tv Cavuto FOX Business February 10, 2014 6:00pm-7:01pm EST
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there's a reason you call it farm bill. you're no a american if you oppose. after all, if you don't like it. you must not like farmers. this is what happens to me every time -- sacred watching. i'm the one who gets butchered. hello i'm kneel neil cavuto. the farm bill that do much to help farmers. i had the awe disty to go through it line-by-line. to hear some critics you would think i was doing lines. how dare i point out cat fish are getting $17 0 million.
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or the cotton growers and alfalfa growers. i predicted it years of locust would come out fast and furious. sure enough they did. an e-mail another fat cat who gets the land and dare complains. who are you calling fat cat? i'm not really all that much in to it. aol you hate farmers that much? no. i hate watching them screwing farmers and slapping their name on a bill. neil, a an a knuckle head, if we don't look agricultural industry game over. hey, neil. try i next time. if it includes spending over $17 0 to monitor cat fish. to be phase, the vast majority of e-mails more supportive of than opposed. i have comfortable enough ego i continue care. sam, for example, in atlantic writes what part of broke can't they understand. or tanya in pittsburgh laments we keep it up we're going down.
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we're skipped. lake you said, republicans signed off on the response it makes them also -- you're right. so much to discuss so little time. i started with the critical e-mails to show you it's the same thing all the time. if you are going to stick your neck out. get ready for somebody to chop your head off. doubled the gas tax. you're talking about doublings the gas tax and acting like it is no big deal. >> i didn't say it was not a big deal. >> americans want know how can you guarantee the new money you want from this won't compound us in? >> i just finished indicating to you that independent studies from business, from republicans -- >> you have no idea. or this from a former of the united states who has a same idea to help fix our roads and
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bridges. >> i'm proud, neil, that while i was at d.o.t. we spent $48 billion. >> wait a minute. can't we account for the money spent and where it is going? >> it's being accounted for, neil. i wish you were right. >> i am right. >> okay, fine. >> my argument and is thing now before you ask for another dime explain what the heck you have done with the billions you've already gotten from us. well, you would think i was clubbing babies. these budget babies do not stop. like when i questioned the war on poverty. or command -- demanded to know why one in three americans get some form of food assistance. many are at the risk of starving in i'm a bad guy. keeping them bored, for hungry. because i asked politicians to account for our money. where is it going? not where you think. this farm bill is just a latest
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example. you can see why so many in washington just give us the fight. it's not worth the hassle. take the upcoming debt ceiling battle. there are a few saying stop the madness. the media is calling them mad for bringing attention to the madness. that is mad. kind of makes you think the guy ted cruz wasn't so mad or crazy for bringing american's attention to this big government madness. and boy, did he -- that guy had to absorb for taking a stand against a portion of the madness. the texas senator is coming up to talk about all of this and how it is going down. first rogers here to -- well, keep track of the spending that goes up. >> if you thought the $1 trillion farm bill was bad. you should see what is coming up. the first area of spending coming down the pike on unemployment benefits. so senate democrats had their latest effort shot down by republicans last week. they are expected to push again for $6.4 brake billion to extend
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long-term unemployment benefits for another three months. >> they keep trying. >> yes, it expired in the winter, you know, the end of 2013. they're looking at extend iting again. we'll see if it goes through. it's one area. the next area is $1 billion on invasion centers. these are public/private partnerships that president obama has pushed for around the country. last year he used executive order to spend $200 million to create the first three of these 15 centers around the country. >> the money and allocating a lot of times gets tucked in to other pieces of legislation. you almost don't even know it's there. but it is there. >> it's there. and actually i spoke with citizens against government waste today. they said are 16.6 billion that is in savings in that bill that senate democrats are looking to spend on unemployment. >> amazing. kate rogers. thank you very much. >> no wonder some are saying stop it. and no wonder they are already
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flapping them around. with me now is spending watcher sybrina. the problem is always the same. if you dare bring attention to this, it is almost as if the main stream media zeros in on you for dare doing so. >> that's right. of course the republicans have little political leverage that the point. but i don't think the american people have a stomach to continue this kind of spending bing. when i have a $17 trillion debt we're facing. >> a lot of people don't know it is going on, i think. we brought attention to this food bill. the farmers bill and immediately they started saying well, you know, a lot of that is food stamps. which we did get in to separately. that alone was a sin. now it is to the point one in three americans are getting some sort of food assistance. if we are up to one in three meeting food stance. right now that makes us mo scam beak. i digress. sold in the idea it was farmers bill.
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everyone loves farmers. how can you be against something in a farm bill? >> right. even the president cupped it with the sort of whole effort to bring more federal resources to rural america. but we know that as much as, you know, farmers like to present the farm bill as a way of preserving the small american farmer. tps. the opposite. it's corporate welfare. subsidizes for staple crops like corn and so i boys. unfortunately in the bill 80 isn't goiig toward food stamps which we have talked about as ripe with fraud. we're pretty sure not the best way of helping americans get back on the feet. >> you have two wonder, too, when you call it in to question republicans or conservatives or starving people or, i mean, no one is saying those who genuinely need it will get it. and should get stuff particularly when it comes to items like food. i would stand back on the cat fish. i would let them go. >> right. one of the things i think is really important that conservatives emphasize by 0 pose sort of kind of government
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already gets. it doesn't mean we want to do it alone society. i don't want to turn my backs on those really in need. but important to recognize that all of this government growth actually crowds out civic society. it decreases our self--- our ability to depend on ourselves. >> right. the little detail we don't have is the money. >> that's a big one. we can't afford this. and there are better, more efficient, effective ways to helping people at the local level. >> well put. better than i. thank you. the issue of accountability it's a huge one with billionaire karl icon. he demands it out of board rooms and washington and normally he demands it it on the phone. karl is not one to sit on a set. he's making a exception with us at fox tomorrow. a rare face to face chat with probably one of the greatest movers and shakers in corporate america. it not the most feared man inn@ corporate america on what he makes of a washington tone deaf
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and he says a corporate america at least when it comes to the ceo even more tone deaf. kids, you might want to prepare to cover your ears. because karl icon is loaded for bear here and only here tomorrow. meanwhile, later on, cruz out of control. why ted cruise is ready for a fight and itching to let the president know. you want the debt ceiling hike? show me what is going to come. ic democrats and a lot of main stream republicans are in for a good, old texas fight. you wonder how it is. we only find out now about the san jose utility attack last year? you know what i'm talking about. a lot of armed gunmen took out a power station and disappeared in to the night i want you to meet the guy who wonders what else we don't know. and what else could be coming our way. ♪
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on the california utility last year. a lot of you started asking why are we only finding out now? the incident involving armed men shooting out transformers and energy substations even fiberoptic line all meticulously and surgically carried out before disappearing to the night before police arrived. they have never been apprehended. anyway it got former deputy secretary of defense. so you long argue these type of security breaches. they've been increasing are only going to get more so; right? >> well, yeah. and neil, thank you if having me back, neil. this is the thing we've been talking about. everybody wants to talk about fancy stuff. cyber terror and all the other stuff. make another dye hard movie. an ak47 is a pretty low tech weapon. they managed to take out 17 transformers on an unprotected power station. it seems we ought to be taking hard look at what we haven't been told by the fbi and
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homeland security. and what we can do to protect the stations. >> a little weird me. i went -- schooled on this a lot of these are unmanned facilities. they're gated and the equipment is all under lock and key. but oftentimes not a human being lock and key. so you shoot out that equipment, in this case, they potentially could have taken out power to all of silicon valley. didn't happen that way. and just the chris cross of the grid is such that a few more lucky breaks. no pun intended. they could have taken out power to much of western american. >> what is going on here? >> to me the real question whether it's a international terrorist group operating here or a bunch of guys crazy malicious guys who happened to know enough about the technology of the power station to knock it out. >> what is that? if you are going do that and how many grown frustrated local -- to what send in. >> well, i don't know.
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i mean, those guys usually can't organize that much. they don't have the reach and the power of international terror groups. they can basically those guys can screw up a three-car funeral in a desert. somebody like al qaeda or hezbollah or any ilk, you know, at roof these people can operate the on the skill. they can be rehearsing. it looks like a rehearsal for a larger attack on the west cob with the east coast pretty much anywhere. >> i was thinking about the idea of a rehearsal. they likened the experience of the world trade 1993 a setup or dry run that would be more devastating on 9/11. i don't know if that's the case. i know, that these guys in very little time essentially took the facility out minutes before they haven't been apprehended since. so they're no dummies. what do you make of that? >> they're clearly no dummies. they had the skill tow know what they needed to knock out but they want to knock it out that would not attract a lot of attention.
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they didn't shoot the transformers and cause them to where blow up. they let the oil leak out. >> they knew what they were doing. they knew it well enough to know whht it would do if incatched. >> that scouted it out in advance. they had someone go up and mark the trail. don't forget they hit the station at night. they had a place -- several places marked with piles of stones where you can get the best advantage point at night. probably with a night scope and shoot out the schooling -- cooling fins. they knew what they were doing. i'm concerned it's a dry run. we can see it pop up pretty much anywhere in the country at this point. >> it's scary stuff. good having you. thank you. meanwhile why powerplants are not the onll target. your cash is also under attack. the bank can't even keep it safe. america love or leave it. i thought that's what they were saying in the '60s. it's not the '60s.
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we must have encountered a temporal vortex. further analytics are necessary. beam us up. ♪ that's my phone. hey. [ female announcer ] the x1 entertainment operating system, only from xfinity. tv and internet together like never before. you going with all the cash? they don't like this country. a lot of them are leaving the country. it's true a number of americans skip ship is up 222%. they aren't the frustrated wood stockers. a lot of them are supposedly the go getters. and getting out while they say it is good. they had it with the high taxes, over the top regulations. the general tone in washington they said they didn't earn what they made. they are making a beeline for anywhere but here. christian -- in on the way out. chris says good luck. if more follow them.
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are you first, first your argument this is a bad trend and one that bears watching, why? >> hey, neil. thank you for having me. almost 3,000 people left the united last year. can we be surprised they're doing this? companies have been leaving for years. the regulatory and tax infrastructure regime in this country is just oppressive you do have good companies sending jobs abroad. why not people follow? listen, be clear about it. there's nothing in the world that cause know have to leave this country. i love it. i believe everything it standards for. if the people want to leave and go, you know, to hell with them. go and get out. don't let the door hit you in the back. we need understand why the trend increasing. and i think it is important to look at it has spiked not just in the last year but five years. if you look at the years of 2002 on ward you'll see that those higher during the obama administration than the bush administration.
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is there a correlation? i think we need look at the way the administration has input and implemented new regulations that are stifling and a new tax structure that is absolutely oppressive. it is chasing people out. >> we have seen some who left the past. not to this degree and level of capital. because say what you will the few thousand americans, they're rich and pretty rich. you don't like the money being chased away for whatever reason. are you worried this is just, you know, opening -- many more are going to follow? >> 0 no, i don't think so. remember we're talking about a couple of thousand people. and many thousand more, actually choose the united states as a destination from foreign countries. >> i know. >> you acknowledge the 3,000 gdp latin america. i'm not trying to say money makes a difference. when money leaves it should make people take note.
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>> it does. but it doesn't mean i'm going change the tax policy because we have a couple of disgruntled people. some leaving nothing to do with taxation. people living and working abroad carring an american passport is more of a hindrance than a help. that's partly to do. i think more importantly, if folks have such a tenuous tie to this country, their decisions are based on capital accumulation or wealth accumulation, then i say do not lev the door hit you on the way out. >> a matter -- who want to be at the party where everyone hates you. the argument and the sentiment expressed and chris touched on it. where the rich have don't rich because either they haven't paid enough or done enough of their share or maybe insofar as ill-gotten gains. what is to make them stay if it is one thing to say all right we're not saying thank you for you giving in taxes. now we're upping it and saying
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screw you. >> yeah. >> let's look at the -- >> sure. >> listen. i think there is a real issue. christian, i want to touch on something he said. i agree in part. part is listen, they are leaving. a lot of these people areing because they are paying through the nose on taxes. and sometimes double because they get taxed by the country they do business in. and getting taxed by the united states. there's some four attacks writeoff andoff set but but paying double taxes. it's oppressive. now the united states is requiring it own citizens who are doing business abroad to report all asset overseas and require the other banks foreign institutions to report back to the irs. >> chris on that point, the pain in the rear factor. it's not worth the hassle. the united states used to be unencumbered market. you don't want to take advantage of that. but a lot of people who grew and
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aspired in that are now saying, hey, it's easier almost anywhere else these days. >> and look, on that narrow point. i agree we don't want to burden people unnecessarily with administrative burdens. >> we are. we are. we have the health care law. [inaudible conversations] >> no. that's not the point. but kit and can bottle in here. people are not leaving because the fract. they are leaving because they feel they can accumulate their wealth -- >> no. if you feel that you're overtaxed, underappreciated. if you feel you -- >> for crying out loud, neil! >> cry me a river. >> i am saying -- they have great beef in argentina. i'm saying people are adding it up and saying, well, it's one thing that i get taxed to the nose. it's another thing that they call me a villain while here doing it; right? >> for the american middle class that hasn't seen their wages increase in a decade, they're the ones who are really put
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upon. not someone who is just -- >> these all -- >> because you're going to be -- >> and you're going feel put upon. >> yeah. >> that's kind of where i'm ending. chris, chris, i want to thank you very much. in the meantime, is the president says he's all in on energy. ted cruz wants to know why he's leaving out one source of energy. the one texas senator says we have plenty. i think cruz is saying they're full of it. [ male announcer ] hands were made for playing.
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fedex one rate. really makes my life easier. maybe a promotion is in order. good news. i got a new title. and a raise? management couldn't make that happen. [ male announcer ] introducing fedex one rate. simple, flat rate shipping with the reliability of fedex. how did edward jones get so big? t me just put this away. ♪ could you ach our kids that trick? [ male announcer ] by not acting that way. it's how edward jones makes sense of investing. neil: ted cruz going all all-out. it keying in on keystone. he says it is about an administration talks since to
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embrace the traditional energy that is the center of debate. it is an all in energy talkin talkin that means more killing and more faxing and no more dillydallying. the senator joins us now from washington. >> it's always great to join you neil: this just isn't about to start for you, is that? >> yes, that's exactly right. the number one priority of people. powers of a lot of time talking about it. the senate of harry reid does not address economic growth. we have an incredible opportunity with energy to produce millions of new jobs. we are seeing an american energy renaissance right now because of private entrepreneurs and new technology. today i laid out the broad outlines of the bill to introduce called the american energy renaissance bill that will prevent the federal government screwing it up and
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from stopping the development of our resources and also open up new land and resources with what americans want and need. >> and they are tapping all of these energy resources, including the ones that you have espoused as well as energy. and all of the others. what have you? >> when the president says that he is carrying out the fatal conceit and produces with. government is producing not juss any jobs. and we are seeing in energy
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renaissance. north dakota has a 2.6% unemployment rate. north dakota has cashers that make 1750 an hour. mcdonald was playing bonuses because there are so many high-paying jobs in the energy industry. in texas we are seeing kids with a high school degree making $80,000 a year driving a truck very. so the energy renaissance is happening. yes then driven by the private sector and the number one thing that gets screwed up as the federal government coming in and stopping it. by far the most dangerous thing they could do is regulate fracturing. so one of these elements is to prohibit the federal government from regulating backing the state can ensure that we have clean air and clean water and not get in the way of generating jobs.
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>> they will find ways around the standards that have already existed. >> the real problem that we have even at the state level is some state are too rigorous and let me give an example. it doesn't end at the border between new york and pennsylvania. but the jobs data. western pennsylvania is seeing an explosion of jobs and high-paying jobs and working class jobs. union jobs and even though those resources are in new york as well, politicians in new york had righted apparently new yorkers don't want jobs. that has been the problem that we have seen. rules have been put in place prohibiting us from using the resources that we've got. and the potential is us and we are talking about millions of
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jobs are being created and that can be created and part of my bill also is to take the additional revenue that all of the will generate. generating new leasing on federal lands and paid into a trust fund to pay down our national debt. because our national guard is out of control. neil: you do face an uphill fight as you know. i'm wondering what this debt ceiling deadlines fast approaching. do you think whether or not it should be a tax to any measure that raises that that feeling? >> in my view we should not raise the debt ceiling without fundamental structural reforms to stop the out-of-control site 's is the one that's never going to happen. >> with respect it has happened. the last 55 times the debt ceiling has been raised. twenty-eight of them congress put significant restrictions on. some of the most successful structural reforms as well.
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>> ardennes has only gotten bigger and a problems only gotten more entrenched. >> no doubt. and the problem has been exacerbated in recent years. five years ago when obama was elected to national debt was $10 trillion. now it's over $17 trillion. and it's fundamentally irresponsible. washington and obama and the democrats don't do anything at all to address the structural problems and are spending. neil: do they think it's even a problem? they were referring to the president saying that he acts no different than the theater guy left behind in cuba. do you agree with that? >> the comment he made their was
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in reference in particular to the president's abuse of power and acting unilaterally. and if congress doesn't act, i will. and my god's plan is listening from our constitution is meant to constrain how government power can be used we have seen a pattern of lawlessness that undermines the checks in the constitution and is a fundamental threat to liberty. >> we mention the small group that was polled. would you do the same thing that barack obama is doing and we will get past these guys and we will take some executive orders into action on our own accord and the heck with it. >> absolutely not. it is every president that takes an oath to the constitution.
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there are legitimate areas for executive orders. article two of the constitution gives the president the authority. but what president obama has done it is unprecedented as one who disagrees with the law. he refuses to enforce it. with obamacare he granted a waiver to big is in the despite the fact that the statute prohibits it. he granted a waiver to congress and most strikingly over 5 million americans lost their health insurance because obamacare. he didn't do what every other president would've done, which is go to congress and say that this law is not working and it's hurting millions of americans and let's change it. instead he held a press conference where he instructed private insurance companies to issue policies that are illegal under the law. and that ought to trouble
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neil: think quick. who is hotter? kate upton for this beauty queen? they are both borges. if memory serves me right, kate upton never had to nashe on national on her tongue to keep her from picking out. kate upton gets it and even gets to do sports illustrated photo shoots in space, whereas miss venezuela was trying too
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hard to prove that she should be shot into space. she made headlines a while back. they called it unflattering picture. good to have you. what is this woman doing in venezuela? >> i just think it's really sad. i've been in the industry myself for it sometime. and i know the pressures that go along with modeling. neil: tell me about it. [laughter] >> but there are psychology things behind it. it's years of being told that you are too fat and not good enough and these girls just get picked apart over and over again. neil: you had a successful and still do having to wrestle critter. >> thank you. but i'm a plus size model.
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neil: the plus size is sort of like an oxymoron. >> they always go to the extreme. neil: but you argue that young girls in particular get a little 2 inches of other stuff? >> yes, almost definitely. it's sad that a woman get so off that her only value his physical appearance and that's really what the problem is in the media. what about becoming a brain surgeon or working towards going to school. i love being a model but it is sad when a woman has words that relies on her physical appearance. neil: when this famous photo of you came out and all of these waste not these were coming out.
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>> it is a good and the bad and i just choose to stay away from that. i don't read that stuff are in i am who i am. the people that i love love me. >> they told you could afford to lose this. and she's a little too marilyn monroe. what was she a size 16? >> i think so. >> i think that it's just cyclical. the fashion is really cyclical. to feel around, and marilyn monroe, then twiggy came along and then kate moss. neil: there's a lot of ideal
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weight they keep getting lower. >> estimating the problem is that there is no right equation for a certain person and it's more about personal health. everyone is different. being the healthiest you can be whether that the site exorcised 12, for me it's a size 12. what i'm eating healthy and working out. that's what's important. but that is the fine line is between losing weight for health and losing weight for looking like a supermodel. and that is where this girl comes in. it is not a health reason. she didn't get that show the entrance on her tongue because she wanted to be healthy. so what is next? i thought girls eating cotton balls and drinking water was the worst of it. it's sad. it's really sad that women feel the need to do this. and i'm in trouble now. when we come back, you don't
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think this hack attack israel? we will have that next [ male announcer ] e new new york open. open to innovation. open to ambition. open to boldids. that's why n york has a new plan -- dozens of tax free zones all across the state. move here, expand here, or start a new business here and pay no taxes for ten years... we're new york. if there's something that creates more jobs, and ows more businesses... we're open to it. start a tax-free business at peace of mind is important when so we provide it services you we'bucan rely on. with centurylink as your trusted it partner, you'll experience reliable uptime for the network and services you depend on.
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neil: the latest investigative reporting. forget about keeping track of these things. we are connecting the dots on all of these things. you're worried about this. why is that? >> not only do we have to worry about the external hackers but we have to worry about the nsa. a split my time between san diego, california, and italy. neil: okay, that is a tough job.
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>> and when i'm in italy i work with international clients and occasionally we work on deal. and i have to think about who might be with me and i don't know who might be listening in. we have to be very careful. and one prominent utility has been whacked by that. this is a problem that is way out of control. >> absolutely. there are many companies that really have to think twice and are thinking twice about using american technology and using
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services are buying american products because we have been told by these companies that they have had to put tools in the middle of the nsa to better observe what they are doing. he wants more reputation is going to suffer more. that sounds to me like a financial hit as well. when you are interacting with american companies, you have to be very careful because you just don't know. the nsa won't let these companies even tell us what it is that they are. >> so much for the san jose plant. and it was many months after that. almost a year. some wondering what else we might find out about. and that does me great concern.
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we're here to help you turn your dream into a reali. so ally bank has a that wothat's correct.a rate. use i'm really nervous about getting trapped. why's that? uh, mark? go get help! i have my reasons. look, you don't have to feel trapped with our raise your rate cd. if our rate on this cd goes up, yours can too. oh that sounds nice. don't feel trapped with the ally raise your rate cd. ally bank. your money needs an ally. >> i'm going to be very specific about that.
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you are able to get out the. neil: has become the ceo that america loves to hate. i say we give him some slack. two different workers babies needed millions of dollars in special care. including changing some staff in effect. never handed out being part of the change anyway. what did he say that was so wrong and shouldn't shareholders welcomed the ceo that is cognizant? >> i think that he has appointed 2013 with aol's best year ever. because of the affordable care act and obamacare, have to take
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a big hit to cover financial health care cost and costs and how to make changes to their 401k. rather than matching on a project basis. armstrong says it is because we have had two babies that cost more than million dollars each and that is so expensive and that's why we are making the change. huge mea culpa. the company went back to the 401k. so this is them doing business because of health care. neil: when you have these kind of things, any of these larger companies, they can almost claim became glanced past debts. so i think you guys should know what is going on and then of
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course without saying that this was started. so the pr point might not have been good but was the rational behind a good? >> i am always thankful when ceos talk to you and tell you the truth. and actually laying out how this is happening. so the problem was that he said distressed babies. babies can be in distress, but you don't have distressed babies. and so when he uses the wrong word, he talks specifically. >> so you think that carl ichan closes with the that he sees no reason to keep up this fight with apple now that he has what he wants from apple reign at turns out that that is what is
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going on. >> another 32 billion on tap for the restful year read carl ichan didn't get what he wanted. and how big of a fight is he going to have? of the pension fund, new york city control, calpers, let apple run its own money and manage its own money. at the end of the day what you want to be a tech giant do in the corporate world as get products out there. send money getting the iphone out there, developing this. that is what they should be doing. neil: he gets that as well. right? >> exactly. the shareholders know that he's the one that's at the table. looking after the shareholders interest and not so much management. so i like him. the. neil: okay, you just don't like ceos that spell out distressed babies. okay, we will find out tomorrow for the first time since then,
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he is face-to-face in a very rare person-to-person chat. hear from the most feared man in america. >> good evening, everyone. president obama has lost the trust of the public on almost every significant issue facing the nation. and losing that trust he has even the republican party a great gift for the midterm elections. the white house today trying to deflect this trust issue and public opinion polling showing that the gop is now the majority view of the president. also the white house investigation into the irs targeting of tea party and conservative groups moving so slowly that one group filed an ethics complaint against elijah cummings, the ranking member of the house oversight
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