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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  February 21, 2014 7:00pm-8:01pm EST

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neil: keith, go ahead. >> we're using words and similarities between the.bomb be crisis. eyeballs. click factors. we're seeing all terms come back. that is worrisome. neil: we've done that with the kate upton video. thank you very much. >> good evening everybody, the former second-in-command at the central intelligence agency is accused deliberately lying to congress about the infamous former deputy director, michael morell told congress under oath and private one-on-one meetings that he did not know who removed references to terrorism. but emails released by the white house have senate republicans now looking for answers. retired air force general thomas mcinerney will be here in just moments. also tonight, she left another network for bigger and better opportunities right here at fox business. the anchor of the brand new show, opening bell, maria
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bartiromo on the big move to fox and where she sees our record markets this year. flu season hitting young people the hardest. percentage of young flu victims nearly doubling a year ago. fox news medical a-team member dr. marc siegel among our guests. turning to our top story a new push to recall former cia director former mike morell to publicly testify about his role ii crafting the false benghazi talking points he has told a number of stories in front of different committees. a week later he told the senate intelligence committee they were provided to the white house quote, informational purposes only. not for their input. and later that same month in a closed-door meeting with senators lindsey graham, john
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mccain and kelly ayote, mr. morell blamed the fbi for the revisions. and in may of 2013, when the house nominated john brennan to take over the cia role, that morell had left, republicans pressed the obama administration for emails related to the preparation of the talking points in exchange for a smooth confirmation of john brennan. but some of the emails delivered placed mr. morell right at the center of the controversy. morell's career path after he3 resigned from the cia suggests an even close and personal political alignment with the administration. morell is now a member of the consulting firm, beacon global strategies. this is a group founded by leon panetta's former chief of staff and phillip raines, a man who is described as hillary clinton's, quote, most visible spokesman and guardian much her public persona. when asked for comment on these allegations, mr. morell referred
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fox news to the cia public affairs office. well, the public is still looking for answers as well, a new fox poll shows 66% want congress to continue the investigation of the benghazi scandal. the turning now to other foreign policy crises where the obama administration has been ineffective, the ukraine, signs of progress tonight after government opposition leaders signed an agreement to form a new government and hold an early election. it is unclear how well the deal will hold, of course. antigovernment demonstrators still demanding president viktor yanukovych's immediate resignation but the developments mark a stunning turn around from just yesterday when clashes left nearly 80 people dead. president obama called his russian counterpart, vladmir putin, shortly after that agreement was signed. the white house says they talked about the importance of stablizing ukraine's economy and
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undertaking necessary reforms as they put it. press secretary jay carney also said washington remains prepared to impose unspecified sanctions. >> our focus today is on working with our european partners as well as the government in opposition in ukraine to assure the agreement's i am men mentation. we're not going out sanctions to hold those violence accountable especially if there should be further violence or violation of the agreement. neil: our first guest says the united states is not even leading from behind on the crisis in ukraine. it is just behind period. here to assess the obama minute's foreign policy. we're joined by general thomas mcinerney
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this is a hopeful point a signed agreement. your thoughts. >> it is signed until the olympics are over, lou. then president person will put his entire focus on this. the ukraine is in his sphere of influence. wants it back. he wants to rebuild the soviet union as he grew up under. and there is no way, particularly the way this administration's foreign policy has been, and it is correct, leading from behind is an understatement. we're just behind. so with that kind of foreign policy, i don't think there's much that we can do or the european union. remember the european union is not nato. and so, they have got economic clout but they don't have military clout. lou: what do you make, what do you make of the administration continuing to talk about sanctions without specificity, without any clear suggestion of what the consequences of sanctions, if any, might be? >> well are sanctions going to be on russia or are they going to be on the ukraine?
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if you put them on the rue crain, they just -- ukraine, you put them on ukraine you hurt the ukrainian people. i don't know what you do with the russians. they control much of the sanctions if you want. they control much of europe's oil and gas coming in. this president has put a great deal of faith in president putin in his iranian strategy and in his syrian strategies. so you can see, he is counting on president putin to deliver in two very important areas to him, so i don't know what this president can do to leverage president putin. lou: the question i have at this point, this evening, is why in the world would president obama reach across the atlantic, across europe, and into the ukraine to talk about what must or must not occur to make threats that many believe are i has not the capacity to carry out if indeed he were to be
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called upon do precisely what he threatened? this seems for more a role for europe, the e.u. specifically and a place where president obama might quietly-off support to the european union? he is having none of that, is he? >> no, he isn't. he is knot concerned about the president putin's goal of rebuilding the soviet union. that doesn't bother him. they thinks this is cold war politics. putin is doing more than this. he is rebuilding middle east policy. he has syria, iran, egypt. he has dominated not only the ukrainian area but clearly the middle east. so our foreign policy is in tatters right now, lou. it will take someone a long tim3 to get back where we were before he came in. lou: going into the issue of egypt, this is just one failed policy after another.
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toward these countries. libya, it look ike it might be dissolved into failure again. egypt opposite what he sought with the removal of syria, assad who said he had to go three years ago and remains there and steadfastly as you point out supported by the russians. this is becoming a great embarassment and perhaps, and i would like to get your opinion on this, perhaps a great danger to both region, the middle east and our interests in it. >> i think it is a huge danger. it is probably he most unstable situation in the middle east and when we see our closest allies, israelis are faced with a verr difficult situation with iran
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going nuclear. and let's face it, this is kabuki those talks going on right now. this administration in the inner circles, lou, said we'll let iran go nuclear. may take two or three years but they're on a track they're going nuclear and administration will say, well, we tried our best. you have somebody -- lou: are they really in your judgement such a sorry lot they would behave in that manner, as leaders not only the administration, but of the country? >> they have a different view than you and i do, lou. they think, well, if iranians get nuclear weapons it will just balance off issues in the middle east. but the fact is, when you look at what they did pulling out of iran excuse me, pulling out of iraq and giving iraq to iran and then what has gone on in egypt and what is going on in syria look, president obama's strategy
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can not be successful getting all those chemical weapons out unless unless assad is in power. only he can get those weapons to be destroyed. when you look at that, not only president putin backing assad, you have in fact president obama is backing assad. lou: general, good to have you with us as always. general tom mcinerney. >> thank you, lou. lou: president obama guilty of gross exaggeration on obamacare, perhaps i should say, again. speaking to democratic governors last night, the president said that quote, well over 10 million americans are benefiting from obama care coverage. fact-checkers however, blasting the administration for weeks now for including those who wouldd3 have signed up for medicaid, regardless of obamacare and those who had to sign up because those plans were canceled. yet, mr. obama repeated number again last night, not without
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consequence. obamacare also by the way, tarnishing health and hewlett-packard services secretary kattleen sebelius in her home state. her favorability rating in her home state of kansas down to 38%. well as i told you here last night, the fcc planning to launch a controversial study as it put it of newsrooms across the country to study perceived station bias as they put it among other things. the study as of today has been put on hold following a flood of freedom of the press complaints from lawmakers, media groups and he an fcc commissioner. we'll talk with him, the man who helped put an end to that study here on monday. so please be with us. we want to thank the state department today. it stepped up and issued a travel warning, a timely one too. today they advised americans to postpone all non-essential travel to ukraine. there have been two months of
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violent and deadly large-scale protests and demonstrations. but the department today took action. we're coming right back here. our new colleague, maria bartiromo joins us. stay with us. the young invincibles, not as invincible. the cdc releasing a shocking report, the number of young people contracting flu has double mid-this country. dr. marc siegel explains what's happening next in the new new york, we don't back down. we only know one direction: up so we're up early. up late. thinking up game-changing ideas, like thi dozens of tax free zones across new york state. move here. expd here. or start new business here... and pay no taxes for 10.
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hospitalizations nationwide are people between the ages of 18 and 64. that age group, normally makes up about 35% of all flu hospitalizations for more what this flu season is doing and why it is proving so deadly for younger folks, i'm joined by dr. marc siegel, member of the fox news medical a-team. professor of medicine at nyu langone medical center. great to have you with us. >> hi, lou, good evening, we're talking about 10 times as many deaths last year in california as there were last year. 260 some odd deaths already. this is, this is deadly stuff. >> this is a very bad flu season. it es pretomnantly the -- is predominantly the h1n1 flu. people thought we were done for that. it usually lingers after a pandemic. this affects young people. this isn't first time that happened. hong kong flu, same thing.
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1918 still same thing. lou: is this a pan them dick? >> not now. it was in 2009 when we first saw it. because we don't have the immunity to it because again, it is relatively new bug an only 1/3 of people in the age groups that you mentioned are getting the vaccine. that is another problem. this is exactly the time you should be vaccinated. only 1/3 of young people have had the flu vaccine. lou: i tell members of my own family, doctor, you have got to havee you got to get a flu shot. they're younger. they're healthy and they're active and they say, to me basically, buzz off, props. they should be betting this. reinforce that. >> there is a lot of myths out there. we give you flu shot here on the show. you took your jacket off. lou: like a real man. >> you were great. had one of your assistants to get the flu shot to talk you through it. lou: i know. it was helpful. i had to do it if she would do it. >> there still plenty of time. the good news from the cdc, it
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decreases a risk of a sear case by 61%. should have the flu shot. flu season is still raging widespread in over 24 states. there is another thing. i want want to say something conversal lou, body aches, fatigue, fever, sore throat. get to your doctor to get antiviral like tamiflu. if i give that to you early i can cut down severity and shedding of flue virus. even if you don't have flu vaccine there is still stuff we can do. lou: there may be doctors out there discussing you. -- cussing you though. we don't want folks to get more tamiflu. >> they're full already. the flu is pretty serious. you don't die because of the flu or hospitalized of flu. you get other things with it. i call it the great enabler. you get heart disease or pneumonia or sinus infection. once you have the flu, immune system gets knocked down and you get mother infection. >> is this thing running, you're full of good news. >> knew you would say that.
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lou: is this thing running its course? surely it will not get any worse than this? >> i don't think so. i think it has peeked. i think we'll see it for another month. i think the way it is playing out, in early march, early to mid-march, you're going to start to see it die off. lou: all right. dr. as always, we thank you as always for getting us through all this. >> i'm holding your hand, lou. lou: we appreciate it of the especially appreciate it. although absolutely i'm a very gravid. i don't need that hand-holding. but thanks for holding it anyway. >> good to see you. lou: marc siegel. a local news affiliate in new york obtaining video of new mayor bill de blasio official vehicle. there it is. blowing through two stop signs, driving over the speed limit. i'm sorry. i love this new mayor. and changing lanes without signaling. that is, dangerous, and illegal behavior coming just two days after our favorite new mayor, outlined his plans to make new york city streets safer!
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safer i said. you know, this mayor, is controversial certainly. but i just want to say to bill de blasio, thanks for being mayor of new york city. up next the latest addition to fox business network joins us maria bartiromo joins us on the direction of the markkts. her brand new show, "opening bell", right here at fox business. stay with us. there's this kid. coach calls her a team player. she's kind of special. she makes e whole team better. he's the kind of player that puts the puck, horsehide, bullet. right where it needs to be. coach calls it logistics. he's a great sser. dependable. a winning team has to have one. somebody you can count on. somebody like my dad. this is my dad. somebody like my mom. my grandfather. i'm very pround of him. her. them.
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lou: on wall street today, stocks edged lower. the dow down 30 points. s&p lost three. nasdaq down four points. the dow, s&p, well they snapped a two-week win streak all in one day. the nasdaq posting gains however, for a third straight week. crude oil down 55 cents, settling at $102 a barrel. gold, by golly, it is moving, up nearlydollars, closing above 1323 an ounce. the yield on the 10-year down to 2.73%. 10-year is holding doggone steady. fannie mae, wow, paying more than $7 billion to the treasury mex month putting taxpayers into
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the black on the 2008 housing bailout. amazon in talks with traditional, well, brick-and-mortar retailers such as j. crew is feature products on listen to my financial reports three times a day on salem radio network for all latest business developments. united auto workers appealing last week's election at the tennessee auto plant. works --ers rejected that unionization. they claim interference by politician. that is not fair, is it it. a brand new show launching fox monday morning. here to preview the show tell what you is driving markets and economy, maria bartiromo. host of "opening bell." premiers monday on 9:00 a.m. maria, welcome, great to see you. >> thank you. lou:l great to be working with you after a little, what, two
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decades. >> before that we were working together pretty closely. lou:l that's right. it is great to have you here. >> thank you so much, lou. lou:l so i want to talk to you, just real quickly before we talk about your show, about what we're focusing on here tonight and that is markets that seem, not ownly resilient, but are there fundamentals happening. >> i was looking at earnings today. earnings growth for the fourth quarter is up 8% year-over-year. that is pretty good. we were talking about flat showings for several quarters there for a while. we're still waiting on revenue. revenue has been a slow starter. we really need to see end market demand and revenue growth to really expect that we're in the clear but earnings are doing better. the corporate sector probably
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the best shape it has been in in a long time. so i'm not surprised that every time we see a little bit of a decline we see bottom fishers and buy on the dippers come in. lou: we've got a lot of folks excited, certainly i'm excited. everyone herr i know is excited about your show beginning monday. the opening bell, you will be straight at it, tell us a little bit about the show, what you expect to do, what you want to do? >> we'll be live two hours, 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. on the fox bu we'll obviously look at the open and have market strategists and analysts around the open talking about how to invest and save wisely for the long term but i stress long term because what i would like to do, is get away from the short-termism we see so much on television and take time, perspective, analysis on stories so viewers feel like they get the story and understand it completely rather than sound bite situations. that is very important to me. certainly we will have a focus on the global markets as well as
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the domestic. we want to look at global story for really all investment opportunities and we'll have the big hitter interviews which is the solve what i -- lou: big hitter, that is what you do. that is who you are. >> yes. lou: ceos i'm sure will be important part of the mix. >> ceos. do heads of state. large money managers. i want to get to the asset allocatetors to find out where they see opportunity around the world. lou: i can't wait to watch the premiere and watch the show that you're going to build here over the weeks and months to come. >> thank you. lou: i know it will be a great success. again, i just want to say welcome, and remind everybody to watch maria beginning monday. >> thank you so much. lou: 9:00 to 11 on the fox business network. isn't that kind of exciting, fox business network. >> i love it. lou: i love the slogan, the power to prosper. maria will help you do just that. be sure to join her. >> thanks a lot, lou. lou: maria bartiromo.
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13-year-old girl scout showing strong entrepreneurial spirit. she set up a table outside of a san francisco pot clinic, sold 120 boxes of cookies, in two hours. that is four times she sold outside after supermarket. in colorado where you expect she would be emulating their savvy, they said no, they will not let girl scouts get that close to a pot dispensary. pretty good marketing. stay with us. we're coming right back. "new york times" hatchet job on new jersey governor chris christie. why are they doing that? the a-team takes up the reasons. kevin williamson and kate huey byrnes are next. friday nightbuddy.
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lou: "the new york times" out with a hatchet job article suggesting governor christie is damaged
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political goods their evidence? a town hall yesterday with the times said he was badgered and heckled and insulted by a constituency make up your own mind does it look like he is underdress? >> when you go home tonight please destroy all your bruce springsteen cds. [laughter] he is not a friend of yours governor. [laughter] [applause] they could be destroyed but they're all now on my phone. lou: the up for governor so the real he could not bring himself he did not want to get in the way. his approval is 59%.
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65% before the bridge gate so he is suffering a little but doing pretty well with money raising. he helped the orgy a taking $80 million since he took over in late november as chairman. day of its goods? let's find out what others think. joining us is the "a team" political reporter for real clear politics kate huey byrnes, your thoughts on governor christie? did you look at that article? you talk about hostility then our constituents expressing -- expressing concern? that was a good gesture. >> before this controversy started christie was the top surrogate for a lot of candidates across the
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country because his ability to fund raise in and promote the party leader he helped the recent cash flow to remind us why he is in this position in the first place. lou: but fund-raising is any way to measure but the times is the times when i saw that $80 million per year i thought that was a lot of money or not i remember when was never about governor christie by president christie it is clear people don't care it has not had much effect and he has been a fairly good guy about
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shaking down for money. i don't think it will break his strides back because democrats have been hearing christie for months ted is a wonderful point. lou: that is something the democrats did not think of what. ted strickland former governor he went after the governor in new jersey tried to even separate with a 59 percent approval rating. but i want to turn to former number two at the cia now congress wants him back. apparently she lied or misrepresented the talking
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points on benghazi. but that is allied. what do you think it? is this the big deal or what is the endless process of nonsense that is the height of the effective stonewalled by this industry should? >> it should be but it probably will be coz the public is not sophisticated enough to know what happened there but the? scandals become stories but serious things like this it is a very serious issue and lying to congress is a very serious crime but not something that will capture the public's imagination but is too hard to understand. lou: the national liberal media not carrying out its role of oversight and and as
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the watchdogs to back congress will take this up throughout the year it is a top issue for house republicans especially the midterm election year and the ticket to 2016 but we see people leaving shows the interest in this issue is leading. lou: the mosttrecent fox pulls 66 percent say they want congress to continue to investigate benghazi. the bid terms now watching the spectacle of the g.o.p. between the establishment and the two-party and the divide that is winding quickly. between the business and the round table and chamber of commerce and conservatives. this is starting to look like a big deal may be more
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than the establishment. >> the problem with capitalism is space stand that is the case in terms of the chamber of commerce for things that are not good for the country but also one thing that is not good for the republican party is the republicans caved you will get a blood bath. it is one of the few times when the a angry populist energy is of the right side of the issue. so what is it up long-term? with a few extra bucks not important in the long term anyway. >> with those more conservative republicans don't you that as their base very clearly after 2010 be learned a lot of the money came from committees
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grass-roots organizations not the wall street type for the chamber. they don't see that as their base. that is the disconnect. lou: not too far into the crystal ball is there any sense it is changing its approach to raising men and women with the working class? to focus on small business rather they and drawn to the money from u.s. multinationals? >> the smart people are you hear this from ted cruz and rand paul who is good at understanding his business -- big business is not your friend to do well. sometimes they are and sometimes they're not. but what you don't want to
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talk about with the involvement of the economy but there are reasons why it is happening because conservative values and i think the republicans are smart normally u.k. and end the sentence there. but if they are they will start talking about these more. >> i think we will see a continuation of these messages coming out of the house conference. last year they passed the bill targeted building a half to refine their visiting especially with the election year. lou: thank you both. the city of detroit inching closer to a settlement with the largest municipal bankruptcy ever and is bad news for pensions cover
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creditors', and just about everybody associated. dow jones industrial average snapping the two week winning streak at 16,000. as in the capital christie in short will tell us what is next. next.
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lou: detroit submits its plan to restructure the $80 million of debt that a historic record breaking bankruptcy under the plan pensions would be cut from 10 at 30 percent creditors get $0.20 on the dollar this is a proposal but so far from the deal is really the initial bargaining position in. stocks fluctuating this week but turning lower after the dallas fed president richard fisher said something he says all the time he will continue to support the
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efforts. joining us now from s&p capital christine, great to have you here. it seems the markets are just marking time. are they be paid being the way you would expect? >> it was a hard start because stocks plummeted from january into february but then every saw them pick up. initially the slump was with my data added china that we have seen the earnings season boost the overall market. we are at 8 percent growth rate now so that is the strongest profit growth for the s&p 500 over two years. lou: but you were pretty strong on earnings from the very beginning with. >> we were only expecting 5%
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over the last several quarters you know that analysts are very conservative in the beginning but over the last 15 quarters we have ended up four percentage points higher bid what they initially told us. so we did call between eight %-lou: good for you e and%. investors. most were skeptical at that time but are absolutely delighted with the upside except maybe richard fisher. he is thrilled because it supports his thought we should taper suitor but we continue to hear from the fed bank president and it is confounding to investors to
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hear these voices when there is one voice that belongs to you janet yellen who has the essay on fed policy. >> look at qe3 tied it to the down housing market 2012 as when we implemented qe3 since then they did not respond but the fed tightens the exit to different data so now we look for the labor market to recover and using some of of members unemployment data now at 6.6% and participation rate up slightly as a justification for moving ahead with tapering. lou: let's get the labor market look gaffle appointment maybe 6 percent
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it freed have over 20 million people unemployed i cannot understand why these people make statements like that? >> over the past couple of months non-farm payrolls were disappointing in contrast to the unemployment rate with that participation rate is down but a lot of this could be tied to is that because people could not get to work because of the weather? lou: you can rationalize. >> it is a proper way. certainly an excuse. we will have to see if those numbers improved that is the true test. lou: how strong? how weak? how much?
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>> look at current expectations over 2014 over 12 months earnings per share nearly born hundred $20 per share at the all-time record that means by the end of the year s&p could be at 1925 through 1975 range but that takes that into account they perform as we expect. lou: you have a very good track record. thank you for being with us. my commentary next no two people have the same financial goals. pnc investments works with you to understand yours and helps plan for your retirement. talk to a pnc investments financial advisotoday.
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lou: a few thoughts as we begin the weekend another intrusion into our private lives.
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not our intelligence aggncy's surveillance activities or the mindless reactionaries who are intent to protest those agencies calling for increased a and needless investigations of those who were diligently working to keep our nation save proprietress the men and women that served our nation and the defense department and our sacrifice keeps coronation free and should be respected. i trust not those who lack the courage to quietly questioned why commercial enterprise are allowed to violate our private lives, a personal information, privacy without comment or criticism. cell phones, tablets and all signal telecom isp companies alike know our whereabouts come and names are synonymous with numbers in this economy the it address
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and we are tracked across the internet. the beacon with apple can track our position stores or restaurants or theaters and all that you spend your money on. it did suffer a security breach recently that allowed some to pinpoint a user's physical location within 100 feet. that has been fixed we are told. security breaches white target or marriott and data collection like analysis ford facebook tuned bugle and others in and pandora and google we are under constant surveillance. with no guarantee our privacy will work can be protected the liberal media
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have chosen to ignore these ubiquitous threat of our privacy and personal information and insight -- instead protect those of our national interest that is under congressional oversight. to burdened with more hearings and investigations. the questions the most urgently needed answers have the biggest technology in telecommunication corporation that require far more courage to demand answers then those agencies permitted with the full oversight of congress and the courts. under the president's command. -et's go to your thoughts. >> the republican dishes
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he's referring to the affordable care act as obamacare to begin call it what it is the democrats catastrophe. >> they should ty it directly to lead noted. into hearer if you like your constitution you can keep it. then god help us all. the plan to control i wonder how the government would feel in every government office? said is my favorite line of the month. keep your comments coming. follow-on twitter or go to our facebook page. or e-mail us and copies
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of my book "upheaval" for those that we read on the broadcast. thank you for being with us. have a great weekend. good night from new york. 24/7. i'm sorry, i'm ju really reluctant to try new tngs. really what's wrong with trying new things? look! mommy's new vacuum! (cat screech) you feel that in your muscles? i do... drink water. it's a ng story. well, not having branches let's us give yougreat rate. i'd likehat. a new way to bank. a better way to save. ally bank. your money needs an ally. iwe don't back down. we only know one direction: up so we're up early. up late. thinking up game-changing ideas, like this: dozef tax free zones across new york state. move here. expand here. or start a new business here... and pay no taxes for 10 years.
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we will see you next week. neil: so mch for new year's resoluons because you may try to stick tohat diet by washington gave up trying. welcome, everybody. i am nl cavuto. get ready to get back to continue more spending because it never stopped. ending the week withhe budg that is weak. a.m. did goodies for all inuding to keep democrats happy in benefits to keep reblican happy but if you are amon those who worry about the debt and mo


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