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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  February 11, 2014 7:00pm-8:01pm EST

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tomorrow we will get into what mark was raising also with carl icahn and accountability of corporate america for malfeasance the and laziness. tomorrow. >> good evening. breaking news the republican party has just pulled off an amazing escape on capitol hill with a lot of help house speaker boehner relying on the democratic caucus to pass a clean debt ceiling bill of lading and other potential shutdown. we will have the latest from washington. also the president defending the 35th unilateral change to obamacare. listen to the run on rhetorical rationalization. >> this was an example of
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the administratively as to make sure we snooze the transition, give people the opportunity to get right with though logging companies try to work with us we want to make sure we work with them as well. that is our ataturk -- attitude. how do we make it work for the employers in the optimal way? lou: congressman louie gohmert joins us and it is very good for investors on wall street with the dow jones industrial average as janet yellen play down her strategy in front of the house financial-services committee we will also share a graphic piece of market history that may lead to more than a little concerned. of the house passes a clean debt ceiling bill moments
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ago a narrow escape for republicans and speaker boehner relying on the entire democratic caucus. the 4 million the leadership team convincing only 24 other republicans to vote yes to suspend the debt limit through march 15 of next year now it will head to the senate were will pass with these tomorrow afternoon. of the one and 99 republican members -- members who defied their leadership to vote no be have congressman louie gohmert, republican from texas, good to have you with us. 199 republicans voting against the speaker's wishes? what is your motivation? >> it is sad. you know, my motivation.
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it is to serve and protect this country we took an oath to protect and serve but i don't know why we even colleted debt ceiling if we just raise it anytime we get to win. i have a lot of sympathy if you have been speaker before like speaker pelosi, your memory gets troublesome because i heard her today talking about how they should ever have anything with the debt ceiling increase is to be automatically increased apparently the memory is gone. lou: but i need to get to the answer. 199 republicans. how in the world do you expect the republican party to not find itself in the same strategic planning to a
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and played it was in the last year when you shut down the federal government? there will come a time there has to be some pragmatism to win the election to get more members are 100 senators or a presidency. >> i don't expect us not to be in the same bond that is why i was against what we did if there is a dead ceiling increase that make our system better where we don't have to keep doing this. and what it reminded me of wallace in 2006 when our former speaker in a newly elected majority leader told us we will be formed and all the things we would do but a
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tiny chance we could lose. lou: but you had a republican president your not unaware of the fact you were a majority. >> listen to the comparison. 2006 several leaders told us we would get through the year in do nothing. that is what we're doing now. we are living through it. lou: you are one majority in the house of representatives >> you bet we are in no bill gets passed. lou: half the bills that you are passing and i may be generous with my a percentage is political theater because you know, they will die in the senate. you know, a democratic president will kill them. what to expect to do when you are in the majority of one branch of government?
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>> i expect us to stand up up, they proposed a full audit of the federation at least have taken that opportunity. lou: what you want to know? again, i repeat, you are not in control of the federal government. >> nobody gets to spend a a dime unless the house agrees to it. that is leverage jim cover we can use it to save the country but it takes courage lou: what happened to your courage last fall when to shut down the government? >> we did not shut it down. harry reid shut it down. lou: you will not, do you not agree, i respect you
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mightily but would you not agree there can be no hint to the same maneuver other than what your experience at the hands of the democratic leadership of the republican minority leadership in the senate? >> obamacare as you pointed out, 35 times he has continued to change a lot. it is time to postpone for rank-and-file americans not just businesses that were willing to live -- like to stand for the american people and eventually despite the mainstream press that is what you do. whether it is popular or not you stand up for america and people to notice. lou: with all due respect they cannot draw the sale
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calls will relationships they do when a government shut down to the benefit of working men and women in the middle class of this country. you fail to make the connection 1996 comment last fall, i refer to the republican party. >> a fundamentally changed to make lives better for single moms who said come went up. we can take the same stamp. they were beat up but eventually it will be politically popular because eventually people will see when you do that is right. i am advocating to stand up and do what is right and we did not do it today. lou: always good to talk to you. the obama administration says the government has a right to know you were thinking. in a press briefing with the delay of the business mandate for the second time
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time, obama administration officials made it clear medium-size businesses between 50 and 100 employees will not be allowed to glassworkers to hit the magic number because of obamacare. how will they know that motivation to fire or lay off people? companies now have to certify to the irs under penalty of perjury that obamacare was not of motivating factor with the staffing decision. does that seem like a slight overreach of government? or any way to validate the answer either way? on capitol hill democrats and republicans with the senate budget committee were clashing over the meaning of last week's congressional budget office report that obamacare will cost the equivalent of 2.5 million jobs. democrats insist the
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reduction is americans not locked into jobs and those who choose to work less. but if his testimony today the director of the cbo again made clear the affordable care act, when it comes to employment in the economy is not a good thing. >> would it be fair to say discouraging people to work is harmful to growth and opportunity? >> i don't want to speak to individual because there are pros and cons but does reduce economic growth. lou: today and will street investors ignoring the doing in washington d.c. the stocks rallied big the dollar up 193 points. s&p of 20 and the nasdaq gave 43.
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janet yellen behind the enthusiasm as she reassured investors to continue the central bank's low interest-rate policy. and celebrating profits with anybody that goes up in smoke from blocking tobacco products earnings were up 12%. sprit some losses narrowed after four and injured 77,000 new customers were added to do that helped the stock as it was up 3%. berkeley's whatever some of the work force that means 12,000 people will lose their jobs because of a slowdown with the investment banking business. the obamacare insurance exchanges so riddled with problems officials are weighing whether to completely walk away from those of us site that they spent with a quarter of $1 billion perhaps we should add the maryland governor to
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the grocery list of democrats that right now are having their 2016 hopes if not dash but unsettled because of obamacare. we will be right back. >> president obama and cards i refusing to negotiate over troops in the calf -- afghanistan ambassador john bolton next. welcome back. how is everything? there's nothing like being your own boss! and my customers are really liking your flat rate shipping. fedex one rate. really makes my life easier. maybe a promotion is in order. good news. i got a new title.
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and a raise? management couldn't make that happen. [ male announcer ] introducing fedex one rate. simple, flat rate shipping with the reliability of fedex. [ male announcer ] introducing fedex one rate. ♪
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see what's new at
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lou: visit is video obtained by the "washington post" of the military elite delta force they captured days of?
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-- suspected al qaeda up water and took him prisoner outside his home in tripoli the covert operation done after he returned from boarding prayers' last october and took place over one did not a single shot was fired in this is security footage of the building for which she was captured. we thought you would find that interesting. james clapper today said he doesn't take afghan president karzai will sign the security agreement with united states becoming the first high ranking it ministration official to say that. but not the first time we have heard that. fox news contributor john bolton is here and to has never been hopeful of the outcome. and karzai himself would never his deficiencies he
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has been consistent there will be no bilateral security agreement he will sign if ever. >> now they're in a position where clappers statement is expressing reality and the best bet is to hope they can sign something with his successor. maybe that is the best option but it is bad because things may actually get worse showing a failure over a couple of years to grasp the reality. lou: some say with that initial deployment it resulted in success and we control afghanistan for a period. we have managed to screw that up fairly well over the decade. but now i hear a vacillant -- rationalization? can we keep 10,000 special
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operations forces or maybe 15,000 would be ideal i am not hearing any numbers that make sense because there is no strategy attached. >> if you don't have a strategy the numbers are irrelevant the size of the force was a contradiction in terms where we went wrong is believing that after defeating the taliban we would create a national government centralize power with tribal practices in the region to make no mistake if the taliban circuits back into power outside will come back we will be right where we were before 9/11. lou: sort this out after 13 years we know the pakistan
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the is working with the taliban unit teeeighteen negotiates himself this administration does so as well. it is stunning and a fact? >> pakistan has been a problem from the get-go it is the only country he knows where it is composed in the leadership because the pakistan the government did setup the powless did -- taliban and created the extremists in kashmir by it is a very unclear situation but it will strengthen the pakistan the taliban effect ever rico's then nuclear weapons immediately go to the terrorist. lou: not a more frightening prospect after 13 years of
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war this one superpower still has the enunciated strategy with any metric for success or failure for the lives we have lost? >> the overthrow of first was a great victory done the right way. lou: but the last decade has not been pretty. >> what began with the bush of frustration was to think you could create afghan national government of western europe. it would never happen strategy to understand we will be there for almost forever but we will not transform afghanistan to divide aaron rule that as
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the british did at the end of the $39 dash and 18th-century. lou: instead a less like we will withdraw. >> we will give them the whole country. lou: ambassador john bolton. ohio national guard unit under significant criticism because they conducted a mock trading drew last junior variant their purpose to fend off anti-government zero opinions they've launched a terrorist strike. he said there is such a thing as domestic terrorism. and there is such a thing as outright ignorance. up next new evidence reveals men are still adverse affected by the last recession and why we call that a man session in the "chalk talk."
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we will be right back. outlive? uhhh. no, that can't happen. that's the thing, you don't know how long it has to last. everyone has retirement questions. so ameriprise created the exclusive.. confident tirement approach. now you and your ameripise advisor can get the real answers you need. well, knowing gives you confidence. start building your confident retirement today. she loves a lot of it's what you love about her. but your erectile dysfunction - that could be a question of blood flow. cialis tadalafil for daily use helps you be ready anytime the moment's right. you can be more confident in your ability to be ready. anapprovedo treat edis thand symptoms obph,blet like needing to go frequently or urgently. tell your doctor about all your medic conditions and medications, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sexual activity. ake cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain,
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lou: in the recession that followed the financial crisis a new word entered
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the lexicon, man session in the early '70s 94% of american men 25 through 54 were working and had jobs in the 4% now only 83 percent work. 83%. that is quite a dissent 70 percent unemployed in the late '80s 3% of working age men collective federal disability benefits. now five put five%. almost double the number among the reasons the men are falling behind in education 14 percent of women and 20 percent of men were finishing college now that is reversed with 36 percent of women and
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27 percent of men finish college. hook at what is happening in the '70s 4 percent of wives made more money in their husbands. now it is 22% and you may ask so what? dash do economics have more staid of dad's 2% but now 3.5% joining us next to analyze what it means and what it represents with the huge societal shift is the manhattan institute to explain why the boys to men
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journey has become -- become too tough for many. the south this lamp quiet of the winter storm more than 59 deflates canceled there the 3,000 delays a big storm between one and 6 inches and icy conditions through virginia and georgia in of the carolinas. for the latest we're joined by the meteorologist. >> i know it is a mouthful. [laughter] you were talking about the ice storm potential i am concerned for friends across georgia and the carolinas it is eight points in a lifetime event some of the warnings coming out is epic, a catastrophic, a devastating, life-threatening if you live in those areas you need to be closely
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monitoring the weather and with your local stations with fox business to local news. reseed the freezing rain with the next wave of precipitation arkansas , the vienna, a mississippi this will be a devastating storm for our friends across the southeast with i stilwell's with half an inch so we will need to monitor this very carefully. lou: the georgia governor already declared a state oo emergency seven she will give us the extended outlook and what is in store for the northeast one dash southeast. it is not pleasant. >> on limiting but not for the obama administration. the "a team" on eric holder's call to give felons the right to vote.
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next. y paint ] ♪ we asked people a question, how much money do you think you'll need when you retire? $500,000. maybe half-million. say a million dollars. [ dan ] then we gave each person a ribbon to show how ma years that amount might last. ♪ i was trying to like pull it a littlfurther. you know, i was trying to stretch it a lite bit more. [ woman ] got me to 70 years old. i'm going to have to rethink this thing. [ man ] i looked around t everybody else and i was like, "are you kidding me?" [ dan ] it's just human nature to focus on the here and now. so it's hard to imagine h much we'll need for a retirement that could last 30 years or more. so maybe we need to approach things differently, if we want to be ready for a longer retirement. ♪ ♪
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lou: welcome back our senior meteorologist is here to tell us how this storm will affect the i 95 corridor. >> we start with part one of the ice storm across the southeast and a full-fledged nor'easter across the land taken northeast washington d.c. by 3:00 a.m. as well as philadelphia new york this raid, the sleek freezing rain could cut back on snow totals on the coastal areas by interior sections could be walloped depending on the positioning of the pressure but here is the best estimation between three and 6 inches boston 4 inches and
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8 inches new york city law i would would be cut back between 6 inches and tonnages in philadelphia and interior sections could get of what the us now with a very short amount of time and washington d.c. will be in the snow wednesday through thursday but about 438 inches first the ice storm which could be crippling them and fellow develop to becoming or easter wednesday through friday. lou: i'm almost afraid to ask you leave a one dash lately. with my next guest is been a shift in the family structure but to help understand what is going on
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that is changing our society senior fellow at the manhattan institute. this is a big deal. this is the persian with college education, education, dropouts, the jobs, and are caught in a seismic shift. >> it really is. there is such a dramatic shift in the labor market with women into the workforce. now we have a labor market that is very similar we have seen tremendous decline in the manufacturing sector that used to be all men. lou: musec it is not friendly to men as if it is a by gary chorizo. the fact is a lot of men nonqualified. they're not getting the education or not seeking trading not even high school
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education and unfortunately those highest dropout affect minorities. i looked at some numbers two weeks ago, the minority bin have about the save the unemployment rate today as 40 years ago when the war on poverty started. >> economists have been curious why after all it is supposed to be people respond to the signals from the marketplace if it screams we want skilled people who we're going to college why aren't more men to bring that? why are we see many more women hearing the call for more education but so few men not respond? lou: but first the men. where they failing?
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>> it is not a huge change but it has to be complex. the schools are set up better very girlfriend lee. a lot of guys don't want to be in school and they don't like to sit at a desk. lou: i don't buy this new age stuff the idea nobody hated to sit in the chair more than i did but if that is the toughest life throws at you is a good deal. >> i agree but they need to comeefrom homes where they get structure and unfortunately with the breakdoon of the family which adds you know, sees a lot of plays who don't get that kind of stability in
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and we know from the data the boys growing up a single mothers are much more likely to have problems in school. lou: that creates a firestorm single mothers and the vulnerability but it is statistically absolutely straightforward. >> undeniable. interesting to watch with a conversation of poverty people on the left are beginning to say there is a connection between the family breakdown and inequality. glad to hear that. [laughter] but they've applied to see a massive expansion. we will do more child care and support.
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lou: why is it so hard for people to understand there is a reason we have a family for eons? that family structure is the definite -- essence of civilized society and if it is not only so-so start -- instructive? >> one is racial sensitivity the black family is particularly suffering. lou: then why is it affecting black families? it would save every activist every organizer or congressman senators say focus on dealing with the issues why aren't those power structures rally to the issue?
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>> the sensitivity goes way back. >> but it is also a generational people have to awaken to a new reality is. >> i completely agree that is one of my big tasks of life. [laughter] but there is no consensus i can tell you by the mail that i get. but it seems so obvious created is extremely difficult with what kids need. lou: when we have to moderate what we say to save human lives that is one hell of a state to be and that the state we are in. thank you for helping us to understand this conversation. think you for your doing.
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up next turning new york city into a paradise for progressives or another grouping? a recent fund-raiser report shows chris christie is not damaged at all but the liberal media would have to believe otherwise but they've what about most things. stay with us. s. s. really? what's wrong with trying new things? look! mommy's new vacuum! (cat screech) you feel that in your muscles? i do... drink water. it's a long story. well, not having branches let's us give you great rates and service. i'd like that. a new way toank. a better way to save. ally bank. your money needs an ally.
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we're new york. if there's something that creates more jobs, and ows more businesses. we're open to it. start a tax-free business at lou: the politically damage governor crist christie all he has done is hall in a record-breaking $6 million last month as chairman of the republican governors association that scandal not hurting his ability to raise money that makes him as formidable as the prospect in 2016 former governor of ohio have never want to
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attack him the coz he still scares the living dickens out of democrats. >> either the governor space and he is lying or he is the most inept, incompetent chief executive off3 vegetable. if he did not know what they're for doing then he certainly is not a person who should be considered for the presidency of the united states of america. lou: there were a lot of hypothetical is. he was headed democratic national conference in chicago chris christie is raising funds tonight. we will let you know, how he does. york city mayor blasio has thus prepaying liberal left-wing agenda with the city of the city address offering at the dedication cars still legal immigrants, raising the minimum wage, the people's
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republic of new york is one of the expressions we are heard under blasio. people hoping history does not repeat itself with the countervailing information to the rally the new charge from market watch makes the rounds showing striking similarities between the dow jones industrial average over recent months and the time leading up to that crash of 1929. by the way what about that correction everyone seemed to be so certain about? turning to a comedy central host who was the kind that did behind starbucks all appears for given by their
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real starbucks butter real one should take its name to temporarily as one employees refuse to allow a disabled veteran to enter with his service stocks. talk about of starbucks. we're giving away free copies of my book "upheaval" to those who send us a post and tweet in the bill that we've read on the broadcasted here are a few of tonight's winners. >> i think i have a better chance to pick coping powerball members and figure out the next will much of obamacare politicizing for elections kills the decision making of business is the only thing certain is the uncertainty. i wonder if i will be dropped by my company. what a joke washington d.c. is.
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we seem to be the only ones who have not been granted a deferral or waiver. >> current g.o.p. leadership consist of old men with old ideas. they have had their tired. the old guard including mccain and mcconnell needs to fade into the background for the good of the country. >> your interview shows not just the irs is targeting conservatives but the entire federal government. or follow was on twitter or go to facebook page with zero think to everything at other attorney general holder wants to appear in a speech of the democratic voting rules the "a team" takes up
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that issue. next. this is the quicksilver cash back card from capital one. it's not the "juggle a bunch of rotating categories" card. it's not the "sign up for rewards each quarter" card. it's the no-games, no-messing-'round, no-earning-limit-having, do-i-look-like-i'm-joking, turbo-boosting, heavyweight-champion- of-the-world cash back card. thiss the quicksilver cash back card from capital one. unlimited 1.5% cash back on every pchase, everywhere, every single day. now tell me, what's in your wallet?
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lou: eric holder vote forbidding states that would prohibit the voting going to 6 million americans who might likely go to it for a democrat said know there is any correlation but an altruistic gesture. joining us is our analyst les wheel and glad you brought your book. democratic strategist and from town let's start with you.
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why in the world is this an important initiative for the attorney general who will leave this year? >> he wants to live -- leave with a bang to say they should get the right to vote back with a felon there was a study released from different university showing convicted felons to overwhelmingly vote for democrats and show many of the elections would have won by democrats if they have the right to vote restored so that is what this is about to get that turned over. >> i don't have the problem with the general idea that if you were convicted of a non violent felony then let loose and served your time you can get your right back.
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but what i do not under state and is why is the attorney general getting involved? it is state-by-state. lou: just like:insecurity deciding he is the advocate civic it doesn't make sense from that perspective. >> they only know what to do in the white house. lou: according to the white house the dummies. [laughter] it looks like that is a bigger issue for the white house also the people's republic of new york has arrived. what do you make of de blasio? what is he doing other than what is expected? >> all rhetoric. said it cannot happen. >> not getting his own tv. [laughter] no defense department.
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he can say when everyone's it requires the state legislature in and i'll vegas andrew cuomo will allow this to happen. >> he is just talking. lou: and chris christie raise $6 million last month now is not so relevant because the democrats are now scared to death. >> they have spent for a long time because he shows he can reach across the aisle but it actually don't because the independence vote for republicans but we have seen a report after report with the allegations against chris christie were not necessarily true so it is not so great for democrats on the things he did not do now he calls him
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incompetent to ic chris christie was straightforward what he knew or did not know >> we know the evidence we of two investigations going on at the state level and the u.s. attorney's office. let let those happen before we get on the soapbox. lou: not leading to a investigations and also attacking chris christie i would say the governor looks pretty good. >> and was referring specifically to the of media reports not the investigations but those media reports accusing chris christie and then to come back to say actually we publish our reports there was evidence he knew the but he did not. lou: with the imperial
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directive aren't the democrats a little concerned ? >> democrats aren't scared to death that is why they're running away two weeks ago and chuck schumer tries to pull up the immigration and discussion they are afraid what this president can do next year. lou: he has a pen and a telephone he will use it as. >> executive order the legislature can come back to say no. >> so far it is more rhetoric than anything else. >> what a clever way to end this segment. that is it for us. tomorrow night of leading
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thinker joins us among our guests the second american century. you did not hear it? this is another american century. welcome back. how is everything?
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there's nothing like being your own boss! and my customers are really liking your flat rate shipping. fedex one rate. really makes my life easie maybe a promotion is in order.
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good news. i got a new title. and a raise? management couldn't makehat happen. [ male announcer ] introducing fedex one rate. simple, flat rate shipping with the reliability of fedex. ♪ neil: welcome. i am neil cavuto. is it me or is anyone accountable, the house declaring a clean debt ceiling hike. adding provisos to it. it did not happen, it looks like we're going to keep kicking this can down the road. if you think account builty is bad in washington, something we'll take up with pat buchanan. you should hear about corporate accountability and the lack of it from carl icahn my


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