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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  February 19, 2014 7:00pm-8:01pm EST

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consumers -- i would not buy net glick because it is overvalued. be careful who you buy. >> thank you very much. lou: good evening, president obama today demanded that ukrainian government avoid further violence against pro western demonstrate ores it kiev, more than 25 people killed there, hundreds more injured in clashes between antigovernment protesters, and police. obama warning there will issue as he put it, consequences if the ukrainian government against crosses that line, retired four-star general jack keane will join us, and also, president obama pushed by canadian prime minister harper to approve the keystone pipeline, and a billionaire left wing activist is pushing
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president obama's party in the opposition direction, 5 co-host, andrea will join us, and angel volkswagen top labor -- has voted striking. in chalk talk up the culture of corporate ultimatums, joined in by big labor, top story, streets of kiev, of ukraine, desending into blazing fires and bloodshed, sprawling antigust protest camp in central kiev, the scene of fierce clashes between demonstrators, and police. 26 people have been killed including a number of police officers. 500 people have been injured. president obama today issued an ultimatum to the government of ukraine, threatening consequences if the military is ordered to intervene.
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>> the united states condemns in its strongest terms violent taking place, we hold the ukrainian government primarily responsible, we expect the ukrainian government to show restraint to not resort to violence, there will be consequences if people step over the line. that includes making sure that ukrainian military does not step in to what should be a set of issues that can be resolved by civilians. lou: president victor announced moments ago his government and the opposition forces have agreed to a truce. members of opposition parties, include former heavyweight boxing champ klitschko. negotiating a quote, cessation of floo bloodshed for the sake of civil peace this comes hours after the ukrainian president fired his military chief, and announced a so-called
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antiterrorist operation underway to restore order. and after president putin suspended transfer of moneys to bailout the ukrainian government, and president putin told presidentian covic, it is up to the ukrainian government to avoid further bloodshed. >> antigovernment protests also rocking venezuela. demonstrators, angry over crime shortages of basic goods, and threats to their freedom. at least 5 venezuelans have been killed since the demonstrations began last week. and human rights groups condemn venezuela government, after president nicholas ma durao ordered arrest and prosecution ofl leading opposition figure on charges of terrorism and murder, a harvard trained economist has lid 3 weeks of protest, and surrendered ted to authorities. >> my first guest said it likely
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too late are in obama administration to do much more than talk about the ukraine. our leadership is persevered as weak. i am diswroine joined by retired four-star general jack king, at this poin -- >> good to be here. . lou: we hear a familiar retrain from the white house. >> they daint take your threats seriously. particularly after the threat with syria and red line, we should be talking to putin, he the thug that is trying to dominate from former soviet union client states, and ukraine is top on hiss list. the fact is that in his mind, ukraine has been a part of
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russia. he is after that client state, it economically important to him. the europeans and united states, for a number of year now have shown some ineptitude in dealing with this crisis affectively and moving ukraine in the right direction. i don't think much will happen here. lou: not much may happen in terms of u.s. assertion of interest and power. but, president putin made it clear, hasn't he, he means to intervene if this gets further out of hand. what other prospects in your judgment? >> well what fears is 2004 repete, where when this stiewj nostooge, now the president of ukraine. fact is that all those
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demonstrations took place, and a new leader came into power, that intimidated i think probably frightened foot in, he saw the -- computer up, he sa putin, he does not' that to happen again. he does not top get that out of hand. does not want to get that out of hand, i doubt ifiaciac put troops in street without some kind of discussion with putin. putin is trying -- show strength, from government perspective but not let it get out of hand where government is challenged in terms of its future. neil: european union holding an energy meeting on the possibility of imposing san shins tomorrow. -- sanctions tomorrow in this, sound very peculiar to me it is hard to impose sanctions that would only affect a corrupt
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leader, not the people who are demonstrating at least half of home, for a tighter ties with european union itself with the west. >> that strategy is fundamentally flawed. your question and i question it as well. sanctions against this government, from europeans who people' to be aligned with, strengthens the president's hand. and frustrates the people. it does not make sense for the europeans to do this. they are dealing with the wrong person, the person we should put pressure on putin. >> and the president meanwhile is dealing with harper and mexican president nieto talking about harmonization of borders and trade -- boarders and trade, syria lapsed from the priority
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list for this administration. and secretary kerry. we still have seen very little in way of movement. if anything. in the iranian nuclear talks. what is going on with the administration? your best -- if you will, your best analysis of where we are in the middle east right now in. >> i think what happened is administration, you know, withinning what took place with two wars afghanistan and irkrage, they don't agree with either one. have done all they could to avoid the potential of another conflict they are paralyze by fear of that adverse consequence, middle east leadership out there interpret u.s. as no longer wanting to be involved work we're in retreat, and disengages, our adversaries in the region are all moving
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forward. and united states is sitting on the fence. so our foreign p as one of retrenchment from the world. and fact is that we are perceived general he speaking now through out the world by friends and adversaryys as weak. weak. lou: thank you, general. >> good talking to you lou. lou: president obama, showed up. ty handed to the three amigos meeting in mexico, summit. the keystone pipeline still under review, immigration reform is going nowhere. senate maaority leader harry reid does not top fast track legislation to make it easier for mr. obama to negotiate trade deal, president signed an executive order, another fiat, intended to speed up small businesses gaining approval for
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more imports and experts, but overall not much of a day in terms of achievement. a mystery tonight onboard ship made famous by oscar nominated movie, captain phillips. police say two american security guards, both of them former u.s. navy seals, were found dead aboard the maresk alabama whill aboard seychelles. >> a new government accountability officer republic said that department of homeland security has a contract to buy up to another 7004 million rounds of am nation over the next 4 years, that is 2500 rounds per year, for all 70,000 dhsofficers, a cost of almost 300 million dollars. stay with us. much more ahead, we're coming
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right back. >> isn't it great when we'll get along? the three amigos meeting in mexico, senate democrats meeting with a billionaire ben faster in straans. faste san francisco, and the 5 cohost with me next.
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lou: not much happening on wall street today, stocks finishing near session lows, dow down 90, s&p lost 12, nazdaq down 35, housing starts down 16% in january because of our cold winter weather, natural gas prices also affected by cold. climbing to 6.14 that is highest price level in 5 years, general motors to build aluminum trucks
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beginning in 2018, joining ford whose truck is out later this year. a standoff between netflix, and broadband providers reportedly slowing streaming, the fcc said it is preparing new rules to prevent internet providers from charging fees to reach consumers at higher speeds, despite a rules last month that permitted it. >> angelus oaks top labor -- volkswagen top labor representative in german, threatening to allow any expansion. >> i have never seen such hutzpah on the part of a guy sitting in germany telling americans what they have to do. this is going to have reacted?
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>> i think so. and why does he feel imboldenned? president obama made it about the german shareholders from the get go, they probably feel open powered to assert their control. lou: and president has his hand-picked nlrb to help them along, but idea, that this guy, at volkswagen does he not understand brand issues? volkswagen with all of its brands, success, globally but also in this country, still remains, the richest consumer market in the world, you know, come on. calm down. >> i don't pretend to know how european mind set works, i don't have to tell you, lou this is a company that is additionaly pro union, and they let the unions come in, they gave them unfettered access, what real frustrates me is that people have spoken, the left and that
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european socialist mentaly we serie creep into our country, and occupy our white house, will not let people to their own devices make their own choices, they under estimate how savvy people are when it comes to their own paychecks, workers, look at their paychecks and union offering and said, the generous benefit technology i packages are there salary is there, why do we need you, that is not a compelling dial for us. lou: volkswagen is enjoying immense success, the workers in tennessee, are doing a great job, building a superior product, in the workers are well provided for, their compensation is a fair, it is, they make terrific living wage, why screw with it? the vernacular? but they decided to do so, spectical of a company sides with a union, insisting that their workers, approve it.
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>> and do they read about detroit? have they read about other car companies that have fallen at hands of the uaw, they have not. europe is very big on unions. very big. but i think this is just add asty to tell u.s. how to do business, and lecture them and wag the finger, and boldness of unions that i think are grasping for air, saying we'll sue, it shows they are desperate. lou: and what is ironic in this president of united states, now down, in toluca, mexico with three amigos meeting. they are in the shadows of that summit. is a giant chrysler plant, building three different models, some of which are shipped here, we're having a discussion with voation voation about wha
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volkswagen with what they are doing, and how they want to run things in our country. >> and the keystone pipeline, it would be another boone for american workers, president obama admitted the reason it is not getting done is because of the politics, i can't believe he actually admitted that politics is getting in the way of american jobs. lou: i'm glad he dstraight forwardness is in sort supply in washington. but reality is we have a bunch of people walking around sophisticated economists saying with this administration, can't create sufficient jobs, they will not look at what is obvious. you start looking at offshore production, and outsources of jobs, when you look at failure of business to invest in this marketplace, the home market, it not difficult, they are not investing in the country's future.
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not in this economy. >> they are not comfortable with american greatness, i believe that president does not care about the gdp or growth, i don't think he cares about the unemploy rate, i don't think he cares about the cboreport or what obamacare will do, they don't care. they care about one thing, making people dependent on government, in their eyes. the cbo reports, and report that jobs is not being created because of impediments due to politics that does not matter, that is fine. lou: you wave him away as beck beckel. >> short on facts sometimes but not on passion. lou: we'll carry your water for you, beckel, we would be glad to have you on. >> he is a good guy, just
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disillusions. lou: that is the case with the left. >> they mean well. lou: andrea thank you. a minnesota businessman claims victory in his battle between the nsa and department of homeland security. the federal agencies took issue with his parody program-shirts and mugs that made fun of them which featured satire call slogans like nsa, peeping while you are sleeping, and spying you on since 1952. also, nsa the only part of government that actually listens, i love that one. department of homeland security stupid tie, that is not -- department of homeland stupidity, daniel mccall, sued last fall, and just settled out of court with agency in search of a sense of him or. he will e with us here, this
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week to tell his story. up next, volkswagen top labor leader, issuing threats in chalk talk. i show you why the days of corporate and lake ar ultimatums -- labor ultimatums may be coming to an end. stay with us. no two people have the sa financial goals. pnc investments works with you to understand yours and helps plan for your retirement. talk to a pnc investments financl advisor today. ♪ (vo) you are a business pro. eker of the sublime. you caseparate runway diculousness. om fashionhat flies ofthe shelve and from national.
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lou: what a billionaires, and labor leaders have in common? they both believe they should be able to buy boats and tell the -- votes and tell the rest of us what to do, we talked about venture capitalist tom perkins before, he said that rich get more slo votes because they are rich. >> 54 kingperkins system is you don't get the vote, but what i think is, should be like a corporation, you pay a million dollars in taxes you should get a million votes. lou: exciting idea. and there is billionaire retired hedge function inves fund investor tom steyer, he is a
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sorrows wanna-be. he is planning to spend as much as $100 million to boost democrats to make global warming a priority. nnw there is this fella. he is burned osterloh, he is mad about that uaw losing election in tennessee, now he is threatening plan workers, businesses and companies saying if they don't unionize in tennessee it will affect volkswagen present in the south, he is so full of himself and vokes vehicle he thinks his blusterring become a 53% employee vote to reject the union. now, he is over in germany he needs to calm down a little bit, when he or anyone else threatens americans, that does not usually end well. whether you are a belligerent
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german labor leader on a billionaire willing to may billions to up flew inthe midterm elections, the republican party as opening here, if they have a leader ship and guts to really represent working men and women, represent the middle class, and those who are be a part of it, for response to the billionairr's club, and tough big labor guys, a go to hell would be i think a good start. we're coming right back. >> you know the republican party is getting to be an interesting bunch, the tea party fighting back against the establish am vowing to run primary challengers, against anyone voting for house speaker john boehner. our favorite radio talk show hoist will join us, tonight matt patrick, chris plant, and todd starns.
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lou: the centers for disease control warning that h1n1 strain of flew virus is killing elderly and so-called young inven invincibles outbreak severe in california, 250 people have died soy far this year, that compares to 26 this time last year. joining me now a-team with our favorite radio talk show hosts, houston, kprc, and kprh, mat -att patrick, and washington d.c. talk show host, chris plant. >> i got 12 but -- >> thank you for not making me
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read them all. see what i mean. host of fox news, commentary on folks news radio, todd starns, great to have you with us. >> lou. >> let's turn to president obama in mexico, it haa been a long time since we heard nort american union and open borders, has it gone away now in. >> you would think it has, with more than 20 years now since that has been in place, nafta. and people are still upset about it. they are arguing about itt but i think that folks are wondering why president condition say in this country and deal -- can't stay in this country and deal with problems here, that is the issue of the day with my readers and listeners. lou: your thoughts. >> i agree, interesting president has to leave the united states, people are not pleased with him, neither is prime minister of canada or president of mexico, i hope they
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discus that keystone excel pipeline this president should approve, but because it would create jobs and help us get off foreign oil, he will not. lou: chris, another subject, president taking time out to threaten government of ukraine, saying, you cross a line heree it will be -- there will be consequences that word. this time. man has a fixing a on-lines -- fixation on-lines and consequences. >> the truth is nobody takes him seriously at this ., red line in syria was a joke that keeps moving all over the pllce, deal with iran on nuclear weapon a joke, ayia told isa laughing -- icra tolda is laughing at us issue those hard casing over there. i promise you they will ignore whatever he says, the threat is sanctions as though sanctions have changed behaviors in the
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past, more fecklesses in, hapless ness, our president has an f in foreign policy. lou: and the vw labor leader, saying that people need to be in a union regardless of what people want. what do you think will be the reaction, to a labor leader, a relative of volkswagen, the way they are organized, making such a threat? >> as they say in tennessee, that won't my up on rocky top, i am familiar with this area, the folks who live in that part of southeast tennessee, they have seen devastation rocked by unions. they have seen the unemployment, they have seen the. ty buildings and des layin
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laying that played into the vote, i was not surprised when i saw the vote as it went down, i suspect that they will be hard pressed to make a change and bridge the union back to that company. lou: you know,. go ahead. >> what bothers me. this is become now, you know a race thing. that in the south, we in south, we don't want 9 northern unions here, i heard beckel the other day compare to civil rights movement that is some of the more ignorant things i heard, to that guy running volkswagen in germany, you don't want to build your plants in the south that is fine with us, we don't want you. >> this ceo needs a tour of detroit, we should play on a first place plane ticket, put hii in the back of a towncar, and drive him around, maybe he would know the vote in tennessee.
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lou: you are sounds like a memmm commercial but a town -- fem fe m&m commercial. >> i 1 irwhat impact will be, which this is richest consumer market they have a 5 fool talking this ignorantly. >> when you look at history of unions in country, in automobile industry, you look at desolation in detroit, they up in detroit don't have sweet tea. at least folks in southeast have that. lou: one thing that republicans had going forward them, was a tea party. now, we are watching, a real contest within the republican party, between establishment. two has not done much right in the past decade, and the tea party which searched their bacon -- save edtheir bacon in 2010,
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what is going on with the g.o.p. in. >> i think we all saw it. vote with debt ceiling with 28 republicans vote with democrats, boehner has no power, i love the word feckless, you are right. that is a perrect word for boehner, after the midterm elections a new speiche speech speaker of the house, if you don't, there will be a lot of people like me that demand that change. boehner is an absolute orange feckless irresponsible bern that should note longer be speaker the of the house. lou: matt. >> i like it. lou: i'm going to have to look them up. chris plant always showing off like that. tea party, you can call boehner
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what you want, but the fact is that you got the tea party threatening in primaries, you got chamber of commerce threatening in primaries, anybody else want to get in the game? and screw up the republican party? well. >> there it fight is long every due, i think, they are not accomplish a lot in last decade, it is time for a little bit of a cleansing i think, a renewal of republican party, there is too much go along to get along, $17.3 trillion in debt creeping up on gdp, time we woke up. get our own house in order. that is what the tea party is calling for, sincery mentioned racism in volkswagen plant. it is you know tea party are not voting for the uaw as racist, are they going to jump the shark on this racism thing or what? when does this ball of spring
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run out? but republicans having infighting is healthy. i'm concerned about democrats so eager to march in lockstep on everything single issue, no matter what. talk about you know germans, the discipline that democrat party can muster is disturbing, a like a scrum now and then, how it should be peal back old layers and reveal nnw that is healthy. lou: all right. >> thank you ted cruz. >> as karl rove said, whatever you do, don't go after hillary, don't criticize hillary, you can't do that,. lou: yeah, well, you know, emasculated by karl rove and mitt romney. >> don't get us starre!! started on karl rove. >> it worked so well for her. >> i am rooting for bill clinton a doormat for president in 2016. lou: chris plant thank you, matt patrick thank you, todd starns thank you.
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>> thank you. >> carl will double his stake in new york times to almost 22% ownership. just a little less than half of shares value today's close, a good deal, and a timely investment. up next, we'll take up ggowing divide between big business, and conservatives in the republican party. when it comes to immigration and a host of other issue, we'll be joined by vice president geneve wood, she is next. if you'vgot copd like me... ...hey breathing's hard.
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lou: a week ago u.s. chamber of commerce ceo tom crow crow crow
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-- ceo tom donohue wrote an op-ed, here to talk 'why big business seems to be moving in opposition direct of conservatives on immigration and other issues is vice president haiheritage foundation geneve wood. great to have you with us. >> glad to be here 9. lou: tom donohue pace belie telling republican party how it is going to be. not the house legislation. and pushing unskilled immigrants into the country rather than highly skilled immigrants to drive our economy. your thoughts? >> well, a lot of people think of chamber of commerce may believe they represent a lot of
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small businesses, but it is the establish am position of big business position that chamber is putting forward, for all they want to see about immigration it will help businesses somehow even if that were true that is not what this immigration bill they supported or business round table and other lobbyist groups -upported would do. very first thing it does it gives amnesty to millions of folks who are here illegally, i am sor, i sorry it is hard to say how that is good for the tat securing our borders. so a lot of us can say, including us at heritage foundation, we do need immigration reform but not with an amnesty bill. that is what chamber wants to do, they are willing to take that route, they think it will be good for some of their businesses even though it runs over american taxpayer, and our country's rule of law. lou: whether we talk about
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immigration or obamacare. your views on obamacare, you know, i would like to hear. given that you are such a divergence with chamber big business, we hear big business, which is now by the way getting subsidized, a bailout in waiting for healthcare insurance companies. which will learn a lot more about by may, there seems to be a merger of corporate interests in this country with the democratic party. that i have never seen the likes of. lou: >> big business in establish am that goes across both parties, you can't just blame democrats on that, tomorrow i have a column in foundry, tomorrow. i don't talk just about immigration, whether it is corporate subsidy or things like obamacare, other areas where the
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business lobby has made a deal with the devil. we'll go along get along those things, and i tell you why, i think it happens, they unlocked individual citizen or small business own or entrepreneur, they can afford the record keepers, lobbyists and tax accountables and lawyers it takes to keep up with the mandates and regulations that come with things like obamacare, they end up being only people in the market that pushes the little guy out, whether you talk about obamacare or internet sales tax, that chamber and others were behind earlier, that is a new tax, why are they calliig for a new tax? big groups like and others can handle, that woman who is trying to sell her art on esty that is a big hurdle, have you more big government, not our pricing that big business that can afford and work with, it
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coming out, supporting it. lou: we have the issue now of note new tralty, -- net new tralty, a contest between the gatekeepers. watching what is happening wa netflix, and verizon, and others. as internet providers, we have a lot to sort out, these gatekeepers are frankly, not the american way of doing want. >> you can't talk about free enterprise and free market and be for corporate well fraire, giving subsidies too whether green customer boeing or general electric, that is not free market that is not a level
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playing fields. that is what we're seeing, there are things that chamber and business groups do right. but there is a well the of things they do that really is for lack of a better term, they are getting close and koz we big government. government. >> i refer to tom donohue as the good cardinal, he is taken to front and center stage. with sometime ultimat ultimatum or threats, he is feeling his oats that is remarkable. we'll see how it works. >> we ill, i think your segment before spoke to, that you will see a lot play out in primaries and elections, they will come up again in accept accept and other places tea party and other places. lou: jean eve thank you. >> up next, my commentary on
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obama administration, liberal national media what words and politically correct phrasing you are about to use, that and your thoughts straight ahead. textile poduction in spain, anthe use of medical technology in the u.s.? at t. rowe pre, we understand the conneions of a complex, global economy. it's just one reason over 75% of our mutual funds beat thei10-year lipper avere. . rowe price. inest with confidence. request a prospecs or summary prospectu with investment informion, risks, fees and expenses to read and considecarefully beforvesting.
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, the shipping of goods across our borders. they will be talking about free trade, of course, and what they really mean is asymmetrical trade, often depending upon lower-cost labor, for example, in mexico, to build products once made in america or even canada. nothing of this. we are now used to calling unskilled workers across into this country illegally undocumented or even migrants. the same people we once called illegal aliens. the government still does, by the way. illegal immigrants, but not as much now. the associated press banned the use of illegal immigrant, believe in and not, and the ap did not offer a temperatures journalists to use in his place. we slowly adapts to all of this, don't worry. we once called what is happening to our environment global warming, but now the mainstream liberal media likes to call it, change. you may have noticed, very few
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people, if any, have secretaries and more. assistance, their call now. stewardesses are flight attendants, no longer are we all mankind, we are human kind, nor american indians either. their native americans, although not to be called natives. our founding fathers are simply founders, even though our founding fathers were all men. it sometimes is complicated to understand why thing, person, idea is, one name or the other, but it is easy to understand why some folks now want to change those names and why change it often makes it easy to let slip below control of our lives. one or two words at the time. well, it is time now for a few of your thoughts and top comments from our viewers. an e-mail about the deteriorating situation in the ukraine. thank you for bringing this situation in the ukraine into
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the mainstream. we have a thug regime ruling the underclass while a puppet master pulls the strings. our administration and state department our as inept and the eve about ukraine as they are on everything else. sherry tweeted about president obama's warnings to the ukrainian government. obama has no business making threats. he has no authority to carry out. he is an all talk and no action kind of guy. my generation used to call that all show and no go. joe and national e-mail me about the lack of trust and washiigton . your program is very inspiring to the american public. truth and honesty are just on the part of the washington d.c. in -- washington d.c. seen or are american government. keep those comments coming every love to hear from you. e-mail me. follow us on twitter, or go to our facebook page. links to everything we are giving away a free copy of my
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new book to anyone his comments are read here, and we thank you for sending your thoughts along to us. that is it for "lou dobbs tonight". thank you for joining us. we will see you here tomorrow night. good night from new york.
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have a great night and we will do here tomorrow. ♪ ♪ neil: you would think with numbers like this, the congressional budget office would think otrwis they hav suggested a fallout and they're going full speed ahead.


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