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tv   Cavuto  FOX Business  February 16, 2014 6:00pm-7:01pm EST

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neil: it's friday. do you know where the republican congressman is? they seem to be -- on the debt ceiling. now on hitting the roof. they're focused on winning later this year they given up the fight to reign in spending at all this year. a $1 trillion farm bill that over the top. to start the week off. then a billion dollar climate measure pushed by the presiden that piles on the way to end the week. republicans areafraid to say boo, wine, or complain. they are praying will implode.
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that's a hell of campign strategy. mark my words, republicans will rule the day they conveniently sold their souu. welcome. on the grand old party disarmament. that's the way i see it. what about you? >> i agree. it was a huge blow to small government, tea party folks, people who want lessintending. the strategy is to play nice this year. let democrats do whatever they want to put the focus on obamacare. that's on the top of american's behinds. what is going on with obamacare upsetith democrats and since election year republicans are hoping they can just ride this year's through. have dmocrats basically get in trouble with obamacare. and then take over the senate and hopefully gain more control of the huse.
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scold stabilize. i don't think it will. it could enough to my it's not as bad as we think it is now. yet they're hanging theirat on it. i'm saying when you have lost your spending result on everything else. you kind of reveal to yourselves to the american people as being the sort of baseless, spineless, totally clueless politicians you are. >> exactly. and this kind of reminds me f mitt romney's strategy during the election which was basically not toay anything. kind of lay low and let obama -- neil: play it safe. >> it county end uuwell. they needto put forth a plan and fight. show so you a spine. obama trying to propose a billion dollar climate change fund. why not talk more about keystone pipeline. we need a strategy republicans do. they can't put all of their chips and eggsin one basket which is the antiobama and hope
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he screws up. they're playing it too safe to your point. i think with you're the opposition party you can never play it safe. and that you can never hone your hopes on poll numbers that might prestly look good but don't last. ask mitt romney after the first debate. he thought he was on easy street and played it safe and we know what happened. i'm saying would it hurt republicanso actually practice what they preach. focus on on elections and willingness to challenge conventionalspending. absolutely. i agree we have a trillion dollar farm bill. if you look at polls americans think that speing is out of control in washington, d.c. so republicans need to show they have a spine and actually do something about it. show the american people. neil: they're not doing it now. always a pleasure. thank you. happy valentine's day. it's not really for
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republicans. understand john boehner's strategy. the former republican leader knows what i mean. by playing it safe they could be safely assuring they will be the minority party. am i overstating things, dick? >> no. i have a -- i share your concern, by the way. there playing ittoo cozy and too safe. it's one thing to have enough awarend of the vote numbers not go up a blnd alley on something like theet limit. but passing the agriculture bill and going along with president clinton billion dollars for climate control leaving th pipeline hanging. these are fihts ty should be making. they could win. winning and fighting these fights and losing them strengthens their position with the lek trait. it's good policy. and i think they need to be back and have the courage of their convictions good policy makes
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good politics. let get back to the job, understand we've got to resist unnecessary and counter productive government spending, but they don't. >> they don't. they actually sign up or look at the farm bill. they signed on and added a lot of stuffing in this bill. and, you know, when it comes at the time when they even themselves have been saying they can't cease and assist on the sort of thing. the party ladership does just that. would kill them to even try to attach something, anything, to debt ceiling measures. even if you knw it go down. at least you've been trying. they didn't ev try. >> well, i think the're so weary of being run up that blind alley and having to retreat with their tail between their legs. they made -- i think they may have been wise to avoid that fight. but the alture bill is just unbelievable to me. you know, i started the
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agriculture war in 190. the ys before that nobody quarreled whatever agriculture policy came out. they thought it was none of their busiss. it's not tha hard to understand agricuure policy is counter productive. there's probably nothing more instructive to the american environment than american agriculture policy. >> by the way. democrats have the republican number on this. and so many ottype of votes. becae they now know that -- lo, republicans are so afraid to get labeled obstructionistr even risking shutting the government down we can get any spending past these guy. my prediction they are going to now try to ramp through any type of spending and know republicans will be too afraid to try to stop it. >> well, that' where the leadership needs to dierentiate. neil: they don't though. >> something like the debt ceiling is one thing, but any new spending bills on agriculture advances increases spending on agriculture cook
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ma'am my. you win if you stand in initiatives that are driv primarily by always good to have you. this valentine's day. get lucky? make sure you have health insurance. latest pitch for signing up that is way too stupid fr cupid. raise your 't trap me in a .
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that's correct. cause i'm really nervous about getting trapped. why's that? uh, mark? go get help! i have my reasons. look, you don't have to feel trapped with our raise your rate cd. if our rate on this cd goes up, yours can too. oh that sounds nice. don't feel trapped with the ally raise your rate cd. ally bank. your money needs an ally. there's nothing like being your own boss! and my custome are really liking your flat rate shipping. fedex one rate. really makes my life easier. maybe a protion is in order. good news. i got a new title. and a raise? management couldn't make that happen. [ male announcer ] introducing fedex one rate. simple, flat rate shipping with the reliability of fedex.
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if you're watching alone don't say they didn't try to help. in illinois the pitch goes someing like this. get covered and you might just get lucky. okay. it's not blatant butclose. the selling point is health insurance is good for loving. it the coverage doesn't make you more secure, gosh darn it, it
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make you more sexy. and perspectivemeats it make you more describe. using a health care connection to make a love connection. time to bring in the mr. love connection, chuck woolery. it was so smooth. >> thank you. i try. i have to upthe ante. this is silly. it is really silly. with a do you make of it? >> yeah, well, i have tell you i have five reaons why republicans own today. the valentine's day. most romnce leads to marriage. i don't have a tell prompter between men and women most handout come from the government. you need to be single. the same goes for obamacare. that's number one. or number five. number four, valentine's day leads to candy and chock lee. it goes against michelle obama's campaign. connecticut schools told children not to show up with the sugar. republicans own that one. valentine's day is the biggest day for teddy bear sales which
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teddy roosevelt was a republican. it's a christian holiday, which of course would only be celebrated by people who cling to the bible and gun and banned in most middle east countries. police are arret you the religious police will arrest you in middle east countries. and the number one reason why the reasons own valentine's day. it's the only day of the year when every state -- all 57 go red. [laughter] [laughter] neil: that's not too shabby. you obviously -- [inaudible conversatns] you brought your a game. i have writers in detroit going crazy right now. [laughter] chuck, you mentioned valentine's day. i think whether it is super owl and how they use that to pitch health care and coverage and for the young using a lot of rock stars and actresses to sort of tell you and compel you to get health care. cool thing. now using valentine's day leads to the case one saying it will
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improve your love life if you have it. it sikes me as ultimate desperation. -> disseparate. we haven't heard about the truth about health care. obamacare, however you ut it. we've heard a lot of untruths that come light. now we continue to think, well, i guess they're telling the truth now. i guess they really do have 3.5 million. now maybe they signed up or not. maybe it will improve my love life and being friendly with dogs and strange animal. they're digging up everything in the world trying to sell this thinto us. and it just isn't working. i don't think. [iudible conversations] neil: i'm leaving the dog and strange animal. as a guy hosted a ow about make love connection. did you think any of your contestants over the years -- know money can play a part, i know status in society can play
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a part. look can play a part. i never would have imagined that health coverage would be like an aphrodisiac. >> i think one of the first things a woman asks a man when she meets him. excuse me, do you have health care coverag i don't. if i'm going to be attached i want to make sure i'm covered. neil: exactly. >> is that a cadillac plan? exactly. by the way, sweety i have health care coverage. come on, let's go out. >> it gets back to the stupidity of it. they're marketing something that young people at least today are not signinup for and not as enthusiastically looking himsel up. because they feel that it is not really worth it. and no matter how you try to market it. a turd is a turd is a turd. >> it's not wort it. how they're trying to promote it. what if you're in an accident and break a leg, arm, head, what if you don't. most people don' break their
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arm, leg, or head. most young people are smart enough to know. it's interesting how they go at us as if we're really stupid. i believe that most politicians really believe that we are stupid. so i think it's time to show them we're not as stupid as they think. i have no idea why i'm yelling. neil: you're good too. chuck. you brought the a game with the five point at the top of i. thank you very much. happy valentine's day. >> same to you, thanks. in honor of valentine's day. no clashing like this. >> why a war roo it's not a cpaign event. >> you're almost implying we're taking the money and pouring it down the drain. >> which didn't need fixes. >> i disagree with what liz said. >> it's easy to be patriotic with taxpayers' money. neil: today they put all their differences aside in the name of
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kirking a lackey billionaire. ♪ we asked people a question, how much money do you think you'll need when you retire? thewe gave each person a ribbon to show how many years that amount might last. i was trying to, like, pull it a little further. [ woman ] got me to 70 years old. i'm going have to rethink this thing. it's hard to imagin how much we'll need for a retirement that could last 3years or mor so maybe we need to approach things dferently, if we want to be ready for a longer retirement. ♪ if we want to be ready for a longer retirement. (voseeker of the sublime.. you can separate runway diculousness... from fashionhat ieoff the shelves. and from national. because only national lets you choose any car in the aisle... and go. and only national isked highest in car rental
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you pay $1 a tax. what i think is it should be like a corporation. if you pay a million dollars in tayou should get a million votes. neil: [inaudible] presents comment like that from adam interview with the venture capitalist tom perkins. i'm sure who is a very nice guy. all i'm going say about the above is that lizy mcdonald share the same opinion this
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time. they're not going to be clashing tonight. they are agreeing on one central presence on the billionaire's marks tonight. mainly he is nut. i agree with adam. i love adam. as do i. it looks like an e hrmony commercial. it is crazwhat he was suggesting. and i know first of all, never would pass constitutional muster. why continue we auction off elected offices to the highest bidder and why don't we -- all right. have them vote based on the votes based on the tax loophole and breaks you get. i'm trying to give him every bit of the doubt. what was he saying disproportionately contribute a lot of -- >> yeah.
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neil: they are owed some breaks. >>well, you know, in his defense we concluded an hour-long conversation aut incomee inequality and the persecution of the rich in his perspective. he was trying to be provocative. and the point he was making earlier was that the -- yeah. right. the rich make a big contribution to society that isn't properly appreciated. so, you know, he said later he did impress availability. he told reporters of course i don't -- he said i wasn't being completely serious but i was trying to make a provocative point. neil: all right. he was making the provocative point what were you thinking, like, man this is the world's worst situation for an interviewer to be in? [laughter] >>o, neil, i was thinking, gee, isn't this wonderful. we're going to be talking about this at least for the next 24 hours. what think is interesting what i challenged him on was, you know, i think he said you should get the number of votes proportionate with only people pay taxes get to vote.
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i said everybody pays taxes some kind whether it's a sales tax or a user fee. he said no, i meantincome tax. and i know i think that's interesting you elevate income tax r property tax above other kinds of taxes. you're arguing the provocative -- i shouldn't have said he's nuts. let me take itback. the g-force. i don't like boehner and obama going a dance. >> i'm glad you are on the same page. this is a one-day event.
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let's get over it. >> all right. i think we got i out of our system. neil: i appreciate. thank you both thank you very much. we have a lot more coming up. e warns on cigarette tax. get ready to see them pop up on cans of coke. [ male aouncer we l tnk about life insurance. but when we start woring about tomorrow, we miss out on the thin that matter today. ♪ at axa, we fer advice and help you break down your insurance goals into small, mageable steps. because when you plan for tomorrow, it helps you live for today. can we help you take a small step? for advice, retirement, and life insuran, connect th axa. [ malwhile a bo in motion at resnds to stay in motion.t... for advice, retirement, and life insuran, staying active can ease arthritis symptoms.
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>> the government thinks that they actually know what is nutritious and what is not and that we are not capable of making the decisions. so you have this new california labor requirement that is completely unnecessary. dinghies requirements up in california and t u.s. they @%st assume th we don't know how to make the right choices. >> it would essentially be that this stuff is dangrous. an attacker will eventually kill you. but at i am curious aout politicans are fast and furiously going on here.
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>> they are banng the council chemical from all foods in america. they are very protective of this. >> actually, senator schum brought up a point which is how we will do these thigs and we need to kind of go back to the idea of the marketplace. actually address any potential issues at its scare tactics and that is why the politicians love
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this. neil: i don't see it ny other way. because these guys got some green. >> where will this end? truth is that new york would ban soda. you have no ideaea. and thee have all kinds of federal mandtes that are going to be coming our way like many label requirements at restrants andpotential grocery stores and convenience stores and we ar basically too stupid and the government needs to tell us how to do this. neil: thank you very much. we appreciate it. the story of the cheerleader who is not cheering. e is doing. once you hear this really big
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story and how it is, you will find one single as a business owner, i'm constantly putting out fires. so i deserve a small business credicard with amazing rewards. with the spark cascard from capital one, get 2% cash back on ery purchase, every day. i break my back around here. finally soone's recognizing me with unlimited rewards! meetings start at 11, cindy. [ male announcer get the spark business card from capital one. choose 2% cash back or double miles on every purchase, eve d. what's in your wallet? i need your timesheets, larry!
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what's in your wallet? ♪ see what's new at coach calls her a team player. she's kind of special. she makes the whole team better. he's the kind of player that puts the puck, horsehide, bullet. right where it needs to be. coach calls it logistics. he's a great passer. dependable. a winning team has to have one. somebody you can count on. somebody like my dad. this is my dad. somebody like my mom. my grandfather. i'm very prod of him. her.
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neil: let me be brief or at i think this cheerleader has a case. she has proof that she was paid way less than the minimum wage. the team is scrambling at issue with all the hours she works traveling and doing appearances that count as promotional vehicles that help her career or doesit just help the team? y next guest says she has a great case. so you are not buying it. why not? >> i a not because this is her choice. it is almost a volunteer type position. all of these cheerleaders have other jobs on top of it.
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this is something that they do almost on a volunteer basis and it is a volunteer thing. and i had a fried that explains me that this was something that helped in their career and something to make some sort of a local celebrity and they get invited to alot of partiesnd it helps him with dating and there are perks to have. neil: they are only showing his as we amplify this through the catering or instincts. >> i just think that they are making $2.85 per hour..@ did we not aolish slave labor in this country a long time ago? i think the team really needs to take this lawuit seriously. neil: how does that even happen th she is not th only one
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saliva they do something that is blatantlillegal? >> they are getting these girls to sign contracts or. if they can't get tm to adhere to contracts that are clearly against public policy. so of course the girls are going to china because they think yes, i'm going to get modeling gigs and the are a lot of perks. but it should be lower or higher and not is not a valid debate and you can't really debate whether or not a law is o the books or whether or not it should be enforced. neil: you can also flip it around. people that work at law firms, the young legals that work these hours each week in the hope
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that, you know, that they sort of earn their stripes. is this analogous to back were very different? >> it is actually similar because there a lot of people to go to charity even for their work and are not compensated for that. and i'm not sure that these folks, i'm not sure that they agree with that. neil: because here is the thing. what you just said was a perfect example. i took a job as a summer associate for a law firm toget exposure and to meet the partners so that they would see how great i was an offer me a job, which they did. but i got the perks, but that didn't mean that they didn't have to pathe minimum wage. becausyou can make that argument for any job. there are always going to be incidental perks. neil: but when you pay by this
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hour, the straight salary and he put in an 80 hour work week, there is a difference. >> yes, there is. with an hourly job. that is the argument that these girls are going to make. and they ended up ying him so much more money than ifhey had just complied with the laws and paid these girls some dollars 8@ cents an hour. this isomething that they think it' fun for them and that's why they do it.
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this issomething that is mandated in something that they have to do. neil: i'm going to keep a close eye on this. meanwhile, it is not too late to get a valentine's present. and we are going right after
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>> because the storm was s unpredictable, by the way just comi down here, it has totally stopped snowing and it's a beautiful day out there. >> as this woman was saying it was fleeting and snowing and there were five more inches to
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come. she says he might break your spine from it's okay, it's a beautiful day. [laughter] neil: but i digress. it was so beautiful in neighboring new jersey that some kid didn't get a snow day. they didn't have school. though virtually from home. using their computers. we get a ton of tweets and david is here to react. >> i'm catching my breath he scared me. >> as beautiful a it is anywhere. neil: noon and trimmed new yorkers are not dismissing it. anyway, cutting schools axes 80% and it could revolutionize
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this but shold nt replace the daily interaction in the classroom. it makes sense if we can get rid of tis and more can bee spent on actual larning. the virtual classroom. is that the answer? >> , it's not the pictures of the kids are supposedly doing this work on theirlittle matt computers. and you don't know whether they are for this or not. what is missing more than anything else in american educationis fos in the last thing in the world that you want to do when you get on the internet is focus. it is he definition of attention deficit disorder and it attracts disorder like garbage attracts flies. you're going to get focused by giving kids a computer and expecting them to do anything else but troll on the internet en they are at home and forget about it. it is not.
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neil: we sang something. [applause] >> meanwhile, have you seen these drones delivering flowers? it's pretty cool. the faa telling the flower delivery company no more drones to deliver daisies. many people thin this is a good thing. but they are not a good idea and too much potential for disaster. of how lazy have we come you have these dreams of drones with twinkies dropcounter to me. neil: i live the dream. >> i needed that. neil: they drop theminto the snarling. [applause] anyway, what do you say? >> government's first dutis to protect people not to run their
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lives and in this case the faa is protecting us. by the way there is a guy that would lo jones. if hhad his own little drones. and how have you know that he didn't have one? but the faa, they haven't ruled it out. i believe them here with one of the few regulatory agencies that prevent people from getting killed are killing oer people. i think that you will see some form of it. it may not look like this with the blades that can chop your head off or your finger. that is all kinds of dangerous things and they make it to the point where they could use it. so if i forget an anniversary or something, i think oh, i can call a drone on here. >> my anniversary is on my birthday. so that i never forget. i don't forgt my birthday i don't forget my anniversary which is saturday. it's going to be 25 years on saturday. and i'm just a little bit older than that. and i think the faa will
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eventually allow the drones to deliver but i'm glad that they are holding e fine until it is safe. neil: in the meantime, the tweets kee coming on the show and they can't stop talking about carl ichan. one of our followers was tweeting this. i real enjoyed this interview and it was an eye-opener for me. a strong interview, proving once again why you're one of the best that our fearless and smarts. thank you for being candid. he was very candid. he said he was more or less sane, i'm not paying more in taxes, bute drew the line. >> that you hit on something very interesting. which is tt he seemed to be sounding a little bit like warren buffett, saying that obamacarisn't that bad, that businesses are just using obamacare as an excuse for their own sloppiness.
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>> you nd i covered the reail industry and if it was about quarter to weather and i never credit at a good quarter. so i'm not saying that this as hassles galre. >> what worries me about it is funding an organization. so i kind of know it. but the fact is that sometimes superrich guys get so superrich like warren buffett that they lose touch with the concerns of the average guy. and it's not as appreciative as at carl ichan is. neil: one thing that stuck out was the willingness to say that washington is such a disaster that i taken out of the equation and take it as a given that the
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can never be held accountable. i have better luck trying to wedge that and i give up on political america. >> i think he believes that in his soul. eventually all of the scrubs are going to fall on the big government guys and eventually the public is going to say the heck with it as margaret thatcher said. you run out of other people's money and i'd leave that he thinks we are very close to that point right now and they will have no place else to turn except the private sector. i hope that he is right. and he is still investing. neil: well, you know, he said pick and choose no matter the market. and h said i am an apple ssareholder. so when i heard that he was
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there with his money and their. >> ithink that carl ichan cares more than anything else about making money. he is not there for the long term, although some of the companies he stays with. but enough most part he is talkin abt his company and you can invest in his puic company which makes money and that is his purpose. i think he is in there for the long-te? may be but how long that is as maybe a year or less. >> it invariably comes from this. and that is the problem with a lot of these guys. that is frankly why there are so few retail investors in the market. they feel burned. the guys with a billion-dollar
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couter is given in now before you can blink and i so how can you make money in an environment like that? >> thank you. neil: when we come back, if netflix can do from wars, why welcome back. how is everything? there's nothing like being your own boss! and my customers are really liking your flat rate shipping. fedex oneate. really makes my life easier. maybe a promotion is in order. good news. i got a new title. d a raise? management couldn't make that happen. [ male announcer ] introducing fedex one rate. simple, flat rate shipping with the reliability of fedex. w much money do you think you'll need when you retire? then gave each person a ribbon to show how many years that amount might last.
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i was trying to, like, pull it a little further. [ woman ] got me to 70 years old. i'm going have to rethink this thing. it's hard to imagin how much we'll need for a retirement that could last 3years or mor so maybe we need to approach things dferently, if we want to be ready for a longer retirement. ♪
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>> pandora gory and "politico." willis to branch out into politics targeting customers based on their party revealed through their choice of music for example, if you like bruce springsteen they think you are a democrat ted nugent a republican. i think they are making assumptions but whether it is onto something what do you think? >> agree with the promise
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they are making assumptions but so what? if they have go away to monetize their subscriber base if you use the free service you cannot even opt out the way they identify if you are a democrat or republican it is brilliant. supermarkets have done this for years. not political but doing the demographics it is fantastic for the company civic a think they make a lot of assumptions and mistakes they will mess with that data this is what you really ought to be concerned about if you have privac concerns >> do you like pandora? >> i would not invest in the billions years. >> it is still essentially a company run dawn of free thinking and i alwa avoid
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those companies. >> who says it is apple or samsung? what makes it the other does not? who says eith makes it? headed the of you been watchingthis company? the juggernau is a lot more than laptops nobody has been on their radar. >> i love them. i bought themnsuspecting lee three of the lenooa of the pads and reazed they bought the i am business would it was losing $1 billion per year paid.7 billion now the biggest company in the world. they know how to do turnaround. i dig a to do the same with the cell phone market. >> that is what they think that they could break out to
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the keyboard technology could easily move to phones and other devices. yes. there is a lesson he with japan. look at manufacturing the japanese uld make at can make a better. china has 100 times the money from the scale and bring in their replicating japan. this manufacturing because lenova is a force to be reckoned with. >> apple has had a nice run this past week with carl icahn to be ending the company buy back stock because the validity has an end of the stock is still way undervalued do you share that? >> i do aid and assuming we have mo great products to come. the pipeline has been a little slim no real
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excitement. but it depends on the next big thing. >> it will be presumably a bigger phone still and will be like a mainframe to your ear but it could be isolated with these two markers -- makers so are replacing bets prematurely? >> cell again the bible take the opposite side i am not a believer in apple i think they're struggling they don't have the next best thing new leadership lost jobs there are great at innovation but now they'll lose the mba and that is a dierent scenario. ♪ >> right on schedule. what about next week? tim mckyer very concerned eeergy and commodity hass not track with equities normally they move lockstep we're
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watching for this relationship because if equities are right we're off the races of it is a commodities we have rough sailing. >> isn't that more indicative? or is a much broader than that? derek usual it is based inc. and other products that is what concerns me. >> the existing home sales report comes out next friday this economy rests on three pillars. the fed, all about the tapering the jobs numbers that is flat and another big killer is the existing homes sale the rise of housing has flattened f that will reduce the wealth effect with people. >> years ago you were the first to say if people equa to their sense of worth to their homes.
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so if we are off the lows but prices stagnate to people stagnate with their by? >> absolutely. it permeates to spending. we're trying to think about selling our home but the market has gone fl in the washington d.c. area that makes me bring in my spending all the way around. >> there are no oil sheikhs available? [laughter] >> there are no -- they are in virgia were the taxes are lawyer -- lower. >> even the sultans'. [laughter] >> where disputed few years? >> with the me-equity loans and home depot of the world if housing slows down. >> thank-you very much.
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enjoy valentine's day. don't forget. [laughter] which i just found out a few minutes ago. i will be righback. monday. hello. have you ever wondered why so many obsessed with cerin president people of defining emselves by declaring allegiance to deeply flawed mortals. there are much more to history than the guys that grace our history. welcome, this is e independents. ♪ ♪ kennedy: hello, i am kennedy with kmele


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