tv Cashin In FOX Business February 23, 2014 9:30am-10:01am EST
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i think it's goingo make a comeback. >> and that $19 billion sale has raised that value of blackberry as wel >> might be a takeover play. big gs on wall street looking at as a takver py. catching a f boat anchor right now. watch out. >> eric bolling and "cashin' in" right now. taking the american work ethic and throwing it out the window. it's the dirty little secret behind the president's big push to lift the minimum wage. >> it's time for the minimum wage to go up. >> president obama still pounding the iss. wait til you hear why these liberals want to raise it. this minimum image will give you maximum rage. and slamming the door on big labor. auto worke telling the uaw to [ bleep ] off. there should be a wake-up call for unio everywhere. and here's controversy. johnny carson's writer, whyhis no laughing matter for america.
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"cashin' in," protecting you, starts right now. i'm eric bolling. welcome to "cashin' in." wayne rogers, jonathan hoenig, michelle fields and richard beckham joins us. en asked about the pusho raise the minimum image, wage -- >> they just be able to work less because th're getting a decent wage. >> hard to believe his economic adviser justaid that. but this attack on hard work is becoming a common theme from the left, is it not? >> since when is it the government's role to try to get americans to work less? the only good thing about this is that finally the democratic party is owning up to what they're really about. they're not about getting americans back to work. they're about getting americans dependent on the government. the cbo report that just me out shows that raising the minimum imageto $10.10 an hour
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will reduce 500,000 jobs. the american people didn't elect their representatives to come here and kill their jobs, yet that's what's happing. >> john, ove the last few week, we'vard lefties after lefties tell us, we need to work a little bit less. but that's not what thisountry was founded on. >> no. america was the country that coined the rase, to make money, earning money, prodtivity. that's what this country is all about. but we see many on the left glorifying dependence and delm n delmonizinindependence. this is economy 101 when you force people to pay higher-than-market wages, the result is less production. it's low-skill jobs that give people that foot in the door. the left want to keep people dependent on the government. >> bob, tell me how this helping
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the lower end of the income scale -- >> i don't know where to start. put it this way. neither of those tw particularly jonathan, never had to work over 40 hours a we in his currt job -- >> that's untrue, bob. >> how do you know that? at are you talking about? >> jonathan, maybe y work 80 hours. that's fine. but my point is if you take somebody on minimum wage in this country and they work a 40-hour workweek, they're in the poverty level. what they don order to make up for at, they work a lot of extra hours in order to feed their families. by bringing this thingup a litt bit, the minimum wage, that mea they may have a free hour -- >> hold on, guys. wayne, if that does, in fact, happen, where the low end of the income spectrum moves up -- prices could go up for things like a mcdonald's cheeseburger. who does that help? >> well, i don't think it does, eric.
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the point is, it's not really whether or not this is going to affect, i don't think so mh, the pricing mechanism and the economy so much as it's goingo affect people working. the workforce itself is going to shrink. people are going to hire less people. if i can get a j done at the same price, i'm looking at margins in my business. if my getti the job done with five people who can do this job instead of six people who can do this job, i'm going to lay off that sixth person. that's what's going to happen. so the workforce is going to shrink and ultimately this is going to drive jobs away as opposed to promoting jobs. >> go ahead, last thought, michelle. i wa to move on. >> it's not just guessing. the cbo has said it and that was the labor department's own assessment back in the 1930s when the first minimum wage was enacted. jobs were destroyed aa result. >> jonathan, the wage does increase unemployment -- >> it's called economy 101, bob.
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>> we want to put a lot into this block because we're talking about jobs. we're going to shift gears a littleit. the uaw this week lost a big fight in tennessee at a volkswagen plant. jon, let's talk about that. the union lost. that's a good thing for workers because? >> we, look at all the industries where unions have won, eric. airlines, textiles, automakers, education. the result is destruction of wealth, destruction of jobs. so it's not surprising that many employers and even many employees themselves are saying we want part of this union. in fact, the only places that unions are really growing of course i in the arena of force, government. that's where they're thriving. >> bob, you and i arguthis point quite a bit. right-to-work state, tennessee, a lot of auto companies are coming from overseas opening up in this plant because of the lower cost labor. why is that a bad thing? >> i'm not sure 's a bad thing. you want a bunch of foreigners
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to come in a go south, fine with me. but the point is, their plants are in the usa and they should be subjected to benionized -- >> to bring the wonderful job they're doing in detroit, bring it to the south, too? >> ford is doing well. bob corker, the senator from down there, about two days before thithing was upfor a vote said that he talked to vw and they said they would move theinew line of cars into this plant in tennessee or if they lost, it would go to mexico. now, that, to me, is the worst kind of intimidation. >> michelle, staying on the point about the uaw failing in the south and for a lot of us on the right, we think that's a good thing. explain it for us, will you? >> i also think this is a trend. if you look at polls, amerins don't have a favorable view unions. and membership for unions continues to go down year after year. people are not happyith unions. why are you going to give them all this money just for the
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unions to go give it to the democratic party? that's what ends uphappening you end up just paying for all these elected officials to the democratic party. >> and, wayne, very important point is a lot of these plants -- there are a lot of deals struck wi these auto companies to come over, offering tax incentives and whatnot. but making sure that it stays right to work. this loss for the uaw in tennessee, very important for a lot of other states in the south as well, right? >> i think there' a bigger thing going on here, eric, than just the labor dispute. that's the fact that detroit itselfas disintegrated. and everybody thought that detroit, the city, the whole area around detroit, was based on the automobile industry. the automobile industry when it became unionized and became recalcitrant, it destroyed the city of detroit. and chattanooga and those areas of tennessee and people, they fear that. now, whether or not it's true or not, to bob's point, i don't know. but they fear it and that's what
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drove them to vote the way they vote. >> you're probably rightn most of that. mielle, in a right-to-work state, they don't he to pay union dues -- pay a little attention. in right-to-work states, if you unionize, you do not have to give your money to the union to give to democrats. they don't hav to -- just so you get th straight. >> michelle? >> i'm not even going to answer that. thats so -- the way you just spoke to me was so condescending and inappropriate. >> i'm sorry. i just wanted to try to correct the -- >> we want to wrap this up. >> go ahead, jon. what the unis have become, they've become a political party. they've become a wayf bringing money to the democrats. more so than protecting any worker's rights. >> and not just a political party. but they use politics, they use government force to create higher-than-market wages and the net result is the same thing as the minimum wage. you have the destruction of jobs.
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when you pay pple $50 an hour, th're only worth $1or $25, the net result, structn of jobs. you saw it everywhere where unions have dominated the workforce. and using government force to ma ihappen. >> we have to leave it there. we're going to -- bob and michelle are going to make up in the break, i promise you. you can continue the conversation right now on twitter. #cash ashinin. make your voice heard today. when "cashin' in" trends, you trend. coming up, what do these late-night hosts have in common? a ck of punch lines about president obama. why johnny carson's head writers are protecting him. [ tires screech ]
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move over, secret service, late-night comics want to protect the president, too. johnny carson's former head writer saying they protect president obama but choosing not to poke fun at him. and who better than to ask about this than our panel. michelle's father wrote for johnny and wne was a guest host on "the tonight show." wayne, tell us about guest hosting for carson. >> it was always a great experience. when i was there, theead writer was a guy named pat mccormick who was totallynuts. the more outrageous it was -- by
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the way, politicians were not protected. nobody proteed anybody. johnny shd away from political discussion. but it didn't mean that he didn't make jokes about them. and everybody made jokes about -- anything went. the producer at that time, wondful guy, very bright, harvard law school graduate, evererybody contributed. i could tell you some funny stories about it. we had a gre time. >> michelle, your father wrote for johnny. politics is always -- there's so much fodder for jokes there. he like to right about politics, too, or the other stuff? >> yeah, my father was a huge conservative. he wrote for carson along with ray siller. my father was a big conservative. that was never a problem because with carson, it was just whether or not you we funny. that's all he cared about. he would poke fun at both sides. now it's so much different. hollywoo writers el like they need to protect this president
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antheyan only take shots at republicans. i think that's why we saw leno, he had great ratings but he was kicked off the air. and i think the reason why is because he was willing to poke fun at this president that made the republicans and middle era laugh. >> siller, who wrote this piece we're talking about, he was a former head writer for johnny carson. he said, maybe they're protecting president obama because they're afraid of being call a racist if they make jokes about him. >> i don't think jay leno lost his job because of his conservative views. my guess is most of these writers there are liberals. and they probably are. and that's how it works. i'd be willing to own up to that. >> whaabout it, jon? late-night shows are very important. people watching the late-nig shows, when they wake up in the morning, that same network is on. that's why the late-night program is so important to the networks.
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>> i think they're important although i think they're less relevant and less culturally impactful than ever before. but the reason why jimmy fallon and jon stewarprotect the president is they support the president. theyupport his basic premises. control over people's lives. whether it's health care, green jobs, all the initiatives and money he's spent, they just overlook because they agree with his basic premise that we're here to serve the gater good. >> go ahead, wayne. >> one of the things that's fascinating to me is cnn, for example, has lost 39% of their prime audience sin last january. that tells you something. i think that tells you that fox, and all due respect to roger ailes, he's done a sensational job. he's found out that there's an audience out ther in america who will respond to the right. it was not done before. this is an amazing thing that
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fox can outdo cnn and cnbc combined and this is because there's an audience out there that he dioved. why hasn't cnn done that or cnbc done that? i don't know. >> michelle, go ahead. >> what ray points out, which is a good point, most americans actually identify as conservative more so than liberals. so there's this huge market. and that's what roger ailewas able to tap into. he wanted to. but all of these other networks want t ignore that huge demographic. they just want to cater to the people on the coast. i think that's why you're seeing the ratings for a lot of other networks that just want to car to people on the coast and liberals have bad ratings. >> can i pull up that picture? we have a little picture. if you want hashtag, do that and name that picture. that's that sfie from the nelson mandela memorial service. we're going to leav it right there. coming up, feeling funny about who's making money? why ist when entertainers make
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minutes. stay with us. wel here's something to think about as the president wages war on income inequality. this week "the new york times" ran an article justifying celebrities likeke robert downe jr. making llions. mr. downey bringing in a cool $50 million for the film "the avengers" but "the times" is the loudest mouth in the room crying foul when a businessman is successful. jonathan, why the double standard? >> well, the double standard exists because we don't respect
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people's minds, we only respect their muscles, their boes. so when we see a sports star throw a pitch or lebron james dunk a basketball or see gisele on the cover of a mazine, we think, well, you know, i can see what they're doing, they're doing something. no one can look as pretty as gisele, the ceos we don't know what they do,according to obama they t aroundcashing checks and playg golf all day long. wait a minute,hat's obama. the point is ceos earn their money and notveryone c do it. they earn every penny and they deserve it. >> not only that, wayne, they create jobs and that doesn't seem to beighlighted in "the new york times" piece. >> i would say jonathan is on to something in the sense that we don't see it. we the public do n see what a ceo does. u can't have a photograph of a guy sitting at a desk, you know, making decisions. it just doesn't happen that way. so, when you see athletes or you see movie stars or you see scantily clad youn ladies, you know, th's a visual impact. it's not something that you
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understand. that's true, they're not -- they're not creatin jobs. that is correct. they are taking jobs. they are not creating them. you don't see a cea -- ceo creating jobs. >> and, michelle, we at, we'll speak for myself and the show, i'm allor people making 50 million bucks but don't get down on lloyd blankfein or donald trump for making a lot of money, too. >> it has a lot to do with the president vilifying ceos or businessmen all the time. if you turn on tv and you watch a movie, the evil businessman he's always trying to take down the little guy. that's how they are portrayed which is very unfair because many of the wealthy businessmen, ceos in this country are self-made. they didn't inherit this money. they got the money through hard wo, skill, and sacrifice, those are things wehoulde coending not looking down upon. >> bobby, your side is so hypocritical on this ise, i cannot believe, it's okay for
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certain groups to make a lot of money and not other groups. >> i just learned something, donald trump didn't inherit it. listen, robert downey jr.'s made $50 million and myuestion about the -- go down to wall street, these investment bankers, these guys ould be in jail because they took this country damn ne into a depression and yet they get 50, 20, 50, $100 million in bonuses. these guys were never perped walk. >> all because the bad businessmen have the help of the government. >> how many times have i heard president obama say, look, a ceo makes 200 times what the average worker makes. that's vilifying the ceo a yet "the new york times" said leonardo dicaprio he deserves 50 million bucks. >> do you think the ceos who have bad years lose wages? >> i don't know. >> they don't. >> i wish we had more time. we've got to jump. more time would be great, wink, wink. thank you all for joining us this week. coming up, look out the governme is looking to observe
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coach calls it logistics. he's a great passer. dependable. a winning team has to have one. somebody you can count on. somebody like my dad. this is my dad. somebody like my mom. my grandfather. i'm very pround of him. her. th. time for what do i need to know for next week, wayne, you're first. >> well, you know, i've been hot on these high-tech stocks and the biotechs and i like something called myriad genetics, mygn. i talked about it in thepast. it had a bumpy ride recently. watcit. >> we'll keep our eye on it.
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how about you? >> a lot of commodities are in bull markets, eric, we've talked about couffee and cotton and i m looking at grains, i think jjg deserves a place in your portfolio. >> very good, guys. thank you very much. stay hot, fellas. that's it for us. thanks for joining us. before we go this week we learned alarming news. the fcc says it wants to xin, quote, the process by which stories are selected in newsrooms across america. >> the fcc has announced it is not going to send researchers hired by the government into newsrooms across the country and that's the good news i think for all citizens. >> is this 1984 big brother, is this mao'sommunist china o the sovi union or do we still live in america the free? the first amendment protects the free press for a reason, taki away our blood-spent freedoms. week aft week we seek the truth for you and e last thing america needs is the government
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telling us what news we can and can't feed. i'll see you on the fives. have a great weekend, everybody. >> female announcer: the following program is brought too you by nopalea, the original anti-inflammatory wellness drink from trivita. stay tuned to learn how you can experience the amazing wellness benefits of nopalea and receive an introductorbottle free. >> male announceryou've earned it. these should be the best years of your life. but if you suffer from unhealthy conditions caused by inflammation, you could have high levels of c-retive protein in your blood. c-reactive protein is a bio-marker in the bloodstream used by medical doctors to determine the body's level of inflammation. stress, trauma, pollution, and even fatty foods can cause inflammation and c-reactive protein levels to rise.
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