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tv   Markets Now  FOX Business  February 14, 2014 11:00am-2:01pm EST

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whether to join the autoworkers. no americans on the podium for space skating. some are blaming the suits. we look at under armour stock. ♪ connell: we were all over lulu live in good you are absolutely right. it is not just him. gasparino has been on it for us.
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trying to cap their second week in a row. good morning, nicole. nicole: good morning. friday morning. back above the 16,000 mark. pretty solidly at this point. watching the dow and the nasdaq and the s&p. it has really been the best of the bunch. the s&p is up at 8:00 p.m. 33. just looking at the vix, the fear index, it is to the downside. so far, so good. back to you. dagen: posting the highest
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number of those cancellations in about a quarter of a century. connell: peter barnes is live at reagan national. just this morning the federal reserve reported that production in january to glide three tenths of a percent. manufacturers really getting hit hard last month. retail sales filled on trans. in january, way below expectations for a second month in a row. even before this latest storm, all of this extreme weather was likely to clip about three tab
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of a percentage point off of gdp in this quarter. that is worth nearly $50 billion. >> you will not go to restaurants twice as much the following month. there are some retail talons channels in industries that do better from bad weather. they saw the output growth dropped 4% because of the cold weather. i want to update you on quite status and airports. everything is getting back to normal. naturally, there are about 1300 light cancellations today compared to 6500 yesterday. back to you.
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dagen: for more on this, let's bring in mr. mike boyd. how long will it take these airlines to get everybody to where they need to go? >> it will take 36 hours to get airplanes back in sync. to take away or get rid of that backlog of passengers. a lot of people just will not fly. you figure every round-trip save delta has out of atlanta is worth $20,000 in revenue. about half of that will not be recouped because half the people will not fly.
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>> it will be hard to look at it. what we know today, you are probably looking at the industry taking a hit of close to half a billion dollars. dagen: how would you grade the airlines handling of these storms. they can be proactive to alleviate some of the stress on the system. >> because of that stupid, and that emphasize stupid three hour tarmac rule, ted airplanes get diverted and they will get fined. airlines will cancel proactively. i want my money back because, again, but what it was already
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taking place. i have no reason to go now. dagen: they do not refund. , though. >> there is a such thing as loyalty. dagen: m boyd, good to see you. 1500 volkswagen auto employees voting on whether to join the union.
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it does have big implications for automakers down that that are not unionized. >> we do not know how it will go. connell: although that is the micro- story, the background story means the right to work states could be big.
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>> the labor issues here in the u.s. that is one reason why these companies are in the south. in these right to work states. dagen: vw did cooperate. >> union membership has been climbing for a long, long time.
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the unions want to make this sort of a last stand issue. there is a reason they are here in the u.s. there is a reason they are in tennessee. because tennessee is a right to work state, individual workers will still get to decide whether or not to join. dagen: what does that mean for the uaw,rganizing? doesn't give the union even greater leverage? >> i think that it does. it got her job creation. we'll be manufacturers have
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other options. they look at what has happened to the city. they do not want a repeat of that. the uaw is standing in the way from that happening. connell: thank you. dagen: breaking news on that nfl bullying report. other players involved -- charlie gasparino is on his way in. retailers at work. connell: we will cover those stories into miami. the miami boat show taking a hit from the massive winter storm. cheryl casone is live with that. dagen: one company trying to revolutionize checking your coat. yes. our producer was head over heels
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gushing about this service. connell: this is good that he can check his goal. this is actually a good idea..3 ♪ if you've got copd like me... ...hey breathing's hard. know the feeling? copd includes emphysema and chronic bronchitis. spiriva is a once-daily inhaled copd maintenance treatment
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does breathing with copd anbe a name and t number?nvestor scotade. ron: i'm never alone with scottrade. i can ways call or stop by my local office. they're nearby and ready to lp. so when i have questions, i can talko someone who kns exactly how i trade. because i don't trade like everybody. i trade like me. that's why i'm with ottrade. announcer: ranked highest in investor satisfactn with self-directed services by j.d. power and a associates.
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dagen: checking out the twitter. adam: .8% gain. the reason it is to the upside is they had their numbers come out. earnings easily beat the street. iron ore prices have been
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higher. that has helped them along as well. this was after several weak quarters. in turn there are concerns that if they were to sell off or break it up or institute a new chief executive officer, all of this could risk a credit rating of the company. dagen: the miami boat show bringing in $6 million every year for florida. connell: cheryl casone is there. cheryl: it is not so sunny for the economy.
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the massive storm we see up and down the east coast. you had 16 flights canceled. what does that mean for all of the exhibitors? this is joan maxwell. we are on a regulator marine boat. are you worried about people not showing up this weekend? >> we are concerned about the number of people coming from the northeast. a large percentage of our
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business is done in note northeast. we are excited about what we are seeing. every single regulator. absolutely. cheryl: this retails for $350,000. this is all leather. >> it is nice. it really is. this has many options. the queen of our fleet. cheryl: these boats are being known for being so solid and strong.
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cheryl: thank you very much. we will have a lot more coming up in the nine eastern time. a lot of money is put into this boat show every year. the ceo will be joining me. connell: we will stay with miami, but shift to football. more players than just incognito. we will get to that with charlie gasparino. dagen: how one company is planning to revolutionize
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checking your coat. ♪
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she loves to shop online with her debit card. and so does bill, an identity thief who stole mary's identity, t, and stole her hard-earned money. unfortunately, millions of americans just like you learn all it may take is a little misplaced information to wreak havoc on your life. this is identity theft and no one helps stop it better than lifelock. lifelock offers the most comprehensive identity theft protection available. if mary had felock's bank account alerts, she may have been notified before it was too late. lifelock's credit notification service is on the job 24/7. as soon as they detect threat to your identity within their network, they will alert you, protecting you before the damage is done. lifelock has the most comprehensive identity theft protection available, guarding your social security number, your money,
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your credit, even the equity in your home. my years as a prosecutor taught me that we all need to protect ouelves from crime. in tay's world, that includes idtity theft. it's a serious problem. we all have to protect ourselves. [ male announcer ] while identity theft can't be completely stopped, no one works harder to protect you than lifelock. you even get a1 million service guarantee. that's security no one can beat. you have so much to protect and nothing to lose when you call lifelock right now and get 60 days of identity theft protection risk free. that's right. 60 days risk free. use promo code notme. order now and get this document shredder to keep sensitive documents out of the wrong hands. a $29 value free. don't wait until you become the next victim. ♪ ♪
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tv and internet together like never before. connell: breaking news in the world of sports. the report concluded that "three starters on the dolphins offense if line engaged in a pattern of harassment directed at not only jonathan martin, but also another job dolphins lineman." when allegations first surfaced surrounding an abrupt the archer . charlie gasparino has been covering this. what do we make of it.
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>> the report was likely to come out. at least initially focused on richie incognito. he said he was being bullied. incognito came back. this is the story that we broke. i might have used bad words, disgusting words, we should point out. the full context was bigger.
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we have the wells report out. he is a very good friend. we cannot get around that. race is involved in this. money is involved in this. we were waiting for response from incognito's people. they are likely to argue. they will say that this investigation was intended not to get to the truth, but to shade the truth. >> is that why his treating went crazy the other day?
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>> who knows why. i do not know what was going through their minds. he has been suspended. he is now trying to get his side of the story out there. ted wells is a very, very good lawyer. i have known him for years. he got a famous guy acquitted. these types of reports have been done in corporate america in the past. there have been many other reports. these are corporate reports. i am telling you, from my experience, these are intended to protect the principal.
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the overriding concern here is protect the business of the nfl. dagen: there is a workplace conduct policy. when you signed a corporate document like this, you are held to that. >> the report also said -- if you read it, you have to have intent. he concluded that there was not intend to force jonathan martin off the team or to her to jonathan martin. we have all been in situations where we are joking with our
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friends. >> if you establish that as a culture, sometimes it can be okay. charlie: if they try to drive the got off the team, i would have a problem with that. the nfl is at least 60% african-american. the miami dolphins, it is broke down in the miami dolphins. if richard called me though was wild i racist and he was taking that out on jonathan martin, don't you think they would step in and say i am out. the racial aspect of this does not make sense.
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when i first got to see nbc, i was a very experienced reporter. there was a huge degree of hazing done to me. rookies get hazed. the nfl has been known to haze rookies. connell: who knew that is the
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deal. charlie: will roger goodell install speech codes. very rich young kids. there is a nicole dragging side on both of them. dagen: it takes one to know one. charlie: there is not much left to their life. connell: keep your shirt on. dagen: jessica donohue has all
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the info. connell: and then under armour. the u.s. speedskating suits. apparently, it did not work out so well. that is coming up. ♪
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cme group can help you navigate risks and capture opportunities. we enable you to rea global markets and drive forward with broader possibilities. cme grp: how the world advances. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 life inspires your trading.
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tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 where others see fads... tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 at schwae're here to help tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 turn inspiration into action. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 we have intuitive platforms tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 to help you discover what's trending. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 and seasoned market experts to help sharpen your instincts. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 so you can take charge tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 of your trading. connell: fox's back. to the markets. that was interesting. stocks near session highs. nicole: that was a very interesting interview. weight watchers, smokers, trulia, all with down arrows. campbell's soup with an up
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arroww weight watchers down 26% today. smuckers, sales have been lower. trulia trying to get customers that use the mobile device. campbell's soup, profits are on the rise. dagen: thank you. all ted sectors expected to and higher. investors were already on board. jessica donohue has more. institutional investors never really turned tail on this market. >> no. they did not. in their confidence, it was up. they were starting to take on risk globally.
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dagen: what about retail? they have been burned so much in the last 14 years or so. >> right. retail investors will be set the -- i would expect retail to, you know, evan flow was some of the economic data that comes out. we will see the institutional flows continue to increase demand and the market will continue to go up. dagen: is growth really on track? >> i think that some of these statistics that are coming out are certainly a little hiccup here and there. the question is, is policy in a
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good place? we seem to be getting through the debt ceiling without too much drama. we will start to see better and better numbers posted. people will continue to relax. dagen: good to see you, as always. i hope you have a warm and safe weekend. >> thank you. dagen: the u.s. speeds skating team is looking to have the worst performance in years. under warner suits were designed with lockheed martin. the team has a disappointing result. now the claim is facing skepticism. under army says that they are working with the team and want to make suits better.
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there is the stock by the way. it is interesting. you can blame the condition of the ice. the competitiveness of the other team. other people on other teams from other nations have pointed to these suits. i think it was belgian that worked on a similar suits. this was three years ago or so. he wears a nike suit in practice. connell: we will talk about
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these coat checks. the company that promises your call will never be misplaced again. we will talk to the founder about that. a smack down inside the beltway. a new push to hold retailers responsible it their systems are breached. ♪ change enneering in dubai, aluminum productio in south africa, and the aerospace industry in the u.s.? at t. rowe price, we understand the connections of a complex, global economy. it's just one reason over 75% of our mutual funds beat their 10-year lipper average. t. rowe price. invest with confidence. request a prospectus or summy prospectus with investment information, risks, fees and expenses to read and consider carefully before investing. there's nothing like being your own boss! and my customers are really liking yo flat rate shipping. fedex one rate. really makes my life easier. maybe a promotion is in order.
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and a raise? management couldn't make that happen. [ male announcer ] introducing fedex one rate. simple, flat rate shipping wi the reliability of fedex. ♪ >> i am lori rothman with your
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fox business brief. economists expected a slightly lower reading of 80.6. they found americans optimism tempered by current money concerns. joseph e banks buying eddie bauer. they made the deal with golden gate capital. export prices also topped the forecast. that is the latest from the fox business network. giving you the power to prosper. ♪ [ female announcer ] who are we? are thinkers. the job jugglers. the up all-nhts.
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connell: tomorrow's business all right. this happens to a lot of people. you check your coat. you lose your claim ticket. even if you hold onto your ticket, you are waiting forever in line waiting to get your callback. dagen made this reference earlier. one of our friends was really impressed. i want to ask you why you said no to mark cuban. >> we illuminate the claim ticket and use a digital application.
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we service that, we bring in equipment, we staff it. we will work our way to becoming a company that will license it. connell: went to the lightbulb go off and save it this was a good idea for the company. you went to iu. you went to indiana. so did he. i believe. mark cuban.
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you went on shark tank. it is a fun show to watch. what was your calculation? >> at the time, i knew that i would need to do it at a certain percentage. july 2012. connell: what do your financials look like now?
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>> we have organically been growing. we are hitting great margins. connell: thank you for coming in. >> there are a lot of other claim ticket out there. connell: good luck with that. nice to meet you. pretty cool. dagen: yes. very cool.
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connell: mark cuban is good. good on twitter. it takes some of the burden off of the banks. banks are lobbying congress to change that and force the company responsible for the breach. the bankers say the merchants need better security.
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stop finger-pointing and start talking about shared responsibility. what is their responsibility in this? it was not a bank security system that was breached. it was targets security system. supporters are somewhat skeptical.3 dagen: ford rolling out a chocolate mustang for valentine's day. creating mini chocolate versions of its 2015 mustang. check this out. it takes a few hours to make three of those suites.
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connell: the biggest players in the kandy industry getting sour. things apparently could not be sweeter. jeff flock has that story coming up. dagen: a video of puppies and chocolate. you cannot go wrong. ♪
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♪ see what's new at
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dagen: i was listening to this music. connell: thank you for that behind the scenes look. dagen: i was reaching behind my back. connell: guess who is helping to mark up the price of your favorite chocolates. would you believe it is actually the government that is doing this? dagen: it extends a sugar program that raises the price of this key ingredient. we turn to jeff flock who is live in illinois. jeff: weird motions can be okay. this is one of the places that really is thriving as a result. take a look at these beauties.
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taxpayer backed loans for sugar growers. they are doing a credible business. >> we are doing great business.
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jeff: this is kind of unique. they make the chocolates right here on scene. you love this artisan all chocolate. beautiful stuff. mass-produced chocolate kind of goes away. some of these chocolates are on the way to you.
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dagen: both. connell: it is like a reality show today. dagen: at the miami boat show. we have the latest with luxury yachts.
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cheryl casone is checking us all out. ♪ [ male announcer ] meet mary. she loves to shop online with her debit card. and so does bill an identitthief who stole mary's identity, to over her bank accounts, and stole her hard-earned money. unfortunately, millions of americans just like you learn all it may take is a little misplaced information to wreak havoc on your life.
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this is identity theft. and no one helps stop it better than lifelock. lifelock offers the most comprehensive entity theft protection available. if marhad felock's bank account alerts, she may have been notified befo it was too late. lifelock's credit notification service is othe jo24/7. as soon as they detect a threat to your identity within their network, theyill alert you, ptecting you before the damage is done. lifelock has the most comprehensive identity theft protection availabl guarding your social security number, your money, your cret, even the equi in your home. my years as a prosecutor taught me that we all need to protect ourselves from crime. in today's world, that includes identity theft. it's a serio problem. we all have to protect ourselves. [ male announcer ] while identity theft can't be completely stopped, no one works harder to protect you than lifelock. you even get a1 million service guarantee. that's security no one can beat.
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you have so much to protect and nothing to lose when you call lifelock right now and get 60 days of identit theft protecon risk free. that's right. 60 days risk free. use promo code notme. order now and get this document shredder to keep sensitive documents out of the wrong hands. a $29 value free. ♪ ♪ sometimes they just drop in. always obvious. cme group can help you navigate risks and caure opportunities. we enable you to reach global markets and drive forward with broader possibilies.
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cme group: how the world advances. welcome to the new eastern time hour. sandra smith in new york, in miami we are looking at the $35 billion industry in this country, 338,000 jobs in the boating industry and the biggest show of the year is in miami. a couple concerns, a massive snowstorm rocking the northeast coast and down and many people who were supposed to be here
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today are not. later on in the show, if you have a multimillion-dollar home in miami you might as well a 10 million-dollar yacht to go along with it. we will show you the $10 million yacht later in the afternoon. the people are happening and it is all happening in miami but there's a lot going on in new york, market day on this valentine's a. my valentine with me is sandra smith in new york city. >> the dow 76 points, with cheryl to take you through the next hour of markets now. the east coast shovelling out as travelers face the highest number of flight cancellations in 25 years. we are live at reagan national for an update on the airlines and how much this is costing the economy. who should be responsible for paying back the victims of fraudulent charges? the latest on the fight between the banks and retailers and gold shining for an eighth straight
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day. the best winning streak since july of 2011, live at the cme with coverage of that. all this and more in the next hour of markets now. top of the hour. stocks every 15 minutes, nicole petallides on the floor of the stock exchange. another winning week for stocks. nicole: indeed it is handed down not too far offfof session highs. the vix, a fear index taking a breather. we see of arrows, the dow and the s&p posting gains, the dow is up 1/2%, 16,100, a gain of 72 points up 4 points 1834, take any nasdaq pulling back, the nasdaq is the best performer of the week in 2014. that is taking a breather. kris cox, the dow jones industrials in particular,
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watching the nasdaq to see whether it can have -- it is close. economic data has been mixed to a certain extent, jobless claims and retail sales yesterday were dismal, manufacturing output unexpectedly fell, consumer sentiment that came in slightly better. many in the south and northeast digging out or find out including the airport. u.s. airlines posting the highest number of cancellations in 25 years. some economists saying these storms will take a toll on the economy as well. peter barnes in reagan national airport with more. peter: cold and snow has lacked the economy, not just the airline industry. this morning the federal reserve reported that industrial
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production fell 0.3% in january. yesterday as you recall the government said retail sales fell 0.4% last month and just a week ago friday the labor department reported the economy created 113,000 new jobs, much more than expected. the wall street a survey of 50 or so economists and found they felt the extreme weather on average has cut gdp growth by 0.3%, billions of dollars in lost economic activity to the economy but this is mainly through disruptions, not from destruction. >> major devastation, there was a migration of people in and out, devastation to a lot of ppoperty equipment in addition to residential housing, very different from an ice storm
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blowing into town causing electricity to damage, and expenses to clean up the snow. peter: things are better today. according to, 350 cancellations today compared to 6500 yesterday. sandra: that is a bit too much if you are actually traveling. for more on this, joining me now is tom parsons, ceo, thank you for joining us today, in your hawaiian shirt. >> we have had a terrible winter in dallas-fort worth but the next seven days we are supposed to be in the 70s. there's a smile on my face and you often keep that snow all the way up north. >> 75,000 flight cancellations. the first six weeks of 2014.
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this is certainly shaping up to be one of the worst winters on record for the airlines. one for the record books. >> got to look at this. 75,000 planes and the airlines, they have their stockholders they are responsible to, got to make some profits but they have been throwing away, even though dallas-fort worth, probably a lot of 30s and freezing, they have to deice which cost money, there are flight delays, that costs money and cancellations cost a ton of money and the airlines if you look at the air fares over the next six weeks it is a four letter word, ugly. you better be smart and find some deals, looked at new york, for lauderdale, washington d.c. $190,000, 85 degrees, new york, you can look at orlando, but some cities are going up to the $300 range, $350 range.
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>> anyone planning to go on spring break more summer vacation, they are likely to see higher prices for airline tickets from the airline so they can make up for what they lost? >> i am sort of making that statement. i don't think i am wrong. i have computers in front of me all day long. be smart, look at alternate airport. for lauderdale, miami, one day miami may be cheaper, when they the other one, in miami, going last week in the 200s and now the 400s for march and in fort lauderdale you can still get that for 225, 250 and that is only a 30 minute ride from airport to airport so guess what, think outside the box. cheryl: what about passengers dealing with the now?
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their flights were canceled, should they expect refunds if their flights were canceled? >> here is the thing you can do. if this messes up your whole travel period, the airline must cancel your flight first. if they cancel your flight and is the beginning of your trip, round trip, you might say heck with this, i will go in a couple more weeks when the weather is better, you are entitled to 100% of your cash back and i will take it not for vouchers or airline vouchers because you are locked in that one single airline. make it two with three weeks to get your credit card, but at least now you can choose whatever you want. if you are on your return leg you have got to stay with the airline. they can put you -- seats available but the problem now is the cut backs we have seen in the airlines over the past two years, call an 800 number and tell me how long use is on hold.
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cheryl: you can go to the airline's web site, they are always putting postings there. tom parsons, thank you for joining us and you heard it from him, get your money back if you had a flight canceled. i was listening in to tom parsons talking about the deals in miami. if you come here for the weekend there are incredible deals because hotels are telling us they are having a high level of cancellations, because of the weather that hit the east coast. many planning to be here not coming. that is a big deal especially when it is presidents' day weekend and this is the weekend for the international boat show. there are 88 million people out there who love to vote and they love to power boat. that is the main thing sold this weekend in miami. nobody knows that more, the ceo,
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chairman, and sales beyond the little bit we heard in the past two months. what do you think? >> we are not seeing it slowed down. it is picking up. we are doing better. our focus is and always been focusing on the customers and taking care of the man's boating. and 50 million, the industry is alive. cheryl: it sounded a little bit but you have nine consecutive quarters of growth. that is impressive considering many of those quarters the economy was starting to recover. what price range, what is selling to the american consumer that is a price point that people say i am comfortable to spend money on $300,000. >> part of the industry that is
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recovering most is the smaller boats, outboard. smaller outboard fishing boats and then the large yachts that we sell i doing very well. the middle segment like the boat we are standing on, this is a 35 foot sea ray. it is all little slower recovering but the good news is people are out boating. cheryl: i will do this as we keep going, $449,000, 5 third team, that is yours. the interior as black canvas, comes with a television set, all kinds of amenities, leather seating and things like that. do you think that price point is actually coming back for 2014? i know you don't like to give projections. >> what the consumer is looking forward to, 21 years is what the aging of our fleet is and people are out boating as i mentioned earlier. what we're looking for is a new
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innovation, we are doing that. manufacturers like sea ray and boston whaler are giving us new products and that is the reason to buy. cheryl: i want to point out 54 retail stations across the country that their company is the largest retailer of power boats and yachts, what parts of the country are you seeing sell the strongest? >> we are seeing it across the country, from california to the northeast to florida and texas. it has impacted our business. minnesota, missouri, but that is all temporary. you mentioned the show, traveling to the northeast. the show goes through monday. they come down and visit. cheryl: i know it will be touch
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and go where hotel owners and restaurant owners for the weekend, the chairman and ceo, later on the show we will be talking about luxury real-estate. i know you have a few million to spend on a second home or a third home for you, the chicago place down here in miami, if you spend a few million on a home you need a yacht to go with it. that is a package deal. we will talk about that later. see you in a little bit. cheryl: i-man lifelong market for a sailboat. the retail hack attack who should be responsible for paying back the victims of fraudulent charges? latest details on the fight between the banks and retailers on this valentine's day. the best city in the u.s. for singles to find love? we have the answer to that coming up.
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>> welcome back, the dow idea snoopy in the green, nasdaq and negative territory, look at the s&p 500 leaders right now. big story, cliffs natural resources the biggest gainer in the s&p, up 5.5% after it beat earnings expectations and a report this morning, cliff natural resources appointed a new ceo and costs were down. there are applauding that performance, $23.11, all things commodity, murphy oil, accidental petroleum, take note of that as we see the dow and the s&p in positive territory and now it is time for stocks every 15 minutes. let's head to the floor of the stock exchange where nicole petallides is standing by. nicole: we are following this story between joseph a. bank and
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men's warehouse closely for months and yet now we have a new headline, one we have heard about that joseph a. bank is moving forward and going to buy any bauer, another men's retailer with $825 million in stocks. joseph a. baker is down 1/2% at $54.70. what is interesting about this, an inkling this might come to fruition. joseph a. bank trying to buy men's warehouse aad men's warehouse trying to digest of a bank and as of a bank went ahead to eddie bauer. we will see what happens from here. sandra: thank you so much. smacked down on the heels of those massive data breaches at target and neiman marcus, a postal retailers responsible if hackers breach their systems taking the burden off of the bank. rich edson is with us on that story from washington. >> thanks and merchants
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announced a new cybersecurity partnership they plan to share information and push better security. the problem is retailers and banks are at odds over significant multibillion-dollar dishes. currently banks pickup fraudulent charges of the debris comppomises payment information like credit-card numbers. community banks are pushing to change that and require the retailer to pick up the tab for a breach if hackers breaking their systems. merchants say they are paying billions in swipe fees for that protection and bankers say the merchants need better network security. >> the national retail federation and others seem to be more intent on pointing fingers than getting to the heart of the issue which is protection of customer information. banks are all about protection of customer information. >> merchants and banks. fraud costs 50/50 before taking into consideration the fis emergeds pay upfront that are attributed to future fraud costs
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should something decker. >> both sides continue to lobby lawmakers. analysts say they expect lawmakers will fail to make much progress on this front? sandra: the future of health care memel look like a whore tell. we talked to one ritz-carlton executive on that trend and big budgets and big money, we head back to miami international boat show coming up. ♪
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[ male announcer ] th m has an accomplished research and anatical group at his disposal. ♪ but even more pressive is how he puts it work for his clients. ♪ morning. morning. thanks for meeting so early. oh, it's not a big deal at all. come on in. [ male announcer ] it's how edward jones makes sense of investing. ♪ there's nothing like being your own boss! and my customers are really liking your flat rate ippin fedex one rate. really makes my lif easier. maybe a promotion is in order. good news. i got a new title. and a raise? management couldn't ke that happen. [ male announc ] introducing fedex one rate. simple, flat rate shipping with the reliability of fedex.
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how much money do you think you'll need when you retire? then we gave each person a ribbon to show how many years that amount might last. i was trying to, like, pull it a little further. [ woman ] got me to 70 years old. i'm going have to rethink this thing. it's hard to imagin how much we'll ed for a retirement that could last 3years or mor so maybe we need to apprch thin dferently, iwe want to be ready for a longer retirement. ♪
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which will cause me to miss the end of the game. the x1 entertainment operating system lets your watch live tv anywhere. can i watch it in butterfly valley? sure. can i watch it in glimmering lake? yep. here, too. what about the dark castle? you call that defense?! come on! [ female announcer ] watch live tv anywhere. the x1 entertainment operating system, only from xfinity. sandra: the world of hospitals and hotels are on a collision course with greeters and concierge services becoming almost commonplace at hospitals around the country so who better to talk about this than girard, ceo of cancer treatment centers of america and former ritz-carlton vice president?
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thanks for joining us. >> pleasure to be here and it is time we humanize health care again. sandra: i am picturing getting your nails done as you come out of surgery. is that we are talking about? >> how can we create truth patients' sense of care and how do we deliver what patients value most and we had the opportunity to learn that it is about delivering and expressed wishes and needs of our customers and in health care, the communication in my opinion is too much on cost, on reimbursements. we need to bring it back to what the patient values most because they are clearly the most important customer. sandra: the best health care possible is what every patient wants but makes me wonder what is driving this trend? is it money or do you believe this is being driven at the patient level?
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>> is driven at the patient level but it is also a business focus because if you truly put the patient in the center of all that they do and truly deliver on what is best for their treatment, their care and bring an emotional connectivity to the patient, you will see significant outcomes being reduced, you will see less stay in the hospital, less admission rates, the patient will start to heal faster and that will impact the cost of health care. it is the right business decision. >> makes sense for a lot of people listening but everyone is wondering how do we pay for all of this? >> i had the possibility to open a brand-new hospital with henry ford, which really became the lack of innovation to prove this model, if that actually would have an impact on reducing costs
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and within one year we had significant impact on the outcomes including the financials and we drove down costs but we enhanced the experience for the patient aad enhanced, ultimately led to cancel treatment centers of america to do this on the national level moving forward. sandra: do you believe this s the hospital of the future? will we see this across the country? >> absolutely. it will give us a laser focus on what patients value most and help us to reduce significant waste of activities and programs which have nothing to do with folks -- focus on the patient and further enhance the outcomes and reduce costs. liz: thank you for joining us. >> my pleasure. >> we will have the latest on your forecast and the economic impact of the cold, snow and ice
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and an olympic size controversy. athletic wearmaker under our company shares in the red coming up and look at today's s&p winners and losers. [ male announcer ] these days, a small business can save by sharing.
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like carpools... polly wants to know if we can pick her up. yeah, we can make room. yeah. [ male announcer ] space. yes, we're loving this communal seating. oh, it's great. yeah. [ malannouncer ] the best thing to share? a data plan. ♪ new at&t mobile are value plans for business. our best lue plans ever. for example, you can get 10 gigs of data to share. and 5 lins would be $175 a month. plus you can add a line anytime for $15 a month. sharing's never been better for business. ♪
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[ale announcer ] how could a luminous protein in jellyfish, impact life expectcy in the u.s., real estate in hong kong, and the optics industry in german at t. rowe price, we understand the coections of a complex, global ecomy. it's just one reon over 75% of our mutual funds beat the 10-year lipper average. t. rowe price. invest with confidence. request a prospectus or summary prospectus with invement information, risks, fees and eenses to read and consider carefully before investing. sandra: coming up the east coast still reeling from winter weather, another storm on the way, the latest forecasts from the weather center. the weather taking its toll on retail stocks. scott martin joining us with a take on where to invest now. where in the u.s. will you have the best chance of finding love.
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stocks every 15 minutes, nicole petallides, a lot of big moves going gone. 75 points individual movers out there. >> plenty of the mad that. let's talk about names on the move, and needing attendance has been pulling back a little bit and revenue has been falling as a result. and the levels we saw in the financial crisis, not good news. jpmorgan and web cut their price targets, and it did hit an all-time record high of 1204. we looked at cray earlier, child pain it -- better than expected results, stock has been jumping up 30% today. jumping over the next year, and general motors, we talked this
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week about three calls both companies had been issuing, 295, general motors closely hundred vehicles. and general motors holding on to a gain today, and they're down 2% this week. sandra: the east coast digging out from the latest wallop and more snow is on the news. in the fox news weather center, what is the latest? what is coming? okay. we have to wait. we are going to scott martin standing by, the impact of that harsh weather we hear about in a little bit. it will trim growth forecasts, blame it on the snow. the consumer accounting for 70% of the economy, indicating things may not be better for
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quite some time. i was looking at the monthly economist. it is going to trim current quarter pretense of 1%. it was all about the weather. should we buy it? >> sort of but it is tough. dimension 0.3%, that is just the start. it may be as much as 1/2% or more. retail numbers you mentioned in the lead, 70% of the economy is consumer spending, retail numbers have been good and this is going back to december. this is not january or february, we will improve as it gets warmer in march. sandra: the consumer is dealing with less disposable income thanks to higher heating bills, natural gas prices have gone up because demand has bike. everyone has been cranking up their thermostat because of this cold snowy weather so their
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heating bill costs are going up, they're not spending that at restaurants and stores. >> kind higher taxes and fares -- years of the aca, the affordable care act are factoring into it. we are coming of a year in stocks where epicure favored index, up 30% and your 401(k) is doing well and we didn't see the wealth affect increase. we didn't see the spending growth i think you would typically have seen in years past when we had such a move so that is a curious spot, some retail name suffer but the healthcare, previously defensive names. cheryl: we are going to do something and try to make some money on it. what are ways we can invest to profit from this storm and crummy weather? >> looking at fundamentals, share of profit of gdp and that
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escape velocity type mode where they are growing fast and the biotech sector, what we use for that exposure. it has been rising well. xp a judgment, those are great areas, how performance versus the s&p as those sectors grow. sandra: retail sales number, this is the second straight monthly jobs report, december wasn't good day. and they could weather the storm better than others? >> people are not going out of their houses, their shopping online. the amazons and ebays that still look pretty good but retail spending, and retail spending, still the retailers suffer, so does everybody, they knock them down to get there.
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i would be careful trying to pick the winners from the losers. sandra: the retailer edf was still up on a year over year basis, seen a significant decline through this weather. that being said dallas up 80 points, we were firmly above 16,000, 16,106. where does the broader stock market go? >> one thing investors will look at the next few months is where is the appropriate valuation, walking down the street where do you want to go, and rising interest rates and commodities have been smashed the last two years, and paying some dividends so that is where investment dollars go. >> thanks for joining us. now we have wreck in the weather center for the forecast. what is the latest? >> there is more snow coming but
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not as bad as the last storm. look at what is left of this storm. across northern new england, upstate new york, it is gone. we turned our eyes to this system diving into the central plains, some snow in the dakotas and i'll in the overnight hours and across illinois and indiana. it will become our next little system that will bring more snow but not bad. look at this, 38 in new york, 34 in d.c. beginning to melt a little bit. roads are clearing up, the sun angle is high enough and aiding a little bit. 51 in atlanta with the big ice storm. the big storm we are watching will bring more quick rain across the south, overnight tonight it develops into what will become another nor'easter, it will develop farther to the north, it doesn't have the big
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moisture source. it made a much heavier storm. it is a pretty significant storm, eastern massachusetts, parts of maine seeing blizzard like conditions, very windy conditions and snow saturday into sunday but most of the city's overall not looking bad. one 23 inches overall, we will warm up again at the start of the coming work week. sandra: and the big 5 and slushy puddles. thank you. under armor, under fire. the u.s. team struggling this olympics and some athletes are blaming the team's uniform. details on that story coming up. cheryl: we are live back here in miami. this is the 100 foot yacht, full galley, a couple stages behind me. this is the way to live in luxury in miami. we are going to be bringing you more about the luxury
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real-estate market and a yachting market once again, fox business is live from the miami international boat show, weather permitting and so far the weather has been kind to us. more on the real-estate market in miami, you are watching fox business, be right back. [ male announcer ] once, there was a man who found a magic seashell. it told him what was happening on the tradg floor in real time. ♪ the shell brought him great fame. ♪ b then, one day, he noticed that everybody could have a magic seashell. [ indistinct talking ] [ male announcer ]ight there in their trading platform. ♪ [ indistinct talking continues ] [ male announcer ] so the magic shell went back to being get live squawks right in your trading platform
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with think or swim iwe don't back down. we only know one direction: iwe donup back down. so we're up y. up late. thinking u game-changing ideas, like this: dozens of tax free zones across new york state. move here. expand here. or start a new business here... and pay no taxes fo10 years. with new jobs, new opportunities and a new tax fr plan. there's only one way for your business to go. up. findut if your business can qualify at
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>> time for the fox business brief. manufacturing output declined in january. the federal reserve says factory production fell by 0.8%, the first drop since july and the biggest since may of 2009. j.c. penney shareholders unloading their shares this week according to the sec filings, they owned 9.2% of the troubled retailer, wiley capital management had more than 6% and came in capital management which held 5.2%. bolognese penney shares down 34% this year. campbell's soup reporting better than expected earnings fiscal second quarter profit and revenue beating expectations. campbell's u.s. soup sales of 5% during those three month and that is the latest from the fox business network giving you the power to prosper.
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>> welcome to misbehaving, the yachts that i am standing on in miami florida at the miami international boat show. a full galley kitchee, $7 million. this boat was custom-made for a florida owner, for what is unique to florida, the miami area. if you have a yacht you also need a multimillion-dollar calm and that is where these ladies come in. i assume this is a horrible assignment for you to come out and join me. let's talk about do you -- how many customers are coming in saying i wanted $10 million home but also need a slot for my $10 million yacht? >> i will answer.
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that is what miami is all about. this is it. this is the lifestyle people coming for. if we like to say we like to have a home for your boat or your yacht and we have many of them. that is what people coming for. cheryl: you found some photos of the properties you have for sale right now. in the miami area. i want to show viewers, away from a beautiful sunshine shop, what do you have on the market now? >> price is completely, they are on as far as homes, view, we like to say a wider the water the wider the dollar. maybe narrow canal, you can get 3 million and go to the wide open bay and that could be 40 million so it depends on what the person wants. cheryl: how much of the international market is coming
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in? i know that in miami and arizona, california we had buyers from china, eastern europe coming in and buying the properties. >> we have many international buyers but recently we had some people coming from china as well so that is really just starting to happen but we have the good old americans here too. we have the mall. cheryl: a you see in the same? >> absolutely. we have a few edge amount of foreigners coming here, russians, asians and all that but we love the americans. they have been incredible especially from the northeast corridor coming here. cheryl: if they couldn't this weekend. you together have 20 years of luxury, residential experience, have you seen the ebb and flow change in the last five years? miami was one of the hardest-hit markets and now is coming back.
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>> 2009-2010 miami was pretty much affected by what was going on with foreclosures and everything but in 2011 all of a sudden it started to pick up and each year since then it has gotten completely active, the market is very strong. this past year we closed 550 million. most of those properties are waterfront properties because those are the ones that demand those dollars. cheryl: during the interview basically the person coming in that wants to buy a home almost every home you are selling frankly has a slot. >> all these waterfront homes one of the things that are built, our docks, these beautiful cheap wood box to accommodate boats like this and depending on the size of the
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boat, you need in the city of miami beach, and 80 foot boat, you need at 1 did feet of land because you need to and feed on each side of the buffer from your neighbor. if you have a 100 foot boat india piece of land with 120, 130, 150 feet and the winery is the more expensive the property. cheryl: thank you, ladies. got to tell you what. one thing we are seeing is the international flights, most that made it into miami, there are a lot of international buyers roaming around, huge crowds starting to pick up. last year it was raining but not what they are expecting in miami unfortunately, hotel vacancies, you want to come down for the weekend be my guest. i will join you in the next part of the show and we will talk a little more about what is happening with the economy. >> what a perfect way to spend
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valentine's day. cheryl: that is true. sandra: we will be back in a little bit. goll shooting up again, past $1,300 an ounce and taking gold miners with it. how long can it last? let head to the trading pits of the cme, standing by with this. gold back above $1,300, we are starting to see the retail investor kirk again. gold is heading up. >> i think it is. we are seeing that in the ets market. and going back into the spider gold trust, a buy 1.8 tons and is knocking on the door above 800 tons. we have not seen that since last april. above technical formations suggest the market could move substantially higher. we had a double bottom in monthly charge, rounded bottom on daily charts. both of those are bullish signs but the fundamentals are there as well. with the divergence between gold
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and the stock market has never been wider and the divergence between the price of gold and what we have seen in the cash market has never been wider. this could be a major breakout. we are hearing a word we haven't heard for a long time, inflation. people talking about the possibility of inflation and even in today's university of michigan survey their inflation outlook for the six months and 12 month came in hotter than expected. 3.2%. we haven't heard that type of inflation in a long time. cheryl: phil flynn, thank you so much. sandra: the u.s. olympic speedskating ttam on the verge of its worst performance in 30 years and some are blaming the uniforms they are wearing. the under armor suit was designed by lockheed martin and heralded as the fastest uniform in the history of the sport but with the team's disappointing results the claim is facing
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skepticism. under onerous say it is working with the team to make it better and the meeting is scheduled today to determine whether the suits will be ditched in favor of the team's previous uniform. let's look at under armour shares. they are down nearly $2 in the trading session still above $100 a share. we got breaking news from north dakota where white ink petroleum says one of its fracking wells sprung a leak. the leak has been contained, no impact on the stock. we have been watching that, down a bit but as you can see it is not the lowest of the session. forget paris there's a new city of love and is right here in the u.s.. we will tell you the southwest locale, reigning supreme this valentine's day where you can find love. that story coming up. ♪ on the road
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♪ and we know that it goes on and on ♪ [ female announcer ] yore the boss of your life. in char of king memories and keeping promises. ask your financial professional how lincoln financial can help u takeharge of your future. ♪ ♪ oh, oh, all the way ♪ oh, oh
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just in time for valentine's day facebook put together a list of the best and worst places to find love across the country. looking that changes in relationship statuses in 2013-2012 facebook says colorado springs is the number one place to find love in the u.s.. facebook says you are least likely to find love in the big cities f atlanta, los angeles, new york, washington dc and san francisco which ranked as the worst place for singles. no love for you in miami. didn't even make the list. cheryl: that is okay. who needs love when you have boats? we are talking 3,000 boats on display at the miami international boat show.
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we have this entire set up, thousands of boats, 45,000 people working the boats at the convention center downtown. we will be coming back later on in thh next hour of fox business talking to dusty, don't know if you saw this but at 3:00 p.m. not only did i interview him but we were driving the boat at the same time. i might have damaged the boat. back to you in new york. sandra: i will give away i know too much about boats but i love the center consul you have been on. awesome stuff out there. too much and not enough, the goldilocks whether affect as the east coast gets branch and the west is downright parched. it is the amazon of russia, 34-year-old ceo of russia's largest ecommerce site joins ashley and lori with the misconceptions of doing business there and whether or not the winter olympics will provide an economic boost. stay tuned for that.
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elcome back. how is everything?
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there's notng like being your own boss! and customers are really liking your flat rate shipping. fedex one rate. reallmakes my life easier. maybe a promotion is in order. good news. i got a new title. and a raise? management couldn't make that happen. [ male announcer ] introducing fedex one rate. simple, flat ratshipping with the reliability of fedex. [ male announcer ] introducing fedex one rate. ♪ see what's new at anbe a name and not a number?tor scade. ron: i'm never alone with scottre. i can always call or stop by my local office. they're nearby and ready to help. so when i have questions,
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i can talk to someone who knows exactly how i trade. because i don't trade like everybody. i trade like me. that's why i'm with scottrade. announcer: ranked highest in investoratisfaction with self-directed services by j.d. power and associates.
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>> there it is. the great white way. i am ashley webster. lori: i am lori rothman. good afternoon. delays all piling up with airlines. grounding something like 14,000 flights this week. ashley: doing nothing to stop the brutal drought in california. the golden state is looking a little bit more brown these days.
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ashley: guess what, it is valentine's day. we have your last minute gift ideas. sweets for your sweetheart. lori: a marriage not made in heaven. ashley: in honor of the time warner / comcast deal, we want to hear from you. which do you think has the worst customer service? this should be good. we will read your responses, those that we can later in the show. lori: do not hold back. first, let's get you updated on the market.
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nicole: right now the dow jones industrial down about 80 points at the moment. the session high is 16,113. there is a one-month chart. talking about equity strategy. knowing that basically the risk reward looks attractive at this point. this week has not been too shabby. let's talk about campbell's soup. on the move here. campbell's soup up. they had good sales.
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profit was up 71%. back to you. lori: thank you. ashley: cities all along the east coast digging out from yet another winter storm. take a look at the snowfall totals since monday. nine and a half inches of snow dropping on portland maine. chattanooga tennessee with over 7 inches. peter barnes is live at the airport. peter: we got here this morning. there were some very long lines at the delta counters.
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let me give you the latest numbers from quite there are about 1400 cancellations. nearly 3000 delays today. that compares to about 4600 delays yesterday. when i did look up at the boards over here, i did the flights still delayed. officials say it will take another day oo two for everything to get back to normal. in the meantime, though, economists are crunching the numbers at the economic impact. just this morning the federal reserve reported that industrial production fell three tenths of a percent.
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the government said yesterday, as you recall, retail sales were down four tenths of a percent last month. 113,000 new jobs created in january. much lower than did. ashley: peter barnes n reagan international airport. thank you. lori: and lots of misery on the west coast, two. the drought is wreaking havoc on southern california. representing parts of the state under extreme drought. golden state could be getting some much-needed financial relief now. the president is set to two or farms. while carr is live for us with more. >> the president coming here to see just how bad the drought is.
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local farmers and ranchers say if they do not get help soon, it could cripple their industry. >> i am about 50% or less of my normal heard. peanut farmers are forced to abandon their crops if it dries up. >> we are looking at over
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500,000 acres. >> others are going into survival mode. tonight it is the accumulative affect as these water cutbacks continue year after year. >> back to you. lori: thank you. ashley: stock alert for you. shares of weight watchers dropping weight and hitting a new week low.
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moving lower today, as you can see. lori: router markets here. >> we came into the here with a lot of good tailwind. we had better than expected growth in the economy last year. it was not expected.
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is it changing your outlook on growth at all? >> you saw a week factory production number. anything that you see in terms of week data, the market just kind of throws aside. lori: what data will have the most impact?
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best-performing industry in the s&p 500. do you like the industry? >> interest rates come down, the dividend yield says utilities will look a little bit more attractive. that is a group you will want to own.
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lori: we will be hearing from the ceos of russia's largest e-commerce company. 75% of which pay with cash. speaking of russia, the winter olympics not off to a great start for the u.s. speed skating team. why they are blaming their under armour. ashley: comcast time warner cable deal. combining two of the most identified companies. ♪ ♪ [ cellphones beeping ] ♪ [ cellphone rings ] hello? [ malennouncer ] over 12,000 financial advisors. good, good. good over $700 billion dollars in assets under care.
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let me just put this away. [ male announc ] how did edward jones get so big? could you teach kids that trick? [ male announcer ] by not acting that way. ok, st quarter... [ male announcer ] it's how edward jones makes sense of investing. ♪ you make a great it's been that way sincthe day you met. but your erectile dysfunction - it could be a question of blood flow. cialis tadalafil for daily e helps you be ready anytime the moment's right. you cabe more confident in your ability to be ready. d the same cialis is the only daily ed tablet approved to treat ed and symptoms of bph like needing to go frequently or urgently. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medications, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sexual activity. do not take alis if you take nitrates for chest pain, as this may caus unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcoholin exc. side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. to avoid long-term injury, seek immiate medicalp for an erection lasting more than 4 hours. if you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision,
1:13 pm
or if you have any allgic reactions such as rash, hives, swelling of the lips, tongue or throat, or difficulty breathing or swallowing, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. ask your doctor abt cialis for daily use and a 30-tablet fr trial. sometimes they just drop in. always obvious. cme group can helpou navigate ris and capture opportunities. we enable you to reach global markets and drive forward with broader possibilities. cme group: how the world advances.
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ashley: let's get a check on the markets. nicole petallides is on the floor of the new york stock exchange. nicole: what the how the stock is faring at this moment. up 3.5%.
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lori: just one day after the announcement, comcast said to buy time warner cable. folks took to twitter. a hilarious reaction. elizabeth macdonald has the bottom line. >> let's take a look at some of the tweets that came pouring in. any chance that it could result in better service?
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they try to do it six months ago. they have been on hold for a representative. time warner merger talks will be slow. this is what happens when time warner and comcast make a baby. honey boo-boo. lori: there is customer satisfaction. that was bad equals worse.
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lori: getting so much publicity. they kind of go o homes. ashley: a growing industry. >> we have some high. individuals behind the scene. charlie has spoken. >> sure. whatever. carry on. ashley: great tweets, by the way. we want to hear from you, of
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course. do not forget to send us your tweets. what waa your worst customer service experience. it does not just have to be a cable company. tweet us at fox business. lori: roses are red, violets are blue and now you can pay with it going to. an unusual flower design. even more unique ways to tapering off. ashley: usually money cannot buy you love. it can buy you chocolate. we will be right back. ♪ ♪
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what is this place? where are we? this is where we bring together the fastest internet and the best in entertainment. we call it the x1 entertainment operating system. it looks like the future! we must have encountered a temporal vortex. further analytics are necessary. beam us up. ♪ that's my phone. hey. [ female announcer ] the x1 entertainment operating system, only from xfinity. tv and internet together like never before.
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ashley: it is valentine's day. nearly half of americans will be buying candy as a gift this year.
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>> everyone is very last-minute. today is a huge day. we will be open late. we saw 365 days a year. 16,000 in hour. not only are we dipping them in our stores from early early in the morning, but this year we set up a supplemented condition. lori: they are gorgeous. >> it has been not more recently.
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we take a long-term view. we buy when we think that the market is lower. ashley: i am interested, the economy is on the rebound. were you affected a lot by the recession or is chocolate recession proof? >> i do not think anything is really truly recession first. you do not want to miss the opportunity. you may have seen the saturday night live sketch last week about get something from valentine's day. just get some stuff from the drugstore. these beautiful heart boxes are now everywhere with different
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types and quality of chocolate in them. what are you doing to maintain your brand? >> we offer a wide range of belgian chocolate. our chocolates are in the belgian tradition. we spend a lot of time creating an environment in our shop that is special. lori: i need to get a job as a chocolate taster. >> the biggest trend we have seen is people coming in and not just buying for their loved ones. friends, people at the office. someone this morning was on the cell phone with a friend buying for his girlfriend making sure that he got it right. ashley: does chocolate taste
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change? is it more popular than dark chocolate? >> people care a lot about the ingredients. that plays in our savior. we really pay it tangent to utilizing the best quality ingredients. we have it at 50, 75 and 100. something special for this year is our flights. a unique concept you have probably heard about. this is $16. ashley: thank you.
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it is the amazon of russia. we will hear from the 34-year-old ceo of russia's largest e-commerce country. the misconceptions of doing business in russia. whether or not the olympics will provide an economic boost. the controversy over speed skating uniforms. ♪ [ male annouer ] hands were made for playing.
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legs, for crossing. feet...splashing. better things than the joint pain d swelling of moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. if you're trying to ma, now may be time to ask about xeljanz.
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xez (tofacitinib) is a small pill, t an injection or infusion, for adults wih moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well. xeljanz can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. seris, sometimes fatal infectionsnd cancers have happened in patients taking xeljanz. don't start xeljanz if you have any infection, unless ok with your doctor. tears in the stomach or intestines, low bod cell counts and higher liver tes and cholesterol levels have happened. your doctor should perform blood tts before you start and whi taking xeljanz, and roinely check certain liver tests. tell your doctor if you have been to a region where certain fungal infections are common, and if you have had tb, hepatitis b oc, or are prone to infections. tell your doctor abt l the medicines you take, and if you are pregnant, or plan to . taken twice daily, xeljanz can reduc the joint pain and swelling of moderate to severea, even without methotrexate. ask ixeljanz is right r you.
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of moderate to severea, even without methotrexate. so ally bank has a that wothat's correct.a rate. causi'm really nervous about getting apped. why's that? uh, mark? go get help! i have my reasons. look, you don't have to feel trapped with our raise your rate cd. our rate on this cd goes up, yours can too. oh that sounds nice. don't feelrapped wit the ally raise your rate cd. allyank. your money needs an ally. lori: time for stocks now as we do every 15 minutes. led's head to the floor of the stock exchange with nicole petallides. on track for a second week of gains, nicole. >> that's right.
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the dow is up 100 points at 16,126. sitting around session highs for the dow jones industrials. s&p and dow lloking for a second straight week of gains. the nasdaq composite trying for a seventh straight day of gains but each time i look up going back and forth. take a look at a mover right now, vf corps. it is down 6.5%. shares are falling. they had an earnings miss. climbed in double-digit growth with action sportswear and outdoor brands did well for them but saw a slight decline in the jeans business. when you talk about vf corp, you recognize some of the brands,,3 nautica, north face. they do expect to spend $700 billion on buybacks. combining buy backs with dividends they will return over one billion dollars to shareholders in 2014 but today a selloff for vf corp. back to you.
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>> nicole, we're up to speed. speaking of speed, have you been watching u.s. speed skaters? it has been a disaster. no american finished better than 7th place in long track speeding event in sochi. many athletes think the suits are to blame. some say the vents in the back designed to allow heat on to escape and letting air in and create as drag on skaters. underarmor developed arrow dynamic suits specifically for sochi, leaning on design expertise from lockheed martin aircraft engineers. the company sent a team of specialists to make customized adjustments to he athletes suits as needed. that will make a huge difference. no skepticism there. ashley: have to look for some reason, right? speaking of russia with 60 million active internet users, hot largest company by area is, the largest on line retailer more than doubled sells
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from 2011 to 20 vessel. we have the ceo of the ozone group. they are dubbed the amazon of russia. that is quite a title to have. thank you for being here. you're the biggest e-commerce group in russia. how many customers do you have and what's your range of merchandise? >> so we have 14 million customers and 3.5 million products on our website. so we're indeed the biggest e-commerce group in russia. ashley: but there's a huge difference. you actually deliver those products yourself and often it is cash on delivery? no exactly. unlike amazon, we can forget about the order after it leaves the warehouse. we have to carry that order all the way to the customers and all the way back if you decide to cancel and on top of that, when we arrive at these front door, usually it is 75% cash on delivery. so we also have to handle the cash back all the way to the head office. ashley: which to me represents a
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bit of a danger. if you have the delivery people with all this cash, how do you prevent them pro being a target? >> we actually first to not bring them, pda market being director about that. ashley: i'm sure. >> for us safety first. so we make sure they're not recognizable on the street. and then obviously we run, we run some background checks when we have some orders which seems very, very likely to generate some problems. ashley: why is, why are some russians not wanting to use credit cards? because they don't get access to them or don't trust using them online? >> i think it is a mix. first of all not everybody has a credit card they can use online. most of the time they have what we call debit cards which they use at atms to access their salary. second thing, there is always a trust question but i think we kind of passed a time with ozones because we're biggest e-commerce there, biggest brand.
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pretty much 80% of the russian internet users know about ozone. it is not really a trust issue. it is a lot more to do with the fact that russia is still very much a cash economy. people have a lot of cashing on them. if you think about it, first time you made your first order on amazon, if amazon offered you to pay cash you would have probably said yes. ashley: ah-ha. i read stories of russians use western websites and make orders, often for the orders just never make it. >> yes. get these parcels end up on border or some sort of inspect station. who knows what happens there. is that true? >> yes it is true. one of the biggest issue buying abroad you never know whether you get the order or not. ashley: interesting. i want, on a personal level, you're ceo of this huge russian company. you're a native france. you have lived in seven different countries. how did you end up running this company in russia? >> i was very lucky actually. i used to work for an american
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consulting company called boston consulting group. after many, many different countries like india, south africa, they discovered i actually speak russian. so they send me back to russia, telling me they would of love for me to work there. one of my last clients as a consultant for bcg was actually ozone. ashley: there you did. hey we want to hire you, said make me an offer i can't refuse. >> exactly. ashley: doing business in russia there is a lot of perception out there maybe it is not the easiest thing to do whether a little bit of corruption or dealing with overly burdensome regulations s that misnomer or is there truth to that? >> i think the western press makes a big deal of things that are not necessarily true. i think indeed doing business in russia is not easy but mainly due to the infrastructure and logistics that is not always up to speed for e-commerce like us. the payment system issue we mentioned before. there is a, i sign every morning a large pile of paper waiting
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for mere on my desk. this is not about corruption. ozone has been in the business for 15 years. we never paid a single bribe. it is possible to do business in russia. you just need to have a lot of energy to do it. ashley: well, apparently you have that. thank you so much for being here. appreciate it. >> thank you. lori: and building our future, one robot at a time. you may think technology behind harvard's masters of construction, no forman needed here. ashley: no union either apparently. cheryl casone is live in miami for the international boat show trying to sail on despite the perfect storm stranding visitors. [ male announcer ] this is karen and jeremiah. they don't know it yet, but they're gonna fall in ve, get married, have a couple of kids, [ children laughing ] move to the country, and live a long, happy life together where they almost never ght about money. [ dog barks ] because right after they get married,
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they'll find some financial folks who will talk to them about preparing early for retirement and be able to focus on other things, like each other, which isn't rocket science. it's just common sense. from td ameritrade. there's nothing like being your own boss! and my customers a really lingour flat rate shipping. fedex one rate. really makes my life easier. maybe a promotion is in order. good news. i got a new title. and a raise? management couldn't makehat ppen. [ male announcer ] introducing fedex one rate. simple, flat rate shipping with the reliability of fedex.
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>> and here is this hour's fox business brief. u.s. manufacturing output unexpect he hadly declined in january. the federal reserve said factory production fell by .8 of a percent. that is the first drop since july and the biggest drop since main of 2009. consumer sentiment unchanged in february from january coming in at 81.2. thomson reuters found the american's optimism was tempered by money concerns. several large jcpenney shareholders unloaded their stakes this week. dodge and cox, owned 9.%. hayman capital management
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recalls each had more than 5% of the troubled retailer. jcpenney shares down 34% already this year. that is the latest from the fox business, giving you the power to prosper.
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lori: miami beach boat shows brings in $600 million in revenue for florida. cheryl casone is down in sunny miami beach, florida, with the fox business exclusive. we're envious of this assignment. hoyou t. ry 350,000-dollars boat with a joystick. the chairman and ceo of brunswick joins me as i try not to wreck his beautiful boat. your stock has been on a tear. >> we've done really well.
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the marine market has been improving. our fitness business is doing well. even the bowling and billiard business is doing well. >> what sales volume this weekend? with all the weather and issues in the northeast some of your clients were not able to make it. >> that's for sure. volumes are really good right now. attendance is up. it is absolutely beautiful day. our particular company we're offering large items we didn't use to have. we're very happy with the results so far in the show. >> i was read your fourth quarter notes europe is picking up for you. absolutely surprised to see that. is european customers coming back for brunswick? >> it is especially in the fitness division. we had double-digit growth especially in the fourth quarter. frankly the marine business it has been so bad we're coming off the bottom. >> i'm trying to look forward out of the window. >> you're doing great. >> should let your viewers know i kind of ding ad boat. i don't want to do that this year.
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let's talk about the employee base. you have 16,000 employees. the company more and more is becoming international. are there markets you want to grow in right now you have not grown in. >> yes, we're particularly focused in brazil and asia-pacific. brazil is third largest boat market in the world after europe and united states and that's great. >> also, just really quick, if you look at the horizon with the economy, and here come as boat. i will let you take over so i don't hit that boat. okay. as you look at the horizon again, do you think south america will pick up? there is lot of concern that south america will see softness because of currency issues, are you worried about that? >> not at all. not at all. such a strong market, and activity we'll do fine in that market. >> you're seeing international expansion, made in the usa, based in illinois. the good news, lori and ashley, cheryl did not wreck a boat this year at the miami international boat show.
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dusty mccoy, chairman and ceo of brunswick. there you go, guys. lori: you gave and turned over the con. you could not take oncoming boat. i'm confident in your driving ability. >> he was coming this way though. i ducked. lori: no accidents. well-done. cheryl casone thanks. >> all right. ashley: from boats to your friday tech minute. twitter employees will have the opportunity to sell shares tomorrow for the very first time since it went public. according to the sec twitter's ipo lockup agreement ends tomorrow. 9.8 million non-executive employee shares will be available to be sold. on may 6th, another 174.7 million shares will also be eligible. construction workers could be a thing of the past if harvard has anything to do with it. take a look at this. harvard engineers are developing small termite-like robots that could one day complete simple construction taskses without any
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help. the engineers provided robots with a construction blueprint and let them alone. guess what? they built the structures by observing and reacting to other robots around them without any further instructions. a lyle frightening. pandora is scaring off against ascap one of the biggest licensing negotiations. pandora doesn't want to pay royalties to groups like ascap and bmi. while ascap actually wants to raise the rates. the outcome could reshape finances of a major part of the music industry so stay tuned. lori? worst of the worst. in honor the time cast warner cable deal we get your picks on when it comes to customer service. your tweets and rants ahead. ashley: we're back in the pits of the cme are higher. stick around. [ male announr ] how can power consumption in china,
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ashley: quick look at the markets as we come back. the dow is up 116 points, up 3/4 of a percent. we're up across the board. nasdaq and s&p moving higher. lori: i have the reason. 39 debris in manhattan. ashley: it is boiling out there. it is hot. lori: news alert. we've been telling you about the union at volkswagen plant in tennessee. the voting end today. we could have a answer on the weekend or monday. we interviewed senator bob corker. they urged workers to reject the union and if they do, they will reward them with a new plant to build. ashley: fox business contributor phil flynn is in the price
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futures trading pits of the cme. gold extending trading for theth straight session. >> it has. you know what is even more exciting? silver it had been lagging behind gold. it didn't really want to rally. it exploded and overtook gold. that is a very strong sign that investment demand is coming back in. everybody likes the poor man's gold and that is silver. today we're seeing that activity, a very strong sign this rally could very easily continue into next week. what is more about silver, it has been creeping up very slowly but if you look back, this is actually the best performance silver has had now today since the economic crisis began back in 2008. so a prettt impressive run on both gold and silver. platinum and palladium, the other metals are catching up as well and a very strong sign. if you look what's happening here, remember back in november, nobody wanted gold. the fund are getting in a big way. we saw that in the spdr gold
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trust. back to you. ashley: very impressive. phil flynn, have a great weekend. >> you too. lori: has nothing to do with the physical demand for gold and given the holiday and gift you bought your wife? ashley: that's right. just pure coincidence. lori: we asked you which company is the absolute worst for customer service and why? boy, oh, boy, did you have answers. check out some responses. she said, verizon. all they can do is tell you what they can't do for you. ashley: and jay bryant 55 said bless you, i'm with you. god they make customer service an oxymoron. they just destroyed my trip to mexico both ways. i hear your pain. lori: look at this from trinity ranch. marriott, their time-share business is the worst. they ever do anything they promised during the sales process. hashtag, don't buy. that is singing. ashley: lastly, shia said, the dmv, always wins that race. and amen to that. but, got to tell you, i've had some, america used to be the
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place where customer service was always so great and coming from europe where it is nonexistent, this is great. not so much that case these days. lori: i hope you're not leaving america anytime soon? ashley: i won't. they just absolutely say terrible things. not long afterward went into bankruptcy. i'm not surprised. there you have it. lori: everything coming up roses, except for ashley's latest travel plans. maybe not exactly for bitcoin. ashley: doesn't take much to get me on a rant. latest hiccups for the digital currency and why our next guest is still accepting it as payment. we hear from blue nation's ceo. capitato make it happen? that makes it real? what's a vision without t pertise toxecute it...
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and the financin to make it grow? whatever your goal, it can change more than your busiss. whatever your goal, it can change e future. that's wh at barclays, our ambition is to alys realize yours.
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ashley: it is valentine's day, and oh, boy, investors are loving this market. the dow continuing to power higher. the dow at session highs, up 115
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points now. for the week, the dow is up, take a look at this chart, up more than 2% on the week. actually up 2.2%. after a jittery january, february coming on strong. melissa: thanks, new fed chair, a large part of that. ashley: yeah. melissa: what is valentine's day without flowers for that special someone? well now there is a way to view and order them without leaving your significant other's side and you can actually use bitcoin to pay for it all. blue nation is the only online flower distribution platform to accept bitcoins. we have the cofounder and ceo of blue please to welcome him to discuss the move. hi, there, give us a sense how busy you are on this valentine's day? >> i'm glad to be out of the office for a moment to get away from all the havoc. lori: that is fantastic. what was behind the decision to accept bitcoin for transactions. >> that was simple.
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one as e-commerce platform. we wanted to accept bitcoins because it allowed customers to purchase in any way they like. they send plow flowers with any ents they l o. fa the ler ebksas a disio decion fus thas vy sy tmake asey: wt mes bom natn uniq? i ha txpernce, iur her ople have. urdelowe. ok apictes o te wsite bu watre actlly diver e ofte dispoinng. at puts youpart fro all t herites >> bomnaon worn of seeing same cookie cutter signing sa welow top designers across the country to list real pictures of their work on so you're buying directly from each artist. we're decommodityizing and bringing back artistry behind
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the flower industry. lori: when i hear about bitcoin and i think of silk road and unseemly business transactions that has been, bitcoin has been used for. so how much demand, how much transactions, how many transactions have actually gone through using bitcoin? is it legitimate in your view legitimate but is it catching on in above the fray way? >> yeah. actually we were really surprised as soon as we launched bitcoin payments we've seen such acceptance of it. we've seen thousands of dollars come in through just the several, several days that we launched this platform. what is interesting that bitcoin users are spending almost twice as much as other users on their flowers. so they're a lot more romantic than we thought. ashley: so where do you go from here? you've shown some pretty impressive growth. you've got over 2000 florists in 3,000 cities. you have 1.6 million in speed funding some what is next for your company?
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>> yeah, we're really excited about the growth. we've seen, you know, almost 30% month over month and this valentine's day we've seen almost 10-x revenue from the previous year. so we're just excited to continue building our brand, getting the word out and educating consumers that in this day and age, you shouldn't be going through a broker like those other services to buy your flowers. you should order directly, local, getting most of the money to go to local florists. lori: thaak you, happy valentine's day. >> happy valentine's day. thanks for having me. >> time to send you over to melissa francis with the next hour of fox business. melissa: lori, you have the valentine's day red on. >> i do. melissa: ashley has the tie, we were comparing in the hallway. oh nice. >> do you have a second? look at damage i've done. we had the godiva ceo. ashley: every commercial break. lori chomping on the chocolate.
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melissa: i hope there are a few pieces left. you got it all out, huh? ashley: what is coming up on "money," melissa? melissa: we are chock-full today. canada turning away foreign millionaires and signature wall street throwdown. in between we have the governor of north dakota on his jobs boom. plus exclusive with legendary analyst dick bove because when they say it's not it is always about "money." melissa: all right. let's kick it off with a quick stock check. jo ling kent at the newsdesk. what are you following. >> underarmor down 2%. being blamed according to "wall street journal" creating drag for u.s. olympic team in speed kate skating. according to several sources in "the wall street journal" could be a training issue. could be the other teams are getting better and u.s. team walks away with no


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