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tv   Cashin In  FOX Business  February 16, 2014 2:30am-3:01am EST

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>> coal is dead. long ling live natural gat. >> buy it only on a dip. that's it for "forbes on fox." have a great weekend. keep i the number one business spot continues with eric bolling and "cashin' in." equality or opportunity? the president insists, the biggest threat to america. >> a dangerous and growing inequality. >> new jersey's governor chris christie begto different. americans don't want equality. >> what they want is income opportunity. >> so which is it, america? should we be country of mars or takers? and then -- home sweet health torch carrying rrorizing an executive at his house. what if it was the only way around, outside of al gore's house. would we have heard tab? plus a free pass to bypass, asking the tough question if you won't, we will. "cashin' in," refusing to give anyone a free pass starts right
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now. hi. everyone. welcome to "cashin' in." our crew this week, wayne rogers, michelle fields, jonathan hoenig, who has his first out training 101. congrats to jonathan and welcome everybody. what's the biggest problem facing america today and how do we fix it? the president and his fellow democrats say this -- >> a dangerous and growing inequality in lack of upward mobility that jeopardized middle class america's basic market. that if you work hard you have a chance to get ahead. >> but do americans really want equality? what republican chris christie has to say. >> back to mediocrity. >> i don't think the american people wanincome queincome equa.
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they want income opportunity. >> do we ee equality or opportunity jt more takers or more makers? >> americans want opportunity, but unfortunately, the democrats' solution to everything is just expand the welfare state, which doesn't make people rich. it keeps the poor poorer. it doesn't lift them out of poverty. what we ought to be doing is reducing taxes, rear deucing the regulatory burden on our entrepreneurs so that the entrepreurs can open new business, expand existing ones and create jobs because that's what americans want now. they want jobs. not policies that redistribute. >> we it's really about opportunity? has little toll do with income equali, because we all know ov over the koss acourse of the ag income goes up - >> talk about equality you've taken away freedom. freedom and equality cant exist simultaneously together.
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if you have freedom you have t freedom to move, to go up, to do better to d things want to do, to be ambitious. by the way, and everybody's training isn't the same. everybody's brain isn't born the same. some people are born with smarter than other people. some people are worse off than others. but you're always trying to raise your self up to the best of your abilit so you want -- you wan the -- the opportunity. that is correct. he is right. and the president is wrong. >> so, if the president's right and perfect equality if we had that in america, really, isn't that what communism is all about? >> this is so offensive to me. i just don't know where to start. the president said, we've got to do a better job for hard-working americans. people who go work every day, sometimes work two and three jobs. but can't get ahead in this country right now because all the reward is going to the super rich. that's where the money is going. it's not that we have a shortage of hard-working people, and basically what we're hearing
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om the republicans is, marie antoinette 21st century style, let them eat cake. they don't make money, that's their fault. >> the problem with that argument, you're saying -- >> sure, everybody. >> no. you're saying the pie is stagnant. a finite amount of dollars -- hold on. >> i'm not saying that. eric, look at some of the -- >> juan, you can grow the economy, and everyone does better. >> look at here, who's getting billions in pay and who's not getting any in pay and you see the squeeze on the middle class of america. >> fair enough. let me take to you jonathan. ahead. >> ironic juan talks about the gop thing, let them eat cake. the president, his wife tweet add picture of their dogs dining at a glass tle. you know -- >> $12,000 at the state inner. >> but i've got to tell you, both christie and obama, eric, are evil in this case. inequality, it's a fact. this is a medic physical fact. it's not good,ot bad.
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just is. to wayne's point, some are born smarter, more keshgted, more wealthy. this is reality and it exists. do i have the same to chri's point income opportunity as paris hilt jn asebron james? no. to this extent it's why people are abandoning both parties. they're add voe kating for the same thing. >> it's not equal opportunity equality, strive nor more, i don't want to put words in his mouth. listen to a couple of left presentatives see what they think america is all about. watch. >> if want to be a photographer, or awriter, or a musician, whatever, an artist you want to be self-employed, if want to start a business, if want to change jobs, you no longer are prohibited from doing that. >> americans work way more than average of industrialized countries around the world. >> michele, america is founded on the work ethic.
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seems on left, more than willing to say, wor less, get more stock. redistributed stuff, take it from the makers, give it to the takers. that's okay. that's what we should strive for. is that a formula for success going forward? >> not at all and that's not what america is about. right now because of democrats and their policies it's nor lucrative for americans to sit on their couch, get welfare and food stamps than to go out and work. it's a better deal for them nap is not the american way. this is terrible. it's not good for our economy. >> go ahead, juan. you want to refute that? the lefties seem to say, look, it's all about working a little less. don't worry, we're going it take care of you. >> again, understand this. so many hard-working americans. look at numbers. our gdp goes up as we've seen impacts of the recession. americans work very hard. let me add in -- >> the government's taking their money, why are they going to work? it's better to sit at home and get food stamps a get out and
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work because the government takes it from you. you can be an artist because taxpayers will pay for you to be about artist. what pa locaelosi and the democ are saying. >> i'm telling you that what we're talking about here in terms of expanding th social safety net is taking care of an increasing number of seniors and children who live in poverty. not talking about theverage american. >> listen to what keith ellison says. talks about changing our work/life balance. lionizing dependency, putting down productivity and hard work on any level, whether stocking the shelves or a ceo. what always misses out, the left, the self-esteem built by individual work and achievement. we work for money but also for the psychological and emotional self-estm that comes with being independent, not on the government's door.
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>> the fact remains over the last 50 year, fro spending a few billion on poverty to mae close to $8 hp billion on poverty. guess what's happened to the poverty level. it's gone up. giving people more stuff, they're not working anymore and staying poorer. >> another thing you haven't touched n, too. the fact juan makes the point, all of this group of people, this 1% at the topakin e monendthth bottom that 1% at e also paying allf the taxes. they're paying for everybody else. 47% of the people in the united states do not pay any so ever. these rich people, keep talking about the rich taking everything and oh, the rich are doing this and that. by the way, they're paying for it. they are the guys paying for it. you can't say if the top 1 are paying 85% of the taxes, what are yobelly aching about? >> all right. >> again, we ran out of time. we have to leave there.
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you can continue the conversaon right now on twitter. #cashin'in trending on twitter three weeks in a row. keep it up. make your voice heard again, when "shinin" trends, y trend. coming up, crossing the line. first they are targeted big wigs at big banks, now big oil. torch carrying leftists storming the home of an oil ecutive. so much for a peaceful night with the wife and@a
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a group of torch carrying ecoterrorists storming the home of an oil executive as he spends a quiet night with his family. take a look. >> my name is amanda. my friends and i came down to let you know we think that you and ambridge are corporate criminals, and should be in jail rather than the -- >> listen, 10:00 at night. here.appy to discuss this, not not now. not in the neighborhood --'s what's your group by the way, guys? >> just the people, man. how than? >> the people. >> there are a lot more of us. >> the people. >> you have no idea, man. the world is spinning, quick. >> tell the rest of the board they can expect visits. >> wayne, this is shocking. imagine if a pro--pipeline people shoed up at al gore? sending rachel maddow out with a liveve mera. right wing conspiracy. a nobel prize in the future. just thepeople. just the people weighing in. >> well, i'm a believer in civil
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disobedience. we have a tlags goe back to martin luther king and gandhi, those kind of people. civil disobedience is one way for people to express themselves. that part is fine. the fact of the matter is, you show up on some guy the lawn at 10:00 at night, you deserve to be arrested. if you're going to be civilly disobedient you suffer the consequences. so if these kind of things gorge to take place the law should take place and deal with it appropriatel if somebody's going to do that, yes, you have the freedom to do that. you also have the freedom get arrested. >> so, juan, let me go to you next. here's what happened. three protesters who handcuffed themselves to a piline and got arrested. so these clowns went to the company that owned the pipeline, and knocked on his door. i'm all for protests, too. first amendmt. i get it. this crosses the line. does it not? >> yeah. it's not something i would endorse. let me say when you see the right wi engage in things like going to the military funerals because the military allows gays
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and say, we are for -- >> come on. that's not right wing. don't -- >> can i speak for a second? amount ai luoed to speak on this show? or when you hear, when you hear people say, we want to block access to abortion clinics and you ha to go to the court about that, or youay the gun rights people say, we're going to walk around with open guns in starbucks despite your discomfort. you understand, this swings both ways. >> michele, appling and oranges swann comparing here? >> yes. such a double standard. the tea party had peaceful protests. they were vilified. can you imagine if the tea party did this? it could be front page news. gog with torches to al gore or george's house, all over the news. look, no one's covering this except for fox news because the media doesn't care. i bet the media supports and endorses this. >> i know you want in, john. >> wait. a god-- she make as good point, and in defense of juan i
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think that's absolutely right. it's the problem that the press doesn't coverit. swann right. it's equal on both sides. let them have it on both sides but have the press covering accordingly. >> that's why we're doing it. >> this isn't a protest. you hold sign, write letters, boycott a product. it's the klan that showed up at people's houses in the middle of the night. that's what the klan does. operating through brute force, through intimidation. that's what the environmental movement is l about. could you see a tea party group doing this or any legitimate executive or works at a legitimate corporation doing this? they would consider it. in the world of trade we work through trade and agreement not force showg up at people's houses and demanding that succumb to your will. >> think about it. the occupy movement were the ones protesting. the ones taking down parks and throwingtuff through windows and almost he in hype esteem
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by the left. meanwhile, michele points out, tea party peacefully congregates in a park, cleans up after themselves and they're vilified. >> i find this comical. the teaarty people, you know, they go to these town hall meetings, intite politicians. you say, oh, that's okay. >> how do they intimidate politicians? >> how? >> how do they intimidate politicians, juan? >> legitimate protests under the constitutionm for free speech. don't pretend it's one way. >> go ahead, john. >> how does th tea party intimidatepoliticians? we're all ing to know. >> gosh, should he been at the town meetings in 2010 including some by republicans? >> because they ask questions? >> john mccain complained tab loud and clear and in fact in one case, people with guns showed up at an obama event. >> we'll lea it there. i love these discussions. i hate to cut it off. sorry. coming up, think he was joking?
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>> the thing about being president. i can do whatever i want. >> hmm. watch out, tax and juan
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williams will be in the house ahead in ten minutes. join us. the mainsnstream media know but doesn't seem to care, the president this week making his 29th change to obamacare by unilaterally extending the employer mandate beyond the 2014 midterm elections note the timing there, by the way. the president simply rewrites law and bypasses congress and what happens? where's the media? crickets. tingles up and down the mainstream media's legs, i
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guess? >> that's exactly wh it . can you imagine if they re bush? the media would be going czy saying he's acting like a king or something. but this is an imperial president. what obama is doing is not right at all and, you know, what is he doing? every morning he wakes up and e laws, he just decides which laws he wants to follow and whh ones he doesn't? it's not right. >> all right, so, john, what about it? is this how government is suosed to work the president decides unilaterally to change a law. i thought he was pposed t go to congress and senate to get approval for things he wants to change. >> of course, it's not how government is supposed to work. the reason we're giving obama a pass and not bush is that bush was perceived as being self-interested, right? his use of executive action was all about his rich oil buddies or halliburton and obama is perceived as being out for the common good and if you buy obama's argument that you are your brother's keeper then the gop are anstruction is, because it's handing in the way of obama
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giving everyone his command good, free health care, free education and everything. >> do you think it's okay that president obama changes a law 29 times unilaterally without consulting congress? >> you know, i think you should go back to the congress, but let me just tell you that president obama hasn't used his executive order or authority, i don't think he's used it half as much as bill clinton and as close to half as much as george w. bush, but let me just say -- >> stay on this, juan. should the president be allowed to change a law 29 times unilaterally? >> you know, again, if you look at social security, medicare, when they were passed there were lots of amendments and changes done on the basis of presidential or bureaucratic authority without going back to the congress so that's not unecedented in arican history. >> what i'm hearing from you, juan, it's happened in the past so it should be able to go forth. >> on this kind of issue, but ideally we should go to congress, that's the way the
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system is designed, but this unfair and unbalanced to ble obama and not to look at what happened toush or -- >> fair enough. wayne, your thoughts on this? >> well, i think juan is absolutely right. we've had a history since the new deal of doing this and it's absolutely wrong. it's against the constitution. the constitution's very clear about this. and we have now what is called an admistrate government in which the congress as w well as the intent of congress to do so-and-so passed on to some agency and the agency makes up relations and rules that become lawnd if you violate that, you're against the law. that's wrong. it should go to the congress. we have a whole system that is wrong. >> i have to go because wayne has agreed with juan in two of the three blocks so far, we're going to have to leave it there. my head is spinning. thanks to michelle fields and juan williams for joining us this week. coming up snowed in and sick of it.
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whata' beenreadingbraydon? how old are you? three and you can read? yes let's see pictures, pictures, pictures, pictures there's a boy riding a bicycle into the forest you can read too grandpa! (laughing) ♪well it's always better when we're together♪
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♪yea it's always better when we're together♪ what do i need to know f next weekend, wayne, first. >> take a look at h-o-l-i, i'm hot on the technology stocks in this market. >> thank you very much, wayne. how about you, jonathan, what are you wearing? >> i'm wearing a jacket from the trading floooor and as you known 1996 i was a young trader just starting out on the floor of the chicago mercantile exchae and since then the entire financial world has changed and people don't yell and scream like this anymore and i made this new film "pit trading" where you can learn all about it and watch
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me as i learn the basics of buying and selling on the exchange floor in a work environment that as you know, eric, is like none other. >> that's great and really a wonderful time in my life and i'm sure that's going to be a fantastic movie. thank you, jonathan, thank you, wayne. that's it for us, thanks for joining us. beforee go, 2014 has been the winter from hell so to speak. noaa has pruced a map showing 49 of the states have some snow cover, snowstorm after snowstorm hitting everything east of bakersfield and i've had it and i'm fed up and the first jack ass says anything about global warming will get a mitten in the mug. my dilemm go home now and shovel the 12 inches of global warming off my driveway or wait until tomorrow when there will be 4 or 5 more inches of global warming to shovel. can somebody pleasell al gore and ask him what should i do?
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have a great weekend, everybody. tomorrow. ♪ ♪ kennedy: they are huge, they know far better than you how to run your life. we are beholdens to wims of government. whether it is a state dinner or debt ceiling or spy agency that putting cold car antics to shame. they a differentrom us, they think they are better than us, their reach knows no bounds, no wander allies in far left, and fed up right have aligned to declare this, the day we fight back, whether it is signing on-line petition, or discussion about what is most important it is time ta take back, you are not better government, but you are on note us from all sides, this is "the independents".


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