premiums have been going down for aiddle businesses they are going up or stay the sam said you have a variety of cost related to obamacare like a preventative care or things that are good for employees long term.
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we have to let this shakeout gerri: i hear that but i agree obamacare cost are out of control absolutely. tim armstrong has foot in mouth syndrome like i have never seen. here he calls on the employee's he will fire in the conference call. >> they think it is a joke if you want to joke around you should pick up your stuff a you believe tod i will be very specific, from experience, put that camera down right now. you are fired. of. you just never hear this because nobody ever does this except possibly tim armstroog. >> it is not the good readers and style to be rate
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to employees and a public manner i am not an aol shareholder but the italy is in the competitive environment but with government breathing down its back. gerri: broadly i was asking the question how is aol even on the hook? you explained why that babies. >> companies self insured to play all their own medical bills through the administrator. aol s of the folks for premium reinsurance attacks also a new government agency that works on comparative effectiveness so they are real cost that aol will pay. gerri: but aol revenue is up 13% the stock is on fire but
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yet the employees are not happy. >> we object to the manner that this practice was disclosed some significant changes especiallespeciall why resulting in a pay reduction should not be buried in fine print but it spoke about openly. so the idea of 401k dial back this came out some time ago and was buried? employees are not happy? >> i see that has been the problem with the affordable care at all along we still don't have a sense of what is happening. it and we both kn businesses don't like it. >> obamacare he use a the
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ramifications here in the conference calls of aol dealing with all these uncertainties. gerri: i believe now employees are befuddled a and confus. to m armstrong has some confusion but it goes to the bottom line. >> because health care cost employees rather than using medicare coverage under the affordable care act. on the heels they stepped on his own message. >> we did not get a chance to tlk about the positive things in pat is a lot of things are covered preventative play that in the long run i hope will
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ke costco down but every don't know yet. >> in the meantime people find their cost is the wing of. >> if you can find a doctor. >> if you can find a job. [laughter] great job. we appreciate your time. what do you thk? is a else rolling its own employees under the bus? we have more to come including eight new device that looks like "star trek." not just the price tag we will tell you the cars that will cost the least to maintain over five years. ♪
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gerri: consumer alert gas prices will jump as we begin
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the countdown to the winter than higher prices as refineries and shut down for the winter rain in santa summer plant that is more expensive but the pain but not be as bad as last year. aaa predicts it will take between $3.85 a and 375 per gallon. last year they hit $3.79. just one factor to consider when buying a car a kelley blue book is unveiling a list of cars with the lowest projected cost for the first five years of ownership. of the senior markets analyst thank you for coming. great to have you here. tell me everything that goes into this depreciation depreciation, maintenance, r epair? >> exactly. consumers get caught up with the up front purchase price of the add maintenance
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maintenance, insurance, fuel maintenance, insurance, fuel , in addition to get a sense of what they wuld pay over five years. gerri: nobody thinks about this they just looked at the sticker. you say mas des is the best reid streetcar to operate overtime? dear rick if you look across the portfolio if fantastic little crossover on average you will save the most with mazda by looking at a brandon their portfolio. their fuelfficient and will last of the road. gerri: the best luxury? >> llxus. no surprise they share is jerry and platform with toyota so we know there is a big focus on quality you'd fuel efficiency.
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lexus is the vendor there. gerri: if you have a single model which one will save the most over five years? >> the midsized is tough it is very competitive a lot of great products but we had to pick a better with the honda accord. going back historically the best selling in the country now a redesign with 40 mpg. 200,000 miles on this is great. gerri: 200,000? that is amazing. what pickup truck? these can be expensive they can go through a lot of guest. >> absolutely they're very expensive but they have come into alignment with construction and so for this similar to the silverado redesigned with the emphasis on fuel efficiency eric will
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be cheap to maintain in the long run. gerri: what fuel consumption and? >> look at the sierra the mid-20s on the highway may be closer at 30 which is pretty good for the full-sized pickup. gerri: you like the already? >> that is the sweet khar'kov a fantastic plane but they did not sacrifice fuel efficiency. you can get the 2-liter turbo closed 35 miles per gallon on the highway so able save you cassette the pulpit and its appreciation of the best. gerri: and a very pretty. here is a number. you love cars and happy to buy anything but the typical new vehicle only retains 39%
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of its original value after five years. 60 percent out the window. >> it is tough coverage you have great new-product every year not to mention an used cars and on the road because they are produced at a better quality it is tough to read it but they do appreciate. no way to get around it. gerri: so with all these numbers, of what are the items that typically breakdown? >> historically transmission and, where a and tear that will break down after 100th miles. the timing belts will go well but cars produced in the last five or 10 years is much better than anything we have seen in a long time. some resale most anything you can get 150 all maybe
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even 200,000 as in the case of honda. gerri: have a great weekend. we will have advice on how you can avoid the been part of the 6.6% debtor unemployed. and new device to give google classic run for its money. it is amazing could ever your eyeballs? ♪l.
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gerri: forget going to the movies or playing video games now you can do that with this. it is called -- is the person all mounted theater by directing it directly into your eyeballs. we have the ceo. we appreciate this. tell me what this is and how it is supposed to work. >> we have this amazing new visual technology that there is no screen the image is projected directly into your eyes every take this new technology to put it into a head the and of your phones see you can listen to music if you want a video that you are year-old movie theater. gerri: should i be concerned about my eyeballs of? >> not at all. this is more comfortable the
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of the lcd monitor the use tear at all day it is the light here rise naturally see it seems more comfortable tuned real than any other dispy. gerri: how did you come up withhthis idea? >> we are doing crazy resech for the government and i was called up what about projecting light directly into your eye? i fly out to i stuck my face into this contraption and there was a moment i thought something is happening. gerri: does it hit your retina? i cannot get over the technology. do you need a tv ever again? >> no. you plug this and tear iphones or your tablets u.k. and street liked netflix or view games it feels like a huge personal theater it is an amazing
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experience. gerri: what is the cost? >> it is on kickstart right now you can buy this right now $489 -- $499. gerri: are their other applications? >> people primarily love it but corporations have approached us with the concern like security they want to do computed without people looking over their shoulder or medical applications for those were visually impaired. gerri: and it comes in different colors is a teighteen yesterday's news? >> it is totally different market. to give people information but we try to give the ultimate experience. gerri: are there any medical
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applications? >> definitely. people are very interested to potentially use it as the assistant to vice foreign visually impaired issues. gerri: you told me there are no problems over time and it safer than the of crt spirit we have shown hundreds of hours on this device to thousands of people the first thing they noticed is it looks so real a unit of natural is it also feels a lot more comfortable but we're trying to create the natural light he would normally see. gerri: amazing technology. thinks he for showing us. civic consumer credit grows by the most of almost one year as a result of a sharp increase the credit card usage. total consumer credit rose by $90 billion cover more
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than $3 trillion use rose by five lead alone the can you imagine life without credit cards? most of us don't want to let them go is impossible? we want you to help us find out by taking t cash challenge. can you don't your credit cards to live off of cash only? we will want to talk to them. if you want to get rid of credit cards we will help you. shouldn't you resve the engagement ring if the relationship crumbles? how do you do that? the best way to get the urge dream job while applying of wind. -- online
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♪you may say i'm a dreamer ♪but i'm not the only one ♪i hope someday you'll join us ♪and the world will be as one ♪imagine no possessions ♪i wonder if you can
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♪no need for greed or hunger ♪a brotherhood of man ♪imagine all the people ♪sharing all the world ♪you ♪you may say i'm a dreamer ♪but i'm not the only one ♪i hope someday you'll join us ♪and the world will live as one♪
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gerri: finding a job in today's market is downright tough more speakers fled the web with your new prospects but error next guest has tricks to landing the resin made at the top of the electronic file. from the staffing firm in chicago, great to have you here. people ponder how important it is to be highly visual on the web when looking for a job. >> most employers will google you to check out your facebook page for precautionary measures so you want to have the on-line presence in make sure you cross your t's and dot your eyes to be sure you know, what other people see when they g. gerri: is the paper resonate dead? >> not at all that has spent
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a greatly exaggerated. there still is the need for that people still share this around the office. >> happens if there's too creative with too many resonates they have fabricatio make sure you write user bright tents in the right adjective but most importantly to say i m marketing here i am a journalist here. gerri: i don't mean lying to resonate or fabricating not
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embellishing. gerri: the fact supports your argument that they dismiss the are present-day seeking gate yourself from about. talking about on line where the action is it is difficult to get your name for those considered for the job what web site should they go to? i realize you were in the business that is more old school but what matters? >> if you are looking for a job beyond monster, a career builder, dice, have your profile updated:link to end. the realtors the present rate is a marketing tool for who you are if you are a job hopper over the next tender
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15 years the says you're not a steady employee. gerri: talk about other tricks they sit if you talk about a marketing job with procter & gamble what is considered the prime entry level there are thousands of people competing for the same job. how do you get your rest of the app talked? >> you have to be a tworking get out of your house and get the profile but then get out. networking with a you just graduated from college networking with friends of your parents are parents friends, or networking groups, interest groups in your field, or if you have been in the workplace your networking with people you used to work for in staying
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in touch to talk about relevant things keeping you eric the top of the mind for those who have the power. gerri: didn't have to go through the interview iiself then beat other people in the company. i think for a high-profile positions people hire people they already know. somehow with that 7 degrees of separation is that what you are word describing? >> of firms like mine they get paid fees to find people well that is true the rolodex is limited but are you getting yourself in front of people then to have the perspective to say i
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need to brush up on this that is where most people feel they are not truthful. gerri: that is not on my reservation. [laughter] >> but most people want to know but the truth is it if it is a deficiency. gerri: i would not disagree but i want to share some information. of web site like that is the best known out there ranks 152nd in terms of popular. ranks 813. fox news and 309. monster, the career builder people are looking hard. >> if you for having me.
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getting the interview process is hard enough to when they do respond u may be asked we are questions. actual interview questions number five why is the tennis ball fuzzy? it is a question asked which one answered because it is cuter. if you're a pizza delivery man how would you benefit from scissors? one answered to make some of -- to make the pizza box around. [laughter] number three if he were a box of cereal which one would you be? one answered cardboard. [laughter] if you could sing once on un-american i know what would it be? >> the number of wind oddball interview question is do you believe in big
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flat? one said yes. married him. [laughter] the link onto our web site at looking out for you in germany stocks overseas bond funds big changes and our legal panel, who gets to keep the ring when the engagement is off? ♪ ♪
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gerri: the diamond may be forever but that does not mean the relationship is the began taking his next fiancee to court to return the $40,000 family heirloom. who gets the ring of a breakup?
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i a don't know why this is in the corporate to begin with. >> it is a huge he gets it back. it is conditional the condition is i give the ring to you, you have to use satisfy the contrt to bury me. if they are very for one minute it is hers. it is a contract she did not fulfill the contracshe has to give back. gerri: and doou think it is warm and fuzzy? >> she is correct in new york but other states handle it differently. other states may look at the circumstances i was the spouse and then i decided not to go through with it that i may not be able to
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get a back. if it was the fiancee had the ring then she was unfaithful to. >> you have no heart at all. [laughr] gerri: this is the interesting point because if you do cheat aren't you breaking the contract that she was talking about? >> a&e can get crazier. in certain states if you get the ring as a holiday or a birthday gift that it babied it was also a conditional because it was the birthday that is another problem. >> so what your message is if you give off a gift don't do it on valentine's day. [laughter] not of the birthday. >> not only that the important thing is you want
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to be a good partner said doing something on valentine's day does not count. >> a debit drink every day? civic that is also good. civic with the legal analysis of this particular situatn, she is right once you are merited is a different story except if you bought a five-bedroom thousand dollars ring then you got married then one week later you got divorced like the kardashian then there could be deceits they do have a better chance to get back. >> said you have to hire a lawyer to make the case it was fraud. gerri: so now we talk about what is more expensive hiring the attorney or the
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average set is spent? but there was a case in new york involving a a football player whose name escapes me it was worth three-quarters of a million dollars and a hammer. they didn't get married i'm sorry they got very but a short time later they got divorced and he could get back to the son of a. it is a mixture of romance a you block a you that is a bad thing. gegerri: why is this even in the court? bid because it is so much money. they could not come to the terms. if it is an heirloom he would have walked away. gerri: i do think it should be the family's. absolutely. >> you would think or hope the people could resolve something like this but it ends up in court. >> 20 years married i of
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russia rht now how to start these proceedings. >> for data. you would never get it back. [laughter] >> is in equitable distribution and that spouse gets a good shot to keep it. >> okay then. good news. great job. fascinating i cannot imagine. moving to 5:00 p.m. eastern we have been fat -- flashing that user's guide to love the end monday more warm and fuzzy. still to come my to sense in the of volatility is too much as they dumped the stocks. should you? stay with us. ♪
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gerri: investor is dumping stocks with the biggest change in history. david wilson joins me now. the great rotation? everybody went from bonds into stocks? been a kid did not take long. they saw that dip but it was
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too big. gerri: even though half of us? taically it does not a correction. >> but it feels bad enough and felt that way. then we had some stabilization but this is the correction everybody was looking for. gerri: do said this is the correction but. >> how deep it will be? bbb already hit the bottom. gerri: you cannot predict that. you said especially in emerging market etf? >> that is the ultimate growth trade if you look at the chart it has got nowhere in five years. but the two biggest troublemakers of china and brazil are 30 percent of the
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etf. i do not want to be there. gerri: interesting. what about bonds and what kind? >> it was interesting people sold the stock instead of cash they went to bond. i thought why? they have or the fuzzy feeling from 2008 that protected them like the teddy bear. but the bond is probably okay but i am not in love with it by starting the year i thought the 10 year would be a 4%. we sawit could not get beyond three. gerri: what do you like? the bond market is 100 times bigger than of the stock market. >> if you have to be some should be in bonds buy you
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point to be in the sweet spot around five years. stick with high-quality. joke has run its course. gerri: high-quality corporate? >> ice debris from the bridge to market. -- stay away from the emerging market. it is almost nothing. gerri: have you seen the headlines on p.r.? it has all kinds of problems to pay the debt they will float its some people say goal by fact -- go by that civic they are smarter than the. it is not of great idea for the retail investor. if you are a professional there is probably a workout. i am not sure how that will flesh out but the president has already said no bailout
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for p.r.. fly to ral it to be there? sid back reducible? back not entirely some are in better shape then the united states be very careful. gerri: a lot of information into a short segment. what you were clicking on tonight to the days has downgraded the up p.r. credit rating at junk status. it is struggling did with $70 billion of public debt is preparing to re-enter the bonds to market. a dismal jobs report. but a stellar market today sharply higher as investors would find them a bright spot of the jay you very jobs report italy went hundred 13 jobs were added. a new federal debt limit
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almost four months later the new cap 17-point to trillion dollars treasury secretary lew had to do some quick maneuvering to keep from defaulting to wait for congress to act again. the postal service lost 354 billion but that is much less than the 1.3 billion in lost before there was 14.5% growth of shipping the 4.5% drop of first-class delivery. those are some of fostoria's on fox is a of wealth from its employees under the
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gerri: aol changing the 401(k) plan holding employs hostage. on an recent conference carpal the ceo blamed obamacare and tw female employees who recently had babies with special needs.
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is aol throwing its employees under the bus? we have it on 63% said yes. 37% said no. interesting. here are some of your e-mails. folks writing to us about food stamps. bob from florida food stamps from s.n.a.p. are too easy to get. $3 11 in crap paid for later. my tax dollars paid for that. it must stop. everybody agrees with that. and terry from virginia writes in some places it's easier to get food stmps than a job. in some ppaces you get more than if you're working. chris from arizona said -- it's a different topic. in the talk about the hacking mess i haven't heard anyone mention prepaid debit cards. my husband and i each use them for all online purchases and in some retail. we keep about $100 loaded on one of them.
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if someone gets ahold we not much. we reload with cash. finally credit card debt across e country are rising. which makes me wonder have we learned nothing from the great recession in which consumers loaded themselves with mortgage debt. nothing from the target credit card hacking in which millions of consumers have had their personal information comprised. this ripoff of consumer information has been one of the big issues lately. one will continue when the show moves to an hour earlier next week. that's right on monday we'll kick it off at 5:00 p.m. eastern. 2:00 p.m. on the west coast. we'll have a ne segment "cash challenge." dump your cards and live on cash alone. tweet me or e-mail me. let me know if you can take the challenge and live on cash alone. it starts monday. our time will change. but our issues, hey, they say the same.
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that's it for the "the willis report." have a great night! we'll see you next week at the different time. don't forget! ♪ ♪ ♪ neil: your lucky stars that we haven't been hit since 9/11. what if we are to have been hit again? i'm taling about san jose. it was darn near destroyed. welcome, everyone, it is coming to light that the most significant incident of domestic terrorism involving the grid that has ever occurred in the united states. and i am quoting directly the man who headed the federal energy regulatory commission saying that.


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